ĐỀ cƯƠng Ôn tẬp hki 2015 2016 tiẾng anh – lỚp...

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ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HKI 2015– 2016


1.The past simple:

S + V-2/-ed + O

S + didn’t + V + O

Did + S + V + O ?

EX: I met Lan yesterday

EX: I didn’t meet Lan yesterday

Ex: Did you meet Lan yesterday.

Cách dùng:

* Hành động xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xđ trong QK.

Ex: He bought a new book last week.

* Hành động thường làm hay quen làm trong QK

Ex: I often went swimming every Sunday last year.

* Hành động đã thực hiện trong khoảng thời gian ờ QK.

Ex: He lived in Ha Noi from 1990 to 2000

2. Wish : ước ao . . . . .

S+wish + ( that) + S + V-ed/2 / were …..

Ex: I wish that I had a lot of money.

Ex: She wishes she were rich.

Cách dùng:

Dùng để diễn tả ước muốn không thực sự xảy ra ở hiện tại.


1. The present perfect:

S+ have/has + P.P( V-3/ed) + O

Cách dùng:

* Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và hành động đó kéo dài đến hiện tại

Ex: I have learned English for 4 years now.

* Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và hđ đó không cần xđ rõ vào thời điểm nào

Ex: I have already read the report.

*Hành động lập đi lập lại trong QK nhiều lần

Ex: I have been to Da Lat several times.

* Hành động xong trước 1 hành động khác ở hiện tại hay tương lai.

Ex: He says that he has read this novel.

Ex: You will pass the test after you have taken this course.

2. Passive form:

a. Simple Present :

S + V + O

S + is/are/am + p.p + by + O

Ex: I write a letter

A letter is written by me

b. simple past:

S + V2/ed + O

S + was/were + p.p + by + O

Ex: The manager sacked us

We were sacked by the manager.


c. Future :

S + will+ V + O

S + will be+ p.p+ by + O

Ex: The milkman will deliver the milk.

The milk will be delivered by the milkman.

d. Present progressive tense:

S+ is/am/are + V.ing + O

S + is/am/are + being + p.p + by+ O

Ex: The police are questioning him

He is being questioned by the police.

e. Past progressive tense:

S+ was/were + V.ing + O

S + was/were+ being + p.p + by+ O

Ex: He was reading a book when I came.

A book was being read when I came

f. Present perfect:

S+ have/has + p.p( V-3/ed) + O

S+ have/has+been+ p.p +by+ O

Ex: I have bought a new book

A new book has been bought by me.

g. Past perfect:

S+ had + p.p( V-3/ed) + O

S+ had+been+ p.p +by+ O

Ex: She had done that work before she left her office

That work had been done before she left her office.


1. Wish : ước ao….

S + wish(that) + S could/would + V +O

Ex: I wish that I could swim

Ex: I wish that you would stop smoking

2. Preposition of time:

+ in: tháng,năm, tháng+năm, buổi trong ngày

Ex: in June, in 2000, in May 2005, in the morning

+ on: ngày, ngày+tháng, ngày+ tháng+ năm

Ex: on Monday , on May 10 , on May 10, 2005

+ at: giờ

Ex: at 6 p.m

+ between . . . and . . .

Ex: between 6p.m and 7p.m

+ before/ after + thời gian

Ex: before 6p.m

After 6p.m

3. Adverb clauses of result ( Mệnh đề chỉ kết quả)

Ex: We felt tired, so we went to bed early.

Ex: I didn’t understand the lesson, so I asked my teacher.

Ex: I have a lot of work, so I can’t go with you.


1. Modal verbs with IF

a. Conditional sentence type 1 ( Điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai)

If clause Main clause


Present simple S+ will/may/can + V+ O

EX: If you do your best, you can pass the exam.

Ex: If you work hard, you will pass the exam.

Ex: If you do not hurry, you may miss the train.

b. Conditional sentence type 2 ( Điều kiện không có thực hoặc không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại )

If clause Main clause

Past simple S+ would/might/could + V+ O

Ex: If I were you, I could help him.

Ex: If I had money, I might give it to him.

Ex: If I were a bird, I would be a dove.

