define company in sap fico

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  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Define Company in SAP FICO

    guides you how to define companyin SAP step by step with screen shots. Let us discuss briefly aboutcompany.

    Define Company in SAP

    About Company in SAP:-Companyis the organizational unitfor which individual financial statements

    can be drawn according to the relevant commercial law. A company can comprise of one or morecompany codes. A Company has local currencies in which its transactions are recorded. All companycodes within a company must use the same transaction Chart of accounts and the same Fiscal Year.Creation of company in sap is optional.

    Path to Define Company in SAP :-

    SAP !" Path# $ SP%& $' mplementation "uide for %() Customizing *!"+ $' ,nterprise Structure $

    ' -efinition $' Financial Accounting $' Define Company

    ransaction code to /Define Company in SAP#0 OX15

    Steps fo ceation of Company: !

    Step 1 :- ,nter ransaction Code SP%& in the commend field and press enter on the 1eyboard

    Step 2 #0 3e4t Customizing e4ecute pro5ect screen select SAP "efeence I#$
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    Step %#0 After Selecting SAP %eference !"6 a new screen !" Path will be displayed. Select Definecompanye4ecute icon for creating a company

    3e4t Screen will be displayed after selecting the define companye4ecute icon

    Step &:0 3ow Select 3ew entries icon and enter the company details
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    he following details are to be entered for ceatin' a ne( company

    7. ,nter 8 character alphanumeric code 9ey that represents the group of company2. ,nter name of your company

    ). n the -etailed information update the address $ Street name6 P& :o4;6 Postal code6 City.

    . Clic9 on Save icon or C%L?S after updating the re@uired information

    hus new Company ADA"S)is created in SAP.

    How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define Company Code

    Define Company Code

    Company Codein SAP is the smallest organizational unitof Financial Accounting for which you draw

    individual financial statements li9e :alance Sheet and Profit Loss Account for purpose of e4ternalreporting. he Creation of company code in sap is mandatory

    PA*)#0 IMG Reference> Enterprise Structure > Definition > Financial Accounting > Edit, Copy,

    Delete Company Code

    ransaction code to Define company Code #0 &B2
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    Steps to Define Company Code: -

    Step 7 #0 ,nter ransaction Code SP"Oin the commend field and press enter

    Steps 2 #0 n customizing e4ecute pro5ect screen se+ect SAP "efeence I#$

    Step % :-n ne4t screen selectEdit, Copy, Delete cec! Company Code
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step & :-he below screen displays after selectingEdit, Copy, Delete Company Code " Define CompanyCode #

    we can create company code by selecting above two options. :y selecting first option copy, De+ete,

    company codeall the configuration and tables get copied automatically along with assignments.

    Dere we are creating company codemanually configure all the assignments by selecting second optiondit Company Code Data . Doub+e c+ic/ on dit Company Code Data

    Step = #0 Clic9 on 0e( nties and update the following details

    7. Epdate new Company code /eyA-8

    2. "ive the company nameAdarsh echnologies for identifying the company code 9ey

    ). n Additional -ata update the details of City6 Country6 local Currency of company6 Language.

    Clic9 on Address and Epdate the following fields
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    er updating Address enter Clic9 on Save icon hus the company codeA-8 is created in SAP

    )o( to Assi'n Company Code to Company in SAP

    Assi'n Company Code to Company

    !enu Path #0SP%& $' !" %eference $' ,nterprise Structure $' Assignment $' Financial Accounting $' Assi'n Company Code*oCompany

    ransaction Code #0 OX1

    he following are the steps to Assi'n the Company Code to Company in SAP FICO
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    Step 1#0 ,nter the 0Code SP"Oin the commend field

    Step 2#0 Clic9 SAP "efeence I#$

    Step %#0 Follow the Path as per below screen shot

    Step Clic9 Position

    Epdate company codefor which you wants to assign and ,nter
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step 5#0 Epdate Company- in Company field and clic9 on save icon

    hus company code AD3was assigned to Company ADA"S).

