data centre network, code centre network, crp activities of amdu

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Data Centre Network, Code Centre Network, CRP Activities of AMDU. B. J. Braams, H.-K. Chung 3 rd RCM of CRP on Light Elements in Plasma 20-22 March 2013. IAEA AMD Unit Home Page (AMDIS) AMDIS Access Statistics. activities = publication, meetings, CRPs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

Data Centre Network, Code Centre Network, CRP Activities of AMDU

B. J. Braams, H.-K. Chung3rd RCM of CRP on Light Elements in Plasma

20-22 March 2013


IAEA AMD Unit Home Page (AMDIS)


AMDIS Access Statistics





2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


activities = publication, meetings, CRPs


Databases : ALADDIN

• Data list: • Data from 1980-2006 for evaluated / compiled data• Data from CRPs recently• ~17600 sets for A&M data (~ 8500 rad. rec. APID 16)• ~ 6200 data for Surface data

• Data Development• Consultancy by Eckstein on reflection and penetration data• TM on “Improving the Database for Physical and Chemical Sputtering”

• Future Work• Review of the data quality• Improve the interface • Data compilation and evaluation


Databases: AMBDAS

• Data Source• Bibliographic data for spectroscopy from NIST• No Bibliographic data for collisions available since 2010

• Future Work• Need to resume collisional data (DCN/NFRI)• Add numerical data available for the bibliographic

records (NFRI)


Planned Databases : Dust particlesin collaboration with IPP-Garching


Knowledge base (wiki style)

• Introduction • Data Needs

• Magnetic Confinement Fusion • Inertial Confinement Fusion • Atomic Data • Molecular Data • Plasma-Material Interaction Data

• Data Sources • Online Databases • Data Centers • Code Centers Network

• Data Exchange • Data Producers Directory • Data Exchange Forum

• Special Topics • IAEA Coordinated Research Projects (CRP) • IAEA Workshops • NLTE Kinetics Code Comparison Workshops • ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activity) • European Fusion Development Agreement


• Fusion Research • Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research • Inertial Confinement Fusion Research

Contents from INDC reports, APID volumes and PresentationsWider access increase visibility?


Databases Search Engine: GENIE

• Radiative properties – add Spectr-W3• Collisional data – add OPEN-ADAS and Spectr-W3


Data Centre Network (DCN)

Terms of Reference:Domain: atomic and molecular (A+M), particle surface interaction (PSI) and bulk material properties (plasma-material interaction) data for fusion and other applications.Established Program: Collection, Dissemination, Critical assessment (evaluation) and generation of A+M, PSI (PMI) data

Members• ADAS, M. O’Mullane• CFADC, ORNL, D. R. Schultz • CRAAMD, Jun Yan • IAEA, Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, Braams, B. J. • JAEA, T. Nakano• KAERI, Y. Rhee• Kurchatov Institute, Yu. V. Martynenko• NIFS, I. Murakami• NIST, W. L. Wiese (Yu. Ralchenko)• FZJ, D. Reiter• NFRI, J.-S. Yoon


Code Centre Network activities

1. CCC & RCCC, Curtin University, Australia, I. Bray2. CR Model, Kitasato University, Japan, F. Koike3. MELDF*-TCAM, QUAN, EIKON, CTMC, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, I.

Rabadan4. CDW and VPN, University P. & M. Curie, France, Alain Dubois; Centro Atomico Bariloche

CNEA, Argentina, P.D. Fainstein 5. Molecular cross Sections, SI calculations, University of Bari, Italy, M. Capitelli 6. CR Models, Kurchatov Institute, Russian Federation, A. Kukushkin 7. ATOM, ATOM-AKM, GKU, Lebedev Institute, Russian Federation, L. Vainshtein 8. HYDKIN, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany, D. Reiter9. MCHF, GRASP2K, FLYCHK, NOMAD, National Institute for Standards and Technology,

USA, Yuri Ralchenko 10. DEGAS databases, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA, D. Stotler 11. LANL Codes, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, J. Abdallah, Jr.12. HULLAC code, ETHZ, Switzerland, M. Klapisch13. SDTRIM-SP, IPP Greifswald, Germany, R. Schneider14. AMD Services, International Atomic Energy Agency, H.-K. Chung


