county standard...the ·· · . . . ; s£m·i- wee:t\ly . · union county tuesday . no. 74...

Post on 03-May-2018






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THE ·· · . . . ; s£M·I- WEE:t\Ly . ·



NO. 74 IWESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., TUESDA "t, . DECEMBER 2J, 1�00. $2 Per Year.


112 AND 1/3 OFF USUAl SELLING. ' last ten years have merchandising conditions

it po11ible to originate such price sacri&oeB as these in new styl· made


And a whole host of Gat•ntents freah from maker& to a department throughout the State for its clean '\P·to-date a88ortments.

SIX EXTRAORDINARY BlR&AII EXAMPLES: (I) LADIES' JACKE.T5-]5:e1'1!llys, Oxfords •nd Tans, blacks. novys, velvet collar,and high H11ring collate. snti11 lined through· I &0 out, well tailore•l, diffli1'1mt length•, box �ud fitted backs...... • (:a) LAOI!'lS' JACKETS-Without doubt the stronge•t lot of Jack­

�t• in the State. l\lauy worth �Iii 00 to tt7 00 fiue grade K�rsey, Cheviot, Ransome Oxfor•l•, in short tight fitting bnck , or box back, high 8 16 tlare or notch .collar, •l! Sklnue1· Salin lineil111rd faced, all sizes 1

(3) LADIES' SUITS-Fiue<}UIIIity V•netiaos, Cheviots, �ud Rome. sp•m•, <louble breaste<l. tight littiug or reefer front Jacket; ulso �ouble fnced Walking Skirts, 11 few Etous, wit-h silk faced reve1·es, select.C!l lot and •omelined throughout will

.• Jivemaud, 'faff•ta, sell 12 50 regularly to 8�2 ii�. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . • .. .. . . , • (4) OIRLS' REEFERS- Good qnnlity Kersey and Covert, come half

llue<l, others lined tluon�hout. box or fitted back. with circular 5 00 cnpes. trimmed with hraid• und s11tiu, regular np to $7 98...... • (S) uTOTS" COATS-A 11 Wool Bm�dcloth, with •quare threfl cnn•s,

•?me are �raid tr·im11rell; �thers fur trimmed; also .nppliqne, 3 98 filshed w1th bra1ds amlnbbous, n1• to Su. US, for.. . . . . • • . . . 1

(6) W ALKINO SKIRTS- Lika Sl<irts lu�<e eold all season nt two dollars more llU<l cousiderell R special ban:nin at till\\, Absolntely all wool, Gilbert Cloth, in blue, aml oxfot·ds. nil seums Rl"e !lnishorl, hHve pocket, 5 gure tlure, wiue hems. 10 1·ows of stitching. Less 2 75 than the price of cotton• . . .. . . . . .... .. , . . . • . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . 1

No AR;ents or Branth Stores ALywhere.

Free DeUverles lt_v our Own.Wa�tona

to Westfield 1nd VIcinity Dally , , • :

IEWARI, I. Ji � ................... ��t��·�···�·������ ... �� .. ����

OOLF GOODS at popular pri,es.




The flainfield fhoto·Supply Co., · OllORO�:'n·.��ENNICK Plainfield, N.J.

HOW comfot•table it is to sit before an open fire

plnce these colt] evenings. It is the r_nagnet that drnws the hou��hold together, and the piPce where

fumily love glows like the coal. We sell OOAL

burns bee and makes the open fire bright niH! cheerful.


ar•n••--��P!IlTI'U!Io avenue, nui'HOH/1! ,.,. Spring and Broad Sts., Westfield.

umann' s r�olo and Kodak Aaancy.

---- 36 Elnt St., Weltlleld, wait with your orders

the Holiday rush.


MEAT and V TABLE MARKET .... (Tel, 14 PI WtaCflold,

PLANT TRill now Is the time to

PLANT TREES If yon do not like to

PLANT TREES personRIIy, give your �!·!lers to


'"'"' ... ,. lDir�cto�-Pl'Of�sstonal, THE GRAND SCHE]IER Local Wr.ather 1

WBBTPIBLD PORT OI'PIClli. L. M. wnrrAa.aR� Poetmuter

t; .. �·)r.�t:�!:t.r���:t·&:r.::; �·��t. FRBD WINT&R, Ctetk. Office open from 7 .;:-;;,-to ' p. m. except on t:l't��. f�f!"\ �E''MY�:_re for holdill'!! of

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF !IIAILS. From New York, East, 8o11tb and South·

;;�S�:tl';: ':�Jvery at 7;00 and 8:00 a. m.,

MAILS CLOSE. . .J'or New York, PhUadolpbiR, TrentA>n the ••rthe&��t.llouthi llouthweot and way otal!on• •ut at 7:00and I :15&. m.,l:lhnd 6:llp m.

.•. ��40!:':����.��'\..F:,ton and wayotallono MOUNTAINSIDE. Arrive at 7:80 a.m. and 4:30 p,T'Q.

Clo� at 8:80 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. DOMES'fl(l POSTAOE RA.Tii:S.

o���!�rA�um�l�e::�t!:�d�e��Jol\re'!t��� Rico, Flrf:t-claes. 14etters nnd �e!lled mutter: 2 ot8• for Olleh' ounce or frllCtfon. Ser.ond-ulass. Newst�aper� and verlodlcR.Is: let. for each four ounces or rmctlon, 'l' Mlscellaheous printed matter: Jet. fOI' t'lWb tWO OUIJCeS 01' frncr.JolJ, Fourtll·CIRSB. All<>r not iJJCludctllu first

���.e chlHBel:!: let. for eath ouncu or fra(: ..

SPI'!CIAJ, [)J<!J,(\'£1\Y, ����� S�:��!��l'�e��;�.ryi::,t�:��\lt't::� R��f(���yf.�lr��\: United Stl�tt!s pollt otuce.

FOJU';lUN I•OSTAOE JJAl'Jo:S LetterR a.nd 8eale11 .i\latter. licts. for each hll.1f Posr�V1'fa�·�!�ac�\��ie, 2 eRcb; doublr 4 cts. cncb. Cml��n;:���lCJ��b�rtsOo�cl�s!�L��c�JC;��·oo�:l���� packet. • Prh(���ff���tter. let. for eneh two ounces or Snlllples of llercbandise. let. for each two ounces Ol' fraction, but not lest! than ::Octs. ou ench IJacket. Plll'L'els-Post Hate& OonsuJt your pmtml!Ster. l>OS'rAL MONEY OltDimS may be obtalneil at or ]mill at 00,00:) monel' order oflicesln the United States, and may he d�f,��' f�:a/g:eJ�����n�rJ�i·dcrs range from 13��8. � lf?ts, for lntcrJIHtiOntLl Orders, {rom 'lbe �l'�tem elfers safety 1 and combines econ. umy with IIIUJ.pllcit)·.

THE IIElllSTUY SYSTEM, Letters contatnltur money, or parcelsofvat­uable Im1Uer, sb1>Uld not JJe sent JJJ the mails without being regtstered. 8���,o��,�!�r �e:r:.�:ti��ts in addition to poflt-Sn.fe transit and proper delivery ara assured.

th!��S!:.f�,tto� �et :���r,ee is returned to

u��m�:!t���t:��e 1�tl:�:r'e1IJ�,�et�.:m� liP to ten doiJara.

'Religious 'Rotlces.

ANGLEHAlf, ()has. H, .A'l'l'ORNI!�Y A'l' LA. \V, ' 160 :M,"rket Street, Ne,yark. N.J.

-----·-----�·----EGEL, CHAUNCEY F., D. D ••• Bauk lUJg., Westfield, N.J. Hours: 0..12,,

CR.4Y, Wa, Jr, . FUNERAL DinEOTOR, Telephone 28·&. Cranford, N. J,


Elm a.od Quimb)' Staeute, Westfteld.

Mov,o.w.v. LAWYER,

Park Avenue and ltb St., Plalnlleid, N.J.

MOI'I'Jl'IT, Cllau. L. LAW OFFICE, 121 Park Ave., Plalofieid;N.J.

M4UH, CR.AIG A. . . COUNSELLOR .AT LAW, ParkAve.a�d 2d St.,_ Plaloft•ld, N.J.

VA. IIMBUR.OH, H. C. O!VIL ENGINEER & SURVEYOR, ' 152 Park avenue, Plaiufteld, N. J.

1.ocal mtrcctor�.


207-Snmmlt avenue and Park street. 499 -Elm street and Kimball avenue. a7D-Broad and Middlesex streets. 689-Cnmberland St. and South Ave. 893-Fire Department bouse.

OD-Centor Btr<et, Garwood. After sending In an alarm stand near <be call box IUt!il nrrivHI of appHrllbtR

ANXIETY OVER A TOMCA'r A. �1,-etel'' 'ti\"Jtleh " •• , .. Explllln�d by

at lVnll Strct!t �han • .

It wns In " flmmlwar nhn rcpor/t.'r was ,ynJUug .wJ.,· •. u''""'" ·" tlf') druggist ·stcppcil


mul� nftcr g'\�tting .," ... u'""u.u"• for, Bllltl; · ·

"Whn t hnt .t,iiliicn.,t''<t.iil iitli ?'�J He t'ex:cjt(inu!nt uml


Major Crofoot Ooe•n't l!lncc•ed In Con'\'IDclnJr Ill• Wa·nti•Y and likep. tical VJ•ltnr, but Doe• Maua.-e to Stand Hh• Oil Once Aaala.

[Copyright, uwo, by c. n. t.ewts.] As the innn turne<l Into the doorway

leading up to !Ir!jor Crofoot's otllce be had n look of oleterml nntlon on his face. As he nscen<led the well wot•n stah·s llJs tread_ showt){] ngg:•csslveuess. As he !Jange<l the majot·'• dom· open and entel'ed he had the air of ·a creditor W)JO'd get his DIOn\')' 01' CDI'I')' a 1\"IIY his pound or ltesh. 'l'he mujo1· was ln. lie sat nt his desk smoking n l'�ry sbort stub of cigar, hut &H the dooJ' opened he wblded with n bland smile on Ills face, anti, rising, with both hands betd out, he exelalmc(]:

•'"rcu, now, but this Is trulv a coln­cldence-n colllcldence! Come" 1·l gbt to, my dear• fellow-come rlght In!"

"Oh, I'll come In fnst enough," an­�wered the cnlle1· os be suited the ac· tlon to the words and came to a ball

'!'be following tempet'atures are !>lied by Henry P. Co11d it. of tbe Phul'wacy, and are titken from the 8\"lldrud the1muwoter in,;front of store.

Dec. 'a.m. . noon. a p.m. 22 20 aa -ia' 2a as 5o oo 24 48 54 54

F.iir and colder to night and Tuesday· ,. . ·,:J. fresh weet win<le.


yom· retums will be so great. Do yoq know 1 love a mnn who tl'usts tO lDJ' honor ana lnlcJ<I"Ity1 a man obow Ills confidence In me, and 1 W(!Uid sell my sllh·t tot· hltu. Yes, you kindly forced $10 upon me. and"- (

"And now you kindly force It hacll: again," lntet•t·uptetl 1\Ir. Shine. "It'• no UMe dot\;lug, olU man. I'm here for my money und urn going to bave lt."

"My den1· fellow, you are one of the few who truste<l to my lntegl'lty when I was down on my tuck, and I there­foro pass o\'el' your ha1•d wvrds now. You luweu"t heard of the Great Amer­Ican Combination Baby Cat•r!age com• pnny, ha\'e you�,.

uNo, sh·." "Because It Is just being Incorporated

an!) we are taking the greatest care not to let n nyt�lug get out until we are rendy. My own creation. sir, au<l tit& biggest thing of the dccndc. If we llou't make a wllllou llollurs out of It tbe tit·st yeur, I shall l.Je more tlmn sur . .' prlsell. I wonilln't toke half a. mlllioll in cash for my chances."

""l'httt's all \Jinmcd nonsense!" shout• e<l Mr. Shine us he begun to !Jrlstle up. 111 know you, you ohl sot't sonpOt•! You want to olo!lge tlrut $10, l>ut I'll baye It I.Jefore I lt_>n\•e!"

• 11My owu tnwmtive- idea, nR l told you, nnol It will astonish t�e world. The bnlly cnrrinl!c can be changed Into a cradle, a bnnuuoclt or n slcLl by mov .. lng a lcn�t'. Gootl for summer or win ..

11AS TilE WHEELS TUB:f A �IOUTII ORGAN tc t•, you See. IS Jll'O\'idell With a sta .. PLAYS." tlonary mill< uottle, n whistle nnd n

In ,the mltldle of the room. "Now,. l'llttlebox. llas nn Ice chest nnd a then, n� more slmll\.lug ,11iut -c10dg1J11,., soothin g sirup liel)fll'tn,ent. As tho You owe nln $10);ut•J•owm1 mone)', nDd wheels turn u month ol'gan plnys. Prn. 1 WilDt it ·rl gbt 'off. thoire ci,'!.W.<·'�',;�i'':')i :; \•ltled With U lllltent brake, t·ubbcl' tires

. �'lily den_r Mi·. SlJinP.,'' _·8�_1t(��C',� �t:l·1�'j�r 1ind a mothproof co\'Cl'; nlso lms re· n� �e toOl\ n. lnst:Jmlf .. ii_f.�ll�f'St�1��·��tiyOu_·� ·:YOlYing fnus to lwcp tlw fl\Qs away. formerly hnd nu offic�;·tiaitl'':(i(i0i·/\'•.w.e; After tlw baby gets out of long dresses JJc_cnmo ncqual.t� tCU.:.:�Y0�-7·-:;;;.� �'""�,·� ';.··l_)'[it,: he cnn use the carriage ns n tricycle. Lwns tcm(iomrlly.;'ciriii: . nd : That's the lnrcntlon. �I!. Shine. Or-

sl�iug _m�. np _ns: u1'�1 4otf .... . . }�l �lO

_U � 'gaulzcd on a cnpital of $iOO.OOO, nod

·car mnn, wlw woultl: ul�liliu.�Ub:�-O\;Cr��mc shares to lie sold nt par. Tllel'c's more n1Hl his bn<l luck • . rou klu<li.Y'.'loi·ci!d·a $10 than millions' In it."

lie bill upon me one <llly." . . ',frl'i',·· c·. · , . "I don't r.nre a rnp If thet•c fs. What

f!nnlly "1 deny - It !" shoutc·u ··lli·; Shine. l wnnt Is my $10, nn<l I 'll gh'e yo11

excused llili1self In of D!Jing "Why. hung it. you were mmoylng me just five mlm1tcs to shell out."

an ot'del' nnd culled 1111 tlte snme nmu� cvm·y tlay for n month before 1 let yon •'J was going to offer you the sP.Cre· bel" on the telephone again. have tlw mouey, and you told me a luryshlp." sofliy observed tire maJor,

"Sell my tomcat at the ma1·kct," lw thousand lies to get It!" "but the snlni'Y will be only ten tlwu-sald ns soon as be hnd some oue nt the "When you .so kindly fm'ced that sand a :vear Wbat l sbo.ll offer YOIJ othm· end. money IIfton me." continued the mnjoi" and wllnt 1 wns going to telegraph yo11

'l'hcn lie rctur·ncd to his customer ns he smiled nud walked, "1 snl<l to about ns you came In wns the purchn• with npplii'Ntt ease of mind. 'l'he r·e· lll)"Self tbnt some dny I would rcpny ing ogene)". We shall want a man to vo•·tet· won<le1·ed what the d1•ugglst you n tlwusnrulfohl. It wns your tl'llst, buy the milk nml •oothl ng sirup and meant by this stt•atlge mm'Cl'Slllion un· YOIII ' · confi<lenee, In me thnt touctrc!l see tltnt they n<·e pure. 'fhe salar1 til It wa• cxplnhwll by n Wail street me. I wns nlmo•t unlmown to you. will be nt lens! $1ii.OOO per yenr, wltb speculutOr. 11'l'omcn t," it sccllHJ, iR n. li'or all yon kne\'1' I might be n dend· · pct•qulsltes tlJrown in. 1\ly dear mao,

11et name among llrolwrs for· 'l'mmcssro l>l•nt. You luul onl)' your .Judgment Y0\1 trusted me. 'J'lrls Is your �ewnrd. Coal nnrl I !'On stock. "St>innch" Is the to go on, but yom jn<IJrment was right. Now. will you stmlteT tumlllnl' name for Southern f'nclfic. 'l'hls \'ery morning I •hould �n l'e tete· "Not lly 11 dlll'ned sight!" shoutef)

'l'l1e druggist bud Cl"i<lently uoug!Jt gmphc.l yon to en II ln." Mr. Shine ns he hobbml around. "Nono "tomcat" low, and his excitement wus "Oh. you 111'0 going to JlRY. cb?" of·tbls sort of l'ot will stnuol me oft' on WEI!TFIELD BAPTISTCHUROH, Woot. . ,, hi t "I I t "Mnjor Crofoot always pays his n1)" $10. Do �·ou ''"ant me -to tAke It Aeld,N. J. Rev. Georae A. F,..._ncls.Pas. cnuscu uY s engcrncss o 11 iC lll'O • 1 !J �or. �unday M!rvlt!es: Prayer Meetfn�JO a.m. Jtij." t e ts, sir, ntul In some cases he re· out of your hide?" .

Pre&ohlogiO:aoa.m. SundavScboollllo'clook 'I'I 1 tl 1 1 1 11 1 tm·n• $100 fo1· $1. It will he so In this "An<l �-011 CIID bllY stock ·at p·11r·, 10y Young People's Pr&Ytll' Meetmg p. Jll, lese nz·o uo m on y s oc \:S )8 I 11 I id Preacblnas g·•· Mid week Jlf&�er meett� ltn,·e pet unmcs In "the street." I'co· cnsc. cou t lll\'e [Ut you lJnck 1oug denr fellow-stock that wlll be worth

!'':l�":.l".littfie:0,.¥��:..':8 00rd aliyluvl tJle's Gus or Clticugo is IWOI\"11118 "Post· ugo, but wns wnl tlng to mnke It 8 150 Inside or four weeks. I'bave ar-

olllee" nml Rt•ookh•n lla)Ji!l 'J"mnsl t Is mt•mm·nble occnslon fot· you. 'rite time mnged for thnt. 'fbnt stock will pay 0°6'Jitfi�*�'Y����mes Ctf.U��l!rth. �- kti0\\:11 nmong mnny ns "Little Monhnt. hns lll't·lvcll. My dmu• fellow, let us you nt l cnst 100 per cent. Invest $10,-

o .• Pastor. Sund•r Mornl Servlee 10:00. tnn." '!'he nnmcs urc not the soma Jn .shalm lmmls!' 000, nnd you luwc nn Income of $25�000

ijtn�ry BliC�8°1 r k .... �OUilg &Yer nll brol\.Cl'S1 offices. 'l,he jnrgou Clll\· "" .. hat for? Yon ow·e me $lO. You PC!l' ycnr. 'l,hnt'R wha t comes of trust·

a:er�f 'Pr��-'o�c uieeu':r.r nell ay, r· �: bles custOIHCI'S to give orders 0\'Cl' the say you RI'C going to pny it. I don't lng to the fntcg!•lty or Major Cl'Ofoot.

"· A hearty welcome loal!. telephone to tltclr brokers wltll a em·· ••.�;he object of shnl<lng hnn!ls." Is It eno\lgh? If not, just sny so, nod ETBODIBT P scoP • o u t 1 t 1 es, rou tt·uty cnst your hrend upon I'll a !Ill $ii,OOO from my salnt·y ns pres!· M Rev.C.l\1. An�e:son o1>�P.l!r!f�:

n 11 amount o SC!Ct'f!ey. 'fbe Pl'fict co tbc wntct'fl," snid the mnjot• ns he LJUC· dent." 1 u 1 Pl 8 d Set Is ns ol£1 ns "the mnrkct."-New York d tb ldtl f 1 d i['gJo��;;���:e�r:d·��ecFl�� :.;� Mall a1111 llxrn·ess. ? •• • :,'�.,v

' ?.11:t1 r:���P��se�o���� co�r[" a::;l",:e�:"'!��{'a!��g

r�:::,<;;;"�n hi: iervlee 7:�o'clock. Cla18 meeting, ������������������������������ 1

aventng a.t 8 o'eloct. GentlrR.l Pr&ylr � chn r. ::�.Y;;:�::�v evenlop, &t 8 o'clock. AU A Good Investmont. Savas 2Q per cent each Season d "Or Ir

tyou wnnt to


l '10



We extend yon a hearty welcome to tb... oy or 1\"0 you cnn IOYe t an we •

tf!rvlceo. If not ldoutl!lod with any other Con· come. I'll just ste11 out and get it for lregatton we Bbonid bo ple..OO to ... JOU 00 YOUf COal bill if yOUf heater. iS eqUipped with )'QU," �ffegy:�'t:�t� r�::��:�h :'o�� h:.:.�J The lllnjor stepped, mal 1\Il'. Slline r�

IA THE s hi• ht. c b · t' p hlo\'ed his collnt·, tie nn<i cuffs. '!'hen PR�:J.T��� .. t�r. c8��rc��· i� c IC om us 100 rocass be SPilt on ltls hamlR an!l llmbere<l up ��:�eerin�-��:� -;- n'1:

= his 111'11\s ami wnlte<l. He wulte<l Cor

pie'• Moot In� 7:00 P. "· Schoo Ill•. \ half nn hom� two hours. 'l'hen he I(Ot ��i.l(.::.'is:r .... :.:!'" t. SIJ'Ilii,Prt YOUR H61fT6R lllliLL Be EQUIPPeD up nml redl'esse<l hlrllRCif nn<l kl.,l;cd

O\'CI' tho chairs an<l thosl< ami went out. STotffrg,�� •• ��;�.�T���.� 1800/."f. Free

_ of Charge, and left fo_ r 30 days Tile mnjor hnd stood him otT onell

Rev. \\ ... m. Oac�tr ,Tf\t\'fs, Jr., Rect rvlces tnol'e. M. Quxb. on Sundar•· Colebratlon of the Com (f you WQllt t"t 1111d 1"t •11VC8 :10 per nent, of fr.eJ•, the price is munion, 7.oo'A. M.; Sttn1lay Sclmol P. M: f;J "

Morning Servtce ant\ �ermon, ll. Sun. $" 5 0 0 ����?n�"Se"r�Ce'!��f ��::;,r;:,ur,jg�·s�'rvt�t"!'� � • • ra�����·r·�����y.��·:::·�,�:.�.r: �h�·r8���!�'1; If I Don't Save 20 per cent I Remove 1·t. at home morn lugs (exce)lt Monda)') for con. sttlta.tton,

Every ·oay We have some one tell us of tbe remarkable curative power of

TRENCHARD'S COUGH BALSAM. A few doses loosens tbe phlegm

and relieves tbat tlgbt, oppreaalve feeling In the chest and throat.

