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Application for a Special Flight Operations Certificate

University of Waterloo

WARG Hyperion UAV

Date: March 31, 2006Prepared by: Brent Tweddle

WARG Hyperion UAV

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................................2

TABLE OF FIGURES................................................................................................................................................................3

APPLICANT & CONTACT INFORMATION:......................................................................................................................4

OPERATION MANAGER AND CONTACT INFORMATION:..........................................................................................5

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: TYPE/PURPOSE OF OPERATION........................................................................................6

DATES AND TIMES..................................................................................................................................................................7

DESCRIPTION OF UAV SYSTEM..........................................................................................................................................8

AIR VEHICLE IN NORMAL OPERATIONS:..................................................................................................................................8CONTROL, AVIONICS, PAYLOAD AND GROUND STATION.........................................................................................................9PERSONNEL.............................................................................................................................................................................10ABNORMAL EVENTS AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONS.............................................................................................................11

AREA USED FOR OPERATION...........................................................................................................................................13

SECURITY PLAN....................................................................................................................................................................16

EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN...............................................................................................................................17

GROUND SUPERVISOR........................................................................................................................................................18

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................................19

PILOT INFORMATION...............................................................................................................................................................19DOCUMENTATION....................................................................................................................................................................19Insurance.................................................................................................................................................................................19

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Table of FiguresFIGURE 1: PARTIAL ASSEMBLY, OCTOBER 2005...........................................................................................................................8FIGURE 2: PARTIAL CAD DRAWING.............................................................................................................................................9FIGURE 3: RC EQUIPMENT ILLUSTRATION..................................................................................................................................10FIGURE 4: WRESTRC & SURROUNDING AREA..........................................................................................................................14FIGURE 5: WRESTRC FACILITY.................................................................................................................................................14FIGURE 6: TORONTO VTA & WRESTRC...................................................................................................................................14Figure 7: WRESTRC Overhead View........................................................................................................................................15

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Applicant & Contact Information:

University of Waterloo200 University Avenue WestWaterloo, Ontario, CanadaN2L 3G1

The Hyperion UAV will be operated by the Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) which is part of the University of Waterloo.

The following people have read and agreed to this application and have the necessary signing authority to legally bind the University of Waterloo.

Adel S. Sedra, PhD, FRSC, FCAE, PEngProfessorDean of EngineeringPhone: (519) 888-4567 x3347Fax: (519) 746-1457sedra@uwaterloo.ca

David W. L. Wang, PhD, MASc, BAScProfessorFaculty Advisor of WARGPhone: (519) 888-4567 x3968Fax: (519) 746-3077dwang@uwaterloo.ca

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Operation Manager and Contact Information:

Brent E. TweddlePresident and Technical Leader of WARGCandidate for Bachelor of Applied Science in Honours Computer Engineering with Options in Mechatronics and Cognitive SciencePhone: (519) 888-4567 x5109Cell: (416) 574-1483Fax: (519) 746-3077betweddl@uwaterloo.ca

Brent Tweddle has been involved with WARG since 2002 and has been heavily involved with the initial concept, design and construction of the Hyperion UAV.

Matthew D. Black, BAScTechnical Council Member of WARGCandidate for Masters of Applied Science in Electrical and Computer EngineeringPhone: (519) 888-4567 x7263Cell: (519) 721-6602Fax: (519) 746-3077mdblack@uwaterloo.ca

Matthew Black has been involved with WARG since 2004 and has been heavily involved with the initial concept, design and construction of the Hyperion UAV.

Brent Tweddle and/or Matthew Black will be on duty during the operation. During operation they can be reached on their cell phone at the numbers listed above. However cell phone reception is unreliable at the WRESTRC. The land-line phone number for the WRESTRC facility is (519) 883-4750.

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Executive Summary: Type/Purpose of Operation

WARG competes in the International Aerial Robotics Competition1 (IARC) to educate its members who are typically students at the University of Waterloo.

Currently, WARG has plans to develop a fixed wing UAV that can autonomously travel three kilometres, search a small city for an opening to a marked building. Once the opening is found, the fixed wing UAV will drop a guided parachute that will enter the window and deploy a small ground vehicle. WARG intends to build a system that can accomplish this in under 15 minutes.

