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Post on 29-Jan-2021






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    Curriculum Vitae

    Sonia Lucarelli


    PERSONAL INFORMATION…………………………………………………………….……...P. 2

    CURRENT OCCUPATION………………………………………………………………….......P. 2

    EMPLOYMENT (WITH JOB DESCRIPTION) ……………………………………………….........P. 3

    TEACHING………………………………………………...……………………………… ...P. 5

    RESEARCH………………………………………………...…………………………………P. 7

    CONFERENCES………………………………………………...………………………….....P. 9

    THIRD MISSION………………………………………………...…………………………..P. 12

    MEMBERSHIPS………………………………………………...……………………………P. 12

    EDITORIAL BOARDS………………………………………………...………………………P. 12

    LINGUISTIC SKILLS…………………………………………...……………………………..P. 13

    PUBLICATIONS………………………………………………...……………………………P. 13

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    Curriculum Vitae

    Sonia Lucarelli


    • Name: Sonia Lucarelli • Born 16.01.1967, Florence

    • Status: married • Work Address: Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna; Strada

    Maggiore 45, Bologna (I). • Tel. +39 3395273350; email:;

    • webpage:


    • Associate Professor, University of Bologna • Member of the Academic Council of the Network Europaeum

    • Member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Institute of International Affairs, Rome

    • Member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Forum on the problems of Peace and War

    • Director of Research Forum of the Problems of Peace and War, Florence • Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Political Science Society – SISP

    • National Habilitation to Full Professor (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a Professore di prima fascia), ASN 2012


    • University degree: Laurea in Political Science, University of Florence (October 1991). Final grade: Summa cum Laude and "dignity of publication".

    • Doctorate: PhD of the European University Institute (July 1998).

    • Post-doctorate: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 2001-2.

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    Since 2010: Associate Professor, University of Bologna

    2005-2011: Vice President, Forum on the Problems of Peace and War

    2005-2010 Assistant Professor (Ricercatrice), University of Bologna

    2001-2002: Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute

    1998-2000: Research Fellow, Forum on the Problems of Peace and War, Florence

    2000-2010: Adjunct Professor University of Bologna, University of Siena, University of Pisa, European School of Economics (see below)

    1996-1997: Research Fellow Institute for International Affairs, Rome

    1996-2008: Faculty member of the Italian Air Force War College in Florence



    • Instructor in the courses:

    o International Relations (50 hrs per yr, Undergraduate), o Pan-European Security (40 hrs per yr, Postgraduate), o Workshop on Public Speaking (20 hrs per yr Undergraduate)

    • Faculty member of the Collegio Superiore (since 2018)

    • Responsible for the Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Bologna and NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) (since 2007) Tasks: keep constant relations with ACT; follow the internship programme; follow the periodical renewal of the Memorandum; co-organize the biannual NATO/ACT - University of Bologna - Institute of International Affairs International Conference on security (editions of 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2020); negotiate the founding of new research projects or other activities; update the University website with informations on the MOU and its activities; participate in the committee selecting the students that take part in the annual NATO Model.

    • Responsible of the Erasmus exchange programme with the Universities of Metropolitan of Prague, Birmingham and Groningen.

    • Member of the Internationalization Committee, Department of Political and Social Sciences (since 2018) Tasks: diffuse information on international grants for projects in the department; contribute to the selection of Erasmus agreements to be cancelled or activated; propose rules for activities of research abroad.

    • Delegate of University of Bologna to the Europaeum Academic Council (since 2019)

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    Task: be the main contact point for European Director in Bologna; participate in the Academic Council on behalf of the University of Bologna; participate into the Europaeum committee selecting the students for the Scholars programme; publicise Auropaeum activities among the Unibo community; participate in Europaeum activities.

    • President of the Seminars Committee, Department of Political and Social Sciences – Forli Campus (since 2018) Tasks: annual selection of the seminar proposals to be financed under the Seminars’ budget


    • Resident Member, Institute of Advaced Studies, University of Bologna (2013-2019). • Responsible for the Career Counselling of the Faculty of Political Science Ruffilli (2008-


    • Member of the Committee for the attribution of students' research fellowships abroad.

    • Responsible for the Students’ simulation “Nato Model Event” organized every year in cooperation with the NATO Supreme Allied Command Transformation (2006-2010). Tasks: selection of the students, preparation of the students (lectures, reading material, training), organization of the simulation in Forli (location, catering, coordination with ACT), supervision of the simulation.

    • Responsible for University of Bologna of the participation of a delegation of students to the Washington DC Nato Model Conference (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011). Tasks: selection of the students, preparation of the students (lectures, reading material, training), accompany the students to DC.


    Current: Director of Research (2001-); Member of the Executive Committee (1995-7; 2001-) Member of the Directive Board (since 2001)

    Past: Vice-President (12/2005-2/2011)


    Member of the Board of Directors of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome (October 2016-) Member of the Executive Committee of the Instito Affari Internazionali, Rome (2020-)


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    Current courses

    • University of Bologna: “International Relations” (1st degree, 2005-2019 in Italian; 2020- in English); “Pan-European Security” (Second Degree, since 2008 – in English); Laboratory on Public Speaking (first degree; 2017-2018 in Italian; 2019- in English).

    Past courses

    • University of Bologna: “International Relations” (2nd level Master in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (2005-8; 2012-2013); “European Security” (second degree 2005-6); “International Relations”, BA level, University of Bologna at Forlì (2002-5); “The European Union in World Politics” (2nd level Master in International Politics, 2013-2014); “International Institutions and World Politics” (full cycle, 1997-8); “International Crises, Conflicts and Conflict Management” (full cycle, 1996-7).

    • University of Siena: Adjunct Professor of “International Relations” (PhD Programme in Political Science – Comparative and European Politics and Master Programme Politics and Society in Europe, 2001-2003 and 2009-2010 – in English); “European institutions” (PhD Programme in Political Science – Comparative and European Politics and Master Programme Politics and Society in Europe, 2003-4 in English);

    • University of Pisa: “International Relations” (Master level, 2004-5). • European School of Economics, Lucca: “International Relations” and “European

    institutions” (first level, 1999-2000 in English), • Other: Adjunct Professor of “European Institutions”, Europe and the Balkans Centre,

    University of Bologna at Forlì (2004); Professor at the Winter post-graduate School “EU Common Foreign and Security Policy”, Istituto di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), Milano ( 2004); Faculty member in the Master in European Studies, SEU-Servizio Europa, Perugia, 2000-2; Faculty member of the Italian Air Force War College in Florence (1996-2008).