    Ceate Fisca+ 4ea aiant in sap 6 Fisca+ yea Accountin' Peiod

    Fisca+ 4ea aiant in sap

    fiscal year is divided in to number of posting periods and each posting period in a accounting period isdefined by a start date and end date

    Fisca+ year in SAP can be defined as year dependent or Year ndependent

    4ea independent $ Same number and dates for the periods every year

    yea dependent $ Periods can be different from year to year

    Define Fisca+ yea aiant :- Fiscal year variant is used to define the fiscal yearA Fiscal year variant contains the 72 normal posting periods and < special periods. e can definema4imum 78 posting periods for each year. Special periods are used for Year end activities

    Steps fo confi'ue the Fisca+ yea 7aiant :-

    Step 1#0

    ,nter SP%& ransaction Code in the SAP Commend field and press enter
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    Step 2#0

    n the ne4t screen select SAP %eference mg

    Step ):-

    n the ne4t screen -isplay mg 6 follow the !enu path

    SAP %eference !" $' Financial Accounting $' "lobal Settings $' Fiscal Year $'#aintain Fisca+4ea aiant
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  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    7. n the field Fiscal year variant FG enter the two digits uni@ue code

    2. n the description field update the name of Fiscal year Gariant

    ). Select the year0-ependent option if the Periods are different from year to year

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    Fouth co+umn -Year Shift

    After !aintain Fiscal Year Gariant Periods6 Clic9 and Save icon.

    hus theFisca+ 4ea aiant Ad is created.

    )o( to Assi'n Company Code to Fisca+ 4ea aiant

    Single Fiscal Year Gariant can be assigned for multiple company codes. he lin9 between Fiscal Year

    Gariant and Company Code is established through the assigning Company Code to Fiscal Year Gariant.

    Path fo Assi'n Company Code to Fisca+ 4ea aiant

    SP%& ' mplementation "uide for %() Customizing *!"+ $' Finance Accounting $' FinanceAccounting "lobal Settings $' Fiscal Year $' Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year variant

    *ansaction Code fo Assi'n Company Code to Fisca+ 4ea aiant

    Code ' &:)>

    Assi'n Company Code to Fisca+ 4ea aiant Confi'uation Steps :-
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    Step 1 :0ype SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and press enter 9ey on

    the 1eyboard.

    Step 2 :- Clic9 SAP %eference !" con6

    Step % :-n ne4t screen follow the Path Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Gariant
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    Step & :0 Clic9 Position

    Step 5 :- After selecting position6 update the company code and press enter

    Step :0 n ne4t screen Epdate fiscal year variant field for the re@uired Company Code and Press enteron the 9eyboard.

    Step 8#0 Clic9 the Save con located at the upper left corner of the screen to save the updated data.

    hus Company Code AD3is successfully assigned to Fisca+ yea aiant AD.

    )o( to Ceate Postin' Peiod aiants 6 SAP PPPostin' Peiod aiant is accountable for the opening and closing of periods in a Fiscal Year forpostings to ta9e place. he Posting Period Gariants * PPG + in SAP is used to control which accounting

    period is open for postings and ensuring that closed period remain balanced and reconciled. we canassign posting period variants to one or more company codes.

    Posting Periods are opened and closed for all company codes in SAP by the PPG.

    Steps to Ceate Postin' peiod 7aiants in SAP :-

    Step 7 #0ype SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and press ,nter 9ey onthe 1eyboard.
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    Step 2 #0 Clic9 SAP %eference !" con

    Step ) #0 n ne4t screen follow the menu path to create posting period variant

    !" !enu Path #0 S$R% > Implementation Guide for R&' Customi(ing "IMG# > Finance Accounting > Finance Accounting Glo)al Settings > Documents > $osting $eriods > Define *ariants for open p

    osting periods
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    Step < #0 he define posting period variants screen is displayed6 Clic9 on new entries to create SAP PPG

    Step =#0 ,nter four digit code in the Gariant field6 update variant name in the name field. Dere we created

    posting period Gariant A-&8
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    Step 8 #0 After updating posting period variant and name fields clic9 on save icon to save the data.

    hus Postin' Peiod aiant AD3is defined ..

    Define aiant fo Open and C+ose Postin' Peiods 6 SAPO952

    Pupose of Open and C+ose Postin' peiods Confi'uation:-

    he posting periods can be maintained as per account type and the year which is to be open which is toclosed. he Posting Period Gariant is used to control which accounting period is to be open for postingand ensuring that closed periods are remain balanced and reconciled

    Path fo Define open and c+ose postin' peiods:-

    mplementation "uide for %() Customizing *!"+$' Finance Accounting $' Finance Accounting"lobal Settings $' -ocuments $' Posting Period $' open and close posting periods

    *ansaction code open and c+ose postin' peiods:- O952

    Step 7 #0ype SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and press ,nter 9ey onthe 1eyboard
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    Step 2 #0 Clic9 SAP %eference !"

