december 2019 rq - marley file

Post on 26-Dec-2021






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December 2019 RQ - Marley File

-ok not sure if i passed yet - I’ll send a more official study plan if I passed. But I DO recommend: -(1) I started with PTDB videos (its worth subscribing, but not worth $300 - i recommend

splitting it with like a few friends (I split it with like 6-7 friends) thats what I did and everyone was allowed to use it at the same time and there was no issue with that)

- (2) those videos put you in a good place to start doing RQs - once you start doing RQs itll be more familiar because of PTDB…. I recommend only doing SJ beautified file & then compiling the RQs from 3 months before your exam.

- for micro - dont overdo it - I walked in knowing ONLY the mnemonics of soil/systemic bacteria, capsular and gram+ and it was fine - (the last time it was the same thing and i score very highly on micro my first time around - PTDB is literally gold for micro) … my first try in July had a ton of micro… this time I maybe had 10? Micro questions and they were all obvious from the SJ files.

- 200TMJ facts on PTDB - all you need to know - then review with 100TMJ facts document in the files

- biochem PTDB more than enough followed by RQS (ill upload an outline following getting permission from my friend who made it).

- if other people post RQS from the month/month before of you exam... MAKE A DOC like i did!! I compiled all the DEC 2019 rqs and just found the answers in SJ/Tangy/First Aid to make sure I had the correct “NBDE” Answer and it worked like a charm … I literally studied this doc in between every break and it always helped for the next few questions.

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

1. All about maxillary 1st molar permanent crown(big cusp) and root

● cusp of carabelli = longest FL crown dimension & ONLY tooth wider MD lingually than buccally**

● DL groove ● ONLY tooth with distal concavity ** ● ONLY tooth w/ 2 triangular ridges on 1 cusp ● Oblique ridge = DB + ML

ROOTS = MB, DB, & Palatal

● MB = widest FL = 60% have 2 canals ● Palatal = longest root

2.Differences between primary and permanent max molar

Generally: thinner enamel, thinner dentin, larger pulp horns (easier to pulp out) + roots more flared

Primary 1M = premolar crown + molar roots

● ^^^^^ cant figure itself out straight !!! = CEJ is NOT straight = CEJ dips more on the mesial

Second primary max molar = molariform (1M)

● cusp of carabelli ● Last primary tooth to erupt, greatest FL diameter of any primary tooth.

Transverse ridge. Oblique Ridge. DL Groove.

3. Osler nodes and janeway lesions Bacterial endocarditis Infectious endocarditis

4. Tooth difficult to root plane( all 3) ● Maxillary lateral incisor = lingual groove ● Maxillary 1st PM = mesial concavity ● Maxillary 1st Molar = distal concavity

5. Snake eyes Mn P1

6. Coxsackie or rubella cause diabetes if so what type? Cocksackie = herpangina + hand & foot disease

● vesicular lesions on uvula, anterior pillars of the fauces and posterior pharynx (oropharynx)

● type 1 diabetes**

Teratogens = ToRCHeS = Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, CMV, Herpes simplex, Syphillis

7. Extracellular fluid which one has more?- Interstitial,plasma,cerebrospinal

80% interstitial fluid

8. All about tracts

9. Stabilization of TmJ(lots of questions on it) Superior head of lateral ptergyoid

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

10. Direct product of arachidonic acid in lipoxygenase pathway: -prostacyclin - thromboxane - leukotriene

AA -> prostaglandin & leukotriene

ProstaGLANDin = hormones

Trick question!!! Prostacyclin = a prostaglandin found in the walls of blood vessels. Acts as a vasodilator and inhibitors the aggregation of platelets

11. COX inhibits which metabolism? Aspirin inactives cyclooxygenase (COX) by acetylation; causes decrease production of Thromboxane A2 (a platelet aggregator) -> dec platelet aggregation -> inc bleeding

COX-1 & COX-2 inhibition

● antipyretic (fever) ● Analgesic

COX-2 inhibition

● anti-inflammatory ● Analgesic (pain)

12. Collateral ligament sphenomandibular ligaments location and function?

Collateral (discal) ligament: attaches TMJ disc to condyle

● arise from the periphery of the disc and are attached to the medial and lateral poles of the condyle