2. Direct and reported speech: ( Lời nói trực tiếp và gián tiếp)

* Cách đổi :

B1: Giữ nguyên động từ say hoặc đổi say to thành tell

B2: Đổi dấu (, )thành that và bỏ dấu ngoặc kép ( “ ”)

B3: Đổi đại từ chỉ ngôi hoặc tính từ sở hữu cho hợp nghiã.

B4: Đổi động từ trong ngoặc kép sang thì quá khứ , nếu động từ say ở thì quá khứ) theo công thức


Direct speech Reported speech

1.Present simple

Ex: I work

Past simple

Ex: I worked

2.Present progressive

Ex: I am working

Past progressive

Ex: I was working

3. Present perfect

Ex: I have worked

Past perfect

Ex: I had worked

4. past simple

Ex: I worked

Past perfect

Ex: I had worked

5. Past progressive

Ex: I was working

Past Pro/ Past perfect progressive

Ex: I was working/ I had been working

6.Present perfect progressive

Ex: I have been working

Past perfect progressive

Ex:I had been working

7. Past perfect

Ex: I had worked

Past perfect

Ex: I had worked

8. Past perfect progressive

Ex:I had been working

Past perfect progressive

Ex:I had been working

* Trường hợp trong dấu ngoặc kép là câu trần thuật:

Ex: Bill said, “My wife hasn’t got a car”

Bill said that his wife hadn’t got a car.

Ex: She said to him, “ The machine isn’t working”

She told him that the machine wasn’t working.


Không cần đổi thì cuả động từ trong dấu ngoặc kép nếu mệnh đề bên ngoài ngoặc kép ở thì hiện

tại, thì hiện tại hoàn thành, thì tương lai. Chỉ đổi ngôi sao cho hợp nghiã.

Ex: Mary says, “ I will come back this department store.”

Mary says that she will come back that department store.

Direct speech Reported speech

these those

this that

here there

now then

ago before/early


today that day

tonight that night

tomorrow the next day/ the day after/the following day

yesterday the previous day/ the day before

next week the week after/ the following week

last week the week before/ the previous week

must have to

needn’t didn’t have to

Ex: Lan said, “I will do it tomorrow ”

Lan said that she would do it the day after.

Ex: Minh said, “I bought it last week”

Minh said that he had bought it the week before.

* Trường hợp trong dấu ngoặc kép là câu hỏi:

Ex: She said , “Are you thirsty, Peter?”

She asked Peter if he was thirsty.

Ex: The nurse asked, “What is your name?”

the nurse asked me what my name was.


1. Tag questions:

* Những điểm cần lưu ý khi viết câu hỏi đuôi:

- Dùng cùng hình thức cuả động từ chính hoặc trợ động từ như trong mệnh đề chính.

-.Nếu mệnh đề chính ở thể phủ định thì câu hỏi đuôi ở thể xác định và ngược lại.

- Dùng cùng chủ từ với mệnh đề chính.Câu hỏi đuôi phải là đại từ làm chủ từ.

- Nếu have là động từ chính thì phải dùng do, does hoặc did trong câu hỏi đuôi.

- Nếu có there hoặc it ở đầu câu thì câu hỏi đuôi cũng phải là there hoặc it

Ex: You have a car, don’t you?

Ex: We don’t go to school tomorrow, do we?

Ex: There are only 35 students in our class, aren’t there?

Ex: It’s cold, isn’t it?

* Trường hợp đặc biệt :

- Nếu mệnh đề chính là câu mệnh lệnh thì câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là “will you?”

- Nếu mệnh đề chính có “let’s” thì câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là “shall we?”

- Nếu chủ từ và động từ ở mệnh đề chính là “ I am” thì câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là “aren’t I ?”

Ex: Open the door, will you?

Ex: Let’s go out for a walk , shall we?

Ex: Don’t be late, will you?

Ex: I am late, aren’t I ?

2. Gerund: ( V-ing)

a. Subject of a verb: ( Chủ từ cho động từ )

Ex: swimming is my hobby.

b. Subjective complement of a verb: ( chủ thuộc từ cho 1 động từ )

Ex: My hobby is swimming.

c. Object of a preposition: ( túc từ cho một giới từ )

Ex: she is fond of swimming.

d. Object of a verb: ( túc từ cho một động từ )

Ex: She likes swimming.

