david vincent cv 2016

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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David Vincent – MCTS, MCPD Web developerA contract/freelance web developer with over ten years’ experience with a background in ASP.Net web forms, C# and CMS.Recently working as a front-end web developer implementing HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery as well as AngularJS, with a keen interest in web accessibility and web standards and enthusiastic about learning new technologies, patterns and techniques such as MVC and the MEAN stack.Demonstrated the ability to work with and support all levels from product owners, off-shore and stake holders to content editors both technical and non-technical.

Technical skills summary Bootstrap 3/ Responsive (RWD) HTML5, CSS3 LESS/SASS Gulp/Grunt Git/SVN Umbraco CMS Cross browser/ W3C WCAG 2.0 Accessibility standards Microsoft Visual Studio/TFS JavaScript, JQuery, Lodash MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) Testing: Karma, Mocha Chai ASP.Net ,Web forms, MVC, C# Obtree WCMS Presentation Server LiveLink CDMS HTML, DHTML, XHTML, XML, CSS Browser web developer tools MS IIS 6.0/7.0 Microsoft SQL Server 2012/Express, T-SQL, Sprocs N-Tier Architecture, OOP, OOD Pay Pal IPN/PDT Payment Integration

Employment summary Vodafone – Front-end developer Zinc Ahead Ltd (Veeva) – Javascript developer The Open University – Front-end web developer Thames Valley Police– Web Developer, Obtree WCMS Oxford Applied Research– Web Developer, IT/Network Administrator

David Vincent – MCTS, MCPD Web developerVodafoneFront-end web developerDecember 2015 – Present day

I have been involved with the BizDev team working on task flows for the Vodafone website. My duties included sprint preparation; Working closely with stake holders (UI, GD, SME and business), creation of HTML, CSS (SASS), JS and data files (XML) to present and to hand over to off-shore. Support the off-shore team while in sprint and review and approve produced mark-up. I was also involved with BAU; testing within our test environment, supporting and raising defects, debugging CSS/HTML and Javascript.Skill summary: Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS3, SASS, Node.js, MS Visual Studio Code, TortoiseSVN, Git/SourceTree, Grunt.

Zinc Ahead (Veeva)Javascript developerFebruary 2015 – October 2015

During my time at Zinc Ahead I was involved with building an automated testing framework using Selenium Webdriver with Javascript binding within a Node.js environment; I was responsible for the creation of a Single Page Application (SPA) for the presentation of the results from the testing framework, this was build using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node.js). Inserting the test results from the testing framework into the MongoDB to be retrieved by the MEAN application; setting up Express to route and handle requests and to retrieve our data and expose it to an API to be consumed on the front-end using AngularJS. Presenting the retrieved data to Front-end using Bootstrap and AngularJS; set up and creation of views, routing within Angular, Modules, Controllers and Services etc.Setting up and creation of unit tests for the Angular functions using Karma test runner, Mocha testing framework and Chai assertion library.Skill summary: Javascript, Selenium Webdriver, Mocha, Karma, Chai,Node.js, Loadash.js, AngularJS, MongoDB, Bootstrap, MEAN stack, MS Visual Studio 2012, SVN, TortoiseSVN.

Training and freelance workAugust 2014 – February 2015

The time between The Open University and Zinc Ahead, I took the opportunity to do some training in Implementing web accessibility as well as freelance Umbraco web development and to help my wife start her own business. Please refer to Professional training and freelance sections below for more information.

David Vincent – MCTS, MCPD Web developerThe Open UniversityFront-end web developerJanuary 2014 – 31 July 2014

Working within a small team initially on the development and maintenance of a framework of components used for internal applications including;

Creation of components for internal use, Upgrade and implementation of Font Awesome 4.1 to existing products, Create responsive styles for existing components to ensure cross device compatibility, Creation of wire-frames for components using Balsamiq.

Then later worked on the digital framework for the new customer facing website including; Creation of layout and styling of pages, Supporting the developers with mark-up and styling issues Ensuring accessibility in regards to keyboard navigation, WAI ARIA, contrast and usability General bug fixing styling mark-up and JavaScript issues

Skills summary: Accessibility, CSS3, HTML5, LESS, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Font Awesome 4.1, Visual Studio 2012, TFS, JQuery, Wire-framing.

Thames Valley PoliceWeb developer (Obtree WCMS)February 2010 – 31 December 2013

Thames Valley Police website has over 2500 pages that meet W3C WCAG AA accessibility standards and an Intranet site consisting of over 4000 pages, both built on OpenText Obtree WCMS.

Working within the New Media Team as one of two web developers, responsible the website and for the re-development of the intranet, from creating the HTML and CSS from the initial design to developing the structure, layout, custom properties, permissions and objects within the Obtree CMS, creation of new pages using the new design layout; such as Neighbourhood profile pages, Counter Services pages, contact forms and dynamically populated A-Zs.Support teams within the department and other departments to meet Force priorities and campaigns. I have also been responsible for supporting content editors and the press office, editor training and the creation of training materials, user guides and video. Web maintenance including retaining our Shaw Trust Web Accreditation for the force website www.thamesvalley.police.uk I have also been involved with social media, blogs Google analytics and interactive PDFs.

Recent projects include mobile accessibility development, introducing JQuery form validation, and components etc.

Skills Summary: Site Administrator, Obtree WCMS Presentation Server, Obtreesript, CQL, T-SQL, CSS, XHMTL, JavaScript, JQuey, MS Visual Studio 2008, Adobe Acobat 9, W3C WCAG2.0 Accessibility standards.

