december 2012 crossroads

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December 2012 issue of the Calvary Crossroads



Page 2 - Calvary Crossroads

OUR MISSION & VISION: To boldly proclaim the life-changing love of Jesus Christ through joyful worship, faithful service, and continuous learning.


From the Pastor’s Study 3

Congregation News 4

Mission and Outreach 5

NALC News 6-7

Recent Events 8

Family Ministry 9

Youth Ministry 10

Ministry Opportunities 12

Serving at Worship 13

Calendar 14

Birthdays & Anniversaries 15

From the Church Office 11

Sat 1 FIRM Deck the Halls; Worship at 5 pm; Name Tag Weekend; Third World Shoppe

Sun 2 Worship at 9 am; Christian Ed. at 10:30 am; Name Tag Weekend; Third World Shoppe; FIRM Fun Night

Wed 5 Midweek Advent Worship at 7 pm (Mary)

Sat 8 Live Nativity Set-up; Worship

Sun 9 Live Nativity; Worship; Christian Ed. at 10:30 am

Mon 10 Serenity Inn Meal Program Tue 11 Deacon Meeting Wed 12 Council Reports Due; Midweek

Advent Worship at 7 pm (Joseph)

Thu 13 Membership Orientation Sat 15 All YOUth Caroling for Cans;

Worship at 5 pm

Sun 16 Food Sunday; Bridge; Revolve Mon 17 Connect Tue 18 Crossroads Deadline;

Congregation Council Wed 19 Midweek Advent Worship at 7

pm (Zechariah) Sat 22 Worship at 5 pm

Sun 23 Worship at 9 am; Christmas Eve program rehearsal from 10:30 am - noon

Mon 24 Christmas Eve; Family Worship at 4 pm, Lessons & Carols at 7 pm; Candlelight Communion at 11 pm

Tue 25 Christmas Day; Worship at 10 am

Wed 26 Church office closed Thu 27 Crossroads Assembly Sat 29 No Saturday Worship

Sun 30 Worship at 9 am (no Christian Ed.) Mon 31 New Years Eve; Church office

closed at noon

(The church office will be closed on Jan. 1-2)

December Calendar Highlights Check the church calendar for complete listings.

Caroling, caroling7

All members of Calvary (all ages!) are invited to join our choirs as they go caroling to Manor Care and New Perspectives on December 22nd at 10 am. The music of Christmas, brought to the residents of these facilities by Calvary carolers brings welcome joy during this season.

Please plan on joining us!

December 2012 - Page 3


Pr. Dennis M. Roser

Dear Friends,

Sunday, Nov. 18th, was a glorious day – as we installed Angie Schatz, our coworker in the Gospel, as our Director for Youth and Family

Ministries. A recap of the day: Jenny Brostowitz sang a special selection during the Divine Service; we enjoyed a cake which read: “Angie, God bless your ministry!”; during the social hour, the children began their program with “God is good, All the Time . . .”; Elise Baumgartner led the children and youth members in singing “Be Still and Know that I am God.”; Our youth members presented Angie with a wonderful voucher booklet for sessions of free babysitting.

Angie does a fantastic job in nurturing the discipleship of our children, teens, and families – and so it was a joy for us to celebrate her appointment. Please remember her ministry regularly in your prayers. Our young people are not simply the future of the church – they are the present – and so are you. God has called us through our baptism into Christ Jesus for such a time of joy and renewal as this.

Small Group Study for Lent & Eastertide

One of the areas of our common work that brings much learning, Christian fellowship, and mutual care is our small group ministry. As we look for ways to strengthen and expand this critical area of our life together, I invite us to take 5 months (or sessions) of our study time, in order to study the same resource. Our present small group ministry was launched around a church-wide emphasis in which all groups were studying the same book, and the theme of the book was supported in sermons and Sunday School classes. This method served us very well, and we might find it renewing to do a similar thing each year. For this year’s emphasis (2013), I am proposing Martin Luther’s Large Catechism. Since this catechism covers the five chief areas of Christian doctrine, it makes sense for us to focus on this study for five sessions of small group meetings. I am suggesting that we utilize the monthly meetings of February through June to study

the catechism. Please know that this is only a request of our groups, and so groups are welcome to participate or to opt out of the study. While there is much to be gained by syncing up our small groups once per year, it is not appropriate or edifying for us to force topics upon our groups. I will be preaching on Luther’s five themes during the Divine Services throughout the five Sundays of Lent. The edition of the catechism that we will be using can be located online at:'s%20Large%20Catechism%20with%20Study%20Questions. We will be taking orders for the books in the coming weeks. We are also hoping that this will be an opportunity to begin some new small groups, as well. If you are not currently a part of a small group, and would like to join a group or start a group, please call or email me.

