d47 sunshiner - december, 2008

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December 2008



Dist. Gov. Address LGET Address LGM Address Governors of the YEAR Governors of the 1/4 From The PRO Webmaster‘s Tip Protect Your Points Updating TI Website FEATURED ARTICLES

District Conf. Re-Cap Conference Reports Fall Workshops TM = ―Family‖ Broward Speech Class The Point TM Club Toastmaster Blessings NEWS!

New Clubs New DTM‘s Evaluation Champion Humorous Champion Club CC Challenge Smedley Awards Area 54 Awards Kick-Off in Keys


2 3 4 18 18 19 20 24 27

2 5 8 17 21 22 25

4 9 14 15 16 23 18 25

The Sunshiner



Barry Rinehart‟s evaluation started and ended with an impressive display of useful observations and enthusiasm. His exploits were matched by Sandy Liebowitz‟s humor as he described a simple trip to the grocery store which almost resulted in the ruin of his marriage. All Sandy did was buy the wrong kind of apples.

Barry Rinehart of Division D won the Evaluation contest.


ESPECIALE!!ESPECIALE!! Sandy Liebowitz of Division E was numero UNO in the HUMOR contest!! HUMOR HUMOR


Publisher - Antionette Fox, DTM

PR Officer - Pierre Taschereau, ACS/ALB

Sunshiner Editor - Phil Stamatyades, DTM

Greetings Fellow District 47


If you missed the Conference you missed an awesome, exciting and fun filled event, so make your plans early to be at the next conference in Tampa on May 1 – 3, 2009. Special thanks to Kristina and her team Patricia Martinez, Kathy Furbush, Barbara Strasdas and the entire District 47 Team who helped to pull that event off. Thank you for all of your hard work and

long hours in making it a grand occasion.

We are fast approaching the end of the first 6 months of this Toastmasters Year. Have you taken the opportunity to share the benefits of Toastmaster with our friends, co-workers, and neighbors? When they ask "what's in it for me?" be sure to tell them your own story. I guarantee that there will be as much in it for you as for them.

We further recognize that in this crucial time in our economy but, Toastmasters may be critical to your success. If you find yourself in the midst of this economic

Message from the District Governor, Antionette Fox, DTM

Paid New Members Clubs

Current paid membership of 5163 represents all memberships paid to date. So, every renewal in April will add to that number. In other words, every paid member counts twice toward the annual total shown here.

crunch, you are NOT alone. If your careers have been affected by layoffs or your clubs are no longer meeting, we encourage you to draw on your Toastmasters communication and leadership experience, and the networking opportunities it offers. There will be days when you are not motivated to go to a meeting because you are overwhelmed, I

encourage you to pick yourself up and go, as we know Toastmasters meet in a friendly environment where one can be motivated and you will feel good from being around

your Toastmaster friends.

(Continued on page 3)

CC‘s AC‘s

A Message from DTM Kristina Kihlberg our District 47 LGET

Fellow Toastmasters, By the time you read this, we have just finished our District 47 Fall Conference. There were 262 people registered and over 100 were First Timers. Everybody had a great time. Friday evening started out with an energetic opening in the spirit of the Olympics – Let the Games Begin! International Director Lee Holliday was in attendance as well as our Evaluation contestants. All the ingredients for a fabulous evening were in place. The festivities continued all day Saturday with District 47‘s Council Meeting, many different workshops, our Roast Luncheon and of course the Humorous Speech contest. Read more about the weekend and results throughout this edition. For Clubs with semi-annual elections; it is high time you begin your nominations, elect your Officers and do a handover from the present Officers, including giving the incoming Officers their handbook. Coming up in regards to Education &

Training is our second round of Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) in January. If you are an Officer in January; training is mandatory and a GREAT TOOL to help you serve your Club and members. TLI is the place where we can learn about leadership skills.

The District will plan three sessions; one on the west coast and one on the east coast and one in the Bahamas. They will all follow the same outline. There will be a variety of

workshops in addition to the Officers positions. There will be something for EVERYONE! ALL members are welcome! Stay tuned for details. Continue to learn and grow as a speaker by focusing on your manual speeches. There is so much to learn from the Competent Communication manual and all the 15 Advanced Communication manuals. The journey never ends…. Enjoy the upcoming holidays - they usually bring a lot of speaking material – and we‘ll see you in January at a TLI near you!

Kristina D47 LGET

We are at a critical point in our district‘s growth, below I have made note of where we are and where we need to be by the end of

the 08-09 Toastmasters Year.

Whether you are on the Communication or Leadership track, there are always new opportunities to excel in Toastmasters. As you continue on the journey to achieve your educational targets, recommit yourself to earning a new, or another, CC and CL this

year, even as you pursue your other educational goals. Please keep in mind your personal goals and vision you established for yourself when you joined Toastmasters. If you have not accomplished this, then you may want to revisit those goals and we are willing to help you in any way that we can to

assist you in reaching your goal.

All the best for a Wonderful Holiday Season

and a Happy New Year. ▄

(Continued from page 2)


By DTM, Rick Furbush, LGM

Wow….do you remember the last time you had a life changing experience, or at least a rekindling of your Toastmasters purposes? That is exactly what many attendees of our District 47 Fall Conference experienced – especially the first timers. What an incredible event. I talked to many first timers and they were amazed. They came

away so excited and filled with wonderful experiences and knowledge. Have you ever been to a District Conference before? If you have…you already know. Here is a thought. Do you want to build your club, energize and excite

your members and get all of them to be re-dedicated to their purposes as a Toastmaster? I couldn‘t think of a better way to get them to do that than by

attending any District Conference. Tampa, May 1-3, 2009 is our Spring District 47 Conference featuring the International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest. Besides having eight dynamic workshops we will have the 2005 World Champion of Public Speaking, Lance Miller as a guest speaker. If you have never heard him speak…‖Google‖ his name and watch him on YOUTUBE. If YOU need a bit of a Toastmasters BOOST…COME to our next District Conference. I think it will ―Make All The Difference‖.

