december issue

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Volume 2 issue 2

The Newspaper of WCTa

December 2011

West Tech Gets Into The Holiday Spirit

Junior Benny Greene decorates the halls of West Tech. Read more about students and their holday spirit on pages 6 and 7.

Program stocking stuffer drive page 6

PBL debrief page 9

Holiday spread pages 6 & 7

Sadies report back cover


Opinion The Pros and Cons of Living in Las VegasThe Newspaper of WCTaappeal because all that Las Vegas consists of are casinos and clubs. This is not true. The city of Las Vegas has many appeals if you just know where to look. Beautiful Red Rock is always open for hiking and adventurers. Mount Charleston is another area not too far away that provides forests, hiking, and all kinds of wild life. Skiers and snowboarders can also glide down the mountains in the Lee Canyon Ski Resort, or they can choose to grab sleds and slide down selected areas nearby. Hoover Dam is another wonder that must be explored, and Lake Mead provides all kinds of water activities including boating, swimming, and jet skiing. Lets not forget every persons favorite place to go - The Adventure Dome Theme Park at Circus Circus. News has it that a brand new water park is about to open in the southwest part of town as well. Throughout the world of Las Vegas are such things as kid and family friendly zones. These places include the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay, Secret Garden at the Mirage, and the Conservatory at the Bellagio. Other things that anyone can appreciate are the five-star restaurants such as are in the Mirage and Bellagio. If you just look around you can find other various activities and places that will interest anyone. There is a world outside of the strip for those who want it, but the strip has much to offer. I am happy to live in Las Vegas. I love the sunshine and excitement. Las Vegas is the place for me. Education and 67-pound Park Construction and 85-pound Police Department. Plus, (as previously mentioned) all this money comes from gamblers trying to have a good time with gambling. Isnt that sick? Our economy depends on the misfortune of others. We might as well make a tool that converts misery into money because that would keep us set for life. Another thing thats terrible about Vegas is the weather. Some people say they like the weather, that its simple. Personally, I believe that in order for a place to have good weather, it has to have all four seasons. Here in Vegas, we have two seasons. We have a summer and then a teeny tiny winter and thats it. We have absolutely no balance in our weather. Its always dry and its hot. I can say this because only in Vegas will you get sunburned while standing in the shade. We get no rain here. We have so little rain our main agricultural product is dirt. If we wanted to have even relatively humid weather in Las Vegas, wed have to flood it with the entire Pacific Ocean. Only then would their be enough water to balance out against the heat and make it humid for more than five minutes. With the entire Pacific Ocean on our side though, ha! Wed be able to make Vegas humid for a whole six minutes. All right, lets wrap this up. Vegas is a terrible, terrible place. Its economy is horrible because of where the city puts its money despite the fact that it feeds off of people. The weather is like watching a static T.V. screen... always the same. The last argument I want to squeak in is how bad this place is for families. All the entertainment is focused on adults. It would be better if we basically turned Las Vegas into a child free zone because I cant say the city is a good influence on children. Nonetheless, I dismiss you with the idea that Vegas... is not a good place to live.

I Love Las VegasBy Chevaya Silaski Las Vegas, Nevada, is the entertainment capital of the world! This city is a place of partying and gambling, or thats what the non-locals think. There is certainly another side to Las Vegas. Las Vegas is the place to be! Take it from a person who loves the crazy life and unique situations that this city provides. Las Vegas has it all - the fun and wild life on the strip where the night life takes flight, and then the calming suburbs. If not for the view of the Stratosphere, no one in the suburbs could even tell you were in this extraordinary city. On top of that, the weather never falters. Ninety-five percent of the time the sun is always out and life moves on in its crazy ways. When it does snow, the only place it stays is on the mountaintops, adding to the beauty of this area. Some would say that the city is too noisy and distracting to concentrate; however, once you live in the city, the noise just melts away. Others say that Vegas holds no

I Hate Las VegasBy McCade Crawford When many picture Las Vegas, they think of a place synonymous with heaven. Were a perfect utopia of a society, right? No! Not at all! Las Vegas is far from a utopia or a heaven. Its more like a rats nest full of concentrated garbage and evil. If someone took compacted garbage out of a can and drained all the water out and formed a coarse powder of pure, concentrated garbage, that would be Vegas. Unfortunately, you cant even keep your can of evil because all the criminals of the city would come in and steal it. We are placed the number one worst place in the U.S. to raise a family. That is absolutely horrendous considering that Detroit is also in the U.S. All right, so Ive enlightened you of the evil of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, there will be some of you who disagree with me, so Ill have to defend my argument. So here we go. Here in Vegas we are the entertainment capital of the world. This may sound glorious for our economy because it sounds like everybody comes here to spend his or her cash. This is somewhat true, (and unfortunate) but whats even worse about this is where all the money goes. All the money goes to the gaming industry. If we were to make people out of the areas that money should go to, we would see a man named Gaming who weighs 700 pounds who is always eating the food off of the plates of poor, hunger deprived, 75-pound