Worship Notes, part 3

Hymn of Praise: These hymns are expressions of doxology (doxa = glory), in which we bend the knee to the Almighty God and sing of His eternal glory. This act of worship makes it very clear that the Father and Son and Holy Spirit is always the subject and object of our Christian faith and devotion.

Salutation: This is more than a greeting. In this dialog, the pastor blesses the people. Acknowledging that this blessing is not from the man, but administered through the pastoral office, the congregation responds: “and with your Spirit.” Why is it that we have reverted back to this, over the previous change to: “and also with you”? – because the text of the Divine Service did not say the latter. Luther, when he translated the Latin Mass into German, was looking at the words, “Et cum spiritu tuo.” The phrase, “and also with you” may sound more friendly, but you will notice that “spiritu” (spirit) is absent in that rendering. We have returned to the traditional salutation in order to accent the blessing that is being given. The words spoken in our services matter – because through God’s Word, spoken in the reading of lessons, prayers, hymns, and preaching (and also visible in the Lord’s Supper), God imparts to us the gifts that He delights in giving through His Son Jesus.

In Christ Jesus,


Prayers Please check the weekly announcement bulletin for those people needing our urgent prayers. If you have any prayer requests, please call or email the church office. Please also continue to pray for the following Calvary family and friends:

Shut-Ins: Donna Polizzi, Betty Schraith, Paul & Marj Skarie, Greg Fleckenstein, Lorraine Zembinski, Mickey Rash, Bill Rash Jr. (son of Mickey Rash).

Ongoing prayer concerns: Jim Schultz; Lowell Sonderman; John Rupnick; Donna Trethewey; Dean Elske (father of Kim Steiner); Dorothy Kealey (mother of Sue Rowe); Betty Meyer (mother of Brad Meyer); Richard Weltcheff (brother of Donna Schroeder); Dyana Solheim (former member of Calvary); Chris Clemens (father of Jessie Brovold); Marlin Mager (cousin of Jo Osowski); Ruth Zarse (friend of Jeanette Ketelsen).

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It’s About Our Family


We extend sincere Christian sympathies to Jean Anderson & family on the passing of Don Anderson on October 26.

New Members

We welcome these new members into the family of Calvary, received this past month:

Thank you Calvary...

From Lutheran Bible Translators: The year 2012 is coming to an end and I want to take a moment to thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. As we move into 2012, pray that God will enable me to lead LIBRALO [Liberia Translation and Literacy Organization] and the 16 language associations to move forward in their goal of reaching Liberians with God’s Word in their mother tongues. The challenges are many so your prayers are very important. In God’s Love Care, Alvina Federwitz.

Prayer Corner God with Us

St. Patrick’s response to God’s constant Presence was in the words of this prayer:

Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me,

Christ before me,

Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and

restore me,

Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ

in danger,

Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of

friend and stranger.

Let us keep these words nearby in the coming seasons, bringing them to mind each time we hear the words “Immanuel” or “God with us”, each time we open a Christmas card and see the image of the baby Jesus, each time we are acutely aware of God’s Presence.

In the seasons of Advent and Christmas, we are blessed with a renewal of the joy of hearing the story of Christ’s birth both in prophecy and reality.

We read in Isaiah 7:14: Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

And Matthew 1:23 echoes Isaiah: Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

We do not understand why God would choose to come into this world to save such a wretched bunch of sinners as ourselves. We can only wonder at the fact that He did so, and thank and praise Him for such wondrous love!

In Psalm 139:17-18, after thanking God for creating him and knowing him intimately, David says,

“How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God!