Remember…‖If it‘s not fun…it‘s NOT Toastmasters‖.

Rick Furbush, DTM , District 47 LGM ▄

. . . .TO OUR NEWEST CLUBS AND MEMBERS! The following clubs are NEW charters for District 47!

Division E Area 53 BKC Toastmasters Club, Miami Division D Area 44 WCR Palm Beaches Noon Toastmasters, Boca Raton Division E Area 54 Homestead Toastmasters, Homestead Division B Area 23 Hollywood Toastmasters

Rick Furbush joined Toastmasters in „89 in

Canada. In 2006 he rejoined as President of

“Toast of the Bay”. He has just finished his

term as Division G Governor earning

Presidents Distinguished Division. One of

Rick‟s greatest accomplishment as Division

Governor was to get all 5 of his Area

Governors and himself to achieve DTM this

year. At the Fall Conference he walked,

along with 10 other Toastmasters to received

his DTM medallion.

Contact Rick by dialing 727-643-8664

Or email him at LGM@toastmastersd47.org



A First Timer’s View by Jennifer Thayer, TM Less than a week before Thanksgiving there is much to be thankful for when discussing the District 47 Fall Conference. The afternoon kicked off for us First Timers with a special bingo game designed to get us meeting and interacting with fellow Toastmasters and having cocktails and conversations lasting until the doors opened for the dinner

event. A Banner Parade wrapped through the banquet room and an introduction of the Dignitaries followed. A great way to begin! My BIG MOMENT as the Test Speaker for the Evaluation Contest was around

the corner so I must admit while I was smiling, nodding and picking on a dinner roll, my speech was being replayed like a broken record in my head. Based on the incredible applause – I knew I delivered it well. I anxiously awaited the evaluators and they impressed and dazzled me with their knowledge, poise, bravery and presence. I learned a lot from their observations. After the dinner and contest, the night ended with a party hosted by the Toastmaster‗s from the Bahamas. The hospitality room was filled with Bahamian foods, rum, music and dancing. Day Two began with our First Timers‗ informational meeting, a Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony and a General Session held by Lee Holliday, our International Director.

“ Now… let the roasting begin.” Before the Luncheon and Roast of our Past District Governor, Wanda Brown, I had known nothing of her. Now, I am filled with short jokes, a flavor for her leadership style, her dedication, and the knowledge that she was loved and respected by all that poked fun at her. Next was a selection of informative educational workshops. I enjoyed the Leadership Workshop by Phil Stamatyades and the Organization Workshop held by Marsha Sims (my husband will be so proud of my second choice). Then the 2000 World Championship Speaker, Ed Tate, held an afternoon General Session Workshop called Energize, Educate & Entertain and the room was packed with about 200+ attendees. The success of this Workshop led to a large attendance for his Workshop on Sunday. I will admit I was not planning on showing up on Sunday so that I could have lunch with an old college roommate that I have not seen since 1989. But after seeing him, my plans had been changed. I felt I needed to participate in his Sunday workshop and it was worth it (sorry, Shannon). This is the speaker I aspire to be. Again, my thanks for what I have learned. Dinner and the Humorous Speech Contest was a hit. The Dignitary Procession made me feel like I was at a wedding reception since many wore formals and jewels as they entered two-by-two but some contestants were dressed in a different fashion. My favorite was the Wonder Woman outfit. The Humorous Speeches were unbelievable. As a huge fan of comedy, my cheeks were hurting by the end of the night. The competition was fierce and I am glad that I did not have the job of being a judge. The evening ended with a party in the hospitality room and I hurried to get my Competent Communicator book filled out by the

(Continued on page 6)

“THE MORE THINGS CHANGE…THE MORE THEY REMAIN THE SAME!” By: Anthony (Tony) Longley, DTM Division I, Nassau, Bahamas I can hardly believe it was 21 years ago that I first attended a District 47 Conference in Ft. Lauderdale. Ironically, it was just a short hop away from Deerfield Beach. At the time, I had just attended my third consecutive meeting as a guest, a prerequisite for joining the First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters Club 1600. Well, that was the clincher! I felt the excitement; the enthusiasm; the camaraderie and I sensed then how, “The Spirit of Competition Unites Us”. Never before had I witnessed such unity among a group of people so diverse. The week following that conference; in 1987… I joined! As I flew home from Deerfield Beach, my vivid reflections drew so many correlations between my first conference in 1987 and my first conference of ―the new‖ District 47. Now, I finally understand how, “The More Things Change…The More They Remain the Same.” The theme for the Fall Conference was, “The Spirit of Competition Unites Us!” Did someone say competition? Whether it was real or merely perceived, there was competition! It began with the banner parade on Friday evening. Some strolled and some skipped...others danced in what seemed to be a battle of who can display his

