customized employment presentation (002)

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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PowerPoint Presentation

Customized Employment and Job Development

What is Customized Employment?

Customized employment is a non-traditional approach to employment which matches the skills*, interests* and abilities* of the individual with the needs of the employer. * Takes the individual as is.

Customized employment means individualizing the relationship between the employee and the employer in ways that meet the needs of both.

TRADITONAL Vs. Non-traditional

Traditional approach focuses on the needs of the employer, first.

Non-Traditional approach starts with the job seeker.

THE TRADITIONAL APPROACH Responds to the needs of the employer first with applicants who are qualified to meet those needs. Employer identifies the needCreates the job openingJob Description (duties, skills needed)Application Interview(competition for job opening)

This is how we get our jobs. Many (PWDS) get work this way but for many PWDS they do not compete well. Therefore an alternative strategy to find employment is needed. This is where customized employment comes in.

Customized employment The non Traditional approachLooks at the individual 1st. Their strengths, support needs, their interests & the impact of their disability. We dont ask them what they are interested in and then run with it to find them work. We do take an intense look at who the person is first then create a unique one of a kind position for that individual that meets the need of the employer.Looks for themes.

Customized employment The non Traditional approachCustomized employment discovers the skills, strengths and interests of the job seeker and negotiates a job description that meets the needs of an employer.

We dont create the DREAM JOB but the IDEAL JOB for the individual so they will be successful.In the DREAM JOB you are in that blissful state where you have made the transition from doing your work to being your work. - The DREAM JOB only exists for a few

Dream Job

Customized employmentLooking for the IDEAL job.

Through the process of DISCOVERY we create a blue print for the ideal job for the individual. Identifies under what conditions will this person be successful (their contributions, tasks, skills they can offer that benefits the employer).We then bring this offer to the employer who may have need for those contributions in the form of a job proposal.

Customized Employment IN CONTRAST to the traditional approach where the employer announces they have a need first, in customized employment we:Begin with the individual We determine what they need and what they have to offer. Then we approach the employer

No job No problem! (If there are no job openings then there is no competition). The individual needs an alternative strategy that removes competition from the table. We want to look at discovering what the client can offer, what the ideal condition is for them and then start approaching employers with the proposal rather than reacting to employers that have an identified job description.

Why is customized employment an asset for employers ?

Higher retention rates (72% Higher than a person without a disability)Lower training costsLess likely to miss work ( 86% of people with a disability rate average or better on attendance)Part time Staffing flexibility Safety conscious (98% of people with a disability rate better in safety)

How to know if your client may need customized employment? Must BCEA, EI or General Clients who have multiple barrier to employment or have a disability confirmed by the DRENA May Already have PWD or CPP-D designation. CM thinks it Is unlikely for the client to be successful with traditional employment services alone, including self-marketing / job search, skills training, or work experience placements. May require customized services which are an intensive level of service that involve the creation of a new job that is customized to the individuals needs, skills and abilities. May be best suited to learning, developing and applying skills in the workplace and will require one-on-one support to achieve this.Typically receiving on going personal supports (Family/Agencies). Typically little to no previous work experience.IF YOUR STILL NOT SURE GO SEE MICHELLE!!!!!

What is Job Development?

Providing individualized job marketing to employers, client may already know the business or industry to be targeted but needs support in contacting the employer. (CM Example)Arranging and supporting client interviews.Negotiating job terms and conditions.Or existing jobs require adaptation to meet the unique needs of the job seeker.

Job Development involves providing individualized services to job seekers and employers in order for the job seeker to successfully achieve employment.

The job developer

Creates a path for the job seeker to access an employer.Goes before the job seeker and provides a route.Markets the employee, negotiating job modifications, accommodations and arranging interviews.

In contrastCustomized Employment takes an intense look at who the person is first then create a unique one of a kind position for the individual that meets the need of an employer. - Creating a job where one does not exist.Job Development provides self-marketing to the employer and may include negotiating job modifications to an existing job opening to ensure the employee is successful.

How to KNOW IF your client WILL REQUIRE JOB DEVELOPMENTLacking in self marketing - key word Tier 3,4(can be) Traditional job approach with Case Manager support.Needs CM to market the job seeker to an employer. May have previous work experience/Market attachment. May have some skills and knowledge to keep a job but lacks the self confidence to land the job.Job seeker needs foot in the door. They many not require the intensive one on one assistance as in customized employment. ALSO..

How to know if your client will require job developmentMust have Employment as a goalMust have a disability, barrier or multiple barriers to employment and self-sufficiency, andMust be BCEA, EI or General Clients who have Multiple Barriers to Employment or have a disability that has been confirmed by a DRENA.


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