cum functioneaza universul si cum sa iti schimbi aparentele fizice

Post on 28-Oct-2015






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Body image is the most complicated thing to work on, because people know what they want, but they get stuck on how and when. The point is any kind of manifestation is to feel it, you tell the universe you want it, you visualize it, affirm it and still no result, because you are not feeling it.  You have to feel the feeling of you being in perfect form. Ask yourself how will you feel when you will be in your perfect shoes, and feel that feeling now. If you will feel happy and relaxed, feel happy and relaxed now, if you will feel happy and confident, feel happy and confident now.

One of my client lost 20 kgs of weight in 15 days and got her skin tight just be feeling the feeling of perfection. I have worked with several men and women on body image, every body got what they wanted but the result was depending on the feeling and how much you can feel it in a day. 

You should not visualize without feeling, visualization is done so that you feel better, but you need to feel better and hence when you visualize with happiness make sure you feel happy doing it.

See visualizing is important, but if you cannot visualize you cannot push yourself into it. And you do not visualize to feel bad or pressurize yourself, you visualize to feel good. 

Understand one thing, universe does not go on the words, or actions or images you see. This is a vibrational universe, it goes on the way you feel. Now for example you want blue eyes, now you have been affirming that "I have blue eyes, I have blue eyes, I have blue eyes" but nothing is happening, it is because you are not feeling it. You want blue eyes, get a picture of blue eyes, think that how people are complimenting you for your eyes, feel the feeling of happiness. And then let go of the thought and just stay happy, now you are in your vortex, the vortex that will allow you to manifest whatever you want, but you need to feel good to get into the vortex and to stay there you need to feel love and happy. Trust me its not impossible, it is just that we are obssessed with our physical self, you need to love yourself, your inner being to see the change in outer self.

Remember "everything is an inside job, outer is just an effect." Ok so what you can do is, get up in the morning and say,

"Thank you Universe, I love you, I know you are there by my side rooting for me, and I know whatever I desire is take care of. I have a prolonged desire of having the skin of my dream, the skin which is soft and young and clear, its evenly toned, at this moment it is hard for me to visualize it, but I know I'd feel good once I have it, I'd feel amazing and relaxed, so this moment on I choose to feel happy, confident and relaxed. I do not care what people have to say, I do not have to see in the mirror to see results everyday, I just know I am aligning with you and my desire and as I do so, I allow it to appear in my life, and I am cool about it. I know you are taking care of me and whatever is for my highest good shall be given to me, now and forever. Thanks you so much Universe, you are the perfect manager I can have because I know, I trust in you, I believe in you. I have faith in you blindly, and all is going well in my world." 

Say this script first thing in the morning, once in afternoon and last thing in the bed. If you cant visualize don't push yourself, just visualize, slowly and gradually you will start feeling better and may be you will be able to see the ideal self. :)

If you have read "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne, she states in the chapter, The Power and Creation, "When using Cration Process, imagine and feel that you have what you want already, and never deviate from that state of being. Because the law of attraction copies whatever you give and so you must imagine and feel having it now."

But as you have a problem is visualizing, take the pictures of the hair color you want, the body you want, the skin color you want and keep in your cell phone or on a visualization board. Changing skin color is not a problem and nor does hair, its just the shift of melanin produced under your skin and in hair. The fair people and light hair colored people have less melanin in their skin, but melanin is not our target, our target in the perfect skin, hair, etc. 

Now Abraham Hicks says, that this is a vibrational universe, so it does not care what you visualize, but if you do not feel it, you can not manifest, so your first step is to sit down and write what you want, and why you want it and how will you feel once you have it, and feel that feeling now. Feel you already have it, your desire has manifested.

If you see yourself in the mirror, though I will tell you try not to, but if you follow the process, you will stop looking in the mirror on your own, because then you will consciously and subconsciously be happy knowing that you are what you wanted to be.

So dont say that this is no longer my body, say the following (smile before saying it) "I love and accept myself where ever I am right now, I am at peace with my body, I am here because I have manifested this in the past, and I made it so dominant in my vibration field that I became that right now. But now I choose peace with myself and my body. I am a deliberate creator, and whatever I want, I have it, my manifestation in done 99.9999% and now all I need to allow it, so my target is not my perfect weight or skin, my target is to maintain peace with my body because as I let my body know that I love it and relax it, everything I desire shall be given to me. I just know my body is intelligent, it started as a blob of cells, and look here I am in a full grown body, loving and respecting each and every part of it, as I look at my body, all I need to say is (take a deep breath, blow out from mouth) I LOVE YOU and I THANK YOU."

Say this first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

And if you have resistance then just try EFT :)

Hope this helps,

Well I am not saying to not to look in to the mirror at all. See you need to understand that everything is mind over matter. Every disease is mental first. Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. You have to practice to feel good and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating. So start small, start feeling good about what you have appreciate it, appreciate that you have a body,

legs you can walk, skin that is protecting you and this skin and rough patches is just a wake up call to tell you that you skin and body needs more love. 

So if you look in the mirror, just say, I know I am healing and smile, and look into the mirror and tell yourself that "I LOVE YOU, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE and mean it, feel the love." You need to be at peace that what I told you earlie, be peace with now and get pictures of skin you want and say, wow wouldn't it be nice if my skin is flawless and clear like that, wouldn't it be nice if my skin is young and tight like a teenagers. 

When you are at peace with your now, its easy to manifest because then you have no resistance. You have cleared your past and in the now you have accepted change by making peace with things and not fighting back, that means the stream of allowance is easy and everything you want will be given to you immediately, because in a place of no resistance, the manifestation is in moments. :)

When you ask universe for a wish, the manifestation is done 99.9999%, it doesn't come easily is because, we are trying too hard to get it. You are a creator, and because we have set our emotions to auto pilot mode, we have a problem in manifesting. So now make your target for the day is to be a deliberate creator, and think of the thoughts you like and love. Now in context of your queries, you have to feel good as your wish is already granted, see once you ask for something and you get it, you just have to feel good and relax yourself, this is all you have to do, you have to find the feeling and thoughts that help you relax and feel good. Smile all the time, listen to good music, play some fun song when you are low, watch a lot of comedy movies.  Take a pen and paper, and write down how you want your life to be, write down in present tense as if its already there or done. Be grateful for what you have and whats coming  your way. Appreciate small thing in life, appreciate the food you are eating, the water you are drinking, don't make your target to get rid of acne or skin tone you don't like, the target for you is to have the perfect skin. So when you talking about feeling good is, to feel good in the now, where ever you are, if you follow your bliss, everything else will follow. When you doing your daily house hold activity, or any of your hobbies, just appreciate the things you are doing, appreciate yourself that how good you are in doing that work.

And about the feeling that you have when you watch a movie, see I am not telling you to get rid of the feelings, specially negative one, if you have them, acknowledge them, and tell them "I RELEASE YOU, these thoughts are not mine, and are not with me, and i forgive any one and every one who have contributed in it, and I RELEASE THEM NOW." From now all you got to do is keep a track on your feeling thats all.

I hope this helps.

Oh the love mind movie you saw, few of my clients got really good results seeing the love movie, their marriage got better and few of them found their soul mate. :) Well if you are trying to make your own mind movie, its very easy you can  make it on windows media player :) and use your affirmations with the songs you like, or you can send your affirmations to us, we will make one for you, free of charge. :)

Dear Fairytale,

EFT is not necessary. If affirmations works for you then do it, do whatever works for you to release the resistance, as "no resistance = fast result."

Hi Nathalie,

You will know you have resistance when you are just thinking about it every moment, you are checking the mirror to see the result, you are just wondering how and when it will come to you, how it wil happen, you get desperate, angry, frustrated, jealous that other can have it I can't, etc. If you have no resistance then your ms iteration are instant within seconds and mind you it is not impossible. It's just we believe it is. Remember you are god within you, so underhand your power and love each moment you are here. 

Dear Nathalie,

Well first behave like a kid, start make believing. Behave that you are in the world you want, and if you catch yourself looking in the mirror, don't pass any judgement, just say I LOVE YOU to your image. It will take some time, but you got to train your brain :)

All you have to do is ask and believe, and then get yourself on the receiving frequency of goodness. You don't actually have to do anything else. The Universe will do all the moving things, including you. You just have to relax and trust and make believe that what you have asked its already a done deal, and all you do is now to treat your body right, tell your body how much you love it, when you look in the mirror, and thought pop up, tell them to go away, or say "thanks, but you , yes you, that negative thought, don't belong to me, I love myself unconditionally and I release you from every fiber of my being." and give a big smile on your face:) .. then look in the mirror again and say I LOVE YOU!!! Smile again... You will see after few days or hours you will not bother checking yourself in the mirror and then you will see the changes.

Dear Nathalie,

When you behave like a kid and have a fantasy world around you, you do not wait, you just be happy with what you have and where you are. As a kid, you never knew the meaning of waiting. Now understand one thing, waiting = desperation, which is a resistance and a feeling of sadness, or anger or hatred, now universe does not know what feeling you are on, until you feel it, for universe there is no feeling/ vibration of waiting i.e. desperation, so feel good, think about what you want, believe its already done and feel good, you have to force yourself in the feeling of feeling good, by thinking thoughts of love and appreciation.

Now instead of brain storming so much, sit and write down what you want, and how will you feel once you have it, write down that feeling. Look at the manifestation that you have done around, and start feeling good about them. Stop asking questions to yourself, just understand any word spoken without any feeling will not be give to you, so feel good and ask, feel good and do

your work, feel the feeling of having an awesome day, meeting awesome people. That should be your intention and nothing else. If you follow the feeling of goodness or love, rest will follow.

Dear Nathalie,

You are welcome. Just be happy where you are and rest will come to you :)

I completely agree with Vanya. you act in a certain way because you feel it. So moral of the story, believe everything is possible, and feel good and stop figuring out how and when. Just know you have it in the unseen and now all you have to do is allow it with feeling good in the now.

You are more stuck on the wanting part, and the more you want it, Universe will give you more want, when you look in the mirror, don't hate what you are now, you say I LOVE YOU to your reflection, because you have to make peace with your body now and you have to make peace with the image you don't like in order to change it. But first make peace.

Hey there,

Well for me, I have grown 5 inches in a month, and lost 20 kgs in 15 days now only that I am in my perfect body and made my skin flawless, I have cleared my eyesight in 2 day. I am at my perfect self now, and I did it by making peace with where I was and the I let the Universe take over me.

Dear purple Skies,

I had a skin condition called keratosis pilaris also know as chicken skin condition, and I suffered from skin discoloration and PCOS, I got all these problem when I was a teenager, reason was simple, self hatred, I always had this disliking for being a girl because I wanted to be a boy, as I grew up in a family of only boys as brothers and cousins, I was the only girl. I wanted to be a bike racer, but couldn't because I was always listening from my parents or aunt that you are a girl, girls cant do all this. Anyhoo, when I was 15 I started having skin trouble, though I had a flawless facial skin, the rest of the body was not good. I have been doing Tarot card since I was 12 years old, so yes I was  a blessed kid. My grand pa's friend then once counselled me when I was 16, he told me how beautiful I am and I should love myself, he made me learn EFT, and what next I did was a miracles, I realized that if I want something I have to be in the mow and love myself. My skin discoloration was gone in 5 days and so was my chicken skin condition, my hair became thick and beautiful (I have curly hair, I realized I never liked them when I was a kid cause I wanted them straight, but then my curls made me look different and beautiful and I fell in love with them). My hormones were completely balanced, periods pain was gone, and all I had was a beautiful smooth fair skin head to toe. I did all this when I was 18.

When I was in my final year of automobile engineering, I was under a lot of pressure which made me sad and depressed and the result was; a lot of weight gain. I continued till 2 months back when I realized I have reached my highest with my weight that was 75 kgs and it was not

good for my height, so I started doing EFT, I lost 20 kgs in 15 days, and I gained 5 inches in a month because my target was not to lose weight or grow tall, my target was to be my perfect weight and height, so now I am 5 feet 9 inches with my perfect weight of 55 kgs. :). And hey I am 23 years young :D

And all I did was to stay happy and connected to the universe. :)

Remember what you want, you never get, because its a wanting, what you believe is in, you always get as its rightfully yours. So write down what you want, and write down how you feel once you achieve it and then feel it in the now. Be at peace because when you are at peace int he now, with your life,your money, you are in a blissful state, and once you follow your bliss, everything else follow you.

Dear rizne777,

I dont want to be any one's guru, I am here to guide people, to help them understand that how beautiful they are. Achieving inner peace is easy, Einstein said: "There is no difference between the past and the future in the 4-dimensional space-time-world. The present is only an illusion." Though it was said by him in his own theory of relativity, but we are not here to discuss that. But you need to understand, time is illusion. So if you want something, you can have it right now, you just need to believe you can, you need to feel you can, and allow it because you know you can. And as soon as you get into the allow mode, you make peace, peace with time, body, and now, and the manifestation are instant. 

You know just now Miki asked me to show him before and after pictures, I am coming up with a video to help, but not to prove. So remember, when you are challenging the universe or trying to prove you will never get it. Albert Einstein said "There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there." 

I can tell you the ways to make peace, I can tell you the way to see result, I can guide you, but to do it,is totally your choice to do.

To have peace, you have to fall in love with yourself COMPLETELY and UNCONDITIONALLY. Life is supposed to be fun, life is supposed to be good, just feel the goodness and you will be a receiver  of goodness.

Dear Miki, 

You know, I understand what you go through. The problem is you read it, applied it for a year and then you saw no result and you left it. And then you blame the authors and teachers for writing junk. 