Những động từ sau đây có thể theo sau Gerund:


Avoid ( tránh), hate ( ghét), stop ( dừng),like (thích) enjoy( yêu thích), love( yêu), suggest( đề

nghị ), begin,start( bắt đầu), finish( kết thúc), remember( ghi nhớ), forget( quên), deny( từ chối),

miss( bỏ lỡ , nhớ) ….

Ex: avoid smoking after meals

Ex: I miss seeing that film last week.


I/ Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other.

1. Convenient special prefer women

2. Still like mine nine

3. Uniform university until unique

4. Tradition make take change

5. Consist convenient today modern

6. Jean cheap reason wear

7. They clothes therefore think

8. Usually many why poetry

9. Grammar what aspect exam

10.Text west when repeat

11.practical fashion tradition casual

12.comprise divide notice religion

13. stopped printed impressed practiced

14. chemistry children teacher change

15 poetry cotton logical mosque

16.comprise divide notice design

17. ring tide shift city

19. official divide impress religion

20. school children Chinese church

21. A. find B. kind C. blind D. first

22. A. supper B. hungry C. pull D. sun

23. A. television B. pressure C. pleasure D. leisure

24. A. check B. Christmas C. chemistry D. anchor

25. A. honor B. hour C. honest D. hope

26. A. checked B. naked C. booked D. picked

27. A. huge B. use C. pure D. hurry

28. A. brother B. thorough C. borrow D. borough

29. A. healthy B. marathon C. weather D. thousand

30. A. industry B. focus C. popular D. discuss

II./ Supply the correct form for the verbs in brackets :

1. She enjoys (play) ....................................... badminton.

2. When will you finish (repair) .................................... my car ?

3. We began (learn) .................................... English 4 years ago.

4. He hates (have) ................................ lunch at school.

5. Nam is interested in (see)__________ detective films

6. Why do you decide (choose) .................................. this book ?

7. He loves (listen) ...................................... to live music on TV.

8. I am interested in (play) ............................... computer games.

9. My father likes (read) ................................ newspapers before going to work.

10. Is she fond of (chat) ........................................... ?

11. The snow kept (fall) .............................................. the whole day.

12. This book tells you how (win) .................................... at chess.

13. The fire seems (be) .............................. out.

14. She apologized for (be) ............................................. late.


15. Did you advise him (go) ............................ to the police ?

16. If the climate (change)____________________, we will meet with natural disasters.

17. Remember (take)____________________ off your shoes when you go into the temple.

18. I got up late this morning because my alarm clock (not ring)____________________.

19. Ho Chi Minh city’s temperature (be)________________ between 270C and 350C tomorrow.

20. She never (trust)____________________ weather forecasts.

21. I suggest (collect)________ some money for our school

22. I enjoy (eat)____________________ special food such as sticky rice cakes.

23. We are good friends. We (know)____________________ each other for a long time.

24. Last night, we (watch)____________________ a documentary on TV.

25. I used to play badminton when I (be)__________ eleven years old.

26. I wish I (can)__________ help mother with the housework at home.

27. The factory (produce)____________________ 10,000 cars next year

28. Mum wanted to know if you (like)__________ going on a holiday.

29. She never (tell)__________ the truth, does she?

30. I would understand him if he (speak)__________ more slowly.


1. We ……………..in Kuala Lumpur ten years ago.

A. were living B. have lived C. use to live D. lived

2. When…… you last ……Paul ?

A.were/see B. do / see C. were / seeing D. did / see

3. “I wish you …………………..longer” -Lan said to Maryam at the end of the week.

A. could stay B. stay C. will stay D. can stay

4. Do you ……………………….say this in class ?

A .allow me B. permit that I C. mind if I D. want me

5. What …………………..to Maryam and her pen pal ?

A. happening B. was happened C. did happen D. happened

6 . The capital of ………………is Kuala Lumpur and it is also the largest city of the country.

A. The Philippines B. Singapore C. Malaysia D. Indonesia

7.We…………………………..a good holiday last year.

