cover to obama draft

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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This is the draft cover to the book Government Corruption and Educational Fraud: The Toxic Legacy of the Obama AdministrationIt takes the many communications to Obama and his inter circle and reminds him that repeatedly Randy and his family went to him for help and asking the government to not abuse the family. Obama and the government ignored it all and continued the abuse causing life long problems. Protecting political insiders is more important than upholding the law.


Randy Chapel PO Box 711419 Mt. View, Hawaii 96771 November xx, 2015 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, April 28, 2008 Letter to Senator Barack Obama: I would like to request that the Spellings administration be reminded of their duties and to provide to me the requested materials I have requested since February regarding the concluded investigation upon the national and regional accreditation agencies, and to contact the school to endeavor to obtain the materials I have repeatedly requested for over two years as provided under the law. (A128) April 4, 2011 Letter to President Obama, Eric Holder: However, I have reached my limit at this point. I have now lost everything as a result of the corrupt actions by Western Seminary, ATS and NWCCU, three insurance companies and the ongoing negligence of duty and malfeasance by the former USDE administration. The evidences overwhelmingly demonstrate that the Spellings administration covered for the school and accreditors (ATS and NWCCU) and the Departments own negligent and malfeasant actions while using taxpayer money. I have lost my house, my possessions and my wife is divorcing me and I will not be able to see my only childmy sonas a result. My wife made clear in her UK court filings that she is taking this step as a direct result of my case. Last summer I nearly committed suicide. I really cannot deal with this much longer.Mr. President, you called for a spirit of cooperation and openness to prevail. I previously extended understanding toward Secretary Duncan and the Department with regard to producing the materials I seek via the FOIAmaterials we already know existdespite the unpleasantness contained in those documents. I prefer to note the agencys successful transparency and the rule of law. I prefer to note xv the Departments exhaustive introspection regarding problems created by Margaret Spellings political choices that negatively impacted higher education and my life. I need Secretary Duncan, as a reformer and the top education administrator in the nation, to make changes that prevent this sort of thing from ever happening again to any student or family.I am prepared to engage in a constructive conversation and reasonable solutions, but I will need the materials I am seeking by way of my FOIA request to do this.Mr. President, I know you have many very important national affairs to conduct on behalf of the welfare of this great nation. Will you please mention to your friend Secretary Duncan (when it is convenient) that I really need my FOIA request to be completed very soon (see Mr. Holders memo section: Working Proactively and Promptly), so I can file my last remaining documents with the agency for my pursuit of justice on behalf of all students and their families? (A127) May 31, 2011 Letter to President Obama, Eric Holder: We are damaged. Our son, Randy Chapel, has now lost everything as a result of the corrupt actions of Western Seminary, ATS and NWCCU, three insurance companies, their attorneys, the arbitrator who ignored state and federal laws over Western, and the ongoing negligence and malfeasance by the former USDE administration. The USDE could have prevented the continued destruction on May 8, 2008when Asst. Secretary Diane Auer Jones cited ATS and NWCCU for 34 CFR 602.20 and 602.23. But she stopped short of total accountability by omitting the 34 CFR 602.22 noncompliance that Mr. Mula stated was already determined on January 2, 2008, The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates the Spellings administration covered for the school and ATS and NWCCU. Randy lost his house, his possessions, and his wife is divorcing him and he will not be able to see his only childour grandsonas a result. His wife made it clear in her UK divorce filings that she is taking this step as a direct result of the lawsuit whereby Randy was set up for more retaliation via FERPA violations, conflicts of interest, and USDE ongoing negligence of duty. I will be 61-years-old this year and Carol will be 71 in August. We used up our life savings and took loans out on our house to help our son against ten years of abuse by Western against Randy. Carol witnessed Randy degrade after the USDE refused to reply to Carol and Randys pleas for help about Westerns FERPA violations. Carol experienced deep emotional despair and frequent nightmares last summer after Randy disappeared intending to commit suicide. Randy complains of nightly nightmares and depression. When Randy returned last fall, we worked