So first see the feeling you have "you have the belief, "I have been there done that, and I don't see results" so universe says, your wish in my command, so universe gives you more frustration. Do you realize its the mindset you are working on, do you know, its the NOW that matter and not your past and future. Dr. Bruce Lipton is no idiot who did an experiment on people to make

them understand the placebo effect, Einstein was no idiot who said :time is an illusion", newton was no idiot  to find out about gravity and wrote the law of gravity. You need to understand, Law of attraction is a LAW, its like gravity, always in motion, its based on the frequency that goes out of your body which are based on your thought, even though you are positive and you see no result is because, somewhere in you, you have those emotion which are sabotaging your positive thoughts. Affirming an affirmation without feeling is of no use, then you don't see results, because then those affirmations are coming out of desperation. How many times you tried, and you left it after a month or 2 or may be 3, and you didn't see the change?  Many, but do you realize what were you doing in these month, did you play with your feelings?  

if you have not manifested in the past, does not means you cannot now, you are fresh and new under the universe right now, universe is responding to your feeling right now, you need to feel good now, when you feel good now, you will fell good the next second and then the next second and then it will go on.

I have read books on quantum physics, and I know what energy is how it works, I am an engineer, and I when we were working on steam engines, I realized that water is something that can do wonders, on a high level it can burn you and start an engine. We drink water in our day to day life, we dont know how the nutrients come in the water for us to live but they are there. You cannot question all the time, you need to understand some answers are already there.

Lets talk about manifesting, the fastest example of manifestation is Google, and we take it for granted, you want something, Google it up and there it is in front of you, but re you thankful for that? The fans, air conditioner, the lights, the sun, they are doing there job but all are there because its manifested by the human form. The food you eat is manifestation, because you want food to eat, water to drink, but we think its our daily chores because its a habit, No they all re manifestation, its just that you have made these manifestation as your habit. You feel like eating a pizza, you call up the pizza guy and order it, and they deliver it to you, and that my friend is a manifestation. But we think that its natural, you need to understand everything, and I mean EVERY THING you have is a manifestation. Be thankful for it, be at peace with it, and life will be what you want it to be.

Dear Miki,

I will tell you something, a lil secret in the open forum, When you visualize something, and you want it to manifest, you need to know the feeling behind it, the universe doet not respond to the image you see, it responds to the feelings.

When people say be specific with things you want, it means, say for example you want an AUDI r8, and you want it in red color, and Universe will deliver you the same Audi red R8, not because you were specific, because red color makes you feel good, and a red Audi R8 gives you an adrenaline rush. The color makes you feel excited, and thrilled, and the idea of driving a R8 make you feel on top of the world, what happens after this, your body releases hormones which are called as epinephrine, which makes you excited. When a  man get seduced his body produces cocktails of hormones a Testosterone (which govern the lust factor), Oxytocin (also know as the hormone of love),and many more, and when your body secrete these hormones, you feel good,

you feel excited and thrilled, and then you do not worry or anything, and you just feel good, in this place when you want something, you always get it, because this is the place where you are connected with your source energy.  So when you visualize something, when you want something specific, is because you want to feel good. So understand, that things can change, everything is an inside job, outter is just an effect.

Dear Miki,

I do realize you are pretty critical about all this. Well the Hicks guys are happy as they are, may be they want financial abundance and to help people, and not good looks. You need to understand every one has their own priorities. They are attractive for each other and they want to attract people who think they are attractive as they are.


If you are a member of spiritual network, add me as guiding_ray, and you can see my picture there. 

Dear Zewin,

Yes its an indication that your body loves you and it's gonna do anything to make you the PERFECT YOU that you want to be. Keep up the good spirit.

You are on a roll now, and all you have to do is feel as AWESOME as you can ALL THE TIME. :)

Dear FUNdamental,

The point is you want fast result, but you dont see your desires even after visualizing is because you are just stuck in the mode of wanting things. You have to release the want, and make yourself one with the person you want to be, by feeling the fun, joy and love.

Dear FUNdamental,

The point is you want fast result, but you dont see your desires even after visualizing is because you are just stuck in the mode of wanting things. You have to release the want, and make yourself one with the person you want to be, by feeling the fun, joy and love.

Dear Rizne 777,

You do not have to go to alpha state, when I take session with my clients, I never ask them to meditate. See meditation is a place, where you are one with universal energy and you feel peace because there you are in a position with no thoughts, so when you have no thoughts the result are extremely fast. When you visualize, visualize it as a movie you watching, and feel the happiness

about it. Universe does not respond to your visualization, it responses to the feeling of visualization, now say example, you want to be tall, and people say be specific, you get to a height which is good for you, you decide a number, you get specific because when you are specific, its easy for you to feel happy, if you are vague, the universe will be more vague, but when you are specific, your feeling is more happy, because then you know the target. 

The feelings get a little up and down, when we try too hard to achieve it, o then EFT plays its role. I tell a lot of people, specially for getting taller, dont have attachment to the outcome, the more attached you are, the more desperate you get, the more desperate you get, the more delay happens. So the best way to be unattached to the outcome for most of the people is, meditation, EFT, for me it was EFT, painting and music, because when I paint, I forget everything else. 

So from today, before sleeping at night, just look at yourself, and say, that I LET GO because what I want is already here, and all I need is to be happy. Your target should not be growing tall, your target should be to feel happy, feel confident, feel awesome, and the rest will follow.

Dear Vanya,

Visualization is a tool to manifest your desire, the universe respond on the feeling that you get while visualizing. So you have to be ONE with the UNIVERSAL ENERGY, to do that, you need to feel the happiness, and fulfillment of the energy . To be THE ONE with Universal energy, you either get in to a thoughtless state, or just start finding happiness and peace every where. 

The blogs you read stated that if you visualize in the first person you feel the EMOTIONS better. Its all about the emotions you feel. No matter how you visualize, its the feeling that matters when you visualizing. 

Dear Jota,

You know when it comes to physical appearance, we are not happy and it gets hard to change, thanks to the limiting beliefs implanted in our mind. I am sure you have read the secret, and you whole heartily know about ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE, and am sure you know that it is take from the bible. So scientifically all our limiting belief is from the conscious mind, and you program your subconscious with it.

So when I was trying to manifest my body change, specially weight and height, I never bothered who was saying what. In fact I will tell you what I did, I was at my highest weight, and I new what is my perfect weight and how will I look like with it and with the height. So one night I said to myself "Infinite spirit, I am asking for my perfect weight and body from long, and I haven't got it, where am I going wrong?" And after 2 minutes I get a message from a friend "Love is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, it will run, but when you stand still, it will come to you." And it just clicked, mean while my rabbit at home started running around (she got a lil hyper active) so I was chasing her up and down, up and down, and the more I was chasing her, the more she was running, then I gave up and sat at a corner, and within span of few seconds she came to me and started licking my feet and it was a twilight moment :D.. Everything made sense, and I realized, I have been chasing my dream ...and I gave up ... I said to myself that in my sleep

tonight, my body will bur 3 kgs of fat without any exercise or diet. And before going off to sleep, I just felt 3 kgs light, I get up in the morning, and I see 3 kgs down :D.. So then I had the intention, that my body will burn the fat as per its desire to maintain my perfect weight of 53 kgs. And I released it to the universe, never thought about it, never said anything, never doubted, just did EFT a lot of it, and felt good, I was not even grateful, I just felt appreciation for every one. And I had my affirmations reciting everyday, but they were just about my health and wealth and not about burning fat. So within 15 days I was 26 kgs down and I was 5 feet 9 inches by my moms birthday, and mind you am past my puberty age. :D

Now if you want an awesome body, so remember you are just 36 years young to have it :) and your body is new and rejuvenating every second passing by, so instead of affirming I am 36 years old, feel the young side of you, take out your old picture, see it often, feel how will you feel once you were young. feel how you felt once you were a kid, forget your biological problems and biological clock, think and feel things, so think about your emotional clock. See to get young, first feel young in mind, think how you used to run when you were a kid without any pain or anything, you just need to feel the youthfulness in you first and then the rest will follow

When you want to manifest something, it comes out of a contrast, you want it because you dont have it, and you dont have it because you feel something, so our target is that you first make peace with the 36 years OLD you so that you be the 36 years YOUNGER you. How to do it, just tell yourself I CHOOSE TO LOVE MYSELF over and over aagain, say it so many times that it becomes your dominant thought, then you will see that when you go and see in the mirror, the first thing that will come to you is "I CHOOSE TO LOVE MYSELF" and no other thought, and when that i there, you are at peace, then you ASK wat you want, let it go and it will be manifested. :)

Say this affirmation "Divine Love floods my consciousness with health, and every cell in my body is filled with light."

I hope I answered most of your questions, if there are more, let me know, will surely love to answer them. :)

Dear Irina

You are most welcome. :)

Dear Jota,

As Irina said, do EFT, it is very good for limiting beliefs, specially guilt and anger, and the judgments. When it comes to science they still lack a lot of studies on miracles that happens to people, some people dissolved cancer in a night, some in months, and some regenerated their kidney.

Quantum physics says, that every thought you think effects your body, and for more evidence

you can watch "What the Bleep do we know!!" There are lot of thinks which are still beyond understanding in science, but science has excepted the facet, that the next medicine in the medical world in Energy medicine. Dr. Bruce Lipton said "your thoughts can change you DNA" and Dr Joseph Murphy made it clear how an affirmative thoughts changes your subconscious pattern. So there are scientist who have researched it, Dr.Emoto, took water experimented on it, by giving water the energy of love and energy of gratitude, and they saw that, when the water was frozen the crystals formed where shaped in the way the emotions were given to them. they also showed how music effect the water, you can check this link:

Now just think, you body is 70% water, so what are we doing to it with our thoughts. So if you say you have a problem in saying I love you, I told you, you have to affirm it even if yopu believe it or not. The best way to do it, use the "ho'oponopono Method", its an ancient Hawaiian Practice to reconciliation and forgiveness.You need to give yourself and your body the love it deserves. The method is to keep repeating "I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. I thank you."

You have to start from somewhere Jota, You need to understand even if your mind does not accept is because you have given the belief to it, that you dont love yourself, so start doing it, start practicing.

When you want something, ASK universe, "I ask for Green eyes, and young body, and the flexibility and energy of a kid, or equally as charming as this. I respect and adore the God within me, and as I work with the God in me, the resurrection of the body would be accomplished. whatever is mine by divine right, shall manifest to me, at the right time."

And keep it in an envelop and keep it out of your sight, Now as you have asked, you will receive, so your work is to love yourself, adore yourself, you are God, you need to respect and adore that God. You do not have to thank universe all the time, thank yourself, as you have the whole Universe in you.

Dont bother what others think, think what you want to think about you, and once you start doing that, the other will think the same about you the way you think about yourself. Thats the law of love.

Sorry there was a typing mistake its "60% body is made of water" :D

Dear Jota,

Its all the game of FEELING :)...

I wish you all the luck and a lil thing, next time when you do EFT, visualize your PERFECT self and Tap on the points without saying anything and keep smiling :), you will feel good.


Yes sweetheart, I am very much an Indian :). Not only Indians but many people from other countries also wrote great success stories. I read about this guy, who cured his eyesight with in few hours, and a girl who lost 3 kgs oof weight in a day. This is how I got inspiration to lose 3 kgs in a day too :D.

So when it comes to love, we are kind of scared people, you know, we cannot love completely, to fall in love completely you have to let go of the fear  . Real love is selfless and free from fear. It pours itself out upon the object of its affection, without demanding any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the universe. Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand. 

Now when we say love your body, is because you have to make peace with your body, you have to let go of the hatred or anything like that for your body from your mind and heart, as soon as you do that, things will change.

You can get up every day and say to yourself; "I love my body, it has served me from so many years and I never got the time to thank it, so today and everyday, I would thank my body for serving me, for making me walk to the places I want and for grounding me to the mother earth, for making me cook the wonderful dishes for my family, for making me taste the awesomeness of the food, for making me write things for work and family, for making me see the vivid colours of life, for making me hear the beautiful sound of nature, for letting me touch the beauty designed by the Universe. I thank my nose for breathing life in my body, my lungs to purify them, my organs to do the beautiful work they are designed to do. I am divine love in human form, and I release this love in every cell of my body, every layer of my skin. Every cell of my body is rejuvenating, because every moment I am getting younger, and as I believe I am young, my body, skin and life shows it. I am everlasting energy in human form, and I can mold this energy the way I want, and all I have to do is to Love this energy and my physical self. So I choose to love myself today and everyday and every second, because I am born out of love, and hence I am designed to be Loved. And the TRUE LOVE for me, starts from me, within me."

Say this script 2-3times a day and you will see the shift and change in your attitude :) and you will see some difference in the way you perceive or see yourself :)

When you feel low on energy, and want to raise it just chant to yourself "I am raising my vibration." and Smile :). You will see the difference in energy level instantly.

I hope I wass helpful,

Dear Laura,

if you want to speed thing up, first stop telling yourself that things are not coming at the speed you have asked. You have asked, and believe you have received, and all you need to do is now,

be happy and feel happy. Stop thinking on what you dont have and start thinking of what you do want and think you have received  it. Feel happy and do your regular work, things will start manifesting on its own.

Do EFT and indulge yourself in hobbies you like.

Dear Rizne777,

Sweetheart, the target is not the change, the target is YOU as THE PERFECT SELF. And when it is YOU, you have to see the complete you with everything you want. You do not have to worry, how you will gain the height or how your eyeballs will enhance, you have to see that you are already in the height with all the enhanced feature, and thank the universe for it. 