A. made B. passed C. had D. spend

8. Buddhism is a (n)……………………………..

A. association B. religion C. group D. imagination

9. Miss Hoe is very……………………….. She goes to church every morning.

A. religious B. religiously C. religion D. religioner

10. Did he …………………………live in the country when he was young?

A. use to B. used to C. get used to D.be used to

11. Malaysia is divided ____ two regions.

a. to b. on c. in d. into

12. For centuries, poets, writers and musicians ____ the ao dai in their poets, novels and songs.

a. mention b. mentioned c. have mentioned d. has mentioned

13. He wishes he ____ a new bicycle.

a. can have b. has c. will have d. could have

14. The meeting will ____ in London next week.

a. be held b. be hold c. is held d. are hold

15. It’s nice to see you again. We ____ each other for a long time.

a. don’t see b. didn’t see c. haven’t seen d. seeing

16. I wish you ____ so fast. It makes me nervous.

a. drive b. won’t drive c. can’t drive d. weren’t driving

17. Bill asked where ____ from.

a. do I come b. I come c. did I come d. I came


18. The weather was bad, ____ we didn’t go on a picnic.

a. however b. but c. so d. because

19. Jame wishes his father ……………….here now to help him.

A. is B. were C. will be D. would be

20. ………………Kuala Lumpur ,Ha Noi is a busy modern city .

A. In spite of B. Although C. Like D.As

21. The Ao day is the ________ dress of Vietnamese women.

A. casual B. beautiful C. traditional D. baggy

22. Some designers have_______ the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it.

A. modernized B. modernize C. modern D. modernly.

23. This jacket is the kind of things I want. Can I _______ ?

A. wear it B. dress it C. take it off D. try it on

24. The washing instructions for this shirt are given in the _______.

A. label B. badge C. notice D. mark

25. The national dress of Japanese women is __________

A. Ao dai B. Sari C. Jeans D. Kimono

26. We have lived in this city_______ 1999.

A. for B. since C. ago D. in

27. ___________ French with native people yet ?

A. Did you learn B. were you learning C. do you learn D. have you learnt

28. Is this the second time you __________ a car ?

A. drive B. drove C. have driven D. are driving

29. David _______ in London .

A. is born B. will born C. born D. was born

30. When ___________ ? - In 1980

A. is the church built B. was the church built C. did the church build D. has the

church been built

31. No one knows why the man _______.

A. killed B. kills C. is killed D. was killed

32. The students _______ to smoke.

A. don’t allow B. are allowed C. doesn’t allow D. aren’t allowed

33. VietNam ________ into three regions : the North, the Center and the South.

A. divides B. divided C. is divided D. are divided

34. Millions of books_______ out of this bookstore every year.

A. sell B. was sold C. have sold D. are sold.

35. No decision _______ until now.

A. is made B. was made C. is being made D. has been made

36. The washing machine _______ for over ten years.

A. is used B. has been used C. was used D. is being used

37. The famous picture ______ carefully by the security guards.

A. keeps B. has been kept C. is keeping D. kept

38. My mother asked me to clean the house, it had to ______ before my mother came home.

A. clean B. is cleaned C. be clean D. be cleaned

39. The report must ________ right now.

A. be finished B. is finished C. finish D. be finish

40. Smoking _______ in public .

A. should prohibit B. is prohibit C. prohibits D. should be


41. Nam wishes he_________a new school bag now.

A. has B. have C. will have D. had

42. I wish I __________the exam .


A. pass B. can pass C. will pass D. could pass

43. He met his friend at 11.40 so he returned home __________ 11.40 .

A. before B. at C. after D. till

44. He works _____________ to earn more money .

A. part time B standard time C. less time D . 8 hours

45. Grocery store is________________ .

A. a place where people can buy drugs B. a place where people can buy food and

small things

C. a place where people can buy stamps and send letters D. a place where people can take a rest

46. She has worked in this company __________seven days.

A. in B. on C.at D. for

47. Lan invites us to go to her party ___________9.30.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

48. We will have a meeting ____________Sunday evening.

A. in B. on C.at D. for

49. They wish they ____________my home village some days.

A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. would visit

50. The exercise is very difficult _____________none of us can do it.

A. and B. but C. so D. because

IV/Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one 1. “Why don’t you answer the question? ” She asked.