    • Tutor for the post-graduate courses: "The War and Wars" and "International Politics in an interdisciplinary perspective", University of Florence and Forum on the Problem of Peace and War (1998 – 1999)

    Sample of Invited Lectures/Speeches: • Center for European Studies, Harvard University (Guest Lecture, April 2009); • European University Institute (Guest Lecture, April 2009) • University of Gothenburg (Guest Lecture, May 2018); • European Parliament (Presentation of the book The Search for a European Identity,

    discussants MEPs Josep Borrel Fontelles and Graham Watson, March 2009) • European Parliament (Globus High Level Policy Brief, March 2020); • University of Catania (Guest lecture, 2018); • University of Rio de Janeiro (Guest speaker to roundtable, 2018); • Italian Chamber of Deputies (Guest speaker to roundtable, 2011); • University of Victoria (B.C., Canada) (Guest lecture, 2004); • Italian Diplomatic Institute (Guest lecture, 2010); • Harvard Law School (Guest Lecture, April 2009);

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    • European Commission – DG Research (closed door workshop with DG directors on External Image project, March 2007);

    • Boston University (Guest Lecture, April 2009); • University of Genoa (Guest Lecture, June 2018); • University of Perugia (Guest Lecture, December 2019) • University of Pretoria (Global Governance Week, 2014) • SAIS Johns Hopkins Bologna (Guest Lecture) • University of Turin (Guest Lectures) • Naval Force War College – Livorno (Guest Lecture) • Syracuse University in Florence (Guest Lecture) • Istituto di politica internazionale (ISPI, Milano, Guest Lecture) • University Roma Tre; Luiss – Rome (Guest Lecture) • University of Sarajevo (Guest Lecture) • University of Florence (Guest Lectures) • Fondazione Dragan – Roma (Guest Lecture) • Scuola Superiore di perfezionamento Sant'Anna – Pisa; • Fondazione Lelio Basso - Roma, • Istituto Gramsci – Firenze; • Università di Torino; • Syracuse University, Florence; • Georgetown University, Florence.

    Keynote speeches

    • Central European University, Budapest – Kick off conference of the project BordEur (Novembre 2019)

    • Corvinus University Budapest & Karl Polanji Centre (Novembre 2018) • UACES Annual Conference (2017) • Rouen University – Kick off Conference EuroBroadMap Project (1-2 dicembre 2011). • Dragan Foundation, Bucarest (keynote speaker, May 2005)


    In my main courses the mean of satisfaction for the course in the period 2014/5-2018/9 has been of 86% for International Relations; 90,45% for Pan-European Security, and 100% for International Politics (given only in 2015).


    Regular supervision of Laurea, BA, Master and PhD theses on IR and EU topics, at the University of Bologna. Supervision and participation to thesis defence committees of Master and PhD theses at the Universities of Siena, Scuola Superiore Normale Pisa, Johns Hopkins, Trento. External evaluator for the Universities of Pretoria, Sassari, Statale Milan.

    Attached the list of the 101 theses supervised 2004-2019


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    External image of the EU; European Security; European identity; Identity and foreign policy; EU foreign policy; security governance; Migration and justice in Europe.


    A. Direction of research of internationally financed research projects

    • Team Leader (Director of the University of Bologna Unit) in the Research Project GLOBUS - Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice (H2020 2016-2020) Coordinator of the Workpackage Migration; Co-coordinator of the Workpackage Contesting Justice. – Grant for the unit: 400,000 euro

    • Team Leader (with James Sperling and Mark Webber) in the project: Governing the European Security Space: The EU as an Agent of Collective Securitization. Project developed in the context of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "The European Union in World Politics: What Power? What Leadership? A Multidisciplinary Approach" (Punto Europa Forlì; Research Grant EU Commission 2014-2017 - Grant for the unit: 10,000 euro

    • Director of research of the project Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends (PREDICT), financed by NATO Allied Command Transformation (2014). Grant for the unit: 100,000 euro

    • Research Programme Coordinator of the unit of the Forum of the Problems of Peace and War in the Research Project EU-GRASP: Changing Multilateralism: The EU as a Global-regional Actor in Security and Peace , funded by the EU under its Seventh Framework Programme 2009-2012 (Call ID FP7-SSH-2007-1). Responsible for the coordination of the sub-workpackages: (i) Security management of Human Rights and (ii) Security management of migration. Grant for the unit: 238,000 euro

    • Research Programme Coordinator of the unit of the Problems of Peace and War in the Network of Excellence Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU (GARNET), funded by the EU under its Sixth Framework Programme 2005-2010 (Call Identifier: FP6-2002-Citizens-3);

    • Research Director of the project The external image of the EU, developed in the context of the Network of Excellence Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU (GARNET), EU Sixth Framework Programme 2005-2010 (Call Identifier: FP6-2002-Citizens-3); and co-financed by the Italian Foreign Ministry (2006-2009).

    B. Direction of research of nationally financed research pojects • Research Director of the project Values and Principles in European Foreign Policy,

    financed by the Italian Foreign Ministry (2002-2005).

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    • Director of the research project Gender and the European Union, at the Forum on the problems of peace and war, financed by the Italian Foreign Ministry (2012-2013). Grant for the research group: 10,000 euro

    C. Other experiences of research coordination

    • Scientific Co-Director of the research team working on the Encyclopedia Atlas of Geopolitics (Atlante di geopolitica) Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani (research 2010-2011).

    • Co-director (with Claudio Radaelli) of the research Mobilizing public debate in the European Union (2004).

    • Director of Research at the Forum on the Problems of Peace and War, Florence 2001-.

    D. Research Scholarships and Grants ad personam

    • Two-year NATO-EACP Research Fellowship for the individual research project Security and Democracy: The Re-Discovered Link? Democratic Principles in NATO's Post Cold War Security Strategy (June 2000 - June 2002).

    • Two-year research grant from the Regione Toscana on Federalism and Conflict Resolution (1998-2000)

    • Grant from Volkswagen Stiftung as Research Assistant on the international project Preventing Violent Conflicts in Europe at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (1996-7);

    • Ph.D. grant from the European University Institute 1994/5; • Ph.D. grant from the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry 1992/3 and 1993/4;

    • Research Grant from the Forum on the Problems of Peace and War (Florence) - 1990/91;

    • Jean Monnet Fellowship 2001-2002, European University Institute – Florence, I.


    • Scholarships for Summer courses from the European Community Studies Association (1994), and the Luxembourg Government (1992);

    • International Visitor Program Grant of the US Department of State (20 April – 11 May 2002)


    • St Peterburg, Russia (September 2016) – Interviews.

    • Study Trips Globus: Russia (September 20; Johannesburg and Pretoria, Sud Africa (February 2018); Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, Brasil (September 2018); Moscow, Russia (February 2019) -

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    • Visiting fellow, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford:

    July 2014; July 2015; February 2016.



