courses taught in english -

Post on 07-Nov-2021






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Summer Semester 2021



Summer Semester 2021

Referat Internationale Angelegenheiten

Ludwigstraße 27, G007 80539 München



Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................................................2

General Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................3

Catholic Theology .................................................................................................................................................................5

Protestant Theology .............................................................................................................................................................5


Business Administration .......................................................................................................................................................6

Economics .............................................................................................................................................................................8

Medicine .............................................................................................................................................................................10

Veterinary Medicine ...........................................................................................................................................................11

History and the Arts............................................................................................................................................................11

Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies ..................................................................................................12

Psychology and Educational Sciences.................................................................................................................................14

Cultural Sciences.................................................................................................................................................................15

Languages and Literature Studies.......................................................................................................................................16

Social Sciences ....................................................................................................................................................................22

Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics .................................................................................................................24


Chemistry and Pharmacy....................................................................................................................................................30

Biology ................................................................................................................................................................................32

Geosciences ........................................................................................................................................................................38

Language Courses (other than German).............................................................................................................................41




About the Course Catalogue

This compilation of courses taught in English is not a structured programme. It simply lists individual courses held in English in the various departments.

This list of courses is only meant to inform you about the language in each course. It is NOT a list of courses generally open to Erasmus/exchange students.

The list should give you an idea about the availability of courses taught in English in the department(s) of your choice in a particular semester. There is no guarantee that the courses listed on the following pages, or similar ones, will be available in the next academic year.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the information presented here. If you are interested in a particular course, we recommend that you follow the link to the website of the course for more detailed information.

In order to participate in the courses, you need a sound knowledge of English. English language training is not available at LMU as part of the academic curriculum.

When you put together your study plan, please remember: 1) Individual courses may have particular prerequisites that you must meet, the number of participants

may be limited, registration for the course may follow a special schedule. 2) Courses are offered in the winter or the summer semester, but usually not in both. 3) Course times can overlap. 4) Courses offered at the Master level are not available for students at the Bachelor level.

Types of Courses

Lecture (Vorlesung): Attendance usually not controlled. Active student participation not required. Compulsory lectures are usually followed by a written examination.

Basic Course (Grundkurs/Basiskurs/Einführungsveranstaltung) / Basic Seminar (Proseminar): Introductory course. May be divided into lectures and exercises, which are indicated separately.

Block Course / Compact Course (Blockseminar): Basic Course that does not take place on a weekly basis, but en bloc (usually several days in a row).

Exercise/Section (Übung): May accompany lecture work or denote a special course type above the level of a Basic Course.

Practical (Praktikum): Field work and/or practical training (may be recorded on collective certificate)

Advanced Seminar (Hauptseminar / Fortgeschrittenenseminar): Emphasizes independent academic work

Advanced Seminar for Degree Candidates (Oberseminar): Taken in preparation for thesis work and final examination

Examination Review Course (Repetitorium): For law students, intensive examination preparation course

Colloquium (Kolloquium): Discussion course

Tutorial (Tutorium): Course intensification or examination review course

Excursion (Exkursion): Field trip



Organizing Your Plan of Study

If you are interested in a particular course, press the Ctrl key and click on the course title. A new window with course details will open (in German). If you prefer the English version, please click on the link “english version” on the top /right. You may also acces the course list through this link:

„Responsible Instructor“ is the lecturer of the course. You will find his/her contact details

by clicking on the name. You may contact the lecturer and ask for course details and the

availability of the courseor a similar one during your planned stay at LMU.

„Graduation“ is the degree (Bachelor, Master),

„Curricula“ is the programme in which the course is

taught (e.g. Philosophy)




More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

No courses available in English.


This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

No courses available in English.


This department provides specific information for exchange students: (in German).

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Lect.-No. Lecture Type

03024 International commercial and investment treaty arbitration - 1.0 SWS lecture




This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

04211 Behavioral Risk Management and Insurance - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04079 Behavioral Risk Management and Insurance - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04004 Building Theory for Innovation & Strategy Research - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

Business Simulation - 2.0 SWS seminar

04040 Business Taxation and Financial Decisions - 2.0 SWS lecture

04039 Business Taxation and Financial Decisions - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Business Taxation and Financial Decisions - 2.0 SWS exam

CAMS Forschungsseminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

04205 Colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

04019 Competition & Strategy - 2.0 SWS lecture

04030 Consumer Insights - 2.0 SWS lecture

04024 Corporate Finance - 2.0 SWS lecture

04025 Corporate Finance - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Country Reputation Management seminar

04085 Executive Leadership - Styles and Personalities - 4.0 SWS seminar

Finance und Banking - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04055 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation - Nachholklausur - 4.0 SWS exam

04072 Human Resource Management - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04035 Human Resource Management Basics - 2.0 SWS lecture

04036 Human Resource Management Basics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04054 International Accounting - 2.0 SWS lecture

04053 International Accounting - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04021 International Management - 2.0 SWS lecture

04075 Leadership and Organization - 4.0 SWS seminar

04028 Management and Economics of Platforms - 4.0 SWS lecture

04122 Market Research Übung - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Munich Finance Day - 1.0 SWS seminar

Municorn Talks - 2.0 SWS talk

04037 Organization and Innovation - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04038 Organization and Innovation - 2.0 SWS lecture

04020 People and Organizations - 2.0 SWS lecture

04056 Seminar Asian Business Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

04062 Staffing - Recruitment and Selection - 2.0 SWS seminar

04202 Starting Up - From Ideas to Successful Business (A) - 2.0 SWS seminar

04203 Starting Up - From Ideas to Successful Business (B) - 2.0 SWS seminar

04031 Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases - 2.0 SWS lecture

04032 Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04029 Technology & Strategy - 4.0 SWS lecture & excercise course

04080 The management of projects - Making it work! - 4.0 SWS seminar

Topics in Empirical Industrial Organization (Abschlusskolloquium Strategie, Technologie und Organisation) - 2.0 SWS


Courses for Master students

Lect.- Lecture Type No.

04099 Accounting for M&A Transactions - 2.0 SWS lecture

04104 Accounting for M&A Transactions - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04606 Advanced Topics on Digitalization, Transformation and Management: Applying Design Thinking (Vertiefungsseminar) - 4.0 SWS

advanced seminar

04166 Basic Readings in Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

04391 Case Study Seminar Porsche Consulting seminar

04078 Current Challenges in Innovation Management - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar



04124 Current Topics in Strategic Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

04603 Digitalization, Transformation and Management - 2.0 SWS lecture

04118 Electronic Commerce (Data Analytics) - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

04114 Electronic Markets - 4.0 SWS exam

04170 Experimental Methods - 2.0 SWS lecture for doctoral candidates

04115 Feeding and Managing the Innovation Pipeline - 2.0 SWS lecture

04116 Feeding and Managing the Innovation Pipeline - 4.0 SWS exercise course

04142 Foundations of Media, Management and Digital Technologies - 2.0 SWS exam

04117 Innovating for Impact - 4.0 SWS seminar at master's level

04105 Insurance Economics - 2.0 SWS lecture

04106 Insurance Economics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

04131 Intercultural Competence: Theory and Application - 4.0 SWS lecture & excercise course

04123 Market Research Vorlesung advanced course

04169 Microeconomic Modeling Methods - 2.0 SWS lecture

04121 Organizations and Social Networks - 2.0 SWS seminar

04092 Projektkurs Innovation Management I - 8.0 SWS project course

04180 Projektkurs Strategy, Technology and Organization - 8.0 SWS project course

04087 Projektkurs Strategy, Technology and Organization I - 8.0 SWS project course

04005 Projektkurs: Accounting, Auditing and Analysis I - 8.0 SWS project course

04002 Projektkurs: Accounting, Auditing and Analysis II - 8.0 SWS project course

Proseminar e-lab - 2.0 SWS seminar

Quantitative Finance exercise course

Quantitative Finance - 4.0 SWS lecture

04289 Recent Topics in HRE & M - 4.0 SWS seminar

04184 Reinsurance (for BWL PO 2015 and other majors) - 2.0 SWS lecture

04108 Reinsurance (for BWL PO 2018 only) - 4.0 SWS seminar

04165 Scientific Publications - 2.0 SWS seminar

04086 Selected Topics in Organizational Behavior - 4.0 SWS seminar

04143 Technologies and Applications for Media - 8.0 SWS block seminar

04109 Topics in Finance seminar

Strategie, Technologie und Organisation) - 4.0 SWS colloquium

Topics in Theoretical Industrial Organization (Abschlusskolloquium Strategie, Technologie und Organisation) - 2.0 SWS


04107 Value-based Management of financial institutions - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Phd students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

04168 Basic Readings in Accounting and Finance - 2.0 SWS lecture for doctoral candidates

04170 Experimental Methods - 2.0 SWS lecture for doctoral candidates

04163 Mixed Methods Research seminar for doctoral candidates

Qualitative Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

Quantitative Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

Topics in Communication Economics - 2.0 SWS colloqium for doctoral candidates

ORG Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates




This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

05068 BT-Kolloquium Poutvaara - 1.0 SWS colloquium

05036 Culture and Institutions in Economic History (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05037 Culture and Institutions in Economic History (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05026 Econometrics 2 (Revision Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05042 Field Experiments (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05043 Field Experiments (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05038 International Trade (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05039 International Trade (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05015 Macroeconomics 2 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05016 Macroeconomics 2 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05011 Managerial Economics 1 (Revision Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05017 Mathematical Methods in Economics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05018 Mathematical Methods in Economics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05027 Public Policy and Resource Allocation (Fiwi1) (Wiederholungsübung) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05059 SPS "Applied Projects in Public Economics" - 2.0 SWS seminar

05052 SPS "Collaborations and Innovation: Friends or Enemies?" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05054 SPS "Equality of Opportunity in Education" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05065 SPS "Forschungsprojekte zur Empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05060 SPS "Gender Inequality: Empirical Facts and the Role of (Family) Policies" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05064 SPS "Human Capital & Development" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05056 SPS "International Trade Policy " - 4.0 SWS seminar

05058 SPS "Labor Economics - Theory and Practice" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05063 SPS "On (Un)Intended Effects of Incentives" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05061 SPS "Political Economy and Media: Insights from Empirical Research" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05051 SPS "Strategic Communication" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05062 SPS "The Economics of Discrimination" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05066 SPS "Topics in Empirical Macroeconomics" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05055 SPS "Topics in Organizational Economics" - 4.0 SWS seminar

05049 SPS "Wage Determination in Labor Markets" seminar

05030 Student Guided Tutorial Macroeconomics 2 - 2.0 SWS tutorial

05031 Student Guided Tutorial Mathematical Methods in Economics - 2.0 SWS tutorial

05069 Tutorium zum SPS "Topics in Organizational Economics, 1-stündig tutorial

Tutorium zum SPS Sachs "Gender Inequality: Empirical Facts and the Role of (Family) Policies" -1.0 SWS


05013 Tutorium zum SPS Schudy block seminar

05060 Vorbesprechung SPS Schudy seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

05106 Advanced International Trade (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05097 Advanced International Trade (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05116 Contract Theory (Lecture) - 4.0 SWS lecture

05123 Contract Theory (Seminar) - 4.0 SWS advanced


05105 Contract Theory (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05112 Development Economics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05113 Development Economics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05125 Econometric Evaluations of the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic (M12 Seminar) - 6.0




05107 Empirical Health Economics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture



05109 Empirical Health Economics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05126 Empirical Research on Inequality and Redistribution (M12 Seminar) - 6.0 SWS advanced


05130 Macroeconomics - Business Cycles (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05131 Macroeconomics - Business Cycles (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05005 Managerial Economics 2 (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05006 Managerial Economics 2 (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05132 Microeconomics - Game Theory and Information Economics - 2.0 SWS lecture

05133 Microeconomics - Game Theory and Information Economics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05114 Monetary Policy: Theory and Practice (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05124 Monetary Policy: Theory and Practice (Seminar) - 4.0 SWS advanced


05115 Monetary Policy: Theory and Practice (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05119 Optimal Taxation of Top Incomes (M12 Seminar) - 4.0 SWS advanced


05104 Political Economics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05108 Political Economics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05096 Revision Tutorial Econometrics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05093 Revision Tutorial Macroeconomics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05092 Revision Tutorial Mathematics for Economists - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05094 Revision Tutorial Microeconomics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05095 Revision Tutorial Public Economics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05098 Tax Policy and Multinational Firms (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05120 Tax Policy and Multinational Firms (Seminar) - 4.0 SWS advanced


05103 Tax Policy and Multinational Firms (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05110 The Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05111 The Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

05127 The Economics of Demographic Change (Seminar) - 6.0 SWS advanced


05099 Topics in Macroeconimcs (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

05100 Topics in Macroeconomics (Tutorial) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for PhD students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

05146 Behavioral Economics Brown Bag Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05147 CES-Gäste - 2.0 SWS lecture for doctoral candidates