diligently to help him get back on his feet to confront the Department and its failures.Mr. President, you called for a spirit of cooperation and openness to prevail. We (Carol, Randy, and I) are prepared to engage in a constructive administrative conversation to find reasonable solutions to these problems, but we will need the materials we are seeking by way of our FOIA requests to do it. We ask that our FOIA requests also be searched under the Privacy Act and under the intent of both Memos for FOIA transparency. We are aware that dis- coverable materials for administrative claims should be released, and our requests under FOIA should be processed on that basis. Please see McClellan Ecological Seepage Situation v. Garlucci, 835 F.2d 1282 (9th Cir. 1987) (re- quests under FOIA for information to be utilized in a tort claim cannot be denied on the basis that there is a com- mercial interest). Hernandez v. U.S., 1998 WL 230200 (E.D. La.) (both USPS accident report and USPS driver's personnel file (Privacy Act) must be released).Mr. President, we know you have many very important national affairs to conduct on behalf of the welfare of this great nation. Will you please mention to your friend Secretary Duncan (when it is convenient) that we really need our FOIA requests to be completed very soon (see Mr. Holders MEMO section: Working Proactively and Promptly), so Carol can file her last remaining documents with the Department for our pursuit of justice on behalf of all students and their families? (A126) September 1, 2011 Letter to President Obama, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Phil Rosenfelt, Kathleen Tighe and (James A. Scharf): This has cost me everything I have and everyone close to me. I have been stripped to nothing so that the cover up by the Republican Margret Spellings administration, ATS, NWCCU and Western Seminary can continue. The White House knows about the damage inflicted upon me by the negligence of duty described in the Federal Torts Claims Act documents you received from me in July. Today my wife divorced me as a result of the ongoing delays, fraud, and outcomes caused by the governments negligence of duty about which my government refuses to turn over FOIA records. I was told I will not see my 2 12 year old son, my only child, until he is an adult. I cant fathom the depth of your love for your two daughters, but you xvii surely must understand what it means to be cut off from your child or to not have a father. My wife divorced me because I have been fighting for my civil rights that I have been repeatedly denied since 2002. The public has a right to know who or what is influencing its government concerning this corruption that has had such an impact on human life. Open Records and Freedom of Information laws are critical to ensuring a transparent and accountable government, yet it is the entrenched and dysfunctional employees at the U.S. Department of Education that want these records kept covered up. Taxpayers deserve to know how their hard- earned tax dollars are spent. The public deserves to have transparent and accountable leaders and an explanation with the records sought as to why public money is being used to cover up for a pastor who molested a girl, Section 504 fraud, FERPA violations, and academic fraud, and so on all in the name of earning an education. These ongoing tortuous acts against my life need to stop and I am asking you that this request be upheld. It is not reasonable that any American go through what I have and I really would like this to end. (A124) September 14, 2011 Letter to President Obama, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Phil Rosenfelt, Kathleen Tighe and James A. Scharf: Instead, I have lost everything now. I have lost my house, my land and everything else. My wife has divorced me because of the time, effort and cost all of this has taken. She has informed me that I will not see my two-and-a-half-year-old son until he is an adult. She and her family are beyond pissed. My family is beyond pissed. The USDOE, with ATS, NWCCU and Western Seminary have destroyed every aspect of my life and future. I will not live the governments lies that are being forced on me. I was not put on this earth to live this lie. The USDOE made this personal and the USDOE is forcing this to end in tragedy. Our nation has a right to know what the Republican Margret Spellings administration did and will do to favor special interest groups against a student, a whistleblower and his family, and the length they will go to screw anyone who stands up against it.You want time? Beg my wife to reconsider divorcing me and to not withhold my son from me due to lawsuits defending my inalienable right to life, liberty, and my pursuit of happiness, and please call my little son and explain why his government is withholding records that demonstrate government fraud that harmed and destroyed his family:+4401733358431 The continued failure of the USDOE to produce records as required under the FOIA will be seen unfavorably by the public and the Court against the USDOE and other government officials who know