Send love to your body, appreciate each and every feature of the body and as you do that, you will start seeing changes. Release resistance and every though that contradicts your reality, and your reality is "PERFECT YOU." Once you release the need to be the PERFECT YOU or desperation to have it FAST, you will see the love of your perfect you will come quickly and the changes will be instant. :)

Dear Rizne777,

I know what you are going through. And I understand all the questions you are having in your mind. So I will answer you. When you are visualizing, you do it, so that you feel good. Dont force yourself is you dont feel good visualizing. When I started to lose weight, and gain height, I had to let go of the NEED of it. I no longer was in the mode of wanting it. I was just happy about other stuff. 

I programmed my conscious mind in such a way, that when ever I was opening my mouth, and saying anything to any one, only appreciation and love was coming for them. It was fun to do it, because the love you give out to others, comes back to you multiplying a thousand times. I didnt tell anybody what I was up to, I was not exercising, because all this comes out of desperation. Every morning I used to get up and do a bit of yoga or some stretching if I wanted to.I never had a deadline, because when you already have it, you dont need to set deadline.

I will tell you what, you want to manifest anything in life, you have to let go of the desperation, impatience, all the fear, and above all your EGO!! See, its like the more you need to control, the more you will see no result. So, write down on apiece of paper what do you want as you have already received it, then instead of affirming I am 5fee 7 inches tall, affirm the love for the tall structure you have, the body you have. Its like going general. Instead of telling the universe I WANT THIS and Getting IMPATIENT THAT YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVE IT, feel the love for it. When we talk about letting go, it means to let go of the impatience, let go of the desperation and fear. Anything you wish from a feeling of desperation cannot be achieved. so make peace with your NOW, feel good where you are right NOW. 

I never acted I was tall or something, I acted that I was confident, I was confident about myself. And I made peace with my Present body, I told myself I cannot achieve anything to change it

from a place of disliking it, and I accepted it honored it, and surrendered it to the universe. And in the process all i did was, loving me, myself and I :)

And yes i did a lot and lot of EFT, I used to tap 6-7 times a day. Lol!! I love tapping.

I did visualize, 30 seconds a day. And then i let it go, I saw perfect me in the dresses I want to wear or doing things I love doing, like riding bike and driving car, but I was not thinking that I want it, because i felt that I already have it. I was just affirming how much I love me, and how beautiful I am, lol :D with EFT tapping. I just felt PEACE, peace where I was just smiling for no reason :), I felt enlightened, and felt beautiful about everything and every one :) I blessed my self and blessed others.

Dear Rizne777,

You are stuck because you are too focused on how, and you are not letting the universe work for you. When you want to be tall, you got to feel the feeling when you are tall, i.e. peace and relaxation. I made the thought of me so dominant that when my eyes were open I was able to see the perfect me, and I never had a feeling of lack because I KNEW I had it. And all I did was , to do my regular work. I never did anything other then that, I knew I am at my perfect weight, and height with my perfect skin, and I just lived it like the way I will live once I get it, that is at peace and being normal :)

So visualize, for 5-10 minutes, dont doubt, affirm you are beautiful and let it go. :)

Awww so sweet Jota :)

Well Jota, I have read Seth too,even though I do not agree completely on his term of deciding the human body before birth, because many times, the reason for any dis functionality in a baby is because of his mother.One of my clients, came to me in her 7 month of pregnancy, she was having fear of darkness, basically fear of loneliness. We worked on her, it helped, but she was creating it more and more on her by her thoughts, she was too confused with her relationships, and there was so much of fear in her, that her child when born is very weak, and physically challenged. 

But I dont think so, the child ever wanted to come out like this, it was because of the thoughts of the mother, as now it is proven that when you have a baby in you, your thoughts affects its growth. Now we are giving reiki to the kid, and doing EFT, I hope we see some miracle soon.

Oh BTW, I have been doing EFT on my mom from past 5 days, and you will not believe it, her skin looks, young, soft and tight, she had melasma over her face, it is completely gone now :D. Her wrinkles have disappeared and she has lost weight. And all my mom did was to stay happy and eat and sleep, oh yeah! and cook for me  lol :D

I think the fastest way to work with LOA is letting go, because the more you are consciously in a state of happiness about yourself and the people around you, the fast you receive it.

Way to go Buttercup666

and Vanya, the best way to love yourself is letting go of resistance, when you make peace with now, you can do anything. :)

Dear Rizne777,

Well that is a good question, to tell you the truth, I just said to the universe, this is what I want, and I know now I have it. And as soon as I did, I just left the whole idea of being tall and slim, because I knew it was already done. i used to be in front of the mirror, and feel confident about myself, in the body I was. I planted the emotion of confidence and being slim in my mind. I just knew that I has the body, and I knew I was tall, I never ever had a talk about my height or weight with any one. I just knew that it is mine. And there is a whole lot of difference in believing, having faith and knowing, 

I kept my ideal image in my mind, I knew how I would look, I knew I am tall and perfect weight. I knew I was beautiful no matter what people say. Our team at Guiding ray made some nice mind movies, and I used to watch it 2-3 times a day. they were about women empowerment and stress management and love, I used to watch it and never thought about anything else, because those movies make me feel good. And mind you, I still watch them :D because the relax me and make me feel good :)

Rizne777, a lil secret, if you believe you are a success, you will be a success.

And about my mum, ah!! she is a sweetheart :D, she generally wanted to improve her skin, but I said "No!! lets work on you overall, and work on your skin." Man, 5 days, no kidding, she is looking gorgeous, her skin is tight, its glowing and her melasma disappeared, she is so happy. See, the key of getting anything fast is diverting your  mind from the topic :) and to do it, watch mind movies, or do some work that you love :)

Dear Vanya,

It is not difficult to let go. It the thought of fear that you have to let go. The more you dwell on how, when and where, the more late it will manifest.

You just have to make peace with where you are, and where you want to be. Respect yourself, forget disappointment, and think of what you want, and do EFT.

EFT is the best way to release resistance.

P.S. LOA is not there for hurting you, it will proportion the results a it supposed to be, you do not know when these changes will happen, nor you feel any energy going up and down in your body, when you already know what you have asked for is a done deal, you dont bother to see the result, and when you dont have any attachments, you feel free

In case you want to see result on energy work check out Josheph Pierce Farrell "Manifesting Michelangelo". People see miracles every day. If you are open to miracles, they will surely happen to you. But if you observe its the thought that counts, and not the time :)

Dear Pansy,

Well lets talk about manifestation, you do see a friend of yours who is slim and tall, and after few month you meet them, you see them fatter than before, well why does that bodily change implies to you as normal, where as that is also the manifestation of thoughts? 

Thoughts of guilt, anger, fear, makes your body fat, so if in a span of a week you can gain 7 kilos, why cant you lose weight at the same rate. It is simple, because we have been told that it is hard to lose weight. 

One more thing, when it comes to convincing, you can convince one person but never the mass. May be you have not seen a difference or a miracle in life, because you are too much on a calculating level, so was I! But there is something about believing, you dont know how, but  you know its there. If you become childlike, and just do your work without any attachment to the result, it has to come good.

People have posted pictures, but got the response of being photoshopped, so why to have critics, when we can have good friends, who are ready to trust us. If you want to get convinced first convince yourself that it works, first see it in the mind and then it has to come in real. When I doing my engineering, I was told that, when ever you want something, envision it, see the complete result and then take the steps. 

I am not here to convince any one, I am here to help my friends, who need it, I am here to tell them that I am there for them, because if I can do it so can they. it is all about understanding the energy work, and shifting it to you for your good.

Dear Pansy,

When I was doing my engineering, I was told that, when ever you want something, envision it, see the complete result and then take the steps, and I realised this is how it works.Volkswagen group have some real successful cars, but they envisioned the fastest, so they made a w-16 engine for Bugati. They are the only company making that engine, how is the engine made, 2 v-8 engine inclined in a w configuration. There were people who envisioned it. Forget that, lets talk about water, which maker approx 60-70% of our body, water when heated can be utilized as steam in cars and engines, and water turbines can generate electricity. The Wright brothers made the World's FIRST successful airplane, and the defied gravity. Though it is a law, but they did it. Heron of Alexandria harnessed the power of steam. People do not share stories of miraculous healing to boast about it, they say it to help others.Richard Branson carribean  house got burnt few days back, and it was all over the news, the statement he gave to the media was "Watching the sun rise this morning was surreal - the true extent of the damage highlighted in the dawn light. But like a phoenix something beautiful will rise again."

That is what motivation is, seeing the good even when your multi-million house burns down.

The problem is, we never look around and thank people who invented it, because for us it is normal, and we take it for-granted.There are so many things invented when there was no scope of it, but people envisioned it, I can give you examples and examples of people with greater achievement. The problem is, we are so stuck up with the facts of proving things to people. When you really understand the fact, that it is about you and nothing and no one else, you will be a what you want to be.I am not here to convince any one, I am here to help my friends, who need it, I am here to tell them that I am there for them, because if I can do it so can they. it is all about understanding the energy work, and shifting it to you for your good.

Dear pansy,

Forget it, we are not here to challenge any one, that is why I told you if given a cahnce try reading Manifesting Michelangelo. 

Anyhoo, try working on your weight loss, let us know how it is going, For any help we are always there.

Well may be defying gravity was a wrong term but they did made invention which once seemed to be impossible. 

And yes congratulations on the experiment, and yeah I had uploaded my pictures on picassa to show it to few of the people, they have seen it, and they have seen the change, and have seen my pictures on my facebook account. :)

 As I said earlier I am not here to prove anything to any one, am here to help people, that is what my intention is. I have a lot of clients who are speaking on my and my teams behalf, and very soon we are coming up with a book of the cases and changes we have studied and handled, because there are women who made us believe that nothing is impossible and thanks to the brilliant people who have written their stories on the site, it is very inspiring. But at the end of the day, its up to you how you see it as, if you see the word LIE in BELIEVE then you will never manifest, and if you see it with  love, everything in the world will come to you and it will be instant.

And yes pansy I can trust you for what ever you tell me, as I at the end of the day, we are here to support each other. If you cannot trust, then no one can make you trust on anything. 

And about my manifestation of my body and height, let it be with me and the few who are interested in knowing it. When you do yours, please share your success story. :)

Dear Rizne777,

You are going through a very common problem. Lets do one thing, START SMALL. Lets not get into things in a hurry, as you still not in the place to accept the changes fast.

So what we will do is, we will take each day as a day to feel good and our target will be 50 day, and in these 50 days, we are not going to feel sad or frustrated because we do not have it.

Every day, we will come and write our progress and every day we will help each other to grow.

If you are ready for it... Lets start a new topic for group manifesting 50 days target. And I will lead it, to help you all.

The best way to get result is detachment. And to detach yourself from it is to surrender, surrender to the power of the universe and see the miracles.

I got this for a website, it is a must read; "The Law of Detachment accelerates the whole process of evolution. When you understand this law, you don’t feel compelled to force solutions. When you force solutions on problems, you only create new problems. But when you wait patiently and in faith, the right solution will arise on its own. Confusion is the doorway to a new understanding. Order will emerge from the chaos.

We learn from the law of attraction that all we experience is the result of what we feel. When we feel undesirable feelings, we attract undesirable experiences. Realize that when we feel undesirable feelings, it is because we are in a state of attachment to certain things that create those feelings. Break away from the attachment, stop worrying and bothering about it. Have not a care, act like it doesn’t matter and your feelings will be liberated to more positive ones of fun, joy and peace."

So when we say, be in alignment with your desire, it doesn't means feel tall, or slim, you have to feel confident where you are, you have to feel beautiful where you are, you have to feel happy where you are, as all your power is in the now.

The best way to detach yourself is to breath, take deep breaths, and relax yourself. 

The more relaxed you are, the more faster the results.

Hey Fun,

im happy u are excited too :) thats awesome :)))

as for ur question Yes!!! I feel like i have my ideal body all day,when i walk,when i eat (and i eat anything i want now with no worries lol isnt awesome?? love it!!! ) , i feel it while i have shower ,when i go to sleep,when i look in the mirror i see the new me :) and feels wonderful!!!make me so confident,so beautiful,and i dont care about my weight for the first time cause i already have it ;) u know?i mean the feeling from inside is so strong and real that i don t care at all.and thats how LOA work,u dont care if u manifest ur desire cause you have it already!!!! :)

aw and sometimes through the day i say Thanks that i have my ideal body and send love to myself :D

hope i help u :)

take care

lotssssssssssssss of loveeeeeeeeeeeeee

AW guysssssssss im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 more kg down!!!!!!!!!! isnt so awesome?????and without doing something special!!!!!!woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Since monday i lost 5 kg so easy!!!!!!! this is the fist time in my life that kg go away so easy!!!!!!!!!!!

woooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo :))))))))

you can do it!!!!!!!!!!! you can do it all!!!!!!

i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! much love to all of u one by one!!!!

what u mean Chris???if i understand correct i m gonna answer u easilyI am in the Vortex almost allday and everyday,so its so difficult to havenegative feelings and thougts!!!so im happy,excited,full with love,grateful,and enjoy the NOW!!!

Hi Friends,

From past few days I am seeing physical appearance forum really active. People have a lot of questions and very one in trying to manifest something, Recently I went to Tibet and was in a Monastery for 2 weeks. It was a wonderful experience away from everything and every one, and I got a lot of concepts which I knew but never understood. 