or her club or Division banner in the most enthusiastic and unique way. Then, there was a short torch run leading to the simulated Olympic torch lighting. This set the stage for the main competition of the evening, the Evaluation Contest. The battle was brutal but only three could emerge victorious. Later, the contestants could be seen wetting their wounds with Division I‗s Bahamian libations in the hospitality suite. Saturday morning there was loud cheering as club officers stepped forward proudly to collect their awards. I saw others beaming with approval as we all listened to the District Executives present their respective department reports with obvious preparedness and confidence. What seemed like a contest between them was in essence, the spirit of competition uniting them. The Past-Governor’s Roast: Competition? You bet! This was like Saturday afternoon at the Apollo. Some of the world‘s greatest stand-up comics competed in the art of deprecating humor as they roasted Past District Governor, Wanda Brown, DTM. Once the smoke settled, the only hides left smoldering were those of the roasters themselves. During her rebuttal, Wanda torched them all, one by one! The Premier of Saturday Night Live was no match for what took place on Saturday evening. It was time for the main event, the Humorous Speech Contest. Talk about competition! Just about any three of the eight could have emerged as the finalists in what was an entertaining and hilarious contest. Afterwards, it was back to the hospitality suite again for more tastes and music of the Islands of the Bahamas. At this point, I thought the competitions were over until I saw what happened on the dance

(Continued on page 7)

winner of the Evaluation Contest. The information I have captured in my book I read several times. Through his recommendations, I am sure to amaze the members of my Toastmasters Club when I get back.

What I have received from this experience is invaluable to my growth as a speaker. Meeting other members throughout South Florida and the Bahamas was wonderful and I am looking forward to seeing them at the

next conference. ▄

(Continued from page 5)

floor. Certain Toastmasters gave new meaning to the words, ―Electric Slide‖ (the photos on the website will reveal their identities). Since this was the first conference after the largest district in the world was split, it was historic. For me, it was “Déjà vu”; like doing it all again…for the first time! In Toastmasters, we are called to learn in a spirit of fun and excitement.

That was the unique value which attracted me during my first conference 21 years ago and that‘s what will keep me coming back after this fabulous weekend in Deerfield Beach. After more than 50 years as a district, “the spirit of competition still unites us”. Fellow Toastmasters, change is great, but perhaps you too can now agree that, “the more things change…the more

they remain the same!” ▄

(Continued from page 6)

―We Communicate To Know We Are Not Alone‖ By Ruth Field Beck At my first Toastmasters meeting, I realized that I was missing the mark. I was not communicating—at least not effectively. This caused me to feel isolated and estranged from my co-workers, friends, and family. My listening, although polite and calm on the exterior, was distorted due to the wrong assumptions I injected into people‗s words. I subconsciously distorted their messages. I also couldn‗t fully retain the message. I was just waiting for my turn to talk. My own words were insincere and convoluted. Sincerity is saying what you mean and meaning what you say. KISS ME is an acronym for Keep It Simple Sweetheart Make (it) Easy. I was trying so hard to be tactful that I had given up the option of being sincere. As far as convoluted speaking, my speaking rambled and my transitions from thought to thought were missing leaving my listeners and readers dazed and confused. Three months into Toastmasters, and through the meeting helper roles, I have

learned to give verbal feedback to my fellow members. I have participated in the roles of Table Topics Master, Grammarian, Body Language monitor, and Timekeeper. My club members voted me the best Table Topics Speaker at one meeting. I have shared Toastmasters in conversations with co-workers, friends, and family. Three of my co-workers have been my honored guests when I presented my first and third speeches. I have reached out to experienced Toastmasters, requesting their feedback beyond the Silent Evaluation forms. I have learned to accept guidance at face value and treat it with respect - trusting it is meant to help me reach my best. I choose whether or not to incorporate advice, and no longer need to discount or debate suggestions, and I comprehend that thoughts are based on experience. I am learning to say what I mean and mean what I say, and to say it directly without rambling. There are fewer dazed looks during my storytelling and speaking. I‗ve already heard a range of speeches, some great in content and delivery, others great for the courage and effort. I‗ve met wonderful people in my Club, Area, Division, and District. Thank you, Toastmasters, for creating space for me and inviting me into the organization. To quote our District Governor, Antionette M. Fox, DTM, ―United…. we Learn with Toastmasters‖. Together, we communicate, serve, and improve.

Together, we are not alone. ▄

―How to Create Knock-Your-Socks-Off Power-

Point Presentations”

A nice array of educational workshops were presented during the 2008 District 47 Fall Conference this year at the Deerfield Hilton. Of all the workshops presented, Bill Moravec, ATM-S describes the two workshops he attended.

Led by Phyllis May, DTM Phyllis May is not retired. She‘s ―re-fired‖! A former teacher and Superintendent of Schools, Phyllis now travels the country, facilitating a variety of seminars. During this presentation, Phyllis shared a wealth of information about creating effective PowerPoint presentations. Her advice included:

You are the speaker. Make yourself, not PowerPoint, the focus of your presentation.

Dark colors are usually best for templates.

Use a san serif font.

―Bullets kill‖. Use them sparingly.

Include no more than three points per slide, and express them in as few words as possible.

Think of ways to interject humor.

Add visuals to supplement the content.

Use a remote control rather than the computer keyboard. Don‘t be afraid to make the screen black

when you want the audience‘s attention.

Phyllis demonstrated the effectiveness of these techniques and others during an entertaining and informative workshop. To find out more about ‗her‘, go to

www.refiredretired.com. ▄

Fall Conference Workshops

By Bill Moravec, ATM-S

“Getting into the Big Game of Professional

Speaking” Led by Gary Roberts Who are you ? What do you do ? Where do you fit ? What are your markets ? These are the questions that guided Gary Roberts through his workshop on becoming a paid professional speaker. Drawing on his extensive experience as a motivational key-note speaker, corporate comedian, hypnotist and magician-illusionist. Gary discussed many topics during this fast-paced presentation. But, and perhaps more important, he answered individual questions with a concern for helping others make the transition from club-bound Toastmaster to paid professional speaker. In fact, Gary even gave the audience a bo-nus: www.sixthstar.com, a web site that can help an aspiring pro find a job aboard a cruise ship! To learn more about Gary, visit

www.RobertsGary.com. ▄

Conference goers were able to chose from many workshops offering a diverse selection of learning options. All workshop presenters were Toastmasters who had perfected their presentation skills at high levels. Based on their mastery of particular subject matters, presenters were asked by the district leaders to lead their respective workshops.