The Hyperion UAV has been designed and built by WARG and will be the main UAV that will fly this course and search the city. This aircraft has not been flight tested at this time. The primary purpose of this operation is to flight test the aircraft to ensure its reliability before moving to more complex operations. The secondary purpose is to use this aircraft as a vehicle to carry other payloads that can be tested while the human pilot is in control.

The scope of this application covers a subset of the above mentioned functionality. Specifically, it covers non-autonomous operation that is within visual range of a human pilot who is using standard radio controlled (RC) components and techniques to fly the aircraft. This application does not cover the use of this aircraft to drop any objects.

Future applications will be submitted to cover additional functionality as this technology matures including autonomous flight and dropping payloads from the aircraft.

This aircraft will only be flown at the Waterloo Region Emergency Services Training and Research Complex2 (WRESTRC). This facility is restricted from the public and located in a rural area. This facility may be shared by other users; however all users must sign in with the WRESTRC management and will be notified of the operation, its associated risks and emergency plans.

1 http://avdil.gtri.gatech.edu/AUVS/IARCLaunchPoint.html2 http://www.region.waterloo.on.ca/web/region.nsf/8ef02c0fded0c82a85256e590071a3ce/7d750c4f75cf4dd585256eae0066ace8!OpenDocument

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Dates and Times

These operations may occur at any date or time up until December 31, 2006.

Flight tests may occur if the following criteria are met:

1. Visibility of greater than 1 mile2. Winds below 15 knots3. Cloud ceiling greater than 700 feet AGL4. No precipitation

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Description of UAV System

Air Vehicle in Normal Operations:

The Hyperion is UAV that was designed and built by WARG members. The UAV is a high wing airplane that is meant to carry a significant payload and drop a parachute from inside its fuselage. Available vehicle parameters are listed below. Other parameters (i.e. minimum take off distance, operating limits etc) will not be available until the vehicle is flight tested.

Wingspan: 15’Length: 10’Aspect Ratio: 7.9Weight: 50lbs to 70lbs depending on payloadMaterial: Foam, Balsa Wood, Plywood, AluminiumPropulsion: Dual Wing-mounted electric motors driving forward mounted (tractor) propellersPropeller Diameter: 14” to 26”Motor Battery: 2 x Lithium Polymer (37V, 8Ah, 3.5lbs)Pilot Control: Standard RC Control - 72 MHz rangeControl Surface Actuators: High Power Digital RC ServosLanding Gear: Non-Retractable TricycleColour: Red and WhiteEstimated Max Speed: 40 knotsEstimated Min Speed: 20 knotsEstimated Max Flight Time: 45 minutes

Figure 1: Partial Assembly, October 2005 shows the aircraft partially complete in October 2005 with a number of WARG members. Figure 2: Partial CAD Drawing shows a partially complete computer drawing of the aircraft.

Figure 1: Partial Assembly, October 2005

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Figure 2: Partial CAD Drawing

The UAV will takeoff and land using a paved runway. Pneumatic brakes will be used to slow the aircraft after it has landed. The UAV does not have any special requirements to be transported to the launch site. It can be disassembled and will fit inside standard minivans.

Control, Avionics, Payload and Ground StationThe aircraft will be controlled by a human pilot using standard RC equipment. Figure 3: RC Equipment Illustration shows an illustration of this equipment. This system incorporates a number of safety systems and redundancies to mitigate the risks of the human pilot loosing control of the aircraft and a method to remove electrical power from the motors should something go wrong.

The UAV will be able to be controlled by two separate RC receivers marked Channel A and B in the illustration. Both of these channels will be in the 72 MHz spectrum that is typically used for model aircraft. If one channel fails or is interfered with, the pilot will be able to switch to the other channel. The Emcotec DPSI Twin3 is a commercially available unit designed to switch between two RC receivers and two batteries to provide redundancy.

Additionally, Channel C will be used to control a WARG designed kill switch that will remove power from the propellers.