Now it is my turn to guide you in your journey to change. Well, when you want to manifest, you need to understand the manifestations are already here, they are done the moment you ask. But instead of "believing is seeing", we still believe in "seeing is believing." We want to make it solid, we want the mirror image to show us the things we want so that we be happy. If you want to smile, you have to look in the mirror and your mirror image will smile, we all depends on our mirror image to smile first. And this is where we get disappointed. My clients have lost 3-5 kgs in a day. And all they did was to believe with their full heart that they are there perfect weight and height and all they can do now is to be happy and love it. 

So instead of changing a certain body part, believe it is changed, (In Bashar words) "what you want is already here, already exist, manifestation is the process giving yourself the ability to realize, to perceive that it is already here. You do not have to do any magical things to make it come into existence. Its already existence, its already within your sphere of reality, it is just that your belief system makes it invisible to you. So manifestation is not the

process of action to conjure something out of nothing, it is the process of making something invisible visible and that simply requires alteration of perception and that all its take."

When you try "for" a change, remember you are trying "for" it. When you believe the change is yours, the change will be yours. 

When I was on the manifestation of my perfect height and body and skin, I just believed I had it, I knew with all my heart its mine, and all I did was EFT, and loved myself as if I was already my perfect self. I acted as if I am perfect, and within few days I started seeing the change. 

So lets take this platform as a workshop, and lets stop discussing what all you want, and lets start talking about how you will feel once you have it. If you are in for a change, lets make this a very powerful experience. We are creators, we can create anything and everything and all we need is FAITH.

Dear Angie,

Ask for what you want, get clear, as in if you can get a picture of it it is good, and if you can visualize even better, then send your order to the universe, and enjoy your life. Stop taking a score of your skin and believe that the moment you placed the order to the universe you received it, and be thankful for your beautiful skin.

Imagination is just a process to make you feel good. Its the FEELING that matters. So you say see your skin and say, I love you, see your body and say I love you, and feel the love as if it is valuable to you and you are cherishing it just like you cherish your kids or lovers.

Just ignore what is. I mean think you are rapunzel and you have the best long hair of the color you desire. Become a kid and start make believe, and get involves in the process so much that you forget about your mirror image. And appreciate your hair as the hair you want it. You are unappreciative right now because you think you dont have the hair you want and you will appreciate it once you have it, so when in the now you are not feeling good about it you are sending out the same feeling for future, so start loving your hair. 

Dear Alana,

Yes you can do it. But this is the trick, you have to think that, that person is you. You have become that person, the nose is yours, the lips is yours and send love to it like you will send love to something or some one you love, get passionate about it and stop checking yourself in the mirror :)

Just say the affirmation for 1 round on all the points, it will take few minutes. And focus on the end result not the steps. So affirmations should also be end result oriented, like "I love my perfect skin.", "I love my perfect body at perfect weight of ___.", I love my perfect height of ______".

Resistance is nothing but the old pattern of belief, as soon as you start saying new affirmations your belief will change, after all as Abraham Hicks says "Belief is just a thought you keep repeating."

Dear All,

I got few comments from people who want to grow tall or change a physical feature. I already did 2 posts on manifestation process, well this time I will talk about the blocks.

Most of us knows the step the 3 important step : 1) Ask, 2) Believe 3)Receive. We are continually asking, most of the time our affirmations comes from a place of asking and we do not believe. The basic and important understanding of Law of attraction is: FEELING. You ask something because you will FEEL better in the having of it. So what can you do about changing the physical experience, instead of changing the results in the mirror, try to change your vibrations. In short, change the way you feel and skip the reality shown in the mirror. If you are fat, stop feeling bad about it, you want to grow taller, stop focusing on GROWING TALL, focus on the end result and the feeling of Perfection that is PEACE. When you are asking, you are not asking and feeling PEACEFUL about it. 

So instead of working on correcting and making new affirmations every day, believe with all your heart that you are perfect and instead of feeling desperate feel gratitude and peaceful about it. be thankful about it, and feel the peace, and the results will come, because if you just you shift your vibration from desperation to more of peace and relaxation, universe will work miracles.

Things you can do to shift your vibrations:

1) Deep Breathing

2) EFT

3) Listen to Music

4) Dance

5) Watch a good movie

6) Hang out with friends

7) Write your future as it has already happened

8) count your blessings

And above all stop discussing about your desires and keep them just to you, because you do not want people to bombard you with their thoughts and opinions.

Hope all these help.

Dear Aquarian Angel,

To get to the feeling part first ask yourself, how would you feel once you get tall! The answer will be "relaxed, confident at peace." So if you are not feeling that right now that means you are not at peace, you are not liking it, so what can be done about it, believe you are already tall, and instead of saying "I am __ feet ___ inches" tell yourself thing like " I feel confident and relaxed standing tall at my perfect height of ______, it is so good to be the perfection I always desired, I am relaxed and happy, I know I deserved it because this body is the reflection of my amazing and awesome thoughts and the more good I feel about my body, my body responds to me fast and in amazing ways, thank you body, thank you, thank you, thank you."

Say it often but dont say it to "repeat it" say it to "FEEL" it and see the difference.

Tips for Creating Change (Part 1)

Persist - don’t give up!

This may seem obvious, but when results don’t seem to be showing, remember that they are just beneath the surface. Just as a germinating seed, it takes a while for the seed to sprout above the soil. From the time it’s planted in the ground, the seed needs nurturing and special care. You have to water it everyday, expose it to sunlight, and make sure that it stays unharmed. Like a seed about to sprout, your thoughts cause your appearance to change into what you desire. But those changes won’t happen unless you feed them and give them your attention every day.

Create a visualization routine

A great way to assure that you will persist with your visualization is to create a routine. Now, this practice doesn’t have to be a strict routine in any sense, rather a block of structured time to focus on the change you have in mind. Use the time as a reminder and a direction, don’t feel as if you must use it as a definite guide. Personally, I like to reserve 15 minutes for visualization each morning upon waking. During this time, I imagine my bone cells expanding and shifting shape, or simply how it feels having wider set and larger eyes. Sometimes I like to imagine myself with these eyes in different situations. It gives me a lot of positive energy and encouragement to feel the happiness that having these eyes brings me!

Make an inspiration board

Also called a vision board, this will give you inspiration for your change. Create a collage of examples of your desired feature. Look at this every day to provide inspiration and focus. Know that soon, you will be calling these features your own! Maybe you will assemble a collection of images to set as your desktop wallpaper. You could make a tumblr page with photos of people with the desired traits. Or perhaps a physical collage of magazine clippings would be what works best for you.

Find a support system

This is one of the reasons why I began this blog. My intention is for it to allow people with similar the goals to exchange advice and offer mutual support. Having a coach or a mentor is great for your progress. You just may meet one here in the comments section! If anything, I hope that I will act as a mentor to guide you.

Tips for Creating Change (Part 2)

Stay positive - distract yourself with something you love

When you are feeling down about not seeing the change, when you doubt yourself and the process, or when you are simply dwelling about how long it's taking, find a way to remove yourself from that negativity. For me, writing on this blog and encouraging others about pursuing their change is a way I keep myself focused on what it is I desire. I also like to occupy myself with details about my move to another country (out of necessity and excitement), dance, read a novel, or take a walk outside. Maybe what works for you is participating in a favorite sport, reading inspirational stories, or calling up a friend to talk. Whatever it is, be sure to have those activities in mind and ready to do. I like to keep a list of them attached to my laptop frame so they are at the front of my mind. If you have ever seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, refer back to what Violet's mother told her in the factory - "eye on the prize, Violet!" Keep your eye on the change you want to achieve, and YOU WILL ACHIEVE IT!!

Stop checking mirrors!

This may not be true for you, but if you have a tendency to check mirrors or take pictures of yourself and feel down, STOP! This is not helpful for your mind at all, nor your body which is working hard to create the change. The more you check mirrors to see how the change is coming along, the more you are reinforcing the belief that you do not think that your appearance is changing. You have to focus on what you want - your ideal vision of yourself - not what you can see right now. Like with other things in life that you want to achieve, you have to have the outcome in mind and focus on ways to make it happen. Focusing on the way things are now and dwelling on them is only going to keep your body the way it is now. So let go of these thoughts, as hard as it may be.

If mirror-checking or photo-taking is a big problem for you, I recommend that you make it one of your primary goals right now to end this habit. Be firm with yourself, but kind. Every time you go to do the behavior, pull yourself away by thinking of your goal and how important it is to you. Remember that creating the change you seek is more important than following a bad habit, despite the temporary "high" or "satisfaction" it may bring to you. Go on in faith and confidence knowing that the change is happening, and that you do not need to prove it to yourself because you know it.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Do you have a habit of comparing your own features to those of other people? This is another behavior you must stop if you are seeking to create a real change in your appearance. For me, back when I felt helpless and depressed about my face, I would spend hours upon hours comparing my features to those of models, friends, and celebrities. Though the first few minutes of doing this brought a strange sense of comfort and satisfaction, this was always temporary and would turn into full-blown despair and self-loathing within minutes. It was a cycle of pain that I put myself through on a daily basis. Coming into the understanding of my (and your) own power, I can't tell you of the power that this self-torture had on my me. Just know that if you are one to compare yourself to others, really put effort into stopping this negative habit. You are hurting yourself and your mind, and you are stopping your body from producing the energy needed to create a change in your appearance. You need to stay as positive and focused as you can so that the desired version of yourself can blossom into reality.

If you read Part 1 of "Tips for Creating Change", you will remember the comparison I made between changing your physical appearance and a seed blossoming into a flower. A seedling needs all the nurturing it can get so that it can break through the soil. If it's constantly moved in and out of the sun and watered only sporadically (i.e. if you frequently waver between doubt and belief, and don't keep up with doing what you can for your change), it won't bloom. Consistence is necessary for a seedling to bloom, as it for your change to come into reality. It's normal to have doubt sometimes, but you need to take responsibility to come out of it and to keep up with your practice. Perfection in your thinking isn't necessary, but you should aim to do your absolute best to keep your focus and vision.

You really don't have to try so hard.. really you don't.

Many people ask me for advice regards law of attraction and I give the best responses I can based on Abrahams teachings and my own personal experience, and yet, they always come back to me with the same question:


'Why is it taking so long?'


We got into loa with much gusto and enthusiasm and do all we can to uplift our vibration so as to have a good foundation to set forth positive intentions. We try to avoid negative people or situations. We do more of that which makes us feel good. We try a little harder to watch our minds spinning off on a tangent and avoid as best we can all the contrast around us that might throw us out of our vortex.We make plans for vision boards, magical creation boxes, lucky charms, daily journals, and so forth. We send out thoughts and ask the universe to forfill our desires, and onward we go with a skip in our step, happy that the universe is going to make all our dreams come true. We join groups that uplift us and share the same concepts of loa and befor we know it, life feels a little better than it did last week.


We take off like mini rockets, setting forth our intentions and declaring to anyone who will listen, 'I am a magnificent creator!' (And yes! you are.)

Two or three weeks after the intial enthusiasm of your desire being set forth, you find yourself asking the same old question 'Why is it taking so long?' And it all gets rather boring doesn't it? The good intentions you had, the enthusiasm you went at it with, the effort you made............ And where is your reward? You've put in so much effort, given so much time, done all you can think of to close the gap between that which you desire and that which is presently absent.'It is all taking too long!' you say.


Yes isnt' it? And the longer you send out thoughts of 'it's taking too long,' the longer it will take to get here! You always get back what you send out vibrationaly. The reason most of us don't see the results we desire very quickly or even at all is because we unknowingly put conditions on the outcome.


We say 'I want the perfect lover' 'The dream home' 'The sports car' 'The healthy body' 'To win the lottery'.... ect ect... and yet, What we are really saying is:


'I will be happy, kind, loving, nice, pleasant, more positive, more joyful, more playful, more focussed, more at ease........ but ONLY if you give me what I want!

And you'll know this is true simply by your losing focuss when your desire doesn't manifest as quicklyl as you wish. You feel bad, sad, frustrated. If you were truly in your vortex, then it would not even occur to you that your desire had not materialized because you would naturaly without happy.


We are trying too hard! Trying to force the outcome!

There is no place for effort in loa except to take inspired action that feels good and is a positive tool in respect of enhancing the way you feel regarding your desires and enjoying the momentum. In other words, if it feels good to do it, if it feels good to do it!


We are all making too much of all this. We must see that being in the vortex is not just about being happy and going with the flow, it is about being completly free of attatchment. And to be

free of attatchment means to let go of trying to put a square peg in a round hole. You cannot get what you desire by attatching conditions to it. Rather than saying 'I want this, or that, and subconciously hoping and praying and pleading with all your effort and might, that it comes quickly, let go and simply get happy regardless of what it is you want. Trust!


Faith is not wishful thinking. Faith is letting go of 'want' and 'experiencing' the moment. Because this moment, and every moment is where its all at. There is no other place. And so, if now is all we have... trust it, align with it, live it, be it, be free in it! Create it! This is where you come into action! This moment, is YOUR time, your place. Your creation. And it is where it all begins. This moment is where all your desires are created and brought to fruition. Anything is possible in this moment. Anything. Ask...and it is given.


Pretend your life is perfect for a moment. Just as you desire. Now get happy and get in your vortex. Ok, feels pretty good doesn't it? That is not because your life is perfect and filled with everything you desire. You feel good simply because you have 'Let go!'. You have let go of all the emotions attatched to  the 'I want, I need, I hope, I pray,I am begging you!' In this perfect scenario there is no need for effort and so you dont attatch conditons to your life.