● elongates during disc displacement of TMJ ● TMJ clicking damage to collateral ligament ● During lateral movements, stabalizes articular cartilage on the condyle


Sphenomandibular ligament: - spine of the sphenoid —> lingula of the mandible

13. So many questions on Diabetes

14. Parkinson's findings ● Degenerated substantia nigra of the basal ganglia ● Lewy bodies (protein) ● Late symptom = rigidity

● Resting tremor

● Cogwheel rigidity

● Akinesia

● Shuffling gait

15. Bisphosphonates clinical presentation in oral cavity.


Osteonecrosis of the jaw

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

16. cAMP ,adenyl glucase and glucagon CAMP = low energy molecule

● cAMP second messenger actives glucagon -> glycogen phosphorylase -> glycogen breakdown = feed the body

● Allosteric activator of glycolysis

GTP activates adenyl cyclase -> increases cAMP

Glucagon - epinephrine & glucagon activate glycogenolysis in the liver

17. Microscopic findings of fractured tooth, coronary artery graft(like neutrophils or macrophages what found more kinda questions)

18. Parents neglects child's primary molar caries as "milk teeth it will fall" do you report to child services or not? The child has palpebral fissures and lower nasal canthal folds.

Palpebral fissures = fetal alcohol syndrome

Yes, report!

19. Koplik’s spots Rubeola (measles) Koplik’s spots/sign are a prodromic viral enathem of measles manifesting 2-3 days before the measles rash itself. They are characterized as clustered, white lesions on the buccal mucose (opposite the upper 1st & 23nd molars) and are pathognomonic for measles.

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

20. Pregnancy increase what hormone throughout?

21. Philadelphia chromosome formation - 90% have Chronic myeloid leukemia - Remanent of chromosome 22 + small segment of chromosome 9

22. Nondisjunction examples Nondisjunction = failure of paired chromosomes to separate (disjoin) during cell division so that both chromosomes go to one daughter cell and none go to the other

Nov2019 RQ File - Down’s Syndrome (trisomy 21) - Turner’s Syndrome (monosomy X)

- Only affects females. One of the X chromosomes is missing or impaired. Causes short stature, failure of ovaries to develop & heart defects.

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone)

● made exclusively in the placenta ● Rises during 10 weeks (1st trimester)

**in July, I had multiple questions about pregnancy hormones. What’s bolded is all you have to know to answer the question but I provided explanation to help memorize.

- hCG is constantly produced throughout pregnancy but peaks in 1st trimester (to feed the corpus luteum) & falls in 1st trimester (but is still produced throughout the entire pregnancy)

- Progesterone & Estrogen increase throughout pregnancy - LH & FSH decrease through pregnancy but are increased right before

during ovulation: - FSH stimulates ovarian follice, causing egg to grow - also

triggers production of estrogen in follicle

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

True??? Idk help

2017 SJ RQ DOC: Long buccal nerve (V3) supplies sensory pain innervation from the buccal vestibular of the mouth

2018 RQ DOC: Which is FALSE about long buccal nerve: it innervates the buccinator -CN7 innervates buccinator (muscles of facial expression)

24. Gastroenteritis under 2 years Rotavirus - Neonatal diarrhea - Gastroenteritis in infants (FA)

25. Upper lip innervation Maxillary branch of Trigeminal nerve V2

26. Preauricular rash with crepitus diagnosis?

**please confirm


Crepitus in the TMJ = osteoarthritis

Bc of “crepitus” if osteoarthritis is an option go with that, if not then TMD. Apparently rash can be seen in either.

27. Mottled teeth with white and brown discolorations - Fluorosis, bisphosphonate, tetracycline


28. Generalized edema see in all except: - Shock, liver failure, renal failure, heart failure


29. Triangular cusp ridge occluding on which mandibular ridge

30. Embrasure (options were proximal area,contact area,mesian and distal surface,cervical of adjacent teeth

”a triangular-shaped space between the proximal surfaces of adjacted teeth”

31. Acid fast stain on human or higher mammalian cells by basic stain dyes due to what?

2018 RQ - Acid fast cells have a waxy mycolic acid in walls so impermeable to many stains (resist decolorization w/ acid alcohol). However, carbol fuschin stain has an affinity for the mycolic acid in acid-fast bacteria; stains red.

What is common between mycobacterium and nocardia?

