december 11th - sts joseph & paul catholic church · 12/8/2019  · joseph and paul catholic...

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December 8, 2019 The Second Sunday of Advent

Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church

609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303

You are invited to Celebrate

Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 11th

Mañanitas at Midnight

December 12th

Mass at 7pm

Meal and Celebration following 

December 8, 2019 2nd Sunday of Advent

Baptismal Prep Prepare yourself for your child’s baptism by coming to Baptism Prepara-tion. The next Baptism Prep will be December 15 at 3:30pm in the Parish Office. Please call the Parish Office to register or for more information. Declarations of Invalidity (Annulments) Do you have questions about annulments? Are you divorced and not sure whether you need an an-nulment? Let Sts. Joseph and Paul help explain and assist you in the annulment process. Please call the church office 270-683-5641. JOY Bible Study for ages 55+ We will meet Thursdays, December 5th at 9am/PH

Knights of Columbus Meeting Sunday, December 22 at 5pm in the Fr. Tucker Center.

Confirmation Prep 2020 December 8th/3pm/Advent Prayer Service

Faith Formation Classes are held on Wednesday evening at 6pm in the Parish Hall. Con-tact Laura Shoulders at the office or email her for more information

RCIA Journey of Faith ALL ARE WELCOME...The program that we'll be using for RCIA this year is called Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, by Dr. Edward Sri and the Augustine Institute. It is a highly-acclaimed video series with supportive materials that allow for the RCIA experience to be one similar to that of a small faith sharing group. Join us on Monday evenings in the Parish Hall from 6:30-8pm as we fall madly in love with the beauty that is Catholi-cism. For more information, please contact Laura Shoulders:

Teen Small Group Meets on Friday evenings. We will go to mass at 5:30pm, then meet in Youth House after mass for snacks and Time with Jesus! We will pray/snack/talk until 7:30, but times are flexible. Feel free to come and grow with us! We will plan meeting every Friday throughout the school year. For more information, contact Anne Webb at (270) 903-2492.

Young At Heart Christmas Potluck & Dirty Santa All parishioners age 55 or older are invited to join us for our Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 19 at 11:30am in the Parish Hall. The parish will provide ham and rolls, please bring a potluck dish or dessert to share. We will also be playing Dirty Santa, please bring a $5-$10 gift for dirty Santa.


by December 16

Pickup on Monday, December 23rd from 9am-11am @ Parish Hall

Name Phone # BBQ Whole Sliced Hams $40/ea_________ BBQ Half Sliced Hams $25/ea BBQ Pulled Pork $8/lb Bone in Turkey Breast $25/ea $ Total Paid:

Proceeds go to new hand rails for church.

GIVE Weekly Giving 11/24/19 Sunday Giving $13,086.19 November Online Giving $ 7,680.20 12/1/19 Sunday Giving $17,450.93 12/1/19 Electronic Giving $ 3,550.00 Weekly Sunday Collection Budget 2019-20 $ 17,739.96 Sunday Collection Year-to-Date $417,199.78 Budget Year to Date 22 of 52 Sundays $390,279.12 *Over/Under YTD Budget $ 26.920.66

“A voice of one crying out in the desert,

‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’”

Matthew quotes the passage above from the prophet Isaiah to describe John the Baptist. He was aware that the land to the east of the River Jordan where John lived a simple

life; preached a powerful message; and hid from Jewish lead-ers and Roman conquerors, was quite barren and harsh. It was an area of inert minerals long before it was exposed by earthquakes and eroded by the waters that became the Jor-dan River as it empties into the Dead Sea. John sacrificed much, risked all and was eventually martyred for being “A voice of one crying out in the desert . . .” He called people to acknowledge their sins, repent and be baptized with water. Despite all that he knew, he had the humility to proclaim, “the one who is coming after me is mightier than I.” John came before Jesus but he was one of the greatest imitators of Je-sus. We have the example of John, Mary, the Apostles, and two thousand years of people who are models of faithful imi-tators of Jesus. Are we learning from them? Advent is a time to grow in our efforts to be like Jesus.