    Step ) #0 n ne4t screen follow the menu path to -efine Gariant for open and close posting periods
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    Step < #0 Clic9 on 3ew entries to -efine Gariant for &pen and Close Posting Periods
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    Step 8 #0 n 3e4t screen update the re@uired data as described below

    7.aiant:0 ,nter four digits Posting Period variant Code

    2. A:0 Select Account ype * A + ? I Galid for all Account ypes *mas9ing+

    A I Assets - I Customers *A(%+

    1 I Gendors *A(P+ ! I !aterials

    S I "eneral Ledger Accounts.).Fom Account:-1eep :lan9

    .*o Peiod:0 ,nter ,nding Period

    H.4ea:0 ,nter Year

    J.Fom Peiod 2:0 ,nter First Special Period

    7.4ea:0 ,nter Year

    77.*o Peiod:-,nter Special Period

    72.4ea:-,nter Year

    7).Authoiation 'oup ; Au$

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    Step % :- n ne4t screen follow the path

    Step & :0 Clic9 on Position

    Step 5 :-After clic9s on position enter the company code and press enter on 9ey board
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    Step :-n ne4t screen update Posting Period variant Code A-8 in the Gariant field

    Step 8:-After updating Posting period variant Clic9 on Save icon.

    hus Posting Period Gariant is Assigned to Company Code .

    Define Fie+d Status aiant in SAP 6 Fie+d Status $oup

    he field status group specifies which fields are ready for input6 which are re@uired entry fields6 andwhich are hidden when entering documents.

    -escription and Configuration values of Field Status "roup

    FSt$oup *e>t

    $331 "eneral *with te4t6 assignment+

    $33% !aterial consumption accounts

    $33& Cost accounts

    $335 :an9 accounts *obligatory value date+

    $33 !aterial accounts

    $338 Asset accts *w(o accumulated depreciation+

    $33? Assets area clearing accounts

    $33@ :an9 accounts *obligatory due date+

    $311 Clearing accounts *with settlement per.+$312 %eceivables(payables clearing

    $31% "eneral *obligatory te4t+

    $31& !! ad5ustment accounts

    $318 Freight(customs provisions(clearing *!!+

    $31? Scrapping *!!+

    $31@ &ther %eceivables(Payables
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    $32% Plant maintenance accounts

    $325 nventory ad5ustment accounts

    $32 Accounts for down payments made

    $32@ %evenue accounts

    $3%3 Change in stoc9 accounts

    $3%1 Accounts for down payments received

    $3%2 :an9 accounts *obligat. value(due dates+

    $3%% Cost accounts for e4ternal services

    $3% %evenue accts *with cost center6 PA+

    $3%@ Accts for pmnts on acct made for assets

    $3&3 Personnel clearing accounts

    $3&1 a4 office clearing accounts

    $3&5 "oods(invoice received clearing accounts

    $3&@ !anufacturing costs accounts

    $353 Central control clearing accounts$352 Accounts for fi4ed asset retirement

    $35 Amortization accounts

    $35@ nventory accounting material stoc9 acct

    $32 nvestment support accounts

    $3& &ther cost accounts *obligatory te4t+

    $38 %econciliation accounts

    $3? %econciliation accts *payables $ Austria+

    $3@ Cost accounts *travel e4penses+

    $383 Clearing accounts *travel e4penses+

    $381 %econciliation accts * 1-3& (Foreign payment+

    Steps to Define Fie+d Status aiant

    Step 1 :-

    ,nter 0Code SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and press ,nter 9ey onthe 1eyboard

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    Step 2 :0 n ne4t screen clic9 on Clic9 SAP %eference !" con

    Step % :-

    mplementation "uide for %() Customizing $' Finance Accounting $' Finance Accounting "lobalSettings $' -ocuments $' Line tem $' Controls $' -efine Field status variants
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step & :0 n 3e4t screen bloc9 7 Field status variant

    Step 5:-After selecting 7 field status variant clic9 on copy as icon * short cut 1ey F8+. n ne4t screenupdate re@uired new Field Status variant Code and Epdate Field status variant 3ame
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    Step :-After updating Field Status variant and Field Status 3ame6 press ,nter 9ey on the 1eyboard.Select copy all button

    Step 8:0 e get a message number of dependent entries copied as

  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step ?:- ,nter and select save button or C%L ? S

    e successfully configured Field Status variant.