They are innumerable!

I can’t even count them;

They outnumber the grains of sand!

And when I wake up in the morning,

You are still with me!” (NLT)

Bette Forbes 18280 St. James Road Brookfield, WI 53005 (262) 781-8699

Gloria Strei 18280 St. James Road Brookfield, WI 53005 (262) 781-8699

Dean & Diane Schmelzer 19825 Tralee Court Brookfield, WI 53045 (262)786-1221

December 2012 - Page 5

Mission & Outreach MISSION & OUTREACH

December Mission of the Month Seminary Fund Calvary’s Mission of the Month for December goes toward educational support for seminarians in the North American Lutheran Church.

On the weekend of December 8th & 9th Pastor David Wendell, Assistant to the Bishop, will be at Calvary and will share more information about the NALC’s vision for future seminarians. Pastor Wendell will also answer any questions Calvary members may have about how our educational support money is used.

Part of the money from this fund also goes to support Calvary youth who attend Lutheran colleges or are studying in a field directly related to the church.

Your financial contributions to Calvary’s Mission of the Month during December go to support the future of our church through education and training. Use your weekly offering envelopes or a white pew envelope to contribute and note “Mission of the Month” on your check and/or envelope.

Missionary Suffers Losses in Robbery

Pastor Didi Panzo, a NALC pastor serving as a missionary in Ecuador, recently suffered the loss of ministry equipment and his family’s rent money in a car robbery. Among the equipment lost was a laptop computer and projector. The robbery happened when they were in a grocery store. Ecuador has a very high rate of crime. If you would like help restore some of the losses suffered by Pastor Panzo and family, you may send a gift to:

World Mission Prayer League 232 Clifton Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55403

Thank you to everyone who contributed to Calvary’s Cupboard last month. Items collected are taken to

the Waukesha Food Pantry. The next Food Sunday is Cleaning Products Sunday, with collection

December 15th and 16th, 2012. Recommended items include dish or laundry detergent, scouring

pads and powder, Pine Sol, Lysol, Windex, and toilet bowl cleaner. Other items of need are canned

meats, baby food, soups, pasta, and cereals. If you prefer to make a monetary contribution, please

mark your envelope or check with the notation “Food Pantry”.

Military Service Tasha Olson

Tasha Olson, granddaughter of Calvary members Wayne & Ardath Olson, is currently serving as a member of the Ceremonial Guard in the US Navy. Tasha’s duties as a part of this prestigious assignment include meeting dignitaries, providing funeral honors to past and present Navy service members, and providing ceremonial support to the President - often traveling around the country. Tasha’s specific assignment within the guard is that she has the honor of carrying the American Flag.

Because of her service in the Navy, Tasha is able to get her college degree. But these accomplishments, though

impressive for a 23 year old, are just a glimmer of what makes her grandma & grandpa proud. Grandpa Wayne proudly boasts that while serving in the Navy, in her spare time Tasha leads Bible study groups with her fellow Navy officers. She is not ashamed to share her Christian faith and the message of the Gospel! Tasha Olson, we salute you!

If you have a relative serving in the armed forces and would

like to share his/her story, contact the Crossroads editor.

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Word and Sacrament Ministry Matters, by Pastor David Wendel

Reprinted from the November issue of the NALC News

A few years ago, a pastor visiting in worship at my congregation in Colorado Springs asked me, “Do you have weekly communion?” To which I answered, “Yes, every Sunday, every service. Doesn’t your congregation?” His response was “No.” “Why not?” I asked. “Because no one ever

asked for it,” was his reply.

In this month of November — when we begin with the Festival of All Saints and end with Christ the King Sunday — it seems appropriate to consider our celebration of the “foretaste of the feast to come.” And this is appropriate because on these two liturgical festivals, our minds are drawn to consider the marriage feast of the Lamb and our

participation in it. Both liturgical days are “eschatological” celebrations when we consider the “already, but not yet” character of our lives in the Church. We are already participants in the heavenly banquet where Christ is both Bridegroom of the Church and Host of that heavenly banquet.