Let go... release yourself from hankering, and simply be happy. When you let go and free up your intention without all those attatchements, that is when the magic happens, because you have taken away the restrictions and contradictions of your vibration and the gap closes on all this. Then your dreams really do come true. And they come true fast.


Eternal Blessings



Hey Eric,


Personally, having manifested a lot of money over the years and in many different ways, I can tell you that the problem with what you're stating is the fact that you feel the need to use the word "easy".


As if money being given to you for a reason ( a job, for instance ), or receiving money through identifiable means is manifesting money the "hard" way. There is a flawed premise there that does not help.


Manifesting money is incredibly easy. However, people's thoughts and feelings about money are incredibly complex and often all over the place. Money is money, the same way eggs is eggs. It is not difficult or easy. It just IS. So what is the big deal? It is the way we feel about it. And the way we feel dictates our relationship with it. NO way around that.


Until the relationship changes, the manifestations will be the same. And it starts with one SOOTHING the angst they have about money. That lump comes to their throats or that uncomfortable churning in the stomach that starts when they think or engage in a discussion about money. The way their jaw tightens or they curl their toes or tense their shoulders or their chest tightens; the way their voice rises in pitch or their blood temperature seems to rise, when that old chestnut is on the table. The evidence of their resistance is all there to observe. All that discomfort indicates the presence of flawed, non-supportive, unhelpful thoughts about that subject.


And you don't even have to know what those limiting beliefs are. Just being able to breathe and relax those physical symptoms as you take some quiet time to think about your feelings about money, would improve what you're getting so fast, your head will spin.


Yet, many talk about manifestation, but spend nearly 100% of their time and energy looking outside themselves, trying to find a trick or formula or job or scheme or book that will do what essentially is an inside job. Not that books and jobs and techniques are not valuable, but if they don't get you focusing on improving the way you feel about money FIRST (yes, even when the bank account still looks the same) then it is like trying to put a band aid on a hole in a boat; it might hold for a little while, but soon it will open up again.


Money is everywhere and is abundant. Change the way you feel and change the relationship you have with it. Money will flow to and through whoever is ready for it.


And your questions mean YOU ARE.

Hi Eric,

Indeed I have. I am very good at manifesting I have to say, and one day I was purposefully focusing on money coming to me just for fun to see how quickly I could manifest. I visualized a large cheque addressed to me, and I added as much details as possible about how I wanted it to manifest. I saw my name on cheque in big bold letters, the envelope in  which it came. The more  I got into this vision the more confident I felt about it manifesting, and so I decided to state on which day it would arrive. I decided it would be Monday morning on my return from my holiday. I envisioned it big bold and clear in my mind, and the excitement I would feel on its manifestation. The more I did this the more excited I felt and I did it in such a way as to make it fun. I had some music on that I was dancing too as I focussed, and recited my dream out loud as I danced around the room. In the end it really didnt matter if the cheque arrived or not as I was so happy just being in the moment and having fun. And that is the key...letting go of all resistance.

I returned home. And there was an envelope by the door. I immediately knew as I held it in my hands what it was. Inside there was a letter and a cheque addressed to me. The secret is to let go of  'wanting' money, and just visualizing, believing, seeing, knowing, and being excited NOW about its arrival. Because NOW is where it is at, and that good feeling  in the NOW is like a magnet to your desire that will manifest its way to you soon enough! 

The secret is to let go of  'wanting' money, and just visualizing, believing, seeing, knowing, and being excited NOW about its arrival.


Be aware Eric,... the more you talk about not having to do anything for it, the more you are talking about experiencing "wanting," more than the feelings of enjoying money, or the things or freedom you'll get to enjoy because of the money.  If the Universe gets a vibration from you that you "want," then the Universe will give your more opportunities to experience "wanting."   If you say to the Universe, I want money... the Universe hears the word "want," louder than anything else. 


Morning Start described in detail what she did.... and it most certainly wasn't "nothing."  

I'll let Hunky Steve do his magic Maggie, but the thing is that it is not really the word that counts. It is fine to say you "want" something, as long as it does not hold you in a frame of mind that puts emphasis on the fact that you don't have money. This is similar to what I was pointing out when Eric used the words "easy money". The offered words suggested an awareness that one does not want to get money the "hard" way, which just gets in the way because it is being made a relevant, but unnecessary part of the desire.


You can easily appreciate how wonderful MONEY is as an IDEA, even while your reality might be saying you have no money,  because your current situation is no longer what you are using to determine how you feel about money. The same way you can feel all warm and cuddly about a dog without having to own one. If more people could do that with money, there'll be a lot less questions about it, because it would just flow. So you can still say " I want.."


As Steve wisely pointed out, while lovely Morning Star manifested money from unexpected "easy" sources, she still had to do some "work" to get to the place at which she could allow it. Releasing resistance and aligning with your desire takes a little effort sometimes! Of course it gets easier the more you do it but I'd imagine most people want a FLOW of money into and out of their experience, rather than one off events here and there; it won't make many feel as secure as they would like.


Financial wellbeing as you know is a lifestyle. A way of being. And it won't all come at once. Even if someone managed to attract 10 million into their experience, it would eventually all leave their experience to match where they really are if the emotional shifts have not taken place. So great phrases could be: " I love the idea of ..." "Wouldn't it be amazing to.." 


Remember it is about the relationship, so instead of making it about the money you want, you could just make it about how you feel about cash in general: " Money is wonderful. I love spending money. I love how confident and secure I feel when I have more than I need to make my purchase. Money has brought me lots of fun. Money has brought so much value to my life. I love how good it feels to have money enter my experience."



That is PERFECT though! Your desire is perfectly in place..


Money can and should flow to you through means that feel like fun and ease. It does not have to involve struggle of any kind.


What is most interesting is that the majority of the replies here are on exactly the same page as you, but you don't see it that way for the same reasons you're experiencing the "doubt" that you say you have going through you.


The whole of the second paragraph that you say you don't want, like being part of the work world and all the struggle that comes with it is all about your desire to FEEL EASE as you manifest money. You want money to flow effortlessly into your experience in fun ways. Now who doesn't want that??? I bet you everyone on this entire site wants that.


The thing is that this is a bit different from wanting "easy" money. Maybe it is just a words thing, though I suspect it isn't. The moment you used the word "easy" it was clear that what you have more active in your pursuit of your desire is what you don't want, rather than what is wanted. 


And you've demonstrated it perfectly in the words you've used to describe why you want it, in the second paragraph:


"...not everyone wants to be apart of the work world and would rather stay out and live and do their own hobbies, instead of fighting and working just to live and get what they want, so this would kind of be letting the universe give money somehow to those who don't want to work for it in the traditional ways..."

Your feelings about what you wrote are what you are experiencing as "doubt".


And the shift required to give you a feeling of relief and setting you back on track is a relatively minor one, my friend.

There is NO need, whatsoever, to justify why you want something. You want it because it feels good to desire it. That is enough. You only felt the need to go into the details of HOW you wanted the money to come, because you DID NOT WANT the universe to match you with so called traditional ways of getting money. The thing is that your feelings about that are just getting in your way. Your "doubt" makes you feel it is necessary to differentiate which money experiences you want from those you don't want.

The easy way to move past it is to release the "how" part and make it about the way you want to FEEL. You want to feel that the money comes easily and effortlessly into your experience. You want to rendezvous with it in what feel like fun and delightful ways. You want to feel secure and confident about your ability to attract the financial wellbeing you need.

Just focusing on those feelings, instead of going into all the other physical details, allows you to stay TRUE to what you want, without keeping the vibration of what you don't want active. In time, you'll be able to get more specific about the physical details, without activating unwanted vibration.

If someone loves, loves, loves, singing and they are making millions from it, is that a "traditional" way of making money? After all, it is a hobby for them and they are doing what they love. What if someone just loves, loves, loves all things gardening related and felt inspired to follow their hobby and sense of fun and have a personal business of their own that makes them millions? Is that traditional too?

Many people (like myself) ONLY do what we love doing. We don't work 9 - 5 and we pick and choose what we want to do. 


It is understandable that you are fundamentally saying that you want money to flow your way without you having to take any action to get it. And that is really how you should start going about anyway - focusing on the completed desire through visualisation and positive expectation, if you want to take advantage of LoA; that is not "selfish" or out of the ordinary. That is very normal. HOWEVER, as you line up with it, you WILL often be inspired to action in line with what feels best to you to experience what you want. But if you keep saying you don't want to take ANY action, then you are just shooting yourself in the foot a bit.


What if the action is, " What a beautiful day. Great day for a nice walk in the park "? That is an action too. An action that could lead you to bump into someone who could be your next rendezvous with money.


The flawed reasoning is that all action is unwanted. Of course not. There are some things you do now that would burn more energy than if you did a 9 - 5 job, but you don't see it as work because you LOVE doing it. You see it as a "hobby". So it is not about what you are doing, it is how you are feeling about it that matters.


So leave out the how. You KNOW what you want; you don't have to push against what you don't want to justify why you want it. Just feel those feelings that come with holding money in your hands or seeing your bank account build as you appreciate how easy that was and how much fun you're having just enjoying it accumulate. Feel the thrill of seeing yourself give your card at checkout as you enjoy purchasing yet another fun item, knowing there is a lot more where that came from.


Delight in what you are doing with your "easy" money, not how it came to you. That part is not your JOB. LOL For someone who is not a fan of jobs, why take on one that you shouldn't be doing anyway? :-))))


Happy Manifesting!

Hey Manifesting Spree!


The wonderful thing about your desires is that they will find their way to you through your PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE.


Obviously, thus far, you have found it easier to allow abundance to flow to you through the generosity of others and of course, there is nothing wrong with that. But what is even more wonderful is that you are now feeling that you want to play a bigger part in the game too, in terms of how money enters your experience; most likely because it ties in with your desire to be financially independent. 


The universe does not do any thinking on your behalf; the universe just IS and is merely radiating back to you what you are evoking by your vibration. 


If you were doing a job that you realised you would now like to change, you don't have to just decide to up and quit (though many do); you understand that the energy will take some time to move the pieces about a bit; in the meantime you can enjoy where you are, appreciating all the value it brings you, KNOWING that the next step will present itself in a clear and obvious way to you when the energy is fully in place. You can relax and have fun, just letting the pieces make their way to you.


So you have decided what you prefer, in terms of how abundance flows to you; but you don't have to decide to turn your back on what your old vibration was attracting, if it still brings you pleasure to enjoy what is being attracted. Of course, you might find that refusing further gifts, could be your way of intensifying your focus on what you want to happen next, but it doesn't necessarily mean that accepting them diminishes what you are in the process of attracting.


What determines how quickly and easily your desires flow into your experience is whether your "receiving valve" is open or closed. When you are going with the flow, relaxing, enjoying, not thinking too much, appreciating and looking for ways to have fun and be light and happy, your valve is open, allowing all you are evoking to flow through it. When you are pushing against things, thinking/talking about what you don't want, feeling irritated or resentful or worried, your valve tightens, restricting energy flow.


Follow your joy, your bliss. Go with what feels good. If you do refuse the trip to Delhi, let it be because you are wanting to have a slightly different relationship with your best friend - one in which she will be able to enjoy your abundance as you do hers. If you find you do want to go and still feel uncomfortable about accepting it, SOOTHE your angst; her generosity activates your awareness of lack in your life; so get feeling better about that; the value you bring to her cannot be counted in money. The love you share is wonderful and she is expressing her love for you by wanting to share a joyful experience with you; as long as you feel that, then how great it is to go. Or, you could decide not go this time and set up a desire to have an experience with her that is fun and that you are both contributing to and let the universe match you with THAT.


You can't remove a negative thought; you can only shift your point of focus to another thought that makes the negative thought redundant to your experience.


You can have a little, MINI think about how you feel about abundance. Does it have to be merited? You might be ok with not doing a 9 - 5, but are you really ok with money flowing your

way that you have not proved yourself worthy of in some way? You might not be, and that is OK. Where you are is OK. But you can improve it, should you so choose. 


As I said before, I'd imagine it is not about you wanting to become more comfortable with receiving things for free, but having a more direct play in how money enters your experience, like it flowing through you doing things that you love. BUT, and this is a big but, it would require that you are interested in expending your energy in a way that could be a source of financial wellbeing for you. Not 9 to 5 of course, but in a way that feels flexible and fun to you.


The BEST way to do this is to "sell" ALIGNMENT. That is the number 1, second to none way of experiencing financial and personal wellbeing at the same time. Every successful business sells alignment, some form of service that will improve other people's connection to themselves, either temporarily or more permanently. The even better news is that you don't even have to work out what form of alignment you'd need to "sell" or even sell it. You just need to keep aligning with YOU, keeping your valve open and the ideas and opportunities will FLOW in ways you might find hard, at this stage, to believe.


You are not missing anything LoA-wise. LoA is just what it says on the tin. If you feel out of whack in anyway, it is due to how you are using your focus; you are either focusing on things that serve you, or don't. 


Your financial wellbeing is ALREADY here; it is up to you to relax into it and let it in; and that is about accepting that it just IS. Because you said so. Because you've decided it is. As the evidence builds up to support your new point of focus, you'll just keep doing what you always do - having fun, chilling out, analysing less, feeling a little more, appreciating a lot more and enjoying being YOU.

I've manifested money before. I'm a college student and every year I manifest money in terms of loans or something similar. The biggest thing that I do that helps me manifest money instantly are switchwords. There's a group on here about them. When I first heard about the group, I wasn't sure if I believed that words would help me with money. But then I decided to try them out regardless...Well the first time I tried it, I tried with a smaller amount, $500...Well, within a week of me heading to college my mom gave me $200, and then I received money from other people. The switchword combo I used was "Together Divine Find Count (insert $ amount). Once school starts and I realize that my tuition bill is not completely paid for, I always use switchwords to cover the balance, and I end up receiving loans or scholarhips the school gives me.