Doktorandenkolloquium Applied Microeconomics colloqium for doctoral


Doktorandenkolloquium Empirical Economics colloqium for doctoral


05140 Doktorandenseminar - 1.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05137 Empirical Economics Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05135 Growth & Development Workshop - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05136 Hans-Möller-Seminar - 2.0 SWS research colloquium

05142 Innovation Brown Bag Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05138 International Trade Workshop - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05144 Macro Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05143 Micro Workshop - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05139 Munich International Economics Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05141 Public Economics Seminar PES - 2.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates

05145 Public Economics Workshop - 1.0 SWS seminar for doctoral candidates




This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for students in the clinical phase of studies Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

7C0387 Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der experimentellen Pneumologie - 2.0 SWS

(C) complementing course

7C0710 Current Problems of Molecular and Cellular Immunology (C) complementing course

7C0190 Current developments in human in vitro research on neurodegenerative and neurovascular disorders

(C) complementing course

7C0375 Current developments in vascular biology: mechanisms and pathologies - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C4047 Current topics in molecular atherosclerosis research - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0155 Developments and trends in neuroimmunological research - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0189 Experimental research on neurodegenerative and neuravascular disorders (C) complementing course

7C0123 Experimentelle Schlaganfallforschung - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0727 Immunological Memory - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0736 Immunpharmacology Seminar (Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical sciences), Medical School (2nd part)

(C) complementing course

7C0740 Recent trends in Immunology - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0477 Seminar "Biogenesis and structure of mitochondria" (C) complementing course

7P0909 Seminar für Biologische Psychiatrie - 1.0 SWS (PJ) course during the practical year

7C1516 Seminar: Multiparametric Tools in Biological Psychiatry (C) complementing course

7C0713 Seminar: The Experimental Basis of Immunology - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0124 Stroke and Dementia Research - News and Views - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0170 Structural and Functional Connectomics in Neuroimaging - 2.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0156 Tutorial on good scientific practice in experimental stroke research - 10.0 SWS (C) complementing course

7C0731 Vorlesung - Grundlagen der Immunologie I (Teil II im SoSe) - Lecture Immunology I (Part II im SoSe) - 2.0 SWS

(C) complementing course

7M1625 Wahlfach 2. Studienabschnitt, Global Health (A) course with compulsory certificate

7C4031 Weekly Allergy & Immune Regulation Meeting - 1.0 SWS (PJ) course during the practical year

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

07603 Applied Statistics in Epidemiology - 2.0 SWS seminar

07604 Epidemiology of Diet and Lifestyle Factors - 1.0 SWS seminar

07010 Globale Public Health Situation - 1.5 SWS lecture

07589 Health Communication - 1.0 SWS block seminar

07029 Health Services Research and Management - 3.0 SWS seminar

07018 Kausalitätsmodelle in der Epidemiologie - Models für causal reasoning in epidemiology - 2.0



07037 Masterkolloquium - 4.0 SWS block seminar

07011 Public Health Politiken in einer globalisierten Welt - 3.0 SWS lecture

07016 Space-time Modelle in der Epidemiologie - Space-time models in epidemiology - 2.0 SWS seminar

07038 Supervising Master Thesis n/a

07030 Supervising Research Internships - 1.0 SWS research colloquium

07019 Übung - Exercise: Kausalitätsmodelle in der Epidemiologie - Models für causal reasoning in

epidemiology - 1.0 SWS

exercise course




This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).


Lecture Type

08216 ECVN Neuropathology Tutorial (Englisch) für Promotionsstudierende, Interns, ECVN-Residents und interessierte Studierende der klin. Semester, 10 Teilnehmer (Präsenzveranstaltung) bzw. unbegrenzt als Webinar, ganzjährig, im Seminarraum Pathologie II. Stock - 2.0 SWS


08188 Pathology and Histopathology of Economically Important Fish Species and Their Diseases, Zeit nach Vereinbarung, ab 5. Semester - 2.0 SWS

elective course


The Institute of History provides specific information for exchange students:


More information about the courses at the Institute of History can be found on: (in German),

for courses at the School of Arts please visit: (in English).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

09102 Creating Digital Tools - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09137 The Jewish Life Cycle in Medieval and Early Modern Contexts - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09171 The Limits of Rationality and the Definition of Man in the Late Middle Ages: Multicultural Perspective - 3.0 SWS


09120 Thinking Landscapes in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09136 Working with Medieval Sources: Documents, Art and Architecture from Europe and the Mediterranean - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

09924 Conceptualising the Micro-Macro Links in Social Sciences and Humanities - 1.0 SWS reading course

09307 History Writing in the First Millennium B.C. - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09295 New approaches to Near Eastern History - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09303 Post-Socialism in East-Central-Europe: Socio-Economic Approaches - 2.0 SWS exercise course

09242 The Decolonization of the British Empire in a European Context (GHIL Summer School) - 3.0






More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

Additional Tutorial Intuitionistic Logic tutorial

Africa and Human Rights: Makau Mutua’s Human Rights: A Political And Cultural Critique seminar for tutors

Feminism for the 99% (Feminist Reading Group) seminar for tutors

10162 Greek for Philosophers - 2.0 SWS exercise course

10129 ONLINE - Aristotle Natural Philosophy - 2.0 SWS seminar and reading course

10054 ONLINE - Introduction to the Analytic Philosophy of Language - 2.0 SWS seminar and reading course

10076 ONLINE - Philosophy of Cognitive Science - 2.0 SWS seminar and reading course

Courses for Bachelor and Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

10034 CANCELLED - Axiomatic Metaphysics (Blockseminar) - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

10026 CANCELLED: Social Norms - 3.0 SWS advanced seminar

Essay Disussions "Proclus' 'Elements of Theology'" - 1.0 SWS exercise course

10081 Exercise Unit Musical Perception: Introduction to empirical methods - 2.0 SWS exercise course

10049 ONLINE - Ancient Moral Psychology - 2.0 SWS advanced

seminar and

essay course

10030 ONLINE - Aristotle On the Locomotion of Animals - 2.0 SWS advanced


10182 ONLINE - CVBE Lab Meeting / Chair Research Seminar - 2.0 SWS colloquium

10021 ONLINE - Existential Risks - 2.0 SWS advanced


10025 ONLINE - Introduction to Pragmatism - 2.0 SWS advanced


10031 ONLINE - Introduction to Proof Theory - 2.0 SWS advanced


10029 ONLINE - Intuitionistic Logic - 2.0 SWS advanced


10023 ONLINE - Laws of Nature - 2.0 SWS advanced


10017 ONLINE - Metaphysical Problems of Physics - 2.0 SWS advanced


10015 ONLINE - Music and the mind: Perception, performance and evaluation - 2.0 SWS advanced

seminar and

essay course

10039 ONLINE - Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice - 2.0 SWS advanced


10037 ONLINE - On What There Is Not - 2.0 SWS advanced


10032 ONLINE - Philosophical Logic - 2.0 SWS advanced


10149 ONLINE - Philosophy of Science - 2.0 SWS advanced


10051 ONLINE - Plato’s Theory of Forms and its Critics - 2.0 SWS advanced

seminar and

essay course



10177 ONLINE - Platon: Philebus - 2.0 SWS advanced


10172 ONLINE - Proclus' "Elements of Theology" - 2.0 SWS advanced

seminar and

essay course

10019 ONLINE - Quantum Foundations - 3.0 SWS advanced


10040 ONLINE - Rational agents in social interaction: introduction to the philosophy and psychology of

rational choice and game theory - 2.0 SWS



10024 ONLINE - Science Skepticism - Epistemological Perspectives - 3.0 SWS advanced


10075 ONLINE - Science and Art: Representation, Fiction, and Imagination - 2.0 SWS advanced


ONLINE - Scientific Pluralism: Arguments and Implications (Munich Philosophical Masterclass)

(Blockseminar) - Helen Longino - 2.0 SWS


10033 ONLINE - Set theory, model theory, and their philosophy — Part II - 3.0 SWS advanced


10176 ONLINE - Social Choice Theory: A Philosophical Overview - 3.0 SWS advanced


10048 ONLINE - The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus - 2.0 SWS advanced


10141 ONLINE - The Normativity of Logic - 2.0 SWS advanced


10006 ONLINE - The role of values in scientific reasoning: can they represent a threat to objectivity? -

2.0 SWS


seminar and

essay course

10184 ONLINE - Theory and practice in digital experiments: Doing X-Philosophy online - 2.0 SWS advanced


10163 Programming Tutorial Formal Methods II - 2.0 SWS tutorial

10180 Reading Ancient Philosophy in Latin (Augustine’s Contra Academicos) exercise course

10107 Sacrifice: Historical and Anthropological Approaches - 2.0 SWS lecture

10145 Tutorial for "Set theory, model theory, and their philosophy" - 2.0 SWS tutorial

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

10109 Dual Sovereignty: The Perennial Tension between Religious Authority and Political Power - 2.0 SWS


Exercise Session Intuitionistic Logic - 1.0 SWS exercise course

Modul Prüfung P 6 Preparation of the Master Thesis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

10097 ONLINE - Formal Methods II (only for Students from the MA program in Logic and

Philosophy of Science) - 2.0 SWS


Courses for Phd students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

10110 PhD Colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloqium for doctoral candidates




This department provides specific information for exchange students: (in German) and (in English).

More information about the courses at the Department of Educational Sciences can be found on: (in German), for courses at the Department of

Psychology visit: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

11068 Bachelor-, Master- und Gastkolloquium (Allgemeine u. Experimentelle Psych.) - 2.0 SWS colloquium

11118 Einführung in die Statistik - 4.0 SWS lecture

11203 MSc-/Doktoranden-/Forschungskolloquium - 3.0 SWS colloquium

11006 Vertiefung in Allgemeiner Psychologie I - 2.0 SWS seminar

11012 Vertiefung in Biologischer Psychologie - 2.0 SWS lecture

11051 Vertiefung in Differentieller und Persönlichkeitspsychologie - 2.0 SWS seminar

11013 Vertiefung in Sozialpsychologie (4) "Psychology of Prosocial Behavior" - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

11300 Master`s Colloquium (M.Sc.Psychology - Learning Sciences, M.A. Bildungsforschung und Bildungsmanagment) - 2.0 SWS


NCP Course B: Basic neurosciences 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

NCP Tutorial L: Neuro-cognitive methods IV - 2.0 SWS tutorial

11219 NCP-Tutorial F - 2.0 SWS tutorial

11933 P 12.1: Master's Thesis seminar at

master's level

11217 P 2.3: Special Topics in Neuro-cognitive Psychology - 2.0 SWS seminar

11211 P 2.4: Debating Club Seminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

11218 P 6.2: Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology - 2.0 SWS lecture

11216 P 7.1: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Theory, Design and Analysis - 2.0 SWS lecture

11215 P 7.2: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Theory, Design and Analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

11220 P 8.1: Lab Rotation propaedeutic


P5.1 Educational Systems and Achievement - 2.0 SWS seminar

P7.1 Empirical Research Designs seminar

P7.1 Empirical Research Designs - 2.0 SWS seminar

11187 WP1.0.1. Learning in Biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

11188 WP1.0.2 Learning in Mathematics - 2.0 SWS seminar

11186 WP1.0.3 Learning in Languages seminar

WP2.1 Developmental Psychopathology seminar

WP3.1 Special Issues in Cognition, Emotion, Learning and Development - 3.0 SWS seminar

11192 WP4.1 Special Issues in Learning, Instruction, Training and Technology - 3.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Phd students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

11203 MSc-/Doktoranden-/Forschungskolloquium - 3.0 SWS colloquium




This department provides specific information for exchange students: (in


More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

04056 Seminar Asian Business Management - 2.0 SWS seminar

12437 Vertiefungsmodul Türkische Welt (Proseminar): What is an Empire? - 2.0 SWS seminar

12011 Vertiefungsmodul Türkische Welt (Übung) - Übung zum Proseminar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12382 Übung How to Study Japan - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Bachelor and Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

12852 Cities and Farms: (re)thinking “urban” and “rural” in the 21st Century - 2.0 SWS seminar

12846 Decolonising Central Asian studies - 2.0 SWS seminar

12111 Etruscans and Iron Age Italy - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12855 Queer Studies in South Asia - 2.0 SWS seminar

12242 Readings From Buddhist Manuscripts: Passion, Pain, Philology - 2.0 SWS seminar

12859 Readings in Buddhist Texts (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12174 Revolutions and State Formation in Europe, 1789-1871 - 2.0 SWS lecture

12468 Studienkurs Türkisch 2, Gruppe 2: Lektüre osmanischer Urkunden - 2.0 SWS exercise course

The 18th Arabic Papyrology Webclass: "Formal Types and Paleographical Features of Arabic