Job Openings Music Minister Minister of Music for vibrant, welcoming and family-oriented commu-nity that takes great pride in music and liturgies. Require-ments: Advanced level training in music required; skilled pianist, organ-ist, and vocalist; strong knowledge of computers. Responsibili-ties: Select, provide and lead music, for weekend Masses, and other services including funerals and weddings; recruit and train cantors and choir members; design and print worship aids for all liturgies. Compen-sation is based on skills, liturgical experience and training. Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Sts. Joseph and Paul Parish in Owensboro, KY is seeking a Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry. Candidate must be a practicing Catholic, possess a deep sense of mission work and evangelization in the Church with immigrants of first and second generation, and experience in attending to the pastoral and social needs of Hispanics in Daviess County and two neighboring counties. Sts. Joseph and Paul serves a diverse population of Hispanics from Central and South America. This position is consid-ered full time at 24 hours per week with benefits. We require future candidates to be fully bilingual in English and Spanish and possess a bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent ministry experience. Please contact: Ashley Wilkerson at (270) 683-5641 or for a full job description. Please send, cover letter, resume, and three letters of reference to email above.

John the Baptist is a character in Sacred Scripture that intentionally comes our way each Advent. He stands as that prophetic wit-ness announcing the good news of the com-ing of Jesus Christ. Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths is the simple proclamation that John the Baptist offers. Yet, if we examine closely the role of John the

Baptist in the context of Sacred Scripture we know that what he says is radical to the people of Jesus’ time. John is the last of the great prophets. As the last prophet, we know that he stands as an image of what it means to be set aside for a par-ticular purpose. The people of Jesus’ time were well aware of the prophetic tradition at hand. The people of that time were accustomed to what was known as the prophetic schools. These schools were vastly different than our understanding of a school today. Ini-tially, they were followers of the prophets who took their say-ings and incorporated it into their lives. Elisha and Elijah both had groups of people following them around. Scripture schol-ars hold that in following the prophets around that a band of people would process with instruments, singing songs and announcing the presence of the prophet. These schools devel-oped over time, and at the time of Jesus there existed a group of people who lived in the wilderness living the Jewish faith in a manner different than the Pharisees and Sadducees and it is thought that John the Baptist was part of this group of people. They were set apart, and they dressed differently, ate differ-ently and spoke of the Lord differently. There was a holy other-ness to this group of people. It was because of this otherness, this being set apart that drew people to him at the river. There was an authenticity with what he was saying that made people want to hear him. It is in this authenticity, that John the Baptist shines. He was not the most eloquent of preachers, he preached very simply with his life. People knew that he be-lieved what he was saying. As Catholics, then we can learn a bit about what it means to be a Catholic during Advent itself. Much like John the Baptist, Advent is a time for us to be set apart for the Lord to work in our lives. Maybe this Advent it is a good opportunity for us to take a little bit of time each day to reflect upon what the Lord is calling us to in our daily lives. When we go to work, is God inviting us to treat our coworkers differently? Is God inviting us to reflect upon how our work helps further the message of salvation? It is easy to become stuck in the routine of thinking that what we do is make a living to support a family, but how does our work proclaim the Gospel. One of the great witnesses of the Second Vatican Council was the acknowledgment of how our work is a proclamation of the Gospel. When we do our work well, when we master the task at hand we give praise to God, but more importantly we give witness to those who may have never encountered our Lord before. This Advent stands as a good opportunity for us to ask St. John the Baptist to inter-cede for us, that our lives (as varied as they are) may proclaim the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord.

ADVENT PENANCE SERVICES Dec. 8 6:45pm St. Martin, Rome Dec. 9 6pm Immaculate Dec. 9 6pm Lourdes Dec. 10 6:30pm Sts. Joseph and Paul Dec. 10 6pm St. Peter, Stanley Dec. 11 6:30pm St. Sebastian, Calhoun Dec. 12 6pm St. Alphonsus Dec. 12 6pm St. Lawrence, Knottsville Dec. 15 2pm Blessed Mother Dec. 15 4pm St. Mary Magdalene, Sorgho

It’s time to sign up for our 2020 Picture Directory. The link is on our website at or you can go to https://booknow-lifetouch.appointment-

Church Bus Drivers Needed We are in need of additional Church Bus drivers to transport parish-ioners to & from 10am Mass on Sunday. If you are able to help with this ministry, please call April at the Parish Office for more informa-tion. Safe environment and a safe driving history are requirements of this ministry. CDL license is NOT required.