PRIC., 15 c•NTI.

TRENCHARD, The Pre•criDtlon Druaal•t.

Told tile Tr11tb. · Moth<>r-Now, Oeorg!v, 1 shnll tt•ll

�·om· pl\pn to punish you se,·orely for telling 1111 unll'llllt. You snld yon didn't touch ono of thoRr sis prnclw�. nud !here I• oul)' one !<•ft. nn<l I found the flVC StOIWK 111 yo\11' JIUI'Bt'l'�',

Geot•glo-1 !old no s\Ory. num>mrt.

'l'ho JIOIIch I <ll<ln't touch Is lho uue thnt'sleft. ------

Spoiled Ill• Rrenkf••t• "How IR the lamllncly.thls morning?"

nsl<ct1 one of thu hon rtlm•s. ·

��'£h1'�1Ut!111UJ: ami cooiCr/' a�sw('red tho mnn with the newspaper, ml•on­durstau<ling tho question.

And tho other )Jonrder, wbo wa1 no­torlouoly slow Ju settling wltb the land· IR<Iy, looke<l lllli'IIY clondy.-Cblcap •rrlblllte.

All Tllero, Sho-llow llliiiiY t•lctnl'fJ llavo

J>niut<'tl •I nee Y,on Orst bognn? I! c-Olt, I hnnm't any hlca.

, l!llw-llorn• dny I am to yout• 1tudlo and couat tb<tm.·-lllllt•

e Trail of thr 8t•r••.-nt. Jlnci<IOt>-·n·c jest beenre-ai!in·

uut in the Wee1:!.r CoriJwnnd • led Tucl\(•r's uccidl'nt. lt say�

excited hur�es, \\'hilt• ut ll l1igl. of speed, uttempted tu tt1rn ut a lli..'Ute ttngle, whil'h J'('�'IlteU jn

aiJt·tudons to I hi:' eotJn•r:l11l'l' mal ��prt'cipilalion of its ot•t•up:;nl� to thb <J.NHmcl." r\o\\' pn•n·lHHl\' l.:nows fltnl .Jru �imply tip}Jt•d o

'nr i'n his llug-gy

... un� lu; \\tus turnin' old (iipp.:;' cor· .:ar;ru.

:£.1�klots-Yes, H's gittit1' so one ,a,.u'( nJ,,� on nn_vthing- in lla·�e h\'l'f" 1�Her journals uny mure.-lJl'ooldJn Jlii!e.

Tin• Gnllra11t J.t•unl•ln", '"This article says thnt n womnn's

·fl!'·aiu is, ns n rnlc, f>lllnller than thnt � u .uwn's/' rcmarJ,eU Ml's. Meeh.tou, .rat.l•f'!r resentfully.

· """f com·�e/' unswered 4£rer�body knows !hut."

1 ..,Hirl" • �ll'R one of na ture's mngniflcen't ..rccmomics," lie continued, h nst ily , .. un !9 a method of m·nking tlp in · ' JJor a Jack of quality,_ my m'3les oug·ht to hnl"e m. the struggle foi· !jzaow."-'Yashiugton

.,..Isn't thttt •crmdlnJc>us liirs. Gnbble. ,.,JHtmed to Bt thought of �Yes, and: � wife was MXt day."

"lluh! Loolced' iJ"l rid ''lflll'ld.

Fenalulne Elconom)�.-.· ·'.; "Why do you curry your pur�e

pllr hand?" · : ' "i'rinclples of economy. If a. tl!lef

,_.r� a snatch at my pocket, thi nlc� :filg to find it there, he would probably !ll!ar my skirt. If he snntclted it out t/f! my hand, he would t1 nd exnctly tr<tJe cents, a thhn b1e nnd a receipted lllili."-Town Topics .

Frankl)' Es:pre.aed, · -sa-1 am a mau of few 'words," said, .. busy citizen,

•1 am glad to hear it," answered the a.ller, wnh a. superabundance of as­.-rance. ul'\'e got a whole lot to say ft> you, and the fewtr times you ln­tllrrupt me tl1e better I'll be r.•eased." -\'i•shiugton Star.

Only Practlce:"-,1 f!happle-l'd just like .to

!':J"U mean by be{ng . o ,..,,�;..;,n:::t;;,h,ntli''l l!lH<>iley and me nt

!!iss · 9:1:J'tlharm mord to �ies.

mot seem to ;ridiculous!

Mr. thlnk Miss s""''''--A'', !lulked nt your reflectf<i,Ji5'ilic�{1 rol' ior ten mhm tes I!Wilei-He!Lere Welt,

JIUU\RU Amltltlon. We'll never wan fan emperor­

Yet If oue had to be .ilnch one of us If truth were told Would wlslJ It might be he. -'Vashington Star.

Brood., Hut Slutllow,

"You cnu't deny thut he is a broad· :mi:J,ded mnn.''

�.l!ossi!Jly l1c Is, hut if his mind has \lr.·adth It certainly hns no dcpth,"-!Qllcllgo Po_s

_t_. -----

Chletlt' OrnlllliCIItnJ., De ,Jones-Is there 11 clocl> In your

��burch? .l!l<cplcigh-Yes; but It Isn't of

a•aelt use; It bnsu't any alurm,-!iulurt Set:..------

In Sundny School, Toacher-::>ow, Bl'lwst, who Is It '!..'li&t hcnrs e,·er.rtlllJ•g you suy uml

!Jlll!<� everything you do? 'Jlt:>c&t-'J'hc Indy next door, &It,-

OO:Uil<it.lyn _r,_tr_c_. ____ _

Nnf Jlt•11(1N1)u••1, :11!":1. Fullerton-Will you be home

IIUrlJ' to-night'/ "JI'•Illorton-Woll, In cnRe I'm not, l!U ••• you luter,-Chlcugo Dully

!lfAtt•11� A"' tlnJn"'• Aeon•u•flon. '"r4'ntt. yrHI nr•e turt•l hly lazy." ... ,1 "JI!u, I'm not l•nz,l' ut nll: 1 simply

•·.:·JW�il't lllte to wol'k,"-ChlunllO ll.ecl!rd. :: .: .. - _;..,..r;f"�,

don't like to be remind.

eci that they are ·neglect· . 'their duty. Tbis

r.e111ains, however, if · thers depend·

and are

P1·Cs't. & Counsel. , 8ecl'etnrr. 1 I·' x J 2 a.t Bank Bhlg., E� Jo'ront St. & P:�rk AYe., l'lninJ � u, .. · D�l Box 401,

;,·asn6o�f �he hun! est ;niin to be chiseled out of ·anything he scl his beurt on getting tbnt I eYe!' met liJl wi th. .A wh ole lot of people tt·lcll to put It on 111m In business nml other soJ•t of dcnls; but none of these eYer suc­cee<letl In catching 'I,ucky' B<tldwln sufficiently nsleep to wake their plans sllcli.

"Horsemen still talk about a funny gnme In wh ich Bnldwln figured on onu of tile Chl�.ag:l rnce trael\.s a uumber of yeat·s ago. l.lnldwln had broug!Jt Ills

·mugulficeut stt·lug uf thoroughbreds tti Chicago to make nn etl'ort to annex the 'swell stakes that were then on tnp :ou · the trnelcs In tile wlutly town, nnd ·

hol'se's bend oil' In hiR ell'ol't to tnlce lllm bnclt Lo tlll_. l'Uclc_ \\'Lieu tuo hm·s�s were slill n huntll'.rll feet . rt:om him. Bnldwln · · IJIR

them home first ot• In the mcmAv Jn-lc

'fot· lt . . yom· Joclt, ·nu'u

to' be snntcl1ed.'

"'Much obliged for· telling me tbnt,' t•eplle<l the oltl mnu. 'I' ll just runlcc a stnb to sec thnt the hoy doesn' t do nny snntchlng, though:'

"Baldwin borrowed nnother gun fi"Om one of his stnble hnmls (In those dnys he nlways curried one or his own nbout ns long ns you!' nl'lll), nml with his Ul'tlllul'Y lw Atrolled 0\'01' the lnllcld nnd tool< l!Jl his stun<l hy the fence at the tn1•n Into tho sh·ctch. Ho hndn 't mentioned to nuyholly whnt he wns go· lng to du, Juul th<' follcs who snw the old mni1 mailing fol' tlw stwtch {ul'll slm111y thought tlu1t Bnl<l wln \Yltllletl to 1\'lllch the l"fiCe from thnt point of \'lew. llu <lltl. ful' tlllll mntteJ', but he hnllJWIJlld to llnro nnothol' t11Hl In rJaw,

"'Veil, tho hol'St.!S gut nwny fl'olll tho

post In fill U\'1'11 lnrnch, IIIHI t11"11 llul<l· win's llllt':SL' Wt'llt uut to nmlw tlw l'llll·

U)llg'. 'J'JH• ,lm!l\1',\'1� lllPII WIIH tO l'IICl� the horHe'H lll'n<l ol"f nn<l then pull him lu tho sll'ctciJ, malclug It llfJfH'lll' ns If the anlmnl hntl tlrml. llnlil wln hn1l lnstt•ttctell tlw joule to piny n wnltlng gnmc nllll mnlw hls hid tnwnJ'd tlw lin· lsiJ, 'J'ho hm·su Hllll!lly outclnssell his cvmpnuy, !Jowoi'Cl', nntl he <llilu't show nny lrullentlous of log wonr·lnoss. whut· CI'OI' ns he r•ountlcd tho lmci;Htt•ctch on the r•nlltt couple nl' lrngths In fJ•ont of

hiA field. H�lilwlu could sec, how.,vm•, tlmt tho cJ•ooketl joel< wn� 1n wlntr the

rlcR In this countJ•y, · uo cnuso for rem• thnt tile tlu squh·r·el will lle uxtet•mltintea, the Jolm•oponn squirrel that ... __ ,_,,.�·• the hal1· ro1' tho llJ·ushes, Uta COI'et•lug of the Amerlcnn squh•J •cl bclng too fUt': ry nnd soft fot• t11e purposc,"-Wnsb· h1gtou Stnl',

. .. ___ , ____ _

The Rlgl1t 'Vur11, "\\"liy du you S!JCUI< of him OS D fln· lslwtl nrtl9t1"

"llt•cnttsc be tala me lw wns utterly tll•com•ngcd nml WIIR going to quit tile profc•Rt!lon. If tlint doesn't show that lw'H flniHilctl, 1 tlou't know wllnt does.'' -Chicago Post.

-----A pliyAlelnn says one sho.ulil novor• <lo

nuy woJ•k hol'oJ•o lll'Pnkl'nst. Sarno tiny science will I'Ccognl�c the gJ•cnt tt•ut11 thnt worlclng !Jet ween men is Is whnt Is killing oil' tl1c . l'nco.-MhmcntJOIIH '1'lmcs.

A book puhllshml In .Tn]lllll 1,000 ycnr·• tigo 110teH tlmt nt t1111t ti me good •Ilk wns niJ•na<l,v pi•oducell lu �li vr·ov Inc�• ot that eouuti'J',

Hrr �••e••· Ue-J J�nve uJwu;:s mnintnined that

it · is onlr reusunnUle that a mnn should w;w t to ehuose for his wife a girl who cuultl cool{ •

She-Oh, Cln1·enee. !low little <lid I

thiul� that ;rou wuul(l be able to lolOW your own lu•nrt on such :short nc­Guain1unre! Can't. you Jei me hm•e time to consider'? What wasH, dur .. ling thnt mnde you could not be hnppy fudges l tnnrle ·· 'l'i mes· H er:� ::hl:;...:;;;c;;.,.:_,;,;.;;;;,.:s:,-'

Jlow She Get• Tlle-re;. '-__ _ J A. "'onum can't - \'O.te nnd _a. W�_�nn ca_n�(

tlu·ow · .'· . ·· ··' A brlck or a Etone ve-ry high,- ·

But a w�ult little woman or thJ�h' 01' so , .''·, cuu l.ll'lng 11 >·ountr man or hls grandfather_·

low · ·,-

B\· merelY n drop of the eye.' -chtcngo 1•imes .. lferald. __


a number

Is way beyond all our expectations-and no der-as we have for months been on�na.rinD" r.�-. season's holiday trade, and the

our stores is certain evidence that our met the approval of the public, who have that they can buy the same grade of goods here than anywhere else.

In The Toy Section, on Our Second you will sec a magnificei1t dbllection of sufficiently large an d varied to usit the most ticular child, and all marked at such low prices you can get two for almost what it would get one el5where.

Men's Furnishings Make Excellent Gifts.

A Rare Shirt OO'erln�: -ll'o have just recmi l•eli 50 dozen Men's IV hite "LaurJ�ore!l , One , Dollur D1· Shirts, which we s h 11 II pl11ce ori · sulo to-morrow 11t 58c, made of line soft UuishPd lUllS· lin. Pure Ijiuen Bosom, reinforcerl

.bJrck and front,

nicely 111undorod rmll m,Jde up with nil the latest irn- · provemen ts kuo1vn to tho tr·arle, nil sizes, lilf to 18, reg11lar t1 shirts, 58C hero 11t., .•••..•

CIJIIdreu's_ Mack toslaes- 0 h ild · navy blue serge toshes, plaid' linirigi ble or siuglo cape1: good value at 4!2. 50, spec in!..

Misses' and ct,ildl,_,,,_. • .:.o; lntoshes­tlll'e, ull wool 1111d lliiVJ, milili1ry or \'elvot collur,reg­ultu·Mo,at . . • .•

THE DAVID STRAUS CO. ·+· NEllll;r{RK, N. J. ·t-

F. Brown, �··••vhono, 43 Somerset St No.�I:J�.�.\.. 11

J, WAI�REN BROWN, Manager.

JOHN INGRAM, 1 plumber, Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air

Carpet Sweeper,



Tea Pot,

'lti·'NI<:k•le Te;1 Kettle,

Roasting Pan,

Carving Set,

Oil Stove,

for the Horses-Blankets.

Yon.crm got them nt

Gayle Hardware Co. · ' (formerly lalre'l,)

Oor. Ft·on t St. nu tl Park Ave.,

PLAINfmLD, N. J, Mr, . er:..An<l 'yet the Indies 111,0 Oood• dellvored free. Telephone Call68o,

nlwnyil holding up tl•nlns.-llalthnore Amel'lcnn. 1 • Immy SlllliJul Dhlllll'm• nre Sickly.

All Tlu1t lVIu,·l�luJklng, Mnntlo-�'ertllnnud hns nll . the qnnll•

ties thnt go to llinke n good h u�hund lmt. om�. lmlnr·Whnt Is llmt? Muu<lc-Jic won't ]ll'opose,-Juuge,

Work• lln(h 'Vft)'•• "T,lquor mnl<ea men tulle, clocsn't It?"

nnhl tlw clllzen, . 11Yet-t; n11d sorn�tlmeR It 'a the menns of

ahuttlll·!: lltem llfl," Rill !I the pollccmnn, -�onkcrs 8tutcsmun. All 'l'lutf HhtJIIUHI llhn,

Mr•, Jlnl'mcr-Do you know how to l11mdlc nn 11x?

Wenry Wrngg•-lf J did,·· Indy, I lvo!ll<ln'� do a t'lng to dut hlscultl­l'uqk,

A HunHihlu 111111

Woul4lmm 1\emJf'H Hnhu�m fur tho t.hrrmt. mul lungs, H lt1 oudnu moro CfltlJ.�iiH, (JohltoJ, nHt.h� um, hi'Oiu:hiUs, urnU)Jnnrlnll thrnnt llllll hlllll �·.�r::l��' \ !��n!�uWI'tr,,��N��;,,:�"������itit'rl:;' Pn.'�

)Cilt ruuml'lnlluU\u frtJU t.n cnnvlneo )'mt nfthu liltH'it ul' t ilK Kl'l!l\t I'IHIIOI)y, l'rlco l:IJ{Iflll,l (IOo,



Odd Dlh of lnfor111atloa Concernlaa Vartuu• llaHen I• Her De·

There are gifts galore in this bright and J:msy base­of ours suitable for use and ornamentation. A embra�ing 'hundreds of bits of beauty from the

•c•relno!;;t factories and potteries of Europe and America. unequaled in this city in the· matter of variety

unsurpassed in the matter of low prices. ·

onr cot glass is of the l1ighest gmde A metican hand cuttit1g and baud polished. Having an en tirely uew stock we show the very

and prettiest pnttems, and uo . nJatter wl!at. you want you cau buy it at much lower pl'ices tlmn at any apecialty store. bo1vlil and little�oues, celery tmys, olive dishes, water bottles,

bon· bon dislws·, sn�ar and cream sets, table glasses, viuega1· cruets flerumters, snit and pepper shukers, etc: , etc. '

you're seeking to make the correct tmd welcome sort of ti. in want of 11 piece or two for your lleetls. it will puy yon to take ad·

of our offerings.

water sets, lemonade l!llts, wine eets, vinegar and oil cnt flower v�sea in white, green, blue and rn by.

china l'lates, cups a11d taneer1, BBlad bo'Nls, celery trays, cracker jura, syrup juga, cake platee, bisque 6ugres, royal

tAit""'·"""' l!llts, 8Dgar and cream sete, Bower vases, comb and trays, meat l!llts, sauce seta oatmeal seta and condensed milk jars.

·ORADE LAMPS. only lamp stock in town so to apeak. E1·ery new shape and dec·

and what can yon find more suitable for a gift than 11 handsome Prices runge from 75c up to t5.00.

ER SETS. :; It would be hBrd to find a more acceptable gift than a nice dinnel'

We are showing about 15 different styles in all the v�ry newest dec· s and shapes, which repmsent the leading French and English

Seta of 100 nod 112 pieces from 8. 98 up to 24 98.

LET SETS. nice toilet set is something that every housekeeper loves. lllany

are selooted for holiday gifts for wife, sister or housekeeping they nrc certain of war!" appreciation whe.rever re�oived . Wo

_,. .. ,nwm.,. 1111 almost endless vartety and at vot•y little pnces. I. 98, , 4.98 and up to 9.00.


FURNITURE DEPARTMENT is brimful of rare and rich presents nnd yon cnn find something i n w1st f•1rnitnre display of ours to suH most nny tvste. Handsome rockers, t•ich Morrie chnirs, elegant desks, combi;

bookcases, roll-toll tlesks, desk chuirs, chif!o!•i�1·s, couches, side tnbles, library tables, cUI'd tables am� dt�m.'g tables, 111bour·

seats, music cabinets and mcks, funcy J>ll'llilllll.r, .stunds, eusols, stunds, screens, funcy odll chai rs, <liVILDS� etc., etc.

oodhuU & Martin , :·, · :zJ4, 236, 238, 246 West Front Street, PL�INFIELD. N. J,' ·


Coal, Lumber; Matenals, Mould�nas and Klndllna Wood. Fertilizers

'or Lawn, Carden and Field,

and Yard···Central Ave., near R. R. CrossinB, Westfield1 by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention,

bold & n Send de�· VARIETY MARKET,




Don·t wure Money

by havlul' cheap plumbing put ID· to your house. It lsn 't there long be­fore something Is eitber buratlugor leak· lug. and the ·money consumed little by little soon amounts to the same II! th• orl&lnal of first class work.

M. H. FERRIS, Stmitary rlumbina.


A. Caroline btant1• L••enL Tho Caroline lslnmls group lncluael

IJesldeR coral Islands lh·o mountnlnous lslnnrls or bnsnltlc fot•mntlon, benutlfnl ami fertile with rivers nnrl Sltrlngs.