that the USDOE is willfully withholding records in order to cover up negligence of duty and malfeasance that damaged me and my family. The failure of the USDOE to produce records is an undeniable fact. Several of the FOIA requests can never be produced, because records that justify the USDOE, ATS, and NWCCU do not exist, which is an undeniable fact that will be highly unfavorable against the USDOE. Those facts will be construed by the public, by the Court, and by the media as a deliberate and willful cover up against the public welfare, since those willful acts to damage us required forethought against my family and meand against We the People;Respectfully, I cannot agree to an additional thirty-day extension, and it is reasonable to conclude that no one in my position would entertain it at this point. The USDOE provided Western Seminary full rein to screw me over and Western did exactly thatcontrary to state and federal laws, against accreditation standards, and against its own Articles of Incorporation and against its school policies and its so xix called religion.This tortuous period of my life needs to stop. The government needs to find some other American to screw over. (A120) April 2, 2012 Letter to President Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Robert Mueller, Melinda Haag, Robin C. Ashton, Laurie O. Robinson, Robert L. Listenbee, Catherine Connell McSherry: We are tired of being bullied, harassed and threatened for standing up for our civil rights, for our refusal to go along with corporate and educational fraud perpetrated against us that was designed to cover up criminal activities, insurance fraud, money laundering, and government fraud.My son has lost everything for standing up and refusing to go along with others. He has lost his home, his land, and his things. He is divorced because his British wife did not understand an Americans compelling sense to fight for his civil rightshis life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. He has not seen his American son since Nov, 2010, because his British wife is withholding little Joel from our son, in spite of the requests by the U.S. Embassy in London for her to reestablish communications between my son and Joel.We refuse to be part of the cover up the government condoned and has perpetuated by withholding records from us after they rubber stamped accreditation agencies who condoned the original cover up that Western Seminary demanded. (A123) April 2, 2012 Letter to President Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Robert Mueller, Melinda Haag, Robin C. Ashton, Laurie O. Robinson, Robert L. Listenbee, Catherine Connell McSherry: My complaint about the misconduct by Assistant United States Attorney, James A. Scharf relates to my FOIA requests that underscore fraud, academic fraud, negligence and abuse during the Spellings administration that is now in full cover up mode by the U.S. Department of Education by your friend, Arne Duncan. I know it is embarrassing to learn and have evidence that Spellings conducted her administration poorly and was motivated to cover up her failures.This needs to end Mr. President. This needs to be resolved, and I need your help for a resolution that does not require us to just move on, or continue to force us to tolerate multiple fronts of fraud. I should not be paying taxes for Mr. Scharfs salary to bully and emotionally abuse me and my family for seeking FOIA records. In fact, I should never have to file a tort case. Randy has spent one-fourth of his life dealing with the immoral and unethical demands by Western Seminary, ATS and NWCCUand the USDOEin which they sought to entangle Randy and me. He is not well his mind is harmed, and he suffers from clinical depression and PTSD. I fear this is going to end tragically. If this ends in tragedy, then it will be linked to you, Eric Holder, and Arne Duncan, for defaulting your responsibilities.PLEASE correct the government corruption that condoned unlawfulness by Western, ATS, and NWCCU. Please show America that what Western Seminary has done does not represent the kind of American values we hold dear. Please keep your word. (A084) April 2, 2012 Letter to President Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Robert Mueller, Melinda Haag, Robin C. Ashton, Laurie O. Robinson, Robert L. Listenbee, Catherine Connell McSherry: Thus, I am writing to ask for your help, Secretary Clinton. Your diplomatic skills, along with those of President Obama and Congress made a world of difference in other circumstances of parental alienation such as for the American father, David Goldman, of New Jersey, and his 9-year-old son, Sean Goldman, who was held and alienated from his father. ( is completely understandable that the Allisters dont understand America, much less Americas government, but it doesnt excuse them of actions to alienate Joel from Randy and alienate Randy from Joel. They have used to their advantage the Western fraud that the government supports to the governments advantagethus, the U.S. Attorney, James Scharf, told me its time he [Randy] moves on. It would be hard to find