Parish Office 609 E 4th St., Owensboro, KY 42303

(270) 683-5641 (270) 685-4766 (fax) Monday-Friday 8am-4pm

Parish Team

Pastor: Fr. Jean-Rene Kalombo Ext 222 Associate Pastor: Fr. Will Thompson Ext 247 Deacon: Deacon John Cecil Stewardship Minister: Ashley Wilkerson Ext 239 Youth Minister: Aynde Bennett Ext 227 Religious Education Minister: Laura Shoulders Ext 224 Director of Maintenance: Kelly Ward Ext 241 Caretaker: Joe McBride Sacramental Records: Debbie Luedke Ext 242 Bookkeeper: April Dickens Ext 221

Join Us Mass Schedule:

Monday - Friday 5:30pm Saturday 4:30pm

Sunday 8am, 10am, 6pm 12 noon (Spanish)

3pm Sunday prayer

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursdays at 6pm; Fridays at 12 noon


Catholic Church

We give our hearts to God and our talents to His people.

In Special Need of Prayer HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS: Ann Bower, Thomasine Boarman, Joyce Clark, Doug & Dorothy Hood, Linda Howard, Betty Johnson, Paul & Sarah Jane Johnson, Maurice Kanable, Chester & Deanna Kaminski, Jackie Mann, Mitzi Mann, Margie Roberts, Jim Stimpfel, Betty Thompson, Katherine Thomas, Birdie Wedding, James White, Jr. NURSING HOME PARISHIONERS: CARMEL HOME: Katherine Brand, Rita Fahrendorf, Mary Faulkner, Margie Hardesty, Rose Keller, Margaret McCarthy, Marvin & Auda Wink, Sandra Woods; GENESIS HEALTH: Mike Payne; HEARTLAND VILLA: Mary Hinton; HILLCREST: Shirley Wilhite. WELLINGTON PARC: Violet Cassidy, Charles Leo Howard, Carla Payne. OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER: Mike Baker, Tammy Wimsatt Belcher, Patrick Billion, Joe Board, Katherine Brand, Sheila Byrne, Colin Cahill, Tim Cahill, Davena Cecil, J.C. Chrisler, Dana Cecil-Craig, Jimmy Chrisler, Jonathan Clark, Michael Clark, Marty Clouse, Theresa Clouse, Chris Collins, David Condra, Leo Dickens, Luke Dickens, Chase Ford, Bill Freeman, Edwin Garcia, Steve Guittar, Jarrod Hagan, Michael Hardesty, Evonne Harl, Julia Hawkins, Charlotte Hayden, Captain Matthew Hayden, Susan Hayden, Tom Hayden, Virginia Head, Lindsey Hill, Brice & Marilyn Howard, Florence Howard, Linda Howard, Rene Howard, Kendall Jarboe, Donna Johnson, Rose King, Tina Keller, Hobert Lundy, Jerry Lundy, Jan McCorkle, Kandie McDaniel, Michelle Montalvo, Cecil Newton, The Wayne Pannell Family, Michael Payne, Shelly Powell, Chrissy Quick, Sheryl Richards, Clayton Roberts, Jennifer Rojas, Pat Seib, Martha Taylor, Richard Taylor, Dorie Thacker, Betty Thompson, Tracy Trogden, Nina Van Bussum, Jim Vinson, Adam Wallace, Darryl & Linda Warren, Scott Warren, Ronnie Wilkerson. FIRST RESPONDERS: Eric Conder, Brad Leonard, Steve Leonard, Jason Luedke, Cory Mattingly, Jeff Williams.

Word of Life

“Perhaps one of your friends has become pregnant unexpectedly. As someone who has been there, I encourage you to support your friend in her new journey of being a mother.” Learn ten tips at

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “10 Ways to Support Her When She’s Unexpectedly Expecting”

Mass Intentions December 7-15 Saturday 4:30pm Fred Roberts Sunday 8am Holy Name Society 10am James Clouse & Family (Spanish) 12pm Our Parish Family 6pm Matthew Lawrence Monday 5:30pm James A. Payne Tuesday 5:30pm Bill Thomas Wednesday 5:30pm Jeneane Wolfe Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass 7pm Norman & Mildred Harrington & Family Friday 5:30pm Buddy & Heather Saturday 4:30pm Hubert & Jan Baldwin and Bonnie Horn Sunday 8am Charles Bubby Williams 10am Roy & Shirley Poole (Spanish) 12pm Our Parish Family 6pm Jerry Hagerman

This Week’s Calendar

Genesis Healthcare Eucharistic Ministers: Week of December 9 — Carlos Earhart

Week of December 16—Melvin Fleischmann (Mass December 19)