Among the mnny queer lcgcnrls of

theRe ehlltlt'ell of the T'nclflc thoro Is none more l1lghly lmpt•ohnble thnll tlwlr tlteory as to the origin of these Is· lnnds nml their lllhnl.lltnnts. They think they themseh·es were ''cry strong Ill the wntcr-ln fnct, they lltetl ln ft.

The story goes thnt n woman ami ber clllldren were flon tlng nronnrl 011 . the reef \VheD 8 man appcnretJ ft'OU1 tho west with n bnsltct of soil on his shoul· dcrs. He hnd staJ•tcd out to mnkc nn tslnnd with n mountain on lt. Ono of tim chlldt•en Cl'led out to him, "Give us 11 lltlle soil to make a place tor our mother to rest, for she Is l'ery wenlc and cnllnot swim." He toolt out n ltnnrlful of the enrth nml thr�w It down mnklnl! nn lslmul, ,\s 'til<• rnnu wns going Oil Ills wny OI'L'I' the wntcr tJ1e son slyly mnde n hnl<' In tlw bns· k�t, RO ftB h� nt•ocee<lml on h]H WilY he left a trnll of lnml IJoliln<l. Suddenly

he become conRcloiiS thrlt the hnRltot seeme<l light, and, looltlng nrountl, he Mnw tho Jmul. In his nngcr lw ttn·ncd n�out ami tr•orl upon It, 11ml tbus tho lB· lands were_r_or_·m_"_'''-· __ _

WileD 1 ��� -,�al�t�· �� "�splnlnlnt' I tbinl, It fl 1 confelllOD tbat tt Will' llet blw,-A.telllloD Glollt.


"'.h. iie wrought iron hinges1 llnnds, elect de l igh iti1 �THls iUH] flre1Jluce fit� menl£ are consi dered 1 he fixtures tmr excellence, their great ex}H! n s e - al· most tl!cir weigl1 ( in gold-precludes t heir use, except by those posses!o!etl of • fat purse as \Vell as a cultivated taste, A n iugeuiuu:s wuw a u who fell an infinite longing· for wrought iron to complete bul' scheme of decoration in an upurtm�nt she WHS furJdshing, but whose means wel'e too l imited to admit of tbc real iron, hridg�cl tlle cllii5U1 by seltcti ug some �lmple, u·tis· tic deoslgns in chenp brass an<l buving them painted blaok with a dull finish. So Suceessflll was this e.�pedicnt in point of looks that the Imita tion could hat'dly be told from tbe piece• of gen u· ine wrougllt iron nlready.on lmnd1 tsuys l11e W11sllington Star,

In pu tt ing away summer hnt!, hrudl carefully, then stnlt out' I he puffs Ol' loops of the bow. with soft, crumplod tissue paper, and illl the er&wn with the same. l'i n carefully i n Iorge •beets of tissue paper, prefers bls pale blue or natural brown, liB the white Js apt to be charg·ed »·ith the fumes of sulphur, med to bleach it., so that it will turn metal trimmings dark, and blench dellcote colors. Then put in bn� box. of lawn or sll.k should be placed in wide · drawerB or trunk: never folde!l nor hung lengthwise, i f It can be avoided. If t here are no bu· rean drnwers long enough fo1• t�e skirts, fold once across the skirt, or hang In lao·go ba!j's of cambric In dark clo•ets. Tnke nll bi ts of crumpled lace or oolle!l ribbon from the bodices, 1ponge the J in i11g seams with ammonia water, dry thoroughly, otult out the sleeves, puffs and loops with the m·umpled t isstte paper) and 1ny in draw• ers, co\·ered closely with tissue poper.

Sometimes tbe second teeth are ex· ceedlngly •low in appearing, d ue to a lack ol bone·making matel'ial in the system. ln such cnscs phosphate of lime Is presct•ibed. 1'en cent. wort h of the powder kept in a salt sbuker the chi ld's plate, and a tiny. bit ench meal sprin1ded over t1te potato or bt·eud and btttter, wi,l l do much to



Above all others, and beyond all possible discus­sion, there stands out at this holiday season one great incontrovertible fact for the gift buyer--'-the

, one stated in the caption of this advertisement. T H E BEST GI FT OF ALL-A PIANO. There can be no question about that; the slightest consid­eration will convince you that as a token ·of regard, good-will and good feeling a Piano stands pre-emi· nent.

If you would make your home glad and genial and sociable, in no way are you so likely to accom­plish that object as by putting a Piano there. The man, woman or child does not exist who will not be made happier and better by its in fluence; not merely singly, but collcclively, for music is an unselfish pleasure. ·

A Piano for all the family in common is the best . possible solution of your ving dilemma.

bring the delinqll.enf mrimbers As the ' ·.· is. 1ie rfect ly '"'""''""''· ' •!!""'"111�-....,...,-....... 1!1 · · � � ·offered by

are ute

he11rn one pint of the

.two tablespoon· fuls of lnltter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar and. two of vinegar. Have the but t e r · very hot, lay the potatoes in , sprinkle sugar over the top, pour the vi negar over ligh tly and cook until brown.

One of the easiest .relishes to prepare In the chnliug dish, and 'on e l l•n't goe• sh'aight to "the rlght spot" when eom· lng In late on a cold .winter's evening, is an anchovy· sand wich. Cut kf?l'eral e\'en slices of stale I.Ji·end and saute a golden brown 'iwliot :butfer . . '.As fast as proper ly colored · sproad w l t h . an·

ehovy paste, and . pass ' to. the . wa iting eonslltuenc.v. '. ·

A cupful of mint tea,' prepared with half water nnd bnlf wlric, antl .tnken daily, is said to be a sore reign remedy for bad brea th,

Toast can be made for n, rarebit I n ehnflng dish b y laying nn nsbestos mat over the flnrne and bl'own i n g the hl'ead on that· first, ----

Ph,-.lrd OJ'd•�"•· Take one gnllou of oyslet's, pick them

out wHl1 a fori< nntl put !Item 111 a vege· <l lsh. Slice a lemon nnd · wlth a half teaspoonful snll und u lnrge pinch of red pepper put the oysters on the stove. Stew them lltl ti l they are done; take then1 out with a oklm· mer. Then pour the l lq11or In which they were stirred Into a pitcher, Toke one pint of vinegar, put In a •lewpnn wi th a lid, allow It lo come to n boll. l'ut ln.lo the ''lnegar a pl11ch,. of cloves and muce nud n ta ble&poonlul of nll· •pice, Tuke oft \11e flre. Then mix with one pin t of the S']llcerl vlnegur, one pin t of the liquor In which the. oysters were stewed and ]lour over the oysters, If t.IH!t does not. cover them well, tnlre halt n c11pfnl of cold 1•!negnr, •ome of the l iq11or In which the oy�teJ•s were. stewed and covet• them well. - Good Ronsekeep


Wew Jtu••INn .Vo•l Flr14 In the hnmed lu te neighborhood of the city o! 'J'cl!Will'tschot••k, In the Cnu­

cnsus, u conl Jleh1 �xlendlng on�r JJJOJ'e thnll no m iles hns rcccmtly heell discov­erer!. '!'he coal I• •nl<l to he of n lll'Bt· oltJBB qtulllty nnd n s,rnrll<•nt e, IV lth Pl'hlce Canfocuzcne nt t h e houri, h ns nl· renrl�· ucquh·ed the rfg·ht of cxplul l n· Uon. The J!lnce ll'l!Hc t h e veins occur Ia unly 20 mllu ft•om the Jllnck sea nnd rallwny ns well ns wn tct· conununl· cn.tlon cnn enslly be retl<l CI'ctl !ll'u l iahle,

It I• re1wrterl thnt, ll'ct•k wlll •oon b• lllll'tell,-N, Y, 'l'lmc1o

A ten dollar pnyment secures ono. 'l'he easy pc1yment system comes to your uid in the m11tler of

pn rchaso. Yon cu·e not called upon to pay all OilS h. Yon 01111 ·select nuy Piano in our warerooms uud it will be sent to your home on payment of 11 trilling mm. · 'l'EN DOLT�AllS is 11ll tl111t we requ ire when pinno is taken ; yon p11y the bnlnnce ut tho rate of SIX, EIGHT or TEI'I DOLLAHS MON'l' liLY, nccording to the Vtllne of the Pinno you select. Thus yon hcll'e the nse of the inslmment while yon nre p11ying for it, llSUally from two to three yet&rs.

'l'hink of i t ! 'J'EN OOLLAUS docs it I For this nmount the Pinuo yon select is virtually yours; it is here nt yont• order, and 1vill bo delivered to your home, with 11 stool to matcl1, on the morning of the 2oth-or eQrlier, if yon so desire.


What fnthor cnn tmly say to his .fmnily, "I can't afford it yet, you'll hnve to w11it?" Olll'istmRs is the time of all ti mes when u Pinuo is needed. It is decidedly the most 11ppropl'i11te season at wllich to pnrcltnso. It yon not on our suggestion the festival will be fi ttingly tuul nuspiciou1ly colebmted.


Cant·B·WOrd Ads. pay YOU·

Lauter Co. , PIANOS. I -

Dasuerreotypes Can Be Cleaned and Restored

Tn Hll their urlahutl l1eaut)' by ROCK· WOOD, ltfO 11runt1w�ty (4oth Streot)J N, y,, fur 11110 du11�tr. 8entl by mall or e•· JU'fiMIIIo 1lllllttnrrttnt.)'Jif'll 11ve mm·e .. u •• fMtltury ()01'1})8 th1111 Uti)' tltlltlr lt)'le ut (tltltlll''" ' Ono t u "' nmer wl'lh!l:ll • "l'bu JILotoa:rt\Jib (cOpf of dogUit'rooty(Je) w•a rocoiVotl foRterd&f ADd I am dollrhtod wUb It 1 fC'BI tbat I really h.vt my dear· grandmot11er with me ., .. tn, Verr alacerolr, JC, W, P,, Wubtnatoa, D, o.••

' "A professional comprorniser w111J· understumls his busines-s · is a mo&' valuable man on the staff of any b� !:. ·1 ruilroad," said a New Ol·lenns Jawye� npropos of nothing in pn rf.icn�n�. sa}'8 ' the � cw Orlecuu,; 'i'ime:,-Den1ocrat. "I& is a great art," he continued, H_and I( bad the fact lmpres<od · 011 me QJ rather tm m.uu1 Ji.hat hap­pened early in my career. I had be«a: in practict> only a yPnJ' or �o. as I re­member, wl1en I was enga ged by a certain-· railr_oad com pany to repr&e!t.i It i a " rlnmnge suit. brought hy a n �. feJlO\'\' who had heen hurt at a cro� iug. I got.the job h<·enuse tllc reg ... Jar a t l o 1·n�j� and regrllar nssist.ant a.i-­torney were out of town on big�er -a�. fairs, and J threw myself lnto it wil.n unlim!t£>d enthusinsm. A 1itt.le invcif.. t1gntion conl•inccd· me, ho wever, · u,., t.he company didn't ·have a leg lw ' stand on, and neitl ter. for that matt.� .. did tl1e claimant, both of 'em l1nvit�t' been broken above t11c Jtnee, So I .a,_ \'i�ed n compromise. and was tolrl • settle, if I could lor $1 .000,

"'fl1at fixed limit discoura ge•) � because I be suit had bern brought 1411' $20100D, :md I lc:new the oppositir.a lowye,.. � a d been fil ling their ell•• with rosy hopes, but. I thought up a scheme that see1ned promising. Thlt clu i mnnt was nn ignont n t olrl fellow. who IIBd been a l a.borer 'for years, alii!

triolr it. fnr granted thnt he h a d """"' had as much as $100 at any one ti­in his life. 'I'll just ·hypnoti?.e hi ... • I sa id to myself, and. going to • ban'lr, I got a brnnd•new $1,000 bill. Then·1l h urt'ied olt to his bon J•rl i n�r hour� foun d 'him In a d irty l ittle back room, and made my proposition for settle­ment. Jn•t· as J anticipated, he d.,. •:lined it. indigna ntly. 'Vory well,' ••iii 1, pul ling out the bill with a stlHHP:a cnrelrssness, 'in that. case l ' l l ha\·e to retnrn this mone�·· But by t11e way.�� I uddt�d, 'did you ever llappe:n to sm a $1 .000 bill? . Tt:s quite a hnnrl�ot"" bit of pnp(lr!' 'fo be <!nnrlitl, 1 Wlltl rutlJCt' awed by the t.hing m,yself nni! expected h im to fi nger it Jil\e a piecw of i.he' true crossi lmt. to my n!!" ment. he · took It inc1ifferentl;.-. glanc'-'iil and hnrirl·ed it bnck, ' I t.'s verN pl'eti.s,'. 11e s.nid, stolhHy, nnd went .em S'Jilold�g ,.llf� · pipe."

.:,.:.... ____ _

RUN RISKS .WITH ANIMALS.. ---., , , , , . . . Tfae · u•liiiHI"ted'.SometfmNI Act Fool-

' 1�111y : t.D-:.·cnl;e�'. wiU•.''' Ild · · · · · j·n·ea!li•� ;-.,, _ . , , .

:A · f.��\�::.���;.��·;��k£:::�;:�;�:�· � �-. buich�� for a·.:�'''���r,V�e�tc�cd{9- :'mige m . w�il�n thre� J �-rge"�l,iODSr\fer�::.tri�1oSed, dxmllt< a �.�t;��C't�:V\ .;�p_l.�·)��d a g·ar�E ol currJS;;��vi.t ��ri.'S��·' train� Wheii!i ·'H"'"'" �to�. leave · h e tln·um a ·wii1Cg t·l1� ·.riOse · .. Qf 'one dl1 the �n.i�l . . . . . ��·!'�,:res•ult .the lior. lenpeil(ilp'on)itlie' .. ,iuitn . and m n ng!eil lthu fe:it:f!lliY.',b�(,ore' the t.nmer caul£\ intcrfc'l''e� \·-TJlC,tCrribl rn::.C!r.!ne WAS wit,.. nessCd;hy 'a;:hllgC{ti.'u<liencC in a melt" ngerle ii't · n ,. villuge near Paris, says '"' Landon;. exchange;

A pretfy.:.Jt:ish girl .had n que"" whim of this nature d m· ing the pallll smmuer. She h a rJ been nsl{cd to 1m­com e t!Je wife of a young solicitor anll she pt'otnised to gh•e l1im an nnswe: tlle next. e,-ening in t,hc tent of a tra•· cli ng menagerie at t11e conclusion rft. the perform ance. When the wmtld·hlo benedict nrril·ed on the scene lle wne thunderstruck to see the ymmg lnd<y smiling sweetly n t him behind IIlli bars of n cnge in which were tw(l full­grown lions. Although s'he prorniseB to mnrr)' him If he ent�red Cagle he swung round on J1 is hc('ls nnd diJl-o appeared without. a word.

Herr Becl\er, of Viennn, an eccen­tric man of consiclernble means, too.\: it. into hi• .h ead to spend ihc last few of ltis life in n cnge of lim"" Wlten l1e knew his end to be nen he hnd h is bed removed into the eagoe and in this queer bedroom he lay fOI' One weel<, when he dieu�

During the visit of a mcnn gerie t'O Salem, Mnss., last sopl'ing a young lad' o[ 24 mAde up het• mind t.o enter ,._ tiger's den and in t.he pre•ent!e ill tl1e sn\'age hensts kni t a scnrf f<tt

' their ��·utster. The tiget·s encleavm"8iJ! to sln·ing upon her when she en tezdll the enge, hut the lamer bent th""" b!lcl<, .Presently th ey begnn to 1:otV with the ball of wool t h a t wns used ir> the mnld11g of t1le scarf. The pl uelo!l' �·oung woman rrmnined in the eag�:� for two honr11, and before she left lt she placed t.he •�nrf she hncl kni tt.C with her own hands round the taJuer'i:; nee!<.

l�ewr Dli,Hnaullllle•l Crnuur,fllllnten..

'l'he nHrnge length of n cnrf'er ·ie congress is four years. At the be­ginning of every congress nbo!l.t o� .. third of the members of the ho-· are n('w to the business. H is a l"il>lft:: th i ng lor n member to mnke nny sott of " mnrl< In leglslntlon before l1o had been In the lwuse n t lenst two fn1l terms, ond those who h n,·e forceil thenuwl\'es· Rbovc tltc rmrfne1e hf.>fM'B the close of n •Ingle term can nlmod be counted· on the fingers of one ha nd. rrh c ot•di nnry COngr£1S'S.m nn eomel and goes nml len\'e& no ll'ncc bel1ind biOI, except on the lnln •·y vouchers. 'fhe ' ·nnn who st.aya h1 tlte hot!Sc for mow than two termo hn• n fair ehnnce i#£ wield ing a little I nfluence. He ce*n, hi• nn me Into the cOIJC't'csslonnl Mlo· ord once In awhile; -he 111 recogniMII hy the spcnker occnslonnlly, and II be l" tllll!R11 RIIY lucky the newspapeow take him up and somet.lmes gl\'6 hl• a bcnr111nc all to himsclf.-Chlcn .. Chronicle. _____ _

Q.nalllJ' an•l J•rtae, Clct•lt-'l'et•hnps you'd like to look'*

lome ffOodo a litllo more expensive tU. then. .

Shopper - Not neceo•arlly, hut>'•,, wou ld like to look nt sonm of beU�· .' ,.uulltJ.-l'lllladelpbla l'•·••• , . .. . :I

' ' < , , · ; \ . . · • . . ' .:.: (_.· -�;};., • ;._/ y:�_·;, ',:.·!.',.;·.:

'�:<?.,�{T. ;-,-.' .. : ._;,:,>; �; ��\�{;.;· r'.\:':J,, ,,' .... {{.Y, • 'IAi�:.tA/J.:L�ff,,�:t.J:di:tfak:.:.r\tr&ZI·)���ttJ.t®,(-:<9�/i*ttil�

E. J. WrUTI!lDEAil, Preshltmt. A. E. PEAHS:\I.r.,, \''ic.,-Presldeut.

0. E. PI!:AUSAl•L• !\tanager.

lt. c. P.t:.tltSAJ,L. Secrct.a.rr-'l'reasurer.


Olflce-.STANDAII.D Bulldlnl• Advertisina nates furnished on &l>l•llentlon.

A.LI"BEO E. l1EA.ItSALL. IMitor, R. M. STICKLJ�, Lclt'ul }�llltor, C, E. PEI\..R.�ALI.� :ftl�tmal{or.

W ESTFIELD , N. J., DEC. 25, 1000. -------- �- - --------

sfa�r:J;:;S'l!h��!ftlts 1� ��s���: �:��{\'�'\��?n��\!�,!1�� he days preceding pnhltcat.ions, H.1Hl should not exceed aoo words with the truo Rlgnature or the sender, for pulJlic>atlon, Anonymous crunmunlcattons Cl\nnot be coneoldertjd, A

t bing worth sn.rlng Is worth sli:nlng.

I:Hblut•lllll wo .. cu A.rellla-lll)·.l•ral•ell lor 'l'helr lhtuuul l t )' IJJ' 11 •

Eui(Jbll Soldier,

u�fnj." C:amer1·a, who was m a r! e a priso u c l' ut the bat tie of Atulowu, n n d who::::c h u i r turnt�d '�omple1e ly white wi tl1 his �ufferin�rs while i11 .-\ byssl11ln, lu1s puUJ ishcd a t10ol\: g-ivi ng· nu o!;!cou'n t of t h e tl'n months of J 1 i s uap1h·.ity, snys • tondon paper, He puys u lolll l gt·uni tl C tribu1e to the A ' women. 'l'he Ethiopi�n ob!ig·ed t o work a l l d e1\'lriir.\\i(·oci und druwing wut n n d pt·ol'it.l ing the

tl1c men is l'eser\'crl und weaving, which 1 er ut. 'rhe customs quite pntrinrcl1 ily being ture with Jeglllmut e . d o es so

\From 'l'riuity church corporu.tiou · tenements good Lo1·d deliver n s ! · ·

'fl10 Tammany tiger's tail is being tw isted by 'l'ammrmy. Nnf ced.

No Westficlder can ignorant of , local affairs when the ·

Bub•cdptiou : to the Standard is so smalL,_ ·

Ring on t the bells, a child was born

'l'o gladden hearts this matchless morn! ·

t irood ad�ertising means good bnsi­;ness. Bu't there's lots of money

. · wasted thr�ugh inj udicious adver-/ tieing. i =====

. . Tho rn,;nor that the 'Jersey Oon• ''tral is npw being run by au Inger­soll· tlollar watch is a slander-to the Ingersoll watch.

·· . ' Of�, for tho days of Peddle!

Th� STANDA Ito's sudden and · u expect�r1 good. fortune in the way . ·

demaud3 tm�de upon us for: · copies -'compels us to unuou · our friends the advisibility: fyi n g us at lertst three .. · ·

vance of thcit• procession cun juhctiou of 'l�oving thence

direction to ·. ·· .ample corps

t!1e booking vlating ull th;\t might otherw co•�pelled to adopt often\ti mos · reqnsitio1iB n pon us after .the paper; press and p�rtions of ht�ve been tlistrib;1ted. our frie�tls will bear this

copies, and our mnil nnd local edi· tion left us b u t �5 copiog to !fleet the dern�tnd . Now is the ti me't6 aimd . in yunr holidny orders] So great Wtls onr dist&•ess lnst week that we were obliged to withhold our exolmnge oopy from the Eliza­beth Jourunl and yet we will give the Jonru,a! the credit of p resenting a very com mendnble r1ppe1uance thu next day.