David Vincent – MCTS, MCPD Web developerFreelance workMay 2008 – Present day

www.MattsGardenService.co.uk a website for a local landscape gardener.Built on Umbraco 7using HTML5, CSS3 and Twitter Bootstrap www.MattsGardenService.co.uk Skills summary: Umbraco 7, LESS, CSS3, HTML5, RWD, Twitter Bootstrap, JQuery, Accessibility, MVC, Razor

www.BundleBear.co.uk is an e-commerce website selling children’s toys and gifts.Build using Umbraco CMS using XHTML and CSS integrating Tea Commerce. Recently been completely redeveloped to benefit from Twitter Bootstrap for responsive layout and build with serious consideration to accessibility. www.bundlebear.co.uk Skills summary: Umbraco, SQL Server, MS IIS 6/7, XHTML CSS, PayPal integration, SEO, MS Visual Studio 2012, Umbraco CMS, Doc Types, Templates, Macros, Bootstrap, RWD, Font Awesome, JQuery, JQuery validation, HTML5, CSS3, Accessibility.

www.ClubDeGolfJavea.com was an existing static site that has been redeveloped keeping the initial design and integrating into Umbraco CMS, enabling the editor control of the content.Each page was taken and all HTML and CSS re-written to benefit from CSS positional layout. The website was redeveloped in four languages taking advantage of the multilingual features of Umbraco as well as a secure area for members with news, calendar and live tee times.Skills summary: Umbraco CMS, Doc Types, Templates, Macros, XSLT, Microsoft Visual Studio.Net2010,C#, ASP.Net 3.5, XHTML, CSS, MS IIS7, Master Pages, OOP, user controls within Umbraco, Umraco dictionary and language setup, MS Visual Studio 2012..www.TheJobsYouHate.co.uk is a brochure website for a small property maintenance business. Built using Umbraco CMS with HTML5 and CSS3, C# RazorSkill summary: Umbraco CMS, HTML5, CSS3.

David Vincent – MCTS, MCPD Web developer

Oxford Applied Research LtdMicrosoft ASP.Net Web Developer, IT/Network Administrator February 2001- November 2008

Oxford Applied Research Ltd develops and manufactures scientific systems for the surface science and nanotechnology industry. Such as Ion sources, Thermal gas crackers and Atom sources.Initially employed as an electronics technician, I took on the additional responsibility as the IT/Network administrator where I developed a keen interest in the running and development of the website.While employed at Oxford Applied Research I created an ASP.Net web application for e-mailing newsletters to customers/agents from an MS Access database using ASP.Net; This web application enabled a user to view, edit and delete records via a series of web forms the user can then create an e-mail newsletter HTML or plain text then send to e-mail addresses within the MS Access database. As IT Systems/Network Administrator/Web Developer, I was responsible for DNS registration and website creation and administration and procurement and set-up of Web-hosting and e-mail accounts, the implementation and administration of the MS Windows Small Business Server 2003/MS Windows XP LAN, configuration and administration of MS Exchange Server 2003/MS Outlook 2003. My responsibilities also included: Wireless networking, Network/Desktop support, the procurement of new technologies, implementation, configuration and training of new technologies, Remote web access, Network security and Antivirus, back up and disaster recovery.

After briefly leaving OAR to set-up my own company I was asked back on a contract basis to redevelop the website for the new owner the Vacutec group which included Oxford Applied Research, Vacutec, Atomtech, and VSW; This was build using ASP.Net 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005.

Skills Summary: Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2005, SQL Server 2005, C#, ASP.Net 2.0, ADO.Net, T-SQL, HTML, CSS, Master Pages, Network/Troubleshooting, Design, MS SBS 2003, MS IIS6, MS Exchange 2003, RWA, Antivirus and disaster recovery, TCP/IP, POP3, SMTP, E-mail marketing.

David Vincent – MCTS, MCPD Web developerProfessional training/CertificationsWeb Design AcademySeptember 2014

Implementing web accessibilityProvides the technical requirements for building accessible websites using HTML and CSS; how to:

Provide accessible web images, multimedia and text alternatives Provide accessible links and navigation Ensure that textual content is accessible Ensure that colour is used safely Make table navigation and data accessible Make form navigation, data, and data entry accessible

University of OxfordOctober 2009 – April 2010

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Using C++ and JavaI attended a University of Oxford Continued Education course for 20 weeks introducing OOP, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism whilst introducing programming languages C++ and Java.Awarded 20 CATS points at FHEQ Level 4

Microsoft CertificationsMicrosoft Certified Professional Developer, Web DeveloperMicrosoft Certified Technology Specialist, .Net framework 2.0Microsoft Certified Professional

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Additional/ongoing training Pluralsight – subscription for on-going training on MVC, Front-end technologies including

AngularJS. Currently working towards the MCSD Web Applications certification.

David Vincent – MCTS, MCPD Web developerEducationBicester Community College September 84 – May 88 Bicester OxfordshireOxford College of Further Education November 88 – November 90 Oxford

Personal DetailsDavid Vincent


(01869) 240532Mobile: 0785 3411 861enquiries@davidvincent.co.ukhttp://uk.linkedin.com/in/aspnetwebdeveloperdavidvincenthttp://djv72.blogspot.co.uk/http://plnkr.co/users/djv72

Marital Status: MarriedD.O.B: 6th August 1972Nationality: British

ReferencesReferences are available upon request.

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