Documents" - 2.0 SWS


12768 The Lives of Monuments in Asia (WP1.2 HF/WP6.2 NF) - 2.0 SWS seminar

12239 The role of women in South Asia - 3.0 SWS seminar

12847 Thinking through Islandness - 2.0 SWS seminar

12360 isiXhosa Online Language Course (Teil 2 / G2 Basic) - 4.0 SWS language course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

12593 Großes Forschungsseminar B (Türkische Studien): Taking it Global: A Transnational History of

Ottoman to Turkish Change in the Modern Era - 2.0 SWS


12726 Intercultural Communication Certificate Programme (ICCP) seminar

12894 Kaogu: Field methods and archaeological science (P3.2/WP4.2) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12593 Studienseminar B (Türkische Studien): Taking it Global: A Transnational History of Ottoman to

Turkish Change in the Modern Era - 2.0 SWS


12830 The Sanskrit Manuscript of the Viniscayasaṃgrahaṇi - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Phd students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

12896 Open topic research seminar in Buddhist studies - 2.0 SWS research





This faculty provides specific information for exchange students who attend the courses:

English Philology:

German Philology: (in German)

German as a Foreign Language: (in German)

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on:

(in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

13686 "America and Its Discontents: Critics, Renegades, Anti-Americans" - 2.0 SWS lecture

13705 "Southern Literature: Analysis and Academic Writing." - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13686 America and Its Discontents: Critics, Renegades, Anti-Americans. (Ang) - 2.0 SWS lecture

13495 American English - 2.0 SWS lecture

13678 American Literature 1945-1965 - 2.0 SWS seminar

13678 American Literature 1945-1965 (Ang) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13687 Americans on the Move: Mobility in Historical Perspective - 2.0 SWS lecture

13687 Americans on the Move: Mobility in Historical Perspective (Ang) - 2.0 SWS lecture

13699 An Introduction to Atlantic Piracy - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14219 Analysing narrative fiction - methods and theory - 2.0 SWS exercise course in methods

14252 BA Kolloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

14253 BA Kolloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

14165 Big Love Stories: Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby, Atonement - 2.0 SWS reading course

13736 Bob Dylan, Justice and Law - 2.0 SWS n/a

14220 Contemporary British Short Stories - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14216 Conversation Analysis - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13688 Conversation II (SP 5) - 2.0 SWS language course

13283 Core Skills Grammar (SLK) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14155 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14156 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14160 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14161 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14162 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14159 Core skills grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14150 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14148 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14149 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14151 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14153 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14154 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14152 Core skills lexis - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13518 Corpus Linguistics - 2.0 SWS seminar

13413 Crime Fiction: Classic Examples and Contemporary Variations - 2.0 SWS seminar

14257 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14256 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14258 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14260 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14259 Cultural Studies 1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14176 Cultural Studies 1: UK contemporary issues - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14175 Cultural Studies 1: UK past to present - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14170 Cultural Studies 2 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13520 Der Wortschatz des Amerikanischen Englisch (Aufbau und Einflüsse) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14317 Developing and Assessing Language Competence (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course



13679 Diaspora and Transnationalism in Contemporary Asian American Literature - 2.0 SWS seminar

14265 Digital Citizenship Education for Young Learners (MS, GS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14269 Digital Citizenship Education for Young Learners (MS, GS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14324 Discourse Analysis and Media (Blockseminar) - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14268 Drama in Education – A Communicative Approach to Promote English Language Learning? (MS, GS) - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

14184 Early Modern Marriage and Family - 2.0 SWS Proseminar und Übung

14142 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (3-stündig mit anschließendem Tutorium, Tutorium nicht obligatorisch) - 3.0 SWS

foundation course

14144 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (3-stündig mit anschließendem Tutorium, Tutorium nicht obligatorisch) - 3.0 SWS

foundation course

13665 English Morphology and Word-Formation - 2.0 SWS lecture

14164 Female Drama in the 17th Century: Wroth, Cavendish and Behn - 2.0 SWS reading course

14166 First World War Poetry - 2.0 SWS reading course

14218 Forms and Functions of Poetry - 2.0 SWS exercise course in methods

13516 Friendly, but dumb: Attitudes to language - 2.0 SWS seminar

13367 GVL II: The Long Eighteenth Century: Literature in Britain and Ireland between 1660 and the 1830s - 2.0 SWS


13675 Grundkurs II: Einführung in die amerikanische Kulturgeschichte - 2.0 SWS introductory course

13674 Grundkurs II: Introduction to the Study of American Literature and Media - 4.0 SWS introductory course

14233 Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik: für WIEDERHOLER des Basismoduls aus dem WS - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

13160 Historische Sprachwissenschaft Indogermanisch 2 - 2.0 SWS seminar

14215 How they did things with words: Historical pragmatics - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13690 ISP - 2.0 SWS project

13691 Independent Study Project - 2.0 SWS project

13480 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

14140 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13479 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

14141 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13481 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13483 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13484 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13482 Introduction to linguistics (mit freiwilligem zusätzlichen Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS seminar

13498 Key thinkers and key concepts of English linguistics - 2.0 SWS lecture

13694 Kolloquium für B.A.-Absolventen (Literaturgeschichte) - 2.0 SWS colloquium

13187 Kolloquium zu Computerlinguistisches Arbeiten - 2.0 SWS colloquium

13507 Language, Gender and Social Change - 2.0 SWS seminar

13083 Lektürekurs: Current Issues in English Language Education - 2.0 SWS reading course

13511 Lexical innovation - 2.0 SWS seminar

13517 Lexis & Grammar - 2.0 SWS seminar

14255 Listening Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13681 Love, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Great American Love Stories - 2.0 SWS seminar

13681 Love, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Great American Love Stories (Ang) - 2.0 SWS seminar

14180 Magic and the Supernatural in Shakespeare: Macbeth, A Midsummer Night´s Dream, The Tempest) - 2.0 SWS


13693 Media and the Individual in American Literature and Culture - 2.0 SWS seminar

14229 Mediation Translating Skills 1: German into English - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14230 Mediation Translating Skills 1: German into English - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13896 Metaphor in Language, Mind, and Brain - 2.0 SWS block seminar

14217 Methods in linguistics - 2.0 SWS seminar

14221 Mid-Twentieth-Century Women Writers - 2.0 SWS seminar

13371 Modern Critical Theory - 2.0 SWS lecture

14181 Modernist Short Stories - 2.0 SWS seminar

13410 Novels since the 1980s - 2.0 SWS reading course

14370 Performing the Authentic Sound - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14173 Phonetik und Phonologie (BritE) (mit Tutorium) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14266 Playful Texts & Tasks in the EFL Classroom - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13713 Podcasts, Blogs, Essays and more: How can I present my academic research in different media? -2.5 SWS

exercise course

13684 Pop, Politics, and Memory. 1776 in the U.S. Today. - 2.0 SWS seminar

13515 Pragmatics - 2.0 SWS seminar

13685 Pre-Confederation Canada - 2.0 SWS seminar

13712 Public History - 2.0 SWS exercise course



14699 RCC Kolloquium: International Perspectives - 2.0 SWS talk

13692 Radio and Podcasting: Media and its Role in Forming Public History - 2.0 SWS seminar

14698 Reading Course: International Perspectives - 2.0 SWS reading course

13408 Reading Frankenstein - 2.0 SWS reading course

13409 Reading Katherine Mansfield - 2.0 SWS reading course

14163 Reading Monsters: Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, Dorian Gray - 2.0 SWS reading course

13510 Reading Saussure - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14250 Reading Skills 1: Leisure and Learning - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14249 Reading Skills 2: Fact and Fiction - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13514 Reading The History of English - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13188 Repetitorium zu Computerlinguistisches Arbeiten - 1.0 SWS revision course

14178 Representations of Disability in British and North American Literature (1600 to Present) - 2.0 SWS


13512 Riddles, Runes, and Rhyme: Exploring the Exeter Book - 2.0 SWS seminar

14179 Romantic Poetry: A Diverse Introduction - 2.0 SWS seminar

13369 Shakespeare - Poetry and Drama - 2.0 SWS lecture

13731 Showing the Truth? Doc. Films in the US, Canada and Latin America - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

14244 Speaking Skills 2 (Business) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14237 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14234 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14235 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14236 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14238 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14240 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14242 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14243 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14239 Speaking Skills 2 (Discussion) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14200 Speaking skills 1: Presenting for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14202 Speaking skills 1: Presenting for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14204 Speaking skills 1: Presenting for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14203 Speaking skills 1: Presenting for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14201 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14191 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14185 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14158 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14186 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14187 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14188 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14189 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14190 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14192 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14194 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14195 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14196 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14197 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14198 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14199 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14193 Speaking skills 1: Presenting information - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13284 Specific Skills II: English for Academic Purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

14223 Sprachmittlung 1 Translating Skills: English into German - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13509 Studying Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts - 2.0 SWS seminar

13513 Studying language on social media - 2.0 SWS Proseminar und Übung

13689 The American Criminal Jury Trial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13412 The Devil in English Literature (Doctor Faustus to Dracula) - 2.0 SWS seminar

14182 The Early Modern Epic: Spenser, Milton and Others - 2.0 SWS seminar

14232 The English-speaking World - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14231 The English-speaking World (Australia) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13496 The History of the English Language: A Survey - 2.0 SWS lecture

13683 The History of the Environmental Movement in the United States - 2.0 SWS seminar

14167 The Intercultural Project - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14168 The Intercultural Project - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14169 The Intercultural Project - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14177 The Irish Short Story in the 20th and 21st Centuries - 2.0 SWS seminar

13368 The Victorian Novel - 2.0 SWS lecture

13519 The adventure of English - 2.0 SWS seminar

14261 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GS, MS) - 2.0 SWS




14262 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GS, MS) - 2.0 SWS


14264 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GS, MS) - 2.0 SWS


14263 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GS, MS) - 2.0 SWS


14305 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS


14304 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS


14306 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS


14309 Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS


13704 There's No Place Like Hollywood - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14678 Tourist Landscapes: Environment, Society and Tourism - 2.0 SWS seminar

13680 Trans Theory and Fiction - 3.0 SWS seminar

13411 Unreliable Narration - 2.0 SWS reading course

13370 Venice in World Literature in English - 2.0 SWS lecture

14248 Writing Skills 2 : (Creative/Magazine) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14247 Writing Skills 2: (Creative) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14208 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14205 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14206 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14207 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14209 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14211 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14214 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14213 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14210 Writing skills 1: Information and Description - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14212 Writing skills 1: Writing for specific purposes - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13676 Übung zum Grundkurs II Kulturgeschichte - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

13233 Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing - 2.0 SWS seminar

14292 Advanced Writing - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14293 Advanced Writing - 3.0 SWS exercise course

14294 Advanced Writing - 3.0 SWS exercise course

13716 African-American History on Film - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

13723 American Media History and Theory - 3.0 SWS advanced seminar

14298 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14300 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14302 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14301 Analysing grammar - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13719 Animal History - 2.0 SWS foundation course

14327 Brexit Literature: Fictions of Division - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14332 Economic Criticism: Researching the Interrelations between Literature, Culture, and the Economy - 2.0 SWS

seminar at master's level

14348 English in a typological perspective - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14323 English-based pidgins and creoles - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

12901 Ethics of Financing Adaptation to Climate Change - 2.0 SWS seminar

14331 European Drama in the 1950s - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14295 Examen-Landeskunde - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14296 Examen-Landeskunde - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14333 Examenskurs: Shakespeare und Frühneuzeitliches Drama - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14311 Exploring and Engaging in Intercultural Encounters – Online and Offline (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

13497 Exploring language structure and usage - 2.0 SWS lecture

13733 Fake Pasts. Counterfactual History in American Culture - 2.0 SWS reading course

13718 Film als historische Quelle - 4.0 SWS advanced seminar

14312 Gameful Language Education: A Project-Based Approach (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14358 HS Research Methodology: Students’ Motivation in EFL Learning: Analyzing Diagnostic Tools and Creating Materials - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar



14364 HS SLA Research II: Digital Teaching and Learning: Perspectives for English Language Education - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

13721 Harlem Renaissance Literature - 3.0 SWS foundation course

14321 Historical Sociolinguistics - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

13728 How to Read (American) Literature? - 2.0 SWS reading course

14326 Ireland a Century after Independence: Literature, History and Culture - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

12902 Legal Framework of Environmental Pollution - 2.0 SWS seminar

14365 MA Projektseminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

14366 MA Projektseminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

14368 MA Projektseminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

14367 MA Projektseminar - 2.0 SWS seminar

14342 MA Self Study Unit A - 2.0 SWS seminar

14343 MA Self Study Unit A - 2.0 SWS seminar

14345 MA Self Study Unit A - 2.0 SWS seminar

14344 MA Self Study Unit A - 2.0 SWS seminar

14354 MA Self Study Unit B - 2.0 SWS seminar

14355 MA Self Study Unit B - 2.0 SWS seminar

14357 MA Self Study Unit B - 1.0 SWS seminar

14356 MA Self Study Unit B - 2.0 SWS seminar

14360 MA Self Study Unit C - 2.0 SWS seminar

14361 MA Self Study Unit C - 1.0 SWS seminar

14363 MA Self Study Unit C - 2.0 SWS seminar

14362 MA Self Study Unit C - 2.0 SWS seminar

14339 MA Speaking Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14340 MA Writing Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14341 MA Writing Skills - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14903 Master Colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloqium for candidates