Treasure Counters December - Mary Lundy, Pat Hamilton

SUNDAY, December 8 -Rosary before 8am Mass -CRHP Men’s Prayer Group (Spanish)/FTC -Religious Ed (Spanish)/10am/FTC -Play Practice/1:30pm/PH -Advent Prayer Service/3pm/CH MONDAY, December 9 -Men’s Prayer/7am/FTC -CRHP Women (Spanish)/5:30pm/PH -RCIA/6pm/PH-Small Room TUESDAY, December 10 -Women’s Prayer/8:30am/YH -Advent Penance Service/6:30pm/CH WEDNESDAY, December 11 -Staff Prayer & Meeting/8:15am/OFC-CR -Faith Formation/5:30pm dinner/PH Class 6-7:30pm/FTC

THURSDAY, December 12 -NO 5:30pm Mass -Reconciliation/6pm/CH -Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass/7pm/CH & Fiesta following in PH FRIDAY, December 13 -Adoration /6:30am-5:15pm/CH -Reconciliation/12pm/CH SATURDAY, December 14 -Men’s Prayer Breakfast/7:30am/PH -OCS Team Vleaning Day/8am/CH SUNDAY, December 15 -Rosary before 8am Mass -CRHP Men’s Prayer Group (Spanish)/FTC -Religious Ed (Spanish)/10am/FTC -Play Practice/1:30pm/PH -Cenacle Prayer/3pm/CH

Upcoming Meetings: -Men’s Prayer Breakfast/December 14/7:30am/PH -Finance Committee Meeting/Jan. 14/6:15pm/OFC-CR -PPC Meeting/December 19/6pm/OFC

Birthdays 12/7 Alex Austin, Cambron Austin, Angelina Gonzalez, Kara Hamilton 12/8 Elizabeth Belcher, Tina Keller, Joel Mattingly, Maggie McCorkle, Hunter Cole Young 12/9 Josh Boehman, Anna Marie Haynes, Polly McCubbins, Ronda Smith 12/10 Charleigh Conder, Sheila Murphy, Susan Marsch Jessica Gonzalez-Perez 12/12 Charles Leo Howard, Francisco Lopez, Hailey Poole, 12/13 Brad Carter, Emilee Clark, Kevin Colburn, Joyce Lambert 12/14 Mary Haynes, James Colton Keelin 12/15 Anthony Conkright, Joyce Logsdon, Scarlett Scott, Daryl Wheatley, Jr.

Anniversaries 12/10/16 Jim & Theresa Bailey 12/12/98 Craig & Tiffany Nalley 12/13/69 Ron & Grace Lee Payne

Sign up for Christmas Masses Please sign up for a ministry at one of our Christmas Masses. Christmas Eve - 4pm and 10pm Christmas Day – 9am. You may go online to MSP and assign yourself or call April at 270-683-5641.

Parroquia de San José y San Pablo

“Ofrecemos nuestro Corazón a Dios y nuestros Talentos a su Pueblo”.

Bautismo para los Niños: Bautismos para niños menores de 7

años se celebran durante el año (excepto en el tiempo de

Cuaresma). Se requiere que los papás y padrinos asistan a una

preparación. (Antes de escoger padrinos les pedimos que sean

casados por la iglesia o solteros y tengan el sacramento de la


Catequesis de Adultos (R.I.C.A.) Domingos 10:00 am. – Los

adultos pueden recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera

Comunión y la Confirmación después de un tiempo de


Sacramentos para Niños y Adolescentes:Todos los niños deben

asistir a las clases de catecismo cada miércoles a las 6:30pm.

(Inglés). Para los que no puedan los miércoles o prefieran en

español, también está la opción los Domingos a las 10:00 am.

Unción de los enfermos: Por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial de algún familiar o amigo admitido al hospital y que desee el Sacramento de la Unción. Matrimonio – Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial

preferiblemente con 6 meses de anticipación como mínimo a la

fecha deseada.

Quinceañeras NO es un Sacramento pero es un sacramental: Se

pueden celebrar cualquier sábado mientas esté disponible la

Iglesia, excepto durante la Cuaresma.


SACRAMENTOS Lunes: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38 Martes: Is 40:1-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8,10; Mt 11:28-30 Jueves: Zac 2:14-17 o Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 3:18bcde, 19; Lc 1:26-38 o Lc 1:39-47, o cualquier lectura del Común de la Bienaventurada María Virgen Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Sábado: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Domingo: Is 35:1-6a, 10; Sal 146 (145):6-10; Stgo 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11