    SAMPLE OF LARGE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ACTIVELY ATTENDED (as paper giver, panel or session organizer):

    • European International Studies Association (EISA) Annual Conference: o 2013 (convenor of a session with 10 panels, Panel Chair, paper giver and

    discussant); o 2015 (paper-giver and discussant); o 2017 (paper giver); o 2018 (paper giver);

    • UACES Annual Conference: 2017 (keynote speaker)

    • ECPR Joint Sessions

    o 1993 (Leiden), 2000 (Copenhagen), o 2004 (Uppsala); o 2006 (Nicosia –Workshop convenor);

    • ECPR General Conference

    o 2007 (Pisa – Session and Panel Chair), o 2009 (Potsdam);

    • British International Studies Association 1994 (York);

    • ECPR-ISA Biannual Conference

    o 1995 (Paris), o 1998 (Vienna);

    • Società Italiana di Scienza Politica Annual Conference

    o paper giver and panelist for several editions: 1999, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 2014; 2016; 2018; 2019.

    o co-responsible for the IR Session of panels years 2011-2012;

    • Italian Standing Group of International Relations. Paper giver, panel organizer or round-table participant in several editions: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018

    • TEPSA 2001 (Bruxelles);

    • International Studies Association ISA Annual conference

    o 2011 (Montreal) (paper giver); o 2015 (New Orleans) (paper giver in absentia)

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    • International Studies Association – CISS Conference, Bologna, June 2017– Panel organizer.

    • 'European Union in International Affairs' (EUIA):

    o Member of the International Steering Committee of International biannual conference 'European Union in International Affairs' 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020.

    o active participant to editions: 2008, 2010, 2012 (session Chair);

    • Joint CEEISA-NISA-RISA Convention 2002 (Moscow): paper giver.

    • Second Pan-European Conference on EU Politics 2004 (Bologna).

    • EUSA 2019, Denver (paper-giver in absentia)

    • 10th Anniversary Ralph Dahrendorf Conference, St Antony’s College, Oxford University (May 2019)


    • Foresight Exercise, Warwick University, 9-11 Giugno 2014. Workshop organized in teh

    context of the project Predict, in collaboration with the university of Warwick and NATO Allied Command Transformation.

    • Security Challenges and Implications for NATO, Trento, 4-5 Novembre 2014. Workshop organized in teh context of the project Predict, in collaboration with the university of Warwick and NATO Allied Command Transformation.

    • NATO ACT-University of Bologna-IAI annual Conference Flexible Frameworks, Beyond Borders. Understanding Regional Dynamics to Enhance Cooperative Security. (, 15-17 May, 2014.

    • NATO ACT-University of Bologna-IAI annual Conference, What Nato for what threats?, 4-6 ottobre 2015, Bertinoro

    • NATO ACT-University of Bologna-IAI annual Conference Projecting Stability in an Unstable World, 10-11 May 2017, Bologna.

    • NATO ACT-University of Bologna-IAI annual Conference Projecting stability in an era of hybrid warfare and terrorism: which NATO role?, 24-26 October 2018, Bertinoro.

    • International Workshop Justice on the Move: Evaluating Migration policies in the European Space. Bertinoro, June 2017. Conference organized in teh context of the Eurpean Project Convegno GLOBUS. programme:

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    • International Workshop Between Rights and Fear: Evaluating the Migration-Terrorism Nexus in Europe, 4-6 June 2018, Bertinoro. Conference organized in teh context of the Eurpean Project Convegno GLOBUS. programme:

    • Series of seminars “Justice on the Move” (University of Bologna) - 1st edition Spring 2017 (organized with M. Borraccetti and M. Ceccorulli)

    - 2nd edition, Autumn 2017 (with M. Borraccetti and M. Ceccorulli),

    - 3rd edition 2018 (with M. Borraccetti and M. Ceccorulli),

    - 4th edition Spring 2019 (with Giorgio Grappi) - The contested politics of migration: Global challenges, critical views'

    Guest speakers of the series: Ayhan Kaya, Ferruccio Pastore, Pierluigi Musarò, Matteo Tondini, Augustin Jose Menendez, Azadeh Dastyari, Francesco Aureli, Elly Schlein, Leonello Gabrici, Anna Triandafyllidou, Marco Borraccetti , Michela Ceccorulli, Maria Do Ceu Pinto, Martina Tazzioli, Enrica Rigo, Nina Hall, Maurice Stierl, Devi Sacchetto.

    • Other organized Guest Lectures 2014-2019: § Matteo Verda (ISPI, Milano), § Gen. Zuliani (DSACT NATO ACT), § Dick Bedford (NATO ACT), § Ruth Hanau Santini (Università Orientale, Napoli), § Angela Liberatore (European Commission), § Matteo Dian (Università di Bologna), § Francesco Moro (Università di Bologna), § Silvia D’Amato (EUI, Firenze), § Miranda Sorgente, § James Sperling (Aakron University), § Mark Webber (Birmingham University), § Dick Bedford (ACT, Norfolk), § Michela Ceccorulli (Università di Bologna), § Giampiero Granchelli (OSCE), § Marco Valigi (Università di Bologna), § Ben Tonra (University College Dublin), § Nathalie Tocci (IAI), § Jakub Kalenshy (Atlantic Council).


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    THIRD MISSION – SAMPLE LAST 3 YRS A. Member of “ParliamoneOra” (coordination of teachers of the University of Bologna

    Bologna against disinformation in our societies)

    B. Participation to events designed for a non-academic public (2016-2019): • Partecipation to roudtables at Le Murate Cafè letterario, Firenze (Clinton e Trump: echi di

    una campagna elettorale, 11/2016; Corea del Nord: Ordine interno e Caos Internazionale, 12/2017; Brexit: Cause e conseguenze,7(2016; Il tramonto dell’ordine liberale, 6/2018)

    • Globus Policy Dialogues ( ): o Policy Dialogue’ with Senuior level practitionners, 16 February 2017, Bruxelles. o Policy Dialogue ‘How do NGOs view the European Union’?, with NGOs, Brussels.

    29 May 2018. o Policy Dialogue ‘Which Future for Multilateralism?’, with BRICS, 29 November

    2019, Bruxelles. o Policy Dialogue at the European Parliament, Brussels, 3 March 2020.

    • Lecture on the EU to the High School liceo scientifico Copernico, Prato, April 2017

    • Participation to the Researchers’ Night 2017, Forli.

    • Policy Dialogue with ACT NATO through the activities envisaged in the Memorandum of

    Understanding (Academic Conference, Simulation, research Projects and reports)



    • European International Studies Association • Member of the IpLab – Trento international Politics Laboratory • European University Institute Alumni Association • Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP – Italian Political Science Association); • Council for the United States and Italy – Young Leader Programme; • (past: British International Studies Association)



    Member of the Editorial Board of the reviews: Warning, Interdisciplinary Political Studies, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica / Italian Review of Political Science, The International Spectator. Past: Quaderni Forum.