- Acid fast cell wall, Mycolic acid, prevent for phagocytosis

Acid fast stain

32. All are causes of Tuberculosis except (options: BCG,mycobac,leprosy)


23. Long buccal nerve supply retromolar fossa?

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

33. Several questions on DIABETES,KIDNEY, TMJ upper compartment, CANCER, maxillary molar&1st premolar

34.Do tetracyclines pass to permanent tooth Yes

2019 - Tetracycline MOA = inhibits protein synthesis/ translation by blocking 30s subunit

- 50S = CLEC - Clindamycin, Lincomycin, Erythromycin, Chlororamphenicol

- 30S = TAGS - Tetracycline, Aminoglycosides, Glycosides, Streptomycin

35. External carotid artery sub-branches

36. Plasma dyscrasia seen in? - Options

- endometrial cancer - basal cell carcinoma


Google: Plasma cell dyscrasias = excessive proliferation of a single clone of cells producing entire immunoglobulins, immunoglobulin fragments, heavy chains, or light chains

- multiple myeloma (excess IgG, IgA or light chains) - Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (excess IgM) - Cryoglobuinemia - Amyloid (overproduction of light chains)

37. Basophils are high in which disease - options:

- A) Candidiasis - B) basal cell carcinoma - C) erythema multiforme - D) multiple myeloma

Erythema Multiforme (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome) - Type IV hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity Reaction - Published paper says there’s increased basophils

-basophilia is high in myeloproliferative disease, CML

2017 RQ - Candidiasis = denture stomatitis 2017 RQ - Basal cell carcinoma occurs most commonly in the upper face 2017 RQ - Multiple myeloma = Bence Jones Proteins

38. Hepatomegaly-what cells in lab confirmation (hepatocytes,serum plasmin, serum protein,albumin)

Biopsy of hepatocytes


December 2019 RQ - Marley File

39. Increase in alkaline phosphatase seen in - pagets or PTH were not in options

- Prostate cancer ** - Paget’s disease - Hyperparathyroidism

40.crescent central groove? Mand 2nd PM

41. Striated duct epithelium? Simple columnar

Found in salivary glands and pancreas

42. Checking vitality of a tooth age limits🤬 ????

43. Difference between metaplasia and dysplasia Dysplasia: reversible, nonmalignant cellular growth. - Can be precursor to malignancy. - Disorganized. Pleomorphism (variety in shape & size of nucleus).

Metaplasia: reversible; morphological change from one cell type to another - Squamous metaplasia = bronchi (columnar->squamous) - Soft tissue in a bone fracture - Growth of bone in a scar

44. Otic ganglion which nucleus? {{Inferior Salivatory Nucleus}} → Lesser Petrosal N (CN9) → {{Otic Ganglion}} → Auriculotemporal N → Parotid Gland

{{Superior Salivatory Nucleus}} → Greater Petrosal Nerve (CN7, pterygoid canal) → {{Pterygopalatine Ganglion}} → CNV2 → lacrimal gland, nasal mucosa, palatine glands

{{Superior Salivatory Nucleus}} → Chorda Tympani (CN7) → {{Submandibular Ganglion}} → Lingual Branch CNV3 → Submandibular Gland + Sublingual Gland

{{Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus N.}} → Vagus N. → {{Enteric Ganglion}} →

{{Nucleus of Ed-Winger}} → Inferior Branch of CN III, Oculomotor N.) → {{Ciliary Ganglion}} → short ciliary branches of CNV1 → Papillary constrictor ciliary muscles

45. Pterygoid canal which nerve👿 Deep petrosal (SANS)+ Greater petrosal N (PARA that synapses at PP gang) -> create the “nerve of the Pteryrgoid canal” Vidian Nerve

46. Submandibular gland course to reach the submandibular gland cutthrough mucous membrane only

Ejects into sublingual caruncle

47. When you incise the floor of the mouth tissue above the sublingual gland what can you see

sublingual gland sits on the mylohyoid muscle just beneath mucous membrane of the mouth

48. Dental student complains of neck shoulder pain and numbness, inability to stretch hand-what is this condition(options: demyelination,mononeuropathy,polyneuropathy)

Mononeuropathy = damage to a single nerve

Mononeuropathy of the radial nerve

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

👆 how do you treat? Whats responsible for hand stretching

- brachialis was not in the option,radial nerve was!