The Newspaper of WCTa


Many Students Sleep DeprivedBy Chevaya Silaski As you look around WCTA you see happy, healthy, active, students. However, if you take a closer look you can see the bags on the eyes and the excessive yawning. What does this mean, and how can it be stopped? Students at this time are always on the move. Classes, activities, and the always-present social life takes up so much time in a persons life that they tend to procrastinate on what is important. Homework and school- based projects are done at the last minute, and the work usually leads well into the night. After a long night of work, there is nothing better than crawling under the covers and sleeping. This will lead to some people oversleeping and consequently forgetting the homework and projects that they were up all night working on. Furthermore, another major problem with the student body is skipping breakfast. This leaves students with no energy and makes them less active in classes and activities come the next day. What does this mean for the future? If this is kept up then the academic possibilities for todays students will drastically decline. Statistics show students need

Student Council Hosts Upcoming Holiday EventsBy Stella Carr Is it just me or has the first semester gone by fast? This year has already been jam packed with events, most of them being hosted by our Student Council. As most of you know we had a successful Halloween Spirit Week and Fright Night Dance in October. Even though that has passed, there are many more events to look forward to, so dont fret! The events in December are something to be excited about. With the holidays just around the corner, there is a strong sense of excitement in the air. That is why we planned a spirit week full of holiday cheer! There are five days of activities including hallway decorations (bigger and better than before), that will be up during the last week of school before winter break, for every student and teacher to enjoy! Thats not all, though, Student Council is adopting a family in need, and well be providing them with gifts for Christmas. Other clubs have things going on as well. Our WCTA Dance Company will be selling candy grams containing a candy cane and a note from you, to be delivered personally by members of the dance company. The Winter Assembly entails lots of exciting things like performances from the dance company, games, music and caroling! If you want to make the best of this holiday season, then get involved and participate in all the awesome activities that West CTA has in store!

Sophomore Wranglette, Tracie Davis, exhibiting the effects of sleep deprivation on students.

from eight to ten hours of sleep to fully function. However, on a survey of WCTA students only 26 percent of them said that they got the recommended hours of sleep needed. On top of that, a healthy breakfast will give you the energy necessary to go through the day. On the down side, the same survey showed only 49 percent of students said that they eat a breakfast every day. With this in mind, look at your grades. It has been proven that the amount of sleep and whether or not you eat breakfast has a direct effect on the grades.

Experts say that if you study before you sleep, get a full seven hours of sleep, and then eat breakfast you are more likely to be successful and get better grades. The theory is that when you sleep your brain runs over everything that has happened that day and then stores what is the most important information. So, if you study before you sleep, then you are more likely to remember what you studied. All in all, for most people the answer to a successful life is a proper breakfast, not procrastinating on tasks, and getting enough hours of ZZZs.


The Newspaper of WCTa


Photography students shoot Red Rock Canyon

The students of West Tech admire the view at Red Rock Canyon with their elementary school buddies. Students also expanded their photography skills.

By Ashley LawsonWest Tech photography students had the unique opportunity to enhance their photography skills while simultaneously sharing their knowledge with students of Mabel Hoggard Math and Science Magnet School. The students traveled to Red Rock Canyon to take pictures of this famous scenic area. Photography II, as well as a select few of Photo I students, began their journey on Friday, Nov. 4. The photography students selected one elementary school student to be a photo buddy for the day. The photo duo would shoot pictures, assemble the project, and present the work at later reception. Due to a transportation issue, the trip was delayed a few hours. However, students and teachers alike still approached the trip with positivity and excitement as to what the day was to hold. At around 11:30 a.m., the Wranglers boarded the cozy tour bus and were welcomed by excited elementary kids. Theres more! One little boy in particular shouted out, as the high school kids boarded the bus. It was obvious the children were just as excited as the Wranglers. The fifteen-minute drive to Red Rock provided students with a beautiful glimpse of the natural Nevada scenery that they were going to experience and take pictures of that day. After arriving at Red Rock, elementary kids were given a few minutes to eat their

lunches while high school students selected their partners. As soon as the duos were ready and the children received their disposable cameras, the little ones began to lead Wranglers on crazy (and sometimes dangerous) hikes throughout the Red Rock Mountains. After two hours of taking in Nevadas extravagant scenery and bonding with one another, students made their way back to the bus, and departed for their separate schools. With all the photos developed and collected, the Wranglers and the little ones reunited on Friday, Nov. 18, for Day Two of their Red Rock Photography Project. Students spent the day mentoring the little ones by walking them through the Photoshop program. The little ones were able to select their favorite photo of their choice, as well as edit their photo with the WCTA kids. The duos took a 30-minute break for lunch, where they dined on Dominos pizza, Gatorade of their choice, brownies and cookies. After lunch was over, it was back to work. After the well-deserved lunch break, partners began to print their finished product. The duos then went through the next step matting. Once matted and taped, partners were to select a frame for their beautiful pictures. At 12:30 P.M., the end of Day Two had approached. After hugs and tearful good-byes, the students parted ways

A view of Red Rock right before a snow fall.

once again. However, students should not fret! A reception was held on Wednesday, Dec. 7 where duos reunited. In front of parents, students showed off their hard work and dedication to the project. The reception took place in the evening at the Red Rock Visitor Center where the framed photography and reflections were displayed for all to see. Krystal Piedy, sophomore Wrangler, reflected on the experience. I felt honored to be able to participate in West Techs second go at the Red Rock Field Trip. It was great to be able to do what I love best while teaching younger students, at the same time. Each and every student definitely had his or her own personality. My little girl was great. She listened

and took in the knowledge. We ended up bonding and having a great time with one another, said Piedy. Students were warned by photography teacher Chrissy Pavesich to be on their best behavior. I agree 100 percent that we needed to be on our best behavior. We needed to put ourselves, and more importantly the children, out of harms way. But theres more than just thatwe are role models to these kids. Its crucial that we be on our best behavior, added Piedy. The Red Rock Field Trip was definitely a positive experience and a learning opportunity for all involved. What is better than absorbing Nevadas natural scenery, taking photos and simultaneously bonding with younger kids?


