dealing with abaddon - sapphire leadership group, …dealing with abaddon • by arthur burk •...

Post on 05-Jul-2020






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Dealing with Abaddon • by Arthur Burk • Sapphire Leadership Group, LLC • • 1

Dealing with AbaddonI don’t run into this one very often, but since I have bumped heads with him twice in a week, I thought I would float a short profile. You might want to glance at Revelation 9 just to fill in the rest of the back story.

Our encounters with this spirit in 2015 are far less draconian than the apocalyptic account, but there are still occasional engagements.

Interestingly my most common bump with Abaddon is through the eye gate. It can run a couple of ways. When someone comes to talk to me and they simply can’t bring themselves to look me in the eye, it is sometimes Abaddon. On the other hand, I will occasionally see Abaddon looking out at me from someone’s eyes with highly distilled hatred.

Setting aside those pretty minor markers, Abaddon is about destruction. I look for people whose life is being destroyed beyond the normal impact of curses and covenants. When there is a systematic, bizarre, breaking, distorting and disrupting of life, it might well be Abaddon. Most significantly, as in Revelation 9, Abaddon robs a person of the will to fight. The devouring is so random and crazy mak-ing that even when they do not officially become suicidal, the desire to just be done with the battle of life is clearly there.

So what to do?

Central to this one is the issue of authority. Most deliverance people don’t have much success here because they are warriors and the authority needed is that of a builder. Since Abaddon is about de-struction, the people who have the ability to take him down are called to be rebuilders, have walked in it extensively and they find immense fulfillment in taking someone the devil has crushed and restor-ing them to hope, dignity and design.

When a rebuilder engages with the destroyer, it is usually a very simple battle of wills, for just a few minutes. Eye to eye is best, although I have done it over the phone.

And my sales pitch to Abaddon is simple. I am one of the sons of God, seated with Christ at the right hand of all Majesty. I know who I am and what I have access to. Jesus released the power of the res-urrection to the Body of Christ and that power is designed to rebuild and restore the lives the enemy has damaged.

Dealing with Abaddon • by Arthur Burk • Sapphire Leadership Group, LLC • • 2

Therefore, based on what He did, and what I know I have available, I am pulling rank on Abaddon, and he needs to leave this person, since they were not destined by God to be a punching bag for the destroyer.

Usually he does not leave immediately, so I give him a history lesson of the splendid partnership be-tween Jesus and me, regarding broken lives. I celebrate the way Christ resourced me in specific details in different people’s lives. It is not a bragging session about me, simply a quiet confidence that I have what it takes to overcome him because of my incredibly life giving partnership with Jesus Christ and because of my 100,000 small choices to rebuild broken lives.

I have never had Abaddon hang around for more than five minutes of history. The celebration of the power of the resurrection flowing through Jesus Christ to His brothers in the Kingdom is painful to the destroyer.

We also have not had any significant history of re-infection.

Copyright March 2015 by Arthur Burk

From the Lab

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