CASE STUDY 2018: Dental student has pain in shoulder and pain upon rotation of head. What CN is likely involved? 11 Accessory nerve What neuropathy is classified as? If she’s experiencing pain in her middle finger, what nerve innervates this? C7 She has lost ability to extend her wrist - what nerve is involved? Radial

Radial Nerve

49. Preganglionic parasympathetic in which ganglion?

50. Preganglionic sympathetic arises from where?

51.synovial joint is absent in young patient(options:osteoporosis,osteoarthritis,osteonecrosis)


52. Jaw claudication seen in Jaw claudication: pain in jaw associated with chewing

Temporal arthritis, arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, vasculitis,

53. Immune response seen in which lymphoid tissue(options:lymph node,bone,thymus,spleen)

54. Decreased lung surfactant, what ll be the vital lung capacity?


55. Parkinsons symptoms? Late effect if untreated = bradykinesia, rigidity, can’t move, can’t chew

Tremor, slow movement, stiffness, loss of balance

56. Clinical triad of type 2 diabetes Polyuria (pee-pee), polydipsia (thirsty) and polyphagia (hungry)

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

57. What process leads to type 2 diabetes and how does insulin and glucagon react to it?

Sustained hyperglycemia - Secondary to either or both: (Type 1) Insulin deficiency (Type 2) Insulin


- Type 1 = insulin is absent - Weight loss. Keto-acidosis. Classic symptoms common. Rapid sexual

development. Childhood onset. - Cause: viral or immune destruction B cells

- Insulin absent - Glucagon low/ absent

- Treat: Insulin injection. Diet.

- Type 2 = normal OR increased insulin levels; just not functioning correctly - 85%. Adulthood. Usually obese. - Cause: insulin resistance; reduced sensitivity at target cells

- Insulin production is normal or high but not-functional. Cannot act to decrease/ regulate blood glucose levels

- Glucagon production is normal or high - further increasing blood glucose levels

- Weak genetic predisposition - Rare symptoms. Slow sexual development. - Treatment: diet, weight-loss, oral hypoglycemic drugs

58. Alzheimers in young patients called?

59. Grand mal seizures classic feature - ?? loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions - AKA generalized tonic clonic seizure

60. MOA of diuretics - for high blood pressure - Hydrochlorothiazide, metolazone, indapmide, chlorothalidone - Activate renin angiotensin aldosterone system to decrease hypertension - Mechanism: blocks NaCl re-absorption in early distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

resulting in: - Increased sodium and chloride excretion - Increased potassium and hydrogen excretion - Decreased calcium and urea excretion

61.MOA of Allopurinol - inhibits xanthine oxidase - Suicide inhibitor; irreversible - Reduces the amount of uric acid in the body to treat gout

62.which ventricle separates hypothalamus 3rd ventricle divides the diencephalon in two

63.lacerated cheek in Parkinson's patient, what artery is hurt?

- buccal (buccinator) artery - Facial artery

64. Respiratory center name and location - Medulla oblongata - located in the brainstem - Squamous epithelium

65. Spinal accessory nerve nucleus and function Nucleus Ambiguous - spinal accessory nerve (CN11) - Innervates SCM, trapezius - Located in posterior triangle - Damage = cannot raise an arm above horizontal and cannot shrug shoulder

66. Maxillary molar palatal root furcation names Mesial, distal and buccal

67. Biopsy next to max 1st molar whats not present (options:keratohyalin,nerves,eccrine gpands,pilisebaceous glands)

Pilisebaceous glands = hair follicle

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

68. Infection from 1st maxillary molar spreads to which space (options: pterygomandibular,pterygopharyngeal,retropharyngeal, nasal cavity)

Nasal cavity; middle meatus

69. Histoplasmosis - Systemic fungi - Ohio Valley disease - lungs, soil, bat/ bird droppings - tuberculate chlamydosphere - resembles TB - Dimorphic (histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidoides, candida)

70. Angular cheilitis treatment? Nystatin

71. Blisters below eye, cheek and upper lip region, inside the buccal mucosa of the same side-diagnosis? (options: HSV, Recurrent herpes simplex, candidiasis, Herpes zoster)