Proof to Iter� '.'l am quite certain thnt poor mnn bas seen better times," snld �II'S, Onz­

r;am after giving bt·enl<fnst to 11 tramp. uNo llou\Jt/' n.ddct.l Mr. Gcua::n m dl'y­

Jy. "'fhcy nlJ have." "Aut this JIOOI' .fellow dl <lu't nsl< mt•

fol' bt•okcu l'ic tunls. rre Rnill It gl'ii'VI'll lllm to !Je obll�:<•<l to npply for n colla .. • tJou."-Detl'olt J•,1·eo PJ·e�;li,

Tho levees on holh Rilles of Uw �l ls­e!RsiiiJll ;u•o of sull!clont extent thnt If tlwy wor·o built In n •Ingle stmlgltt line tltey would !Jo allOut J.aoo ml ltlH long Ol' long Ullfltl!rl; to stt•lltcli !110 I!I'Oiltot• pn1t ot the df•tnnoo bot wc•on Now OJ•ienns autl Now York. •


by n �core of 48 ents' 31.

'fhc 'J'hnlllum I� th e first schooner to nr rlve from Greenlnnd In 25 years. Rhe is n new vessel, 1nun clJcc1 at Bucksport, �fe., In st. August, nnd llL l l lt wlt·h n henvlly t i mbore!l ltull, espe­"lnlly lor th is perilous trnrle.

llave No Idea of ''nlue, 'fh e African nrl tive hns no n•nl sem.;e

of the Ynhte .or mone,y, n n cl i f 1tc Is In t l1 e mood fot' worl< will tol l ns rcn<l l ly for thl'ce pomuls Rte1·1lng n�; three •hlll!ngs, bnt H h1• hns once been pn ld 11. certnln Rum fol' l n hor he w ill 11C\'t.'l' wm·l< for lt'�R·, hut vvl l l snnner st.nn·e; . u n d n. vm·�· u mus·l u g h1 R f rtt1ce Is gh·en of n lllt t l ve who wou lrl not Eu.dJ some fowl (OJ' j .q pencr. cnch lwcn tttl(! he h ntl hen1·d t,Jmt n fl'ieJHI 1111<1 b1•cn Jllt ld two Hhllllngs. Jle wnll:c<l 1 30 m i lcR t.o try nnd, get the hlg!JOI' Jll' icc, ami •ti l l be­Ing o O'cl'ed one u rul sixpence trumpetl home ugnln with the bh·os,-N, Y, Sun.


The fo1lo\'\'lng ls un interesting oc· count oF the now famous in h·r·natiL\n · ul gnu 1<nown us "Our Uetseyt rc· Jutes t h e Ch icago Ghrouicle. ,

uAfi. Anwl-icun gunner named �trtch· ellc State�; legalion ·· ·

�: to mnlic

· Dritish

oro· suo pes, yet tl�ey at•e l<nown· to · there 1 saJ'S the Dett•ol t .Jom•nnJ. ltr.- Hess hoe been working with IIJC l c lcn tltnt Jj t h ese pnrnsltes cnn be tl esh•oyorl wi t h · out'kllllng the plnnt or flowm• t ltet•c I s no renson w h y t h e,\' should n o t be pl'e · sel'vecl for n i l t ime to uome.

"l wus in southm•n Ot•tagont'' snltl �h· Hass, te l l lng how l1e f�nnw to tnnlw tlw d lsco\'ery. unnd I fnnml n hermtl fttl wb l t e tlowel' Ut n t T ,.,.·n � ltllxlouR. to 1wep '" long· ns po.slble, l put �o111e of t11c Ulo!!I�OlJl!-i In IJoll !tlg· w n t l�l' niHi l n l d th em out. to dry, E x n m l n l n go t l niJn l n t e t't I f n u n cl t hu t ! h ey hud nnt wilted, ns I t h oug·ltt tl•cy woult1, 'l'h l s wns t ltc ftJ•st i n ld l n g T h nd of n pl u u hy wltloh tlow­l'l'S might lw pre�t.q'\'t�cl l ru1Pfl ll l l el�· .

41'J'he11 1 lH..!gnn CX fHWinwn t i J I ,g'. I plnced 11owel's ln \'n rlouf! �ol u t lons q t thn hol l lng polnt. I t rice! <lltl'<'l'omt tc•tn· pt.� l·n t t l l'lHI, tno, nml exper• !uwnted wltl1 muny Rt.!l tls In t l1c llOJW of flulllng· JlOill�­t hl ng l h n t. wo11Jcl !lcstrny n n l mnl l i fo \\' l l h t •Ht l ho flowcJ'I!, Some s f l lnt. lons lnll'ned up tho flower• ; ot l&llrH did not h ut•t them, llflflUl'CII I Iy,

11giiCOtii'Uijfd \Jy lilY H\lt!(!CMMt J U t ) t JR t got u�rlnlu prepul'U I Inn• whl!!h hnve kept flowers h·esh lur mun I hs nud e1•en fol' y<•nrs, 'l'heKc Ill'!! Jll'llof l lr n t flow• tn c,all. bo keut alln lndnOnll•lv."



One of the pre! l i es! imag-inul>le linn· nel wais1 hm; u Loh• ro mnl tlpper�lce.vt.•s of n fuucy !lunnel and \IIH1er1Joc.Jice untl undeJ'sJeere!!' of plain liaJJ H t:' l to nmtch, OJ' rice \'l'l'fm, suyt-i u ra!'i]Jion ext:hn ng·e,

Umb1·e1Ju hundlt-� arc n·rily i h ings of lwmJ t�·· 'J'ht> bl'b1 u rl' i n m e t a l , sm:h us cmrd.Jina \ lOllS of gun mdul with oi l · rer Ulltl g·oll.l. CJwke u n d fuirly cnsl l)· ure tb� inJn ld und ha ml·carnd i\·ory, \vlli l e o1 her nondt ic,s CtJlJitd l'rutu ex· position models are h lmldt·tl with pye�ious stones in cum l.Ji JJat iuu w i th

' cUt. steel, mountt.•d on nat u ra l wood J;·nudles.

n. one of the

L·"c'i.'.''.'\.''�·;u• """ a pencil n n � then slnrt the curds on which nrc U I'E'S of the u u t ltorfi, Let pnss tlw curds from one to , ..

nnd wrl t B down, ucconling- to . . n umbet• on t h e plc ttu·e�cnrd, um] ll}llJO!;!te the COl'l'f�spondlng nlHnbcr on hnh• own, th e liR !n.(� of eJH•h n•ui110r nne] some book lw hns w1·i tte11 '1'h l . w i l l he found n moJ•e.!llfllcnl l. t n,'i< thu;� one hnngltws, n n rl n1tm('I'Ol1R guesset� w i l l doubtless go wide of tltc lllnl'k,

!JIIurt llulf• rn Conh, All th � new con t t•ost I I !liP!; f01• win ter ''enr sil o\\' the abhl'e�•lnte<l bolero cont

�ut the JWrt t lest h ll \'e some fnt-thlou oi ?a.qne, elt het• pain ted, t 11 hued 01• Lnnl<­l llR' llll t h e. pl u l n l'llf..rP in IWlne llHJII IH·r l�n�n t h � 6o1Pt'o w h h!h t'PnclH'B to t h t: wulst nt t h e buc�Jc l'tl t l!-i down l n l o tuh� or ]lO!Jlts In fJ•on l , a nd t lw 1-illdt mmt t ermlunllng 011 t il l' h l p• •ltnws sl lg·J1 t ir l'lnngu ted •un llnps n t tl11• fl'Ou t, �fnu�· hulel'llS ll l't! Mlngolt•· lJ J•t• H !oi t Pd, h u t fllopc U l'l'OSS ll llll rmH f.' ll \\' ) t h t:II IHIJH or U I'Oll]llt* or fllllt',\' h1 1 1 1 fi ! IS U 1 1 1 JH• lt:�fl K!lll', llroud l't'Vf'I'K of e m h J•oltlf•I'Pd t.!lo th , M1 11< nppl lrfiJPd wl ! h llll't' m• l'OVr•r•c•il wit h pt1l'rol'lt t lons or clo t h 01' \'t'hf• t , 111'0 ou t � lh1r1l w i t h 111\l'l'uw ho!'dl'I'H n f fu r•. 11 1111 lh t>M' n r't' M Jnru·h·r· t h u u l't'\'PI'H enthely of lur.-·IVuHll ln�·ton Stnl',

----·----·---,.. An•rndl••• �hRki'NI••,.re. J1UI' ���liUOI't-lHl' U WI'l l ! fOil(! oh llltiHIO -spell i n l i,l' <hruce lll l lHiu.

�II•• l'lntHI'fl nk.,·-·Ho'• I . Oon11' uny 1ny. uut muolu tun d" l'ood o b l u h� . "lt um do Ytry IJ!i lulllnJI' a11' watah• 11Jillgl6 gll lllb,"�-l'llulio , ' , 'it ',',t, .::.r�J.1 :;;,·�·;}/•:>::: :: ; I { ; · ' J ; . ,

,�;��.�� ' ,:i.' <

' " .. �;:���nuary ··/<::���,:�·-·i·;:.�.: :· ·"""'-,-.<·-.. 7c---,---!::_

Commencing December

Reduct • 10

AlJ ,xDepartments.

Enough Said. • 0


Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Goods Delivere�

L . BAMBERG ER & Market and Halsey .Sts;,

j;l.'t'l�'t'l��·�···········'\ � . ! Fall Styles! a ;. .



I•innoN IUhl thtt Jlollt11l\ .. Smumu. Pinuo mnun fncturers nre not n. whit

behlml other llliUHlfactm·e•·s iu settiu�: forth 1111 enlarged assortmeut of their goods before au ullmiring ttttblic at the

aenson. The elegant warerooms of J. & C.

Fischer, No. 83 Uuion Sqnare, West, New York City, at·e now filled with 1111 unusurtlly fine n�eortmeut of Pianos · of the In test styles and tlesigus. l\Inny of these me nnique in their cn!'!lug mlorn� uumta of choice nud l'tue woods. The reputation of tbis finn has cowe down to us fwm the "Olden Day•. " Yon 1u·e donliug with no irresponsible peotlle

when yon nre <le111ing with them. "The Stamlhnl of Illghest l\Ierlt"

which beaus their advertisement In tbis issue is lived up to in every detail, bow­eve<' slight, in their mnnufncture of the b'i•che<· PI"''"·

This hus been their record since the honse's fonndntion In 1840. The Fischer Phmo J10.''""""" one of the qnnllties of.un 1t1strn rneut which the mnoicnl worlll


nnltes In caJiing an lndlvhltlRilty. It ls . L.:.:.�•l'l;-.;-­<llRtlncUy oml wi<\ely known KS the Rrllstlc nml home Plano. These at·e not phrases 11pplied at mndom, but tlmy iu­<licnte 'certain tlttl'ibntes which m·e un­mlstnkeable. A visit to their Wlll'erooms nt any thne, but pnrtlcnhuly now, Ill the holidny time, Is a ltbornl education In the bennties of modern Plano nt•chl­tectnml desfllllS, To those about to pmchuse, the terms . tll'll ndvn11tngeoua, tmd that must be 1111 B'<nctillg tuste hulecd which cunuot thet·e be suited in the Phmo IIllO.

'Nit! Cum nu.u•cl1tl IUJIURl.!t, Mnmmu-'l'ouuuy, do stop that nola�.

It you'll only hu gu01l, I 'll give you a jlCilll)', 'l'ummy-No; I wnnt 1\ nlckol.

Mnmmii-Why, )'oil lltllo l'llRcnl, yon wm·u <Jttllu snlltillml to \Jo gooil yestel' dny fill' K IIUUIJ)',

'l'umm)·-·1 lmow, but that WBR a bar• 1111lu dtLy,-l'hllndciiJltl!l l'ren,

Fara J I·ZC1 4C•


below C. H. R. Station. acoby•s

RESTAURANT, Street, Newark, N. J, 12 to 3 P. M., 40o.

D'HOTE DINNER, 5. to 8 P. M., 50o.

THEATRE SUPPER, to.:io P. M. to 12 P . M., GOo·


... Millinery .. . . Feathers, etc., ·


L. A. BILLETT, 137 Broad Street,

WESTFIELD, N, J. Aren�y for Standard Patterns.


-Merry Christmas! -Wouldn't this weather jar yon? -Freel Kreio\let' is •pending the boli-

diiYS with his P••ren ts at. Bath, Pu. -Cb•rles Johnson l1as returned from

hls buoilwss trip to South Amel'icli.

-.Mr: uml Mrs. Fet·dinund Bailey will enjoy their Christma• in Westfield.

-Louis Voorh••• ie spendh1g Christ· mBB with his parents at 1\liddlebush.

-Miss Alii" CI'Osby Is confined to her home on Mountain avenue by illnees.

-Peter Ram\oli>h, of Sooth avenue, vieited .. friends in Harlem 011 Sunday.

-The new orgnn at St. Paul's dmrcb WBB use<l lor the first time on Sunday.

-A daughter ••rived this week at the home of Mr. and Mn. Clarence Smith.

-'fbe township committee will bold 1111 a<ljourned meeting on Friday even­ing.

-Pierre Briggs is conhned to · Ills howe on Academy pluce by ll severe ill· 11�88

-Robert Hoffman is enjoying vac11tioh from school at Hackettstow11, i.n town.

-"Sam" v'on�ht, of New York, spent Sunduy witb Cb11rle• Kimball, of Sooth avenue.

-The Mnlmur family will hold tbeir ltullltlll Cbt·istwns reunion at the home ol 1\Ir. llllll Mrs. E. T, M11lmar, on Wnl· nut street.

-The Advance club members were royally entertained at the howe or 1\lr. nnd Mrs. Arthur · Irving, on Central It venue, Frillay evening.

-Court Provident, No. 3130, I. 0. F , w ill elect officers at a meeting on Thors· day· evening. Several new members will he tHken Into the lodge at this meet­ing,

-The fouer"l services of Mrs. Leber, dl\nghter of 1\Irs. Denham, were held Snnday afternoon at her mothef's resi­<leuce at Brauch Mills.

-Snnt.a Ohms will visit Fireside Conn· cil, Royal Arcanum, at their next meet­ing. Evet·yone is welc.1me, and all who 1\tteud will receive a Christmas gift.

-Rev. James A. Francis, pastor of the Avenue Baptist church, New

York, and Rev. and Mrs. George A. Fmncis will he the guests of Mr. nod �Irs. C. F. Conant at dinner this evening.

-Tho Ch•·istmllB exerciPes of St. Pnnl's ohnroh Snni111y school takes place Thnr8dH)' evening. There will be sing·

of c11rvl> 111111 1111 nd�ress by the rcc· tor, besides tl1e giviug of gifts.

-.Justice of the Pence Toucey official· at his ·�cmHI wedding on Sntnl'flay

when he' nnitcrl in mnrringe Edwn.rd Dennis l\ud Eiumn H nrris, bot.h'coloreil. Th• Judge mnlces it 11 rule novor to kies

;;:.:;':l:: :,·c,., .• ,;,��"· Harry E .. Kulght,Chnrles N. 'A. L. ·Alpers hnve been np

to procure copies of cities uml townships

tbew at 11 nt'eeting at the on Slltnwlay evening.

on. , wel'e held · this morning. Iut.ermont !alms vlnce nt Green wood Cemetet•y , Brooklyn;

-A1lnm Hnfflllflll, the I'Oocl overReer, met with 1m 1tcoitleut Fritlny w hi ell re­snlted in his henol being hac\ly cut. He

·• ·· · ' · • '-···' 1111 Informal \vns chopping wood at his home on

clnss at the Social Moaut1iiu !\Venue when the axe caught

·m11l Mrs. Charles Cllll'k, of · 11re spenollng Cht•iahnn• with

Mrs. John Unm pbell. .:..o,·: ami �b·s. W. R. Tubbs will

tnke their Chrlstmns 1lhmer wilb R"•·

111111 �Irs. George A. FI'Clncla.

-Tho ChrMums euiertnlumont of the Bmnch l\lllls SnU<by Schnol wlll he helll Sutnr<luy evening, December 20.

on n clotlwsline IHHl, being \\·renchecl from Mr Hnffnum's hmH_lr;, came elm' n H(JOD the_ top of his hmull tu!-\ldng I\ fnl, th_ough not anuget·onB. wound.

- Chicl<eu thieves vislte<l the ben err of Hou. Che•ter M. Smlt.h recently and 1lepnrle<l with seveml choice fowls. They lmve mnde two vl•lts since bat the Assemblynum bns fdghtene<l them awuy. He _now EllJetuls n pnrt. of eneh night sitting hy an open window wi t h 11 shot · gnu u111l, us h� is u lletul shot, emne one Is likely to get hnrt.

-Tho Wouum's club· meets 1\lor"lny afternoon next nt tl1e W �stflelcl Olnb bull. 1\IIss Bt•i<lges will give 11 relro·

spect on cc•rhe Wondel'fnl Cent.nry, n nml Mrs. H .ckok uml Mrs. CoiHllt will lend the <llscusslon. 1\lJ•s, Johnson wlll glve the prophesy on "The UndiHclose<l Cell­ltll'y," the <ll•cussion being Jed by Jlllss Gmlllflrd 1\Ufl JIII'B, Knight.

t<onder of tho engine and struck blm on the leg. He managed to get to tbe do pot where he was placed in a cab uod taken to his home on Cumberland •tree!,


Hauv Deeds l&ecurd�d a& tl•e County Clet·k'• Oftlce.

Francee L . . Loveridge to Mary A.Tice, northeasterly corner Dod ley uvenue atid Lawrence str�et, WeRtfiel<l , , , . . $100 00

Benj, F. Mut'Sit to George W. Tice w�slt>rly line of Hlgl1lund avenue, em·' uer Ezru S, Gannets, Westfield, .$700.00

Benj. F. Marsh to George W, Tice westerly line of Highland llVetms, col'llet· 1.'ice, We•tfield .. , , , , , . , , . , . . , . . . $700.00

Geot'Q'e W.· Tice et ox. to Frances L. Leveridge, northerly line Dudley, cornet• Mnry A. 'rice, WesUieh\ . , , , , , , , , , .$1 00

Fmnces L. Leverid�e to Mat·y A. 'rice northerly line of Du•ll•y avenue, cm•ne1· �1nry A. Tice, Westfield . . . . . . , . . . $1 .00

George W. Tice et ux. to Arthur H. Gorse, westerly line Highland a venue. corllet• Ezra S. G"unet, Weetlielol , �100 00

A1·thnr H. Gorse til M•ry . A: 1'ice,' we•terly line Il_ighlaml uvenue, corner Ezm S. GILtlllet., Weetfield . . . , , , .1\100.00

Benj. F. M•rsh to Gem·ge W, Tice, north westerly corner Duilley avenue and Hillside uvenuo, Westflelil , . • . $1,625,00

Gem·ge W. 'fica et ux to Arthur H. Gorse, northwesterly corner Hilisl�e avenue and Dudley avenue, West-field .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . $225 00

At·tlmr H. Gorse to 1\olnt·y A. 'l'ice, not·thweslerly cot•ner Hilleiila avenue ani\ Dudley avenue, Westlielil . . . , . , .ll22o.OO

Josepb PerJ'Y et ux. to George E. Per­westel'ly line Duuley avenue and

easterly coi'Uer James W. ,Fink, W€st-fleld . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . lfiOO.OO

Tbeodore S. Bird et ux n11d Clut·k !:!. Perl'ine, In big woods. corner of Ezekiel Ludhuu, West.lielll . . , , , • . . , , , , .t\50.00

Clnrk S. Penine et ux to Georl(e W. Horre, in big woods, corner of Ezekiel Ludl•un, Westfielil • . . . . • • . . . . . . :�taoo.oo

George W. Tice et nx. to FranoeB L.




The store where superior qualities are linked with lowest prke-marks.

ll::!.anta Cl is stopping at R. Bl'llnner's, the i:J ause Broad Stt•eet. Jeweler, where be ha• f11ll r.harl{e of the l,.rge and elegant <lisplay of Christmas Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, etc., etc., etc.

Never bas Westfield ever had eur.h a illsplay of genuinely good holiday gifts as are to bs fouiHl at BRUNNER'S.



CH,\.l'EL lJNS, ani\ others too u11merous to mention.