P 1/I Umwelt und Gesellschaft n/a

14329 Poetic Forms - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14330 Poetry and Political Freedom - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14369 Project seminar: Multimodal Literature in EFL Teaching - 2.0 SWS advanced exercise course

14351 Projektseminar, synchron, diachron - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

13717 Protest Literature: From the American Revolution to Black Lives Matter - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

13720 Reading Matters: On Theories and Cultures of Reading - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14297 Research Colloquium Linguistics - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14322 SLA Research I: Second Language Acquisition - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

13732 Schooled in (In-)Equaltity? Adressing the History and Present of Systemic Racism in US-Higher Education - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

14350 Self-study unit, diachron - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14349 Self-study unit, synchron - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14276 Speaking Skills 2 (Classroom) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14277 Speaking Skills 2 (Classroom) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

13725 The Aesthetics of Restraint - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14314 The Anti-Racist EFL Classroom (GY, RS) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14325 The Development of North American English - 2.0 SWS seminar at master's level

14901 The History of the American Short Story - 2.0 SWS foundation course

14353 The Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching (MA) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14902 Transatlantic Entanglements: France and the US in the Early Republic - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

14279 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14278 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14280 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14245 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14246 Writing Skills 2: (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14282 Writing Skills 2 : (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14281 Writing Skills 2 : (General) - 2.0 SWS exercise course



Courses for PhD students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

14903 Colloquium for doctoral/ postdoctoral students - 2.0 SWS colloqium for candidates

14373 Forschungskolloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

14376 Kolloquium für Doktor- und Abschlussarbeiten: Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik - 2.0 SWS colloquium

13166 Lunchtime-Colloquium: The Environmental Humanities - International Perspectives - 2.0 SWS colloquium

13739 Oberseminar/Forschungskolloquium - 3.0 SWS research


13235 Research Seminar Computational Linguistics - 2.0 SWS seminar




This faculty provides specific information for exchange students who attend the courses:

- at the Department of Communication Science and Media Research (IfKW): https://www.en.ifkw.uni- (general information about the courses: https://www.ifkw.uni- (in German))

- at the Institute for Sociology: (general

information about the courses:

lehre/veranstaltungen_aktuell/index.html (in German))

- at the Geschwister-Scholl Institute for Political Sciences (GSI): https://www.en.gsi.uni- (general information about the courses: http://www.gsi.uni- (in German))

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

15086 Bachelor-, Master-, Magistranden- und Doktorandenseminar - 3.0 SWS seminar

15017 Comparative executive - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15015 Comparative federalism - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15069 Determinants and dynamics of intrastate violent conflicts and the role of the international arms trade - 2.0 SWS


15285 Diversity in advertising - 2.0 SWS seminar

15057 EU Integration in Times of Crisis - 2.0 SWS seminar

15249 English in the Social Sciences - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15059 Europeanisation and the State - 2.0 SWS seminar

15061 Europeanisation and the State - 2.0 SWS seminar

15501 Fachübergreifendes Tutorium (A. Welter) - 2.0 SWS tutorial

15333 Forschungskolloquium - 2.0 SWS research colloquium

15294 From Deadheads to Sneakerheads: Commercialized Practices in Digital Cultures - 2.0 SWS seminar

15295 From Deadheads to Sneakerheads: Commercialized Practices in Digital Cultures - 2.0 SWS seminar

15022 Institutions and political regimes: Democracies and Autocracies - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15023 Introduction to American Politics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15494 Israeli Politics and Society: a comparative view on Israel and European Democracies - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

15319 Media Audience Research - 2.0 SWS seminar

15314 Media Audience Research - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

15382 Media Institutions in Munich - 2.0 SWS seminar

Online Surveys: Uses and Creation via SoSci Survey - 2.0 SWS seminar

15046 Policy implementation: Putting legislation into effect - 2.0 SWS seminar

15073 Quantitative Electoral and Survey Research - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

15193 b Radical Right Politics across Europe - 2.0 SWS seminar

15193 Radical Right Politics across Europe - 2.0 SWS seminar

15183 b Refugees, Migrants and Health from a Sociological Perspective - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15183 Refugees, Migrants and Health from a Sociological Perspective - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15056 The EU and Political Power - 2.0 SWS seminar

15009 The Rise and Decline of New Political Parties - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15186 Topics in social stratification - 2.0 SWS seminar

15186 b Topics in social stratification - 2.0 SWS seminar

15066 War, change and order - 2.0 SWS seminar

15381 Welcome Day @ IfKW introductory course

15031 Working scientifically as a student of political science - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15034 Working scientifically as a student of political science - 2.0 SWS exercise course

15383 Writing for academic purposes - 1.0 SWS seminar



Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

15108 Advanced Discrete Choice Modelling: Binary, Multinomial and Conditional Logit Models - 2.0 SWS


15111 Applied Case Study Methods - 2.0 SWS seminar

15110 Applied Network Analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

15364 Automated journalism, audience opinion, and news quality - 2.0 SWS seminar

15366 Automated journalism, audience opinion, and news quality - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

15118 Civil Society and the Law - 2.0 SWS seminar

15124 Critique of the Strategic / Rational Actor Model - 2.0 SWS seminar

15127 Data visualization for policy analysis and comparative politics - 2.0 SWS seminar

15109 Discourse Analysis & Ethnography as Methods in International Relations - 2.0 SWS seminar

15121 European Institutions: Contemporary Debates - 2.0 SWS seminar

15123 Global Governance in International Institutions - 2.0 SWS seminar

15131 Local politics in global perspective - 2.0 SWS seminar

15116 Party competition and political behaviour across Europe - 2.0 SWS seminar

15211 Social and Economic Inequality - 2.0 SWS seminar

15212 Übung zum Seminar 'Social and Economic Inequality' - 2.0 SWS exercise course




For more information about the courses at the Institute for Mathematics please visit (in German).

Information about the courses at the Institute for Computer Sciences is available (in German). And information about the courses at the Institute for Statistics: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

16038 Funktionalanalysis - 4.0 SWS lecture

16849 Mathematisches Oberseminar: Analysis, spectral theory and mathematical physics - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

16126 Mathematisches Oberseminar: Geometrie - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

16107 Mathematisches Seminar: An effective theory for interacting Bose gases - 2.0 SWS seminar

16110 Mathematisches Seminar: Lie groups - 2.0 SWS seminar

16108 Mathematisches Seminar: Mannigfaltigkeiten - 2.0 SWS seminar

16120 Mathematisches Seminar: Pricing and Hedging Techniques in Incomplete Markets: Mean-Variance Hedging and Risk Minimization - 2.0 SWS


16103 Mathematisches Seminar: Topics in Machine Learning and Mathematical Finance - 2.0 SWS seminar

16043 Übungen zu Höhere Algebra - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

16060 Algebraic Geometry II - 4.0 SWS lecture

16817 Algebraic theory of quadratic forms - 2.0 SWS lecture

16360 Analysis of Longitudinal Data - 3.0 SWS lecture

16807 Financial Modelling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - 3.0 SWS lecture

16056 Finanzmathematik III / Fixed Income Markets and Credit Derivatives - 4.0 SWS lecture

16064 Finanzmathematik IV / Quantitative Risk Management - 4.0 SWS lecture

16848 Functional inequalities, concentration compactness and stability (Blockveranstaltung) - 2.0 SWS


16834 Geometric Group Theory - 4.0 SWS lecture

16805 Homological Algebra II - 2.0 SWS lecture

16054 Mathematical Statistical Physics - 4.0 SWS lecture

16046 Mathematical Statistics and Applications of Machine Learning - 4.0 SWS lecture

16826 Mathematical gauge theory I - 4.0 SWS lecture

16836 Mathematics and Applications of Machine Learning - 2.0 SWS lecture

16374 Methoden der Wirtschaftsstatistik und der Dissemination - 4.0 SWS lecture

16376 Multivariate Zeitreihenanalyse - 2.0 SWS lecture

16050 Numerical Mathematics II - 4.0 SWS lecture

16052 Numerische Methoden der Finanzmathematik - 4.0 SWS lecture

16068 Partielle Differentialgleichungen II - 4.0 SWS lecture

16331 Practical "Human Computation and Analytics" - 2.0 SWS internship

16284 Praktikum Automated Theorem Proving - 6.0 SWS internship

16800 Pseudodifferential operators - 2.0 SWS lecture

17312 Renormalization group: combinatorics, physics, probability - 2.0 SWS seminar

16058 Riemannsche Geometrie - 4.0 SWS lecture

16244 Seminar "Emerging topics in advanced computing" - 2.0 SWS seminar

16602 Seminar "Reasoning about Uncertainty" - 2.0 SWS seminar

16296 Seminar "Unification" - 2.0 SWS seminar

16066 Topology II - 4.0 SWS lecture

16358 Zeitreihenanalyse - 2.0 SWS lecture



16359 Zeitreihenanalyse - 2.0 SWS exercise


16261 Übung zu Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics - 2.0 SWS exercise


16818 Übungen zu Algebraic theory of quadratic forms - 2.0 SWS exercise


16065 Übungen zu Finanzmathematik IV / Quantitative Risk Management - 2.0 SWS exercise


16055 Übungen zu Mathematical Statistical Physics - 2.0 SWS exercise


16047 Übungen zu Mathematical Statistics and Applications of Machine Learning - 2.0 SWS exercise


16827 Übungen zu Mathematical gauge theory I - 2.0 SWS exercise


16837 Übungen zu Mathematics and Applications of Machine Learning - 2.0 SWS exercise


16051 Übungen zu Numerical Mathematics II - 2.0 SWS exercise


16069 Übungen zu Partielle Differentialgleichungen II - 2.0 SWS exercise


16067 Übungen zu Topology II - 2.0 SWS exercise


16820 Übungen zu Topology II - 2.0 SWS exercise


Courses for Phd students

Lect.- Lecture Type No.




This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

17040 Bachelorseminar: Introduction to Scientific Practice in Medical Physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17135 Biophysics of Neuronal Systems - 2.0 SWS seminar

17038 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17264 Garchinger Maier-Leibnitz-Kolloquium (gemeinsam mit Dozenten des Physik-Departments der TU München) - 2.0 SWS


17313 Hot Topics in Cosmology - 2.0 SWS seminar

17015 Information field theory - 4.0 SWS lecture

17013 Information theory - 4.0 SWS lecture

17041 Machine Learning for Condensed Matter physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17036 Modern Aspects of Soft X-rays - 2.0 SWS seminar

17033 Physics of Early Life - 2.0 SWS seminar

17226 Seminar on Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamics and Climate - 2.0 SWS seminar

17227 Seminar on Theoretical Meteorology - 2.0 SWS seminar

17228 Seminar on radiative transfer and remote sensing - 2.0 SWS seminar

17016 Übungen zu Information field theory - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

17146 (P1.1) Grundlagen der fortgeschrittenen Astrophysik (Essentials of Advanced Astrophysics) -4.0 SWS


17147 (P1.2) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung P1.1 “Grundlagen der fortgeschrittenen Astrophysik” - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

17159 (P2.1) Astrophysikalisches Grundpraktikum - 6.0 SWS internship

17148 (P2.2) Statistische Methoden – eine Einführung (statistical methods – an introduction) - 2.0 SWS


17126 (P4/5.0.13) Emergence of Life in the Universe: Planet formation, Chemistry of Life and Nonequilibrium for Evolution - 3.0 SWS


17127 (P4/5.0.14) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung “ Emergence of Life in the Universe: Planet formation, Chemistry of Life and Nonequilibrium for Evolution - 1.0 SWS


17150 (P4/5.0.19) "From interstellar dust clouds to stars and habitable planets" - 2.0 SWS lecture

17154 (P4/5.0.23) Gravitational Dynamics of the Universe - 2.0 SWS lecture

17155 (P4/5.0.24) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung “Gravitational Dynamics of the Universe” - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17156 (P4/5.0.25) Cosmology & Large Scale Structure - 2.0 SWS lecture

17157 (P4/5.0.26) Ergänzung zur Vorlesung “Cosmology & Large scale Structure” - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17162 (P5.2.7) Astrophysikalisches Grundpraktikum A mit Übungen - 2.0 SWS internship

17163 (P6.0.7) Numerisches Praktikum B mit Übungen - 2.0 SWS internship

17200 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar “code coffee” - 2.0 SWS seminar

17202 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “CAST group seminar” - 4.0 SWS


17201 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “group seminar” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17199 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “group seminar” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17197 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “star formation seminar” - 4.0 SWS