    Assi'n company code to fie+d status 7aiants SAP FICO*ansaction Code Assi'n company code to fie+d status 7aiants :0 &:C=

    I#$ #enu Path :0 mplementation "uide for %() Customizing *!"+ ' Finance Accounting $' FinanceAccounting "lobal Settings $' -ocuments $' Line tem $' Controls $' Assign Company code to FieldStatus Gariants

    Steps for Assigning company code to field status variants #0

    Step 1 :-

    ,nter 0Code SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and press ,nter 9ey onthe 1eyboard
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    Step 2 :-n ne4t screen clic9 on Clic9 SAP %eference !" con

    Step % :-n ne4t screen follow the menu path
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    Step & :-n ne4t screen Clic9 on position and update the company code and press enter
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  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Postin' ey Desciption Account *ype Debit=Cedit

    7 nvoice Customer -ebit

    2 %everse credit memo Customer -ebit

    ) :an9 charges Customer -ebit

    < &ther receivables Customer -ebit

    = &utgoing payment Customer -ebit

    8 Payment difference Customer -ebit

    > &ther clearing Customer -ebit

    H Payment clearing Customer -ebit

    J Special "(L debit Customer -ebit

    77 Credit memo Customer Credit

    72 %everse invoice Customer Credit

    7) %everse charges Customer Credit

    7< &ther payables Customer Credit

    7= ncoming payment Customer Credit

    78 Payment difference Customer Credit7> &ther clearing Customer Credit

    7H Payment clearing Customer Credit

    Account *ype $enea+ Bed'e Postin' eys

    Posting 1ey -escription Account ype -ebit(Credit

  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Posting 1ey -escription Account ype -ebit(Credit

    HJ Stoc9 inward movement !aterial -ebit

    JJ Stoc9 outward movement !aterial Credit

    Account *ype endo Postin' eys

    Postin' ey Desciption Account *ype Debit=Cedit

    27 Credit memo Gendor -ebit

    22 %everse invoice Gendor -ebit

    2< &ther receivables Gendor -ebit

    2= &utgoing payment Gendor -ebit

    28 Payment difference Gendor -ebit

    2> Clearing Gendor -ebit

    2H Payment clearing Gendor -ebit

    2J Special "(L debit Gendor -ebit

    )7 nvoice Gendor Credit

    )2 %everse credit memo Gendor Credit)< &ther payables Gendor Credit

    )= ncoming payment Gendor Credit

    )8 Payment difference Gendor Credit

    )> &ther clearing Gendor Credit

    )H Payment clearing Gendor Credit

    )J Special "(L credit Gendor Credit

    Postin' /ey Confi'uation Steps :- *ansaction Code ! O9&1

    Step 1 :0 ,nter 0Code SP%& in the Command Field and press enter
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step 2 #0 Clic9 SAP %eference !"

    Step ) #0 Follow the !" !enu path

    SP%& ' mplementation "uide $' Finance Accounting $' Finance Accounting "lobal Settings $'

    -ocuments $' Line tem $' Controls $' -efine Posting 1eys
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step & :0 Clic9 on Create con

    Step 5:-Epdate two digits numerical 9ey code in the Posting 9ey field and update name of the posting9ey in the name of the posting 9ey field

    Step #0 Epdate the following data

    1. Debit=Cedit indicato :0 Select the debit or credit

    2. Account *ype :-Select appropriate account type

    %. Othe attibutes :-Select appropriate attribute i.e Sales related or Special "(L

    &. "e7esa+ Postin' ey :-Epdate the reversal posting 9ey
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step 8 #0 clic9 on save icon

    Posting 9ey successfully configured in SAP

    Posting 1ey 3ame -ebit(Credit

    > -ebit asset Asset -ebit

    >= Credit asset Credit

    )o( to define Document *ypes in SAP Fico 6 Document*ypes SAP

    -ocument types are defined at the client level so document types are apply for all company codes.