Now that Westftelel has an up-to data Jewelry Store j 11st try and see if yon can not be Slltialieol cts to variety q nality and price right hera. It is unnecaJs•"Y to pui'CIIUs� tileoe goods . ou t of town. Call and inspect the stock of


R. Brunner, 14 o Broad Street,

Westfield, N. J, Loveridge, llortheustet'ly Dudley avenue

Open evenings until after January 1, 1901, und 'Lawt·ence etreet, Westfield . . ttOO.OO . .Mulford .III. Scuddet· et uls. to West- ���ll;t;OO;ti��t.i0.1t.Ji;l;Ooti;.;t;ii.tliOt���iii%0��1iiiiltiii.1�­

field & EliZ11heth Street Railway com· puny, uortwesterly side Raritan Road, and Westfield & Eliz•beth Street Rail. f4�._. ... ,�.4� .. ""'"�·�..-MM���..-NNM��·•NM way company und other laud, Westfield and Olark , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00

Amos Clork to Westfield & Elizabeth Street Railway comp11ny, southerly cor· ue1· A woo Clark 11nil Rich11rd N, Frer�eh, Westfield . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


No be�tet· holiilny, or auy other day, ca.udy was ever wade than "Buyler'e. '' Go to Condit's for it. While there glttnce 11t his large seeoJ'ttuout of line st,.tionery, perfumes and soaps.

ChriNten'i�i tiae. cillldren. An Engli;h pnl'son of a churcb In

Berblce, British C ulnurt, writes enter­tnlnlngly of Ills pastoml <lutlcs. In the mnttm· or christening the choice of name Is left to the taste ot• fancy or I he pnrcuts. This lends to stmnge com!JJ. nations. He copies trom his register "Nn.nnic Bellona." "'l'rnnlt Locust" and "·\Vhisi\Y Bmmnnucl." Of earlier Urnes he tells !11c following:

One blncl< man Lrought Ills child, nml when tlw minister nsl\:ed its name he so.lcl, ''Seria'tlm nd Ynlorem.".

On nnother · · · · cd, "Wlmt


Enclllll� PeerH 'cft'n'i Vote. D!sfl'nncllisemenf Is one of the pecnl·

lnr dlsn!Jil!tics under which a peer of the t•en lm suffers. Lord Snllsblll'y once nttcmt>tc<l to sccm·e a vote for IIcrt­fOI'li nml Mlcltllcsex, but the revising bm·rlster at HutOcld .t'cfused the claim



CHRISTMAS IS 1!:!.�-··--·


The most complete nml select eel stock of &.:>Diamonds.

Watches, and Jewalrv �:ri. !'i:!':;·�o��.' Otto Roggenkamp'S Jewelry store,

CHR ISTMAS J EWELRY. at prict>s nowhot·e t o h:1 �l]nrllle{l. yon will tiud ILt

130 B roa d St., El iza beth.

on the ground thnt time bnd given the MAKE GOO GOO EYE" dl,ablllty thc chnrncter of law nud uutt IF YOU LOVE YOUR BABY 1), pcm·s by the htw .of pm·llameut ncces· snry ru1· the cllgnlty nu<l freedom of the l'fiV ZULU BABE, oto. , nlso nil the Latest ltlarclaes and two houses were not tJcrmlttccl to vote Waltzes at BROKAW'S PLA I N F I ELD, for members of the house of commons. . J N. J . Lor<I Rnlis!Jm•y tooi< tllC CfiSC tO tltc njl• a· abcock B l d g., 2 n d Floo r, take elevator peal com·t, lmt ns lw conltl quoto "m�l� the1· lll'ceedcnt uo1· nutllOI'Ify" he wns Pa;DNOGI!.APHS $5.00 arrd up, REODRDS, 40o a piooe. $4.60 per dozen. obliged to go !mel< to Hntfield without ..... ":"":"":"":"":"":"":"":"":"��":"������������������ his vote,-J,oU<I9.11 Chl'OUlel�, 1 =

---·-­Sllrufula- tho CutUICo

Erze11m, oatanh, hlp <llsense, whlto swelling, mul even consumption hny.-J thalr origin In serofnlons conolltlmlR With the ··ll�hte.;t tnlnt ol sm•ofnln !11 the hloo<l, t.hel'c is no RCifllty. 'l'he t'A• nw<ly fm• tills ellsmtse In nil lt.s fm·ms IH Hood'• S•u·snpnrii!CL, which grwe to the t·oot. of the h'olthlc'llllll expels all hupnd tieR 11ml cllsense gm•n1• ft•om the blood,

JOHN INGRAM, Practical plumber, Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air HaatlnJ,,


8ROAD STREET. WESTFIELD. N. J. �Hurry Johnson, of �H. He••mo11

School, Is epemllug the hnli<\uy VllCutlon with his parents on Bron<l street,

-Tho City Cunucll of Newurl< hn• !lU·

eoptcd the terms of tloe PennRylvnuln 1·nlh•o"<l for the elevntlon of itH truck•.

-Active pl'eJllli'Utlun• fm· tho hulhlln!,( of tho ne1v obnpel ut Brnuoh Mills n•·e The best


-Thieves JJuule nn 1111RucoeaMfnl nt­

telllpt to enter the honso of Wilft•efl

Johnson on Cnrleton J>luoe, 1.'lumclny ulght.

-�lr. and 1\lrs. Cl111rles Dnrsh, of Bnl·

thnot•e, m·e sjlelllllng the holi<lnya with

J\11', llllll Urs. Jolm Dar$h1 , of Brand sheet.

-niles Rellll w 1111111118, of Smyt'llll,

Del�wm·e, will epellll Oln·lstmiiS I\t. the

holllo or Ill!·. nn<l· Jl[rs. F1•nnk Peulng· ton.

To care ClantllpaiiDB l'aNY., •tako PJ••••[all can4iiY Cllharlto.1 I� .!l!.'!l:

II c! g, c. ral lu oun, rullllll re ua -

now being m11clo nml t.he gronntl for the --------------­new bnlhllug will he hrolmn on New Yonr's lluy nu<lur the <lireot.lon of tho

honr<l of t.l'llsl.ees, cnlll)li>Se<l of

M!!ssrs. A. M. Pnrkhmst, B. D. Milli•r, Oh11rlea W. Sohnolloven, lti. G. �'lul<, R. A. Fowlm• nml Rev. R. NeWI<lll Suiter. Gl'Dlllld fm• tho ohnt>el wus given hy i.\!J•s, Aaron Ill. Pnrldmrst,

-Jnmes Hlllltutn, n tt·nck wntket•oJi lhe

Cunt.l'lll Rnih•on<l, met with 11 poaulloll' 11cul1\ont this mnt'llllll! whtuh wilt oon• line him to 111M hc11ne for several days. He wns wnlklt1g 11lmtg the tr11ck 11oar t11e liepot when II fliRt tr11ln pR•ee<l hhn and 11 IRrge plllOII of 110al fell from the

'1He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last."

A l1e�rly laugl1 l11<flcates ll degree of

good flcallh ob/,tiJMbfe 1/u·oug/t pure blood. As but one person in ten has pure blood,

tilt otl1er nl11e .<houtcf purify the blood <r��/111 Hood' J s�rsap��r/1/a. then ti1C)J can taugl1 first, last �lid ,111 lite lime, for

3fco,£i,;::r:::! Christmas Goods at Condit's.

We oan stt p J>ly yon with tlw Onoet gl'llclo of Oologncs, 'l'ollot W11tor lllltl F111toy Stlltlonct'Y ill f11noy boxes for Oln·isti 111118, nt very oheup prioos. OCill llml lot ua show tbom to you.


Plants That Possess Cura­tive Qualities.

r�o!'t>rtlea .-\..Ml' r l b e •l to Some of

the Uum1•le l•�lot'l'l Nath·e�� of Our �oil - Odnl'UIIN Alnd

Drug bi lls wou!d be redurcd t o the cost of items for soap nnd o t l11�r small aundr ies, and gootl hea lt h w01:ld bt> pro­moted if people gTe\\' t h eir own metl i­eines, �Jnny eonunon p lnn ts <llld fra­crant berlJs and flowers IJO�!"eS� power­ful cur a tire prupl�rtic:;. X earls ul1 ean l1e growJJ in yuur lmck Jut. H t inf'i.;·­

.llifica n t cost, Enrs t h e �·cw Yorll World. 'J.'he sweet-!mwllirlg verbena makes

an infu:siun which is u fine cure for sore tlu·oat. und it wih also pi·e,·cn t J'OUI' liair fall ing out.

Fennel, w111ch we g1·o.,.• in kitcllen l'ardens to tla\'Or Sall('es, mnkes n man •trong, gives h im courage, and adds a llozcn yea rs to bi s life.

Ferns haye many cura th·e quali t ie'S, If you ore wan t i n g in common sense, the maidenhair fern will gi,·e it to JOU; and it ha& been known to make idiot• l11to sensiblt men. Mnldenhair fern tea b a splend id cure for a cold. And the lincturu makes one's hair grow luxuri· eusly.

Yo\t can easily grow a bl ackberry loush In your garden. and from its l ea\'es •nd fruit many useful medicines can loe made. If you eat the young shoots they will h a rden the gm;ns. If you make a decoction of t11e leaves you have a cure for whooping cough. For an Clrdina ry sol'e t h roat nothing i s bet· ter than blackberry jam. And if you •oil tile Jea,•es in a strong lye you get. a liqu id whleb will dye your bair a 'lluutiful glossy black.

The oowsllp can be very easily cult!· 9ated. It looks pretty and it is ,·ery 1J.Iieful. If you c a n not sleep; t,�ke some C>f tile powdered root and i t will send 'ou into the soundest. sluniber:. want to do some mountain and don't feel your' murk, boil the a few drnughts atnnd on a mastllie•id.witlli<>nt, n treim

If you eli ned

going on a long bicycl.e\, rlde. And i.t you mnl<e a snnff ·or t h e dried. flowers

1t w i l l cul•e the wor�t be0c1nc1w. The fragrant. m nl'igo}d, nlnch used on

tlle continent for flavoring soup);, is a •plendld t.hing for consumption. Tt a1�o ra ises one'R spirits in a wonrlt>rfnl manner. If you hn\'e measle� 111ere i s IIOtl\lng equal to a decoction o f mnri· •'Olds. While tile pain of o bee sting ean be removed by rnbhing a fresh

8ower to the pnin fnl spot. Lavender make., the hair grow,

eures sprains and stiff joints, and a l it· &le oil of lavender will cure gidd iness and palpitation,

The primrose Is useful os well ns or• aamen tal. If rou make an infusion Df primrose! you have as good a m1re ·as any doctor can give nu for head· ache, hysteria or sleeplessness,

No garden should be wit!IOut on Rp· J>le tree. A pou! l ice of'rotten appl will cure sore eyes. lf yOu en�: R,. -rood apples ever.\' d�;· you . . to esca pe tl1e gout, ' And clined to hal'e ·warts, .q rubbed to them will vel'\'· IDOVO them, . '' .

Even the common pot a t o Jned icine for rheumatism, A ef potatoes, used as a foment a l ion, wi l l «Jve P.•rfect relief. -----


It Ia a P•r•IJ·•I,. of the t.hub• Due to Compre••loa lty D•aad-


In sold iers invalided home hom t h e •oer war a new disease bas bc1�n dis­eovered, to wbich the doctors hnvo flven the name upu t tee pnralysis," snys the New York Press. Inst ead of wea r• bg leggins in South Afl'icn many ol!l· eeJ's and soldiers wore strips of cloth called 61put.t eu" wound around 1 he !ewer leg, 'l'he•e, being bound tight, 1eem .in aome cnses to hnve pressed upo� certain nerves, and when the m e n 'became weak from fever n paralysig ef tile feet and toes t•esulted. At fil'st the d isease was cal led 11ent erlc feet." 11 it generally appeared J n men who were recovering from en terlc or ty­'hold fever. Upon fn\'est fgn t lon, how. evert it was ,found t h a t the prlmu t•y eause of the diseuse wao the put.tec, 10 H became "11uttee Jlnt•ulysis."

'the long mnrche11, the tense move· 111enh of the legs, esprci n l l)' when I n· fan t ry aoldien wel'e mounted, n nd t h t• 11ne vcn 11reuure of the p u ttees c!mseli eucb a condition of th i ngs tl111t t i1 1 •i•eaoe could easily be Hecountell for. Herea fter legflns will prouubly ne\'et' be abandoned for puttee•.

-- I WHEN THE ��_RTH IS FROZEN. Jthode l!::lunrl s t i l l rrmuins t he most lm(IOI' f n n t t•nlnh ln tJae C u r e ul the

den sely populntt>d s t :�tt• iu t he mduu. 11 liotly J)urJng t he \\'h•ter 'l'he pig iron prmllH'l'd in t h e Bil'... 1\t.•nHou.

mingh ant (.\ln.) d i s t ril't 1 1w pnH• n t · , �·�nr is pnt at J ,2tlll.Oilll t ons, ng•ainst The period when rr

.o�t reigns SU·

l,Ds:-:.nn.l ton ."' in 1 � !1!1. TJ1P t•un i Bt i n t>d ! prt>llle and t he earth 1� !�'·?Z(.'Il Is b u t is S,750,Cml tuns. agai11st i,·1S-l,'i73 t ons : u l i m i t e d one. l n t h e lo

.n l t et1 :S�ntc�

�n t11e )JJ'l'\' juus yt•:l l·. j i t Js bu�·ely th_ree mont hts, :f�n· �onm-

Eigh t l'L'n s t n t t·s a n d one territory , ber and �J.��ch _ ��:e ll.�UI.llly .mo�·e or

now h u n· ntluPtl.

pol.h�y I a ws'--1 h n t is, I I�ss . �Pe

.n: ?H.�l�}��:.: /�'�:_i� .1�< t? �c -�easou

lows req u i ring f1 1·e 1BF-Hnmce C'Ompa• "hen ;·-.-�.'.� .. �-��l��t.:������}\�:: :�J �l �t.· ��ertlon n ies to pny the :CtH'£' of t he policy, no to .l���P.�_ou 0 ·��·.9.� . .1¥-':-�n,�_;)\,e��JJ.·:!�: tl!e mutter wha t mn,l' be the uctunl 1 al u e lte�t;\s"�· ,�,ll;,9 ,a)·� ;f,rlh�.n�. : " e

of t h e properly humeri'. must':.Jl llr::Il,�,�lth lf E n t e rprising merch ants in N�';· �-�':�C'l· }��fg_�(�-����1-�!nt

York h<we h·nrnecl t h a t n m njorii:y of :ey!.t, /�J}:+;�·�,��";eren t h e residcnis of t h e metropolls " look .ll},�H: -B}W�I!-�val�n d own on t h e stn• e t s f1·om above, and ln


_in ..

· -.��-r h e n ce they nre lwgi n n i ng to pniut ii�9Y��;�� ·_t':· We elaborate signs on tlJe t ops of their de .. ����)�!.L : nnd liYer�· wagons a.s adn•riieements of b�e �l�!-�, their s.tores, ordet•.:.t�. :. �·

·rht•-re is one dog that rnnl<e� }lis 1iv- o! li�e.-·i�:�.� _ .. , .. .. .. . h1g by driving a printing pre�s. It is m��st - �.�'t Pl, P-,���piJ··� JJe�e o n ly a rle-n�lopment of t he olc1 turnf:pit fh:�s� -�,':ll tS�lL����-:' ,, <�··��;�·· .d ,t,.�·n rm . \\ e business. but the dog prints the whale need ]Jle.:n f.J}.,�f���f711

.t �(���-JJ.s. '.sta:rel_l nnd ed i t ion of 1,()()(} papers in one hot1r. The sugar. in . �"�l!. t � :� .}: ��}t" .. � e

,ed �hem at all

dog is the property of t he proprietors iiensons: o�_5:·t.h�<� y� nl_'� /,lm �. m grea1 (•'

of the PlJmoutb (Wis.) Review. quantities in' winter o� co_Id wea !her The highest i8laried railroad man In tban i n warm :wentl.Jer. "e get these

the world is Charles M. Hny•, who is fnpy f?ods from ammal fats nod vege· pr.,.;id�nt of Southern Pacific, the table o1Is. It has been pro�··� I b a t even 1econd lnrgest sy�tem In existence. He pork, though t�e most difficult of n i l

receives $55,000 a year. Twetity�seven fresh m�at to dJgest, ccmta�ni s o lnrge rears ago be waa a rn llway clerk in St. a percent age of fa t that Lt· mnkos a

Louis, earning UO o month. most mluabie food for people of good More animals are lost 1o t!Je otnge d igestio.n In cold weather. Salted

through fenr th an t hrough viciousness. meat s: lt. �houlrl be reme�bere<l , urc

The show people drend 8. timid lion, less d1geshble n�d J?ss nu l r1 tlous than tiger or l e1Jpard1 not only hP<'RUse in its fresh ment . Thts dtsnd,·nntngc of s n l t

panic i t i s likely to injure t h e trainer. mcn.t , h?We\·er, . . m a y b e _entirely neu· but because it fR unrel inhle and may tra!Jzed 111 winter. when pie fresh ment toke fright nnd spoil a pPI'fo�mnnce at ls poor. in �ats, a� · yeftt ·is·, . and the' salt

any moment from the sligl>test cause. meat nch m

-�feCJure's Magazine. like fets; · Early in 1873 G eorge Zipperlein, a car which

Inspector at Cincinnati, was run d own nnd mangled by a trnin while i nspect­ing freight. He sued the company and wns given u verdict for $3,410. ThIs judgment wa• affirmed through the

· upper courts, but the �ourtJJOuse a t Co­lumbus and all t!Je record!< of the ·· ' """m'"'"" were burned. Tl1en l i t igation begnn ·an · over ngain nnd

.h ns just been eon�

cluiled Jn Zipperlein's fnvor. He g·eb _the Original nmonnt, with 'six pel' cent. .for, 17. year_•-·-----:--

gallery mind him . witb the turf.· never l nh nblts thi s , h e ,·isits Vienna in\'nri nb1y take's ttp his · res-itlence at the Hotel Sacher, close by, T·he last occasion 011 which it was opened wns nt· the time of tl1e mnrri nge of Prince Herbert Bismarck to Countess H oyos, wl1 en la� p1nced it

when ·.the'· oelecteo · acc�rdlng · io the foods whleb the human �·"· '·'· •····­experience luis fotind to be good proper for its needs.

at the d i sposal of t11e old chn�cellor, · A 11,

EIIORABLE OCCASION. the h on<>rs being <lone by his sister, Countess Gubriel Andrassy. He i s a 80 bachelor, and hns J'emnined unrnar· ried owing to some u n fortunate love aftair in h i s younger dO.ys'.

the WIIJ·ward Man '\\''lahed to Carry o• • 8uUnl•le 8ou­

"enlr of U. The objeot of the count ln. mnking

this gift to the Hungaria•i go',·ern: ment willie still alive is . ·to· avoid · the legal pt'oceeclings .which. would . nlmost inevitably. b"':e been institute<l•by Ills

kinfolk t o upset l1is 'wil l hn<l lte left to the state in the form

:a oo!;t-:mo,rt<m request. 'i ne <lu]<e of identienl ly the snme pre­

with regnrrl to,the palace nnd ,'co•llectiions of Chantilly, which be

the ncndem_y during llis life· time, ·solely with the object of pre­''en ting his rel nth·es from raising nny Jegnl obstacles to the brunch of the frren t p••incely l10use of neqnlsition ot t•he property by the ncndemy had he left it in th(! form of n bequest.

Count .John- Pnl tf,r hus not �n alto­gether muleset'\'erl repututjon for hiR eccentricity, Wll lch WOitld doubtless hn\•e been exugg-eruted in to proofs or dement in by 'his relnth·es in order to upset h i o wil l . lle is the lost of the so-ca lled .Jolm Paltry F.rnrly, which be· longs t() t.he JJnngn l'inn urnclel-thnt Is, to that pnrt.inn of t.he nrlstocrncy who 1'\'ere n l rendy grent. nobleR n t. the begin n i ng of history. One of I t s mem· hf'rs, n .}'otl llg C01mt. Pnlffy, hlew hia brulnR out on thP 1T1wemeyt>r estntes in New JerRey, whfre h e was em· ployer1 os gnmelu!t>per, llfl\'lng heen cut nOrift hy }I I !; fnrnlly in comm· que nee of his mn.J•I'ing'� to an rst.lmnble Swls� wonum of l 1 1 1 1nble bir·th, No moti ve wns gl ntl for the count's sui· cirle at the time,

------M•n and 111-'n•t Skeletnn••

.. Th'e l!an prepnt'ed to go to cllll rch re.luctnn•tly. He l10tl not been for t.l1rec · yenrs, l1e said, nnd it seemed a pity to break lip the hu bit of 11 life· time, !Jut he flnnl ly yi elded to en· trcn ties nud cajoleries, and drew on his gloves with the uir of n person who has been grievous!,\' lnjut'ed by one he trusted.

He bnllwcl n moment' nt the dour of tl1e edifice, and nsl\ed, (•xcitedly, where }JC�cl put h is COllJlOOS1 but a1e WI\S bl'onght to hi mKelt' b.Y n pressure on his 111'1118 u nd <lirect}y l1e wus si t ti n g in the light. of n st ni necl�glnss window with h i s hcn�l bent l n silent pruyel', �nys the Baltnnore News,

After this the solemnity of I•!Je �Inn wns delight ful to wi t nc�s. His ex pt•es­sion was devou tly serious, us if he were s itt ing for his photograph, Anon he sang n loud in unhon with th� white·robed oholr, nud his rleep voic!! bren t hc<l Holcmn "tuucnsu at the eutl of the pl'IIJ'CI'IIo

Hls fuce wne t.he fn ce or n St'I'Itph wl1e n be fixed the m i n ister w i t h ltn unrwlnking gnze clurlng the seJ'lllUll nnd the "'oman ,with h im wondet·ed how ehe cou ld e\'er h n \'C been so un� just as to imagl11e l1lm cureleHK unrl bud ns other IIH.'n urc, He l1cuvcrl u sigh when beJJetl l c t lon wna pro· nounced1 and lennuU townrll hla com· pun ion.