Herpes zoster is unilateral in most cases = confined to a single dermatome

72. Sling muscles 2M’s: masseter, medial pterygoid

73. Which muscle keeps the mandibular teeth superior in position options: superior head of lateral pterygoid,inferior head,medial pterygoid superior head, inferior head

74. Orbiting condyle definition Balancing

75. Bennett's movement

Bennett Angle

-Bennett Movement = working side lateral movement

-Bennett Angle = non-working side

76.contents of sphenoid bone - Superior Orbital Fissure - Optic canal

77. Contents of cavernous sinus O TOM CAT = Oculomotor N(3) . Trochlear N(4) Ophthalmic N (V1). Maxillary N (V2). ICA. Abducens. Trochlear. CN 3, 4, 6, V1 and V2 + ICA

Contents of temporal bone Carotid canal

78. Amydala, hippocampus

79. Speech area-which lobe? Frontal (Broca’s)

80. Neuroblastomatosis symptoms Blood in urine, HTN - nausea, vomiting, fever - Palpable Wilms Tumor on kidneys

81. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)

82. One question from respiratory acidosis ROME RUBMOO

83. One question from michaelis mentalis equation V=Vmax [S] Km+ [S] - 1/2 Vmax = Km

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

84. A substance filtered and reabsorbed is noted by(options:GFR,inulin increase,decrease,equal)

Less than inulin= reabsorption Greater than inulin= secretion

85. Calculation for filtration. osmotic pressure( use the

formula 🤪 )

Use Starling’s formula

86.MOA of hypertensive medication(beta blockers) - B-blockers block epinephrine from interacting with B1 receptors in the heart to decrease contraction force, thus decreasing BP

87. Carcinoma of larynx spreads where first(options:mediastinal lymph nodes,submandibular lymph nodes,cervial lymph nodes,axillary lymph nodes)

Cervical lymph nodes?

88. Common factor in smooth skeletal and cardiac muscle(not about the structural component but the function)

Limited regenerative capacity

89. Calcification of molars and central incisors(options: at eruption,after 1 year, after 2 year)☆2 separate questions

Primary 4-6 months Anterior 1 year Premolar 2 years 1st Molar at birth 2nd Molar 3 years 3rd Molar

90. palpable breast cancer name? Fibrocystic disease of the breast = most common cause of palpable breast mass in women. Not malignant but may increase risk of carcinoma.

91. Coronary artery graft-what do you see microscopically large in number?

92. Swallowing-afferent nerve? CN 9 Glossopharyngeal

93. Bony nasal septum embryology? Forms from which bones?

Ethmoid & Vomer - Small contributions from maxilla, palatine, sphenoid and frontal bone

Fusion of maxillary & frontonasal processes

94. Cleft lip embryology(options: medial nasal process and maxillary were in 2 separate options)

Medial nasal prominence & Maxillary prominence

Unitlateral cleft lip is caused by the maxillary prominences on the affected side joining with the merged medial nasal prominence

95. Which cells are responsible for microvilli? - actin

96. Patient has parulis in tooth number 3, also has gastric pain. Dentist gives penicillin, patient feels better with gastric pain. - penicillin cured bacterial infection in stomach - penicillin stimulated mucus production - gastric pain is due to dental infection so antibiotic

made the patient relieved

97. Patient has peptic ulcer what anemia is seen Iron deficiency anemia

98. Vitamin B 12 deficiency - pernicious anemia - megaloblastic anemia - iron deficiency anemia

Pernicious anemia = Vitamin B12 deficiency

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

99. Erythropoietin function? Glycoprotein cytokine secreted by kidney in response to cellular apoxia. - Function: stimulates RBC production

100. Addison's disease definition (options: pituitary hyposecretion, pituitary hyposecretion, adrenal insufficiency)

Adrenal insufficiency

101. Emphysema - Cause - What happens to compliance? - Vital Capacity? - decrease VC - Diagnosis Chest X-ray -

- Cause: loss of tissue elasticity in the alveoli - Compliance increases - Vital capacity decreases - Chest x-ray

102. Contents of foramen magnum Mnemonic: Spinal Meninges Makes A Special Vertical Sheath - Spinal Chord - Meninges - Meningeal lymphatics - Accessory Nerve - Sympathetic Plexus - Vertebral Arteries - Spinal branches of Vertebral A.