Your District’s


From left to right, your NEW DTM‟s are: Jane Marshall, Phyllis May, Jamaro Thompson, Rick Zoehfeld, Phil Stamatyades, Sheila Vitiello, Rick Furbush, Matt Kinsey, Jeffrey Thomas and Jane Strong. It is the highest distinction in the Toastmasters educational program !It is representative of “years” of intense, laborious and dedicated work towards self-improvement! It is like a “Doctorate” degree — with all the pomp, elegance and glamour of a duly earned graduation ceremony! These are the ones who walked this conference. How close are YOU to being the next DTM?

NCCI Toastmasters, Div D, receive their charter from DG Fox.

D. Young and C. Becker at the First Timers table

International Director, Lee

Holliday, DTM presents the

keynote speech on Friday


D47 Trio opened the Conference with a


Div E Raffle Team - Liz, Rick,

Jackie and Lita

Smiling ladies from Div I

DG Fox receives new D47 banner from Lee Holliday

Conference Chair

Patricia Martinez

Scenes from the

―networking‖ that

took place AFTER

the contests at the

Hospitality Suite.


Gloria, Pamela, Judy and Loretta

Just do it this way;

hips first….

Check it out!

This is how it‘s done…

Right, Jamaro?

Immediate Past Dist. Gov., Wanda Brown, DTM, (right) was crisply roasted during our royal luncheon in the Grand Ballroom. In ―short‖ we can say that the ―heights‖ she reached were succeeded only by her exceptional leadership. What a ―tall‖ order it was to celebrate this moment. Wanda Brown, indeed, is a woman of

significant stature. ▄

Right to left, DTM, Lee Holliday, International Director, Damien Miller, Division I, Second Place. Barry Rinehart, Division D, FIRST PLACE Champion Evaluator. DTM, Matt Kinsey, Divi-sion B, Third Place. DTM, Antionette Fox, District Governor (right).

A Special Message From Your Evaluation Champ! By Barry Rinehart, TM It‘s one thing to give a speech . . . but it‘s altogether another thing to offer positive suggestions to someone else who has just dared to stand up and deliver some words from their heart. This is the essence of the Evaluation Contest. This year‘s District 47 Evaluation Contest winner was Barry Ross Rinehart from Boca Raton Toastmasters Club # 3299. ―It was such an honor to come out on top in this year‘s Evaluation Contest,‖ said Barry, ―The other competitors I had to face in all

the different contests were outstanding. I learned so much from them.‖ When asked what made the difference, Barry said, ―I have to say I was inspired by the message of the wonderful test speaker, Jennifer Thayer, who talked about how we need to ‗become the passion that is within us.‘ This is what I aspire to do in my life and as a Toastmaster . . . so I attempted to infuse my evaluation with the passion she was talking about.‖ Barry has been a Toastmaster for only three years and is very candid about how much he still has to learn. He expressed tremendous gratitude to the many members in his home club that have encouraged and mentored him over the years. He encourages all Toastmasters to compete in the contests, "It's

been a tremendous learning experience." ▄



After 26 years as a member of the South Dade Toastmasters Club # 2463, I have experienced a new high point in my career. It was an extreme thrill for me to emerge as the winner of the 2008 District 47 Humorous Speech Contest. I am still feeling a glow of satisfaction from it. I have competed at the District level 3 times previously dating as far back as the 1990‘s, but never won higher than 3rd place. I guess 4 times is a charm for me. There‘s no better place to give a humorous

speech than at this contest. The crowd was definitely primed to laugh and that made it a lot of fun to present the speech. Evidently, there were a lot of people who could relate to my shopping experiences at Publix. A few even came up to me afterward and shared their stories with me. Now I‘ve got some new material for the next time. Winning was great, but, even better than that, was the support that I (and as it seems all the other contestants got also) from our own fellow Club members. If the other contestants felt anything like me, the support was like a parachute that gently supports you and lets you guide yourself down to the bulls-eye on the ground. It sure beats free-falling. I have always appreciated the ―burn‖ of a good Toastmasters workout. It has kept me active and involved, for more than 25 years.

Humorous Speech winners are flanked by DTM, Antionette Fox, District Governor, (left) and DTM, Lee Holliday, International Director (right). Champion, Sandy Liebowitz, ACS/CL, (center) from South Dade Toastmasters # 2463, Division E. Second Place goes to Sashane McDonald, Division I (second from left) speaking about her dating escapades. Third Place, Sydney Dunham, Division G (second from right) talking about childhood ballerina lessons..

These clubs have already taken advantage of the Club Challenge by achieving FOUR Competent Communicators awards by December 31. They were acknowledged at the District 47 Council Meeting on November 22.