    -ocument type 9ey is used to classify accounting documents and distinguish between businesstransactions to be posted

    Document *ypes Detemines :-
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    -efine 3umber ranges for documents

    t controls Account types allowed for postings e.g. Assets6 vendor6 Customer6 3ormal "l


    -ocument type that to be used for reversal postings.

    Document *ypes Desciption :-

    Document *ype Document *ype Desciption

    AA Asset posting

    A: Accounting document

    AF -ep. postings

    A3 3et asset posting

    -" Customer credit memo

    -% Customer invoice

    -A Customer document

    -K Customer payment

    ,E ,uro rounding diff.

    ,B ,4ternal number

    1A Gendor document

    1" Gendor credit memo

    13 3et vendors

    1P Account maintenance

    1 ransporter nvoice

    1% Gendor invoice

    1K Gendor payment

    1S Contract nvoice

    1G %aw !aterial Payment

    1 Contractor Payment

    1B ransporter Payment

    1Y Stores Payment

    !L !L settlement

    P% Price change

    %A Sub.cred.memo stlmt

    %, nvoice $ gross

    %3 nvoice $ net%G :illing doc.transfer

    SA "(L account document

    S: "(L account posting

    S1 Cash document

    SE Ad5ustment document

    E, -ata transfer

  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    A "oods issue

    , "oods receipt

    nventory document

    L "oods issue(delivery

    3 3et goods receipt

    KP Payment posting

    K% :an9 reconciliation

    KS Payment by chec9

    KG Payment clearing

    Document type confi'uation steps :-

    Step 1 :0 ,nter 0Code SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and press

    ,nter 9ey on the 1eyboard

    Step 2 :-n ne4t screen clic9 on Clic9 SAP %eference !" con
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step ) #0 n ne4t screen follow the !" menu path for defining -ocument types

    !" !enu Path #0 SAP Customizing mplementation "uide $' Financial A(C $' "lobal Settings $'-ocuments $' -ocument Deader $' -efine -ocument types
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    Step < #0 n ne4t screen clic9 on new entries to create new document 9ey

    Step = #0 Epdate the re@uired data

    1. Document *ype :0 ,nter uni@ue 2 digits code

    2. 0umbe "an'e :0 ,nter number range code

    %. "e7ese Document *ype :-,nter reverse document type 9ey code

    &. 0umbe "an'e Infomation :-3umber ranges are maintained for the document types

    5. Accounts *ypes a++o(ed :0 Select account type for the document type i.e Assets6 Customer6 Gendor6!aterial6 "(L Account

    . Conto+ Data:-Select control data for the document type
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    Step :- After maintaining the re@uired data6 clic9 on save

    Step 8 :0 After saving document type 9ey6 update the description of the document 9ey and clic9 on saveicon.
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    hus document types are successfully configured.

    Define Document 0umbe "an'es in SAP

    Document numbe an'esare defined at the specific interval with in which documents should be created

    in SAP and document number ranges depends upon company code and valid for the defined year. e canassign one or more document types to each number range. he number range becomes effective by the

    document type specified in document entry and posting.

    Steps to Define Document 0umbe "an'es in SAP

    *-Code to #aintain document numbe an'es :-F:37

    !" !enu Path #0

    mplementation "uide ' Financial Accounting ' "lobal Settings ' -ocuments ' -ocument 3umber%ange ' -efine -ocument number range

    Step 1 :0 ,nter 0Code SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and press

    enter 9ey on the 1eyboard
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    Step 2 :0 n ne4t screen clic9 on Clic9 SAP "efeence I#$

    Step ) #0 Follow the menu path as per below screen shot.
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    Step & :0 n ne4t screen update company code and clic9 on change intervals
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    Step = #0 3e4t Clic9 on nsert nterval

    Step :-Lets create number range for document type /AAM

    1. 0o :0 Epdate the 3umber range code of document type AA

    2. 4ea :-,nter Year

    %. Fom 0umbe :0 ,nter from number

    &. *o 0umbe :-,nter o 3umber

    5. Cuent 0umbe :-:y default the current number will be /

    . >t :-ype of number assignment i.e for nternal or ,4ternal

    8. Sa7e :-Clic9 on save icon to save the settings

    ?. Inte7a+ :-Clic9 on nterval to maintain the number range for another document type
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    -ocument number ranges are successfully configured in SAP.

