deforestation and wildlife depletion

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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This is our group presentation and some of this content are came from slideshare


•Deforestation is the destruction of forests to build industrial buildings and housing.

Illegal logging Kaingin

Forest Fires

Conversion of Agricultural lands to housing projects




The United Nations seeks to curb deforestation. From 1990 to 2005 the world lost 3% of its forests.

They also stressed that people should be more aware of the threat that deforestation is having on the environment.

All the leaders of states agreed on three shared global objectives on forests, advance sustainable forest management, curb deforestation and enhance the contribution of forests to the achievement of international development goals. 

There are many ways in which deforestation is being stopped.

The most popular is sustainable logging. This means for every tree that is cut down two new ones are planted in its place. This is good because it will combat global warming and with two trees they will be producing twice as much deforestation.

The other obvious solution is to stop cutting down the trees and to get the UN to place restraining orders on some rare trees.

• - Wildlife depletion Is the lose of wild animals through over hunting. Most often loss of there natural habitat due to human expansion of urbanization.

• a) The largest –scale killing of animals for food, trade and pleasure is one of the many causes for the depletion of wildlife. We may need to kill animals, but we cannot do so thoughtlessly.

e) Wetlands are rich in biodiversity. Destroying them by dumping waste or filling them up also threatens the survival of species.

d) A monoculture forest is a forest created by planting a particular species of trees for commercial reasons. Such forests do not have the right conditions for the survival of diverse species.

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