The Newspaper of WCTa


HOSA participates in multiple fund raisers

Foundation). HOSA also participated in a walk at UNLV for JDRF on Nov. 19 and a food drive starting at the end of November. The food was delivered to the Las Vegas Mission on Dec. 14. Besides being busy with fundraisers, HOSA students also visit elementary schools and deliver an important message to the younger students. The message is NOT to smoke, and getting the message out early to these young elementary students is the best way to accomplish this goal. HOSA also gives out scholarships such as the Outstanding HOSA. HOSA is a great way for students to help out their community and do something they love. HOSAs mission is to promote career opportunities in HOSA members Kristina Mendiola, Breana Moore (historian), and Kmystry Taylor-Jackson are ready for class and wearing their the health care industry and to enhance Monday scrubs. the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA is for students who are selling food like blizzard and donuts, By Alyssa Stewart This mission is especially critical interested in health care, said Clemens. but whats the money for? when considering the shortage of Membership in HOSA is restricted Fridays in the lunchroom we sell qualified workers in the health care On Mondays it is not unusual to see students around campus wearing to health occupations students, and the blizzards for $3.00, said Clemens. industry. This shortage will continue red scrubs. These students belong to organization provides a unique program This money is for a fundraiser that to get worse as the population ages. our very own HOSA. HOSA stands for of leadership, development, motivation, we can use for the State and National If you want to know more Health Occupation Students of America and recognition for students enrolled in Competitions. In the mornings we about HOSA or how to join go to and is advised by Nursing Program health occupations education programs. sell hot chocolate and donuts for the or see Kathy You may have seen HOSA students JDRF (the Juvenile Diabetes Research Clemens in C125. teacher Kathy Clemens.

Chess Club teaches strategy and thinking skillspart about Chess Club is the meeting of new people. It helps you make friends, added Sharratt. Everyone loves the underdog, and the Young Knights certainly make that list. The Young Knights just finished off the fall season losing to Bonanza, finalizing many WCTA students including but not limited to Dayne Fernandez, Daniel De Luca, Nathan Sharratt, Chase Labar, Morgan Kinnaman, Alex Jacobson, Brandonn Oswald, and Alicia Robb. Sadly, however, our spirits and efforts were for naught when Bonanzas team defeated us in our final game on Tuesday, Dec. 6. The Chess Team is now more experienced, and is looking forward to next years competition.

their first years record of 0-6. Wests team gave it their all. The atmosphere at the chess game was that of absolute focus and tension. The Chess Team has

The top three players from the West Tech Young Knights Chess Club go head-to-head against Bonanza to wrap up their first season of playing chess.

By Brett Bialik

Do you have time after school you are not using? Then join the Young Knights Chess Club! Chess Club meets every Tuesday, right here in B107, says Snehal Bhakta, the Young Knights adviser. Young Knights teaches students strategy and critical thinking skills, adds Bhakta. The Chess Club tough competition is district wide. We play against other schools in the area, depending on the district. Our district consists of WCTA, Palo Verde, Sierra Vista, and Bonanza, says Bhakta. Bonanza has also assisted the Young Knights in getting on their feet, by helping us with coaching and donating two chess boards, said

Bhakta. Young Knights is a very small

group at the moment. We have 12-14 students on any given occasion, says Bhakta. Anyone who wants to join is welcome to! I joined because Ive been playing since fifth grade, and I enjoy it, says

Alicia Robb. It is a lot of fun playing against other schools and the people are really friendly. The atmosphere of the Young Knights Chess Club is very inviting indeed. It is very cool, and calm; it relaxes, says freshman Nathan Sharratt. I joined personally because it relieves stress, and it helped me focus on my schoolwork. However, the best


The Newspaper of WCTa

Bring on the HSophomores decorate classroom doors for the school holiday door decorating contest. Decorating instructor Nancy Giffords door are Kielle Delafuente, Sami Haeick, Taylor Fajardo, and Savanna West. Winners of the contest receive a donut party.


By Shree Joshi Students at WCTA are a very diverse group, and they celebrate holidays differently. While some might celebrate a holiday such as Christmas during Winter Break, others may celebrate holidays such as Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Some might not even celebrate a holiday but use the break to go on vacations and spend time with family and friends. I look forward to presents and spending time with my friends and family, said sophomore Adrian Aquino. Most commonly, the holidays are something to look forward to for two reasons: a twoweek break to procrastinate and all of those presents. Every Hanukkah, my family and I go to Mt. Charleston to sled. I get one present for every day of Hanukkah. On the last day, we light all of the candles and make a lot of food. Then, we party, Haddar Ben-

Holiday Season at West in full swing

Shimon, freshman, explained. I usually spend time with my family. We celebrate Christmas and party, Christian Velasquez, sophomore, stated.