"Nnn," l1e eald, softly, nnd Aha ] [8 .. tenerl hemulouely for nn nnnouncc .. went of a ROlli flllecl with religion• con\'lctlon. "Nan, I'm A'olng to steul one of theRe Jli'U.�'t!r hool\H to t taku home with me. I n l wnyH ll l<c<l to Jmve n f!OU\'enh• of the ntt!morniJio ocou�;Joua of my l i fe , null g•oo,!twHs know& t:J1 t1 on�'H u. l'egnl!tr W•h ltc nlley."

'l'ben ahe guve him up.

A JVovelfr f11r tl•e 'I'Mble,

Dr. Charles Cnl')', of Hutl'nio, hn• Jll'e· 1ented• to the 111 U M!I I Ill of the u u 1 n·r� s l t y t h ere u vu!J"Jhie <lll d l t lon to I t• ll•t of exhibit•. I t Is n lfi'OIIJI ol skt!le· tone reprl'sen l.hlg t lw compnrutJve Dtl· teoiogJ' of the hum11n famlly nncl that of the lower n n lmu h;, rcfU'Cfl�Jitcd i n this t tJHt n uce by the hor•e, dog n n d lll'ur. The lfi'Ollp I'CIH'eRt'll f s n hutJ t l ug Hctme, 'J'hu q u n i'I'Y Is u Ut•ur·, JHirKu�U IJy 11 moun ted h u n t er 1111d n ln t•go lllllH·

Caaa41a11 -m-.-p-o-.t·;--;;-o·;.,-;.. Hrl t fl ln , tltt, 'J1h c mountlr1g uncl artlcuJut lo11

'J'he exporl.ti of lHJ t ter, chee•e, o•gg•, hnve t ... eu drme with great skill. 'J'he

.. co11, ham•, m u t t on, 1,01.k, II J> J >IeH, group I• l h t• IIIOHI t!on•plcuoua exhibit

eata, peu•, wheat, tfour'nud potntoes to I n the museum. I t Hlnnde Rbout 1 2 feet

Or,nt .llritoin fro111 Unnndn hill'" lliOI'I high Bitt! O<ICIIpleK n pedestal l.en feet

Jt you lll'e lonl<lng lm· • Wt•<l'<l lng preHell t , why not buy one of the Jn teltt uoveltle• In t u blt•wa ••r�a •IIVL•J•·hnn· diet! i>OII I try •clH•ut'H, with which the wltlJIH o r M IJ.tne OJ' puu i J J•y cnn bt cut

olf? 'J'hl• lo a W<•lootne nlldl t lon to " cat•ver'a 11et nnd will ru·ove a vcrv R(J• crJll.nble fltl for P lltJJJHekeeper, '•J'hiH

�uovelty IN Jllll'tlmttnJ•Iy IIHO !III l11 OMI'l• 1�1 dlluki.-Wa<lil llllllUII Sl�r. , : lh�n doubled wince lSUU, -· Oblcullo long, t•·lg!Jt feet wl rl'e and 10 lllchea ldllh• �;; ����')llluit., : '. , . .. •\•.;. ;; ,, -(lbltMliO Oiii'Oillcllo

,' �·''•· � "';•

�NJE OPIUU INDUS'J.1RY Growth and Cultivation of the Pop­

py in the Oricn t.

An lnt�re•tlng Dt• .. u.•rJpOnn o f Ute l\rorJ' su11 Jlerfot•nwtl h)· c : h i un•

lllCII-I•reauu•t&.llun u t' tbe .Article fur l\lua•ket,

Enr;rbodr knO\Yb eome1l1ing nbout. opium, m.d but Jew pt�oplt• loww ex .. nct1y wiJnt, it is. 'Jlhe I•:IJ J'opPuns,

whe'n they are shown tld�::> IJJ•own n n d ,·jscous pnste, en n sua rc(:lr JwliP\'e 1•l tat Jt is tl1e mngkinn from whom the Chi nese d·cmand deli cious drcu tn�. Lt•t.

l.J� }JU�(CII to �llJ• tltat opi t1111 Olllf' Jll'U• Yok�s drcnms mult'r tht' fotJtat-:t 1c }Wn otf rnmnnccrs; i t. calms t1te U P I'\'l!H n ml

crcntes n p�enf'ittnt 1 o1·por, t l iut is nll, �1ys tl1e Clthm�ro 'fimes-llcruld.

Opium loo-ks Hkc n pnl'i�l!. 'fo �mo1<o a paste �eems i mposs\htet lmt the 1molu�r mnnipu1att·s it in such n way t.he com plicutnl i n•struml'nts of

the fumer le that i t shrivels and melh "'hile Jn·od ucing mot't.' tmwke than un equnl weig"ht of tulmooo or lmw!Jecs!J.

T11is celebrated poison, wl1ich is !iOld for a lmost Its weight in gold, Is noth· ing hut · tile juice of t·IJe popJ•.Y· It f]lliclcly em1�hea those who cultivnte it, for It sells very soon in the mnr· kets, where the dcmnnd for It Is al· ways greater than the supply. If the popp�· is not more culth'a�ed, It is l1e· �n use there Is needed for 1t n groun<l, a cli mnte, anc:l nn especial liituution w!Jich the countries suitable for i ts pi'Osperlty ha1·e d·ifficuU)' in• flntling. Without that there is not n Chinese, 11 Hindu ot' n Persian who would not �nltlvnte the rem lllt"<'1'Rtive poppy.

ecordlng to stnt.lstics, it hus for lts habitat t!Je high plntenus of

of China nnd tl1eir coun­trlwn n zone of Kimilnr eli­

lUling from 30 degt•ers. to 40 tlorth lntihl(le, from Tnl'key

to ; and at lnst, ln­e poppy of Bonmes and of js con�Sidt.H'etl tile best pro·

'i,H' q un l lty of the t.'S ns. the d lstnnc� u Jn�renses.� · It, goes

s'flower is cul-. n n<l

. ·At first the workmen make iucis• ions in the capsule of the poppy. '1''11e tJext operation is to collect the juice; the t l1 i rd one to d•J'Y it.

As soon as the flower fails the in· ci&ions nre mnde obliquely from the top to tl1e bnse o! !o!Je cnpsu lc with ''ery shnl'p knives. 'l'hes� i ncls·ions nre one millimeteor d-eep. but shonl(l not go t�trongh tile c�\'ering of the fruit.; t h i s t'erttth·es grent. cu re. '£ln·ee or four of these i n cis·ions nre 111nde in the cnpsnle at tl1c hott est honr of t.!Je rlny, und on tl1c flowe·rs upon which thet•e is not the lcnst trnce of rain or dew, '!'he operation i s repeated until the who1e snrfnce of the cupsule Is eo,•ere<1 with inclsiom�.

At ench lip thus mutlc t 1 1 e tiny dTO}HS cf a wh ite liquid :soon forms in Jlt'arl�. 'J'he culth·ator beg·lns gathering them nt once, so tl1nt tl1e drops of ju ice wil l not huve t ime to thicken, for N1en they would not I.Je of auy ust•, �t en and wome n-t l1e womPn cost lt'ss and nrc more sldllful-are put to work go t.hcl'ing with some sort of "" in· strumentt usunUy a n ordinury musst!l •hell , nil these m i lky d rops. At t!Je etl<l of the dn.r the collect inn of each woJ•]cmnn amounts to 2.'.1'() or· 3<10 grnmmes rect"ln•11 nnd tneusu rerl in a l'eceptncle nttnclted to t,he waist. The eecond operation is thus terminu tell.

Jo'or the third thut. Is to 1a1· tJ1c drying, the juice Is JIOU J'et! I n to 'l u J•ge flut <lh;�J es and �xposecl to the sun. ],]ttlc by Jlt t,Je I I chnnges color, nml W·lten It Ia solid enong·h it. Is marie into cukes of 00 grumnH�s. which ure oguln dried, Smn� cultlvaloi's pl nr.e tht.�tn in hot hou!'!es. The L"'lkt's ure rolled In M1e lenves or pe,t ul• of poppy, then they ut'e sen t to the !Joi le•••, w!Jo Eubject them to n )JJ'olungNI conld ng, 110 Ut> to muHr: t h at, fJIItity und nl mo&t blnck •uhstnnce which Is t he delight nf tHnokerR. \Vhen tl1e opi u m eutl�J'H eommcrce It J!-1 sold for• u bout 11 Uol lnr or n dollur und a q u u l'iel' u tueei-lhut 1• to ouy, ueal'ly t he contcuto of a ltl papoan.

------CUIIIIIrt!•le• A i r tur Vllllll l•l,oukfll, Un tht" 11Jrlc c u n u l at Luc)(JlUI't, X, \',, 1 fllwumutlc lmlnuce luult IH lH.!Ing sub­

et i t n te<l fot' u lllg·ht ol old·l'nshio11eu llton� loclu. 'fh� new luek COIIHislH ot two Sl l'L') OJiUIJIIJt•rt�, OUt! fUI' Ut:ilJt! Ud) J ifs' a ncl tilt! ol hl'l' feu· d t-'M!l'lldi ug IJun i H •:neil tJhnnJ I.Jel' IR dlv ldl'cl l n t u two pn a·t•; a n uppct• one Coll t n l n l aJR wutt•l· to l'e­cwh·c the hoatN, U11Cl a lowcJ' ow• �!Oil· talnlll!f tJOilljii'OH•c•d ah· on wh ich t!Jc uppt• l' t!hu miJL't' ftt�uta, "'hru n hnu t 11118 been 1'1111 inlo 1 1"' UJifler chn1uhur I t I • •lthtr lowered <><' rn l•ed , aH IJJUY bo l d••l rf'tl, h,y fltlln14' or exlllliiSt lng

' t l<u air chambu bunuuth lt.-Scioll!Uin

AweJ•Iu�u. 1

MULLINS & 2 18 and 220 Market ·�����

. . ' NEWARK, N. J.

The , largest and most com Furniture and Carpet House in. State. Your credit is good. fore purchasing elsewhere ·· call see our specials.

Li ke this, $2.9$�;

MU LLI NS & SO 2 1 8-220 Ma rket St��et, Newark, N.


F I N E CARRIACES uo HARN ESS of every description.

R U BBER T I R E PLANT ATTACHID. A. L, M U N DY; Medlaon Ave., near Frontlt.,

PLAINFIELD, N • .1 . CHA8. CI ER1 Manager.



BUILDER. Pr011peft Street,

Westfteld, New Jene)'•

to get the best bread, �cakes, pies, and pastry (or your table.

Wagon Oellveries.

Cranford Gas Light Co.

' 81 .LII 87'/tflf!:f', WfiSY'I'IfiL/J, . c.:-A"f

D I S C O U N T twenty-five (25) cts.

thousand feet, will be on gas bills, · of

feet and over used month, if paid at this

within 1 0 days from of presentation of



JOYS or APPLE PIE. r · I ot•u PI•• Hue Their Seam, ••' . CJ•t�H:b�tU:�T::�.�: �:�:.:u, FADS ARD F AS!IIONS. Apple I• AJwa)'l Ia l lomtt of the M:t!!J' J•rettJ• NoveiUe•

•tt·le. le to Eat '\\'bat Yea '!'Jaut Are See• In Ut• tu Daile .rte:ue. Cu<J.tume•.

· But apples! You take good, sharp, " -- . --

juicy winter apples and pure them aud , � 8Do' In clined to be 8 httle dyspep· , SomettJi ng unique i n the "•Y of •

quarter and core them and slice them b,�' �n1d ,?ne of a party 0� gentlemeu •l dre:<.: t rimming is made of cloth i ll the

and strew them on the well-" orked '\ 10 ��d JUst tal,cn seats m a restau- � rwle bhwuit �hade, cut in (�reciau and and weB-short ene d uncler-ctust, made r�It , Hnd 1. used to l�e very careful ) oL.\_ t ' cdC com en t 'on a l clt�:--:i !! n s i n twc out of good wlnter whent flour and

a out my diet; but stnce mm·mg to or t l .:.·ec c:Jfr�l�J. � \·, h i t h s the nurrow put them in a little sweet butte� and

my present place, do\\ n .t he �·h er, l I ones stitcla�d on the wider, gi dng a just enough sugar and a clove or t\\ O h ave }J nd a l l my PL'et•on:elrul ldens m l ra i�ed et1 ect, s� ·s t h e I\ew YoJ'k Sun and nutmrg and cinnamon nnd m!lybe ��tat r.�grn�d �moek�d h l � h

.er than a T he ri blJons thi s ,,cason ur·e charm·

a little lemon peel and thPn fix on t 11 e lte. heie 1.s 8 lJJg �lll�11 1 11� fuctOQ ingly Yaried i n fl ov. ered , striped and

cover and tnke n caseknlfc and trim �ntithe ,t;�t l f cac�r not �:u· j rom m.' p lrtn· spotted designs, t}Je p a n n e t t e ribbons

oft the superfluous dough around the � 01�' econt n ued, �n d nmong oth· bein g e::;peci a11y soft nnd riC'l1,

S St rjm aud pjnch up the edge \'l ith yam e� .tbJngs tl�.ey put up lllll�tense CJlhl�- Cl oth l ucc, or u u appli4ue trimming Our Omach thumb and finger all around to make �ltJes �f shump • • \ll the IJght " 01 k J:, of cream cloUt :fin i s lled aroun'l tlie it look prdty and gash the top SOTilf'• OJlJ� r youn g '' ?Inen, and . their fa· edg-es i\ i t h a SJll n l J \\bi te fii1k cord , j� thing Jike a leaf so as to let out the �o�t

e, ���;:?. con'-JSts of shrimp and oue of t11 e popula r decorat ion s fo1

&team, and then set it in an oven ·that l:, .f1 � 1 �. gm\ ns and t'e\'el's of the funcy coats.

U &fter I w u latlueM .. 117 tl&IIV.&• bakes just right, top and bottom, niHl � JfJmp �nd �u t t�rmnk! "-'h.nt. n Oh·dle bel ts made of rihbon f n e one aJCTa, I wlll ueverbe wltbout tbem lu house. I let it etay there till it browns the t i o·] t murd erous combuut t J O n . excJa nne rl of t h e norel t ies jn the shops. They are



1��::b btr�u��:.


s1raUe,. and I tell sou sau'\'e got a �J�e , o n e �1 �h e.

pnrtJ ; .�lnul(lrrillg, relates ! wide, pointed in fron t . n n d m3 de on a 1111 Casoarets, 1 feel tlno. My wife bas nlso 11sed lbat is a pie says Harvey Sut:herland in th e � e n OJ lean s l lmes·Democrnt . I boned found ation to kPep thP.m in �bam wltll benooctal rcsults torsour atowacb," A' 1 , '

, ' "That's WlHlt I thought mysel f a t ' 1 , , . · J os, KnEULlNG1 1\121Con1re18 st., st.Louhi. Ho. ms ee s • • '\ nd when run opens the fi rst ,, snid th , 1 · l s 1ape. I mr l t t t le golcl J.mob button:;

o\en cloor to seehow i t js getting a long, the ' rh•t-r "I� gtnt eJ�Ja}, from rlm\ n , fasten the pl aits, l u Jd in the ribbon ln

CANDY tl1ere Is snch a nice smel l all t h rough c1 th b ' . s�emec 1Im sud den I ver1icnl l i nes. CATHARTIC the house-\\ait n secon rl t i ll I swal· t�

a ; 1 ut It ;�n :· On th?11can

;rary, 1 Gold cl ot h made \\ i tli n design In the

low; I'm most choked-and it serrns ns 1 e1 fJ1r \are n t 1e person t cut on of weaving is one of t11e 1ntest IJ ovelti es, ...,., ... ,._ .. III,IW!IIliil,.lf•� if you Just couldn't wait t ill d i n ner 11 t�.n 1 ;· nere� �:w �u�ll rosy


eks, Bel t ing of pnn n l' \'eh·et po11w clotted • , time com �s-oh, yes;

I brt�ess \\Urm ;l��g 1 u:i�,

i��· l�no

/�; e r�

m:m.s . ���Y: i with white nnd edged " it �1 gold cord

I a ppl e p ie J s n11 rlght . And cold npple f b p t , 1

g \. 011 1 , 3 g l l�r hm\ et

l sen e s u good pm po:;e wJ t h flannel

pie cun be got down, especi a l ly jf thE're �0 1 en� J · -.t

nd / ��� . ent n ,:p�n � t\7 1 ' 1 waists worn witJ1 t n ilm·.made sldrts. . . . . �s a �Ieee of cheese on the �l a t e besid e go�ion. ofu��tt;r,�� n: ' ��p�o��lde:·�d

a • but the pan �e .or the SlJots should Pleasant, · , 'l'aste Good. no Jt, th1s kh1d of checse y�ut 1s all crum- m ere snack. a m a tch the wmst 1� color,

Good, Never ort pe, 10c, 26c,OOc. bly n�d .bas about a m i l lion l i t t le stick· "Tiut t1tnt wnsn't the only thing t]Jat A popular . garn 1 t ure for gowns n11d

,.. OURIE OQI!IITIPATIOII, .,, \ •r-• l n It, . shook my faith in diet ing l'tlles ., \h operu cloaks Is mode of cblffoi� to �epr"· llerllar •••f4J coap••r,c••••••· ,'••lnal, lew fllr•. 111 Apple pte fs always tn style. Go in to 1

t t "Tl 1 'd

e sent flowers attached to embroidered t t k u p nn erwen on, 1 e ng·g<'rmen o"n t \'' 1 , ]' IO•TO•IAO Sold nnwarn.ntecd by all drul· a. res aur�tn , and as . for a cut of there are the ltardiest fellows in the s ems .

. r o e L s are 1!ot too cornp 1cnted

,. alata to KE'tob&O<lo Habll. · standard,' and the wn :ter wi l l bl'ing world. They ltn\'e muscle-s like nnrlerl for th1s branch of mdn.s t r;r, n� d tl1ey

you a piece of op�1e p1c. He knows j oak, and thf�· don't ]mow the �enn i n" ar,e realrl�· very n� tm·n l m color1ng and

ftb wha t standard pH! Js, There nre t1mes I of s'!cl<IIess or f t ' D • tl 0 effect. 1 nffet a s i lk is R l so used for Ya-

t . tb . . a 1gne. urmg 1e sea- . k" d f . Or m e year when other lon d� make a son they generall y work until l n t e a t r10us Ill 9 o flowers for e,·enlllg spurt n.m1 run �n n.head a httle, but n igh t ; then they.

come in a nd ent a gownl. .

apple t>te ]\eeps JDggJng on, and by and 1 tre mend ous supp"er nnd rto cl irectly to "'h i te satin seems to b e the popu1nr b� it o�·H�n�es tllem. This mont\1 J bed. The suppel· consist� of fat bo�con, �oat tiniugo iot· both short fnne.y �oa!s

B T 1

mtnce p11; 1s 1n the ]ead �ecnuse it is I fried; co1c1 cornlwPnrl sopprcl in the an d long gnrm�n t s for eYening or day

. ea rips nenr Clu.Js t mas, a n�l t l l n t I S .a n ortho- grensel a n d blackjack molas..::es. T1!ey \Vear, •,

dox Clmst mn� ar�ICle ol diet. Last I seldom ent fish or'orst�rs, bccnuse ihey One of t'he latest Ynriet les of l!at pins month pu

.mp�m pte ���d t�e call,

be· get t ired of them. To top oJf with, Is a n Irregular shaped pearl, set cnu�e it " as 1 1l nn1\sgJVJ ng' t1me. � ext 1 ench man d ri nks from two to fonr big

around with dinmoncls nncl filag'l'ee gold sprmg �h e� pie-plant comes in-some 1 t in cups of coffee, strong enotlgh to i f it is g·en uine, , Dut. thc imitation p·eurl people,Jr;ll 11 rhubnrb,

,but that nlwass 1 float cannon hnll s. '!'hen t!J ey lie d own set with rl1lneston"es is a much cheaper of two to fh•• days' <luration,

are oll'ered by tbe

waLL PAPER Old .0 I I

WALL PAPER · OmiD IOD �ound!!li;;"uck-up, and like yo u were t�y· 1 and sleep ihe sleep a! happy, pcnceful edition. " ., .

8 mg to.,:.·_,\ww off:-�verybQ(ly will eat pte- : i nfnnts. tn the morning the�· get u p

· Pannes in Persinn,colorings nnd de-Ll n B � plant becuuse Jt 1s good f.or t l? e blood. 1 wi th the flnsh of heal th on their cheeks signs nre much u1=ed for waists, ns also 1 In the summer peach p1e w11l forge • and devour more fat bacon." nrc figured \'el"eteens . . · ',away to the front, nnd I'll never tell j "Good r,ord ! " said 8 sallow man, at Cast or glo,·es are very. fashionable


etch Bros. lid 011-PitGPI,

Street, near'Eim,


Norfolk, Ya. Old Point Comfort, Ya.