Jugular foramen 9, 10, & 11 Glossopharyngeal, Vagus & Accessory

Contents of internal acoustic meatus - 7 & 8 - Facial & Vestibulocochlear

Contours of Owen In dentin; von ebner

Strike of Retzius Found in enamel

Gag reflex Sensory = Afferent = CN 9; Glossopharyngeal N. Motor = Efferent = CN 10; Vagus N.

How is Typhus spread? Fleas; lice

What causes Typhus? Rickettsia

Defects in the enamel resembling cracks or fractures which transverse the entire length of the crown from the surface to the DEJ.

Enamel lamellae - hypo-calcified, may contain oral debris

Enamel pearl Hertwig’s Remnant AKA enameloma -small focal mass of enamel formed apical to CEJ

5)allosteric activator Glycolysis - PFK, AMP

6)edema= decrease in protein

7)testlet- hypertension affects wound healing

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

9)picket fence 2 qs

Parotid, submandibular, TMJ innervation thoroughly 11)ethics -5 qs

12)flax cerebri- anatomical stricture does it lie in Crista gallae

13)eruption sequence 5 qs

14)cavernous sinus O TOM CAT

pharyngeal arch, cleft and pouches

16. Amelogenesis imperfecta

17. Triceps brachi innervation Radial N

18. Tip of tongue. Nerve and lymph node -submental -chorda tympani

19. Taste sensation Sensory & Taste, posterior 1/3 Glossopharyngeal NTaste anterior 2/3 = Chorda Tympani

20. Cleft lip due to Failure of the median and frontal provenances to fuse

21. Somatostatin Inhibits growth hormone

22. What secretes k -aldosterone .? Because it played with Na k channel 23. Common cell in old- collagen

24. What fibers prevent apical movement of tooth Oblique fibers protect against occlusal forces

25. What causes GI disease in children Rota virus

26. Which layer does the blastula get imbedded in the endometrium

Zona pellucida

27. Mottled tooth-fluorosis Fluorosis

28. Which root is bigger in max 1 molar - mb to house two canals longest is palatal. .?

MB = widestPalatal = longest

29. Which causes uveitis other than gonorrhoea? Sarcoidosis Chlaymdia trachomitis (trachoma = bacterial infection of eye)

30. Causes meningitis Crypto coccus

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

31. Genital herpes -HSV2

32. Voluntary movement - oesophagus 1/3 and rectum

1/3 esophagus & rectum

33. Aldosterone Affects water, sodium and potassium channels

34. ADH Only affects water

35. Which is not in sphenoid bone Carotid canal

36. Carotid triangle Common Carotid, IJV & Vagus N. Borders = posterior belly digastric, superior belly o omo hyoid, and anterior border SCM

37. Reason for back in brain Infarct

38. Coagulation necrosis Heart post infarction or ischemia

Which medication’s MOA is inhibition of DNA girase Quinolone inhibits topoisomerase/ DNA girase

40. Cancer below lung affects Phrenic nerve

41. Ketogenic amino acids Leucine & Lysine

42. amino acid involved in production of serotonin Tyrosine

43. Lipids in the lymph are transported by Chylomicrons

44. Parkinson’s Decrease in dopamine

45. Ulcer testlet

46. What type of cells are penetrated at site of injection The only function of the spinal chord in CNS Simple reflex; coordination of motor movement,


48. Postural position - extra pyramidal pathway

49. Negri bodies Rabies

50. Read on acetylcholine

51. Histones

52. Mesial surface straight seen in Mandibular Canine

53. Common between kidney and salivary gland. Striated ducts

54. Lining in stomach Simple columnar

December 2019 RQ - Marley File


55. MHC II CD4

56. Diptheria caused by exotoxin

57. Thymus derived from 3rd pouch

58. Inferior parathyroid 3rd pouch EPITS = pouches 1- tympanic membrane + auditory tube = Eustachian tube 2 - palatine tonsil 3- inferior parathyroid gland & thymus 4 - superior parathyroid gland