17204 (P6.2.1,P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “astro-ph” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17203 (P6.2.1/P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium "Physics of active galactic nuclei and galaxy dynamics" - 4.0 SWS


17205 (P6.2.1/P6.2.2) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium "Stellar Dynamics" - 4.0 SWS seminar

17212 (P6.2.5, P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Recent Developments in Cosmology and Structure Formation"" - 4.0 SWS


17214 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Cosmology group seminar” -4.0 SWS


17211 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Software Entwicklung für Astronomie” - 4.0 SWS




17213 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Cosmology Journal Club” - 4.0 SWS


17210 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Cosmology and Structure Formation group seminar” - 4.0 SWS


17209 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Galaxies” - 4.0 SWS seminar

17208 (P6.2.5,P6.2.6) Projektseminar mit begleitendem Kolloquium “Gravitational lensing” - 4.0 SWS


17164 (P7.0.7) Instrumentelles Praktikum C mit Übungen - 2.0 SWS internship

17161 (WP1.1) Numerisches Praktikum mit Übungen - 6.0 SWS internship

17165 (WP1.2) Astrophysikalisches Hauptseminar theoretisch und numerisch orientiert, “Tools in modern astrophysics” - 2.0 SWS


17166 (WP1.3) Begleitendes Kolloquium zum Astrophysikalischen Hauptseminar theoretisch und numerisch orientiert - 2.0 SWS


17160 (WP2.1) Instrumentelles Praktikum mit Übungen und Feldstudie - 6.0 SWS internship

17167 (WP2.3) Astrophysikalisches Hauptseminar experimentell und beobachtungsorientiert, “Tools in modern astrophysics” - 2.0 SWS


17170 Active Remote Sensing (Lidar, Radar) - 2.0 SWS lecture

17173 Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics II - 4.0 SWS lecture

17179 Advanced Atmospheric Observation and Data Processing Techniques - 4.0 SWS lecture

17301 Advanced Seminar on 2D Materials - 3.0 SWS advanced seminar

17102 Advanced Topics in Nanophotonics - 2.0 SWS lecture

17143 Advanced motion compensation in modern radiotherapy - 2.0 SWS seminar

17278 Advances in Physics of Nanosystems - 2.0 SWS seminar

17107 Anyons and topological order - 4.0 SWS lecture

17263 Astrophysikalisches Kolloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

17182 Atmospheric Data Assimilation - 4.0 SWS lecture

17175 Aviation and Climate - 2.0 SWS lecture

17131 Biophysics of Macromolecules - 3.0 SWS lecture

17114 Biophysik Blockpraktikum internship

17180 Clouds: Microphysics and Convection - 3.0 SWS lecture

17121 Complex Metaoptics and Chiral Nanophotonics - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

17125 Computational Methods for molecular Evolution - 2.0 SWS lecture

17315 Current Research in Ultrafast Imaging and Nanophotonics - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

17141 Digital image processing in medical physics - 2.0 SWS lecture

E_M2 Klausur exam

17072 E_M2: Fortgeschrittene Experimentalphysik (Advanced Particle Physics) - 4.0 SWS lecture

17195 F, T6: Lie groups, Lie Algebras - 4.0 SWS lecture

17089 F, T6: Self-organisation and pattern formation - 4.0 SWS lecture

17090 F, T6: Zentralübung zu Self-organisation and pattern formation - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17091 F, T6: Übungen zu Self-organisation and pattern formation - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17169 General Circulation and Climate Change - 2.0 SWS lecture

17122 Green Energy: Concepts and Materials for Energy Conversion - 2.0 SWS advanced seminar

17140 Hands-on tutorial on Geant4 and data analysis for Medical Physics applications - 2.0 SWS lecture

17098 Heavy Quark Physics - 3.0 SWS lecture

17136 Imaging in medical physics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17109 Integrated Laser-Driven Ion Accelerator Systems - 4.0 SWS lecture

17314 Introduction to Physics of Neutrinos - 4.0 SWS lecture

17119 Key Experiments in Particle Physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17260 Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik und des Center for NanoScience - 2.0 SWS colloquium

17277 Kolloquium über Laseranwendungen, Quantenwissenschaften und -technologie - 2.0 SWS seminar

17100 Machine Learning in Fundamental Physics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17303 Mathematical methods and selected topics in supersymmetry - 2.0 SWS lecture

17137 Medical physics aspects of ion beam therapy in clinical practice - 2.0 SWS lecture

17316 Modern Methods of Coincidence Spectroscopy and their Application in Ultrafast Physics - 2.0




17034 Modern Topics in Condensed Matter Physics - 2.0 SWS advanced


17095 Monte Carlo Methoden - 3.0 SWS lecture

17079 Nanostructures & Nanomaterials - 2.0 SWS lecture

17174 Natural Disasters - Biometeorology - 2.0 SWS lecture

17305 Networks and stochastic processes - 3.0 SWS lecture

17123 Nuclei in the Cosmos - 2.0 SWS advanced




17171 Numerical Weather Prediction - 4.0 SWS lecture

17172 Objective data analysis in the atmospheric and climate sciences - 4.0 SWS lecture

17085 Optoelectronics II (Organic) - 3.0 SWS lecture

17115 P5.6: Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum (Master) (Please apply for 3 courses) - 4.0 SWS internship

17111 Photonics II - The theory of light and its advanced applications - 3.0 SWS lecture

17128 Physics of Life - 4.0 SWS seminar

17087 Quantum Optics II - 4.0 SWS lecture

17092 Quantum Optoelectronics - 3.0 SWS lecture

17139 Radiation Biology and Brachytherapy (lecture series) - 2.0 SWS lecture

17144 Radiation Detectors for Medical Applications - 2.0 SWS lecture

17145 Radiation protection for medical applications: physical, legal and practical aspects - 2.0



17312 Renormalization group: combinatorics, physics, probability - 2.0 SWS seminar

17104 Semiconductor Physics - 3.0 SWS lecture

17120 Seminar in Hybrid Nanosystems - 2.0 SWS advanced


17268 Seminar on Quantum Many Body Physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17229 Seminar on remote sensing of trace gases - 2.0 SWS seminar

17118 Single Molecule Approaches to Biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

17133 Soft Matter Physics - 3.0 SWS lecture

17270 SolTech/Nano-Institut Seminar: Materials for Renewable Energies - 2.0 SWS seminar

17097 Strong-field photonics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17183 TMP-TA3: Condensed Matter Many-Body-Physics and Field Theory I - 4.0 SWS lecture

17185 TMP-TB2: QCD and Standard Model - 4.0 SWS lecture

17187 TMP-TB3: Supersymmetry - 4.0 SWS lecture

17189 TMP-TC2: Cosmology - 4.0 SWS lecture

17191 TMP-TC3: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spaces - 4.0 SWS lecture

17308 TMP-TD2: Stringtheory II - 4.0 SWS lecture

17193 TMP-TF1: Introduction to Quantum Gravity - 4.0 SWS lecture

17074 T_M1: Advanced Statistical Physics - 4.0 SWS lecture

17081 Tensor Networks - 4.0 SWS lecture

17106 Tensor models and group field theories for quantum gravity - 2.0 SWS lecture

17094 The Standard Model and Atomic Physics - 2.0 SWS lecture

17083 Theoretische Hydrodynamik - 3.0 SWS lecture

17117 Topics in Quantum Field Theory - 3.0 SWS seminar

17286 Topics on medical physics, laser acceleration and nuclear physics - 2.0 SWS seminar

17138 Tutorial and Hands-on Calculations in Ion Beam Therapy - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17077 Ultracold Quantum Gases II - 4.0 SWS lecture

17311 Ultrafast & Attosecond Spectroscopy - 2.0 SWS seminar

17134 Übungen und Seminar zu Soft Matter Physics - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17103 Übungen zu Advanced Topics in Nanophotonics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17108 Übungen zu Anyons and topological order - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17132 Übungen zu Biophysics of Macromolecules - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17181 Übungen zu Clouds: Microphysics and Convection - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17142 Übungen zu Digital image processing in medical physics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17073 Übungen zu E_M2: Fortgeschrittene Experimentalphysik (Advanced Particle Physics) - 2.0


exercise course

17196 Übungen zu F, T6: Lie groups, Lie Algebras - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17099 Übungen zu Heavy Quark Physics - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17014 Übungen zu Information theory - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17110 Übungen zu Integrated Laser-Driven Ion Accelerator Systems - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17317 Übungen zu Introduction to Physics of Neutrinos - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17096 Übungen zu Monte Carlo Methoden - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17080 Übungen zu Nanostructures & Nanomaterials - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17306 Übungen zu Networks and stochastic processes - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17086 Übungen zu Optoelektronik II (Organisch) - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17112 Übungen zu Photonics II: The theory of light and its advanced applications - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17088 Übungen zu Quantum Optics II - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17093 Übungen zu Quantum Optoelectronics - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17105 Übungen zu Semiconductor Physics - 1.0 SWS exercise course



17192 Übungen zu TC3: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spaces - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17184 Übungen zu TMP-TA3: Condensed Matter Many-Body-Physics and Field Theory I - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17186 Übungen zu TMP-TB2: QCD and Standard Model - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17188 Übungen zu TMP-TB3: Supersymmetry - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17190 Übungen zu TMP-TC2: Cosmology - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17309 Übungen zu TMP-TD2: Stringtheory II - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17194 Übungen zu TMP-TF1: Introduction to Quantum Gravity - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17076 Übungen zu T_M1: Advanced Statistical Physics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17082 Übungen zu Tensor Networks - 2.0 SWS exercise course

17084 Übungen zu Theoretische Hydrodynamik - 1.0 SWS exercise course

17078 Übungen zu Ultracold Quantum Gases II - 2.0 SWS exercise course

Courses for PhD students

Lect.- Lecture Type No.




This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type


Advanced research lab course with seminar in Biochemistry, mandatory main subject (16+2 SWS, building A, full-time, time and place by arrangement) - 18.0 SWS



Chemical and molecular mechanisms in medicine - 2.0 SWS lecture


DNA-Nanotechnology - 2.0 SWS lecture


Discussions on trends in genome stability research (Journal Club, BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1, Raum K02.045) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

T1M2 Einführungsveranstaltung für den Master-Studiengang Biochemie introductory course


Energyconversion: From Materials to Mechanisms (Ort und Zeit nach Vereinbarung) - 2.0 SWS lecture


Fundamentals in Data Analysis incl. Tutorial (lecture and exercise block course - without Mondays, building BioSysM, room K0.0029) - 2.0 SWS



Glycochemistry - from Synthesis to Biological Function - 2.0 SWS lecture

T1OE-I The chemistry of heterocycles - 2.0 SWS lecture


High-Energy Materials (Part 2) - 1.0 SWS lecture


Innate Immunity and Inflammation (Butenandtstr. 1, Raum K01.045) - 2.0 SWS lecture


Lab course: Innate Immunity (please see notice posted on bulletin board; Fraunhoferstr. 12, Martinsried; online registration SoSe on Genecenter webpage) - 10.0 SWS



Lab course: Introduction into Single Particle Analysis Digital Image Processing (duration: 1 week, please see notice posted on bulletin board) - 3.0 SWS



Modern laserspectroscopy - 2.0 SWS lecture

18155 Pharmakologisches Kolloquium (AK Biel) - 2.0 SWS seminar in a major subject

18165 Research Skills Workshop - 8.0 SWS block seminar


Modern synthetic methods - 2.0 SWS lecture


Subject-specific colloquium in Biochemistry - Fachspezifisches Kolloquium in Biochemie - 2.0 SWS colloquium


Transmission Electron Microscopy - 2.0 SWS lecture


Übungen und Tutorial zu Fundamentals of Data Analysis (Blockveranstaltung; BioSysM-Haus, Raum K0.0029) - 3.0 SWS

exercise course

Courses for Phd students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

18170 Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse in den Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften - 2.0 SWS advanced course

18171 Anleitung zu selbständigem wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten colloqium for





Current trends in functional genomics research (Journal Club, BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1,

K01.045) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar



Discussion on trends in molecular genome research, Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25, Raum

A4.01 - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar





Proceedings in mitochondrial homeostasis and stress response (Group Meeting,

BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1, K01.045) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar



Recent advances in biochemical and genetic DNA repair research (group meeting,

BioSys, Butenandtstr. 1, Raum K02.045) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar



Recent literature and progress in macromolecular self-assembly (Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25,

Raum A3.01) - 2.0 SWS

advanced seminar

T1WA-P Wochenkurs: Introduction into Explosion Physics with exercises (Ort und Zeit nach

Vereinbarung), Anmeldung Haus D, Raum D3.069 - 1.0 SWS

advanced course




More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

19480 Applied Electronics for Biologists - 4.0 SWS exercise course

19139 Englisch für Biologinnen und Biologen - Sprachniveau C1 - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19427 Interdisciplinary lecture series - From Biology to Medicine - 2.0 SWS seminar

