creating context and fostering expository reach in l2 writing: approaches and implications

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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1. Creating contextand fosteringexpository reachin L2 writing:approaches andimplicationsLee ArnoldSeigakuin UniversityJALT LD SIG 2014conferenceCreating Community:Learning Together 2. IntroductionTwo issues among a number in writing pedagogy include creation ofmeaningfulness in writing assignments and extension of writing ability Meaningfulness in such assignments may start by re-imaginingfor what and to whom learners write Such re-imagination may include positioning learner writingbeyond learner-teacher nexus Such positioning may be facilitated by way of creating contextslearners can write to Such contextualization may expand range and depth of learnerwriting 3. Traditional learner writer classatmosphere 4. Creating contextPresentation by Matsuda (2013) showed unique approach in creatingcontext for a typical classroom writing assignment Learners were given task to write about people they admiredsuch as family members or friends Learners were told their writing would be gathered into a bookthat each would contribute a chapter to Such approach merges autonomy with collaboration 5. Creating context Adapted approach to assignment by telling learners their workwould be selected for collection The Small Book of Big People Such collection would be uploaded to teacher-learner blog pagefor learners and others to read Asked learners to write to best effort they could for purpose ofpublication Would show samples of work to be published on blog posts inadvance of page creation 6. Samples: The Small Book of Big PeopleI respect my friend of my high school days.He was greatly honored by the manypeople. He always was serious foreverything. He belonged to soccer cluband practiced very hard. For instance hegot up at 5:00, arrived at our school andran around our school every morning inspite of he have practice after school. Hehad never missed his morning training. IfI am he, probably Im tired of morningtraining because I have to practice afterschool. Then he usually prepared for classafter finish his training. So I think hisschedule was very busy. I couldnt imitatehis daily routine.Then he has a lot of friends because hewas very friendly and gentle. So I respecthim and want to model my life after him.My exceptional person is an office worker in cramschool of my working place. The place name isRinkai seminar. Everyone called her Chansan,but she is Japanese. She looks madam and brown.She was used to secretary. So she is very steady andeveryone relies her on. Of course me too. Manystudents and teachers love her. Though she doesnot get money, she still works overtime becauseshe always thinks about students. If I am same hersituation, I never do it. And she supports me formy dream. For example, she negotiated to get toknow to work part-time in my place where Iwanted to work in the future. After all, I cant workthere, but I deeply appreciated to her.She has four people in her family with herhusband, daughter, and son. She is housewife. Herdaughter was good basketball manager. She guidedan interscholastic athletic meet for basketballplayer. Therefore many offers came to her from thecompany. Chansans son is good basketball player.He participated in an international athletic meet. Ithink that after all it is her power that was broughtup by such children. I want to become a wonderfulperson being like her sometime. 7. Samples: The Small Book of Big PeopleI esteem Haruki Murakami for his writing ability.For example, he writes the books that are composedof a unique statement and metaphor. They attractreaders. When I read his books for the first time, Iwas also attracted to them. Norwegian Wood wasespecially attracted me in the book written by him.This book made me a little sad and caused a strangefeeling. I want to be a novelist. I want to imitate hiswriting ability and be a novelist like him.I do not have a person now that I respect,but in the future I want to be be a personthat many people respect.I have a dream that nobody has. Mydream is to be someone that can changesomething in this world, this world withmany problems and many dirty things,and many selfish people, but with manymore things that are very beautiful.I dont know how to be a great personthat is capable of changing the world, butI came to this university to search that, tosearch how to evolve.So now, I am not a person that can be inthis book, but in ten or twenty years Ihope to be one of the big people.I respect Taylor Swift who is singer in America. She has blondhair, blue eyes, red rouge lip, and cute. Her songs are pop, ballad,and they cheer up me when I felt down. She writes songs herselfand based on her experience. For example, We Are NeverGetting Back Together is one of her big songs. It has a brightand poppy melody! The song is popular with young people. WhenI listen to this song, it gives me energy. Another one is I KnewYou Were Trouble. The song is gloomy and with painful lyrics.There is a meaning that unexpected things happened andheartbreaking. When I feel down and listen to these songs, I amencouraged. Especially, these songs are my favorite songs! I wanther to be known by a lot of people, because she isnt well knownby older. So I hope that every generation loves her. 8. Expository reachArea of capability learners extend their writing into beyond where theymay previously have writtenTeachers can help learners toward such reach by: Devising simple but engaging writing activities Making contextualization central to assignments Encouraging creativity with learner latent vocabulary andemotional response at center 9. Expository reach and contextConference presentation by Milne (2012) on learner writer explorationof feeling and vocabulary from ambient music inspired contextualizedwriting project titled Words on MusicCreated similar activity with photography contextualized into separateproject collection called Places & Traces assigned learners to write stories for each project from fourpieces of instrumental music and four photographs told learners both projects would be published as blog pagecollections 10. Samples: Words on MusicIn a certain house, thief comes up. Thethief gets closer to the room on histiptoes. When he goes into the room,there is a girl. She is a cute and beautifulgirl, and fall asleep. The man falls inlove with her at first sight. For a while,she wakes up and surprises him. And heforgets an original purpose and kidnapsher.There is a girl who goes on anadventure. She is going to be ina very good mood, but she hearda strange noise. She was lonely.Just then, the figure ofgrandfather emerged in front ofa girl, and he