any community in America what condones the actions and beliefs of Western (or Mr. Scharf), and it is likely equally hard to find a community in England that would condone such unconscionable acts and beliefs as well. However, because the government wants to cover up its own negligence, the failures by the Spellings administration to correctly oversee accreditation agencies, our government has dumped this whole mess on Randy and destroyed his life, his marriage and his father-son relationship regardless of the governments accountability. These are not American values we can be proud ofand I am not pleased, and I am sure many in America and xxi England will be equally displeased.Randy has lost everything in his life. His house; his things; his land; everything. What Randy has suffered and is dealing with is unbelievable and surreal. He doesnt have money to hire an attorney, which allowed the Allisters to manipulate the Court with misrepresentations. If it was not for the recent action by the U.S. Embassy, continued obstruction and no knowledge by Randy (and us) about Joel would have occurred. Can you please help American grandparents who desire to know and communicate with their grandson, and an American daddy who desires to communicate with his beloved son? (A083) April 2, 2012 Letter to President Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Robert Mueller, Melinda Haag, Robin C. Ashton, Laurie O. Robinson, Robert L. Listenbee, Catherine Connell McSherry: I am a woman, a mother, and a grandmother. I am not chained to the sink, barefooted, illiterate, or need a man to do my thinking for me. Before Mr. Scharf was born, I had successfully graduated from college while I was married with three children. I paid my own college tuition with money I had worked for myself. I bought my own car and I earned two lifetime teaching credentials. I am now nearly 72-years-old, a retired teacher, and if necessary I just might beat Mr. Scharf in an arm wrestling contest due to chopping my own wood since 1977. I have been dealing with this case for the last eleven years, and my son has been dealing with this case for one-fourth of his life. Since 2010, I have experienced intense emotional anguish concerning the potential that my son might fatally perish as a result of the governments corruption and ongoing cover up rather than accountably coming clean about its negligence of duty. Ive had horrifying nightmares about the destruction perpetrated by Department employees cooperating with accreditors whose goals are to force my son and me to accept their unconscionable and unlawful acts to help Western Seminary conceal fraud and a child molester as the only way my son could finish his education. The record is very clear regarding the emotional damage and trauma Randy has suffered, while Dale and I have extending ourselves out completely in order to deal with the current issues and to keep Randy afloat. This has taken my savings. Dale has no savings and we are defending justice only on our small retirement, because we are not going to accept the Obama administration robbing us of our civil liberties. I feel helpless and angry due to being treated this way. I feel angry that my family is being treated this way by the government, not only by Mr. Scharf, but that government leaders would rather bear their teeth at me, an old lady victim, rather than hold government, accreditation, and school people responsible for their unlawful actions. Ultimately, this is going to end badly. Destroying someones life leaves people depressed and suicidal. That is what Western did, that is what ATS did to help its member school (Western Seminary), and that is what the government has done with taxpayer money. I fear Randy wont make it and this mega-corruption will cost his life. He has nothing to live for. Based upon the malice conducted against me by U.S. Attorney, James Scharf, I expect that this may be intended by the government to end tragically rather than doing whats right and enforcing federal regulations which is also linked to Western, ATS, and NWCCU. People can only be pushed so far. Randys damages are immense. Randy has nowhere to move on to, and corrupt government acts working to divide us were a very bad choice. I respectfully request appropriate disciplinary action be taken concerning Mr. Scharf who abused me. I request intervention by the Office of Professional Responsibility in order to prevent additional abuse against me (and my son and family) in the future by Mr. Scharf. Because if this continues, most of all against a mentally and emotionally shattered and beat up person like Randy, I will not be responsible for what happens. Thank you in advance for your attention to the urgency of my request due to my age, due to my sons condition, and due to the necessity for Mr. Scharf as a paid government employee to conduct himself in a lawfully professional manner toward me and my family. The Obama administration needs to find some other family to abuse. (A103) July 2, 2012 Letter to President Obama, Robert Mueller: No student and their family should have to endure the corruption