19425 Keynote Seminar Series lecture

19106 Vorlesung und Übung: Mathematical foundations for Neurosciences - 4.0 SWS lecture

19117 Seminar: Metabolic networks: structure, function and analysis - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Bachelor and Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

19372 An Introduction to Remote Satellite Sensing and GIS - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19283 Behavioural Profiling of Mice - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19386 Hochalpenexkursion/ Excursion to the alpine upland - 3.0 SWS field trip

19377 Measuring animal behaviour: from an idea to a publication. Combined seminar and zoo practical -3.0 SWS

exercise course

19208 Practical course and seminar: Drug target identification in tropical pathogens - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19327 Practical course and seminar: Eukaryotic transcription and regulation - 5.0 SWS internship

19378 Practical course: Archaeometry - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19331 Practical course: Methods for protein characterization - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19365 Research course Aquatic Ecology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19373 Practical course Experimental Behavioral Ecology - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19381 Seminar zur Hochalpenexkursion, Seminar to the alpine upland excursion - 1.0 SWS seminar

19313 Seminar: Artenvielfalt und Evolution der Pilze / Seminar: species diversity and evolution of fungi -3.0 SWS


19313 Seminar: Artenvielfalt und Evolution der Pilze / Seminar: species diversity and evolution of fungi -3.0 SWS


19345 Seminar: Microorganisms and Humans: a not entirely harmonious relationship - 2.0 SWS seminar

19219 Seminar: Transcription and Development - 2.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No.

Lecture Type

19470 „Make it right“ the do’s and don’t about scientific writing and image preparation - 2.0 SWS


19471 „Quantity matters“ - A Seminar about Sustainable Development Goals and the pivotal role of biologist in reaching those goals - 2.0 SWS


19488 3D Genome Organisation and Cell Fate - Methods and Functional Importance - 2.0 SWS seminar

19467 AG- Gompel Lab meeting accompanying seminar

19478 Accompanying seminar Cell Biology, Stem Cells and Epigenetics - 1.0 SWS accompanying seminar

19269 Advanced Seminar in Audio Information Processing - 2.0 SWS seminar

19390 Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Genetics, seminar accompanying thesis research - 2.0 SWS


19110 Advanced lecture on (cryo) electron microscopy - 2.0 SWS lecture

19279 Analysis of electrophysiological extracellular data - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19278 Analysis of multichannel extracellular recordings and optogenetic manipulations in the visual cortex of awake mice - 6.0 SWS

exercise course

19149 Animal Models for Psychiatric Disorders - 2.0 SWS seminar

19266 Basic Introduction to Advanced MRI and Analysis Techniques for Neuro-Applications - 2.0 SWS


19335 Botanical colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

19449 Challenging Careers Training (For Students in their last year only!) workshop

19264 Computational Neuroscience: A Lecture Series from Models to Applications - 2.0 SWS lecture

19273 Critical reading and thinking in neuroscience - 2.0 SWS seminar

19272 Current Topics in Neural Circuits of Vision - 2.0 SWS seminar



19363 EES Seminar Series - 2.0 SWS seminar

19285 Experimental stroke research – Introduction to laboratory animal science - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19123 Exploring the visual system with open-source tools and data - 2.0 SWS seminar

19022 Extra- and Intracellular recordings of single and multi-units - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19173 Functional Organization of Vestibulo-Motor Responses - 6.0 SWS exercise course

GSN Soft-Skill Courses workshop

19431 GSN Workshop Careers beyond Science - 1.0 SWS talk

19343 Group Meeting Osman n/a

19435 Harvard-LMU Young Scientists' Forum - 1.0 SWS workshop

19290 Hippocampal Sequence Replay - 2.0 SWS seminar

19329 Imaging Neuropsychiatry II - 2.0 SWS lecture

19395 Individual Research Training (IRT2) - 12.0 SWS research internship

19282 Introduction into the Basics of Electrophysiological Recording Techniques - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19284 Introduction to Event related Potential Recordings - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19287 Introduction to Patch-Clamp Recordings - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19265 Introduction to Scientific Programming in Python - 2.0 SWS lecture

19205 Lecture Human Biology- "Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology" - 2.0 SWS lecture

19281 Lecture and Practical Course in Neuroprosthetics - 4.0 SWS exercise course

19306 Lecture and Practical Course: Basic 2-Photon Microscopy Applied to Functional Brain Activity - 2.0 SWS

exercise course

19136 Lecture and Practical course: Pretty plots - Visualisierung statistischer Daten - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19025 Lecture and seminar: Patent law in biotechnology, pharmaceutics and medicine - 2.0 SWS


19114 Lecture: Bioimaging (imaging techniques in bio-sciences) - 1.0 SWS lecture

19375 Lecture: Advanced Evolutionary Genomics - 2.0 SWS lecture

19314 Lecture: Alpine flora and vegetation - 2.0 SWS lecture

19376 Lecture: Archaeometry - 2.0 SWS lecture

19112 Lecture: Architecture of visual systems - 1.0 SWS lecture

19370 Lecture: Basic Evolutionary Genomics - 2.5 SWS lecture

19010 Lecture: Biomembranes and cellular compartmentation - 2.0 SWS lecture

19483 Lecture: Circuit Design for Biologists - 2.0 SWS lecture

19017 Lecture: Epigenetics - 2.0 SWS lecture

19322 Lecture: Genetics of plant-microbe interactions in sustainable agriculture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19211 Lecture: Genomics of Human Diseases - 2.0 SWS lecture

19016 Lecture: Human Biology - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - from Stem Cells over Cancer Cells and Aging Cells - 2.0 SWS


19020 Lecture: Interactions of plants and environment - 2.0 SWS lecture

19008 Lecture: Mechanism of animal development - 2.0 SWS lecture

19015 Lecture: Microbial Cell Biology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19134 Lecture: Microscopic anatomy and histology of vertebrates - 2.0 SWS lecture

19009 Lecture: Mitochondrial Cell Biology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19144 Lecture: Morphology, Phylogeny and Evolution of Deuterostomes - 2.0 SWS lecture

19108 Lecture: Plant innate immunity lecture

19354 Literary seminar: Novel techniques and approaches in physical and synthetic biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

Methods in Clinical Neuroscience - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19152 Microbiological colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

19023 Molecular Neurogenetics and Experimental Stroke Research - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19280 Neuroimmunological methods in experimental stroke research - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19434 Neurolunch - 1.0 SWS seminar

19275 Neuronal Mechanisms of Vision - 2.0 SWS seminar

19430 Neuroscience Lectures (MCN, GSN, SFB, BCCN, SFB, RTG) - 2.0 SWS lecture

19348 P 1.3 and P 1.4 Statistics - 3.0 SWS lecture

19320 P 10.1 Tutoring for Beginners - 1.0 SWS tutorial

19259 P 10.2 Non-Scientific Skills - 1.0 SWS workshop

19260 P 10.3 Vocational Training - 1.0 SWS workshop

19388 P 2.1 and P 2.2 EES Excursion and Seminar - 3.0 SWS field trip

19245 P 2.2 & WP 9.2 Systems Neuroscience 2 - Seminar Audition and Communication - 1.0 SWS seminar

19171 P 2.2 & WP 9.2 Systems Neuroscience 2 - Seminar Sound Localisation - 1.0 SWS seminar

19389 P 2.3 Seminar & Discussion 2: Global Change - 2.0 SWS seminar

19248 P 3.1 Research Project 1 - Practical Course - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19249 P 3.2 Research Project 1 - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

19024 P 5.1 Fundamentals in Neuroscience 2 - Lecture - 4.0 SWS lecture

19244 P 5.2 Fundamentals in Neuroscience 2 - Tutorial - 1.0 SWS tutorial

19209 P 6.1 Neurophilosophy - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19246 P 7.1 Research Project 2 - Practical Course - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19247 P 7.2 Research Project 2 - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

19307 P 8.1 Laboratory Internship - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19308 P 8.2 Lab Rotation - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar



19309 P 9.1 Research Project 3 - Practical Course - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19310 P 9.2 Research Project 3 - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

19433 Practical Course Auditory Electrophysiology - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19302 Practical Course Basic Proteomics - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19304 Practical Course Diagnostic Procedures in Neurology - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19299 Practical Course Introduction to Electroencephalography (EEG) - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19303 Practical Course Live Single Cell Imaging and Analysis of neural stem cells - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19305 Practical Course Modern Optical Imaging in Neurobiology - 1.0 SWS exercise course

19484 Practical Course: Applied Electronics for Biologists - 4.0 SWS exercise course

19473 Practical Course: Computational biomedicine empowered by machine learning - 3.0 SWS internship

19127 Practical Course: Methods in transmission electron microscopy and their application - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19147 Practical and Seminar: Image analysis with Python - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19490 Practical and Seminar: Scientific Web Tool Development using Python - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19131 Practical course: Übung zur Kenntnis der alpinen Flora und Vegetation der Zentralalpen/ The flora and vegetation of the Central European Alps - 3.0 SWS

exercise course

19206 Practical course Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19442 Practical course and Seminar: R-course with the topic Metagenomics / Community analysis - 5.0 SWS

exercise course

19312 Practical course and Seminar: Regulation of plant metabolism - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19326 Practical course and seminar: Plant innate immunity - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19325 Practical course and seminar: Transcriptional regulation of molecular plant microbe interactions -5.0 SWS

exercise course

19018 Practical course: Bioimaging (incl. Seminar) - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19203 Practical course: Embryonic Stem Cells & Epigenetics (incl. Seminar) - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19130 Practical course: Evolutionary developmental biology of arthropods - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19485 Practical course: Image Deconvolution in Fluorescence Microscopy - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19465 Practical course: Introduction to Phython programming in genomic research - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19132 Practical course: Marine biological field practical in Piran (Slovenia) - 3.0 SWS field trip

19301 Practical course: Matlab Programming - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19135 Practical course: Microscopic anatomy and histology of vertebrates - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19129 Practical course: Morphology, evolution and diversity of seed plants - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19190 Practical course: Protein transport - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19019 Practical course: Tumorepigenetics (incl. Seminar) - 6.0 SWS exercise course

19374 Practical: Morphology, Phylogeny and Evolution of Deuterostomes - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19320 Research Course: Molecular analysis of abiotic stress adaption and non-coding RNAs - 12.0 SWS

research internship

19268 Research Data Management in Neuroscience - 2.0 SWS lecture & excercise course

19223 Research Group Seminar - Molecular Oncology II - 1.0 SWS seminar

19227 Research Group Seminar - Molecular Oncology II - 1.0 SWS seminar

19221 Research Group Seminar - Neurosciences II - 1.0 SWS seminar

19225 Research Group Seminar - Neurosciences II - 1.0 SWS seminar

19350 Research Meetings 1 (AG Leonhardt) - 2.0 SWS seminar

19154 Research course Anthropology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19479 Research course Cell Biology, Stem Cells and Epigenetics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19364 Research course Osteology and Bioarchaeology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19360 Research course: Cell and developmental biology of animals - 12.0 SWS research internship

19319 Research course: Abiotic stress and non-coding RNA - 12.0 SWS research internship

19187 Research course: Arthropod diversity through time - 12.0 SWS research internship

19162 Research course: Bacterial cell entry - 12.0 SWS research internship

19193 Research course: Bioinformatic analysis of next generation sequencing data research internship

19494 Research course: Biology of lichens research internship

19367 Research course: Biology of the arthropods and molluscs - 12.0 SWS research internship

19182 Research course: Cellular mechanisms in reproductive medicine - 12.0 SWS research internship

19361 Research course: Centrioles - 12.0 SWS research internship

19215 Research course: Comparative Primate Genomics - 12.0 SWS research internship



19468 Research course: Computational genome analysis of fission yeast - 12.0 SWS research internship

19168 Research course: Current topics in ultrastructural research in electron microscopy - 12.0 SWS research internship

19179 Research course: Development and signal transduction in higher plants - 12.0 SWS research internship

19184 Research course: Ecology / zoology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19192 Research course: Evolution of Cryptogams research internship

19337 Research course: Functional genomics in cyanobacteria - 12.0 SWS research internship

19186 Research course: Functional morphology of animals (vertebrates) - 12.0 SWS research internship

19188 Research course: Functional morphology of arthropods - 12.0 SWS research internship

19338 Research course: Gene expression in plastids - 12.0 SWS research internship

19333 Research course: Genetic diversity of lichens research internship

19166 Research course: Human biology, epigenetics - 6.0 SWS research internship

19177 Research course: Mass spectroscopy and biochemistry of organelles - 12.0 SWS research internship

19341 Research course: Mechanisms of cell division - 12.0 SWS research internship

19156 Research course: Membrane transport in plants - 12.0 SWS research internship

19170 Research course: Membrane-biochemical topics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19318 Research course: Metabolic acclimation to abiotic stress - 12.0 SWS research internship