It's really NOT hard to receive money. Honestly, just ask the universe and expect it, but BE grateful as well. Right now, I'm expecting bigger amounts and quite frankly, I don't stress on how the money will come. I haven't used SW recently just because I trust that the universe will find another way to bring me money without have to constantly repeat SWs. Just have faith. That's all it is. If you want $10 or $1,000. Just simply ask the Universe and it will come to you. But when you ask, be grateful that you will get the money one way or another. I think the reason why people have a hard time manifesting money is because they'll ask for it and then constantly question the universe if they've received it. And when they don't receive it they get mad. But it's like if someone kept asking me for something and I have the intention of giving it to them, it's like I'll get annoyed that they keep asking and I might hold it out from them longer just because they won't just trust and let go...It's kind of the same thing with the universe, when you ask, just say thank you, and start planning things you're going to do with that money, because it's coming. So instead of dwelling on it's arrival, focus on how you'll spend it or save it or invest it. Don't make it hard on yourself. You've already asked for it, so it's bound to come.

Oh, and the other thing is that you have to be specific as well. Sometimes people will ask for an amount but they might want in terms of straight cash with no attachments to it. But if you don't specify that, then the universe may give you money but you might have to pay someone back. For example, let's say you want $500 this week for any particular reason, but you don't tell the universe how you want that money. The universe then gives you $500, but it's through a friend or a family member and you have to pay them back. But you hadn't expected to pay anyone back, well then you manifested money but there's strings attached.

When I ask for money, if I don't want to owe anyone, I'll mention that too. As for my school loans, I know I'll owe money so it doesn't bother me. But if I want shopping money or something like that, I make it very specific that I want the money as a gift.

Hello all, my name is Natalie and I just joined. I have come across an amazing way to make your physical changes take place and the two roots are belief and visualization. It is not as you would have originally thought or as you have been practicing before. It takes a much deeper and profound belief than any of us have been using. You must realize that your old self no longer exists and that your new self is in its place. You must stop seeing your old self and be able to see your new self with your imagination. When you look in the mirror, do not see your old feature; do not focus on your old feature changing. That implies that your old feature is still there. You must focus on your new feature being there already. Replace your old feature with a visualization of your new feature. Do not see your old feature anymore. Erase it from your mind and only allow yourself to see your new feature. With a just a bit of time, your new feature will go from being just a visualization to its rightful place in the physical world. That is how I have come to understand physical change. That is how I have made it faster and more permanent. You must see yourself as already having your new feature, not as "changing into it". You already have it. Now you must see it.

Love and hugs,Natalie

Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by Miki on November 23, 2008 at 9:45am

It sounds really logical. How about you, did you accomplished any success yet?

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by KeepsGettinBetter on November 23, 2008 at


that sounds very good. im actually excited to try it this way =)

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Lucky Gold Star on November 23, 2008 at


That's exactly what I'm saying. Its like a constant visualization. Not just a once in a while one.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Kara on November 24, 2008 at 7:11pm

may i ask what you have changed?

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 2, 2008 at 2:33pm

My figure and my breast size. I have gone from a cup C to a cup D in a matter of days and I have dropped at least two dress sizes in the same amount of time. I have realized that what people believe

about "needing to exercise for weight loss" and "needing to work for money" are all false. You can believe that your body is the way you want it to be, see it as that, know that it is that way and within a few days your desired changes will begin to take place. The strongest aspect that I have found to be necessary is letting it go. This doesn't mean forgetting about it, it means not worrying about it. If you are afraid that you aren't going to change then you won't. Once you let go of your fears and let what you want to happen happen on its own, because you trust that it will, you allow your confidence to manifest your desire swiftly and easily. Because you believe it will.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Yola on December 13, 2008 at 5:52pm

wow...that's great! so how many minutes per day did u do it for and exactly how did u do it. I want to have flawless skin and to make my cheekbones more prominent. :P

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 13, 2008 at 9:01pm

I didn't really do it for "minutes per day" I did it continuously. I replaced my old figure with my new one, no longer seeing or feeling the one that I had before and now feeling the one that I desired. It is like Neville's Imagining recording: replace what you have see before with what you desire to see, except don't only do it when you're falling asleep, do it every moment of every day. Replace it in your living world because that is where your reality exists.

In your case, replace the skin you have at the moment with visions

and feelings of flawless and perfect skin. Give your flawless skin all of the sensory vividness that you would give your regular skin, expect don't feel the skin you had before anymore, you are replacing that now. Now you have flawless skin. Feel it. See it. Do the same thing for your cheekbones. Know what they look like and know what they feel like. Replace the way your current cheekbones feel on your face with the way your desired cheekbones feel. Feel it. See it. Make it so that what you desire is in your reality every moment of every day and so that the reality of what you had before no longer exists. You no longer have any blemishes on your skin, you have flawless skin. You no longer have cheekbones that you are unhappy with, you have the cheekbones that you have always dreamed of having, prominent and beautiful.

I hope this helped. Good luck! Love, Natalie.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Yola on December 13, 2008 at


thanks girl. yes, neville is awesome. i have soooo much to focus on. lol. right now it's getting all As in my exams and getting a great internship this summer...then it' soulmate and looks, etc. lol. i don't even know which ones to do for how long and then move on to the next as i want them all now.Thanks again, ur description above was quite meditative. :)) will keep u updated. :)

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 14, 2008 at



I'm in sort of a similar situation with a lot to focus on and what I am doing is replacing my entire existence with the once I want to have. Write down everything you want to have in your life: exams, the job, soul mate, looks. Know exactly how you want them to be and then replace your perception of your reality now as being the reality you want it to be. With everything in place. With LOA, you don't have to do things in a specific set time or only one thing at a time, it is about knowing that you can change whatever you want, whenever you want by changing your perception of reality. Erase your perception of the reality you have now and replace it with completely vivid sensory feelings of the way you want your life to be. With everything. Just have your life the way you want it to be as the way you are living now. Don't have your life as the way you don't want it to be. That doesn't exist anymore for you.

You are going to pass your exams, of course! That is your reality. Of course you will get the job you want. That is your reality. You will find your soul mate because that is what your reality is. Your looks are exactly the way you want them to be because that is your reality. It only feels like you have so much to do because that is your perception of it. Change it to everything being very simple and that is how it shall be.

You can, of course, take it step by step. You can do it any way you want. That is what this is about, what you want. Let it flow with what you truly want to happen first. Just kind of say to yourself "I need to pass my exams now, so it is my reality that I have passed my exams." Then you can focus on the fact that you have gotten the job, if you would like to only focus on your exams while you are going toward those. You can focus on everything at once and choose when those specific things will happen, specific dates or

areas of time, and you don't need to feel overwhelmed because things will happen just the way you want them to because that is your reality. And because that is the way you see your life, that is the way everyone else will see it too because your energy emits that frequency to them. You will exist as that person that you want to be and your reality will be solidly and concretely real. Just replace what you have now with what you want. Good luck! I know you can do it! Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Eva on December 25, 2008 at 4:08am

It's amazing reading your story Natalie. But you have to explain a non-american this: How exact many days are "in a matter of days"? :-))

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by successnow88 on January 26, 2009 at


Hello natalie!....I've recently become a "BIG FAN" of yours an I have been reading all your posts,or most so far on here.I am soooooo impressed an sooooo happy to have found your help on here.Everything I read so far has helped my thoughts to stay focused an I do have lots of work to do.I have always thought I was an "ugly duckling"and I was never quite lucky to get many dates an such.I take pictures of myself an I look at them an wonder how they looked nice to me.But I saw different in a mirror.A few years back I had this thought"I wonder if I could have plastic surgery,without the surgery an use my mind?"....As quick as I thought about that,then it was gone,I could not believe long enough that is was possible!...Now that I found this site with your threads on here,I was so happy,I could not describe how releieved I was that this

can be true.Thank-you again natalie....I just want to ask one quick question along this thread here you mentioned"needing to work for money" are all false!....How does one believe this statement?...I use the eft tapping right now as well an at the sametime I would like to be financially free!.I have come from poverty mind set growin up an living in poverty ...Hope this was ok to ask here?.....From shenora

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on January 26, 2009 at 2:56am


I am so glad that I have been able to help you. Manifesting money is the same as manifesting everything else. Know you can and don't be afraid that you can't. You don't have the money you want right now because you believe that you have that specific, set amount. If you believed that you had all of the money that you could possibly need or want, and you knew that was true, then it would happen. As for getting yourself to believe it, that comes from letting go of your fears that it can't be true. Being able to believe that something is true and being able to do something that we want is only possible if we have gotten past our fears about it first.

Explore your fears of being without money and what kind of life you have lived without it. Think of the very worst situation you could be in if you didn't have money and how you would handle it and then realise that life would only be that way because you would think it was that way. Your life is a result of your thoughts. If you want to have all of the money in the world then know that you can have it and don't be afraid that you can't because there is no reason that you can't have all of the money that you dream of. There is no reason that you can't look exactly the way you want to look. You

just have to believe that you can to anything you want to do and not be afraid that you can't.

I am so glad that I have been able to help you, Shenora. If you have anymore questions, please ask. Lots of love, Natalie

Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by successnow88 on January 26, 2009

at 3:07am

Thank-you natalie for your quick response at this time of hour!....I gratefully value your message.....Your an amazing angel!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 2, 2008 at 2:37pm

When I wrote the original post, I had not yet changed anything but I knew that I would with the method that I was writing about. Now a week has passed and my breasts are a full cup size bigger and my figure has dramatically changed to be closer to the way I have imagined it. I have had to start wearing different jeans and t-shirts. I know that within a month my body will be exactly the way I want it to be. Then I will move on to eyes and hair. I want to lift my left eyelid and make my hair blonde, long and healthy. Then, who knows what I might decide to change! There's no limit! Hugs, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Lucky Gold Star on December 2, 2008 at 11:28pm

Thats awesome natalie. Not only do you see it as it already is. but you also talk about it in the present tense. Its Awesome! Keep going. Love to hear about peoples break throughs.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by pixie_berry on December 3, 2008 at 12:52am

This is all very interesting! I am so thankful that I know about the Law of Attraction. There are sure alot of things I would like to change about myself. But don't get me wrong, I am glad to be me!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Lazy Lilac on December 3, 2008 at 1:38am

pixie berry, I love your profile pic. I, too, am fascinated by Natalie's account of her transformation. It reminds me of one of the first books I ever read on imaging and visualization by William Fezler. That was a fine book, and Natalie's comments made me think along those same avenues once again. Fezler said about once attaining your desired state through imagey, you keep there by your focus on it.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by pixie_berry on December 5, 2008 at 11:02am

Thank you Laura, I drew it. I may have to check out that book you are talking about. Sounds interesting. I could work on my visualization skills. Thanks for the info.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Lucky Gold Star on December 5, 2008 at 2:05am

Okay so yesterday while in the shower I spent a couple minutes visualizing my leg scar free. I used to have a scar from an accident about 2 or 3 years ago. Now its disappeared completely

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by pixie_berry on December 5, 2008 at 11:03am

Wow congratulations! That's amazing!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Lazy Lilac on December 5, 2008 at 11:45am

Congrats Lucky Gold Star, on your success with visualization. That's wonderful. pixie-berry, that is a fine drawing. You are very talented. Here is a little blurb for you about the Fezler book. ---The book, Creative Imagery by William Fezler Ph.D., is highly recommended. Just by following along with his images, your creativity and joie de vivre will flourish. As a sample, read the following Creative Imagery Beach Scene (Fezler 1989, 45) into your tape machine and listen to it several times, creating in your mind your own images:"...You are now going to take a sensory voyage. You are going to construct a scene in your mind's eye so vivid it will be as if you are actually there.

You are walking along the beach. It's mid-July; very, very hot; five o'clock in the afternoon. The sun is getting low on the horizon although it has not yet begun to set. The sky is a brilliant blue, the sun a blazing yellow. Feel the heat from the sun against your face; feel the warmth of its rays against your skin.You are barefoot. Feel the hot, dry sand beneath your feet. Walk closer to the water. Feel the wet, cold, firmly packed sand beneath

your feet.Hear the beating of the waves, the rhythmic crashing, back and forth, to and fro, of the water against the sand. Hear the loud, high cries of the gulls circling overhead." It is a great book to read and learn from. So many good little imagery stories in it.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 9, 2008 at 11:39pm

Lilac,Thank you for mentioning that book. I just bought it on Amazon. I have some things other than my physical appearance that I am focusing very strongly on and I would like to have some new ideas for visualizing them. Ideas are like thoughts with flavour. :D


▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by successnow88 on December 6, 2008 at 12:34am

Thank-you,I really appreciated reading your part!....It makes sense to me now!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Sapphire on December 12, 2008 at 10:26pm

Hi Natalie

You seem to have mastered your visualization technique and its worked amazingly!

Can you break down what you actually do on a daily basis, how you visualise, what you see and how long you do this for?


Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 13, 2008 at 9:16pm


What I do is a literal translation of changing my realities. To do it you must know that what you have now is no longer reality and that what you want is your new reality. I do it every moment of every day because that is how my reality exists. I replace my existing reality with the one I want to have by taking away any sensory feeling that I have of what my old reality was of that particular desire. I now see myself with my new reality all around me and within me. My old reality no longer exists for anyone. You must feel it with all of your senses. Give it all of the sensory vividness that you would anything else in your life. What you desire is your new reality.