59. Thoracic Ductus position Posterior to the esophagus in posterior mediastinum

60. In pregnancy corpus luteum isn’t sustained by HcG

Corpus Luteum is sustained by progesterone

61. Cricothyroid supplied by External branch of Superior Laryngeal Nerve

62. During proline denaturation which bond is not affected

Peptide/ covalent bond

63. Movement of peristalsis Pendulum; back and forth

64. Edema Decreased albumin

65. Thrombosis due to Infarction

66. Junctional epithelium - REE Forms from Reduced Enamel Epithelium

67. Iron deficiency anemia

68. Pernicious anemia - Deficiency in B12

69. Dynamic flow of blood Pulp

70. What we don’t have to correct in Parkinsonism Infrequent blinking

71. Which root contains two canals in tooth MB

Gag reflex Afferent = glossopharyngeal Efferent = vagus

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

1-The epiglottis is made of? Elastic cartilage

2-Calcification Primary teeth = 4-6 mo | Anteriors -> 1 year | PM -> 2 yo | 1M->Birth | 2M -> 3yo. | 3M 7-9yo

3- A girl with numbness and tenderness in her hand involving 3 fingers which nerve innervates that area?

What nerve innervates the triceps muscles Radial nerve

4- A guy with HIV had a purple lesion in his mouth. Kaposi Sarcoma?

5 A elderly man with a dark spot at his nose corner with about 3 cm and getting bigger

I picked melanoma, but there also was cellular basal carcinoma.

6- differences between mandibular 1st and 2nd molars

#of developmental groves

7- radiolucency related with apical portion of maxillary molars

Maxillary sinus

Where do sigmoid sinus drain? Internal Jugular Vein

Distractors = inferior/ superior petrosal sinuses

Which muscle abducts the vocal chords? Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscles ABduct the vocal chords

Lateral cricoarytenoid ADduct the vocal cords

Distractors: cricothyroid

Median nerve

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

A surgeon made a incision from 32 to 30 (mucosa) what nerve he anesthetized options were lingual, infirior alveolar, long buccal and chorda tympanic.

Inferior alveolar nerve

What nerve innervates the tmj options a branch of v, a branch of temporal and facial I picked v auriculotemporal nerve.

Predisposition for stroke - brain infarction (middle meningeal artery) - Aneurysm

What gives myco bacteria it’s name what properties does it have?

Mycolic Acid - prevents phagocytosis - Impermeable to many stains - Stain red; carbon fuschin

Where is juxtoglomular cell located? Kidney- synthesize, store and secrete renin- -found in Afferent arterioles

Podocyte location? Bowman’s capsule in kidneys - make up the epithelial lining of the bowman’s capsule, allowing filtration to take place

How to increase heart rate?

highest osmolality is where in the kidney? Loop of Henle, inner medulla

Bacteria that is obligate anerobe most common on skin? Staph Auerus

Strep pharyngitis worst disease is? -toxic shock-necrotizing fasciitis -bacteremia

Cells found in a abscess? Neutrophils

Dentin made of what type of collagen? Type I

Innervation of the capsule = auriculotemporal N (V3) Innervation of anterior region = masseteric N & deep temporal V (V3)

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

Vitamins needed for healthy periosteum and bone formation.

C &D

For bone = C, D For teeth = CAD

Vitamin C = important for collagen synthesis

Know the fat soluble vitamins. ADEK

Where are hylanuric acid and chondren sulfate location Extracellular matrix -cartilage, tendons, ligaments

Carotid triangle boundaries - posterior belly of digastric- Inferior belly omohyoid - SCM

Cyclooxygenase pathway

Specialized cells in the pituitary, that resemble astrocytes and assist in the storage and release of hormones

Pituicytes, glial cells of posterior pituitary

Pseudomonas Hospital acquired infection

Cortical vs Juxtamedullary Nephrons - Juxtamedullary = short LOH - Cortical = long

Contractile unit of skeletal muscle I+A bands = sarcomere

Cryptococcus Neiformans - found in soil - (Aspergillus, Bastomycosis, Histoplasma,

Coccidoides, Cryptococcus neoformans) - Polysaccharide capsule

- Even Some Super Killers Have Pretty Nice Capsule - E.Coli || Strep. Pneumonia || Salmonella || Klebsiella ||

H.influenza || Pseudomonas aerguinosa || Neisseria meningitis || Cryptococcus neoformans

Fungi that cause meningitis - neiserria meningitis- H. Influenza- Strep. Pneumonia- Cryptococcus neoformans- E.Coli- Listeria (newborn)

