data strategies for active network control in a ‘totex presen… · 26/11/2014  · •mouchel...

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Data Strategies for Active

Network Control in a ‘Totex


19th November 2014

Brendan McAndrew – Asset Management Technical Director


What’s different in a Totex world

• Totex solutions to deliver “outcomes”

• Removing capex bias

– Catchment based approaches

– Optimise use of existing assets

• Active network control

– Technology as driver / enabler

– Data availability > performance visibility

– Data analytics > optimised control

• Dynamic efficiency

– Squeeze unit cost of traditional solutions

– Develop new solutions new cost base


Data Strategies for Active Network Control

• Need to know

– Current system performance

– Imminence of service failures

– Control options available

• Data sources

– In-asset sensors

– External environment

• Data to information

– Analytics

– Visualisation

– Decision support


UK Managed Motorway Example

• Road widening budget cancelled 2000

• Highway Agency (HA) Asset Manager

to Network Operator

• Road users as customers

• Outcomes

– Predictable journey times

– Reduced congestion at peak times

– Safe to operate

• HA looked for international best practice

• Mouchel developed UK managed

motorway approach – piloted on M42


Data for Active Traffic Management

• Buried detector loops provide flow and

speed data

• Algorithms predict ‘service failures’ &

implement Operating Regimes

• Operator intervention when critical

• Benefits delivered

– Journey Time Reliability improved by 27%

– Peak journey times reduced by 5%

– 50% reduction in Personal Injury Accidents

– 10% reduction in CO2 emissions

– Cost 20% of equivalent widening scheme

• Best practice continues to develop


The ‘internet of things’

• Smart connected ‘products’


– New functionality

– Improved reliability

– Better utilisation of capacity

• Capabilities for asset systems

– Monitoring

– Control

– Optimisation

– Autonomy

Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor

Control Control Control

Optimisation Optimisation


Know asset status and

external environment

Change operation based on

monitoring data (automatic

or operator decision)

Data analytics enable

optimum asset performance

and predictive diagnostics

mitigate failure risk

Asset systems act

autonomously based on

external operating



• Autonomous Mining – Rio Tinto

Smart connectivity transforming industries

– Driverless haulage trucks operate


– Site operations monitored and

controlled from remote location

– Interfaces designed by Operators

– Automation of repetitive

decisions / actions

– Safe data-rich and stimulating

working environment

– Focus on performance of end-to-

end operation


– Product > Smart Product > Smart

Connected Product - enables active control

– Self diagnosis and maintenance scheduling

for equipment faults

– Management system integrates ‘product

data’ with operating environment data

– Optimise performance of farming operation

– New supply chain relationship

• Tractor Supplier to Farm Management Partner

– John Deere

Product Smart Product Smart Connected Product Smart Connected Product System

Smart connectivity transforming industries


Yorkshire – “Developing leading

edge tools for our networks ##

which allow real time monitoring

and control of the network,

reducing the impact of leakage

and sewer flooding.”

Northumbrian – “In order to

reduce spills, we have a £5.8m

investment programme to install

additional level and flow monitors

[and] will put operational

processes in place to analyse and

respond to this data.”

Anglian – “This [investment]

##reflects a growing asset base,

and increased use of technology,

instrumentation and automation in

the management and control of

our operations.”

UU – “#.continue to improve the

way we operate our wastewater

business, making better use of

technology, automation and

control to drive better customer

service at reduced cost.”

STW – “Increased use of real time

monitoring of our Combined Sewer

Overflows (CSOs) and sewer

network to identify problems

before they cause pollution or


Thames – “#. continue to

increase our use of real-time

control and monitoring systems to

improve our management of the

network and the ##..

effectiveness of our response to

potential operational problems.”

Scottish Water – “ #developing

further intelligent controls during

2015 to 2021 will support our aims

of moving to an ever more planned

approach to operation and

maintenance, allowing greater

remote control of assets.”

Moving Forward in the Water Industry

• AMP6 Business Plans

– Recognition of role of active system

especially in wastewater systems

• Lack of guidance is the key blocker

– What is technically feasible

– Cost benefits

– Design guidance and procedures

– UKWIR 13/SW/01/5 addresses this

• Case studies

– Cardiff East – flood protection

– Copenhagen – bathing water quality

• Compelling benefits

Cardiff East Flood Protection

• Complex catchment with spatially varied

rainfall response

• Capital cost to deliver required level of

flooding protection £80-£100m

• Active System Control approach

delivered similar protection for £3m

• Maximises use of existing storage &

allows controlled spill in extreme events


• 2,800 ha catchment with population of ~


• Need to reduce spill frequency and

volume into local bathing water

• Active system control with six key control

points in catchment

• Environmental performance objectives

met at 10% of cost of traditional capital


• System alerts works to switch

to wet weather mode


Data strategy is key to benefit realisation

• Active System Control design must consider

– Monitoring / control equipment failure

– Power or Communications failure

– Cyber security

– Revert to local / manual control

• Involve operators in system design

– Control philosophy

– User interface

• New operating skills and training

• Budget for maintenance and upgrade

• Extract knowledge from data


Concluding Remarks

• Totex world - spur for active system control

• Connectivity and reliable low-cost data

acquisition – new operating paradigm

• Major changes in industrial sectors

• Data strategy for asset and operating

environment crucial to success

• New opportunities for supply chain

– Technology providers / integrators

– Modellers and designers

• ‘Connectivity’ can change supplier relationship

• AMP6 is the start of an exciting transition


Questions and answers

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