CCN Meeting in 2010

• 15 participants (with data users D. Coster and D. Elder)• Valuable exchange of information on data production and applications

• Flexible group of participants• Utilize CCN as a network for the coordination and collaboration on code activities

• Larger network with diverse background desirable • codes, models, experiments

• Concerns over the uncertainties of on-line code calculations • More harm to have online codes without the expert help• Better to host expert-generated data

• An integrated database of recommended data and code capabilities• A database based on the decision tree concept proposed• The quality and availability of data sets should be provided for a data inquiry

• CCN activities should be formulated to benefit code developers directly• Code comparison workshops (eg. NLTE7)


Coordinated Research Projects

2008-2012: Characterization of Size, Composition and Origins of Dust in Fusion Devices

2009-2013: Light Element Atom, Molecule and Radical Behaviour in the Divertor and Edge Plasma Regions

2010-2014: Spectroscopic and Collisional Data for Tungsten from 1 eV to 20 keV

2011-2015: Atomic and Molecular Data for State-Resolved Modelling of Hydrogen and Helium and Their Isotopes in Fusion Plasma

2012-2016: Data for Erosion and Tritium Retention in Beryllium Plasma-Facing Materials

2013-2017 (tentative): Plasma-material Interaction for Irradiated Tungsten and Tungsten Alloys

2015-2019 (tentative): Plasma Interaction with Low-activation Stainless Steel Surfaces


2012-2016: Data for Erosion and Tritium Retention in Beryllium Plasma-Facing Materials

Processes include physical and chemical sputtering and trapping and transport of hydrogen (H,D,T) for beryllium-based surfaces. The CRP will emphasize data for the relevant mixed materials, especially Be-(H,D,T,He), Be-C, Be-N, Be-O. The most important projectiles are H, D, T, He, Be, C, N, O, Ne and Ar.

The first RCM was held 26-28 Sep 2012.

Comments (BJB):

Experimental database is basically PISCES.

Theoretical database is basically Eckstein’s BCA (“TRIM”) data.

This is all a bit limited relative to the importance of the subject. Beryllium should be the ideal material for large scale computational work.


2013-2017 (planned): Plasma-material Interaction for Irradiated Tungsten and Tungsten Alloys

This CRP is in the Programme and Budget to start in 2013.

Overall objective: To enhance the knowledge base on interaction of H and He in plasma with tungsten-based plasma-facing materials in the nuclear environment of a fusion reactor.

Tritium retention and tritium removal may be strongly influenced by radiation damage and alloy formation. The CRP must include study of the effects of irradiation on surface microstructure.


Possible follow-up to Light Elements CRP

• CRPs are “fully booked” until 2015, with focus on PMI.

• Assembly, evaluation and recommendation of data for beryllium in plasma.• Processes of Be, BeH and BeH2 and their ions in edge plasma.• Fusion conditions, data and data evaluation for the needs of fusion plasma

modelling and diagnostics.• Not a CRP; can have a Consultant Meeting (CM) or small Technical Meeting


• Data for neutral beams in plasma• This may be a good topic for a somewhat larger TM.• Neutral beams are mainly H, He, Li; possibly Na.• Computational and diagnostics aspects


Roadmap to the internationally agreed standard data library for AM/PSI data for fusion applicationsPhase 1: Establishment of infrastructure for evaluated data library

• IAEA A+M Unit: Development of databases to host the standard data library• Data Centers: Compilation of relevant data for evaluation• Data Centers and Evaluators: Establishment of data evaluators’ network• Data Evaluators: Guidelines of evaluation methods• Data Producers: Guidelines of uncertainty estimates.• Data Users: Priority list of critical data needs

Phase 2: Establishment of evaluated data library• IAEA: Establishment / maintenance of databases to host the evaluated data library• Data Centers: Coordination of data evaluators’ network activities• Data Evaluators: Evaluation of data sets• Data Producers: Guidelines of scaling laws / fit expressions• Data Users: Development of data format compatible to applications

Phase 3: Establishment and maintenance of standard data library• IAEA: Establishment / maintenance of databases to host the standard data library• Data Evaluators and Data Centers: Coordination of Technical Committees• Data Producers: Feedback on data sets (production of missing data, data improvement)• Data Users: Feedback on data sets

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