Say you want longer eyelashes. First, take away any sensory feeling of the eyelashes you have. They don't exist anymore. Don't see them, feel them, or have any capability of tasting, smelling or hearing them. Replace them with your new eyelashes. Only see those eyelashes. Only see, feel and have the capability of tasting, smelling and hearing those longer and more beautiful eyelashes. Your old ones just don't exist anymore. It's not even worth saying because there are no "old eyelashes" just the ones you have now, right?

Do this continuously and it will work, without a doubt, considering that you remain confident in yourself and what you are doing. There is no need to be afraid that it won't work. Being afraid that it won't work sends out that energy and disrupts the reality that you are creating which makes it harder and harder for it to become real. Let go, relax and simply replace your "old reality" with the one you want to have. It shall appear and you shall have what you desire.

I hope this helped. Good luck. Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Sapphire on December 14, 2008 at


Thanks for the reply Natalie

I've gone back and re read all your posts in this thread and they're all informative and helpful. You got such fast results with your bust size and figure because you immersed yourself totally in your visualisation and lived your new reality.

You've done it at the speed of lightning which is truly inspiring.

I'm going start making my list today (finally!!) and start changing my reality to what I want it to be.

How would I visialise a soul mate? Do I imagine someone with me in the present tense as that would be difficult to change the perception of having someone physically here who is not i.e when watching TV, eating dinner etc.

Natalie, I don't think that you realise how you've helped people here. I've never read such an indepth yet simple explanation of

how to truly use visualistion to achieve your desires. No-one else has explained it the way you have so thank you for that, it's really helped me a lot!



▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 16, 2008 at



Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. You are so sweet. You made my day with your kind words. I didn't know how much I've been helping you all. I'm so glad that I am able to. I love giving so much better than I like receiving. There are some things that I would like for myself but they are few and they often tend to incorporate the desires of others.

For visualising a soul mate, picture him coming to you. You don't have to picture them in the room with you. Know that the old reality of not having your soul mate is gone and that your new reality of your soul mate finding you exists at this very moment. Alter your perception so that you no longer see your old reality. No one does. Now, all that exists is your soul mate coming to find you.

You will be absolutely perfect for each other in every way, shape and form and they will be everything you have always been looking for in a mate. You will be everything they have always been looking for in a mate, as well.

As for when to visualise, it is important to know that while you are watching TV, eating dinner, doing laundry and washing the dishes, (etc, etc...) your reality has changed from its old state and is now in its new state. As you breathe your every breath, feel your soul mate coming to find you. See them in your mind, even if it isn't a physical picture. Feel them with all of your senses and know that they are on their way. Know that when they find you, you will know them and do not be afraid that they will pass you by. It is destiny that you find them. I have always thought that of soul mates. I don't believe that soul mates go through life never meeting, unless they attract otherwise. "I'm so scared I'll never meet my soul mate."

I hope this helps. If you need anything else, please let me know. Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Sapphire on December 20, 2008

at 12:43pm

Thanks for that helpful reply Natalie :)

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Kyaa on December 16, 2008 at 2:19pm

Natalie, your awesome, i love you!!!Ive even copy and pasted the informative post you wrote on my eye colour topic and put it into my personal book. I read over it as an affirmation every night. Your fantasic, and we truly truly thankyou so much for your help and time.

▶   Reply to This

Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 16, 2008 at



Thank you so much :-) I am so, incredibly glad that I have helped you so much. Let me know how the eye colour thing works out, yeah? Don't rush yourself and know that it will happen. Don't let other people get you down about it and keep your confidence up. You can do this. You are doing this! I'm so proud of you.

Love and hugs,Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by chengchen on December 14, 2008 at 2:47pm

Yes Natalie... thank you very much for your wonderful techniques

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 16, 2008 at 3:13pm

You are more than welcome, Cheng Chen. I'm so glad that I am able to share them with you and that they help you. Good luck with your manifestations.

Love and hugs,Natalie

▶   Reply to This

Permalink Reply by pixie_berry on December 17, 2008 at 1:13am

Without any doubt my three biggest inspirations in life since learning about the Law of Attraction have been the book "The Secret", Abraham-Hicks, and you Natalie!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 17, 2008 at 6:38am

Awww! That's so sweet! I feel honoured to be held in such high esteem with you. Thank you, sweet Pixie Berry. You touched my heart so deeply.


▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by pixie_berry on December 17, 2008 at


You are very welcome Natalie. You have helped so many people in this group including myself! It means so much. I am very grateful. Thank you!xoxo

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Fiona on December 18, 2008 at 5:35am

Dear Natalie,you're such an inspiration!I have scars on my face, and your method lifted my whole spirit up,

and i know this will help me get into the reality I want.Thanks.Any more tips for me?


Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 18, 2008 at 3:05pm


You're very welcome. For your scars, remove them from your face. Do it with your mind just as if you could peel them off with your hands and have beautiful, smooth skin underneath. Your old reality of having scars is gone. You do not have scars anymore. Wait a minute... scars? What scars? Your face doesn't have any scars! You have beautiful smooth skin that is flawless of scars and blemishes. That is your reality. Live it. Become it.

Know that every moment of every day, this is your new reality. Focus on it. Immerse yourself in your new reality. Eat, drink, sleep and breathe your new reality. Every time you take a bite to eat, know that your face is clear and flawless in the reality that you are living now. Every time to take a drink, know that the lips that take that drink are one with a face that is just the way you want it to be. Know that while you sleep, your beautiful and smooth skin and nourishing itself simply with air in your new reality. Know that every time you take a breath, you are sending oxygen to your flawless skin that exists in your current, and very present, reality.

I hope this helps. If you have any questions, just ask. Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This

Permalink Reply by Fiona on December 18, 2008 at 8:26pm

Thank you so much. <3However is it ok that every night I use "Bio-Oil", a scar removal cream to massage my scars at night?If I do that, will it seem that I'm still in my 'old reality'? If so, how can I change my thinking so that I can have the new face i want and also treating it with Bio Oil?

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 18, 2008 at 9:06pm

Why do you feel you still need you use Bio-Oil? Are you afraid that you can't have a completely scar free face with just your thinking? Remember that the way of thinking that this change of reality will be is that you aren't removing the scars. You don't have scars anymore. That was your old reality. You aren't removing your scars. You are replacing them with flawless skin. The Bio-Oil went in the wrong direction. All cosmetics do. They want to take away, cover up, hide and conceal when they should be revealing your natural beauty not covering it up with products that aren't you. These things to enhance who you are not conceal you. You don't want to be removing your scars because that means that you still think you have them.

Wean yourself off the Bio-Oil as your ability to feel your new reality gets stronger. The Bio-Oil is your old reality as well, in my opinion, because that is from a place where you believed you had scars. In your new reality you don't have any scars. You don't need the Bio-Oil.

I hope this has answered your questions. Let me know if you need

anymore help.


▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Fiona on December 18, 2008 at 10:30pm

Oh my goodness u are good! I don't think I have any further questions.I guess I'm gonna have to give my Bio-Oil away.. hahaAnyway thank you so muchI LOVE U!!!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Ty on December 28, 2008 at 5:41pm

Thank you so much for this Natalie, it's given me a real buzz and excitement of what is possible.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 29, 2008 at 7:22am

You're very welcome, Ty. I'm glad that I was able to give you a sense of the infinite possibilities awaiting you. Anything is possible. You just have to believe. Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Gaby on December 28, 2008 at 7:52pm

Natalie, do u have any before and after pictures? hehe...just joking....

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 29, 2008 at 7:21am

I am actually going to put some before and after picture of everything (not specifically my bust :-p) in my blog once I get a little further along. I am taking a break from PI, but I will pop back in to put some before and after pictures here for you and will post the link here. Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by SilverInk on December 30, 2008 at 10:00am

"That is how I have made it faster and more permanent."

Its not permanant usually?

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Angie on December 30, 2008 at 10:02am

It is permanent if you believe that it is

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on December 30, 2008 at 10:05am

Absolutely right, Angie! I have heard a lot of people asking if your physical change is permanent and at the point that I wrote this I was writing that for them. To quote Angie: "It is permanent if you believe that it is." Bingo. Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Princess7 on January 1, 2009 at 4:53pm


Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by Geiko-san Kikuyo on January 1, 2009 at 9:41pm

Lol, heck yes!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by ARTiculation on January 16, 2009 at 12:32am

Natalie,New here. Lately, I am just not as in shape as used to be. And lately, it's getting harder to keep myself from getting a belly. But how do you "not" see it, when you're in the mirror, getting dressed? Do I not look in the mirror. I've been following the book's advice by "feeling" like I have a fit body, but when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, my thoughts immediately go toward, "I've got to do something about my figure!" I just don't know how to "see" something different when looking in the mirror.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on January 17, 2009 at 4:00am


It's very important that you look in the mirror. If you don't, you're telling yourself that you're afraid that your old body is still there.

Look in the mirror, but when you see yourself, know that what you see is no longer your reality. Think about that. What are you seeing? What do you want your reality to be? Your thoughts create what you see and what you are.

"it's getting harder to keep myself from getting a belly" and so it is.

If you grow to know that you have the body you want and that that is all that is possible, then that is what will manifest.

When you look in the mirror and see something you don't want, change your thoughts to know that you are seeing what you do want. You don't have to see it at first, but think it first. Soon, your thoughts will train your eyes to see what you know is true. Your thoughts will radiate your desires into your reality and they will become solid. Your thoughts will change the rest of your body's and mind's interpretation of what you want and soon your new reality will become what is. You just have to remember that what you want is. It isn't coming, it isn't on its way, it is here now. You have your new body now. Your mind and the world are adjusting to accommodate for your thoughts. Make sure that you keep your thoughts in motion with that you have the body you want now. Know that your thoughts are sinking in to every energy particle of your body and that you are becoming who you want to be so that everyone can see it.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your manifestations. Lots of love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by ARTiculation on January 29, 2009 at 12:50am

Thanks Natalie,Sorry I haven't been on this board in awhile. I'll try to imagine I'm looking at my old self when I look in the mirror and repeating to myself, "I now have the body I want".

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Lena on January 19, 2009 at 8:36pm

i have a question - what do you do when you are concentrating on having whatever you want to change (i.e. i 'have' a new nose, different color eyes) and then you look in the mirror and see that you don't have it (yet). how can you have it right away but it doesn't show to the world?

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on January 19, 2009 at 9:01pm

I get asked this a lot. It's a tricky thing to adjust your perspective and thoughts to know that what you're seeing is actually what you think it is. You are seeing your old nose because you think it's you're old nose "I don't have it yet" So you don't. "My new nose is there. I can see it, it is the only possibility." You don't have to see it right away, but know that when you think it right away, sight will follow. When you know that you have your new nose and that that is the only possibility; when you have faith that it is the only thing that is there and that nothing else could possibly be, then everything else will fall into place very quickly afterward. You just have to know that your new nose is all that is there. Know that the sight of it, for everyone, will come, because you believe it will.

Faith and trust that the actual sight of your new nose will come because you already have the thought of your new nose (your new

nose already exists for you, so it is inevitable that it will exist for everybody else as well), are the most crucial components of manifesting. Have faith that it will happen and it will.

I hope this has helped. i don't quite feel like I have covered everything, so please let me know if you have anymore questions. Love and hugs, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by jota on January 20, 2009 at 2:47pm

Hello Natalie,forgive my english,i'm Brazilian guy,you're beautiful:)

My question is ,i use glasses,how i change my bad eyesight when i have to use all the time glasses?,i mean,look like the question about mirror,the difference is that my glasses are in my face all the time,and i would like have good eyesight,but how change my reality if its not possible simply dont use my glasses...

I hope that you understand what i ask hehe!

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on January 20, 2009 at 4:50pm


Right now you are telling me that it's not possible for you to not use your glasses, and so it is for you. To make it so that you can be free of your glasses, take them off and look around at things. As you do, know that you can see things as you do when you have your glasses on. Spend some time looking at things without your glasses on and get used to the feeling of it, knowing that this is

your new reality. Know that when you put your glasses back on, your sight with them on will gradually get blurrier because your eyes will have adjusted to being without them.

The most important thing is to know that you can see without your glasses on and that it is the only possibility. You need to switch your perspective for this to work. Go from thinking that it's not possible to see without your glasses on to that you can only see without your glasses on and that everything is blurry when you put your glasses on. Know that you have the perfect eyesight that your glasses give you when your glasses are off.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need anything else. Love, Natalie

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by jota on January 21, 2009 at 12:01pm

Thanks a lot Natalie,i will try it!:)

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by pixie_berry on January 21, 2009 at


that is really interesting. i definatly believe that.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by jota on January 21, 2009 at


Hey Lalaine,its a good idea,i tried already,the problem is that doctors dont want pass to me glasses more lower..i guess that i have to manifest a doctor to me hehe...i will try again,thanks :)

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Natalie on January 21, 2009

at 7:23pm


I don't think you need to do it that way, Jota. Your goal is to believe that you don't need glasses. Going from glasses to glasses to glasses is just telling yourself that you need glasses to get away from glasses. Know that your body and mind have enough strength to get your eyes to see perfectly on their own and that the only reason you are need glasses now is because you think you need glasses now. Know that you can see perfectly without your glasses and that your glasses are useless now. Know that you have perfect vision all on your own and that when you take your glasses off, you see just as well as when you used to have your glasses on. It's all in the way you think, Jota. Lots of love, Natalie

Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by jota on January 23, 2009

at 12:12pm

Thanks my lady,i'm already putting this in practice:)

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by nina zarechnaya on January 30, 2009 at 2:19pm

What I have done in the past before I even knew about LoA was have a very active imagination. When I was 21/22, I wanted to look more like this one actress because I thought she was gorgeous. So, I used to (for fun) imagine looking like her, and then my features started to change so that I looked like her. Not exactly, but I could see my face transforming and I thought it was so neat that that happened because that is what I wanted. I didn't worry about happening, nor did I tell myself that it couldn't happen, I just thought, "Wouldn't it be neat if...?" and then pretended that that was fact...and it became fact. I probably could have done more if I knew about LoA, but for me, it was just a fun and silly thing to do.