CN3 Oculomotor

Nosocomial infection Hospital acquired infection

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

DEC 27 RQS - on this exam the above questions helped immensely. Plus SJ. Plus the Dental anatomy outline i’ll post. if you know that dental anatomy outline 100% and are comfortable with the learn occlusion

i’m 5 min ladder (+ being able to use it visualizing class 2 and 3 you will be fine) i- gauchers syndrome associated with lysosomal defiency (taysachs annoption other options are just as

dumb)- 1 question very detailed about the composition of the aorta - Regulatory or ketone bodies - options are HMG CoA reductase, HMG coa synthase, HMG coa oxidase -

don’t get tricked know it’s synthase - FA gets into the mitochondria via carnitine - Which one doesn’t have type 1 collage options were dentin, enamel, ect - Cambodia teslet (look at banana) ... rifampin inhibits DNA dependent RNA polymerase - Fetal alcohol syndrome testlet = palpebral fissures. Everything else easy he’s abused. Report to services - Parkinsons testet- PKU musty smell - If pO2 is higher in the respiratory capillaries than in the alveolus does this indicate hyperventilation,

hypertension, hypoventilatio. - Keratinocytes found in basal layer - Glycogen is a polysaccharide - Cortisol, ACTH adrenocroticodse, idk aldosterone? is involved in decreased carbohydrate metabolism- What happens immediately when mycobacterium are ingested - phagocytosis- No pghacytosis until humoral immunity begins- What defcreases hemglobin binding affinity to oxygen - Legionere’s disease isn’t from bacteria coming from air cooling units (Lol wtf I got this right ahaha

hahahahaha) - Pager disease = osteoSARCOMA ... the other options all have the word osteoid in them so very tricky.

Products of Glycolysis

Enamel lamellae hypo mineralized structure extends from the DEJ -> enamel

Calcifediol is hydroxylated by the kidneys to form calcitriol (1,25 hydroxycholecalciferol)

Vitamin D3 -liver-> 24,25 calcifediol -kidney-> 1,25 calcitriol

Intracellular pathogens Intra-Cricket! A Clam in His Cricket!!!Chlamydia, Ricketssia, Histoplasmosis

Parasympathetic by Vagus N

Sympathetic by Cervical & Thoracic Ganglia

Lining of blood vessels Endothelium

Lining of body cavities Mesothelium

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

- Allopurinol xanithine oxidase - Which isn’t affected by anterior pituitary = epipheseal plates - Difference between small and large intestine - Where will u find keratinhylain - What is keloid body made of - collagen? Random particles? - Cox diabetes- STABALIZATION OF TMJ = SUPER LATERAL PTERYOID - TMJ receives nutrition some synovial fluid- Innervation of ventral portion of tongue and floor of mouth- Testtlet: a guy got a denture and he comes in and he has significant pain on the anterior mandibular

ridge portion and half of the lower lip - what nerve is affected?? - Which structures are part of the sphenoid bone?

- ** the primary 1st mandibular and primary 2nd mandibular molar have what in common?- Central (or buccal?) and lingual grooves - Rhomboidal occlusal outline - 5 cusps - Forgot the last option

- PKU - Myoglobin - Know ADH vs Aldosterone well

- 4 questions- If BP is low- what fixes it and how- Which one increases permeability to water- Which one works through Na

- speech = frontal lobe

- umami = glutamate - Mandibular sling muscles - Simple questions on ALL the muscles of mastication- Know buccal artery & long buccal well - simple questions a bout it but just know them well cam up like

3-4 times

December 2019 RQ - Marley File

which is sensitivity to epithelium 1) 70% ethanol 2) chloroxidine a lot of question on bronchioles know where cartilage smooth music what cells are found in canaliculi? osteocytes what cells begin intramembraous ossification? mesenchymal stem cells the long bucal courses through the two heads of the lateral pterygoid

you pull out a molar and at the apex there’s pseudosteatified epithelium. where’s it from ? maxillary sinus.

pacers disease = osteosarcoma ... the other options were osteoid odteomme super tricky

múltiple drug resistance plasmids

gout caused by inability to breakdown purines

if u wanna open ur jaw to depestdt extent opening of the jaw - lateral pterygoif and masseter options

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