SAN JUAN DIEGO (1474-1548) 9 de diciembre Cuauhtlatoatzin (el que habla como las águilas) fue un indígena mexicano de raza chichimeca nacido en Cuau-titlán a quien Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se le apare-ció por vez primera el 9 de diciembre de 1531 mientras iba a participar en la celebración eucarística que tenía lugar en Tlatelolco. La virgen le habló por su nombre indígena, en diminutivo, enalteciendo a Juan Diego y le pidió que fuera al palacio del arzobispo Fray Juan de Zumárraga y le pidiera que le edificara un templo, ahí en el lugar de las apariciones, en el Tepeyac. Juan Diego cumplió la misión, pero no le creyeron. Volvió a donde la Señora en dos ocasiones hasta que en la tercera, le pidió una prueba requerida por el arzobispo. Por man-dato de la virgen corta rosas de castilla (de un lugar pe-dregoso y en temporada de invierno) y las lleva en su manto al arzobispo. Al descubrir el ayate ante Fray Juan, la Virgen de Guadalupe plasmó su imagen en la tilma de Juan Diego. Era el 12 de diciembre de 1531.

—Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Para denunciar una sospecha de abuso, llame a la Línea Directa de Protec-ción Infantil de Kentucky: 1-877-KYSAFE1 o 1-877-597-2331 (llamada gra-tuita) o comuníquese con su Fiscal Local de Commonwealth. Para reportar abuso, actual o pasado, a la diócesis por parte de cualquier persona que actúe en nombre de la Iglesia, llame a Louanne Payne, Coordinadora de Asistencia Pastoral (inglés) al 270-852-8380, o Nuria Elizondo, Coordinadora de Asistencia Pastoral (español) al 270-880-8360. También puede visitar la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro ( para obtener más información.

8 de diciembre de 2019 Segundo Domingo de Adviento


LARGA ESPERA A medida que transcurren los domingos de Adviento el foco de las lecturas cambia de la venida final del Señor a su histórico nacimiento. Las lecturas de hoy mezclan am-bos. Isaías, desilusionado de los reyes de sus tiempos, imagina al rey ideal que gobernará con la aprobación de Dios y será guiado por la divina sabiduría. Por siglos el pueblo judío anticipó la llegada de ese Mesías, quien inau-guraría una era de gracia cuando todo el mundo final-mente viviría en justicia y paz. Luego de siglos de creciente expectativa, la predicación de Juan Bautista sobre la inminente llegada del Mesías no hizo más que provocar un intenso interés. El mensaje del Bautista sobre “el que viene” (Mateo 3:11) deja claro que Jesús, de hecho, es aquel esperado por largo tiempo que inaugura la nueva era predicha por Isaías y todos los pro-fetas.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Safe Environment To report suspected abuse, call the Kentucky Child Protection Hot Line: 1-877-KYSAFE1 or 1-877-597- 2331 (Toll Free) or contact your local Commonwealth Attorney. To report abuse to the diocese, current or past, by anyone acting in the name of the Church, call Louanne Payne, Pastoral Assistance Coordinator (English) at 270-852- 8380, or Nuria Elizondo, Pastoral Assistance Coordinator (Spanish) at 270-880-8360. You may also visit the Office of Safe Environment ( for more information.

You are invited to

A Christmas Play Presented by the children of

Sts. Joseph and Paul

December 22 at 4pm Parish Hall

Dec 7 8am-12 PH First Reconciliation Retreat

Dec 8 3pm CH The Perfect Gift Prayer Experience

Dec 10 6:30pm CH Communal Penance Service

Dec 12 7pm CH Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass & Celebration

Dec 14 9am CH OCS Teams Holiday Church Cleaning

Dec 16-23 6pm TBA Las Posadas (call Office for locations)

Dec 19 11:30am PH Young at Heart Potluck & Dirty Santa

Dec 21 5:30-6pm PH Cookies with Santa

Dec 22 9-10am PH Donuts & Cookies with Santa

10:30am-12 PH Donuts & Cookies with Santa

7-7:30pm PH Cookies with Santa

Dec 22 4pm PH A Christmas Play

Dec 22 7pm SB St. Benedict’s Christmas Party & Dinner

Dec 24 4 & 10pm CH Christmas Eve Mass– English

Dec 24 7pm CH Christmas Eve Mass– Spanish

Dec 25 9am CH Christmas Day Mass– English

Dec 25 12noon CH Christmas Day Mass– Spanish

December Happenings...

Congratulations to those who have been baptized in the Catholic Faith!

Savannah Louise Jarboe daughter of

Chris & Denise Jarboe

Bethany Ariela Lobo Velasquez daughter of Adriana Velasquez

and Patrick Lobo

Abby Lane Wathen daughter of

Michael & Megan Wathen

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