data exploration & visualization in excel & tableau - no videos

Post on 06-Jan-2017






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Data Exploration & Visualization in Excel & Tableau

Putting Your Safety Data to Work for You


• Cheap• Powerful for

statistical analysis

• Free or cheap• Quick for


“See” what the data are not showing you

Project Log

Conditional Formatting for BlanksSteps: 1.Select the cells you want to format2.Click3.Click4.Click5.Select “Blanks”

Dummy Coding for Missing DataSteps:1.Write if-statement of form: =IF(ISBLANK(_), 1, 0)2.Copy it down3.Write another of form: =IF(SUM(_:_)=0, 0, 1)4.Copy it down

Loading DataSteps:1.Select “Connect to a file”

2.Drag a sheet to the workspace3.Click

Histogram: Near Misses w/o Binning

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag Near Misses to the columns shelf:

2.Change Near Misses pill from “Measure” to “Dimension”

3.Drag Number of Records to the rows shelf:

Histogram: Near Misses w/ Binning

How to Make ItSteps:1.Click on Near Misses2.Select “Create” > “Bins…”

3.Select 4.Drag to columns shelf 5.Drag Number of Records to rows shelf6.While holding Command key, drag Number of Records to “Labels” on marks card

Histogram: Near Misses w/ Binning & Filtering by Hours

How to Make ItSteps:1.Click on by dimensions ▼dropdown

2.Click3.Write if-statement:

4. Drag Hours Dummy to “Color” on marks card

Histogram: Near Misses w/ Binning & Filtering by Hours & Missing Data

How to Make It

Steps:1.Write if-statement:

2.Drag Hours & Missing Dummy to “Color” on marks card

Scatterplot: Hours by People

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag People to column shelf:

2.Change it to dimension3.Drag Hours to row shelf:

4.Change it to dimension5.Right click data pane6.Select “Trend Lines” > “Show Trend Lines”

7.Examine regression equation8.Look for outliers

Scatterplot: Near Misses by Hours

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag Hours to column shelf:

2.Change it to dimension3.Drag Near Misses to row shelf:

4.Change it to dimension5.Right click data pane6.Select “Trend Lines” > “Show Trend Lines”

7.Examine regression equation8.Look for outliers

Line Chart: Near Misses by Sector

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag Month to the columns shelf:

2.Click on by Month▼3.Select 4.Drag Near Misses to rows shelf:

5.Drag Sector to “Color” on marks card

Line Chart: Accidents by Sector

How to Make ItSteps:1.Click on by Near ▼Misses2.Select 3.Drag Accidents to columns shelf:

Incident Log

Loading New DataSteps:1.Click 2.Select3.Select “Connect to a file”

4.Drag a sheet to the workspace5.Click

Tree Map: Incident Type

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag Incident Type to rows shelf:

2.Drag Number of Records into table3.In marks card, change measure from SUM() to AVG()4.Click 5.Click6.While holding Command key, drag Number of Records to “Labels” on marks card

Tree Map: Injury Cause

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag Injury Cause to rows shelf:

2.Drag Number of Records into table3.In marks card, change measure from SUM() to AVG()4.Click 5.Click6.While holding Command key, drag Number of Records to “Labels” on marks card

Text Analysis of Open-Ended Survey

How the Data Look

Bar Chart: Sentiment

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag measures to row shelf2.Drag each pill to vertical axis of previous graph

3.Click to order columns4.While holding Command key, drag Measure Names to “Colors” on marks card


6.While holding Command key, drag Measure Values to “Labels” on marks card

Stacked Bar Chart: Sentiment by Department

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag Department to columns shelf

2.Drag Measure Names to “Colors” on marks card3.Drag Measure Values to rows shelf

4.Click on by Measure Names▼5.Select 6.While holding Command key, drag Measure Values to “Labels” on marks card


Bar Chart: Dimensions

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag measures to row shelf2.Drag each pill to vertical axis of previous graph

3.While holding Command key, drag Measure Names to “Colors” on marks card4.While holding Command key, drag Measure Values to “Labels” on marks card

Bar Chart: Inspections by Department

How to Make ItSteps:1.Drag Inspections to rows shelf

2.Drag Department to columns shelf3.While holding Command key, drag Department to “Colors” on marks card4.While holding Command key, drag Inspections to “Labels” on marks card5.While holding Command key, drag Inspections to “Size” on marks card6.In marks card, change measure from AVG() to STDEV()

Loading Analysis ToolpackSteps:1.Select ”Tools” > “Excel Add-ins”


Descriptive Statistics

How to Run ThemSteps:1.Highlight cells2.Click tab


4.Select ”Descriptive Statistics” 5.Select 6.Click 7.Click

One-Way ANOVA: Inspections by Department

How to Run ItSteps:1.Create column for each department2.Copy Inspections data into them3.Highlight cells4.Click tab


6. Select “ANOVA: Single Factor” 7.Select 8.Click

Independent Samples T-Test: Inspections

How to Run ItSteps:1.Click tab


3.Select ”t-test: Two-Sample”4.Define 5.Define 6.Set 7.Click


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