introduced hishouse near here. This housewere five dwarfs, they welcometo her. For example, they playedthe music, and cooking. But,after a short time, she missedhis mother, and she was cried. Itcant be helped, they gave her anight, and she was escaped bythem next day.An explorer searches for a treasure. A treasuresleeps in the grave. He devotes his life to it. Hefined a clue of treasure. He went to Egypt. Thenhe solves cipher of treasure. He fined treasure atlast. It is beautiful nature. There are manyanimal and fruit. And many animals are anendangered species. Though the treasure wasnot treasures, he feels very much. 11. Samples: Words on MusicThis song is like a feeling of a young mothergoing somewhere to abandon her children, shedoes not have money to feed her children, soshe will abandon her children in front of ahouse that looks like with a rich family inside,with a family richer than her, so probably thechildren will have a better life. For me this songdemonstrate the unstable feelings and thoughtsthat she had when she go to abandon herchildren. At the beginning she feel that she isdoing the right thing, with her act her childrenwill be more happier in other family maybe herchildren can achieve something great! But inthe way to the place she get regretful, she thinkabout her living with her children, with manyproblems that her children causes but whichmakes her happy.Once upon a time, there was the princess. Theprincess learned piano for a long time. So shepracticed it. But one time, she was interestedin one person. She saw him through thewindow. But she didnt meet him and talk withhim. So she did not know him very well. Andhe did not know her at all. But she fell in love.After a while, her dad introduced her to theperson who dad wants her to marry with. Shedid not decide to her destiny. Because herparents right was strong. And she has everstood. But this time is special for her. So shedecided to run away from her house in hermind. She played the piano in her house atlast. She remembered her life. Sometimes, shedid not want leave with her parents. But sheran away from her house. 12. Samples: Places & TracesThe sea water is the bright incomparable sky-blue. Its abeautiful day for the beach. Crowds are heading to the oceanshore. Beach towel dot the sand with color. Plastic bucketsand balls roll round in the breeze. You can swim, you canwade or just rest. There are lots of things to do. It seems thatpeople bring all the activities to the beach. But the sandyshore is a busy place even without tourists.Look! There is an abandoned pirate ship on the sandy shore.Do you want to know more about the abandoned ship? Letme tell you.Long long ago, a young man became a pirate after he ranaway from home and joined the crew on a privateering ship.One day, he dreamt there be treasure on the sandy shore. Sothe next day he began to dig. He dug until the hole was deepand the dirt pile was high. He kept digging and sighed Imtired, I cant dig anymore. Then he spied something. But heonly found a pirate ship. He was quite disappointed. Whenhe wanted to give up his friend told him lets get in the ship,maybe the treasure is buried in it. Finally, they got a smallbox and a little treasure. They took the treasure away but leftthe abandoned pirate ship on the sandy shore. Now, we cansee it on picture. 13. Samples: Places & TracesIn the ancient age, there was a man who worked in the sea and hebrought his passengers from Italy to Israel. His name was Michael.He looked so tough but he had great kindness in his heart. Hisbrown eyes were full of love and many people liked his gentlesmile. He was poor but he was happy because all the man aroundhim loved him and God he believed so much loved him, too.One day, when he was waiting for his passenger in Italy, a beautifulwoman came and asked, Would you bring me to Israel? I have togo. She had long blond hair with a glossy sheen, her blue eyeswere so fascinating and her thick lips were attractive. She was welldresses in red and it made her more and more wonderful. As soonas Michael looked at the woman, he fell in love with her. Then, hesaid to God, I love you and my heart must not be changed in thefuture, but I come to love another now. Do not get angry and let memarry to her with your power.Eight months later, there was Michael with the smiling womandressed in pure white in the restaurant near the sea. Michaelsfather got drunk because of red wine and his wife enjoyed talkingwith the mother of Michaels new wife. Michaels wish came truebecause of the special power and love of God. He and his new wifewere happier. God was also happier and thought how nice thismoment was.But the happiest time for the two and God was not long. It was fouryears later that his wife came down with an illness. She had a feverand she felt thirsty all the time. As time passed, her condition waspaler and paler. Her beautiful face was full of pain and with tears inher big blue eyes. Michael did not sleep well at night because hethought that his wife might die during his sleeping. He has lost hisweight and become thinner and thinner and his eyes lost vitality.Everyone around him could not see his gentle smile they lovedanymore. () 14. Analysis Contextualization of writing assignments may have increasedlearner expository reach Music and imagery may also have opened up greater descriptiveand imaginative area for learners Role of blog supports Dieus (2004) work on blogs to promotelearner ability to evaluate and reflect on writing assignments Blog publication may also endorse Sollars (2007) assertion thatblogs can serve as platforms for creating writer community 15. Conclusion Simple yet contextualized activities can bring forth imaginativeand expressive learner writing Learner expository reach may be enhanced through suchactivities Incentives for publication may also play role in bolstering suchreach Blog-publishing writing may be inexpensive way to create senseof peer writer readership 16. Thank you for listening! 17. ReferencesDieu, B. (2004). Blogs for language learning. Essential Teacher, 1(4), 26-30.Matsuda, P. (2013). Teaching writing in context. Paper presented at TokyoJALT, Tokyo, Japan.Milne, A. (2012). Music as a means of building vocabulary and compositionskills. Paper presented at JALT 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.Sollars, V. (2007). Writing experiences in a second/foreign language classroom:from theory to practice. In M. Camilleri, P. Ford,, H. Leja & V. Sollars (Eds.),Blogs: web journal in language education, 15-24. Strasbourg: Council ofEurope. 18. DisclaimerI do not own the rightsto the samples of musicor images uploaded inthis presentation. Theyhave been includedsolely for educationalpurposes.

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