Christmas seems to be the most popular holiday celebrated at our school. In my family, we dont believe in Santa. On Christmas Eve we eat a very big dinner instead of

breakfast. We also wait until 12 to open our presents. Minnie Delgado, freshman, said. Several students, here at West, play games and sing carols during this merry season. Some students, however, just use this break as a two week sleeping, eating, and video game period. Everyones individual families have their own special ways of celebrating their holidays. My family celebrates the holidays by setting up lights and a Christmas tree, Sam Moss, junior, declared. No matter the celebration and traditions, were all brought together on this special and jolly season. Have a great winter break, Wranglers!

Black Friday shoppers get earlier startBy Amanda Torcasso This year Black Friday shoppers were able to get an early start as stores opened at midnight, right after a day of indulging in turkey and the rest of the feast. Target, Best Buy, Kohls, Bath and Body Works, Victorias Secret, Forever 21, etc. were some of the big time stores that opened. More than 212 million shoppers purchased items in stores or online last year during the Black Friday holiday weekend. The average shopper spent $365.34 last year, up from $343.31 in 2009.The number of shoppers who started shopping at midnight on Thanksgiving increased from 3.3 percent in 2009 to 9.5 percent last year. Black Friday is not a federal holiday, but is a public holiday in some states. Many people take a day of their annual leave on the day after Thanksgiving Day. Many organizations also close for the Thanksgiving weekend. I like to get up early so I can go shopping and purchase things before other people do, says Sami Haeick, a sophomore at WCTA. Lots of teenagers enjoy going to different stores on Black Friday. Most of the items purchased are from teenagers. There are many sales on items that are usually really expensive, their prices are cut, and teens on a limited budget can afford to buy. Older people can get really competitive when it comes to getting what they want. One woman recently pepper-sprayed other shoppers at a Wal-Mart in order to be first in line I think some people cant go Black Friday shopping because they dont have enough money, says Christian Valazquez, a sophomore at WCTA, commenting on shopping during a recession. Items available on Black Friday run out fast. The early shopper gets the best deals. The 24-hour retail stores sold discounted video games and household products like vacuums, crock-pots, and blenders discounted for Black Friday. I do not believe in Black Friday because I dont want to die from someone just hitting me; people are violent just to buy stuff. Just chill out, says Miranda Garcia, a junior at WCTA. Many people wouldnt trade sleeping in on Friday for anything. Its a day off, so why waste the morning shopping? There are too many people out there anyway. Crowds are not fun? Sleeping in is so much nicer, so take advantage of a morning when that awful alarm clock isnt going to go off. For many years, it was common for retailers to open at 6 a.m., but in the last few years many had begun to open earlier at 5 a.m. or even 4 a.m. This was taken to a new extreme in 2011, when several retailers like Target and Kohls opened for the very first time at midnight. If you want any good deals, get up or stay up until midnight on Thanksgiving night and go to your favorite stores to get the things you want. The most important thing is to have a nice Thanksgiving and enjoy your Black Friday shopping experience.

How does celebrate this h

In my family, we celebrate Christmas, watch seasonal movies, and eat turkey! said freshman Antonio Tassone.

I always look foward to Christmas Eve dinner with my family, presents, and enjoy hanging out and eating leftovers, teacher Audrie Rosen said

Holiday Spirit!By Hayden Beers This year, West Career Technical Academy is offering a stocking stuffer program where students fill a stocking with new gifts and toys for children and families that are less fortunate. This is a great opportunity for students to give back to the community, and it is also a great chance to feel good about yourself for doing a great thing. I think that the stocking stuffer is a great project for the school to be doing, said sophomore Kirsten Kight. The program runs during the last weeks before Christmas, and details have been featured on the morning announcements. Sophomores, juniors, and freshman alike can now give their time and feel good about themselves. It is a low cost program, only about $15-$20 dollars, and you can give gifts to a less fortunate child. I feel that it is great for all of


The Newspaper of WCTa


Students stuff stockings for needy childrenthe kids that are in need of a gift for Christmas, said junior Neil Ransom. Most students reactions seem to be positive, and many agree that it is a good thing for out school to be taking part in giving back to the community. The gifts will bring much joy when hanging over the fireplace of a child that is less fortunate. The director of the school program is business teacher Kelli Compton. All program directors have information regarding the stocking stuffer program. You can do your part to help by donating a medium sized stocking filled with new gifts. Ideas for gifts are gift cards, gloves, movie tickets, books, CDs, socks, lotions, colognes, etc. Students have until December 6th to donate a stocking. The top of the stocking is to be closed to ensure that nothing falls out.

Michael Chanthapadith and Jeanne Tran deliver stuffed stockings in holiday spirit!

your family holiday season?

Over 10,000 Santas get ready to participate in the Great Santa Race. The race is sponsored by Opportunity Village. Students from West Tech volunteered to help during the race despite chilly weather.

We celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas in my family, said freshman Eddie Gomez.

Opportunity Village worth visiting, hosts Santa RunBy Chevaya SilaskiSanta Clause is coming to town, and that also means so is Las Vegas own Opportunity Village! Throughout the month of December Opportunity Village is open to the public for a bit of enjoyment and volunteer work. I like the train, said Alyssa Stewart, freshman at WCTA. Opportunity Village and its Magical Forest is funded by the Opportunity Village charity foundation. Opportunity Village is a non-profit organization and is 80 percent self-funded. Opportunity Village specializes in helping people with intellectual disabilities by giving them vocational training. They also help people with intellectual disabilites find employment. The organization supports itself in part with O-Vino Wine Tasting, the annual world record attempt with the Las Vegas Great Santa Run, or the one of a kind Christmas Magical Forest. All the profits made from these events goes to helping the people with intellectual disabilities. Opportunity Village is located on the corner of Torrey Pines and West Oakey. It has three-acres of land with hundreds

I go to California to visit and celebrate the holidays with my family, said junior Lexi Rudner.

of decorated trees and millions of new LED lights (donated by the electricity company). I like all of the awesome lights and decorations throughout the trees and displays, said junior Elsie Powley,an Opportunity Village volunteer. Volunteers help in any of the stations from the ticket booths, to the kitchens, and all the way out to the games and activities. I ran a booth for Best Buddys Program that works with Opportunity Village, said Powley. This year the village had three new games and some amazing additions to the Magical Forest. Many students from our own WCTA were helping out this year, at the village and the annual Santa Run held at Town Square. Volunteers received two free VIP tickets to the Opportunity Village for themselves and a friend on their next visit. Its too late this year, but next year volunteer. All in all if you want to do some good and have fun in the process, grab a group of friends and head down to Opportunity Village.


The Newspaper of WCTa

Featurehelping the community and it helped me socially by meeting so many people, said Sergeant-At-Arms (SAA) Ashley Reyes. Besides West Techs events, the club has been privileged to attend events with the rest of the California, Nevada, and Hawaii (Cali-Nev-Ha) districts. On October 22, we attended our very first Regional Training Conference (RTC) and made sure that everyone knew our club was there. Members yelled their hearts out, and although we didnt win spirit rally, I couldnt have been more proud of their performance, said Mercucio. On November 19, 2011, some of the Vegas divisions, including our very own West CTA, met at Del Sol High School to later depart for the Fall Rally South event at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California. The early morning departure didnt stop students excitment. Twenty-seven members attended and had an amazing time that they will not forget. Fall Rally was a day for members across the district to cheer until they can no longer cheer, raise money for a good cause, and met other Key Clubbers. My experience at Fall Rally was indescribable. You just had to be there, said Mercucio. Throughout the day, Key Club divisions participated in Spirit Rallies. In doing so, the club was able to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). Also, members enjoyed their time at Magic Mountain by riding thrill rides before and after

Key Club travels to Six Flags Magic Mountain

Top: West Key Club during Spirit Rally at RTC Bottom: West Key Club posing before the long and fun day at RTC

Key Club members entering Magic Mountain during Fall Rally South 2011

By Suzette Gonzales

Club is a fun and easy way to serve and give back to the community, said Key Club consists of several Concepcion. There are a lot of rumors of the thousands of members from approximately 30 different countries. club being full of Asians, but in reality, With many different divisions across we have members in over 20 different the country, Key Clubbers come countries around the world, said together to help communities in their Mercucio, It doesnt matter where were from or who we are, whenever neighborhoods. Key Club is an international Im around other Key Clubbers, I feel organization that does community welcome. Our very own West Tech Key service, develops character, and creates future leaders, said WCTA Club has been able to participate in several events this year,including the Key Club President Phil Mercucio. Key Club impacts thoughts and Alzheimers Walk and the Walk to ideas towards life and also helps End Autism. With the club being brand new last the community. It allows members to think of other members as family year, it was still able to be all over the place, according to Mercucio. rather than just friends. My experience at Key Club has Key Club is a support system for Technology Editor/Web Master, been life changing. It has given me Dannica (Mikee) Concepcion. Key the opportunity to succeed through

Spirit Rally, cheering their hearts out, and of course, eating funnel cake. Currently, West Key Club is doing Adopt-A-Family, in which they will try to get presents for the children who are living in unfortunate conditions. Key Club gave me a family that I know will always be there to have fun and do service. It gives hope for generations of service, said Reyes. As Key Club president, Mercucio persuades others to join. With several wonderful reasons to join Key Club, why wouldnt you? The best way to understand the club is to join. Mercucio plans on doing his best to offer fun events that members are able to participate in. As the year goes on, I only hope that my members stay and keep on serving. Theyll always be heroes in my eyes if they do, said Mercucio.

