december 2017 kislev 5778 בשיו - december 2017 21st kislev 5778 ... rav...

Post on 17-Jun-2018






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9th December 201721st Kislev 5778


Hertz 141/152 Stone 198/1142

This week Shabbat begins 3.37 pm. Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat 3.45 pm.

Shabbat ends 4.46 pm. Next Shabbat begins 3.36 pm.

Service Times Shacharit Mincha Ma’ariv

Shabbat 9.15 am 3.35 pm 4.46 pm

Sunday 8.30 am 3.45 pm Follows Mincha

Monday 7.15 am 1.30 pm 7.30 pm

Tuesday 7.25 am 1.30 pm 7.30 pm

Wednesday Chanukah I 7.05 am 1.30 pm 7.30 pm

Thursday Chanukah II 7.05 am 1.30 pm 7.30 pm

Friday Chanukah III 7.05 am 3.45 pm Follows Mincha

Next Shabbat Chanukah IV 9.00 am 3.35 pm 4.46 pm

Dayan Ivan Binstock will give a chumash shiur before davening at 9.00 amYossi Fachler will lead the services

Jeremy Davidson will leinJoel Toledano will read the haftarah

Rabbi Yoni Golker will deliver the sermonAlex Toledano will sing anim zemirot

Dayan Dr Pinchas Toledano will speak over seudah shlishit


The congregation is invited to Kiddush in the Moritz Gertler Hall after the service which has been kindly sponsored by Daniel and Jan Toledano.

a TasTe of TorahThis shabbaT wiTh rebbeTzen Dina Golker

Kiddush at 10.00am in the Dora Freedman Hall followed by talk from 10.15am - 10.45am

Parsha Puzzle

How many brothers were persuaded by Judah to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites? Last week’s question: How old is Jacob when his father dies?Answer: 120Winners: Sam Vecht, Menachem Mendel Vogel, Lionel Kopelovitz, Stephen Goldwyn

bereaVemenT serVices

Contact Susan or 020 3441 9476

Thank you

to the Kiddush Rota and Security Team for this Shabbat.


“A lion has roared – who would not fear? My L-d G-d has spoken – who would not prophesy?”[Bible, Amos 3:8, the concluding verse of today’s haftarah]

on This Day

Rav Yitzchak Hutner died on 20 Kislev, 1981. Born in Warsaw in 1906, he became known as the ‘Warsaw illui’ (prodigy). He studied in Israel and for a time was a disciple of Rav Kook. He founded Yeshivat Chaim Berlin in America and developed a unique blend of Jewish philosophy and halacha. His works, Pachad Yitzchak, were edited for publication by his daughter, Rebbetzen Dr Bruria David, an outstanding rabbinical scholar in her own right.

in The eVenT of an emerGency

Please follow the instructions of the security officer in charge.

Stewards should wear yellow vests. Unless otherwise advised, the evacuation

point is at the American School(entrance opposite 3-5 Loudoun Road).

Children should be under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times in the

building.Our defibrillator can now be found adjacent

to the Shul noticeboard in the Foyer.

chilDren's & youTh serVices aT 10.45am

Toddlers: in the Bride's RoomChildren's Service: in the Dayan's OfficeBreakfast Club: in the Carter Club

weekly shiurim

Chumash Shiur with Dayan Binstock/Rabbi Golker, 15 minutes before Shabbat morning service‘Talmud Shiur’ with Alex Grunfeld follows Ma'ariv on Friday Night

Tuesday Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Fine at 10.30am

Wednesday Ladies Shiur at 10.30am in the Beth Hamedrash. 13th December special Chanukah session. Restarting 10th January 2018. Continuing with the Book of Job. All welcome.

For info contact

Fortnightly shiur led by Rabbi Faivish Vogel at the home of John Fenner at 10.00am.

For more information 020 7586 2282

suPer siDDur sleuTh

Where can you find a reference to ‘Seven Shepherds’ in the siddur? Last week’s question:If strong is to weak and wicked is to righteous, what is arrogant to?Answer: “Those who are engaged in the study of Torah.” The reference is to the Al Hanissim prayer for Chanukah. NS 93.Winners: Lionel Kopelowitz, Jacob Cohen, Daniel Goldwater, Stephen Goldwyn

We are delighted to welcome Dayan Dr Pinchas Toledano to our community this Shabbat. Dayan

Toledano was the Acting Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Community in London. Born in Morocco, he qualified as a rabbi aged 20. He gained a BA and Ph.D. from London University. Until

recently he was the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese community in Holland. He is the author of many volumes on Jewish law. Dayan Toledano will be speaking over Seudah Shlishit.


TheaTre club

Quiz. Noel Coward Theatre. Tues 5 June. 7.30pm. £45 Brief Encounter. Empire Cinema Haymarket. Wed 20 June. 7.30pm. £39.50The King and I. London Palladium. Thurs 2 Aug. 7pm. £42.50Details from Richard Mernane020 7289 9173

briDGe club

Duplicate Bridge: Mondays from 1.00 to 4.00pm.Donation £8 a session including tea.Director: Mike Eden.Contact: Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156

book club

For details contact Valerie Garston on 020 7435 7507.

keeP fiT for women - weekDays

with Stevie Sillers - 07836 784823

regular eventS

hebrew classes St John’s Wood Synagogue ChederReception - Year 6 & GCSE classSundays 9.45am – 12.45pmContact Rabbi Ronen Broder0794 108 7701 or