Though we have been invited and welcomed to that feast through Holy Baptism, we celebrate it now, not around the throne of God in the New Jerusalem, but still at our earthly altars where we yet live and move and have our being. We are already participants in the heavenly banquet — though we eat and drink here. It is for this reason that Christians have, since the very beginning, worshiped in services offering both Word and Sacrament — preaching and the Lord’s Supper each and every Sunday — as we hunger and thirst for the incarnate presence of Jesus Christ. We anticipate His coming again in power and glory as we gather around Him in our midst as the Word is proclaimed and His Body and Blood are broken and poured out for us — each and every week!

In this way, every Sunday, and in some congregations during the week, the faithful may come and receive God in the flesh, in the Word, received aurally — through the ears — but also in the bread and wine that become Christ’s Body and Blood in the Lord’s Supper, which they receive through touch and taste and swallowing and digestion.

Many believe this is why Jesus says in John 6, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you … for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me and I in them.”

Jesus intends that in His supper, His flesh and blood will be true food and true drink which bring His life, His very presence into us. Now, far from having to experience Jesus in some supernatural, ethereal way through our own spiritual sensitivity or skill, He comes to us through the earthly elements of the Lord’s Supper.

Now, leaving the altar, you will know — know that Jesus lives in you, literally, in your mind and thoughts, but as well, in your stomach, your blood and each and every cell of your body! Because Jesus incarnates Himself in the Lord’s Supper, when we

struggle and suffer in life, when we feel abandoned, when we doubt and fear and believe Jesus has left us alone and lonely, His sure and certain presence in Word and Sacrament promise us and assure us that He is here, and not just here, but with us and in us — His life in you and you in Him.

And this we Lutherans affirm and offer more than any other Christian tradition! Most Christians — even other sacramental Christians — often don’t understand and don’t proclaim Christ’s real presence in the means of grace as Lutherans have learned it in Luther’s Small Catechism. Rather, they talk in abstract terms about God who is always with us, somewhere — if only you feel Him in your heart, if only you sense Him with you, if only you are open to Him. For Lutherans, there is no ESP or extraspiritual perception needed. God in Jesus Christ comes to you and feeds you with His presence, literally, physically, in Word and Sacrament.

As our chief Lutheran confessional document, the Augsburg Confession, Article XXIV, states, “the Mass is retained among us and is celebrated with the greatest reverence. The people are instructed more regularly and with the greatest diligence concerning the holy sacrament, to what purpose it was instituted and how it is to be used, namely as a comfort to terrified consciences.”

Similarly, in the Apology (or Defense) of the Augsburg Confession, it is asserted, “we do not abolish the Mass but religiously retain and defend it. Among us the Mass is celebrated every Lord’s day and on other festivals, when the sacrament is made available to those who wish to partake of it…” Melanchthon adds, for good measure, “we also keep traditional liturgical forms, the order of readings, prayers, vestments, and other similar things.”

(Continued on page 7)

December 2012 - Page 7

BIO: The Rev. Dr. David M. Wendel, STS, was born and raised in Columbus, Indiana, graduating from Columbus High School in 1977. His home congregation is First Lutheran Church, Columbus, Indiana. He graduated from Indiana University, Bloomington IN with a bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication. He is a 1981 graduate of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, having served his internship at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Los Alamos, N.M. He earned a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching degree from the Association of Chicago Theological Schools in 2001. He served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hobbs, N.M. from 1981-1986 before being called to Saint Luke’s Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs in 1986. After serving as pastor of Saint Luke’s for 25 years, he was called to serve as Assistant to NALC Bishop John Bradosky, relocating to

Columbus, OH in January, 2012. As Assistant to the Bishop, Pastor Wendel assists congregations and pastors in the call process, serves as the ecumenical officer of the denomination, assists the bishop as needed, and serves as the staff liaison for the NALC Theological Education Task Force. Pastor Wendel is also a member of the Society of the Holy Trinity (STS), an order of Lutheran clergy and dean of the Sangre de Cristo chapter of the society.

Pastor Wendel and his wife, Susan Riches, have two adult children, Christopher of Greenwood, Indiana, and Rebekah of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and two grandsons, Seth David and Asher.