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    Reviewer for: - Journals: Cooperation and Conflict; Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche; Journal of

    International Relations and Development; Geopolitics; Journal of Common Market Studies; Rivista italiana di Scienza Politica; Review of International Studies; International Relations; Rivista italiana di politiche pubbliche, European Political Science Review, Journal of European integration; Journal of Cultural Studies; The International Spectator

    - Publishers: Routledge; Sage; Palgrave; Springer. - Reserch foundations and similia: Swiss National Science Foundation;



    English: Excellent knowledge of the language, both spoken and written

    French: Intermediate knowledge of spoken French, good reading skills, sufficient writing skills. Italian: mother-tongue.




    • Sonia Lucarelli (2000), Europe and the Breakup of Yugoslavia. A Political Failure in Search of a Scholarly Explanation, The Hague, Kluwer Law International.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (2020) Si chiude il sipario sull’ordine liberale? Crisi di un sistema che ha cambiato il mondo, Milano, Vita e Pensiero.

    Edited Books • Sonia Lucarelli e Roberto Menotti (a cura di) (2002), Studi internazionali: I luoghi del

    sapere in Italia, Roma, Edizioni Associate. • Sonia Lucarelli (a cura di) (2003), La Polis europea. L'Unione europea oltre l'Euro, Trieste,

    Asterios. • Sonia Lucarelli and Ian Manners (eds) (2006; reprinted in paperback in 2007), Values and

    Principles in European Foreign Policy, London and New York, Routledge. • Furio Cerutti and Sonia Lucarelli (eds) (2008; reprinted in paperback 2010), The Search for

    a European identity. Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union, London and New York, Routledge.

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Lorenzo Fioramonti (eds) (2010; reprinted in paperback 2011), External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor London, Routledge.

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    • Sonia Lucarelli, Furio Cerutti and Vivien Schmidt (eds) (2011), Debating Political Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union: Interdisciplinary Views,London, Routledge.

    • Boris Biancheri, Sonia Lucarelli (Scientific Directors) for Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana and Ispi, (2012), Atlante geopolitico, Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, Luk Van Langenhove, Jan Wouters (eds) (2012) The EU and Multilateral Security Governance, London: Routledge.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (ed) (2014) Gender and the European Union, Firenze University Press, Firenze. ISBN - 978-88-6655-633-6

    • Federico Casprini, Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone (eds) (2014), Flexible Frameworks, Beyond Borders. Understanding Regional Dynamics to Enhance Cooperative Security, NATO HQ - Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels – Belgium. ISBN 978-92-845-0192-2 (available at:; (110 p)

    • Enrico Fassi, Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone (eds) (2015), What NATO, for What Threats? Warsaw and Beyond. NATO HQ - Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels – Belgium, ISBN: 978-92-845-0195-3 (Available at: (121 pages).

    • Sonia Lucarelli at al. (Predict Research Team) (2015), PREDICT: Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends, NATO HQ - Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels – Belgium. ISBN 978-92-845-0194-6 (Available at: (152 pages).

    • Enrico Fassi and Sonia Lucarelli (eds) The European Migration System and Global Justice: A First Appraisal, Globus Report 1; Arena Report n. 17 ISBN (print) 978-82-8362-010-8 ; ISBN (online) 978-82-8362-011-5. Available online:

    • Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone, Francesco N. Moro (eds) Projecting stability in an unstable world, 2017 NATO HQ - Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels – Belgium. ISBN: 978-92-845-0210-3. Online:

    • Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone, Francesco N. Moro (eds) (2019) Approaches to Regional Stability and the Outlook for NATO, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma; NATO, Bruxelles. ISSN 2280-6164. Online:

    Special Issues

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Claudio Radaelli (eds) (2004 reprinted as a book by Routledge in 2005), Mobilising Politics and Society? The EU Convention's Impact on Southern Europe, Special Issue of South European Politics and Society, 9(1).

    • Sonia Lucarelli (ed) (2007) Beyond Self Perception: The Others' View of the European Union, Special issue of European Foreign Affairs Review, 12(3).

    • Osvaldo Croci and Sonia Lucarelli (eds) (2010), Italy in the Eyes of European and Transatlantic Allies, Special issue of Modern Italy, 15/3/ 2010.

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    • Sonia Lucarelli, James Sperling and Mark Webber (eds) (2019) “The European Union, Security Governance and Collective Securitization”, Special Issue of West European Politics, 42(2).

    • Silvia D’Amato, Sonia Lucarelli (eds) (2019) Talking migration: Narratives of Migration and Justice Claims in the European Migration System of Governance, Special Issue of The International Spectator, September 2019, 54(3).

    Conference proceedings without ISBN

    • Riccardo Alcaro, Sonia Lucarelli (2011) (ghost eds) Managing change: NATO’s partnerships and deterrence in a globalized world. NATO HQ - Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels – Belgium (available at (78 p)

    • Riccardo Alcaro and Sonia Lucarelli (eds) (2012) Dynamic Change. Re-thinking NATO's Capabilities, Operations, and Partnerships. NATO HQ - Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels – Belgium (available at:; (154 p)

    Articles • Sonia Lucarelli, (1997) “Germany's Recognition of Slovenia and Croatia: an Institutionalist

    Perspective”, The International Spectator, XXXII (2), pp. 65-91. • Sonia Lucarelli, (1999) “Fattori interni e internazionali nella gestione europea delle guerre

    jugoslave. Teorie a confronto”, Studi Politici, n. 3, pp. 279-312. • Sonia Lucarelli e Roberto Menotti, (2002) “Le Relazioni Internazionali nella terra del

    Principe”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, (1), pp. 31-79. • Sonia Lucarelli e Roberto Menotti, (2002) “No-Constructivists Land. IR Theory in Italy in

    the 1990s”, Journal of International Relations and Development,5(2), pp. 114-142 [ristampato in Knud E. Jörgensen and T. Brems Knudsen (eds.), International Relations in Europe: Traditions, perspectives and destinations,London and New York, Routledge, 2006, pp. 47-71].

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2002) “Unione Europea, NATO e la costruzione di comunità di sicurezza democratiche in Europa Centro-orientale”, Teoria Politica, XIX(2), pp. 87-120.

