creative writing vocab week 13: more adjectives. week 13? wow! is that the last week? holy cow!

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Creative Writing Vocab

Week 13: More Adjectives.

Week 13? Wow! Is that the last week? Holy cow!

Name the figure!

Get all 13 including this guy: 3pts.

Get 10-12: 2pts.


• This character had a sense of taste that went beyond sensible into the realm of froufrou and garish. The ornamentation and gaudiness of her palaces and balls were ridiculous! So the bourgeoisie revolted and gave her the guillotine.

• Fancy ornamentation; overly fancy and gaudy– Note, this word is actually a noun, though can be

used as an adj.


• This figure is the most rootin’-tootin’, ornery, six-gun packin’ cowboy in all of cartoon history! He may have been cranky, but he sure had a swell mustache.

• Bad tempered and combative; stubborn

renowned• This renowned athlete, much like Sondheim, became the father of modern skiing. He left Austria when he was younger and moved to North Conway to avoid the Nazis. He taught many to ski at Cranmore Mtn.

• Famous, known and talked about by many


• Bruce Willis played David Dunn in the film Unbreakable by this director. In it, he plays a man who cannot be injured. His resilient body allows him to become a superhero in the real world.

• Able to withstand or come back from difficult conditions

sultry• This actress played an intelligent, sultry scientist opposite Sean Connery as they struggled to find a cure for cancer in the sultry Amazon jungle.

• Hot and humid• Attractive in a way to

show passion

wizened• The Maitlins

hovered over the table, old, shriveled and wizened as their ghost spirits weakened. But Beetlejuice, played by this actor, saved the day, sort of.

• Shriveled, as with age


• Although this bear’s armor might be lackluster, his spirit is not. Despite the dull armor, he has strength and force, which might be one reason why Lyra Silvertongue loves him.

• Not shining, dull; or lacking spirit, force, or conviction


• This artist, inventor, and scientist was very cryptic with his studies. He wrote his notes in a mirror image to keep them secretive and coded.

• Having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure; coded or hidden

aloof• Tolkien’s Gandalf is a very genial, friendly wizard; however, the Druids of Terry Brooks, such as this character from The Sword of Shannara, tend to be more aloof. He doesn’t share information, and he’s not nearly as friendly as Gandalf.

• Not friendly or forthcoming; distant


• This actor played this character in the show All in the Family that was a surly, nasty fellow. Despite his racism and unfriendly behaviors, people loved the show.

• Bad tempered and unfriendly

jovial• This character from Nosferatu appears

to be a jovial, friendly fellow with a rotund belly and boisterous giggle, but the realtor is actually Nosferatu’s evil servant!

• Friendly and cheerful


• This character appears to be deficient in her stock of brains. She had insufficient brain cells to realize it wasn’t really the sky that was falling.

• Insufficient or inadequate

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