Pastor Wendel at Calvary—December 8 & 9


Pastor David Wendel will be preaching at Calvary on Saturday, December 8th and Sunday, December 9th. He will also be

speaking during the Christian Education time about seminary activities being explored by the NALC.

Word and Sacrament continued

Some Lutherans used to think that the full service — both Word and Sacrament — shouldn’t be celebrated every Sunday because it was less special. In recent years we’ve been told that young people, the unchurched and seekers don’t connect with or understand the Lord’s Supper, so, for the sake of mission, if offered at all, it should be offered apart from the chief Sunday service.

As Lutherans, we trust the tradition that’s been passed on to us that indeed, the full Sunday liturgy of Word and Sacrament feeds us with daily bread to nourish us with Christ’s presence, to give to us, through His presence, forgiveness, life and salvation — courage for daily living, and the assurance of God’s love, grace and mercy, day by day. And far from young people and seekers being put off by mystery — what we are finding today is that they are drawn to mystery — that the mystery of Christ incarnate among us will actually draw people to Him, and to an incarnational church that celebrates His presence in Word and Sacrament.

(Continued from page 6) As we celebrate the month that comes between the Festival of All Saints and Christ the King Sunday, let us hunger and thirst for the Word made flesh, Jesus, in Word and Sacrament. Let us commit ourselves to being the Lutheran Church that has weekly Word and Sacrament as the norm. And if your pastor isn’t offering both the Word and the Lord’s Supper every Sunday — ask for it!

You can read more articles by Pastor Wendel in NALC

newsletters online:

NALC website:

Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Mission District website:

Page 8 - Calvary Crossroads

Youth Bakery Sale Reception following Installation of Angie Schatz

Installation of Angie Schatz, Dir. of Youth & Family Ministry

Celebration Ringers

Guest Musician, Dante Citraro


Confirmation 2012

Consecration Brunch

Consecration Brunch

December 2012 - Page 9


Deck the Halls Saturday, December 1 from 9:00 am to Noon

Everyone is welcome to join in the fun of Decking the Halls of Calvary! We will be putting up the Christmas tree, decorating the sanctuary and fellowship hall, and preparing the alter for the manger scene. Only have an hour? That’s fine! Come when you can, leave when you need to! There will be jobs for helpers of all ages and stages! Please sign up in the Narthex if you are planning to join us. Merry Christmas!!!

FIRM Family Night – Play and Pray Together Sunday, December 2 from 6:00 – 7:00pm

We will be having FIRM Family Night on the first Sunday of each month from 6-7pm. During this hour, families will have time to both pray and play together! Pastor Roser will spend time sharing some awesome resources and fun ways to worship in your home on a daily basis. Angie will be leading the group in some spiritual and silly games and activities.

No need to get a sitter, all ages are welcome. As we know this is a school night, we will be keeping strict to the one hour time slot. We hope to see you there!

Ministry of Mothers (aka. MOM) Thursday, December 6

Do you have young kids? Are your kids in college? Do your kids have kids? Mothers of all ages and seasons are invited and welcome!!! MOM meets monthly, on the first Thursday of the month.

The group meets in the media room at church from 6:30 to 8:00pm. In November we are starting a new study entitled, “Sacred Parenting.” In this 6-session video group study, we will learn how God can transform lessons in raising children into opportunities to grow in the image of Christ. It will help us look at parenting from a different perspective: as a method of spiritual formation expressly designed by God to shape your soul in ways you cannot imagine. So, leave the kids at home and take some time to relax, refuel, and reenergize yourself!

For more information or questions, contact Megan Sayas or Angie Schatz.

Christian Education - Christmas Eve Family Worship Service This year’s worship will take place on Monday, December 24 at 4 pm. We again want to make this worship service truly a “family” worship, and we’re inviting children, youth AND parents to take leadership roles as we celebrate Christ’s birth. Our service this year will, of course, be the story of Jesus’ birth, and our program is entitled A Shepherd’s Christmas.

To help prepare for this worship, there are a few things I ask of you. First, if you know your family plans to attend this service (Dec 24, 4 pm) and would like to take part in the service, please sign-up on the forms posted outside of your child’s Sunday School room by December 9. Second, please make note of the following rehearsal schedule:

• Children will rehearse each week during a portion of the education hour during December.