▶   Reply to This Permalink Reply by Sean on January 31, 2009 at 10:28am

How long did this take.

▶   Reply to This You must understand that it(your conscious self) is not cut off from the inner self(also known as higher self). The inner self keeps the physical body alive even as it formed it. The miraculous constant translation of spirit into flesh is carried on with inexhaustible energy by these inner portions of being, but in all cases the inner self looks to the conscious mind for its assessment of the body's condition and reality, and forms the image in line with the conscious mind's beliefs.

So - once more - you form your reality through your beliefs, and your most intimate production is your physical body. Your beliefs about it are constantly fed into inner data. You organize on an unconscious level the atoms and molecules that compose your cells to form your body. But the blueprint is made by your conscious beliefs. To change your body you change your beliefs, even in the face of physical data or evidence that conflicts.

You each have a body and you each have a consciousness. You can practice with these ideas by applying them to your body. For now we are taking into consideration the fact that, generally speaking, you are not going to make yourself five physical feet taller if you are a grown adult already, because there are certain physical laws with which you must contend. We will discuss those more fully later.

In that context you can even appear taller, and affect others as if you were - which would usually be what you wanted in any case under the circumstances. But except for some conditions which will be mentioned later, you can become healthy if you are ill, slim if you are overweight, gain weight if you prefer, or alter your physical image in profound fashion through the use of your ideas and beliefs.

They form the blueprint by which you make your body, whether you have known this or not. Your body is an artistic creation, formed and constantly maintained at unconscious level, but quite in line with your beliefs about what and who you are.

You constantly give yourself suggestions about your body, your health or ill health. You think about your body often, then. You send a barrage of beliefs and instructions to the inner self that affect your physical image.

As I mentioned earlier, your thoughts have a very definite vital reality. Beliefs are thoughts reinforced by imagination and emotion concerning the nature of your reality. 

Now thoughts in general possess an electromagnetic reality, but whether you know it or not, they also have an inner sound value.

You know the importance of exterior sound. It is used as a method of communication, but it is also a by-product of many other events,  and it affects the physical atmosphere. Now the same is true about what I will call inner sound, the sound of your thoughts within your own head. I am not speaking here of body noises, though you are usually oblivious to these also.

Inner sounds have an even greater effect than exterior ones upon your body. They affect the atoms and molecules that compose your cells. In many respects it is true to say that you speak your body, but the speaking is interior.

Note: If you get hung up on what he said about not being able to grow five feet taller or being able to change pretty much anything except certain limitations, like I did, then you will have to come to your own understanding of what it means and how it applies to you like I did.

Hope it helps.Body image is the most complicated thing to work on, because people know what they want, but they get stuck on how and when. The point is any kind of manifestation is to feel it, you tell the universe you want it, you visualize it, affirm it and still no result, because you are not feeling it.  You have to feel the feeling of you being in perfect form. Ask yourself how will you feel when you will be in your perfect shoes, and feel that feeling now. If you will feel happy and relaxed, feel happy and relaxed now, if you will feel happy and confident, feel happy and confident now.

One of my client lost 20 kgs of weight in 15 days and got her skin tight just be feeling the feeling of perfection. I have worked with several men and women on body image, every body got what they wanted but the result was depending on the feeling and how much you can feel it in a day. 

You should not visualize without feeling, visualization is done so that you feel better, but you need to feel better and hence when you visualize with happiness make sure you feel happy doing it

See visualizing is important, but if you cannot visualize you cannot push yourself into it. And you do not visualize to feel bad or pressurize yourself, you visualize to feel good. 

Understand one thing, universe does not go on the words, or actions or images you see. This is a vibrational universe, it goes on the way you feel. Now for example you want blue eyes, now you have been affirming that "I have blue eyes, I have blue eyes, I have blue eyes" but nothing is happening, it is because you are not feeling it. You want blue eyes, get a picture of blue eyes, think that how people are complimenting you for your eyes, feel the feeling of happiness. And then let go of the thought and just stay happy, now you are in your vortex, the vortex that will allow you to manifest whatever you want, but you need to feel good to get into the vortex and to stay there you need to feel love and happy.

 Trust me its not impossible, it is just that we are obssessed with our physical self, you need to love yourself, your inner being to see the change in outer self

If you have read "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne, she states in the chapter, The Power and Creation, "When using Cration Process, imagine and feel that you have what you want already, and never deviate from that state of being. Because the law of attraction copies whatever you give and so you must imagine and feel having it now."


But as you have a problem is visualizing, take the pictures of the hair color you want, the body you want, the skin color you want and keep in your cell phone or on a visualization board. Changing skin color is not a problem and nor does hair, its just the shift of melanin produced under your skin and in hair. The fair people and light hair colored people have less melanin in their skin, but melanin is not our target, our target in the perfect skin, hair, etc. 


Now Abraham Hicks says, that this is a vibrational universe, so it does not care what you visualize, but if you do not feel it, you can not manifest, so your first step is to sit down and write what you want, and why you want it and how will you feel once you have it, and feel that feeling now. Feel you already have it, your desire has manifested.

If you see yourself in the mirror, though I will tell you try not to, but if you follow the process, you will stop looking in the mirror on your own, because then you will consciously and subconsciously be happy knowing that you are what you wanted to be.

So dont say that this is no longer my body, say the following (smile before saying it) "I love and accept myself where ever I am right now, I am at peace with my body, I am here because I have manifested this in the past, and I made it so dominant in my vibration field that I became that right now.

 But now I choose peace with myself and my body. I am a deliberate creator, and whatever I want, I have it, my manifestation in done 99.9999% and now all I need to allow it, so my target is not my perfect weight or skin, my target is to maintain peace with my body because as I let my body know that I love it and relax it, everything I desire shall be given to me. I just know my body is intelligent, it started as a blob of cells, and look here I am in a full grown body, loving and respecting each and every part of it, as I look at my body, all I need to say is (take a deep breath, blow out from mouth) I LOVE YOU and I THANK YOU."Say this first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

And if you have resistance then just try EFT

Well I am not saying to not to look in to the mirror at all. See you need to understand that everything is mind over matter. Every disease is mental first. Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. You have to practice to feel good and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating. So start small, start feeling good about

what you have appreciate it, appreciate that you have a body, legs you can walk, skin that is protecting you and this skin and rough patches is just a wake up call to tell you that you skin and body needs more love. 

So if you look in the mirror, just say, I know I am healing and smile, and look into the mirror and tell yourself that "I LOVE YOU, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE and mean it, feel the love." You need to be at peace that what I told you earlie, be peace with now and get pictures of skin you want and say, wow wouldn't it be nice if my skin is flawless and clear like that, wouldn't it be nice if my skin is young and tight like a teenagers. 

When you are at peace with your now, its easy to manifest because then you have no resistance. You have cleared your past and in the now you have accepted change by making peace with things and not fighting back, that means the stream of allowance is easy and everything you want will be given to you immediately, because in a place of no resistance, the manifestation is in moments

Yes, it does not matter know you acknowledge at this moment, because the moment is temporary, but you need to understand what at this moment matter the most is your feeling because that feeling is creating the streams of feeling which will is called as your future. Well you just need to be in a state of calmness, feeling joy is good, if you want to stay overjoyed, make a list of affirmations which feels good to you, and read it as often as you can and smile while saying them. If something goes wrong and you feel terrible, try to get your anger out by crying or shouting but respect the emotion that you feel, once you let go of the sad emotion, try to feel good by eating something you like or just go out and see the beauty of nature, see the things you like, get into the will of deliberately seeing the things you like, seeing the color you love, the food, listening to music you love, dance, talk to people you love and you will see within days that the changes you want are occurringWhen you ask universe for a wish, the manifestation is done 99.9999%, it doesn't come easily is because, we are trying too hard to get it. You are a creator, and because we have set our emotions to auto pilot mode, we have a problem in So now make your target for the day is to be a deliberate creator, and think of the thoughts you like and love. Now in context of your queries, you have to feel good as your wish is already granted, see once you ask for something and you get it, you just have to feel good and relax yourself, this is all you have to do, you have to find the feeling and thoughts that help you relax and feel good. Smile all the time, listen to good music, play some fun song when you are low, watch a lot of comedy movies.  Take a pen and paper, and write down how you want your life to be, write down in present tense as if its already there or done. Be grateful for what you have and whats coming  your way. Appreciate small thing in life, appreciate the food you are eating, the water you are drinking, don't make your target to get rid of acne or skin tone you don't like, the target for you is to have the perfect skin. 

So when you talking about feeling good is, to feel good in the now, where ever you are, if you follow your bliss, everything else will follow. When you doing your daily house hold activity, or any of your hobbies, just appreciate the things you are doing, appreciate yourself that how good you are in doing that work.

And about the feeling that you have when you watch a movie, see I am not telling you to get rid of the feelings, specially negative one, if you have them, acknowledge them, and tell them "I RELEASE YOU, these thoughts are not mine, and are not with me, and i forgive any one and every one who have contributed in it, and I RELEASE THEM NOW." From now all you got to do is keep a track on your feeling thats all.

 Achieving inner peace is easy, Einstein said: "There is no difference between the past and the future in the 4-dimensional space-time-world. The present is only an illusion." Though it was said by him in his own theory of relativity, but we are not here to discuss that. But you need to understand, time is illusion. So if you want something, you can have it right now, you just need to believe you can, you need to feel you can, and allow it because you know you can. And as soon as you get into the allow mode, you make peace, peace with time, body, and now, and the manifestation are instant. 

To have peace, you have to fall in love with yourself COMPLETELY and UNCONDITIONALLY. Life is supposed to be fun, life is supposed to be good, just feel the goodness and you will be a receiver  of goodness.

You need to understand, Law of attraction is a LAW, its like gravity, always in motion, its based on the frequency that goes out of your body which are based on your thought, even though you are positive and you see no result is because, somewhere in you, you have those emotion which are sabotaging your positive thoughts. Affirming an affirmation without feeling is of no use, then you don't see results, because then those affirmations are coming out of desperation. How many times you tried, and you left it after a month or 2 or may be 3, and you didn't see the change?  Many, but do you realize what were you doing in these month, did you play with your feelings? I will tell you something, a lil secret in the open forum, When you visualize something, and you want it to manifest, you need to know the feeling behind it, the universe doet not respond to the image you see, it responds to the feelings.

I have pasted a link up of my pictures, now about changes, see you know you want to be your perfect height, now think and feel how will you feel once you have achieved that height, write that on a piece of paper, keep it in your wallen, on your fridge, in your bathroom, near your bed on the walls, paste the paper and its copy everywhere, and when every you see it, your target it to feel the feeling written on the paper, So what you do, you create that feeling, do some self talking like "wow!! it feels awesome to be my ideal self, its so good to go out and get the compliments, I love that universe is by my side rooting for me, and I love to feel love of being me, walking in this human form, enjoying the wordily pleasure, going out, meeting friends with the confidence that I feel in every cell of my

body."You do not have to go to alpha state, when I take session with my clients, I never ask them to meditate. See meditation is a place, where you are one with universal energy and you feel peace because there you are in a position with no thoughts, so when you have no thoughts the result are extremely fast. When you visualize, visualize it as a movie you watching, and feel the happiness about it. Universe does not respond to your visualization, it responses to the feeling of visualization, now say example, you want to be tall, and people say be specific, you get to a height which is good for you, you decide a number,  you get specific because when you are specific, its easy for you to feel happy, if you are vague, the universe will be more vague,but when you are specific, your feeling is more happy, because then you know the target. The feelings get a little up and down, when we try too hard to achieve it, o then EFT plays its role. I tell a lot of people, specially for getting taller, dont have attachment to the outcome, the more attached you are, the more desperate you get, the more desperate you get, the more delay happens. So the best way to be unattached to the outcome for most of the people is, meditation, EFT, for me it was EFT, painting and music, because when I paint, I forget everything else. So from today, before sleeping at night, just look at yourself, and say, that I LET GO because what I want is already here, and all I need is to be happy. Your target should not be growing tall, your target should be to feel happy, feel confident, feel awesome, and the rest will follow


If for example, you want to grow taller, then sit on a stool or a chair that's small or low.

While sitting, like a grown up in a child's chair, FEEL how big you feel RELATIVELY to the chair.

Sense that feeling of feeling tall or bigger in comparison to the chair, then disregard the fact that it's due to the chair being small.

That sensation you get is the feeling, and the notion of it being due to the small chair is a thought.

You can distinguish the difference between the two and simply focus on the feeling while disregarding the thought.

With that feeling, visualize yourself being already so tall and big.

One important part, once the visualization is over and you are ready to move on with your day, LET IT BE. 

The same can work if you want to lose weight. Find yourself a pair of jeans that's loose. Wear it around all day if you want to. While you are wearing them and feeling how loose they are, imagine yourself becoming thinner.

Once again, the idea is to capture the FEELING, the SENSATION of thinness and to disregard the fact that it's because you are wearing baggy clothes.


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