cs 414 - spring 2011 cs 414 – multimedia systems design lecture 27 – media server (part 3) klara...

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CS 414 - Spring 2011

CS 414 – Multimedia Systems Design Lecture 27 – Media Server (Part 3)

Klara Nahrstedt

Spring 2011

Administrative MP3 – posted today

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Some Interesting Facts

DBMS2.com Source (May 2009)Facebook had 400 terabytes of disks managed by

Hadoop/Hive with an approx. 6:1 compression ratioFacebook’s Hadoop/Hive system ingests 15

terabytes of new data per dayFacebook had 610 Hadoop nodes (in May 2009)

running in a single cluster and was heading for 1000 Yahoo had 2000 nodes (in May 2009) and was heading for


CS 414 - Spring 2011

Some Interesting Facts Source: www.slideshare.net (March 2011) Current data sets:

NYSE: 8PB; Google > 12PB; Data Volumes:

NYSE: 1.5 TB daily; Facebook: 350 M users; 3.5B shared items/weekFacebook adds > 100K users, 55M ‘status’

updates, 80M photos daily

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Outline Disk Scheduling

SCAN-EDF Group Sweeping Mixed Scheduling

Admission Control File System Metadata/Indexing Block Size Issues

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Disk Scheduling Policies Goal of Scheduling in Traditional Disk

Management Reduce cost of seek time Achieve high throughput Provide fair disk access

Goal of Scheduling in Multimedia Disk Management Meet deadline of all time-critical tasks Keep necessary buffer requirements low Serve many streams concurrently Find balance between time constraints and efficiency

CS 414 - Spring 2011

EDF (Earliest Deadline First) Disk Scheduling Each disk block request is tagged with

deadline Policy:

Schedule disk block request with earliest deadline

Excessive seek time – high overheadPure EDF must be adapted or combined with

file system strategies

CS 414 - Spring 2011

EDF Example

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Note: Consider that block number Implicitly encapsulates the disk track number

SCAN-EDF Scheduling Algorithm Combination of SCAN and EDF algorithms Each disk block request tagged with

augmented deadline Add to each deadline perturbation

Policy: SCAN-EDF chooses the earliest deadline If requests with same deadline, then choose

request according to scan direction

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Implementation of SCAN-EDF Notation:

Di be deadline of disk block request ‘i’

Ni be track (block) position on disk

Nmax be maximum number of disk tracks

Deadline Modification: Di + f(Ni)

f(Ni) converts track number of ‘i’ into a small perturbation of deadline

Perturbation small enough so that Di + f(Ni) ≤ Dj + f(Nj) for Di ≤ Dj

Possible f(Ni) = Ni/Nmax

CS 414 - Spring 2011

SCAN EDF Example (Nmax = 100)

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Enhanced SCAN-EDF (1) Use more accurate perturbation of deadline Consider

Actual track position of disk head ‘N’ Nmax – max number of disk tracks

Ni – next track to be considered

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Head Moves Upwards

Enhanced SCAN-EDF (2) Algorithm:

If head moves upwards (towards Nmax), then



CS 414 - Spring 2011

maxmax )(,;





NNNfNNN iiii

Enhanced SCAN-EDF (3) If head moves downwards (towards 1), then



CS 414 - Spring 2011

maxmax )(:;


NNfNNNN iiii



NNNfNNN iiii

Group Sweeping Algorithms

Policy: Each Request consists of (Deadline, Block Number

)Disk Block Requests served in cycles In one cycle, requests divided into groups

according to similar deadlinesWithin group use SCANAs we retrieve blocks, we may need smoothing

buffers to ensure continuity

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Group Sweeping Example

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Mixed Scheduling (uses SSTF – Shortest Seek Time First)

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Example of SSTF

Mixed Scheduling

CS 414 - Spring 2011

SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First) + Balanced Strategy

Admission Control

CS 414 - Spring 2011

Client 1 retrieves K1 blocks in oneround

Client 2 retrievesK2 blocks

Client 3 retrievesK3 blocks

Client 4 retrieves K4 blocks


Admission Control Disk block requests are timed

Media server must determine admit a stream serve (schedule) a stream without having negative effect on

other streams already serviced.

Deterministic Guarantees Admission control considers worst case scenario when admitting

new stream Constrained Disk Placement Example: M - size of blocks, G –

size of gabs, rdt – data transfer of disk

CS 414 - Spring 2011






Admission Control

CS 414 - Spring 2011

)/)((min)( ipl




α – overhead switching from one round (‘j-1’)to another round (j), and then transmitting the first block of the ‘j’ round

β – transmission time of (Ki-1) blocks in ‘j’ round, i=1,..4Ki – number of blocks retrieved by client ‘i’ ηi – Block granularity retrieved for client ‘i’ (e.g., in Bytes)Ri – playback rates of client ‘i’ (e.g., in Bytes per second)

Minimal Intra- Ki blocks delay Cost to switch and move Ki blocks

Admission Control

Statistical GuaranteesDeadlines are guaranteed with certain

probabilityAdmission control considers statistical

behavior of the disk system while admitting new stream (average performance)

Best effort ServiceNo guarantees

CS 414 - Spring 2011


The data placement, scheduling, are very important for any media server design and implementation.

Still need to consider multimedia file system and caching – next lecture

CS 414 - Spring 2011

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