Div Area Club # Club Name CC's

D 42 5173 Freddy's Forum 6

B 24 2096 Gelfand Good Morning 4

D 44 1978 West Boca 4

F 62 7923 Sarasota Herald-Tribune 4

I 80 6796 Cable Beach West 4

I 80 933001 Ministry of Tourism 4

I 81 1600 The First Bahamas Branch Club 4

I 82 7178 Healing Communicators 4

TM = “Family”

By Phil Stamatyades, DTM Is your Toastmasters club a place you look to for personal speaking and leadership development ONLY? To give you my answer, I must first introduce you to Sofia LeeAnndra Norma Stamatyades, DOB 08/28/07. Her 3-year-old brother, Apollo, started calling her ―Fia‖, and it stuck. As you can see, Fia is very cute—but I‘m her father, so maybe I‘m biased. You may be wondering, though, why she has bandages, an ID anklet, an intravenous line and is sitting in a cage. Let me tell you how this happened. On Tuesday, September 23, 2007 Fia suddenly stopped walking. The next day the pediatrician said it might be a minor virus. But the day after that her knee swelled and became hot to the touch. We rushed to the hospital and were promptly admitted. Then they dropped the bomb. ―Plan to be here for 28 days!‖, they said. Fia had septic arthritis from a bacterial infection. They knew this by performing surgery on her knee and sticking a needle into her femur (thigh bone) where they found the strain growing. How were my wife and I supposed to take care of Fia, run a business, manage a house, be parents to five other children, stay married, AND not go insane? This is how we didn‘t go insane. Our Toastmaster ―family‖ stepped up and helped out in a BIG way. I don‘t usually miss meetings and since I wasn‘t going to make them all, I informed our President. I didn‘t know it, but a message was broadcast sharing my predicament. Shortly afterwards, the calls came in. First, a new member (less than one year) volunteered to babysit the evening and stay overnight, leaving in the morning when Mom showed up. (May I remind you of how comfortable hospital pull-out chair/beds are? But that isn‘t as bad as the 10pm and 4am injections each lasting one hour and the round-the-clock blood drawings and physical exams for vital signs) Then many other members volunteered to sit

with her. My thanks go out to Jamileth Rojas, Carol Abelleira, Area 53 Governor Roxanne Jorge, Club President Jason Smith and Bernarda Ramirez. Area 54 Governor Kathy Dyke also offered help and both Aida Crusan and Arturo Martinez came to visit. Special note must be made about our Club President Jason Smith. Some of you may know him as a past Area Governor and the current New Club Chair for Division E — recent trivia you may not know—first, he is last year‘s Area Governor Of The Year, (congrat‘s!!) and second, he hasn‘t changed a diaper in his life. But that didn‘t stand in the way of him volunteering to relieve me for several hours one weekend so I could go home, unwind, and catch up on paperwork. He still doesn‘t know how to change diapers, but who‘s counting? Fia is well now. She‘s back to her regular routine of climbing from the floor to the chairs to the tables and onto the ceiling fans. I am pleasantly surprised by the outpouring of friendship and care that my fellow Toastmasters extended in my difficult time caring for my daughter during her illness. Look around your club! If your club‘s like mine, they are like family, right? Help when you can, and you just may be helped

when you need. ▄

One of Fia‟s caretakers was inspired to “speak” about the experience. It had to do with how Fia was in bright spirits regardless of her condition. Good lesson! Isn‟t it….?


Clubs under David‟s leadership achieved the highest increase in new members, new clubs, CC‟s and AC‟s of all Divisions in District 47. Congratulations, to David Clarke, for his leadership!!


Jason Smith, CC/CL

Myrna Brooks, CC

Area 42

David Clarke ACG/CL

Division D

2008-2009 AREA GOVERNOR of the 1st Quarter

Lillian Koziol, DTM

Immediate Past District Governor Wanda Brown, DTM, (center) presents these two coveted awards to Lillian Koziol, DTM (left) and Jason Smith, CC/CL (right).

DIVISION GOVERNOR of the 1st Quarter 2008-2009

Myrna‟s Area outperformed all other Areas in District 47, in terms of new members, new clubs, CC‟s and AC‟s. Congratulations, to Myrna Brooks, CC, for her hard work!!

All members & clubs in District 47 have the opportunity to recruit more members, start new clubs, complete CC’s and AC’s. By doing so, Toastmaster members and their clubs

support their Area & Division Governors towards earning this coveted acknowledgement

of AREA or DIVISION Governor of the Quarter, or, of the YEAR.




Fellow Toastmasters, We are almost at mid-year in fiscal 2008-09 and it‘s been a fabulous ride so far! Matt Kinsey, our Webmaster, has done an outstanding job creating the District website from scratch! Matt has many new ideas to enhance the website during the second half of the year

and as always –we welcome your suggestions. Last June, our Newsletter Editor, Phil Stamatyades, accepted the responsibility of editing text and graphics for the newsletter and he has been unstoppable – meeting deadlines, contributing with people making requests throughout the whole district. We hope that you enjoy the newsletter and welcome your feedback. The marketing campaign slogan for the next six months is: Get the Toastmaster‘s EDGE! Pin back buttons were available at the last conference and 212 were sold. We have plenty of buttons and they

will be available at selected events. The PRO is looking at marketing the slogan of billboards in three strategic locations in the coming months. The next focus for the PRO office is to create the first ever Speaker‘s Bureau (SB) for District 47. You may be wondering what a Speaker‘s Bureau is? The purpose of the SB is to provide outside speaking opportunities to our D47 members. These speaking opportunities will be initially provided throughout our district but we may eventually merge with District 84 and provide speaking opportunities throughout both districts. District members who have completed a set of requirements will be invited to present specialty speeches to the SB Educational Committee to promote their speech product or value. Upon acceptance within the SB, speakers will be promoted on the SB website where companies will be able to make selections directly. In addition, a promotional brochure will describe the SB and list the available speakers, along with a brief summary of their approved speeches. Type of Speaking Engagements Target Organizations Keynote address Youth Groups Formal speeches Lions,Kiwanis, Sales Presentations Rotary, Chambers Educational CE programs Public & Private Humorous/Motivational Companies, PTA Meetings Radio & Television High Schools, Humorous/Motivational Colleges, Technical presentations Churches, Youth Programs Professional Assoc. Currently, we are developing the organizational structure of the Speaker‘s Bureau. Once a team of people is in place, we will develop all programs within the bureau. The target date to form the initial Speaker‘s Bureau team is March 2008. If you are interested in participating in this historic event, please contact your Public Relations Officer (PRO) - Pierre Taschereau at taschereau@bellsouth.net.