Richmond, Ya. waahiDJIOQ, I. G.

Stei\Wers BRil rlttlly except Sunduy from Pier 26, North River, foot of Beach St., New York.

Tickets, luclnding melll• ond st.flte rotllll �ccomwmtntions, lt13.00 arul np wards.

For full intorm"tton apply to

you wh,r. But, just as. I say, apple p!e , the nther side of the table. for street wenr, nnd then t h ere are tl!e

keeps JOgging on and m the long run 1 "'l'hnt's prejud ice talldng'" retort- heavy dre,.ecl kid gloves with pique wins the race. I mean the right kind ed fhe plnnte'r; "those exc�llent peo· stitc}Jed seams, of

, an apple pie, Once l.n awhile you ple have discovered the secret of long There seems to be no l imit to the

Will meet •omebody thnt 1s al ways try· life, wbich Is to eat what you please. varied po.,ibilitles of tucks, and now lng to be dlll';rent from everybo�y Ignore d]'spepsla and It gro,•els before we hnve them in fur. as if i t were not elsoe, nnd he wtll go on about Engli sh . you, 'Yniter, plense bring nle some expensh·e enough without doubl ing up deep nrple pie, nnd how much Sll· I pickled pig's teet and strawberry ice .. in i ts value In thn t man ner. Breitsch-pe.rlor 1t fs to the common, V11lgnr cream." \vnnz is the one pelt which can be suc-thmg we eat becnuse we don't know I cessfnU.r mani pulated in tilts way, but any better. Well, English deep apple HELPFUL HINTS. the plan adds Yet·y little if any to i t s pie Is good; I don't deny thnt. It ca n't · beauty. The short blouse jacket is help being good. Yon eoo1c apples al- A Few8nlrii'P•tlo•u Conoernln� Ron•e shown in one stvle, with th ree tnclcs nt most n.ny way, ancl tbey're not bad ent- Decoration n ntJ Selentltlo eitlter side of 'q1e front beginning at ing, but lnw mel when J'OU put them Cuukh•ll· the shoulder and narrowing in at the hi n crock nnd turn a l i ttle cup upside waist line, down in the m irlrlle of them and cover A woman who oelie,•es strongly In -------It nll oYer with n lid of pnstry, that the unconscious influence of color de· Isn't a pie nt all. It's just slewed np· : clnres she would ples. Don't you see that you must I decorated lwve a bottom of pastry oml t!I R'I there , she cln

BRASS BEDSTEADS. Cnre Bln•t De Ese-rchet1 to ICeep the

PoiiMltetl Su rfnce• Un• Old Dominion S. S. Company, Is a just proportion of ernst to filling i feels

that must not lJe rleYiaterl from one 1 is nref<•rnbl!i. ' tar11 1Hbed.

F. Hohenstein's, 81 8eacll .Street. New York, N. V.

H. B. "r AI,KRR. Trnffie :\Tunn�cr. FOR ,J. .1. BltO\Y�. Gmt'!. PnS&'r, Agent


Have y�nr Worms [Ot Horses.? Feed Hay and Grain. 1 tdff t'}��: f���t��\'r ����J���!!:n�;��:i1�\il<1��erg!?f

fl. E M I'/I E RSOI!'S " F.�.D S H OT" wlll l'lllllfl\'l! \\'nrrns, Dc11(l m· .Alive from Jlot/ft nllrl Ca!tle, ft Wlll purify tlW Bl001l, COI'l'PC/1 aml tone tllJ tho l'itouuwh mul r�trell!.!;then tht \ Nel'VCS. ( Dlnctfons with etteh box, Sohl 1w DrttJt Street, opp. Standard

Papering. Up.


AND School of Shorthand,

Typewriting and Telegraphy'.

Broad St., Newark, N. J.

glsts or mmt hy rn1dl u nnn l'L't'l�ipt ol' 50 llcnts. C. B. SJV!ITH & COriPANY,

'Vhoh,Bnle A�ont�. Nf!1WAltK, N. J, A Certain Cnrc fnl" ChllblniuM,

�hnke into )Our sl1oos .Allen's Foot Ense, n ��.��t�\i�'lg. 1;\,��n·��� c;�����.tn�i· tft)0�t;:��'li'\·st�����1d "1H•"' s1u1'{1!'1, :!.'1c, HntnPI" fr£!0, Allllrcss. Allen S. 0 llll'lll'tl, l.o Hoy, N Y. •

lqneJclletl R Fr�ncl1 DHde, A young wo1iinn of smUI't wlt and

•trllolng beuuty !H'e"ltlcd ut ono of tb� ltal_ls nt H l'nrls clmrlty haznnr. Among the snwll crowd which pressed l'Ollll� tllo fnlr \'endC!l' wns n young mnn of mueh assurance, who gnzcd upon the. girl with frcc<lom nntl affected to ad· mire tlle Ynrlous fancy m·tlcles e:qJOseQ ror snle. but bought nothing.

"Wl!nt will you pl"aso to buy1" BBk· eel mn!lcmolsclle, with nn cxqnlslt, rrulle.

"Oh," r�)tlled tho young dnndy,- wit it a langu ish ing tool<, "wbnt I most wls[l Ia buy Is unhnppllr not for snle."

1''l'elJ me whnt you wish?" she n:• 1pondetl.

"Ob, no; I dare not declare my wish· es."

"Nevm•tholess let me know wbnt you wish to buy," perslstc!l the fulr snleo· woman.

"Well, then, since you demnnd It, I 1honld l lke a ringlet of your glossy blael< hair."

She tunnlfestctl no cmbat'l'nssmcnt nt the bold request, !Jut wtth a !JUlt' or acl ssm•s lmm!!tllntdy cllppcd otf one of !1er beoutlful loeks oml bonded It to th� astonlsho� youth, remnrklug thnt the price wns only $100,

Her amlnclous admirer was thmHlel'· •t.rncl< wltlt !110 demmul, but dn1·orl not tlcmm•, os by this time n �roup hurl col· !ectc<l nnd werl! l istening to tlw con vel' 1ntion. So he tool< the hnlr, pnld oval

tho money a1id Jl'ft the lmll. ---· --·-

Not Trt1e to ltN Nnrne. "Ditln't l'l!U atm't out with a 11lny

t\llletl '1'urlletl ,\tlrlftl' " nsi<ctl tho fl'l�ud.

"We tl l<l.'' t•eplled thnt eminent tmso· tllnn nml ropmol.lll'f nctm'o Alt'. Unruoa 'l'Ol'lllCf, 11blil IVO COlJi<lu't get anybody

to Jlont !t,"-flallnnll!lOlfs Pt•oss,

•rho Infancy of Bt•ltlsb lllllllUfnctur· lug wM Ulll'setl by eugil!l'ers ft•om Uol·

land, wbo supcrintonded tho ol'cctlou ol wind and 1vutot• wlll•.

io fn or JOUr pie is in artistic nnc1 nn of· fense ngnlnst the lnws of tnste?


pnss into the

"The way was discomforting, and I cnme to· tile con .. elusion thnt H wns a cns·e o£ mistaken Identity, nnd that I was· going to Jdlled us somebody else's proxy. They I l unged at me Wlt•h the ir foi'l<s, but thel' showed no d isposi tloil to seize I ns me ns 'I got up, but I wntched' n1y J come ch


n��n °�1ite�:1����

l��.a: f�������: j ���s

e�·���mj·, nud ·";l;e�,::�·�·i :·"�iili•ili�;., ·

<'•·eel yards, but I wns soon out of : tlJc ssstem ls robbed sight. I was feeling pretty SOI'e, fD'r i Ingredient ol foor1, and w!Jl t.Itnt little incicle11t hnrl mcnu.t the los!!. : read ily respond to cliscom fcirt nnU dis-

· of sen�ral to me, rl'wo other , case, ·vegetable snlt!ll 11clp to render mobs nppenl'ecl on f.11e sccuc, b11t I ' certn l n su!Jstn nces so1uh1e, ancl sttmu­eseupccl them a lter n. sllg·ht rlcluy. ' Jute the cel ls of <t•I·tnln g·Juncls to a more l'he upshot of the mn t.1 er wns thttt nctiYe secretion. my fnther came In first, wh ile I was I'

_...:_ ___


not e\·cn n close second. 'ro Ru.dore flnJhh to Rrnii.JJ, "When we were slttdng at home If t h e bnrs on the beclstend nre real

thnt nl •ht my vanquisher mn<le 11 hr n ss the polish m ny he rcstoJ•crl In tho clenn c�nfesslon of h ow ]JO won thnt i lol lowlng llHinncr: Hub them with ruee. He snld he reullzcd the hopeless· f ro! len > l o n e nnd oil, or a ny o[ the good

ess of winning by fair meuns, so e'·ery . h�'lt.�s pol hdws t h n t Hl'O h1 the nwrl,ut . �hnc he nsscd ,; fnrmcr on t.h e rond ' '' h l•n clcnn, hn rn l sJ1 t hcrn b,r rubbing

he mnde P

t.he stnrtling u n nouncemcnt � wi t h n clenn 11nlllwl £doth tmtll tla!

1.Jiflt n Cl'll1.)' man wns comi ng behind lnms Is ho t. • Aft<'l' this ''nl•nlsh or she I· !Jim in close Jlll i'Sillt, lie I mplored lnc t h e m. � onrlr n i l urnss beds n n rl

them to tl'S n u d hend l d m off wl1 1 lc be lJ�·nss t l'lmm � ngs on :w.<ls ."rc flnl�h�!�d

roclc 011 to tlHl nsylmu nl iCl JH'ocm•ed ; '\ltlt some ldud o r ' n t n lslt, n n il such afrl, llo ]111<] repenterl t h is 1Jccl nmn• , ll n l slws .sl!OIIld lJe t.rcn l ml with g'l'en l

tlon lint II the w'l!ole cou n tryside wns I ent•e, \1 h en soil eel, wlpc w l l h n eloth ronscrl, a111l I wns ch i ef w!tlll'SS a• to 1 molslcnc�h�·l l h oil, 3 111� t h�n .wlpc w l t l1 b wt.! l l Mte �clwme succcL•cled." n .8oft , {lJ � ul o t h ,-.":\fnlln l tu lon, In Ln· ow dies' l ! om c ,Jou runl,

sec the

To R n bce Pn1nu1 from SPech. To Start pnhn �eeds ls nn cnsy mut·

ter. Jl11H!e 1tnlf n dozen Reeds In n six­Inch pot., CO\'er lng them so they ";il l be nbou t t wo .iw�1H'� helow the sur· fnce. 'l'he�· should t h e n be well wn­tcrecl, n n d the soil fihonlrl be hcpt 'fnlrly mo ist con t i nnnlly until ll1c little Reerl l l ngR pnsl1 their wnr up. 'l'h£1 soH shonlrl neH'l' he nllowt>tl t o rlry o11t, nor shmdrl i t h e kopt sog·g-y, An ot h er goocl plnn h� to plnce n l l t he seeds In n l.Jox of moist snnrl n n cl ex­nmfnc them evel'y few dnys . Those t•h n t bill's! nnrl l1eg-it1 to sproul mny be ]mtt erl, if well F-t n l"t erl ( I n "mnl l pots, lt Hhould be borne in m lml f li n t 1l1c emhl·,,·o, or sem1, ll'll \ PS of pni1 1 1S ll l'C nsnnll.'' ent irely cli fl"l' I'Pll t In foi'Tn ft•om tll(:- f!t•nr.. or clm t'nf'1 t't', lt>nYP3 wlllc!h C'amc lnlt•l'. ln t h.f C'lllhl',ro ll'll \'l'� the fm•m Is long� ll lHl llllt'l'nw, fiWOt'dliiH•, nml wmall ,\' w i t h no c11-l' lslm! R.-Hol!ort Jl , �l l'iil'l'gor, in 'rl•e tjntut Jlnff, 'l'u Curu n VhtJd ot S t u t t t•J•ltlg, \Vomnn's ITome Compnulon. Mu iTs are Yery ltl l'ii" un<l mnch 'ornn· 'l'l!e ch! lll that stut\el'& must. h" ---·"----

mt•n tl'll , To eompl c te the se t some• gorn t t,\•1 pntl(•nily nncl pC'rslf!tentl.v cor- OhJecHonnble li1nucht t'ur Chllflren. t lntcs t hel'e Is n fHl l ll l l hng of fUI' to 1't•c• t Prl, RtoppNl w1um ho lwglm� to Accoi'Cl l n g t o tho h lg1H•Rt mt'!<llcral n n· 1 nng by n sllvel' eh nln 11'0111 el l he•• the heH i t n tc, murlt• t o fill t h e lll llg'R w i t h th ori ly, no ch l l<l •hou l<l lw1·c prcscl'l'c<l,

wrlot O!' belt. A 1110 11H' othel' trl llt•• t h n t nl r by 1\ ''"'' I' l nhn lut Inn, nnrl th en to plcl<l ed, smolwrl or !]csslcntcd food glv· the !url'ic1'a Clli'1'Y nre chol<ei'B of t-he

l lll'onollnee t h e <111llr•lll\ ·�·Jlnhles un t i l en to l t . Nei ther should It m·er pnr· u•)l•cetoh•c val'icty with bow In front, l!C can do so cnslly nnrl smouthly, If tnl<c of pnsti•y, hn lrer's cukes, fresh n i l of fur, nnrl to be worn m·cr tbe I th is coiii'Stl I s Jllii'RUNl n ntle,·luth!gly OI' fJ•IerJ fnoli. 'l'hc ch i ld's food choker ol n streel ll•u• or wltb aluUa eu 1'e 11 oe••taln,-Luuiel' Howe Jour- •l10uf<l be eftheo• bJ•o l lcd, baked or roatt· ...oket,-Dctl·olt l'1·ee l�l'ealo llal. ' •d.-Ludllll' \\'urld, Nuw \'grllo

- ,

"EJ)DIIO AT AI' ARMY llow a Vo••• J�teuteaa•t •••

Bride "'ere Wetlde4 o• New 'Wear'• Dar at 1111 A.-l•o•• F�rt.- \

In· an nrtiele In Woman's Home Co- \ panion, entitled "Ifollrlay Wee!; at aa Army Post," Harriet A. JJuslc d eseiibea l.s followsa milllai,r wedding perf'Jlrme• .1t nn isola ted pol:lt lu .\rizon a ;

���uch unexpected thlng·s happeD Ia military l i f e ! We ne arly lost our brea th when in the midet ofour gayet1 an ordeJ' cnme for )Jr. Knox to go to the Ph il ippines. Jfe and :Miss Portt:r were to be mardrrl next Jun e1 anrl he I n sisted ll)JOn lemin g her a bride iJ>o f3tead of a fiancee, hoping she miglL& join him If no1 soon recalled.

"Only a few in t h e g·arri son llncl known th at the order to our senior l i eutenant w ns n ot wholly un expected. The colonel's fnmlly li H rl g·uarded well the secret . · * �v * The ceremony. with nll its f(lntnrPs, wa� o;o pictm·esque and so 1mlike t ho:;e we ha\'e seen ha ciYIIian Jife. On t h e nfternoOI� of :s-ew Year's day l1lue-con.terl sol diery wnl1\e4 with formal trend up and down the walk wblcl1 led frOm the colonel's qua-r .. ters to t he chapel , At t he former pl ace a nntional flag ulmost hid t h e l i ttlo \'eraJlda, which was trnneformed Into a bower of fl owel's nnd foliage, for 1l


day was wnrm and dry, as if n ature, too, smiled up011 the occasion. Soft rugs enrpetcd the wnlk to t]JC gnte, an4 there t11e ln·i dnl party formed afhr tile gupsts hnd bern received . A tln,­girl nnd boy t astefu lly gownerl formed a fnir ndvn ncP-gn m·d for tl1e pflrtj',nnd scattered flowers on the '\'n.Y from the South\\'ick home to the c11npel. The stage was a mas:s of ferns, nnd jn the center was a small s ilk American flag, Ifere and there on t h e wnlls of the clmpel were rnilit m·y ensigns ami g11idons in beautiful colors, nnd a por­tiere of fl ags hid t11e bu]cony, beh in4 which a stringed quat·te tte struck sweet st.l'nins. 11The cer(lmony wns performed in. fran t of the st age, nnd the solerna worcls of t h e rHnnl ·were spoken to the strnins of the l1irlden mu sie. Through tlJe rlbbone<l a isle the bridal proresRion retreated and marched to the colonel 's home. The regimentnl band p l ayed in wrlcome, nnd squads of soldiers stood In nttentlon abont the lawn, while :Mr. and �Irs. I{nox, be­neath the national ensign, received eongratula1ions before refreshment• were scrYed:.·:_" _____ _

FROM A BASKET OF EARTH. How Tra•lltloo Sa)·• Ute Cal'oll•e Group or JIIIRDd.J Were


Germany's }lUrcltase of the Cnro-. line islands from Spllin had alreudT drawn publ ic uttcntlon to tl1is little known l'nclfic grotJp, says Harper'• \Veeldy, when a. suggest ion \vas ronde

to America wbich is certainly enter­taining, thvugh hardly to be enter­tained. The king nnd head man of Rusaie, one of the easternmost of the Carolines, sen t a petiUon to eongres• rept·esenting that, ns tl1ey had been. in in tercour�e wl th tlle American peo-ple for 47 years-tint is, with Amer[­pnn missionaries, trnclers and wlwlera -nnd had, both in this manner ond ot•herwise, .acqnired EL knowJedge of our lnstltullons, they wlshed to bo an nexed to the United States. It Is assumed t·hnt tlJe people who ex­pressed thjs nmlnb1e prefCl•enc e tlid not were about io ba

'"ere Yery !net, tl10y

that a were float­

when a m nn west with n bas­

lie hn� nn island witlt a

of tl!C chi ldren 11Give us n litt le

n plnce for om• mother she is ''er,i· wenlc cm d cnn­Ile t ool< out n handful of

th e enrth nnrl t.)ll'CW It down, making nn islnncl. As the man wn.c; going 011 his WR? m�er the wr d cr t11e sou slyly mnde n hole in the haElcet, so, ns he, proceeded on Ills wn,r, 1te left a trail of lnntl heltlnd, �udrlenlj' he became CD'l1scions tl1nt. the hnskct seemed 11ght, nnrl, ]ooJdn,g nrouncl, he snw the lnnd, Tn h is nng·er he t urnecl nbou\ nnrl trorl upon It, nud t h us the fsJnnd1 were formed.

Solon111 "'hn C.('t Nn t•ny, Only in Bl'l t nln . Itnly nnd Spain do·

U. , P.'s ser\'C' t h e it• eount r,v free of chnrge, Jn Po t"t 1 1gnl the case }s curl• o u s. U n t i l l S!l2 Portug-uese 1\[, P.'s

f('t'l'h•erl trn s h il l i tJgs o tluy. This wns then nlJollshl'd. lln t the lnwmnl<cra fll i l l 1111\'P fJ'(l� pni'>�Ws on nil J•nll wnya, nnd c011 st ttuencles mny JlRY their membors n wnge of not more tlJaQ 1-15 Hlrl n rln;�·. A• compared wlth hll rol lt•n gups i11 ot1Hr count l'ics, then, we find thnt tl!c llrltlsh member ol Jm rlln nH'nt l�n,io,\•s hnt few JH'Ivllegeal Jll'\'('l't hekRs, h is pnsltlon Is second to. JlOJHJ tn point ol lmportancc.-N, Y.· Sun. l�tl m•Rth•n nl l'hne, CII I'J'IIIIIIUicmnen,

Th" .Tn pnm•sc Ol'e truly making rn plrl sl ••ltles In I l1clr march to word western cul ture, The lntest Innova­tion I• tlJO forma tlon or COIUnJOl'clnl schools fo1• the t ru i ning of fem•le clerl<s, und one at the lnrgest rnflwar companies In Nlppoll bus intimated thnt u rter n. ecrtnln rlntc women onlt, · will he employed In the alerlcal !leo 1 .' f.arlwea�-IJ.o�r�Kool l'�, .. ' j ;


au Lararer One•-Somc Jhu; .. •rduu• •••••J 1111.

the paSt fE>w years t h e �1 ip­worl<l has been not. a l i t t le ex­/ C!ited o\'er the perrornHi nce of th.:.1�P. I rival leviat.hun:s, the German l int.'l'S

Veuh;ch1ancl nnd 1\a iEe.r \Yi l hehn del' (;rosse , :.\feanwbi lt.�� all \ I I I II01 it.!{�d by the getwrnl publie, n litt ll• l' r a ft . thP aole OC'C11]1ant.s• of whiC'l1 a n� ll h n rrly Scandina\'ian seaman, J ohansPn bY 11amc, und his 121/2-.rt'a l·-o:ll � u n , l n t �­ly ]eft U ibraltar for Plorhla. The boat in which t-h is hnz.nnl��:HI:-; t11H1-er­taking is to be accom·plished is on1y 19¥:! ft>et lu 11g\ wit h n lwnm of 7% ff'Pt ant! a maxhuum d rn ug·ht of t hree fee-t. She carries n ma insui l, w i t h a gaff topsail, spinnalter nud staysai11 says the Landon Rxpress, '

G iven rensanable l uck, the intrepid �rew hopml to mal{e the pn�snge in 40 Clays, but they hn •·e ,·ir.tunlNl them­•eh•es for an additional t.hl'ee W('e).;s tn order to guard against accidents. 1"'he tiny crnft's safety is W€"1J prO­,.ided for by n large stock of oil wit·h ... hich to break the force of any a n gry •Pns she may encountet't while she iA sti l l further steadied by o heavy false J<eel containing some 675 pound'S of lead, The subject of open-boat •·o.r­eges has always had a f�<scination for Che Scandi navian mind.

lluhl�•·l'l ut' l�ulnu Cuunty. (OIWJCL\1> j

Atljont'lJPll mt't>tiiJg tlf tla� Donnl o f Chosen FreeJJC�ltlrt·s o f thP Con n l r of Unio11, N. J , he111 em 'l'h u rHday, Nu\·, ��. 1 ooo, ht 2 ao 11. 1 11 .

