creating my contents page

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Contents Page – Second Draft

I started creating my magazine front cover by opening

Photoshop. Once I had opened Photoshop I clicked ‘file’ ‘new’. I

then changed the name of the file to ‘Front_Cover’. Next I changed

the size of what I wanted the page to be to international paper

then a4 once I had done this I clicked ‘OK’ I then added the title

‘contents page’ using the same font I had used previously for my front cover. I was happy with the

size of the page so I started by adding the image I wanted to my

contents page.

The image then opened out in a new window so I dragged the image to the A4 page. As the image was too big in comparison to the A4 page by pressing ‘CTRL T’ I was then able to adjust the image size. I then

changed the image size using the arrows in the corner. I was unsure on what I wanted to exactly do with the image so I just placed it in the right hand corner of the A4 Page.

I decided I wanted to get rid of the background in the image and only keep the subject of the image which is the model and motor bike as I didn’t think the background was necessary to have in the image. Using the eraser tool I started to erase the background. By changing the eraser size I was

then able to get into the corners of the motor bike making it more detailed and accurate. By getting rid of the background it made the image look more professional than just having the original image

on my contents page.

I zoomed into the image more so then I was able to erase all of the background going round all of the bike and model more accurately. Once I was happy with the image and all of the background being erased I wanted the image to look like as if the model had just pulled up against the page

making it more effective. I done this by adjusting the image size using CTRL T and rotating the image slightly.

The image looked a bit dull with its original colours so I decided to add an effect to the image. I did this by going to image, adjustments then variations. A new window then opened with all different types of effects that were available. I then decided on

the effect I thought worked best with the image changing the brightness and gradient of the image.

As I had previously used overlaying text for the masthead on the front cover of my magazine and I thought it was effective I decided

to do this for my contents page. I did this by duplicating the contents page layer of text so then the text was the exact same and it was accurate. I then changed the colour of the overlaying text to

red as the colours I want my magazine to be associated with is black, red and white. I then overlaid the red text on top of the

black text, this then gave the text a 3D effect. Once I had done this, I added all the rest of the text to my contents page such as

subheadings, page numbers and the title of each of the articles that are featured in my magazine. I decided to have the page

numbers and subheadings in red and the title of each article in black. All the page numbers were in a straight column down the

side of the page making my contents page look more professional.

Contents Page – Final Draft

From the feedback I had received back they said they liked the main image and title saying ‘contents page’ but I should add more secondary images. So I decided to add more images I had taken on my photo-shoot, I done this

by going to where I had saved the images, opened them and adjusted the size in order so they would fit on the A4 page. I then erased the background of the image only keeping the model as the main subject. I used the same

eraser as I did before zooming into the image so I was able to get rid of the background completely.

I then did the same process for the following three images. Adjusting their size and rotating the images to give it more effect instead of having all the images in the same direction making it

more abstract.

The image looked a bit dull with its original colours so I decided to add an effect to the image. I did this by going to image, adjustments then variations. A new window then opened with all different types of effects that were available. I then decided on the effect I thought worked best with the image changing the brightness and gradient of the image. I decided to go with a black and white effect on the images.

I then added all the page numbers, subheadings and the title of each article duplicating the layers in which I wanted to make it more accurate. Making the page numbers and subheadings in red and the page title for each

article in black to define the different sections.

I then added a black shape for my editors letter, I then adjusted the size and rotated the shape so I was able to add text to a shape. I decided to add an editors letter to the contents page of my magazine as

when researching contents pages in the magazines every one all had an editors letter. Therefore I wanted it to conform a contents page of a magazine.

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