customer pathway self directed support. customer service centre initial contact will cover: personal...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Customer Pathway

Self Directed Support

Customer Service Centre

Initial contact will cover:

Personal information Referral reasons Carer’s details Current paid support Home situation Mobility Health and well being Mental Health and Psychological well being Medication

Conclusion & Outcomes

My Outcomes & Enablement Assessment

How to complete My Outcomes

1. Things are very difficult 2. Things are difficult 3. Neither good nor bad – things are stable for me4. Good – things are OK and getting better 5. Very good – I am happy and very satisfied

Where you are finding things difficult or very difficult, please note anything that would support you to make a difference andimprove thingsIf things are neither good nor bad, please note anything that would improve things to good or very goodWhere things are good or very good, please note what is working well and has made a difference       

My Outcomes & Enablement


Designed to identify areas in service user’s life where they need support

Will be used at the beginning and toward the end of the reablement process

‘My Outcomes’ can be used to plan future support

Generates a graph that provides evidence of progress

Reablement staff will record comments and outcomes

General Principles

The service user completes the form

It informs the worker as to how the service user feels about different areas of their life and the support they feel they might need

The form can be completed during the first contact, at the end of reablement and later as part of the review process

The results will form the basis of the support plan and will inform where money should be spent

Why a graph?

It’s easy to understand

It gives a clear indication of how and where the budget should be spent to help the service user improve their health and wellbeing

It’s a benchmark for monitoring and reviews

Management Information

By amalgamating graph information we can see by district or area where outcomes are not being met

This informs how we develop the market in those areas

It may also be an early indicator of how the market is changing or how customer outcomes are changing

My RAS and Overview Assessment

Who completes it?

Part of the Self Supported Assessment Form that records service user needs and any informal support they are receiving

Responses are entered onto the RAS validation spreadsheet

Produces an indicative budget

Needs to be completed before the support plan

Support Planning

The support plan is about the service user so they should, where possible, complete their own plan

It follows on from the RAS and is completed when the indicative budget is known

It is a record of decisions made by the service user

Identifies outcomes the service user wants now and in the future

It’s important to add hopes, dreams and aspirations for the


How to complete the Support Plan


Photographs, symbols


Computer programme or presentation

Audio recording or interview

Video recording

How people choose to complete the support plan is entirely up to them

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