19178 Research course: Metabolite and Cation Transporter of Chloroplast Membranes - 12.0 SWS research internship

19191 Research course: Molecular Human Genetics / Immunology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19352 Research course: Molecular Human Genetics / Immunology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19486 Research course: Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19169 Research course: Molecular biology and biochemical topics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19180 Research course: Molecular biology and biogenesis of plant organelles - 12.0 SWS research internship

19164 Research course: Molecular genetics and signal transduction of pathogenic protozoa - 12.0 SWS

research internship

19163 Research course: Molecular plant-microbe interactions - 12.0 SWS research internship

19469 Research course: Performaing computational genetic mapping based on whole-genome sequencing data - 12.0 SWS

research internship

19329 Research course: Plant immunity research internship

19176 Research course: Plant metabolism - 12.0 SWS research internship

19181 Research course: Plastid to nucleus signaling in plants research internship

19157 Research course: Regulation of cell-cell crosstalk - 12.0 SWS research internship

19175 Research course: Regulation of photosynthesis - 12.0 SWS research internship

19185 Research course: Special zoology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19334 Research course: Species diversity of lichens research internship

19366 Research course: Statistical Genetics - 12.0 SWS research internship

19358 Research courses in molecular virology - 12.0 SWS research internship

19219 Research group seminar - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 1.0 SWS seminar

19229 Research group seminar - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 1.0 SWS seminar



19220 Research practical course - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 12.0 SWS research internship

19230 Research practical course - Cardiovascular, Lung and Metabolism - 12.0 SWS research internship

19224 Research practical course - Molecular Oncology II - 12.0 SWS research internship

19222 Research practical course - Neurosciences II - 12.0 SWS research internship

19226 Research practical course - Neurosciences II - 12.0 SWS research internship

19217 Self-Development, Self-Organization and Leadership - 3.0 SWS seminar

19153 Seminar - Methods in transmission electron microscopy and their application - 2.0 SWS seminar

19351 Seminar AG Leonhardt seminar

19292 Seminar Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness - 2.0 SWS seminar

19291 Seminar Computational Neuroscience - 2.0 SWS seminar

19369 Seminar Frontiers in Evolutionary Biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19204 Seminar Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19295 Seminar Neural Dynamics and Computation seminar

19119 Seminar Neurobiology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19293 Seminar Neuropsychopharmacology - basic pharmacodynamic principles and clinical practical

pharmacokinetic aspects - 1.0 SWS


19189 Seminar Paleopathology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19165 Seminar Signalling and development in Trypanosoma - 2.0 SWS seminar

19286 Seminar and practical course Biomolecular Interactions - 5.0 SWS exercise course

19332 Seminar for bachelor, master and doctoral students (AG Evolution of seedless land plants) - 2.0



19174 Seminar for bachelor, master and doctoral students (AG Phylogenetic phycology) - 2.0 SWS seminar

19315 Seminar for bachelor, master, and doctoral students and for Zulassungskandidaten of the AG

Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants - 1.0 SWS


19393 Seminar to accompany thesis research in evolutionary genetics - 2.0 SWS seminar

19368 Seminar to accompany thesis research in quantitative genetics and evolutionary bioinformatics -

2.0 SWS


19213 Seminar: 10 toxins that change the world - 2.0 SWS seminar

19012 Seminar: Animal regeneration - 2.0 SWS seminar

19564 Seminar: Behaviour and Speciation journal club - 2.0 SWS seminar

19466 Seminar: Computational genetics - 2.0 SWS seminar

19481 Seminar: Current research in plant-environment interactions - 2.0 SWS seminar

19158 Seminar: Current research results in genetics - 1.0 SWS seminar

19199 Seminar: Current topics in Statistical Genomics - 2.0 SWS seminar

19311 Seminar: Current topics in cell biology and physiology of plants - 2.0 SWS seminar

19339 Seminar: Current topics in plant evolutionary cell biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19317 Seminar: Current topics in systematic biology - 1.0 SWS seminar

19107 Seminar: Electron microscopy and structural biology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19120 Seminar: Evolutionary developmental biology of arthropods - 2.0 SWS seminar

19116 Seminar: Forensic Anthropology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19380 Seminar: Functional morphology of social insects - 2.0 SWS seminar

19492 Seminar: Fundamental concepts and tools for bioinformatic analysis - 3.0 SWS seminar

19125 Seminar: Genetic model organisms - 2.0 SWS seminar

19118 Seminar: Genetics and Society 1 - Biotechnology - 2.0 SWS seminar

19210 Seminar: Genome Engineering - 2.0 SWS seminar

19207 Seminar: Genomic technologies and how they are (ab-)used in genetics - 2.0 SWS seminar

19384 Seminar: Genomics of Adaptation and Speciation - 2.0 SWS seminar

19472 Seminar: Introduction to Phython programming in genomic research - 2.0 SWS seminar

19115 Seminar: Introduction to visual perception seminar

19159 Seminar: Journal club Molecular plant microbe interactions - 2.0 SWS seminar

19218 Seminar: Life Sciences Communication - 2.0 SWS seminar

19122 Seminar: Marine Biology (Systematics of marine flora and fauna) - 2.0 SWS seminar

19344 Seminar: Mechanisms of cell division seminar

19011 Seminar: Mechanisms of plant gene regulation - 2.0 SWS seminar

19324 Seminar: Mechanisms of the innate immune system - 2.0 SWS seminar

19487 Seminar: Molecular Microbiology and Infection Biology - 1.0 SWS accompanying




19124 Seminar: Molecular and ecological aspects of biotechnology with micro-algae and cyanobacteria -

2.0 SWS


19321 Seminar: Molecular biology and genetic engineering - 2.0 SWS seminar

19160 Seminar: Molecular genetics and signal transduction of pathogenic protozoa - 2.0 SWS seminar

19121 Seminar: Morphology, evolution and diversity of seed plants - 2.0 SWS seminar

19274 Seminar: Neurobiology of Sleep - 2.0 SWS seminar

19161 Seminar: Plant genetics of symbiosis - 2.0 SWS seminar

19148 Seminar: Poster design workshop - 2.0 SWS seminar

19342 Seminar: Research on mitochondrial biology using S. cerevisiae and C. elegans as model



19013 Seminar: Signalling in development and disease - 2.0 SWS seminar

19167 Seminar: Structural and functional analysis of prokaryotic transmembrane receptors and

transporters - 2.0 SWS


19482 Seminar: The Plant-Environment Interactions Journal Club - 1.0 SWS seminar

19567 Seminar: The evolution of brains and behaviour - 2.75 SWS seminar

19346 Seminar: The mitochondrial genome - from its discovery to three-parent-babies - 2.0 SWS seminar

19316 Seminar: The ongoing global mass extinction: finding ways out of the biodiversity crisis - 3.0



19286 Signal Processing for Audio Technology - 4.0 SWS exercise course

19267 Signal Processing for Audio Technology - 2.0 SWS lecture

19394 Skills 3: Poster and Discussion - 2.0 SWS seminar

19276 Spatial and Temporal Cognition: Experiments and Models - 2.0 SWS seminar

19271 Structural and Functional Connectomics in Neuroimaging - 2.0 SWS seminar

19442 Tutors for Basic Lab Skills course for incoming master's students seminar for


19257 WP 10.1 Biomedical Neuroscience - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19258 WP 10.2 Biomedical Neuroscience - Seminar - 1.0 SWS seminar

19250 WP 6.1 Special Methods in Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience for Experts - Lecture -

2.0 SWS


19251 WP 6.2 Special Methods in Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience for Experts -

Excercise Class - 6.0 SWS

exercise course

19252 WP 6.3 Special Methods in Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience for Experts -

Seminar - 2.0 SWS


19253 WP 7.1 Machine Learning and Analysis of Neural Data - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19254 WP 7.2 Machine Learning and Analysis of Neural Data - Excercise - 3.0 SWS exercise course

19255 WP 8.1 Mathematical Models of Neural Systems and Cognitive Functions - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19256 WP 8.2 Mathematical Models of Neural Systems and Cognitive Functions - Exercise - 2.0 SWS exercise course

19109 WP 9.1 Systems Neuroscience 2 - Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

19437 Wittgenstein, On Certainty 3 - 2.0 SWS advanced


19297 Workshop Cloning in a Nutshell and Practical Approach - 1.0 SWS exercise course

19216 Workshop on Scientific Writing: Bringing Your Text to Life - 1.0 SWS seminar

19285 eLecture Biomolecular Interactions - 2.0 SWS lecture

19021 eLecture: Molecular virology (Part II: general and specific virology) - 2.0 SWS lecture

Courses for PhD students

Lect.- Lecture Type No.




This department provides specific information for exchange students:

More information about the courses at this faculty can be found on: (in German).

Courses for Bachelor Lect.-No. Lecture Type

20415 Advanced Topics of Shock Tube Experiments and their Applications - 1.0 SWS seminar

20398 Blockkurs Magmen, Schmelzen, Gläser block seminar

20374 Excercises Volcanology II / Übung Vulkanologie II - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20459 Field Seminar, Harz-Vogtland-Erzgebirge field practical

20470 Introduction to Geoscience Communication - 2.0 SWS lecture

20617 Kleine Exkursion "Städtische Wärmeinsel in München und Umland" field trip

20618 Kleine Exkursion "Städtische Wärmeinsel in München und Umland" field trip

20619 Kleine Exkursion "Städtische Wärmeinsel in München und Umland" field trip

20404 Mass spectrometry of radiogenic isotopes exercise course

20397 Modern Mantle Convection Simulation (Algorithms and Tools) - 1.0 SWS integrated learning activity

20469 Recent Topics in Geosciences (Seminar): Analysis of volcanic deposits' Reading and Discussion Seminar - 2.0 SWS


20458 Regional Geology, Cabo de Gata volcanism, Spain field practical

20457 Rhegional geology, Sierra Alhamilla, Spain field practical

20412 Seminar Functional materials - 2.0 SWS seminar

20405 Special Topics in Paleo- and Geomagnetism - 2.0 SWS seminar

Tutorium Erdgeschichte - 2.0 SWS lecture

20414 Volcanology, Petrology and Geofabrics - 1.0 SWS seminar

Courses for Master students Lect.-No. Lecture Type

20468 Characterisation methods for semiconductor crystals - 2.0 SWS lecture

P 1.2 Evolution of Life: Tutorial (aus WS 20/21) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20299 P 1.2 Field Mapping and Exploration n/a

20318 P 13.0.1 Advanced Deformation and Transformation of Rocks 4 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20320 P 13.0.3 Advanced Active Tectonics 4 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20321 P 13.0.4 Advanced Earth Magnetism 4 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20322 P 13.0.5 Advanced Geochemistry and Geochronology 4 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20323 P 14 Communicating Science - 4.0 SWS workshop

20290 P 2.4 Geophysical Data Acquisition and Analysis - 3.0 SWS exercise course

20291 P 3.4 Scientific Programming (Exercise Class), Course B - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20292 P 4.1 Geodynamics - 2.0 SWS lecture

20382 P 4.1 Methods in Geobiology and Paleobiology: Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

20345 P 4.2 High Resolution Microscopy (Exercise), Course A - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20346 P 4.2 High Resolution Microscopy (Exercise), Course B - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20347 P 4.2 High Resolution Microscopy (Exercise), Course C - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20383 P 4.2 Methods in Geobiology and Paleobiology: Tutorial, course A - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20384 P 4.2 Methods in Geobiology and Paleobiology: Tutorial, course B - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20293 P 4.2 Seismology - 2.0 SWS lecture

20275 P 5.1 Computational Geophysics (Lecture) - 2.0 SWS lecture

20385 P 5.1 Statistics in Geobiology and Paleobiology: Lecture - 2.0 SWS lecture

20349 P 5.2 Applied Geochemical Analytics - 3.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20276 P 5.2 Computational Geophysics (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20386 P 5.2 Statistics in Geobiology and Paleobiology: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20387 P 6.1 Geobiology Field Practical - 2.0 SWS field practical

20278 P 6.2 Scientific Programming (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20300 P 7.0.1 Advanced Deformation and Transformation 2 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20301 P 7.0.2 Advanced Surface Processes 2 - 2.0 SWS seminar



20302 P 7.0.3 Advanced Active Tectonics 2 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20303 P 7.0.4 Advanced Earth Magnetism 2 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20304 P 7.0.5 Advanced Geochemistry and Geochronology 2 - 2.0 SWS seminar