• There will be extended rehearsal during education hour on December 23 from 10:30 to Noon. We will also be fitting all participants for costumes during this time.

• Family Worship, Monday, December 24 at 4:00pm. Please arrive at Calvary at 3:30 pm to dress and warm

up for worship.

If your child will not be in attendance for the Family Worship Service, please note: They should still attend Sunday School during December! We will be using the education hour for learning the Christmas story in word, song, and action. This is our December curriculum, we ask for your support in teaching your children the true meaning of Christmas.

Please also note there will not be Christian Education on December 30.

F.I.R.M. Families In Real Ministry (FIRM) is a group open to the entire congregation, friends, neighbors, and the

community. This group has events and activities centered around growing the faith of your family through service

projects, games, education, and more! Mark your calendar and STAND FIRM with these great upcoming

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Connect & Revolve (Grades 6-12)

Winter Retreat: January 25-27, 2012 Middle School & High School Winter Retreat at Pine Lake Camp!

We will head north on Friday, January 25, spend Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday morning at Pine Lake; and then return to Brookfield on Sunday, January 27 mid-afternoon. This event will include sledding, cross country skiing, and other winter activities, as well as devotions to help us grow closer to God and activities to help us grow in our relationships with each other.

The cost of the retreat, including lodging, registration, and meals Saturday (all day) and Sunday brunch is $70.00 per person. Additional costs will include dinner on Friday and snacks for the road up and back. Scholarships are available, and are kept strictly confidential. For more information, please talk to me personally.

Please note that friends are WELCOME and encouraged to attend!!! Feel free to contact me with any questions about this upcoming retreat. I’m excited to head up north for some frosty fun and time with our youth and our Father!


Hey YOUth – Monthly meetings

As each of our groups meets during a meal time, you are encouraged to bring $2.00 for a pizza meal, or feel free to “brown bag it.” We will enjoy tome catching-up time together as we share some of God’s many blessings! Friends are always welcome to join us too!

BRIDGE (3rd – 5th grade) Sunday, December 18 from 11:30 to 1:00 CONNECT (6th - 8th grade) Monday, December 17th from 5:30-7:00 pm.

REVOLVE (9th – 12th grade) Sunday, December 16 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm

ALL YOUTH - Caroling for Cans Saturday, December 15 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm.

Meet us at church for an afternoon of Christmas Caroling and Caring! We will be going door-to-door singing about the birth of our Lord and Savior, collecting non-perishable food items for the food pantry, and sharing information about our upcoming Christmas Worship Schedule. Remember to dress warm, as we will be outside most of the time. Parents, we will need a few drivers to help transport our group. Sign-up to come on the youth bulletin board!

Work Day (CONNECT AND REVOLVE) Friday, December 28 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Roll up your sleeves and come on over! We are having a service day to re-paint some classrooms in the Education Hallway. We are also going to set-up our new Youth Game Room! Lunch will be served, bring some music to share, and bring some friends too!

Hey YOUth! All of our youth events are open to ALL youth of that age! Feel free to invite friends, relatives, neighbors, grandkids, etc. More Kids = More Fun!!!

December 2012 - Page 11


Year-End Notes

questions in regard to this, please speak with the pastor. The goal is not numbers, but meaningful ministry for an individual and for us as a congregation.

• Please remember to notify the church office (in writing or by phone) with a change to your address/phone number/e-mail. Thank you.

• For those who generously contribute gifts of stock to Calvary, please note that our stockbroker of choice has changed. The preferred stock account to which to transfer shares is:

Stiffel Nicolaus 18000 West Sarah Lane #180 Brookfield, WI 53045 Acct #5264-2483 Broker #: BK20 DTC#: 0793

You may, of course, transfer stock to Calvary’s accounts at other brokers, such as Robert Baird and Smith Barney. If you have any questions, please contact Kris.

Again, we thank you for your financial contributions in support of our mission and ministries at Calvary Lutheran Church.

