culture shock!

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Culture Shock!

© Sohan Madhusanka

You know? I was just shocked!

© Sohan Madhusanka

A physical or

emotional discomfort or

anxiety that one suffers when

coming to live in another

country or a place that is

different from the place of



Loss of Identity

Lack of confidence


Feeling depressed

Culture Shock?

© Sohan Madhusanka

Stages of Culture Shock

1. Honeymoon Stage

© Sohan Madhusanka

You are just exited about everything. Everything is new and

fascinating. It’s called “honeymoon” because like the original context of

the word, this stage eventually ends.

Person is excited and experiencing a new lifestyle

Everything goes by smoothly

Finding new things and meeting new people everyday

Honeymoon Stage

© Sohan Madhusanka

2. Crisis or Culture Shock Stage

© Sohan Madhusanka

Eventually, the differences between your home country

and the new country will become very apparent. Some negative

events may lead into frustration and anger towards the new culture,

and at moments you may find it offensive. You may feel lonely

and/or homesick, and communication barriers will frustrate you

Dealing with problems such as transportation, different foods,

communication, etc.

Complaints about the host country may arise

Individual can use to find comfort with the host country or simply go

back to the country of origin

Crisis or Culture Shock Stage

© Sohan Madhusanka

3. Recovery Stage

© Sohan Madhusanka

After a few weeks, you get used to the new culture

and new routine, you learn what to expect and how to behave

in different situations. You learn how to handle cultural issues and

accept the new culture.

Now you have new friends in new country

You are familiar with the things

You do not wants to complain or go back to your country

Recovery Stage

© Sohan Madhusanka

4. Adjustment

© Sohan Madhusanka

In this stage, you are adjusted and become fully

capable of participating in the new culture.

A feeling of comfort

Acceptance of food, habits, drinks, and the customs of the host


You are excited to explore new things in the host country

Now you have lot of friends in host country

Simply this has become your second home


© Sohan Madhusanka

© Sohan Madhusanka

Responsible and Entrepreneurial


You are here in Sri Lanka to be a..

© Sohan Madhusanka

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