creekstone bulletin - feb. 16, 2014

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Creekstone Bulletin - Feb. 16, 2014





GET CONNECTED Please fill out a Get Connected form and place it in the offering basket after the message. Thanks! !Creekstone Church is on Facebook. Join the Creekstone Facebook page for up to date news feeds and special information. !Check out Creekstone’s website, for comprehensive Creekstone info - !Creekstone teaching is on iTunes. Search “Creekstone Church” and subscribe for free. !TEAM LEADERS McKay Caston, Pastor of Preaching & Leadership !Andy Woznicki, Pastor of Community & Discipleship !Kandi Ledford, Pastoral Ministry Associate !Jesse Turk, Interim Music Team Leader !James Daniel, Technology Team Leader !Graham Sibley, Youth Discipleship Team Leader !Dottie Smorey, Children’s Ministry Team Leader !Jim Keane, Hospitality Team Leader !Colt Dyer, Facilities Team Leader !James Fitts, Usher Team Leader !Larry Charles, Compassion in Action (CIA) Liaison !Jeremy Moore, Campus Outreach Director !

WELCOME! We are so glad that you are part of the Creekstone Sunday gathering today! It is our prayer that you will find Creekstone to be a church family with whom you can connect, grow and serve. We really want our Sundays together to be an environment where folks can come as they are to experience heartfelt, God-centered worship and substantive, yet practical grace-centered teaching in the context of authentic community. So, please fill out a Get Connected form and place it in the offering basket after the message. We’d love to know that you were here! !CREEKSTONE’S MISSION "Creekstone Church exists to glorify God by helping people come alive to the wonder of the Gospel." !CREEKSTONE’S MOTTO "Grace Changes Everything!" !CORE COMMITMENTS ๏ Grace-Driven Teaching

๏ Grace-Shaped Community

๏ Grace-Motivated Ministry

๏ Grace-Activated Outreach

๏ Grace-Inspired Generosity

!For more information concerning our denominational

connections, theological orientation, and other distinctives, please visit !

The Creekstone office is located on the Historic Square at 40-B Public Square South just above the Mass Bay Trading Company. Our mailing address is

PO Box 1234, Dahlonega, GA, 30533. Email:

Phone: (678) 807-9164 !

!! !! Welcome to ˝

Creekstone Church˝“Grace Changes Everything”

“UNFATHOMABLE” How the Vast Dimensions of God’s Love Empower the Visible Expression of Ours • Part 3

Dr. McKay Caston, Pastor of Preaching and Leadership !

TODAY’S KEY BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8a (NIV) 1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. !4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. !THE BIG IDEA: ___________________________________________________________________________. !!MY NOTES:


GET CONNECTED! The Get Connected form in the bulletin is for you to fill out and place in the offering basket after the message. Our offering goes to support the ministry of the gospel locally through Creekstone and Campus Outreach, regionally through our church planting partnerships, and globally thorough the missionary families we support in India and Africa. Your giving is making a difference toward the ripple effect of grace! !SNF RESUMES TONIGHT! The Sunday Night Fellowship, a ministry to college-age students, meets on Sunday nights in the ABC Room on campus from 5:30-6:30 for dinner and study. The topic this semester is “Theology 101.” !WOMEN’S RETREAT This year’s women’s retreat is March 28-30 at Callaway Gardens! To register, just go to, scroll to Women’s Retreat, and click on “register.” !THE WELL The Well, a gathering of middle and high school students, meets on Sunday nights at Dorks Books from 5:30-7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Graham Sibley at !K-GROUPS Creekstone is not an event. We are a community—a family. This is why we have K-Groups, the home fellowship groups that meet on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating in a K-Group, just let us know on the Get Connected form and we’ll help get you connected! !MARRIAGE BY GRACE SEMINAR • SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd Kristy and McKay Caston will be leading a “Marriage by Grace” seminar on Saturday, March 22, from 8:30 a.m. ’til Noon. Interested in attending? Although this is especially designed for engaged couples and young marrieds, anyone wanting to make a bad marriage good, or a good marriage better. Register on the Get Connected form. !CAMPUS OUTREACH Creekstone is an enthusiastic partner with Campus Outreach at UNG. Weekly meetings are Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Campus Director, Jeremy Moore, at !GRACEKIDS! GraceKids is a teaching environment during the morning service that is designed for children ages 3 through 5th grade. Children who wish to participate in GraceKids will be dismissed from the service during the announcements just before the sermon. Parents may pick up their children after the service.

TRY CREEKSTONE’S MOBILE GIVING APP Yes, you can give to the work of the Kingdom through Creekstone using your phone. Just scan the QR code and you will be transferred to our mobile app, Givr, where you can select “Creekstone Church.” You only have to register once to set up an account with Givr, whether you want to give weekly or would prefer to set up a recurring giving account. However you give, please know how much we appreciate your participation in the gospel through financial stewardship at Creekstone! You can download a QR reader at the App Store for iOS or at Google Play for Android.

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