    • Sonia Lucarelli et Claudio Radaelli, (2003) “Les think tanks font-ils la différence dans le système politique?», Pôle Sud, n. 19, pp. 113-129 [appeared in English in Diane Stone, Andrew Denham and Mark Garnett (eds.), Think Tanks Across Nations: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (2nd edition), Manchester: Manchester University Press 2004, pp. 89-104]. (online at

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2003) “La politica estera europea tra telos identità e globalizzazione”, Teoria Politica, XX(2), pp. 113-129.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2006) “Values, Identity and Ideational Shocks in the Transatlantic Rift”, Journal of International Relations and Development, 9(3), pp. 304-334.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2007) “The EU in the Eyes of the Others. Towards filling a gap in the literature”, European Foreign Affairs Review 12 (3), pp. 249-270.

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    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2007) “European Political Identity and the Others' Image of the EU: Reflections on an Under-explored Relationship”, CFSP Forum, 5(6), pp. 11-15.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2007) “L'Unione europea vista dagli altri”, Imago Europae, 1(0), pp. 12-16.

    • Lorenzo Fioramonti and Sonia Lucarelli, (2008) “What do they think of the EU? External perceptions of the European Union as a global actor”, Eyes on Europe, 9, 2008.

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Lorenzo Fioramonti, (2009) ‘Das Globale Image der Europäischen Union', in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 23-24/2009.

    • George Christou, Michela Ceccorulli, Stuart Croft and Sonia Lucarelli, “EU Security Governance: Putting the ‘Security’ Back in”, European Security, 19, 3, 2010, pp. 341-359; reprinted in Hardback in: Stuart Croft and George Christou (eds.), European ‘Security’ Governance, Abingdon, Routledge, 2011.

    • Croci, S. Lucarelli, (2010) “Introduction: Italy in the eyes of the others”, Modern Italy, 15: 3, pp. 251 – 257.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (printed online 2013; printed on paper 2014) , “Seen From the Outside: the State-of-the-Art on the External Image of the EU”, Journal of European Integration, online 27.4.2013 (DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2012.761981; To link to this article:; printed vol 39, n. 1, 2014, pp. 1-16.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (2014), “Multilateralismo e attori non statali: ossimoro o naturale evoluzione?”, Rivista di politica, 1/ 2014: 131-140.

    • Michela Ceccorulli, Enrico Fassi, Sonia Lucarelli (2015), “Europe's “depopul-ageing” bomb?”, Global Affairs, 1, 1, pp. 81-91 (

    • Sonia Lucarelli, Francesco N. Moro, Daniela Sicurelli, Carla Monteleone and Eugenia Baroncelli (2015) “Mind the gap: IR and the challenge of international politics”. Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Available on CJO 2015 doi:10.1017/ipo.2015.4 (Lucarelli’s contributon: “Liberalism under challenge”).

    • Sonia Lucarelli (2015), “Italy and the EU: from true love to disenchantment?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 53, Issue Supplement 1 (Annual Review of the European Union in 2014), pp. 40-60.

    • Michela Ceccorulli, Carlo Frappi and Sonia Lucarelli (2017), ‘On Regional Security Governance Once Again: How Analysis of the Southern Caucasus Can Advance the Concept’, European Security, 26(1): 59-78 . Doi:; Free access:

    • Michela Ceccorulli, Enrico Fassi and Sonia Lucarelli (2017) "NATO’s demographic paradox”, Global Change Peace and Security 29(3): 294-271. Free here:

    • Michela Ceccorulli and Sonia Lucarelli (2017), 'Migration and the EU Global Strategy: Narratives and Dilemmas', The International Spectator 52 (3): 83-102. DOI: 10.1080/03932729.2017.1332850 free here:

    • Michela Ceccorulli and Sonia Lucarelli (2017), “La inmigración y la Estrategia Global de la UE”, Politica Exterior, n. 180, November-December 2017, pp. 122-134.

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    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2019) “The EU as a Securitizing Agent? Testing the Model, Advancing the Literature”, West European Politics, 42(2): 413-436.

    • Silvia D’Amato, Sonia Lucarelli (2019) “Talking Migration: Narratives of Migration and Justice Claims in the European Migration System of Governance”, The International Spectator, September 2019, 54(3), pp. 1-17.

    • Nicolò Fasola and Sonia Lucarelli (2019) ’Ups and Downs of NATO-Russia Relations: a Cognitivist Perspective’. Interdisciplinary Political Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 319-371.

    Chapters in Edited Books

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (1996), “Brzezinski, Zbigniew”, “Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang”, “Kennan, George Frost”, “Negoziato Internazionale”, in Dizionario di Storia e Storiografia, Mondadori, p. 147-manca pag.finale, 304, 579, 738.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (1997) “The Yugoslav Imbroglio”, in K.E. Jørgensen (ed), European Approaches to Crisis Management, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, pp. 35-63.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (1999) “Conflict Prevention in Post-Cold War Europe: Lack of Instruments or Lack of Will?”, in K. R. Spillmann and J. Krause (eds.),International Security Challenges in a Changing World (Studies in Contemporary History and Security Policy, vol. 3). Peter Lang, Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Frankfurt a.M. / New York / Wien, pp. 245-280.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2000) “Presenza e impegni dell'Italia in Bosnia e Albania”, in R. Aliboni, F. Bruni, A. Colombo ed E. Greco (a cura di), L'Italia e la politica internazionale, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 191-203.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2002) “L'Italia e i Balcani occidentali”, in F. Bruni e N. Ronzitti (a cura di), L'Italia e la politica internazionale 2001, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 203-217.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2002) “L'onda lunga della fine della guerra fredda? Fine della guerra fredda, guerra e architettura di sicurezza europea”, in A. Brillante (a cura di), Tra pace e guerra. Itinerari politici moderni, Firenze, Quaderni Forum, 4/2002, pp. 65-93.

    • Sonia Lucarelli e Roberto Menotti, (2002) “Prefazione” e “Introduzione alla sezione politologica” in Lucarelli & Menotti (a cura di), Studi internazionali: I luoghi del sapere in Italia, Roma, Edizioni Associate, 2002, pp. 5-8, 10-13.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2003) “La polis Europea. Un'introduzione”, in S. Lucarelli (a cura di), La Polis europea. L'Unione europea oltre l'Euro, Trieste, Asterios, pp. 19-49.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2003) “La politica estera di un attore in via di definizione. L'Unione e la guerra nella ex Jugoslavia”, in S. Lucarelli (a cura di), La Polis europea. L'Unione europea oltre l'Euro, Trieste, Asterios, pp. 319-347.

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Claudio Radaelli, (2004) “Italy: Think Tanks and the Political System”, in D. Stone, A. Denham and M. Garnett (eds.), Think Tanks Across Nations: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas (2nd edition), Manchester, Manchester University Press, pp. 89-104 [appeared in French on Pôle Sud, n. 19, 2003]

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Claudio Radaelli, (2004) “The European Convention: A Process of Mobilization?”, in Sonia Lucarelli and Claudio Radaelli (eds),Mobilising Politics and Society? The European Convention's Impact on Southern Europe, Special Issue of South European Society & Politics, 9(1), 2004, pp. 1-23 [reprinted in the book - Routledge 2005].