Anime Club attracts enthusiastic artistsBy Jorge DumoisHere at WCTA there are many clubs, but the Anime Club is among the newest clubs. This club consists of students who are definitely qualified to be in this club because they have the abilities to do painting, sculpture and more. At our school, the Amine Club is a very important organization because it promotes anime in the local community and also helps to get our students to know more about this type of art. Lynn Mitchell, our librarian, is the adviser of this unique organization and answered some of my questions: What exactly is anime club? Anime club is an organization that meets to discuss, show and promote anime in a local community in a local community setting, and it can also focus on broadening Japanese cultural understanding, said Mitchell. Whats the goal of creating this organization? I think that our goal is to get the people to understand how important anime club is and try to get more people to join this club and to promote anime in this school. What certain activities do you do? We l l , w e d o f u n d r a i s i n g s , sometimes we watch anime music videos, reading manga, singing karaoke and cosplaying. How many people, approximately, are in this club? Well, about forty people, but its all right. I think thats a start When and where do you meet? We meet here in the library every Friday after school? Do you think Anime Club will be a great success at this school? I think it depends on the students and their work. I think it all depends on the students. As you can see this organization can be a success, and if our club members keep giving all they got, their best effort, this will be one of the best clubs in possibly the whole school. Vice President of Anime Club, Karl Hernandez, says Anime Club is a gathering that involves students in a social activity used to better improve communication through animation. I joined because I felt it was a necessity to create culture of animation ranging from anime to animation, added Hernandez. Upcoming events, we havent discussed much yet, but we are in the process of making a movie night.

Glee ClubBy Alyssa StewartTheyre singing, theyre dancing, but theyre not on TV. Its West Techs very own Glee Club. Advised by Anthony Sass, the Gleeks of WCTA perform and, like any other club, do fundraisers. The first performance Glee Club has is the Winter Assembly on Dec.16. Glee Club has only two weeks to perfect the songs they are performing. They will perform a mash up starting with Jingle Bell Rock, It Will Rain, Moves Like Jagger, and the Glee version of Dont Stop Believing. Dont miss the assembly and this performance!

Above: An example of anime. Right: Glee Club member, sophomore Joshua Abellera, smiling in front of the WCTA logo, is going to sing at the upcoming assembly.

Breaking grooves into the yearBy Jericho SadorraBreak dancers from all skill levels came to West CTAs first annual Break Club meeting on Nov. 15, in the gym. From simple to complicated moves, we had them. A day before the meeting, beginner break dancer, sophomore Matthew Balecha, said he expects to accomplish lots of things. I hope to learn to break dance and let my peers and friends help me to become a better breaker, says Balecha. Ive wanted to dance for so long, and the opportunity finally opened up. Ill try my best to learn all the good stuff and try to become good. Ill take time and effort because Im a bigger size than other people, added Balecha. After the meeting, Balecha was amazed at the skill and style that other experienced breakers had. Well, I sat there and watched the other people dance. I watched their style and movements, so I could incorporate their moves with mine and make up something new for myself. There were other breakers that came to the event who did not go to West; nevertheless, they still rocked the floor. For some people, breaking means more to them than just dancing. Its my thing. I love to do it, says sophomore Ivan Mayor on his views on breaking. Its a lifestyle of mine, an everyday thing. I hope to learn new things myself, teach people and help them. I go to other schools break club and jams as well, adds Mayor. Everyone has their own reason why they break, some more serious than others. Some do it just because they want to break-dance. I like to dance. It expresses my feelings, says freshman Kevin Luu. I just like doing floor moves. Its what Ive been doing. Exercises makes you feel better about yourself, and, yup, Ive been breaking for six months, and I will become better if I put in effort and confidence, adds Luu. For other people, Break Club is more of a leisurely event. Because its fun! says sophomore Janos Basco on why he participates in Break Club. Ive had prior experience with breaking. I have air flares. I hope to get every power move because its cool, said Basco. Others just wanted to take the opportunity to refine their skills in breaking. I joined because I wanted to work on my breaking skills because its been awhile, says sophomore, Arthur


The Newspaper of WCTa


Sandro. When I was a kid I used to break a lot, then I stopped because I got overwhelmed by homework. Since we have the club, I might as well take the opportunity. I hope to get better, laughs Sandro. Everyone in Break Club hopes to accomplish something, whether its just to learn more moves, clean moves, or progress their skills even further. Break dancing takes a lot of time and effort to become good at it. Some people have more difficulty than others, but at Break Club, we learn from each other. Break Club meets every Tuesday after school in the gym. For questions and concerns, see dance teacher Ginger Rossiter in Room H101.

Junior Danny Chung smiles while doing an airchair freeze

Sophomore Ivan Mayor practicing his head hollows.

By Haddar Ben-Shimon

Project Based Learning creates bully awarenessstudents then choose in what way they wanted to present the topic of bullying. The topics to chose from included skit, song, poem, speech, video/IMovie, dance, and PowerPoint. After students chose their desired topic, they were then assigned to a different room to work in for the next two days. My group did a PowerPoint. It went very well, said freshman Lacey Nelson. My group did a skit. It was challenging but enjoyable, said freshman Sydney Hann. On Nov. 8, the students went to their assigned classrooms. They got their ideas and information on bullying together, and began their projects based on what delivery style they chose to present the topic of bullying. On Nov. 9, groups put their final touches on the presentations. They then showed their final products to the people in their classroom groups. After every group presented its final products, students voted on which group had the best presentation in the class. The chosen groups are the best of the best, and teachers will choose the best 15 groups in the entire school to perform in the January assembly. PBLs unleash a great deal of creativity, said Monte Bay, the principal at West. We (staff) were absolutely amazed at what the students produced and what comes out of their minds, and when they had the freedom to think out of the box. PBLs help the students because it is a different form of learning. Youre not just sitting, listening to the teacher, and absorbing information. Instead, youre