She asked him……………………………………………………………

2. Nam gets bad marks in English.

I wish _______________________________________________________

3. Mr Brown collects the eggs in the morning .

The eggs _____________________________________________________

4. “ I must leave here for Nha Trang tomorrow” Mr. Phong said .

Mr. Phong said ________________________________________________

5. Nam has learned English for five years.

English ______________________________________________________

6. I am sorry that I won’t go to the beach next summer.

I wish _______________________________________________________

7. My sister must do all these exercises before going to bed.

All the exercises ________________________________________________

8. He stays at home today.

I wish _______________________________________________________

9. Mai asked Mary, “Can you speak Vietnamese ?”

Mai asked Mary _______________________________________________

10. That’s a pity they can’t come there.

I wish _______________________________________________________

11. “ Do you stay at home today?” She asked me

She asked me ________________________________________________

12. He doesn’t eat fish .

He wishes _____________________________________________________

13. They ate all the food before we got to the party.

All the food___________________________________________________

14. The last time we met him was last years..

We have not _______________________________________________

15. “What will you do on your next summer vacation?” Mai asked me

Mai asked me _________________________________________________

16. Study hard or you will fail the final exam


If _________________________________________________

17. My children said “ I don’t buy candy everyday “

My children said _______________________________________________

18. My brother enjoys watching cartoon.

My brother is ______________________________________________________

19. My father said, “There is not much rain here now”

My father said _________________________________________________

20. We have to do all homework today.

All the homework _______________________________________________

21. I stayed at home yesterday because I had a headache.

I had _______________________________________________________

22. I stared to learning English ten years ago .

I have ___________________________________________________

23. “Don’t go out at night” My mother said to me .

My mother aske me ____________________________________________

24. “When are you doing your homework?” She asked me .

She asked me _________________________________________________

25. My family lived here ten years ago .

My family has ________________________________________________

26. “Open the door , please” Mrs. Brown said

Mrs Brown asked ______________________________________________

27. He began doing his homework three hours ago.

He has ________________________________________________________

28. I last saw her ten years ago.

I haven’t _______________________________________________________

29.When did you start to listen to the music?

How long have __________________________________________________?

30. The last time I played tennis was in 1990.

I haven’t _________________________

V / Choose the incorrect word or phrase in each sentence:

1. You have practice speaking a lot if you want to improve your English.


2. Tom said that he is learning English in an evening class.

3. The taxi driver told me that he will take me to the hotel.


4. He told us that he was absent from class the day before because of his sickness.


5. She asked me how long does it take me to go to school by bike.


6. Uncle John said that he would go to Nha Trang tomorrow.


7. A stranger asked me how far was it from my house to the school.


8. The mother asked her son what did he want for his birthday.


9. Do you know what was she doing at this time yesterday?


10. I don’t know where is he staying now.


11. He told us that he was absent from class the day before because of his sickness.



12. I wish I can earn more money and work less.


13. I asked them if they teach other foreign languages besides English.


14. The teacher asked me why am I learning English.


15. My uncle said that he had to go to a meeting tonight.

16 You have practice speaking a lot if you want to improve your English.


17. Your windows need to clean immediately. They are very dirty.


18.We reached the nearest village after walk for five hours.


19. My father was raised in a farm , but I have lived in the city my whole life.


20. The exercises were such difficult that we couldn’t do them.


21. I wish you can help me with that difficult problem.


22. She was so lazy that she punished by her teacher.


23. In the afternoon we went to boat in the river.


24. I got up late this morning, that I didn’t have time for breakfast.


25 She asked me how long does it take me to go to school by bike.


26. Uncle John said that he would go to Nha Trang tomorrow.


27. A stranger asked me how far was it from my house to the school.


28. The taxi driver told me that he will take me to the hotel.


29. Do you know what was she doing at this time yesterday?


30. I don’t know where is he staying now.


31. My father wishes that he doesn’t have to retire at the age of sixty.


32. I wish I can earn more money and work less.


33. I asked them if they teach other foreign languages besides English.


34. The teacher asked me why am I learning English.


35. My uncle said that he had to go to a meeting tonight.


VI. Fill in each blank space with the most suitable word from the box.

ran – picking – waited – stopped – turning – dropped – crossed - collected


At 6.30 in the morning, the bus (1)...............Ba and his family from their home. After