St John’s Wood Synagogue KindergartenDaily, from 2 years old.Monday to Thursday 8.45am-1.15pm or 3.00pmLunch now available 4 days a week! Friday 8.45am-12noonContact Estelle Brown 020 7286 3859

babes in The wooD

Every Friday at 10.30am. Join us for play, coffee & our fun Shabbat table! Jewish Eductional and Israeli songs with Elisheva Tatz and Einav, on alternative weeks. Contact Dina Golker at

laDies GuilD

14th December - Visit to ‘Charles II: Art & Power’ at 11.00am. Private talk. Members £25, guests £2810th January - Visit to 'Modigliani', 1.30pm. Private talk. Members £28, guests £3123rd January - Visit to 'Designs on Britain' at The Jewish Museum at 1.00pm. Private talk. Members £15, guests £18

Gentlemen welcome to all events Contact Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156

communal chanukah lunch - Tuesday 12th DecemberDrinks 12.30pm. Home cooked lunch 1.00pm. £7.00 for Synagogue members, £8.00 non-members.Please RSVP to: Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156 or Melody Salem on 020 7286 9810.helP aVailableIf you are housebound and would like a visitor or a regular phone call, if you need advice or information on local services and activities or if you would like a lift to the Shul’s Communal Lunches, please get in touch. Please contact Gillian or Melody.

forThcominG eVenTs

Shabbat 16th December Bar Mitzvah of Joshua BreckerGolden Wedding of Hazel & John Cosgrove

Friday 12th January Community Friday Night with Rabbi Lord & Lady Sacks. Booking open now!

Please join us on

Tuesday 12th December for our

Chanukah Party

12.45pm - Drinks12.50 - Children Singing

1.00pm - Home cooked lunch3.00pm - Menorah Candle Lighting

Donation: £7 Synagogue members

£8 non - Synagogue members

If you would like an additional £5 takeaway salt beef meal please call and let us know in advance.

Booking essential.Please RSVP to Melody 0203 214 3820 or

Gillian 0207 586 0156

Transport available if essentialfor members only.

We look forward to seeing you!

PEACE OF MIND 28Th January – 4Th february

St John’s Wood are welcoming a unit of 20 former IDF soldiers for a week’s programme of intensive therapy, and activities in our community. We are needing families to host two men for this week. The men can share a room. You will have breakfast every morning and dinner together on two evenings. And you will be part of a unique programme, with a communal dinner on Friday 2nd February. The men are 31 years old and speak English. It is a privilege and a mitzvah. For more details please contact :Andrew Loftus: or 07810 551351 or Anthony Goldstein: or 07801 753450

PleaSe SuPPort our luncHtime mincHa Service at St JoHn'S Wood

DAILY 1.30-1.45pm (Mon-Thurs)

Social & PerSonal

ThouGhT for The week by Dayan Ivan BinstockFULFILLING DREAMS

In 1995 the US Congress and Senate passed, overwhelmingly, the Jerusalem Embassy Act, mandating the relocation of the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. President Bill Clinton used his waiver authority to avoid implementing the Act. Yet the waiver was only valid for six months. Since that time, the waiver has been renewed periodically by Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama and by President Trump when he first came to office. The latest waiver was due to expire on Friday 8th December.In announcing on Wednesday, the relocation of his embassy, President Trump was, therefore, only reiterating what has been an unequivocal plank of US policy towards Israel for twenty-two years.It is fascinating to observe that a period of twenty-two years also separates a dream and the process of its realization in this week’s portion.Joseph, as a seventeen-year-old has his dreams of leadership that his brothers would bow down to him. Whilst his brothers are jealous and angry the Torah says “his father - shamar et hadavar - kept the matter in mind.” Rashi, explains “He was waiting and looking forward to when the realization would come about.”At aged thirty, Joseph is hauled from prison to successfully interpret Pharaoh’s dreams and become the Viceroy of Egypt. After seven years of plenty and two years of famine, Joseph’s brothers come down to Egypt and bow down to the Viceroy, twenty-two years after they had originally mocked him for his fantasies. The Talmud (Berachot 55b) observes that one can expect to wait for as much as twenty-two years for the fulfilment of a good dream.Yet in the brothers’ initial response to Joseph there lies an important message that is vital to appreciate in the present climate in the Middle East. When Joseph tells his brothers that he dreamed that their sheaves of wheat would bow down to his, they said: “Would you then reign over us? Would you then rule over us?”The double expression refers to two kinds of authority: consensus and tyranny. The brothers say rhetorically to Joseph did he think that they would accept his leadership voluntarily or was he expecting to impose himself upon them by force.As welcome as the announcement of the relocation of the embassy is, it is crucial that efforts are redoubled to achieve a negotiated settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. Ultimately peace will only be achieved when both sides are prepared to live in harmony with one another. May that dream be fulfilled speedily in our time.

MAZEL TOVMazel tov to Beryl Slade on the birth of a great grandson in Jerusalem, first grandson to Moshe and Yocheved SladeMazel tov to Sidney Hauswirth and Patricia Hauswirth on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Max Gerbi this Shabbat at Hampstead Garden Suburb SynagogueMazel tov to Sheila Gewolb on her 70th BirthdayCONDOLENCESChaim aruchim, long life to Mrs Jeanette Owide, Mr Daniel Owide and Ms Juliette Owide on the passing of their husband and father, Oscar Owide.

CONSECRATIONS21/01/2018 Late Dr Louis Freedman 12.00 noon Bushey Cemetery28/01/2018 Late Anne Freeman 9.30 am Bushey Cemetery

NEXT SHABBAT Next Friday, 15th December, we will be kindling the Chanukah lights in shul at 3.36 pm, followed by Mincha at 3.45 pm. Chanukah lights are kindled before Shabbat lights, at least one Chanukah

candle needs to be long enough to last till about 5.15 pm

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