FROM THE PRO DESK By Pierre Taschereau, ACS/ALB

Why Should Every Toastmasters' Club Have a

Website? Today a website is an essential tool for the health of any Toastmaster's Club. These are just a few of the benefits associated with having your own website.

You'll get more visitors because people can get a personal feel for your club before they come to visit you.

You can give visitors a preview of your meeting and post pictures so that they have a better idea of what to expect. This means they'll be more relaxed when they visit.

You'll convert more visitors to members because a website adds to the level of a club's professional image.

Keep your members informed by posting club activities, achievements and schedules.

You can have members sign up for roles online ahead of time, making the VPE's job a little easier.

You can get your club listed on your local city's website as a recognized

organization with a link directly to your website.

More than 50% of Toastmasters' clubs around the world have an active website. There are 3 ways they generally go about this.

A member of the club volunteers his/her time to create and maintain a website

The club decides to use a free service such as FreeToastHost.org

The club pays a company or individual to build and maintain a website.

The next edition of the Sunshiner will contain more information on the pros and cons of each of these options. Matt Kinsey, DTM District 47 Webmaster (954) 778-0598

web@toastmastersd47.org ▄

District 47 Executive Officers

Dist. Governor - Antionette Fox, DTM

Lt. Gov. Ed. - Kristina Kihlberg, DTM

Lt. Gov. Marketing - Rick Furbush, DTM

Parliamentarian - Jim Spieth, DTM

PRO - Pierre Taschereau, ACS, ALB

Secretary - Duquesa Dean, DTM

Sgt. At Arms - Gary Moss, CC

Sunshiner Editor - Phil Stamatyades, DTM

Treasurer - Jeanine Kinsey, CC, ALB

Web Master - Matt Kinsey, DTM

I P Dist. Gov. - Wanda Brown, DTM

Dist. Gov. Advisor - Steve Bard, DTM

OFFICER LIST DEADLINES!! Does your club have 6-month officer terms? Then you need to be sure you hold elections and report your NEW Officer List to TI before the deadline of December 31, 08. This ―change‖ can be made ONLINE at TI‘s website. Do not be late. It will cost you DCP points! Report on time!

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR!! All correspondence to the editor can be sent to: sunshiner@toastmastersd47.org. Please limit letters to 100 words & articles to 500 words. Deadline is January 17, 2009 for the FEBRUARY 1st issue.

Toastmaster Benefits Touted at Broward

College Speech Class Written by Deborah Sharp, TM Working together, Division B Governor David Jess, CL/ACS, and Deborah Sharp, TM, visited the downtown Fort Lauderdale campus of Broward College on Thursday, Oct. 2, to extol the benefits of the Toastmasters program for college students. Both, members of Toast of Las Olas, spoke to some 20 young people in the speech class of Professor Manuela Gantea. To their delight, students were attentive, enthusiastic, and full of questions. There were even a few volunteers for an informal round of Table Topics. David, a past Area 4 Governor and great ambassador for the program, handled the technical aspects: How to join; what to expect; tips and techniques toward becoming an accomplished public speaker. Deborah, a Toastmaster since just this summer, spoke more personally about why she joined: To vanquish her fears about a speaking tour to promote her first mystery novel, ''Mama Does Time.'' Deborah, who won the Area 22 Humorous Speech Contest in September, was gratified

to get a few chuckles from the college kids with her presentation, "Toastmasters Saved My Life!'' However, some women in the audience seemed disappointed to discover the "gorgeous Toastmaster lifeguard'' in Deb's speech was only a metaphor. Since the students have two more presentations scheduled in Ms. Gantea's class, they wanted specifics: How do you control it when your body is shaking?

"You're the only one who knows it,'' Dave advised."Don't worry about it.'' How do you calm your nerves?

"Deep breaths,'' Deborah counseled. "Breathing deeply both energizes and relaxes you.'' What do you do if your material isn't right for your audience?

"Know your audience,'' Dave said. "Connect with them.‖ Is Toastmasters also good for networking?

"Absolutely,'' Deb said. "You won't believe the caliber of people involved: Doctors, lawyers, business professionals, bigwigs from the public library system.‖

"Will we get extra credit for coming to Toast of Las Olas?''

Dave and Deb laughed.

No extra credit, maybe; just lots of support

and encouragement. ▄

David Jess, ACS/CL, (left) is the current VPEducation of Toast of Las Olas and Treasurer of the Great Fort Lauderdale Club. Deborah Sharp, TM, (right) has been a TM since July 2008.