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    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2003 e 2004) “Teoria dei giochi e relazioni internazionali”, in U. Gori, Lezioni di relazioni internazionali, Padova, Cedam (1a ed 2003; 2a ed 2004), pp. 2a ed: 551-577 (escluse pp. 563-565).

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2003 e 2004) “Gli studi di genere nelle relazioni internazionali”, in U. Gori, Lezioni di relazioni internazionali, Padova, Cedam, (1a ed 2003; 2a ed 2004), pp. 2a ed: 531-534.

    • Sonia Lucarelli und Roberto Menotti, (2004) “Das erweiterte Bündnis und seine ungewisse Zukunft: Eine italienische Sichtweise” (The larger Alliance and its uncertain future:a view from Italy“), in A. Pradetto (ed.), Die zweite Runde der NATO-Osterweiterung, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, pp.133-152.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2004) “Natura, politica estera e identità politica dell'Unione europea: alla ricerca della quadratura del cerchio”, in R. Balfour e R. Menotti (a cura di), Verso un concetto di Politica Estera Europea. Le sfide esterne e di sicurezza per la UE, Roma, Rubbettino Editore, pp. 13-31.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2004) “Il ruolo internazionale dell'Unione europea: valori e principi” in G. Bosco, F. Perfetti e Guido Ravasi (a cura di), L'Unione europea tra processo di integrazione e allargamento, Milano, Nagard, pp. 98-118.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, 2005) “NATO and the European System of Liberal-democratic Security Communities”, in Trine Flockhart (ed.), Socializing Democratic Norms: The Role of International Organizations for the Construction of Europe, Basingstoke, Palgrave, pp. 85-105.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2005) “Identitatea Unionii Europene intre reforme si extindere”, in Fondazione Europea Dragan (a cura di), România şi procesul de integrare europeană, Bucarest, Europa Nova, pp. 75- 87.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2006) “Which Venus? A Normative Reading of the Transatlantic Divide”, in O. Croci and A. Verdun, Storm over the Atlantic: Transatlantic Relations from Kosovo to Iraq, Manchester, Manchester University Press; Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press; New York, St Martin's Press, pp. 36-48.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2006) “Il valore della ‘solidarietà' nella costruzione dell'UE come attore internazionale”, in M. Zani (a cura di), Tra povertà e sviluppo. Esperienze a confronto, Bologna, Tipografia Moderna, pp. 29-35.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2006) “Introduction: Values, Principles, Identity and European Union Foreign Policy”, in S. Lucarelli, I. Manners (eds), Values and Principles in European Foreign Policy, Londra and New York, Routledge, pp. 1-18.

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Ian Manners, (2006) “Conclusion” in S. Lucarelli and I. Manners (eds), Values and Principles in European Foreign Policy, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 201-215.

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Roberto Menotti, (2006) “The Use of Force as Coercive Intervention: the Conflicting Values of the European Union's External Action”, in S. Lucarelli and I. Manners (a cura di), Values and Principles in European Foreign Policy, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 147-163.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2006) “Interpreted Values: A Normative Reading of EU Role Articulation & Performance”, in E. Ole and M. Smith (eds), The European Union's Roles in International Politics. Concepts and analysis, London: Routledge, pp. 47-65.

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    • Sonia Lucarelli and Roberto Menotti, (2006) "Italy", in K. E. Jörgensen and T. Brems Knudsen (eds.), International Relations in Europe: Traditions, perspectives and destinations, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, pp. 47-71.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2006) “Solidarietà, identità politica e ruolo internazionale dell'Unione europea”, in G. Vacca; J.L. Rhi-Sausi (a cura di), I dilemmi dell'integrazione. Il futuro del modello sociale europeo, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 149 - 178.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2007) “Valori interpretati: tra identità e politica estera europea”, in G. Laschi (a cura di), Il pensiero e la forma europea della politica,Bologna, Clueb, pp. 83-99.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2007) “Gli anni Novanta: le guerre nella ex Jugoslavia”, in M. Del Pero e F. Romero (a cura di), Le Crisi Transatlantiche: Continuità e Trasformazioni. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2007, pp. 85-110.

    • Lorenzo Fioramonti and Sonia Lucarelli, (2008) “How do the Others see us? European political identity and the external image of the EU”, in F. Cerutti and S. Lucarelli (eds), The Search for a European identity. Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union, Routledge, pp. 193-201.

    • Furio Cerutti and Sonia Lucarelli, (2008) “Conclusions”, in F. Cerutti and S. Lucarelli (eds), The Search for a European identity. Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union, Routledge, pp. 211- 218.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2008) “European Political Identity, Foreign Policy and the Others' Image: an Under-explored Relationship”, in F. Cerutti and S. Lucarelli (eds), The Search for a European identity. Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union, Routledge, 2008, pp. 23-42.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2009) “L'UE potenza civile: ossimoro o animale bicefalo? ”, Mario Telò, Giuliana Laschi (a cura di) L’Europa nel sistema internazionale. Sfide, ostacoli e dilemmi nello sviluppo di una potenza civile, Bologna, Il Mulino.

    • S. Lucarelli, L. Fioramonti. (2010) “Conclusion: Self-Representation and External perceptions - can the EU bridge the gap?”, in S. Lucarelli and L. Fioramonti, External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor, London, Routledge, pp. 218-225.

    • S. Lucarelli, L. Fioramonti. (2010) “Introduction: the EU in the Eyes of the Others: Why bother?”, in S. Lucarelli and L. Fioramonti, External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor, London, Routledge, pp. 1-10. .

    • S. Lucarelli, F. Cerutti, V. Schmidt. (2011). “Preface”, in S. Lucarelli, F Cerutti, V. Schmidt. Debating Political Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union, London, Routledge, pp. xiv-xvii.

    • S. Lucarelli. (2011). “Debating Identity and Legitimacy in the EU: Concluding Remarks”, in S. Lucarelli, F Cerutti, V. Schmidt, Debating political identity and legitimacy in the European Union, London, Routledge, pp. 193-206.

    • S. Lucarelli. (2011) “Mirrors of Us: European Political Identity and the Others' Image of the EU", in S. Lucarelli, F Cerutti, V. Schmidt, Debating political identity and legitimacy in the European Union, London, Routledge, pp. 148-167.

    • George Christou, Michela Ceccorulli, Stuart Croft and Sonia Lucarelli, “EU Security Governance: Putting the ‘Security’ Back in”, in Stuart Croft and George Christou (eds.), European ‘Security’ Governance, Abingdon, Routledge, 2011(appeared aslo as an article: European Security, 19, 3, 2010, pp. 341-359).