• The church office will be closed at noon on Monday, December 24. In addition, the office will be closed on Wednesday, December 26. December 27-28 (Thursday-Friday), office hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

• As we approach the end of 2012, we ask you to please look carefully and prayerfully at your financial giving for this year.

• 2013 Offering Envelopes will be mailed directly to your homes mid-December. Please watch the mail for this delivery.

• The financial books close on Monday, December 31. To ensure proper credit for 2012 tax purposes, please have your contributions in the church office by the 31st . Contributions received after the 31st will not be credited to your 2012 giving. Thank you for your continued support of the many ministries of Calvary.

• By the constitution we are required to maintain an active membership roll. Membership at Calvary is indicated by participating in its ministry in worship, communing, and giving in time, talent, and money. By the time of the Annual Meeting, the membership will be reviewed. During the stewardship activity in November, people had an opportunity to renew their membership and commitment to Calvary. If you should have any


Year-to-Date Annual

This Month Year to Date Budget Budget


Offerings Received $27,598.18 $319,405.58 $349,000.00 $494,500.00

Other Income $30.00 $920.00 $0.00 $0.00

Total Income $27,628.18 $320,325.58 $349,000.00 $494,500.00

Expenses: $28,128.74 $338,984.62 $402,832.16 $494,500.00

Operating Fund Net Income / (Loss)

($500.56) ($18,659.04) ($53,832.16) $0.00


Deposits Received-Building Fund

$747.00 $37,374.50

Building Fund Balance $32,229.08

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Jay Citraro 262-783-5427 Rich Bloomberg 262-784-0911 Larry Bonier 262-784-1827 Ron Foster 262-782-3222 Chuck Giuliani 262-786-4367 Gordon Gunnlaugsson 262-369-3910 Nick Huettl 608-712-0207 Audrey McGarvie 262-439-8898 Brad Meyer 262-352-6780 Tom Schramek 262-790-0162 Mary Ellen Thiede 262-797-8429 Sue Vollmar 262-780-5015


RoJean Holler 262-780-6250 Bill Jordan 262-786-2829 Judy Kestly 262-782-5286 Peggy Langelin 262-792-9335 Scott Langelin 262-792-9335 Leah Morris 262-337-2141 Kim Nyka 262-349-2442 Jonni Roush 262-783-5361 Barb Snyder 262-782-6929 Lee Tyne 262-293-3128 Erik Zipp 414-530-9461


Rev. Dennis Roser (Senior Pastor)

Holly Novotny (Office Manager)

Kris Molitor (Financial Secretary)

Kim Steiner (Dir. of Communications)

Angie Schatz (Dir. Of Youth & Family Ministry)


Council: � Deacons: � Personnel:

CAST (Caring and Serving Teams)

So many Calvary members have responded to the opportunity to serve as part of the CAST ministry teams! Thank you!

We will officially spring into action in January 2013. If you have joined a servant team, you’ll be hearing from your team’s coordinator a couple of weeks before the month you’ll serve. If you had intended to sign up to help, but it slipped your mind, fear not! There is always room for more volunteers! Please contact Grace Gunnlaugsson (262-369-3910 or and she’ll help you find a way to serve.

All Calvary members should be aware that these servant teams will provide short-term help with meals or transportation when you’re healing from an illness. The “quick fix” team is also available to do minor household fix-it projects, such as changing batteries in smoke alarms, changing light bulbs you can’t reach, repairing minor electrical issues, replacing a door knob, etc., if you are unable to do these things yourself. Just a quick call to the church office (262-786-4010) or a word to Pastor Roser when he visits will bring the help you need.


Calvary Lutheran Church


Continuous tours from 3:30-5:30 pm All are invited! Open to the public.

• Walk through journey • Costumed cast with hand painted

scenery • Story told through narratives and

both traditional & contemporary Christmas music

• Live animals • Completely indoors • Handicap/wheelchair accessible • Free admission, free parking, free


Spread the word about Calvary’s Live Nativity! Flyers are available in the church narthex—feel free to take as many

as you are able to pass out! Invite relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of

your Christmas preparations & shopping and come experience the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS!