3 http://www.rc-electronic.com/html/pdf/bedienungsanleitungen/DPSI_TWIN_Anleitung_V11_EN.pdf

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Figure 3: RC Equipment Illustration

The UAV may carry additional avionics for testing purposes that may communicate with a ground station. These systems will be independent from the RC system in Figure 3: RC Equipment Illustration used to fly the UAV. These electronics may require additional wireless links. A one Watt, 900 MHz radio from Microhard Systems4 will be used for avionics testing. This device does not require an amateur radio license. Other communications systems may be used as testing progresses. It will be ensured that the appropriate licenses are obtained if necessary.

PersonnelDuring normal operations the following personnel will be present and in constant communication using FRS radios:

1 Operations manager 1 Pilot 1 Kill Switch Operator/Spotter

The kill switch operator and spotter must be near the pilot and watching the aircraft at all times during flight. The following personnel may be present:

One or more avionics operators One or more ground crew One or more Faculty members of the University of Waterloo

Anyone else who is present will be considered a spectator.

4 http://www.microhardcorp.com/Products/SpectraNT920.htm

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Abnormal Events and Emergency Operations

The following table illustrates the actions to be taken in a number of emergency situations. Under normal operations the UAV will always be operated within visual range over an area that is off limits to the general public. The propulsion system can be terminated using a kill switch. An air horn will be available and used to notify people on WRESTRC property in the event that the UAV may not be landing on the runway. All people on the WRESTRC property will be notified of the aircraft’s operation and what the use of the air horn signifies. The WRESTRC manager will be notified in the event of an emergency.

Failure Mode Action To Be Taken1 Single RC Channel Failure

(CH A or CH B) Switch to other channel

2 Dual RC Channel Failure (CH A & CH B)

Activate engine kill switch Sound air horn Call 911 if UAV causes personal injury.

3 Triple RC Channel Failure (CH A & CH B & CH C)

Sound air horn Immediately notify Region of Waterloo Airport ATC and call

911 if the UAV goes out of visual range Call 911 if UAV causes personal injury.

4 Single RC Channel Failure (CH C)

No action taken (this is an undetectable failure unless kill switch is used)

5 Single engine failure Sound air horn Either attempt a single engine landing or kill the other engine

to attempt dead stick landing. Call 911 if UAV causes personal injury.

6 Dual engine failure Sound air horn Attempt dead stick landing Call 911 if UAV causes personal injury.

7 Control lost due to physical damage (bird strike, aircraft contact)

Sound air horn Attempt dead stick landing Call 911 if UAV causes personal injury.

8 Line of sight lost Activate engine kill switch Sound air horn Notify Region of Waterloo Airport ATC Call 911 immediately Search for UAV

9 Sudden severe weather Land UAV immediately10 Unauthorized person on

field Human pilot should attempt to fly UAV as far from the

unauthorized person as possible, but within visual range Contact person and inform them that they are trespassing If they will not leave call 911

11 Medical emergency requiring EMS on ground (non-pilot)

Call 911 immediately Move person to safe area Land aircraft if it is safe to do so

12 Medical emergency requiring EMS on ground (pilot) while UAV is in

Kill engine Sound air horn Call 911 immediately

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WARG Hyperion UAVflight Spotter should attempt dead stick landing in safe area

13 Accidental entry of controlled airspace while UAV is controllable

Attempt to exit controlled airspace Notify Waterloo Region Airport ATC

14 Accidental entry of controlled airspace while UAV is out of control

Attempt to exit controlled airspace Notify Waterloo Region Airport ATC Sound air horn Call 911 immediately Attempt dead stick landing

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Area Used for OperationThe UAV will always be flown at the WRESTRC. WARG has obtained verbal permission from the property owners of the farm to the west of the WRESTRC facility to fly over their land. The WRESTRC facility and the farm land to its west can be seen in Figure 4: WRESTRC & Surrounding Area, which is looking in a north-west direction. The facility is located at the following GPS coordinates:

N 43o 26.023’W 80o 34.600’

The closest airport is the Region of Waterloo International Airport (YKF). WRESTRC is located 8.47 nautical miles away from the airport on a bearing of 279 degrees. The airspace is Class E above 700 feet AGL. Below 700 feet AGL is uncontrolled airspace. Since the UAV will only operate within visual range, operations will typically occur at 200 feet to 400 feet AGL and will never exceed 700 feet AGL during normal operations.