20279 P 7.1 Geodynamics - 2.0 SWS lecture

20388 P 7.1 Paleobiology Field Practical field practical

20280 P 7.2 Seismology - 2.0 SWS lecture

20281 P 7.3 Geo- and Paleomagnetism - 2.0 SWS lecture

20282 P 8.1 Geophysical Data Analysis: Practical Introduction - 2.0 SWS internship

20389 P 8.1 Presentation and communication skills - 2.0 SWS seminar

20305 P 8.1 Project Supervision n/a

20306 P 8.2 Research laboratory project

20390 P 8.2 Seminar on Current Topics in Geo- and Paleobiology - 2.0 SWS seminar

20307 P 9.0.1, WP 4.0.13 Quantitative Geological Mapping 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

20313 P 9.0.10 Mathematical Geology 1 - 2.0 SWS lecture

20314 P 9.0.11 Quantitative Microfabric Analysis - 2.0 SWS n/a

20315 P 9.0.12 Geological Sample Preparation 1 - 2.0 SWS n/a

20316 P 9.0.13 Lidar and GPS mapping n/a

20308 P 9.0.2 Quaternary Dating Methods - 2.0 SWS n/a

20340 P 9.0.3, WP 4.0.14 Quantitative Geological Mapping 2 n/a

20339 P 9.0.4 Methods of Mineral Resources - 2.0 SWS n/a

20309 P 9.0.6 Scientific Programming - 4.0 SWS n/a

20310 P 9.0.7 Analytical Methods in Geochemistry - 2.0 SWS lecture

20312 P 9.0.9, WP 4.0.9 Neotectonics - 4.0 SWS workshop

20342 P9.0.5/WP4.0.4 Geological Computer Modeling (3D modeling and visualization with

Gocad) - 2.0 SWS


20400 Recent topics in Geosciences (Seminar): Field and Experimental Volcanology, Reading

and Discussion Seminar - 2.0 SWS


20401 Recent topics in Geosciences (Seminar): Petrology-Geochemistry Reading and

Discussion Seminar - 2.0 SWS


20190 S (M.Sc.) Trade-offs in Sustainability - 2.0 SWS seminar

20274 Semester Opening for 1st Year Students (MSc Geophysics) introductory


20324 WP 1.0.1, WP 2.0.3 Geodynamics - 2.0 SWS lecture

20325 WP 1.0.2, WP 4.0.6 Paleomagnetism - 2.0 SWS n/a

20326 WP 1.0.3, WP 4.0.11 Crystal Physics - 3.0 SWS n/a

20327 WP 1.0.4, WP 4.0.7, WP 5.0.1 Petrophysics - 3.0 SWS n/a

20283 WP 1.1 Modern Geodynamics - 2.0 SWS seminar

20284 WP 1.2 Special Topics in Geodynamics - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP 1.3 Geophysical Colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

20294 WP 1.3 Geophysics Colloquium 1 - 1.0 SWS colloquium

20393 WP 10.1 Vertebrate Evolution: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20351 WP 10.2 Crystal Physics (Exercise) - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20352 WP 10.3 Thermodynamics of Crystals - 1.0 SWS lecture

20394 WP 11.1 Micropaleontology: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20354 WP 11.2 Petrology (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20395 WP 12.1 Geobiological Field Exercises: Field Practical - 2.0 SWS field practical

20355 WP 12.1 Geochemical Cycles - 2.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20356 WP 12.2 Experimental Geochemistry - 2.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20357 WP 13 Advanced Geosciences II - 4.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20359 WP 14.2 Analysis of Nonmetallic Raw Materials - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20360 WP 14.3 Field Exercise to Industrial Minerals field practical

20361 WP 15 Complementary Natural Sciences I - 4.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

WP 15.1 Advanced Vertebrate Geobiology: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20396 WP 17.1 Collections Management and Research: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20363 WP 17.1 Powder Diffraction (Lecture) - 1.0 SWS lecture

20364 WP 17.2 Powder Diffraction (Exercise) - 1.0 SWS exercise course



20365 WP 18.1 Physics of Volcanoes - 2.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20366 WP 19.1 Rock-Fluid-Interactions - 2.0 SWS lecture

20328 WP 2.0.1 WP 4.0.1 Global Tectonics - 2.0 SWS n/a

20330 WP 2.0.4 Global Soils - 2.0 SWS lecture

20331 WP 2.0.5, WP 4.0.10 Soil Science - 2.0 SWS n/a

20285 WP 2.1 Modern Seismology - 2.0 SWS lecture

20286 WP 2.2 Special Topics in Seismology - 2.0 SWS seminar

WP 2.3 Geophysical Colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

20295 WP 2.3 Geophysics Colloquium 2 - 1.0 SWS colloquium

20367 WP 20.1 Dynamic Igneous Processes - 2.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20368 WP 21.1 Advanced Geosciences III - 2.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20332 WP 3.0.1, WP 4.0.3 Industrial Minerals - 2.0 SWS lecture

20338 WP 3.0.3, WP 4.0.5 Mineral Economics - 2.0 SWS n/a

20334 WP 3.0.4 Risk Analysis - 2.0 SWS n/a

20343 WP 3.0.5 Exploration - 2.0 SWS n/a

20296 WP 3.1 Modern Paleo- und Geomagnetism - 2.0 SWS lecture

20287 WP 3.1 Regional Rock- and Paleomagnetism - 2.0 SWS lecture

20288 WP 3.2 Rock Sampling for Magnetic Studies field practical

WP 3.3 Geophysical Colloquium - 2.0 SWS colloquium

20297 WP 3.3 Geophysics Colloquium 3 - 1.0 SWS colloquium

20289 WP 3.4 Collecting and Analysing Magnetic Data - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20369 WP 32.1 Reflected Light Microscopy (Exercise) - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20335 WP 4.0.8 Landslides - 4.0 SWS lecture

20341 WP 8.0.5 Advanced Mineral Deposit Geology - 2.0 SWS integrated

learning activity

20391 WP 8.1 Molecular methods in Geobiology: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20392 WP 9.1 Vertebrate Paleobiology: Tutorial - 2.0 SWS exercise course

20000 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course A - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20001 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course B - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20002 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course C - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20003 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course D - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20004 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course E - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20005 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course F - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20008 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course G - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20006 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course H - 1.0 SWS exercise course

20007 WP 9.2 Functional Materials (Exercise), Course I - 1.0 SWS exercise course




In addition to German classes, the language center at LMU Munich also offers a broad range of language

courses in other languages for students from all faculties.

The LMU Munich Language Center (Fremd- und Fachsprachenprogramm) coordinates a comprehensive

range of language courses for members of all faculties to accompany their studies or furnish vocational

qualifications. The program includes conversation courses and specialized language courses in over 40

languages. A multimedia language laboratory is available for intensive use by students not only in formal

tuition, but also in the daily four hours of self-study.

Lect.-No. Lecture Type

13042 Arabic A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13045 Arabic A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

14688 Arabic A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13176 Bulgarisch II - 4.0 SWS language course

13275 Bulgarisch IV - 4.0 SWS language course

14617 Bulgarisch: Soziokulturelle Kompetenz - 1.0 SWS language course

14623 Bulgarisch: Textaufbau und Übersetzen - 1.0 SWS language course

12013 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen I (A1 Teil 1) - 4.0 SWS language course

12201 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen II (A1 Teil 2) - 4.0 SWS language course

12208 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen III (A2 Teil 1) - 2.0 SWS language course

12528 Chinesisch für Nichtsinologen IV (A2 Teil 2) - 2.0 SWS language course

14308 Eesti keele vestluskursus - 2.0 SWS exercise course

14678 Englisch A2: Allgemeinsprache - externes Angebot language course

13017 English B1: English for Academic Purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

13018 English B2: English for Academic Purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

13015 English B2: English for Business - 2.0 SWS language course

14674 English B2: English for Physics - 2.0 SWS language course

13016 English B2: Exploring Contemporary Texts - 2.0 SWS language course

13049 English B2: Presentations & Negotiations - 2.0 SWS language course

13048 English C1: Academic English at Advanced Level - 2.0 SWS language course

13047 English C2: Academic English at Proficiency Level - 2.0 SWS language course

13139 Estnisch II - 4.0 SWS language course

13138 Estnisch IV - 2.0 SWS language course

13136 Finnisch II - 4.0 SWS language course

13137 Finnisch IV - 4.0 SWS language course

14693 Französisch A1.1 (für Studierende aller Fächer - nur zu Informationszwecken) - 2.0 SWS language course

13020 French A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13019 French A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13023 French A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13050 French A2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13024 French B1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13021 French B2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13022 French C1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14696 Italienisch A1.1 (für Studierende aller Fächer - nur zu Informationszwecken) - 2.0 SWS language course

13034 Italian A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13032 Italian A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13035 Italian A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13033 Italian A2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13108 Italian B1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13109 Italian B1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13113 Italian B2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13642 Italian B2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13645 Japanese I (A1.1) for beginners - 2.0 SWS language course

13646 Japanese II (A1.2) - 2.0 SWS language course

13644 Japanese III (A2) - 2.0 SWS language course

13643 Japanese IV (B1) - 2.0 SWS language course

12358 Kiswahili II - 2.0 SWS language course

12361 Kiswahili IV - 2.0 SWS language course

12210 Koreanisch II (P.9.2.3) - 4.0 SWS language course

12206 Koreanisch IV - 2.0 SWS exercise course

12363 Nahuatl 2 (III+IV) (Mexiko) - 4.0 SWS language course

13036 Dutch A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course



13037 Dutch A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13107 Dutch A2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13038 Norwegisch für Nichtnordisten A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13647 Norwegisch für Nichtnordisten A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13648 Polnisch für Nichtslavisten II - 4.0 SWS language course

13649 Polnisch für Nichtslavisten IV - 2.0 SWS language course

14614 Polnisch: Soziale und politische Aspekte - 2.0 SWS language course

13378 Polnische Dichtung in der deutschen Übersetzung: Zbigniew Herbert und Wislawa Szymborska -3.0 SWS

language course

13041 Portuguese A1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13040 Portuguese A2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13039 Portuguese B1 - 2.0 SWS language course

12365 Quechua 2 (III+IV) - 4.0 SWS language course

13650 Russian Ia - 4.0 SWS language course

13652 Russisch für Nichtslavisten II - 4.0 SWS language course

13651 Russisch für Nichtslavisten IV - 2.0 SWS language course

13012 Schwedisch für Nichtnordisten A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13013 Schwedisch für Nichtnordisten A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13014 Schwedisch für Nichtnordisten A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13144 Serbisch/Kroatisch II - 6.0 SWS language course

13145 Serbisch/Kroatisch IV - 6.0 SWS language course

14616 Serbisch/Kroatisch: Sozial-politische Aspekte - 2.0 SWS language course

14622 Serbisch/Kroatisch: Textproduktion und Übersetzen - 2.0 SWS language course

13148 Slovakisch II - 4.0 SWS language course

13149 Slovakisch IV - 4.0 SWS language course

13146 Slovenisch II - 4.0 SWS language course

13147 Slovenisch IV - 4.0 SWS language course

14685 Spanisch A1.1 (für Studierende aller Fächer - nur zu Informationszwecken) - 2.0 SWS language course

13029 Spanish A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14681 Spanish A1.1 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

13030 Spanish A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

14682 Spanish A1.2 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

14686 Spanish A1.2-C1 FLIP Spanish (self-study course) language course

13028 Spanish A2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

14683 Spanish A2.1 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

13110 Spanish A2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

14684 Spanish A2.2 for the faculty of Chemistry/Pharmacy/Biology/Medicine - 2.0 SWS language course

13026 Spanish B1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13111 Spanish B1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13025 Spanish B2.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13112 Spanish B2.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13031 Spanish C1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13027 Spanish C1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13051 Spanish A2.2 Hablemos de historia - 2.0 SWS language course

14679 Spanish B1.1 Aprender español a través de la lectura de textos - 2.0 SWS language course

13052 Spanish B2.1 Curso de gramática, vocabulario y cultura por medio de la lectura - 2.0 SWS language course

14680 Spanish B2.2 Preparación para el examen DAAD (para estudiar o hacer prácticas en un país hispanohablante) - 2.0 SWS

language course

12202 Thai I (P 9.1.3) - 2.0 SWS language course

12203 Thai II (P 9.2.3) - 2.0 SWS language course

13653 Tschechisch für Nichtslavisten II - 2.0 SWS language course

13654 Tschechisch für Nichtslavisten IV - 2.0 SWS language course

14615 Tschechisch: Soziale und politische Aspekte - 2.0 SWS language course

14621 Tschechisch: Textproduktion und Übersetzen - 2.0 SWS language course

13010 Turkish A1.1 - 2.0 SWS language course

13009 Turkish A1.2 - 2.0 SWS language course

13150 Ukrainisch II - 4.0 SWS language course

13151 Ukrainisch IV - 4.0 SWS language course

14613 Ukrainisch: Soziale und politische Aspekte - 1.0 SWS language course

14620 Ukrainisch: Textproduktion und Übersetzen - 1.0 SWS language course

13140 Ungarisch II - 4.0 SWS language course

13141 Ungarisch IV - 4.0 SWS language course

14673 Preparatory course Japanese for academic purposes - 2.0 SWS language course

12199 Wolof (Westafrika) - 4.0 SWS language course


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