December 2012 - Page 13





ember 1/2


e Tag Weekend;

Third World Shoppe


ember 8/9

Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a

Live Nativity - 3:30 to

5:30 p m


ember 15/16

Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a

Food Sunday


ember 22/23

Sat. 5p; Sun.-



ember 24


ily - 4pm

Lessons & Carols - 7 pm

Candlelight - 11 pm




10 am


ember 30




m Kershek, L




iel B




el And


Mary Bau




Emma Le



di Rian, Lau



[4 pm] A

dam Kershek,


iel B


r; [7



di Rian, Emma


ard; [1

1 pm

] Mary




r, Lau










iel B












ll, Tyne



sner, A



ng, K



sner, A

ltmin, You









ng, K






Lee Tyne

Rich Bloom


Kevin W



n Roser

[7 pm] L

arry Bon


[11 pm

] Rich Bloom



n Roser











sner, F



el, R



erson, Cox,



o, M





, Olson



gsson, Sayas

Grospitz, R


y Herman

n, Run


Hirth, Row





n & Schroed







t Elliott

Rich Bloom


Kevin W



cy M


[7 pm] Jon


[11 pm

] Chu

ck Lukasik










e Citraro

Kevin W



i Rou



gy Lan



Tina Bau



r Erica Zipp

Kim Nyka









Bill & Jan

e Krause;


rge & Carol




ck & Jan


Brad Meyer, B



Mary Ellen & Tom


e, Erik Zipp, Jim











Page 14 - Calvary Crossroads



December 2012 - Page 15



Muth, Gabriele 1 Rose, Shelby 2 Pape, Kyle 3 Foley, John 5 Long, Robert 5 Richter, Holly 5 Anderson, Nicole 6 Knuth, Ashley 8 Swalheim, Chad 8 Giuliani, Timothy 9 Maus, Aaron 9 Miller, Susan 10


Otten, Janet 10 Schuelke, Nadine 11 Kalupa, Amanda 15 Kretschmann, Brian 15 Smith, Robert 15 Chesner, Ray 17 Jenke, Noel 17 Treutelaar, Patricia 18 Geise, Eyvonne 20 Holman, Ronald 20 Rooney, Carol 20 Johnsrud, Monica 21


Treadwell, Richard 22 Grey, John 23 Anderson, Lynnette 24 Anderson, Michael 24 Clappier, Kari 26 Otten, Emily 26 Kramer, Jene' 27 Norderhaug, Kirsten 27 Hanke, Gabrielle 29 Doepke Warnes, Annaliese 30 Klade, Judith 31 Schulz, Sallie 31

DEC. ANNIVERSARIES: (Date # of Years)

Juno, Elton and Joanne 4 26 Schuelke, Nadine and Donald 13 60 Youngquist, Theodore and Marion 20 67 Holman, Ronald and Jean 26 59

(Date # of Years)

Duckett, Michael and Jill 27 24 Trethewey, Jack and Donna 27 63 Nowicki, Nicole and Jeremy 28 2 Treadwell, Richard and Carol 29 39

Birthdays & Anniversaries

The Calvary Crossroads is published monthly. All news articles should be submitted to the church office by the deadline listed on the church calendar. Electronic submissions are preferred (email: If you received this issue via email only and would

like to receive a printed copy in the mail, please contact the Calvary church office. Printed copies are available at church also.


CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH 1750 North Calhoun Road Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005

December 2012 Calvary Crossroads

1750 N. Calhoun Rd., Brookfield, WI 53005 � Phone: 262-786-4010 � E-mail: �

REGULAR WEEKEND WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturdays: 5:00 pm ���� Sundays: 9:00 am ���� Christian Ed.: 10:30 am

WEDNESDAYS IN ADVENT: 7 pm December 5th — “Mary”

December 12th — “Joseph”

December 19th — “Zechariah”

CHRISTMAS EVE December 24th at 4 pm—Family Worship with Holy Communion

December 24th at 7 pm—Lessons & Carols with Holy Communion

December 24th at 11 pm—Candlelight Communion Worship

CHRISTMAS DAY December 25th at 10 am—Christmas Day Worship with Holy Communion

(No Christian Ed.)

LAST WEEKEND IN DECEMBER December 30th at 9am—Regular Communion Worship (No Christian Ed.)


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