(2)..............up everyone, the bus continued North on the highway number 1. It (3)..............the

Dragon bridge and (4)..............at the gas station to get some more fuel. Then, it left the highway

and turned left onto a small road westward. This road (5)...............between green paddy fields, so

the people on the bus could see a lot of cows and buffaloes. The road ended before a big store

beside a pond. Instead of (6)...............left towards a small airport, the bus went in the opposite

direction. It didn’t stay on that road for very long, but turned left onto a road which went across a

small bamboo forest. Finally, the bus (7)................everyone at the parking lot ten meters from a

big old Banyan tree. It would park there and (8)................for people to come back in the evening

farmers electronic traditional fresh aspect internet grocery store

1. The _______________ computer is one of the most important inventions in this century.

2. She asked me what _______________ of learning English I found most difficult.

3. The Aodai is the _______________ dress of Vietnamese women.

4. We often enjoy the _______________ air in the countryside.

5. The _______________ were working in the fields.

6. Most of students know how to use _______________ nowadays.

material surfing compulsory benefits wear out correspond symbol

7. Math and English are ______ subjects on the course.

8. What _____ does TV bring about to people’s life?

9. What is the _____ of your dress? Is it made of silk?

10. Lan and Maryam are pen pals. They _____ with each other twice a month.

11. She spends hours every day just _____ the Net.

12. Workers liked wearing jean cloth because it was strong and did not _____ easily.

peaceful farmers impressed traditional buffalo divided internet grocery store

13. Tourists are ___ by the beauty of Ho Chi Minh city.

14. My class is ___ into four groups.

15. The Aodai is the ___ dress of Vietnamese women.

16. The atmosphere in the mosque is very ___.

17. The child riding on a ___ is flying the kite.

18. Using the ___is the fastest way to get information.

. Read the test and choose the best answer:

Every year people in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are

teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn

English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends.

Most people must work hard to learn English.

Why do all these people learn English? It’s not difficult to answer this question. Many boys and

girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many adults learn English because

it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of

their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they

want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

1. According to the writer. English is learned by..........

A. young children B. adults C. teenagers D. all are correct

2. Most people learn English by..........

A. themselves B. hearing the language on television

C. working hard on the lessons D. speaking English to their friends

3. Where do many boys and girls learn English?


A. at home B. in the office C. in evening classes D. at school

4. Teenagers learn English because..........

A. it’s useful for their higher studies B. It’s one of their subjects

C. they want to master it D. A and C are correct

5. Why do many adults learn English?

A. Because they want to see movies in English? B. Because they need it for their job.

C. Because they are forced to learn it D. Because it’s not difficult to learn.


1. There was a notice board on the wall, __________?

2. Everyone realized the danger, __________?

3. He is talking aloud in the hall, __________?

4. My mother bought fast food, __________?

5. She didn’t remember this thing, __________?

6. He has never met you before, __________?

7. Today is Sunday, __________?

8. The children have many computer games to play, ________?

9. Don’t be late, __________?

10. This is Mr Johnson, __________?

11. Don’t forget, ?

12. You couldn’t tell me the time, ?

13. His mother is very proud of him , ?

14. She doesn’t believe you, ?

15. Her brother hasn’t met you before, ?

16. I’m not a doctor, ?

17. Beautiful day, ?

18. Open the door , ?

VIII. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word:

1. Is the daily newspaper ………………………….. every day?

2. What’s …………..television tonight?

3. Do you have ……………….. to the internet? What are your favorite ……………….?

4. I usually good programs from the internet.

5. How many ………………… are there on TV at the moment?

6. What are your favorite …………………. On TV?

7. How much time do you spend …………………….. the web a day?

8. I’ve lot a lot of data. I wonder if my computer has a ………………..

9. You can ………………. BBC news on the radio

10. What’s your e-mail …………………? ABC@GMAIL.COM.

11. You’d better learn by ……………… all the new words.

12. Nobody can deny the …………………. of the internet in our life.

13. What do you think about his ……………….. of coins?

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Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:

1. Internet is a marvelous of modern life. (invent)

2. The next stage in the of T.V is interactive T.V. (develop)

3. Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is one of the most magazines. (popularity)

4. It is an program. We are in watching it. (interest

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