    Define *o+eance $oup fo mp+oyees in SAP

    he Authorization given to the employees for the ma4imum amount permitted per transaction in SAP.*o+eance 'oup fo mp+oyees determines the ma4imum document amount the employees isauthorized to post and ma4imum amount can enter as a line item in a Gendor account or customer


    olerance group is created and assigned to the employees .

    Steps to Define *o+eance 'oup fo emp+oyees :-

    *ansaction code fo Define *o+eance $oup fo mp+oyees :- O9A&

    !" !enu Path #0 SAP mplementation "uide $' Financial A(C $' "(L Accounting $' :usinesstransactions $' &pen tem Clearing $' Clearing -ifferences $' -efine tolerance group for employees

    Step 1 :0 ,nter 0Code SP%& in the Command Field of the SAP ,asy Access !enu Screen and pressenter 9ey on the 1eyboard
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    Step 2 :-Clic9 on SAP %eference !"

    Step % :-Follow the navigation as per below screen shot
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    Step & :-Clic9 on 3ew entries

    Step = #0 n ne4t screen update the following data for configure the tolerance group for employees

    1. $oup :-,nter four digits uni@ue code
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  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    !enu Path #0 SP%& ' SAP %eference !" $' Financial Accounting $' "eneral Ledger Accounting $':usiness ransactions $' &pen item clearing $' Clearing -ifferences $' Define *o+eance $oups fo$=B Accounts

    ransaction Code# $ &:A

    Clic9 on /3ew entriesM to maintain the entries

    n new entries screen6 update the following data.

    ,nter the company code

    Epdate the tolerance group description
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    After updating data6 choose save icon to save the configured data.

    Assi'n ses to *o+eance $oups

    I#$ ! Financia+ Accountin' ! $enea+ Bed'e Accountin' ! 9usiness *ansactions ! Openitem c+eain' ! C+eain' Diffeences ! Assi'n se to *o+eance $oups.

    ransaction code # &:=>

    &n the screen6 change view /Assign users $' olerance group/# &verview6 clic9 on new entries

    &n the new entries screen6 update the user name and tolerance groupthat you want to assign users totolerance group.
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    After assigning user to tolerance group6 clic9 on save button to save the data.

    nte $+oba+ Paametes fo Company Code O94

    SAP !" Path # 0 SP%& 0' SAP %eference !" *F=+ 0' SAP Customizing mplementation "uide 0'

    Financial Accounting 0'Financial Accounting "lobal Settings0' Company Code0'nte $+oba+Paametes.

    ransaction Code# $ &:Y8

    -ouble clic9 on your company to enter global parameters

    Epdate the following fields.

    Chat of accounts: - chat of accounts is a list of "L accounts master record that are used by theorganisation. A chart of accounts must be assigned to each company code and it is defined at client level.

    County chats=Accounts:0,nter country chart of accounts if thecompany codethat you configuredhas a special country or statutory chart of accounts.

    Company: -Companyis the organisational unit for which individual financial statements can be drawnaccording to the relevant commercial law. A company can comprise of one or more company codesandit has local currencies in which its transactions are recorded.
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    ' F# Aea: -,nter Financial management *F!+ area 9ey if you are using funds management and it isused for function of the treasury module.

    Cedit Conto+ Aea:$ ,nter your credit control area9ey for your company code. t controls the creditlimits for your customers.

    ' Fisca+ 4ea 7aiant: - Fiscal year variant is used to define the fiscal year 6 it contains 72 normalposting periods and < special periods. e can define ma4imum 78 posting periods for each year. Special

    periods are used for Year end activities.

    Company code is poducti7e:-his settings is applicable for your production client.6 it is not possibleto delete transaction data from the SAP system after you set your company code is as productive.

    at. "e'istation no: -,nter vat *value added ta4+ registration number here.

    ' Postin' peiod 7aiant: -he Posting Period Gariant is used to control which accounting period is tobe open for posting and ensuring that closed periods are remain balanced and reconciled.

    Popose 7a+ue data:- Select this indicator to ma9e the current date as default date by the system. hevalued date is used for accounts payable6accounts receivableand treasury transactions.

    #a>. >chan'e ate de7iation : -,nter ma4imum e4change rate percentage in which a foreigncurrency transactions can deviate from the rates enter in the e4change rate table.
  • 8/12/2019 Define Company in SAP FICO


    After updating all the mandatory fields6 clic9 on save icon to save the configured data.

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