Freshman Kevin Luu doing a Nike freeze.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but can words really hurt me? According to some West CTA students, they can really hurt, but we can do something about it. Ive learned that the only opinion that really matters is your own, said freshman Chevaya Silaski. The goal of the Project Based Learning (PBL) learning activity was to encourage students to creatively play a role in the awareness and prevention of bullying among todays youth. West Tech students spent two days in activities that helped them do this. On Nov. 7, groups were sent to a random teacher to explain the PBL and introduce the topic of bullying. The

creating something, doing research. Youre talking to people; youre actually using technology. Youre going out to the Internet and learning how to do surveys and to put that into graphical forms, added Bay. This topic is very important because bullying happens everywhere even at school. One third of teens reported being bullied at school. Most bullying tends to occur at school, and statistics show that 20 percent of high-school students are bullied at their schools. Bullying leads to many dangerous behaviors that involve violence, including harmful fights and suicide. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the PBL; the results were amazing and really impressed your teachers. Good luck to the best of the best, and may the best groups win!Sophomore students put the finishing touches on their final projects. The next step was to have their work judged by the other students and teachers.

West Tech students work on school wide PBL. These particular groups created I-movies to illustrate the problems associated with bullying.


Womens Tennis, Cross Country, Golf, and CheerBy Elsie Powley

FALL SPORTSShow school pride by These scholar athletes Playing for a different school than the one you go to understand the reason scholar supporting your fellow students at their next competition! has not changed the dynamics comes first before athlete. of our team. Were all great Ashley Koch friends, said Ryu. puts her heart into finishing Making friends is easy when the race. youre on a cross country team of over 20 girls. Ashley Koch thoroughly enjoyed participating on Palo Verdes varsity womens cross country team this season for the competitive motivation and the many friends she has on the team. During the season, Ashley places in the top ten in most of the meets, like when she achieved a 23:52 time for the 3.1 mile race and placed 6th, after 3 of her teammates. I liked it because I appreciated receiving the great education from West, but I also like the sports atmosphere from running on the cross country team. Its the best of both worlds, said Koch. Zehra Cheathams life is cheerleading. She began cheering at age 5, and now she spreads school spirit at Sierra Vista. With varying games and practices twice a week, Cheathams only challenge was finishing homework when cheer is over, but she enjoys going to a magnet school while Amanda Ryu practices her golf swing at Angel Park. having a normal high school experience. Cheerleading is my life, and I dont know what I would be without it! Cheatham said. Playing and cheering competitively for their home schools across the Las Vegas valley, Wests athletes show commitment and dedication throughout all aspects of their high school career. On the court, in the classroom, or running the track, West Techs student athletes shine wherever they go. Zehra Cheatham, third in the back row, poses with her Sierra Vista cheer members.

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Students are constantly in a balancing act, juggling homework, friends, teachers, and parents. Imagine adding yet another commitment that requires hours of dedication, mental focus, and physical intensity. As students from West participate in competitive sports at their zoned schools, student athletes manage to keep up the endless balancing act and maintain their eligibility, spend time with friends, and be successful in their sport. Meilin Haidl is a superstar! Not only does she play on the varsity womens tennis team at Bonanza, but she also maintains a unweighted GPA of 4.0. This tennis season, she was recognized as a National Merit Scholar on top of playing on the Bonanza tennis team in the fall as well as the swim team in the spring. I like playing sports at Bonanza because I can keep contact with my old friends. I enjoy the competition that isnt purely academic, said Haidl. Individually placing fifth place at regional championship, Amanda Ryu is the best female golfer on the Palo Verde womens golf team. Ryu has played golf since fifth grade, and her knack for the sport only gets sharper! The score at her regional championship broke 80, an accomplishment mature adult golfers work years to achieve. The time commitment of having practice every day until 5 p.m. is stressful with all of her homework, and Ryu misses an entire day of school each week in competing in tournaments.

S IN REVIEWBy Noah Thorson


The Newspaper of WCTa


Mens Soccer, Tennis, and FootballThe only problem with this practice schedule is that I dont have much time to do my homework. The only time I am able to do this is right when I get home, he says. It seems Goldsmith has other plans for college, though he says he doesnt want to play football in college. I love football, for that is what made me start the team, but I dont think I will be able to follow it up in college. Its a roller coaster ride, Goldsmith says, there are many bumps and turns, but if you play through it, you will win. Although some people dont get to see much of tennis, there are many who play it for either a leisurely activity or for competition. One who is really into the game at Palo Verde High School is Kota Cook. I like everything about it, says Cook, Its always very thrilling and fun. Cook has been playing the sport for around 11 years, beginning the sport at the young age of 4. In those many years of playing, he has played at Lorenzi, Arbors, TPC, and the Vistas. He tries to fit in practice every day and has been on this schedule for a long time. However, there are some compromises to playing a fun sport. I think that being hit with the tennis racket on the serve is the hardest part for me, says Cook. It especially hurts when I get hit in the shin. Although there are some difficulties, Cook has made it through and now aspires to reach higher expectations for himself. Soccer is a sport for those with extreme levels of endurance and stamina. Jesse Pratt is one person who fits that bill. Pratt is a soccer player from Green Valley who just ended his soccer season about a month ago. Soccer is really fun! I really like meeting new friends and having competition with other kids from other schools. Jesse Pratt has been playing the sport for many years and is planning to keep playing for many years to come. I really love playing the sport! It is not only fun, but also gives you the daily exercise you

