customer centric transformation ombudsman services 2018 ... · customer centric transformation...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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Customer Centric Transformation

Ombudsman Services

2018 and beyond

“Our transformation is starting to yield positive results for consumers, regulators and businesses.

We continue to focus on improving access and

awareness for consumers and encouraging businesses to put things right quickly, with the

ombudsman facilitating early resolution of complaints.

The new digital journey through web and our new

case management system is a key part of driving cultural transformation and change, which we

believe will deliver better outcomes for consumers and help to build trust and confidence in the markets

in which we operate.”

Matthew Vickers - Chief Executive and Chief Ombudsman

Brand - Key Messages Values

Believable and Real

We are a people business, defined by trust. Trust earned through impartiality, fairness

and empathy. Putting people at the heart of our business, we are an approachable,

helpful and human voice for consumers; an inspiring and enlightening companion to

partner businesses. No jargon. Speaking clearly, with empathy, from the heart.

New and improved digital journey

Digital first - research and immersion

The customer experience map above provides the structure and framework for how the B2C customer

experience is evolving; highlighting new areas of customer needs and opportunities that, when addressed

will alleviate some of the challenges users face. In parallel to this, the

new customer experience is being brought to life with new branding and tone of voice – simple, accessible, no jargon!

OS Digital Transformation

Case Management System (CMS)

1. Collaborative pilot with Cooperative Energy and EDF, continuously

learning to improve.

2. Introduced and showcased CMS at SLP’s.

3. Strategic client visits.

4. One to one and face to face system overview at customer locations for

larger business customers or medium sized that requested it.

5. Step by step system and case walk throughs over conference calls –

operations to operations

6. Supported customers to review processes to adjust from old to new


7. FAQ’s collated and published and regularly updated.

8. Digital overview and digital learning created, published and regularly


9. Rollout out support from project team and Key Account Management


10. Ongoing support.

Committed to modernising and improving the user access and experience

Right first time

More of the right contacts are coming

through first time with the new case

management system compared to old

system. (Source: OS Management Information comparing new case management system to Peppermint

2018 YTD. Evidence collected from seven companies onboarded).

Opportunities for Facilitated Case

Resolution (FCR)

Lower cost complaint handling, quicker

consumer journey. Rebuilds brand

advocacy. (Source: Peppermint TOR cases YTD new case management TOR cases YTD for whole energy

sector. Evidence collected from seven companies onboarded).

Enhanced Reporting of Case Volume

Drives greater insight and opportunity to

reduce consumer churn.

Better for ConsumersT h e n e w w e b s i t e a n d c a s e m a n a g e m e n t s ys t e m ( C M S) a r e d e l i v e r i n g a b e t t e r c u s t o m e r e x p e r i e n c e , g r e a t e r a c c e s s a n d a c l e a r , u n d e r s t a n d a b l e p r o p o s i t i o n .

of traffic now via

web. (Pre Nov’18 launch

channel traffic was

70%calls:30%other with 30% of

ITORs opened on web.

Top SEO Google

ranking for

“Complaints” in both

Energy and Comms


90,000 visitors pm

Traffic volumes

up + 6%

73% of ITORs via web

Most visited webpage

after home page is

Sectors / Energyhttps://www.ombudsman-

1/31 in every 3 customers

come directly to website (Increased traffic via organic search)

70%Three mobile refer

the highest no.

customers to website

up 187%

Top referring websites

1: Citizens Advice 28%

2: 6%

3: 5%

Meaning they are

better prepared,

know how it works

and understand

possible resolution


29% of visitors select

who they wish to

complain about first

34% of

visitors use

this button

How Data & Insight Can Help?

Collapsed Energy Suppliers

3-5% Identified through

vulnerable flag

Initial analysis of the suppliers who have entered SoLR shows in the months leading up to their collapse an increase in the proportion of complaints in relation to Payments & Debt, the summaries of these complaints will be at the core of analysis to help potentially predict the suppliers who are facing similar issues and who could be on the verge of collapsing.

High Level Complaint Analysis

Complaint CategorizationInsight

With the use of Text Analytics we are able to identify the “Root Cause” and more in depth insight from free text fields.

We have developed a word bank which is dedicated to complaint types, the word bank is structed as follows; Subtopic > Phrase > Synonym > Condition.

Using this model, we are now analysing the cases of the energy suppliers who have collapsed this year and using that insight we can run all energy suppliers through our model to potentially predict and identify suppliers who are facing similar issues.

Vulnerable Consumer Data – Energy SectorAnalyzing our current data

• Our case management system contains a ‘flag’ which can be activated on a consumer’s account to indicate that they are in some way vulnerable.

• In addition, further fields exist to record any accessibility requirements that the consumer may also have.

• The main flag suggests that, in 2017, between 3% and 5% of our complainants would identify themselves as vulnerable.

• By analysing the text on our complaint forms, we have found that vulnerability may affect/has affected up to 40% of our energy complainants.

• Between August 2017 and July 2018 44,756 domestic energy complaints were marked as complete.

• Of the 44,756 completed domestic energy cases, 44,381 had both the complaint summary and requested resolution fields populated.

• We have built a Python-based word bank to analyse the complaint forms. This involves explicitly stating all possible phrases and language cues that suggest

some form of vulnerability.

3-5% Identified through

vulnerable flag

40%Identified through Text


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