The Point Toastmasters Club By John Hamerlinck, ACS As a Financial Advisor for UBS Financial, networking with transitioning executives has become part of my prospecting plan. Executives are good centers of influence and know lots of people. After being in transition twice in my career I have found that networking was the most important tool in finding a new job. I find a lot of satisfaction in helping other executives build their networks and find new roles. It also provides me with an incredible network of senior executives in companies across the country that will assist me with introductions and referrals. At our networking meetings each executive is asked to give a 60 second elevator speech. At one recent meeting it dawned on me that many of these executives weren‗t very good communicators. Sure they may have done a pretty good job when addressing the troops in their previous role but when meeting new people or communicating their target companies or their areas of expertise they weren‗t very effective. After being a Toastmaster for only one year I realized how much Toastmasters had helped my communications in all aspects of my life. These executives could really use Toastmasters! Late in 2007 I decided to start a new club specifically for these executives. It took a while to get to the critical mass of 20 members but we conducted meetings as if we were a fully chartered club and began in earnest with the CC manuals and table topics focused on questions that may be asked in interviews. The Point Toastmasters is an open club and not everyone is an executive or in transition but everyone seems to enjoy working on job related topics and working through the leadership roles.

So far in 2008, eight of our members have found new roles and four have started their own businesses. Here are some quotes from our members that feel Toastmasters has really helped them: “…Without a doubt...Toastmasters provided a perfect platform to hone my communication skills, collect self-confidence in an unsure employment environment and gifted me with camaraderie of fellow professionals. A blessing…” “… I think that Toastmasters helped me land my current position…” “…Clarity in communication during an interview or phone encounter is paramount when you are seeking a position - especially in this economic environment…” “…The skills I was learning in roles as Evaluator, Speaker, and the all important Table Topics, helped me in answering tough interview questions…” “…As sponsor for The Point Toastmasters I never realized what an impact it would have on individual‟s lives. In all my years in management in large Fortune 500 companies I doubt that I have helped people as much as I have by forming this club. It has been a lot of hard work but based on these quotes worth every minute. If you haven‟t sponsored a club yet maybe it is your time to

impact the world in a positive way...” ▄

(left to right) Jean James, Luan Ardinger, Ray Bilbo, Dennis Fredrickson, John Hamerlinck, Tom Szubka, Lesley Peters, Gina Potito. John Hamerlinck is the Area 70 Governor and was involved in the creation of The Point Toastmasters Club.

Congratulations to the Clubs

that achieved the SMEDLEY AWARD!

Div Area Club # Club Name New Members

E 50 7619 Brickell Club 10

I 81 1600 The First Bahamas Branch Club 10

E 50 3840 North Miami Beach Club 9

E 53 1695 Coral Gables Club 8

I 82 7178 Healing Communicators Club 8

C 36 3937 Eckman Center 7

B 24 2096 Gelfand Good Morning Club 6

B 23 590751 Sawgrass Club 6

D 41 5222 Sunset Speakers Club 6

A 12 4392 Collier Communique Club 5

B 23 808677 Beacon Point 5

C 32 2733 Tampa Downtowners Club 5

C 30 6745 Telecom Park 5

C 35 748133 PwC Tampa Talks Club 5

C 33 831439 Valrico Club 5

D 43 2225 Delray Newsmakers Club 5

D 44 3299 Boca Raton Toastmasters 5

D 43 9086 Office Depot Club 5

D 44 1216633 NCCI Toastmasters 5

E 52 971 Miami Toastmaster en Español 5

G 75 6273 Honeywell Club 5

I 80 6796 Cable Beach West Club 5

I 80 933001 Masters of Excellence 5

I 80 1200778 Dynamic Persuaders 5

I 83 1227605 Soaring Orators of Johnson Park 5

The SMEDLEY Award is named after our “founder” and issued by Toastmasters and honors clubs that signed at least five new members between September 01 and October 31.

Protect Your Points!



Watch Those Deadline Dates!

Effective July 1,2008, Toastmasters has changed policy to keep up with the times - and it will affect your club or district. In the past, submissions were considered on time for credit in the distinguished programs if they were postmarked by June 30, or December 31, and received at World Headquarters

(WHQ) by July 7, or January 7.

The reason for this was fairness. A club located close to World Headquarters could hand-carry in some paperwork on June 30th, while a club located farther away had to take mailing delays into account. Now, technology

allows any club in the world to send in forms in a variety of ways that allows any club or district from around the world to submit

items on time.

So, there is no longer a need for a grace period for

on time credit. While we must all be more mindful of the calendar, every Toastmaster can also be happy about the fact that these new, solid deadlines will result in speedier

recognition results at year-end. ▄

A Toastmaster’s Many Blessings

By Lichun Zhang, ACB

As an avid Toastmaster for over 5 years, I certainly know the many blessings to count along the way: overcome stage fright; speak with confidence; meet great people; find kindred spirits; enjoy wonderful speeches; become a better leader… but I never realized that there was one more blessing I would enjoy: a smooth move to a new city!

Yes, that‘s what I experienced moving from West Palm Beach to Jacksonville, with the help of my wonderful Toastmaster friends!

The story starts in September ‗08, when I informed my home club – Freddy‘s Forum at the South Florida Water Management in West Palm Beach – about my upcoming move to Jacksonville in October due to work. Freddy‘s Forum was my first Toastmaster club. I served the club as a Sergeant at Arms and President before, and I witnessed how the club blossomed over the years and grew to the excellent club it is today. To me, this move means leaving my beloved club and many dear friends. It was a hard decision.

Little did I know that while I was busy packing, the club planned a special farewell luncheon. The President of Freddy‘s Forum, Pam Lehr, secretly announced my move to the Area and District friends in West Palm. I got heart-warming emails from Area Governor Myrna Brooks, Lt-Governor Education & Training Kristina Kihlberg. In her

(Continued on page 25)

email bubbling with warmth and goodwill, Kristina hooked me up with her buddy Linda Deshauteurs, the Public Relations Officer for District 84 in Jacksonville. Linda‘s welcome email came in just minutes, assuring me that I‘ll be well cared for once I move to Jacksonville.