Football, soccer, and tennis. These are three big sports that are played in many different high schools. These sports have been played for many years and counting. It is almost a tradition for some to watch a game of football on Thanksgiving, Wimbledon during the summer, or enjoy flipping the channel to watch the FIFA World Cup with some friends. Andrew Goldsmith, a right defensive end for the freshman football team, talks about his passion for football. It is hard work, he says, but it is always rewarding at the end. Goldsmith is a starter on his Palo Verde football team, and plans to play football for years to come. Footballs awesome! Its fun to play the game, all my best friends are on the team, and my coaches are tough, smart, and often hilarious. Goldsmith currently practices for about two hours a day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and says, It is very hard, but at the end, it is always for the best because we win!

need such as cardio. However, there is one thing that Pratt really wants to have done to the school and to the sport as well. I really wish there was a soccer team at West. Now that would be very interesting!

Kota Cook poses with his tennis racket on the Palo Verde tennis courts

Andrew Goldsmith, pictured, plays football for Palo Verde High School.

West Techs runners passionate about their sportBy Noah Thorson

Running. It is the complete passion of some people. To them, it is their life. For these types of people, there is a certain club that is just begging for them to join. It is called the Running Club. Lead by health teacher Robert Clements, it consists of 35 males and females, making it a pretty big group. These kids who are in the running club all love it and get to hang out with their old friends as well as make new ones. They absolutely love it.

They also see the benefit of running for their health and fitness, says Clements. According to Clements, it doesnt matter if you run or not, for it is walk friendly. That means you can walk instead of run whenever you feel like it. We are not really restricting anybody from doing anything they want to do, adds Clements. This being said, Running Club is open for everybody and nobody will be left out of the club. However, even though the kids are passionate, Clements sometimes feels less

emotion on the subject. I dont love to run, but I feel very accomplished when I finish a big race, he says. I just love the thrill and the exhilaration of finishing the big race. People might say they know what running is, but what kinds of running are there? Well, in running, there are many different types of running styles. There is the longdistance, in which the people run a marathon. Typically, the two main events are the half and the whole marathon. A marathon is 26 miles. For the

short distance types, there are events such as the 40 meter dash or the hurdles. The 40 meter dash is when there are a line of contenders, and they all are an equal distance away from the goal. Then, they sprint using all of their energy to get to the finish line. In Running Club, the typical distance of running is 3 miles a day. The Running Club commences after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Everybodys welcome, says Clements. So put on those running shoes and start running!

Couples dance down the red carpet at Sadie HawkinsBy Ashley Lawon


The Newspaper of WCTa


Carly Saxe and Ryan Kleiner go Batman for their outfits down the red carpet.

Lexi Rudner and Cory Jacobs use their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hat drawstrings for mustaches.

Sadies couples jump for joy on the night of the dance.

By Ashley Lawson

The Celebrity Couple Sadie Hawkins Dance 2011 was a success! Wranglers first got into the Sadies spirit during the week of Nov. 28 Dec. 2. The yearbook class, who sponsered the dance, designed and coordinated the Sadie decorations that lined every buildings hallway, the tickets, and the advertisements on the announcements. They planned the theme of Celebrity Couples with the Hollywood background. Most couples dressed with this theme in mind for the event. Tickets were available at lunch for $10. The affordable deal included entrance to the dance, as well as a snack. Susan Williams, the yearbook adviser, had high hopes for a better turnout than last year. I just want the huge debt gone from the yearbook excess ordering last year, Williams said. One of this years editors for the yearbook is Lexi Rudner, who had high expectations of an exciting time for Sadie Hawkins. I just hoped it

would be a fun night with all of my closest friends, and that we could have a great time doing things together, Rudner said. The dance was held here in our own beautifully decorated cafeteria. Marriage and divorce booths were available at the dance, as well as a red carpet where couples walked arm in arm. Snacks, dancing, and pictures were also available at the dance. Pictures were available at the price of $10 and included 2-5x7 photos and 4 wallets. After building suspense through the announcements, spirit days, and decade-themed hallways, the Yearbook sponsored dance, Saturday, Dec.3, finally arrived. Students began to show up at the dance around 7 p.m. The three-hour dance started without a hitch. The students danced the night away. The DJ played todays most popular dance songs such as Party Rock Anthem, Give Me Everything, and Club Cant Even Handle Me. It was a fun evening, one most students will never forget.Braxton Feller carries Elsie Powley down the red carpet

The dinner table is surrounded by all of West Techs Sadies couples.

Thirteen matching couples line up for the camera.

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