WRESTRC is located in a rural area, which can be seen in Figure 4: WRESTRC & Surrounding Area. Figure 5: WRESTRC Facility shows the facility in more detail. These pictures show a paved track that is typically used for training emergency service drivers. The large skid pad will be used as the runway. It is 900 feet long and 134 feet wide and on a bearing of 297 degrees. On the inside of the track there are 13 light standards that are 40 feet high and are spaced 100 feet to 300 feet apart. The two tallest buildings on the facility can be seen in the photograph and are 8 storeys and 5 storeys tall and are uninhabited. The forest on the east side of the facility has trees that are approximately 80 feet AGL.

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WARG Hyperion UAVFigure 4: WRESTRC & Surrounding Area

Figure 5: WRESTRC Facility

Figure 6: Toronto VTA & WRESTRC

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Figure 6: Toronto VTA & WRESTRC shows the location of the WRESTRC facility. The facility has underground gas pipes and hydro lines nearby. According to the WRESTRC facility manager, helicopters have flown at low altitudes near the facility; however he has never seen a helicopter fly directly over the WRESTRC.

Figure 7: WRESTRC Overhead View shows an overhead view of the WRESTRC facility and its surrounding area. The property limit of the WRESTRC facility and its neighbours to the west are shown in green. The runway is outlined in red and areas that may contain spectators are outlined in blue. White areas were not available from the aerial photographs.

Figure 7: WRESTRC Overhead View

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Security Plan

The Hyperion UAV will be operated below 700 feet AGL during normal operations and during emergency operation will not be intentionally operated above 700 feet AGL.

The entire WRESTRC facility is enclosed by a fence and the public cannot accidentally get onto the runway. Flights will not be open to the general public; however invited guests and media may be present during flights. Additionally, the facility may be used by other groups during operations. Other users, invited guests and media will be considered spectators. The UAV will be kept at least 50 meters from the spectators at all times.

Operations may occur over people on the neighbours farm land. The property owners have been notified and are aware of the associated risks.

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Emergency Contingency Plan

If an emergency were to develop, the appropriate authorities would be contacted by calling 911, which handles all emergency requests in this area. A portable air horn will be sounded at any time where an emergency poses a continued risk to people on the ground, for example when the UAV is still flying.

The WRESTRC facility has first aid kits available in the event of an emergency.

If the aircraft cannot be kept within visual range and below 700 feet, the Region of Waterloo International Airport ATC Tower will be notified and 911 will be called immediately.

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Ground Supervisor

Normally the duties of the ground supervisor will be carried out by the operations manager. However if there are invited guests present to watch the operation, one or more ground supervisors may be assigned to ensure the safety of these guests and will be in constant communication with the operation manager. This person would be responsible for ensuring these people remain within the designated spectator area and that their actions do not pose an additional risk to themselves or the operation. This person would also be responsible for instructing them in the event of an emergency.

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WARG Hyperion UAV

Additional Information

Pilot InformationMr. Steve Buchanan will be the human pilot for the Hyperion UAV. He has flown model aircraft for 12 years and has logged over 415 hours flying model airplanes and over 2324 hours with a model aircraft simulator. Mr. Buchanan is a member of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada and is an instructor at the Kitchener Waterloo Flying Dutchmen Radio Control Flying Club. He also holds a glider pilot’s license and has logged 41 hours in a glider. Mr. Buchanan holds a B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Waterloo

Mr. Buchanan has been involved with WARG as a pilot since 2002 and has been heavily involved with the initial concept, design and construction of the Hyperion UAV.

DocumentationA risk assessment has been conducted and is attached to this application.

InsuranceThe Hyperion UAV is insured for $5,000,000, including public liability which exceeds the minimum requirement specified by the Canadian Aviation Regulations Section 606.02

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