being forced on me, my son Joel, my ex-wife Susan and her family the Lord Bishop Donald Allister, Janice Allister, MD., John and Rosie, my parents Carol and Dale and my extended family. This lawsuit, while seeking damages regarding what we have endured, also aims to provide a citable case for the welfare of the People. (A125) May 13, 2013 xxiii Letter to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Robert Mueller, Melinda Haag, Robin C. Ashton, Laurie O. Robinson, Robert L. Listenbee, Catherine Connell McSherry: Your administration, and specifically, Eric Holder and Arne Duncan, could have at any time enforced government regulations against ATS, NWCCU, and Western Seminary, but they and their staff outrageously refused. Instead, your administration chose to cover up educational fraud by ATS, NWCCU, and Western Seminary that Margaret Spellings condoned in 2008 and fight me and my parents in a no holds barred fight with public money.By not enforcing laws that protect students like me, your administration destroyed my life, and damaged people in my life who I love (my son Joel, my now ex-wife Susan Allister, my parents and extended family and the parents of my ex-wife Donald Allister, Bishop of Peterborough, his wife Janice and their extended family). The Allisters are not even Americans, yet your administration used public money to damage all of our lives so that no one would find out about the outrageous government corruption and educational fraud under Spellings. Obviously, the Allisters dont want to be involved with anyone who the government has spent hundreds of thousands, if not a million dollars or so demonizing because it must be true if the government will go to the length it has against Randy!What did we dome, my family, Susan and her familyto deserve to be treated this way?What did we do to justify your administration doing what it has done and continues to do?What did my four-year-old son Joel do to deserve to be treated this way by his American governmentfor his entire life and future to be treated as acceptable collateral damage in order to cover up government corruption and educational fraud?I have lost everything in my life: my house, my land, my education, my future, my family--everything and everyone dear to me, because your administrations priority was to cover up government corruption and educational fraud by false and misleading statements, while psychologically torturing and emotionally water boarding me to the point of irreparable harm.With all due respect Mr. President, when will this reach the outrageous level? Because I really would be interested to know. Your administrations handling of this case has completely destroyed my life, and significantly damaged the lives of others.How many lives must be damaged by your administrations acts to cover up government corruption and educational fraud? (A006) November 12, 2014 Letter to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Robin C. Ashton, Laurie O. Robinson, Robert L. Listenbee, Catherine Connell McSherry and every U.S Attorney in each district of America (except Guam & Puerto Rico): Your Administration knew or had the information to know, including you Mr. President, including you; that what Margaret Spellings had done had no legal support, let alone the actions of ATS, NWCCU and Western Seminary. The U.S. Constitution, Congress, and State of California have never empowered either accreditation agencies (20 US Code 1099b) or schools to trump the U.S. Constitution or a state constitution, federal or state laws, or decisional cases.Your administration used public money to defend and cover up the corruption and fraud of the Religious, because their dishonesty intersected with the governments need and priority to cover up government corruption and failures within the Department of Education.Your administration has violated my civil rights at every turn, covered up or destroyed material so that it cannot be uncovered, threaten people, misled the public and the courts, used public money to bully and beat me up, financially breaking my family while using public money, used and manipulated Susan and treated Joel as a pawn, among many more things.Because I would not capitulate to the government corruption and educational fraud, your Administration embarked on a path, which retaliated against my family and me using deception, and force, thus causing irreparable damage. It is one thing for your Administration to go out of its way to demonize me and destroy my life, but it is another to take it out against my wife and our son. What your Administration has done is wicked and incredibly fucked up, Barack. The ultimate dick move done on a family to my wife and our child.Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Martin Luther King, Jr. xxv What could my family and me have done to deserve such malevolence by the United States of America and your Administration? The destruction of my family and me is your legacy before the nation, not Transparency and the Rule of Law will be the Touchstones of this Presidency.As Eric Holder is responsible for the governments litigation strategy (28 U.S.C. 516, 519), which eviscerated my family, my life and my liberties, you, as President are responsible for those under you. You are ultimately responsible for allowing and covering for the Religious to commit unspeakable evil against my family, me and others.No God condones this terror. No grievance justifies these actions. There can be no reasoning, no negotiation, with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this, is the language of force President Barack Obama regarding religiously motivated fanatics - ISIS on Sept 24, 2014.As the evidence demonstrates in this document, I have every right to seek justified retaliation against these religious terrorists. Not a single school of the other 259 ATS schools, not a single instructor from any of those schools has spoken up against what Western Seminary et al, Daniel Aleshire and Jeremiah McCarthy have been doing. We are not simply fighting religiously motivated fanatics in the Middle East, the fight is here in America with the Religious these right-wing extremists, who see themselves above the law in every way, who demand to be treated differently because they claim superior morality or religious exception. These people are not godly and there is no way that any true god, if such actually existed, would condone what they are doing. They dont represent good-natured people, that fill our places of worship, that seek to do good in their communities. The Religious I have fought, they are of the darkest evil mankind can muster and you and your Administration protected them with the publics money because their corruption intersected with the governments malevolence. (A121) April 12, 2015 Letter to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Sally Yates, Leslie Caldwell, Arne Duncan, Loretta Lynch, Robin C. Ashton, Laurie O. Robinson, Robert L. Listenbee, Catherine Connell McSherry, Ron Taylor, Steve Korch, Gary Tuck, Bert Downs, Randal Roberts, Rob Wiggins, Sanda Elman, M. James Sawyer, Daniel Aleshire, Dale Wilson, Carol Nye-Wilson: You got what you wanted - Catastrophic Personal Injury And for those who claim to be "Christian", there is nothing about Christianity in what you have done, or continue to do. You have completely destroyed everything in my life and everything I will ever be.I have spent basically a 1/3 of my life being screwed over by Western Seminary and 10 years of my life being screwed over by the United States of America / Obama Administration (6 + years). All of you, have done everything possible you could, to eviscerate my life, while promoting false and misleading statements, that you knew at the time they were being made were false, misleading and had no evidence to back it up and no law to support. The record is clear, the history of this case betrays these facts.Say what you want, many people now have the facts and evidences and just because you ignore or promote false and misleading statements, doesn't mean that the facts and evidences go away or don't exist. .... it is not like you can just erase them away as some people do to cover what they have done ..... Because of what you all have done, I will spend the rest of my life being screwed over time and time again over this.I am 48 years old.I have no interest spending the rest of my life, being America's bitch or living out your insane need to screw my family and me over. I have stated, and I will reiterate it here, I have every right to seek justified retaliation for what you have done to my life and family.I want to assure all of you reading this -- including you Mr. President, Sally Yates, Leslie Caldwell, Loretta Lynch, that those involved at Western Seminary will pay a significant price for what they have done, what they continue to do and for what they did with the help of others to destroy my family and life at all costs, while manipulating 3rd parties to conduct as much evil as they possibly could against us. (A129) Mr. President, what is America to infer about this disastrously mishandled situation by your Administration? Exactly why is it so important to beat the crap out of a student and his family, his mother in her 70s and his 100% disabled and retired army officer father for refusing to go along with government corruption and educational fraud purposely aimed to cover for political insiders and the reprobate Religious leaders in America?Like when does it make sense to use and instruct a gaggle of government attorneys to obstruct justice and abuse power consuming public money while in public office, all the while vilifying a person to the point of xxvii destroying his life, future and family for not going along with the racketeering scam? No matter how hard the Religious and the political insiders have tried, the public is going to find out what was done to my family and me.United States v. Smith, 776 F.2d 1104, 1114 (3d Cir. 1985) ([T]he public has a substantial interest in the integrity or lack of integrity of those who serve them in public office.). I am simply going to take matters into my own hands. Sincerely, /s/ Randy

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