My last TM meeting at Freddy‘s Forum on Sept. 26th was filled with pizza, cake, stories, laughter, good wishes, hugs, and emotional tears. I left West Palm Beach with a heart full of love and good wishes from dear friends, and entered the big strange city!

As soon as I had email access, I emailed Linda. Her response came at lightning speed. Along with the list of clubs closest to me, she also provided me information about the size, membership background and direction of each club. She also informed me of the upcoming Division A and F Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contest in Jacksonville.

When I stepped into the meeting room

of Baywood Toastmasters , guess whom I saw first? Linda! Although we‘ve just exchanged a few emails, we recognized each other right away! My Chinese face might have helped Linda somewhat, but I certainly recognized

her from her overflowing enthusiasm. From there, I attended the Division A Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contest, Division F Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contest, heard many hilarious stories, met many great Toastmasters, and, became

a proud member of Southside Toastmasters Club in just two weeks! Now I‘ve been in the

big city for about a month, and felt that I‘ve lived there

for 10 years – because I‘ve got so many friends

already! Thank you my dear old and new Toastmaster

friends! You made life so much easier and so much

more fun! It is truly a blessing to be a Toastmaster, wherever you are! ▄

(Continued from page 24)

Lichun Zhang has an ACB and is working toward her ACS. This letter was her parting gift to District 47, which she has just left. She joined the Southside Club #546, in Jacksonville, Florida, District 84.

AREA 54 AWARDS BY ACS/ALB, Kathy Dyke, Area 54 Governor Area 54 is proud to announce that Phyllis May, DTM was recognized as one of two Division E Outstanding Toastmasters, at the Division E Evaluation and Humorous Contest, on October 25, 2008. Phyllis is a member of Middle Keys Toastmasters and Key West Toastmasters, and BOTH clubs nominated her as their Outstanding Toastmaster. The contribution made by Phyllis has been invaluable to these

clubs. Best described as the 'anchor' of the most southern area of Toastmasters International, Phyllis has served as Area Governor, President, VP Education and VP PR for Key West Toastmasters and VP PR for the Middle Keys Club. Middle Keys and Key West members consider her their mentor, advisor, and coach, and she is one of the most committed Toastmasters that I have had the pleasure to meet. Those of us who know Phyllis, enjoy the fun spirit that she brings to any occasion. Truly an

Outstanding Toastmaster!! ▄

KICK-OFF IN THE KEYS By Jason Smith, CC/CL, Div.E New Club Chair On Tuesday, November 25, 2008, Division E Governor Rick Zoehfeld led a great success as his team attended a kick-off meeting for the prestigious Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo. This distinguished team included: DTM Phil Stamatyades (former Division E Governor), Kathy Dyke (current Area 54 Governor), Marsha Sims (current Area 51 Governor), Tyler Stamatyades (Speaker), Lita Zoehfeld and Jason Smith (President of South Dade Toastmasters). Fact Finding Mission Rick arranged with Ocean Reef's two contract staff Katie and Kelly, to organize a demonstration meeting for the resort's top-level managers. Days before the meeting, Rick Zoehfeld drove to Ocean Reef to interview upper management to find out how Toastmasters could benefit this world-class resort. Questions asked included:

-How does Ocean Reef mgmt envision Toastmasters helping its employees?

-Will the club be for front-line employees, mgmt, etc?

-Is the Toastmasters training to improve relations between employees, between colleagues, existing clients, potential clients, etc.? Day of Meeting Preparation Rick's team met for lunch two hours before the meeting to coordinate and prepare for this high-profile Toastmasters opportunity. The team car pooled to Ocean Reef and was given clearance to pass through Ocean Reef's world-class security entrance. Half an hour before the meeting started, the team arrived and started working the fully catered banquet room in a ―meet and greet‖ with the managers in attendance. As World Champions of Public Speaking Ed Tate and

Darren LaCroix teach us, it is very important to interview one's audience before presenting to them. This allowed the new club team to form a connection and refer to Ocean Reef employees by name throughout their presentations. It also allowed each Toastmaster to cite examples of how Table Topics, Evaluations, Prepared Speeches will help employees in real-life job situations. Summary The Ocean Reef contacts said they were very pleased with the meeting, Tyler's speech and also the face to face conversations that the new club team had with attendees. Kathy Dyke's Table Topic questions had a very appropriate theme and elicited great responses from the participants. Marsha Sims' Evaluation of Tyler's speech was on target being encouraging, supportive, pointing out opportunities for improvement. As General Evaluator, DTM Phil Stamatyades showcased his skill and experience in the Toastmasters process to give constructive feedback on the meeting in general. At the end of the meeting, 15 members signed up to become members. Rick Zoehfeld DTM, the Division E Governor, is expecting many more guests to sign up at the next will coordinate the next meeting. ▄

DTM, Rick Zoehfeld, Division E Governor (right) stands with Kelly Flink (center) Director of Training & Development, and Katie Kaye (left) Training & Development Assistant. The meeting was well-received.

How to update your personal info on Toastmasters website

With the update that Toastmasters did to the website about 1 year ago, it also added some

outstanding features for members.

We have a ―Search” engine that is VERY helpful when looking for something particular.

Another outstanding feature is that you can view and update your personal information right

there on the website. You do it all under “My Profile‖.

When you enter the login section for the first

time, just follow the instructions on how to get

your password.

* If you are a member in more than one

Club, make sure that you only have ONE

membership number.

* You can change your password to

something that is easier to remember than

your membership number.

* Make sure your home address is correct.

* It‘s VERY important that your phone #s

and email address is updated at all time.

* See when you reached your different

educational levels.

* Keep track of the Officer roles that you

have served.


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