dayspring update october 8, 2015 -...

Post on 09-Aug-2018






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Dayspring Update October 8, 2015


Oct. 11 - Mark & Marilyn Johnson Oct. 18- Barbara Bare & Cheri Standish Oct. 25- Shirley Adams & Erin McCrae On Call for October - Lois Duncan


Global Impact Weekend October 24-25, 2015

Your faith commitment offering makes an impact around the world. Make a commitment now to set aside October 24-25 and be praying about what God would have you pledge to this year’s faith offering.


PANCAKE DINNER Come enjoy a delicious pancake dinner prepared by some surprise chefs and be inspired about Dayspring’s missions around the world! You won’t want to miss this! Sign up Sunday!


Join us in worship and hear Pastor Noel De Asis who is from the Philippines and is planting a multi-ethnic church in southern Durham--Lifezone Fellowship.

We are the sheep of his pasture..

Missing in Action…Still The church office is trying to locate the “Lioness Arising” curriculum. Please check your homes, cars, offices, dvd/cd players, etc., and return to the church office if you come across it. Thank you!

Why Global Impact Weekend:

Pray for our missionaries:

Jim & Carol Dowsett - Quickness of eye, hand, and brain as Jim seeks to

grow in fluency of American Sign Language. Clarity of direction for the

“immersion lab” time this fall.

Justin & Angie Ham - Pray for adjustment to their new culture and continued

learning in language.

Jan T. - Praise God that Babi started his new job October 1! Pray for housing and wisdom for next steps. Pray for Jan’s father, for physical and spiritual healing. Pray that he will not have too much discomfort and that his treatment times can be scheduled for later in the day. Pray for the new Bible study that Jan is leading. Linda Kofler - Pray for Linda as she learns the Korean language.

Amelie McCrae - Praise God for permanent housing and for additional work

hours. Pray for rest and physical strength, for adjustment to life “on the left

coast,” discipleship and outreach events in her adopted city of Seattle. See

Amelie’s letter elsewhere in this newsletter.

Pray for Beth Craig who continues to suffer from extreme back pain and

other medical issues.

Pray for Yancey and Anne Culton. Your calls, visits, cards, and prayers

will encourage Yancey. It is best to call before going by to visit them at

Brookdale Meadowmont.

Pray for the Colborns: Ella’s brother passed away unexpectedly last month

in Tennessee. Ella has been ill for the last several weeks, especially from

digestive issues. Pray for wisdom as she seeks medical advice later this

month. Also, Megan is scheduled for back surgery in November with the hope

of relieving the back pain she has been suffering from. Pray for healing

through this and for peace of mind in anticipation of the surgery.

Pray for our Durham police officers and other first responders.

We are so blessed to be at Dayspring. Thank you dear friends for the

prayers, cards, emails, and visits to support us during the very

challenging times with our health and family issues this past

year. Please continue to pray for us as we lift up Dayspring daily

in our prayers.

In Christ's love,

David and Beth Craig

From Your Pastor ~

Two weeks from this weekend, Oct. 24-25, is one of the most important events of the year for us: Global Impact. I will not repeat the schedule here--it's elsewhere in this newsletter--but I will tell you briefly why it's important. JESUS COMMANDED US TO GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF EVERY NATION. You and I are not going to live in Korea, or Belgium, or travel to countries around the world reaching out to deaf people, or even go to Holloway Street in East Durham every day. But when we give our financial support to missionaries, we SEND the good news to all those places and many more. This is simple obedience. And this is what Global Impact weekends and our Faith Commitment Offering are all about. Saturday night, October 24. Sunday morning, October 25. Please make your plan to come together on those dates to serve the LORD and support the Gospel to the world.

INCLUDED IN THIS NEWSLETTER is the report from David Moore, the consultant who came to us back in August when we had listening sessions with you, the church. This is a summary of the findings that came out of what you the congregation said that day. Your leadership is look-ing at the report (we received it two days ago) and we'll be looking to act on it. For now, we want you to see it for yourselves. Please direct any questions or comments to one of us--Mac or Dale, Tom or Bob or Alan.

Mac Bare


11:00am - 7:00pm The following paragraph is an invitation from Bull City Outreach. Pastor Terry Shuff invites you to consider stopping by to support and learn more about this ministry. His invitation follows:

Come and see our new HolyWay Cafe and learn about everything going on at Bull City Outreach! We will serve spaghetti dinners for eat-in or take out, featuring authentic Italian recipes from Papa Vinny Abbruscato, garlic bread, salad, a drink and dessert. Donations only accepted. Delivery available for group orders and shut-ins with advanced notice. Please invite your family and friends to join us for great food and fellowship! For more information go to their website at or, if you are on Facebook, check out their event page: Bull City Outreach Headquarters is located at 1512 Holloway Street in downtown Durham.

NOTE: CALENDAR CHANGE! Scott Hawkins, from Duke’s International Students Inc. (ISI) tells us that this year they are encouraging those who want to reach out to Duke international students to offer hospitality by inviting one to three internationals to their home on Thanksgiving Day. So this year, rather than Dayspring hosting a Thanksgiving meal on November 21 for the students, we are encouraging you to consider inviting one to three students to share the Thanksgiving meal in your home. Since a Dayspring event was already on your calendar for that date, Dayspring will now hold an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Pot Luck Party on Saturday, November 21, from 6:30-8:30 pm. More on all of this later. For now, consider beginning to collect items for the shoeboxes. Also please calendar the pot luck for this time and plan to join us for an evening that will not only be fun, but will minister to needy children around the world!

Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation Challenge I I A E T C S E

Did you know that Dayspring’s own Megan Colborn was born with hydrocephalus, a condition where excess spinal fluid collects on the brain? This condition can cause severe mental retardation or even death if not treated quickly enough. It is a life-time condition for which there is a treat-ment but no cure. The only treatment is a shunt placed inside the body that drains the fluid to the person’s abdominal cavity. More research is needed--and that requires money! A fun way to raise funds is the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation (Pie Hits Face) Challlenge. Did you see Megan Colborn, Jason Tyndall and Pastor Mac take and share the Challenge at our picnic? What fun! In case you missed it, here’s a few pictures to give you a “taste” of the pie! If you were challenged, don’t forget to make your own video challenging others to donate to PHF for hydrocephalus research.

Thank you to all who participated and thank you to Lester Fricks Band for donating all their proceeds from the picnic to the cause!. LFB, what a blessing that was. We can’t thank you enough! If you would like to make a donation--or for more information, visit their website at:

Hello Dayspring Family, I have been in Seattle for over a month! Where did the time go?

Even with all of this flurry of activity (someone commented that I’m a very busy person for hav-ing just moved here), I still get a longing for home and the familiar people and places. I can’t even tell you how many people I have met this month where the first thing that pops out of their mouth when I say I’m from NC is “But you don’t even have a southern accent!” I fit in so much that it’s assumed that I know about the Seahawks (football team), that I’m a student at one of the colleges (I do have a UW baseball cap after all), and apparently my style is very Seattle (it’s all the flannel plaid apparently…except for the fact that I only own the one shirt). I still ache for that familiar drive to work, my parents’ home-cooked/grilled meals, and Sunday movie nights. Although I’m exploring and finding my favorite coffee haunts, I wish I could share it with all of you. You have all made this possible and I am so grateful to each of you for giving me this opportunity to grow and learn so much.

I am finally in a permanent place to live, renting a room from a couple that goes to Every Nation Church. After having lived with a family unit for so long, it’s very strange to be living with a young couple. I keep expecting more noise. Settling in has had its ups and downs. This whole process has not been without anxiety, stress, and breakdowns, but the blessings and learning experiences that have come with it are so rewarding. I realized this week that feeling those emotions means that I am moving forward and stepping into places that are uncomfortable and new for me at first, but are ultimately good for me to learn and experience. Interning with Every Nation Church Campus ministry (ENCC) has already started full swing. With 10 interns, this is the biggest group ENCC has ever had in campus ministry. We’re in the middle of an event at the University of Washington with a guest speaker named Brian Miller. He will be talking for the next three days about faith vs science and sharing his testimony called Confessions of a Skeptic with the students. The interns have been taking the last two weeks to go out and engage students in a sur-vey called The God Test, which asks questions designed to get a feel for how others view God and where they stand. I got to be part of sharing The God Test for the first time. I’m not the type of person who goes up to random strangers and talks about faith, but this experience was incredible. I got to speak with two guys and I was blown away by their honesty and openness to talk about what they be-lieve, even if that belief is that they don’t believe there’s a God. It caused me to think about my own

Below is an update from Amelie McCrae--Dayspring’s own intern on the mission field.

faith in ways I’ve never questioned before and it makes me excited to do this again in the coming weeks. We’re all really excited about all that’s going on here on the campuses and hope that in stirring up these questions, we’ll get a good amount of students to come to the event where many of their questions can be addressed! Please be praying that God will draw the students to this event and that, through it, it will bring them closer to knowing Him! On top of my 8 to 10 hours of internship work, I have added a small internship with Every Nation’s administration office! This will add 4 hours a week to my internship and will give me office skills that I’ve only had intuition and instinct for in the past. I’m really excited to learn about the ins and outs of office work; I don’t know why, but it makes me so happy! I feel very accomplished and Joanna, the head administrator, is very patient and encouraging. I look forward to the skills and knowledge I will gain through this! It may come as no surprise to many of you that I’ve also joined the worship team. It certainly was not on my agenda to seek this out, but I really felt God leading me to go ahead and try it again. Every Nation is very blessed with a team of extremely talented musicians and vocalists, one I feel very blessed and proud to be a part of. We all work well together and last Sunday were all laughing giddily because we sounded like a choir with how many harmonies we could get (for those who don’t know, that’s extremely hard to do)! Luke, the worship leader and director, has great vison for what the wor-ship team should look like and seeks out people who truly have a genuine heart to worship. I’ve been writing songs again while here. I played one of my most recent worship songs for Luke, to which he responded with great encouragement, enthusiasm, and an “I would be honored to have you introduce this song to our church and have it be a regular song we sing!” WHAT?! You see what I mean about encouragement? God is using them to equip me in ways that I never thought was even possible. I am blown away by the way God is working in the lives of the people here. I’ve been working 22 to 30 hours a week at Anthropologie, praise God! This is a tremendous answer to prayer, but I’m also going into my week completely exhausted without the proper rest needed to work long hours on top of the internship. Please do keep praying that the hours continue to come and that I would gain the rest and physical strength needed to continue to work well and skillfully. I am currently not dancing. Between getting settled from the move, work, and the internship, I fall into bed every night and then get up and do it all over again the next morning. I hope to start dance soon and will be sending out a support letter in the very near future.

Please continue to pray for me and the other interns that we would not burn ourselves out, that we would be able to speak conversationally about God and the gospel with other students with clarity and passion, and that we will learn to work together as a team in the coming months.

May the Lord bless each of you and grant you courage to seek adventure in your normal daily routine. In doing so, I hope the stories that come out of it will bless others and draw them closer to our mighty and awesome God and reveal to you that He can do all things!

With love, Amelie McCrae

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