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    • S. Lucarelli. (2011), “L'Unione Europea vista dagli altri”, 
in G. Laschi (a cura di), Oltre i confini. L'Ue tra integrazione interna e relazioni esterne, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 335-346.

    • B. Biancheri, S. Lucarelli. (2012) “Introduzione”, in B. Biancheri, S. Lucarelli (Scientific Directors) for Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana and Ispi (2011)Atlante geopolitico, Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, pp. XI-XIII.

    • M. Ceccorulli, S. Lucarelli (2012) “Security governance, Copenaghen e Parigi: verso un approccio di sintesi allo studio della sicurezza”, in: Carla Monteleone, (a cura di) Politiche di sicurezza e cambiamento globale, MILANO, Franco Angeli, pp. 215 - 233

    • S. Lucarelli, (2012), “L'Unione europea: laboratorio e attore nella politica globale”, in B. Biancheri, S. Lucarelli (Scientific Directors) for Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana and Ispi (2011) Atlante geopolitico, Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, pp. 18-37 (online at:

    • M. Ceccorulli, S. Lucarelli (2012), “Conceptualizing the EU in Multilateral Security Governance”, in S. Lucarelli, L. Van Langenhove, J. Wouters (eds) The EU and Multilateral Security Governance, London, Routledge, pp. 11-25.

    • S. Lucarelli, L. Van Langenhove, J. Wouters (2012) “The EU and Multilateral Security Governance: An Introduction”, in S. Lucarelli, L. Van Langenhove, J. Wouters (eds) The EU and Multilateral Security Governance, London, Routledge, pp. 1-8.

    • S. Lucarelli. (2013) “La tradizione liberale. I diversi sentieri di un paradigma pluralista”, in E. Diodato (a cura di), Relazioni internazionali. Dalle tradizioni alle sfide, Roma: Carocci, pp. 113-150.

    • S. Lucarelli (2013) “Perceptions of the EU in International Institutions”, in K.E. Jørgensen and K.E. Laatikainen, Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International institutions, Routledge 2013, pp. 429-444.

    • S. Lucarelli (2013) “L’Unione europea e la sicurezza olistica”, in R. Belloni, M. Moschella, D. Sicurelli (a cura di) Le organizzazioni internazionali, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 65-85.

    • F. Attinà and S. Lucarelli (2013) “Relazioni internazionali”, in a cura di G. Pasquino, M. Regalia e M. Valbruzzi Quaranta anni di scienza politica in Italia, Bologna, il Mulino.

    • R. Hanau Santini, S. Lucarelli, M. Pinfari. (2014) “Inter-regionalism: a security studies perspective”, in F. Söderbaum; F. Baert; T. Scaramagli (eds) Intersecting Inter-regionalism, Dordrecht: Springer.

    • S. Lucarelli (2014) “Preface”, in S. Lucarelli (ed) Gender and the European Union, Firenze, Florence University Press, pp. 7-.

    • S. Lucarelli, (2014) “Multilateral Governance”, in J. Sperling (ed) Handbook on Governance and Security, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

    • S. Lucarelli (2014), “The EU’s Leadership in the Global Governance: Perceptions from the Others”, in N. Chaban and M. Holland, Communicating Europe in the Times of Crisis: External Perceptions of the European Union, Palgrave.

    • M. Ceccorulli, S. Lucarelli (2017) EU migration terms, definitions and concepts: Perspectives of justice, in E. Fassi, S. Lucarelli (eds) The European Migration System and Global Justice: a First Appraisal, Oslo, ARENA, pp. 67 – 85.

    • S. Lucarelli (2017) “The EU, migration and justice: A tentative conclusion”, in E. Fassi, S. Lucarelli (eds) The European Migration System and Global Justice: a First Appraisal, Oslo,

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    ARENA, pp. 147-153. ISBN: Available online at:

    • Michela Ceccorulli e Sonia Lucarelli (2018), “Saving Migrants, Securing Borders: The EU’s 21st century security dilemma”, in Sypors Economides e James Sperling (a cura di), EU Security Strategies. Extending the EU System of Security Governance, Basistoke, Routledge.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (2018), “L’Unione Europea nel mondo: perchè l’UE non può essere la grande potenza inscritta nei numeri”, in Alessandro Colombo e Paolo Magri (a cura di) Rapporto ISPI 2018. Sempre più un gioco per grandi. E l’Europa? Milano, Ledizioni LediPublishing. Print ISBN 9788867057146 ePub ISBN 9788867057153 Disponibile online: [English edition: The European Union and the World: Power beyond Figures, in Alessandro Colombo e Paolo Magri. ISPI Report 2018. Big Powers are Back. What About Europe?, Milano, Ledizioni LediPublishing, Online at:]

    • Sonia Lucarelli, Michela Ceccorulli (2018) Securing borders, saving migrants: the EU's security dilemma in the twenty-first century, in: Spyros Economides and James Sperling (eds.), EU Security Strategies: Extending the EU System of Security Governance, Abingdon, Routledge, 2018, pp. 162 – 180

    • Sonia Lucarelli (2018) “The EU and the Crisis of Liberal Order. At Home and Abroad”, in in Rikard Bengtsson and Malena Rosén Sundström (eds), The EU and Emerging Global Order, Lund Political Studies series, Lund, pp. 143-160.

    • Nicolò Fasola, Sonia Lucarelli (2018), “I rapporti tra Alleanza atlantica e Russia dalla fine della guerra fredda”, in Stefano Bianchini, Antonio Fiori (a cura di), Russia e Cina nel mondo globale. Due potenze fra dinamiche interne e internazionali, Roma, Carocci, pp. 133-147. ISBN 9788843092833

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2019) “L’Unione Europea nell’era post-liberale: una sfida esistenziale dalle radici globali”, in A. Colombo e P. Magri, Rapporto ISPI 2019 - La fine di un mondo. La deriva dell'ordine liberale, Milano Ledizioni LediPublishing, pp. 77-92. Print ISBN 9788867059195; ePub ISBN 9788867059201; Pdf ISBN 9788867059218; DOI 10.14672/67059195. Disponibile online:

    • Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone, Francesco N. Moro (2019) “Introduction”, in Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone, Francesco N. Moro (eds), Approaches to Regional Stability and the Outlook for NATO, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma; NATO, Bruxelles. ISSN 2280-6164. Online:

    • Nicolò Fasola and Sonia Lucarelli (2020) “NATO-Russia relations through the prism of strategic culture”, in Bianchini, S. and Fiori, A. (eds) Rethinking the Strong State in Russia and China. Dynamics of Foreign Policy Projections. Leiden: Brill, Series: International Comparative Social Studies, Volume 45. pp. 223-248.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (2020) “L’Unione europea e la faticosa ricerca di un ruolo ‘geopolitico’”, in Alessandro Colombo, Paolo Magri, Rapporto ISPI 2020. Lavori in corso: La fine di un mondo atto II, Milano, Ledizioni LediPublishing, pp. 167-180. Print ISBN 9788867051814; online:

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    Working Papers and Policy Briefs • Sonia Lucarelli, (1994), La teoria di giochi ed il suo contributo all'analisi delle crisi

    internazionali. Studio di un caso: la Alert Crisis dell'Ottobre 1973, Firenze, Quaderni Forum.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (1995) The International Response to the Yugoslav Crisis. A Chronology of Events, EUI Working Paper, Robert Schuman Centre 95/8.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (1996) The European Response to the Yugoslav Crisis. Story of a Two-Level Constraint, EUI Working Paper, Robert Schuman Centre 95/37.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (1996) Instruments for Conflict Prevention in Today's Europe. An Overview, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma, Documenti IAI, 9636.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (1997) A Case Study of Multi-Institutional Post-war Conflict Prevention: The Dayton Peace Agreement and its Implementation., Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Documenti IAI, 9727.

    • Sonia Lucarelli e Paola Donatucci, (1998) Il contributo dell'Italia all'intervento internazionale per la pacificazione e la ricostruzione della Bosnia-Erzegovina,Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Documenti IAI; 9831.

    • Sonia Lucarelli e Lorenzo Fioramonti, (2008) Have you heard of the EU? An Analysis of global images of the European Union, Garnet Policy Brief, n. 7.

    • Michela Ceccorulli, Sonia Lucarelli and Luk Van Langenhove, (2009) “The EU in Multilateral Security Governance”, Comptes rendus de manifestations scientifiques, I-SEE, Lettre d'information de la Section d'Etudes Européennes, Association Française de Science Politique, 12, été 2009.

    • George Christou, Michela Ceccorulli, Stuart Croft and Sonia Lucarelli, (2010) “EU Security Governance: Putting the ‘Security' Back in”, EU-GRASP Working Paper 22, August 2010 (

    • Michela Ceccorulli; Ruth Hanau Santini; Lorenzo Fioramonti; Sonia Lucarelli, (2010) “EU Security Governance”, EU-GRASP Working Papers 2, February 2010 (

    • M. Ceccorulli, S. Lucarelli (2014) “Security Governance: making the concept fit for the analysis of a multipolar, global and regionalized world”, RSCAS Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Global Governance Programme, Working Paper 2014/41 ( - ISSN 1028-3625.

    • S. Lucarelli (2018), The EU and the Crisis of Liberal Order: At Home and Abroad, GLOBUS Research Paper 12/2018, available at:

    Research Reports

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    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2002) Peace and Democracy: The Rediscovered Link. The Eu, Nato and the European System of Liberal-Democratic Security Communities,NATO-EACP Final Research Report, 2002 (at

    • Lucarelli S. (a cura di) (2007) The External Image of the European Union, Garnet Series e-book, 2007, [Research coordinator and editor; author of: (i) Introduction; (ii) Conclusions (with L. Fioramonti)]

    • Sonia Lucarelli and Lorenzo Fioramonti (eds) (2008) Research Report: The External Image of the European Union (Phase Two), Garnet Series e-book, 2008, http://www.garnet- [co-research coordinator and editor; author of: (i) Charter 1; (ii) Conclusions and Recommendations (with L. Fioramonti)


    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2001) “Constructing Europe: the Role of Symbolic Politics”, The International Spectator, Autumn 2001[Review of Substance and symbolism :an anatomy of cooperation in the new Europe / Ian Manners. -Aldershot [etc.] :Ashgate, 2000].

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2003) Review of Democracy, Ethnic Diversity, and Security in Post-Communist Europe di Anita Inder Singh, Westport (CO) & London, Paeger. Slavic Review, 62, n. 2 , 2003 pp. 365-366.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2003) Review of A Soul for Europe (2 volumes), a cura di Furio Cerutti ed Enno Rudolph, Leuven &Sterling (VA), Peeters, Journal of European Integration, 25 , 1, 2003, pp. 88-90.

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2005) “L'Europa potenza civile: una sfida politica e teorica”, Teoria Politica 1/2005 [Review of L'Europa potenza civile di Mario Telò, Libri del Tempo Laterza, Roma-Bari 2004]

    • Sonia Lucarelli, (2008) “Beyond Wiring Diagrams? European Security and Defence Policy Explained and Assessed”, [Review of: J. Howorth, Security and Defence Policy in the European Union, Palgrave, 2007] The International Spectator, September, 2008.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (2013) “The Edge: Crises as Turning Points for Regional Integraion Processes?” [Review of: Regions and crises : new challenges for contemporary regionalisms / edited by Lorenzo Fioramonti. - Basingstoke and New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - xvii, 242 p. - ISBN 978-0-230-34878-3], The International Spectator, vol 48, n. 2, 2013: 133-136.

    • Sonia Lucarelli (online 2013; printed 2014), Review of “Winds of democratic change in the Mediterranean? Actors, processes and possible outcomes” (edited by Stefania Panebianco and Rosa Rossi, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012, ISBN 9788849831832), in Democratization, Published online: 25 Oct 2013, DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2013.827666 (link:; printed: vol. 21, n. 1, 2014.

    Newspaper Articles • Fioramonti L., and Lucarelli, S. “Have you heard of the EU?”, International Herald

    Tribune, October 24 2007( -access ) 10.4.08

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    • Sonia Lucarelli, “Italy in the eyes of the world”, The Guardian Comments online, April 6, 2008 ( -access 10.4.08the article has been reprerinted in Haaretz: Sonia Lucarelli, ימצע

    ןוחטיב תלוטנ הנידמ (“U “un paese senza auto-stima”), Haaretz, 9 April 2008 itemNo=973223&contrassID=2&subContrassID=2&sbSubContrassID=0 -access 10.4.08)

    • Sonia Lucarelli, “Rapporti con l'Ue e politica estera, l'avvio difficile del governo”, Europa, 13/6/08

    Oxford Analytica Daily Briefs

    “State elections could bring down Italy’s coalition”, Oxford Analytica Daily Brief, 6 January 2020

    Translations • A Soul for Europe: On the Political and Cultural Identity of the Europeans. A

    Reader (Volume 1) edited by Furio Cerutti e Enno Rudolph, Peeters, Leuven, 2001 (trad. it. Un'anima per l'Europa, Pisa, ETS) 2002.

    Prato, 29 February 2020

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