HoJl l•all to!huwe41 Hll Hltolltlll�rs lH't'HPlll· - I �

'l'ho mitJlltf'A ef the }ll't1dnns HH-'t'ting­

(ren<liug of hills lwiug omitted) wel'e on

IIJOtiou, Hppi'O\'Pil Hf< l't�utl. PI�Tl'l'ION, CO!I.Dil!Nll'.\TIOXS, E'l'0.

From l�. J. H n Llmrd, t>ugineer, nwl

Authouy Wahl, rmpon·if;Ol', n sbtteme11t

of the cost of mucwl11 rniziug Sp··iugtielt1

nveuue in New Provideuc�. lt'ugth or Fmid roall, etc. The totnl cost $12�-405.46, not iHclut1iug nllvertisiug, priut� iug of specifieut.ionR, etc. The total length 15,910 feet.

After being re!ld in fnll, it was re­ceived and pl�ced on file.

From County Attorney W. R. Coil­Jington, 11s follows :

Nov. 17th , 1000. To the Doard of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Union:

Collector of the County of Uuiou he ) $25 : Frederick l:f. Voelker 1!126 ; Adolph

nnrl herHhy nre nuthol'izfld to tnrrow ou W. Fries, P. E FlJ'tW, Deuuis tT. Hur­

uol es frmu tim� to tillle Jonch snmR HR !'iugtmJ, Gro. B. KiuHI:l) , Frnnk Rea., muy hr. m"'et·H:o:nry to vny the nwal'OB Samuttl CmmiuJ{hntu, Chns. Wt->ar, Frml� :-oo JHUClt> hy tmhl couJmir:Hinu�rR, JJOt t>X� e-ridr 1\Je:rerhollz, .Tutllt'R 1\lcGauu,

C�""�11ing $7·\0liO awl thnt. the Connty 1'l.w�. F. }.iuclre8Sf��· . Alattlww Mc(;rnthl

CoiJt>,..:tor lw 11m1 hereby irl rmtlwrizul D. J Cnnniugl��tua $2fi., H.. l�{hteworth to pay t he l'"nlllM, *�n. Tl1er·on 13. Clarl{, P. F SenHy, OH-

li'r, .. t�hoJd, .. r F'a rrt->H 1 1 11wrd nw H(lop - t::tr H . • T•>hllliton, .Jun. Sny1lPJ', ,Juo . • T.

thm of tliH for,•goi u� pt'PHillhlt>' nwl HigginH, '1'PJ'(PtJcH A. Bnuly, Chns.

l'PHolntion, nml on t•oll cul l tll�:•y Wt-t'e Dnry, $'�r} i Uobl"'l't B. Smith $·�6, B . • T.

u111111imon'"1Y nclopt�d. Laviu, tlno. F Bnnhri tlg-e, G nrret. A.

By Ft·et>holt1t·l' KiHg: Whelttu, t'!lCh lfi2:J ; HNU'J' }i', Itobiusou

WhP.reas, the nport of lht1 coJU tni�� ;t.2U, lRaac 1\l. Litt-ell $211 70, Ww. 1\lm�el';

MionerN nppoinh•tl i u t.hc mutter of t lw ,fr . . Patriel{ A. Whelnu. Jrm A. Lulz, npplicntioiJ of the Doarr1 of ChnRf�U 1.-:leiJ l')' \VIIll,, J·�·n�miah Cant.y, W. ,J . Frechnhlt>rs of the Coun ty of Uuiou for· ...1\Jt.�.l\l nmH, each $�fl ; W . • J. Lenox, Jam(·B

the nppoiutweut of cowmi.s.�ifmer� t.o A. Se)' lllont', t!ach $�6 ; .T wJ 1\1. Sheri­

cmHhmm Jamlt-� helougiug tu ,JomtllHtu Uuu, Patrie!{ J. Couuull, Etl ward Bal\1� P. Glnshy nml otller•. hRR heeu tile<l wiu, Jr. , Wut. E Klt•in , Victor T. L.

with the clerk of the Uulon County Meye1·, Hobt. B. Cleveland. Albert Lns· Circuit Conrt ; tez·, Je.r.;SP. T. Stylt)l', August J. 9om·Htl,

And whereas, by the repm·t of Blli<l W. E Perry. t25; Jno. H. G ei g•r $20,

commi•ijionet·s eevernl hnildings have l:Ieury Conrad lj;IO, W. T. Dlt•ls $15;

beon condemne<l nnd tnken by Sllill Alex A. Grate, C. J. Peters, ench $2ii ;

connty in sni!l COII!lemnntiou proceediuf!S J11o. J. Fal'l'elly $26, .!tao. W. Cl'!!e, Phil-,

ns shown by said 1·etn>J'I ; ip Breen, J. W. Sutherland, .J. D. E.

And whereas it is desirous that said Ritter, erach t;�5. $1 ; Nbll McLeod, Jr.,

buildl11gs so tukfn and condemued *26, Jno. C. O'Brien, M. M. Liusley, Coe

should be di•posed uf and removed from W. Smith', Jno. M. Pitcairn , ,J,.mes E.

the premisses wbere011 the same now JllcKee, each f21i ; Geo. A. Scott f26, stand ; Jas. P. Clat·k $25, Framk C. Ogden 826,

Therefore, be It resolved, by the Geo. A. �Ioodey, Jno. 0. Luster, ,Jno.

Board of Chosen Fteeholdet·s of the H. Clo�ther, Pnnl Protz, Jacob Kneshel, County of Union that the County At- Henry Zimtuerm11n, Leonard Sauer, Jt•. ,

toruey be �tnd hereby Is authorized to F. D. lllot·se, F. A. Prioe, DeWitt C. tnke suclt 11roceedings for the adver Townley, e!lcb t25 ; T. C. Lathrop, Wm

In !SSG Christia n Christiansen mnde a bold attempt to eD\'er tl1e distance Jeparatlng Glasgow from N•w York. Hlo boot, the Ocean, measured onl,y 1 9 feet in length, but, despite terrible hardships·, he only ga\'e up his '111est 11\'hen 170 mil es off Ne"·foundland. Previous to this he hnd lost J itel'ally e\·eryt•hing out of his boat, lnclnding )lis nal·igation instrum e n t s, and wa� Dearly d•ead when picked up by an eastwa rd-hound Brit i sher. Nothing Claunt ed by his terrible experience, Cbristians�n "signed on" gome se\•en yea rs later as •econd mate of tho Viking- ships, which. together "·l t h th< Columbus caravels. formed one of the �tanding a tracti ons of tl1e world's fair at Ch icago in 1893. Upon thu t occasi on lie had t!Je sa tisfact ion of successfull y defying t h e elements th

Gentlemen: I take plensure in in forming you that tile report of the com­tuisslonet·s h1 tile Westfield avenue bou­levard matter so far as relates to tiJe properties betweeb Orcbar<l street . In Elizabeth abd tile Cranford· township line has been confirmed, and the order con6rmlt1g the same made by Judge Swayze bus be<>n filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court.

I enclose herewith a copy of fsemeut oiHl sale of Sllid building 11s A M iller, each t26; D. L. LuwrerJCe,

Mid or· may be re'lnired, and tltnt stild adver· Henry C. J. Smith, Wm. 0. Richard•, tisament and sale be made by and in Otto R. Henriques, T. Ken sell \V heeler,

the nllme of the Board of Cho•en Fret" e11eh lj\25 ; Phi lip A. Dougberty $26, Ww.

holders of the Couuty of Union , 81111 .III. Par·ker, J. H. R. Corbet, Fmuk A.

that Bllid sale be ndvertised at least three White, Robert L. Patterson, e11cb lji2fi : weeks in the following newspapers, Geo. W. H11ll ��a. D•uiel Mehegan ,I , namely: the Elizabeth Daily JonrnRI, $25, Wm. J. McNamara, Thos S. Payne,

der. Signed, Yours respectfully, W. R. CODDINGTON Co , Atty.

The order of tbs Court was read a" follows:

Union County Circuit Court. In the matter of the application of the

Board of Clwsen Freeholders cf the County of Union fer the appointment of commi•siouers to condetn ltmd be· longing to Jonathan P. Gl11shy; nnd others, for the purpose of widening

the Cranfortl Citizen Rllll Phtinfiel<l James Ry<ler, e"ch t;25 ; Jas. J. llbn­

Couriel' News: tlmt said snle be arl- niug, City Clerk, $4.50, rent $1253. �8 ;

vertised to take plnce at such time nnd blorri• Koestler $2, P. J. Ry11n, ,J. W.

plltee nud under snch conditions 118 11111y Murray, Jt·., Wto. 0. Cnrr, .! no. L.

be deemed best for th� iuterest of the Crowell, each $�50 ; S Rnsllng Ryno County of Uuion, $257.46, Z. K. Norwuu $1U, N. R. Lea\·-

On nwtlou of �'reeholder Woodrnlf itt $16.04, Hem·y J. Hchoppe $73, Advo­the foregoing preamble and resolution cnte.Puii: Co. $n�.21 , N . • T. Adt•OC11fe were nnnuimonsly udopted. $27., Uniou Democrat $50 70, Elizabeth 4,000 miles of wat er sermratln<>'

th·e lnnd from the On June 6, I

ginns left New Jeer-built l'owing Ehe was built 23 only .,, · ·


North or Westfield avenne, 'cin .. ,the . township of U uioo.

coufirwing report of commision-

commissioners, Frellerick C. Josetlh A. HubbuJ'{l aml James

0. c Cinrk;' heretofore aJI(lOiute<l by tbls Court iu the llbove stated illlviug filed ' their re]Jort and the Conrt being l1nwilliug to conHrm the sume, nncl having ref�rred it back to said comn1is� "passage, a

tbe start.' sinners to consider the snhject matter able tlu! the1·eof uml to return tl>e Hnne correct '()ut· nud l'6viHN1 Ol' a Jlew report tu be uuule Atlantic, by t.hem in the premises, nnd the saitl sized by a ·_li'ea_vJ�- couuuissimJers baviug made a, uew rc-bave. perished ' hn port !withiu the time lirnite<l br thi• Jjf� belts contintrallj• . COurt, HUll filed th� HHllle 011 the fiJ••t d11j' .After some· of August last, 111111 this comt Jmviug rlgh the . onlr to find thnt the Ill bel�ng· fixe!l the twenty-second day of August Jngs had been washed out o£ her; I'ro\'· last,. 11� the hour of eln·en .o'clock in the

ident ially, however, tJ1ey contri ved · ·{� forenoon of that dlly, ut th@ conrt house revictunl from· a pnssjng vesser ' and in the city of Elizllheth, H.S the time nwl manag-ed to row their boat su rell· in t o place for he!lting an application to con St. llfury's, Scllly isles, where 'tlleJ' sub· firm the (sNme and to hear any objec aequently pulled across to Havre. tions that ;·

'might lle uiade thereto, due Need leu to saj·, pet·haps. neit!Jer rJOtfce of s�id appllc11tion to coiJIIrm saiJ Yankee nor British entel'pri8e has been backward in the ocbie\'ement of similar

report having been giveu, and .. t the epen-bont records. In ! GOO Sir Geot·�e time 11111( place so fixed certain Somers, having boen slli pwrecked ln objection@ ' to the confirmation of the Bermt1da•, successfu l l y negot i a ted Rai!l report ·having been m11!le and tes th': homeward pussnge in u ship's boat , thnouy taken io support thereof, am<l ••htle the celebra ted vornge of r.teut, counsel for the respective pat·ties mak­Jillgh and hla fel low ''ict i ms of the lug such objections and counsel for llount.y rnut ineers co\'et'ed the hu"e Cliat.ance o! a.6lS miles In ,2 d oys, Be·

the Board of . Chosen Feeholders of the

tween the years 1�76•78 a perfect epi· County of UJJion hnvlJJg been beard,

Clemic of boat-voyagi ng- broke out. In 1ti1d certain of the objections made the first mentioned· year Alfred Jobn- thereto havlug been withdrnovu, and 8�11 crossed from Gloucester, �lnss .. to this court bavlng considered the re­LJYerpool. A lthough ca psized wl1en port, the objections not withdrawn and llear the Irish coast, he mannge!l to testimony taken In support thereof, nod l'ight his 22-foot boat, nnd, revfct nnllno tbe arguments of counsel for the respec­from n passing stenmel', cotnplet�cJ hi7. Yo,,· age 10 57 d,oys. t.ive parties:

N•xt tbe New. Redfoi'O crossed from It Is on this fifth day of November, that city to lroun ts J!ay, Cornwa l l, ill in the year nlneteen·lnuulred, ordered 89 days. This vessel wns of the' •nmt thftt of the objections made to the dimen•lons as Johnson's bon t ancl c•nr: of said report· and not l'i�d • crew of two-i ts captuln n i\ cl .hii' be aud the same hereby ,..,fel Even this nchierement, hoil'!l\'cr; . and tbat the sdld report ":"' eclipsed by thi1t of t h e Nautlhis\i shall be and the same is hereby conftrm-

.1my 15-foot bon!, which in .1 878 Cllrrlel, ea: · • Signed. two men from Boston to f,n nd's l�nll'h\ . Francis J. Sw�yze, Circnlt Judue, 45 days, Another A m eJ•h.'lln,of ,>oiill' e "'

,•n!al ext ract ion, Cupt. Ado! phii, Ou motioll of Freeholder l!'arrell, the

l' re1t sch, also made an ext rnordl nm·· communlc11tlon of the County Atty., to­�oyage in JS94.' He stu rted b ,. build getber with the order of the court were lng his own hna t . which cn r�led •h accepted and place<l oo file. 1aHs � n d was schooner�rlirgP.d with at ..Amerwan centerboard . 1lnv1ng sue. il!tlssfully ln unel1etl nnd ehri�h �ll t"cl het the Nina, he sailed from �li lwu ulwe tc l\ew York, vln tlw grt!nt lnkcn n n d thf Erie canal. Thence he set nu l for Eu· J'ope,

He arrived at Quecmtown In fl"' \\·eeks, less n dar, despi t e n u m e i'OIU ac c:!lden ts en route. He l llen �t u r f ed 11 coasti ng lour aromul tlw ll l'ltish blu but e\'en t u n ll�· lost his t lg-h l J l t t l e r.rafi eft' tl1e Scott f•h eonRt In No•·ember, 1S95, So mtwh for the sm•el·R�rtll Pn�­angeR. Otf1rr voyngrs hn vt� been !es:;. fortun n t c, 'l'he <delu·ntO<I Cnpt . Onr· diner, wl10 endcn\'ort•t.l ( o cross from No\'B Rcotln to Fnlmou t h cl \ H• i ng 1 lw enrl.r '(l(f's in llfs roi�fuof. lj'l,ring' nu�ch· ln n n , ]JUs JH'r<'r ,vt-t �omfl i n t o mortnl port uncl «' slm lln I' In lc over I ool< the ln­�•n ior of t he No\'l'l'•llll<.

Mnn,r other n l tc•rnl1f.• hrslrlt!s tlrnf o! C}Jr•Jstln nsen h nve lwet) n h a n cJon c1J, ow­fng t o f Ja• rH'h•n t iOOR t•.t pm•Jt'lll'NJ h1• 1belr p1•lnclpnh, In J RR8 1 ]J e i'>n J' pi<'l(e;l 11p the Dm·lr Ret! !'I' I mlrl wn,r h<'f "'""" !loRton nnd Queen >iown, ;l11>t In time t o •nve tl1e life o f heJ' lllll'lgn l oJ',II Rl'ofr·h· man nnmcd Al!dr<•w•. A • l •n l lnr Cnte llvert onk n eo 1npn t 1• !ot I n ,JI In•. 1�0�, 'll'ho hnd Jolt New Yorl' for t11e onrne Jlort o rew wer.h pl'<'VIou•l,v.

NEW BUSINESS By Freeholder KinJC: Whereas, the report of Frederick 0.

Ma1·sb, Joseph A. BubbNt'll nnd Juwes 0. Clark; cornmlsoiooers het·etofore ap­pointed by the U uion County Circuit Cont·t, in the matter of the nppllcatlon of this Bo11rd to <:on<lemn h1nda belong· in!{ to Jouathtm P. Glasby aml others for the purpose of widening North or Westfield avenue, has been confirme<l, the order of the court confirmlug tbe sJUuB having been filled;

Aml whet•ens It I• de•irona 011 the pJut ol the Boa1•d of Chosen Freeholdea·a of the County of Union to p11y the t'e8Jieo­tlve 1\Will'<ls mentioned and referred to lu the sal<l repot•t nt as eltrl)' " d11t.o us posslhle.

A 11<1 w het•erts, the W estflelil ancl l!lllz-1\heth Stt·eet Rnllwn)' Cmnpnuy by the tenus of tbeh· cont1 11ct with this Dnul'!l nre not required tn )IllY unUJ July !Ht, 1 001, the snm of $73,000 by tbem agt·eetl to he Jllll<l ;

Awl Whea·e11s, It l� uot !leemed 01l• vl•able to Issue connty bou<ls for the pta·pose of t•nioiug the necceoM�ary fnud• to p11y suhl 11w�rd1 pendlnll the lillY· Ul&llt of Alllrl moneys to the cmmty by

Oaed Mfmnp, nl ll•n••hniPII, ealtl WeAtlleld Rllll Eliznb!lth Strlll!t . A Cullfornla pnJiet• •n,r• t/Jut fire Rullway Company : e•n who llve on th" runges 111'0 no• Therefore, be It reeoh•ed, that the 'bble'. t�r lhvlr l'tl lllnJ•l<lt hly J'l•lent.lvu Dl · f ti l Boa d cltb (j t .&\'ff:J:.%7b.'o¥llll 111���·;; ���;�.� ,.•• .. · .. ;,,. ·.,,,, ,,··::.,,';,ec . ... �:��· .. � .. . <� �� ;�"' r Rll e oan ,f

On motion of Freeholder Farrell it Dnllf' .JotlJ'n�l $30.!0, Alft·ed J. Lane

was onlere<l thnt this Board, RP 11 c�w� $27 50, Crunford Chronicle $33 48, Chua.

mittee of the whole, meet nt Keron's A. Lelmmn $80.30, $25a 35, Wm. How­stnhles on Frldny, Nov. 30tb, JDOO, at 10 �r,l..67 18 . 1 1, David J. Buuu, Geo W. ft. Ill llll<l go from there to New Provi ': 'Heath;'•;rno. H. StephRn, c1tch $25; Juo. !lence to exnmiue Springfield nvenue, as ·.�· Coff�'l· $26, 'l'hos. Ul'lllRton, W. H. l'ecently mlu.mdatuizecl, etc. , .Uruler - the Cl�\!;1ns�n1, Andrew ,J. Hl�l��lly;:f�RcJ.� $25; Stllte Road Act.

' FL'Il'rik Whiteheu<l $20, J: D. 'fmBll�r, The !ollowing bills properly n11<litcd .J. R. Rolliusou, Jus .. H. Druut, •uch

and approved were t'elld; an d olt roll ca ll .$2·1 : Geo B. GHskill $.20, W. H. Clolce

\UJilllituously or!lered paid: . $2;3, Jno . . H. Gahl'iella $26, D. Bro�l;s

Election Hccount.R....:Geo. W. �loore; Chtrk, · H B Bmm, Chns. H. llHnl<ill',

Audrew ,J. Nolun, M. J. DeCourcey, D. enclt $2il ; 8., 0. 'ferl'ill $26, 'l'hoi\. He•ly, S. Dnuavnn , each' $25; Guilermo 'fhorn, Wm . . Ull'lch, ench $25: S. Rnol iu� Ry­W. 'l'. B11uks, W. L I:Ietfield, Jr., euch 1io,(pity Clerk aud rent. $205.20 ; E!l­$20 ; E. M. Tomlinson, Armstrong lllnl- wm·J qray, E!lwnrd J . .Moouey, Ricll­ror d, Fr11ok E Stover, J. Henry Dollne, 1mJ'Ptiuir, ,JJJo. J. lllcGrnth, 'l'nnothy each $2•i ; Alfred Cocks, W. P. Spaugen- J. Scott, I:I. B. CoggeshRJI, 'l'hos. J . berg, E<lwurd Willis, each, $21J ; N. R. Coffey, F . C . Kelly, e/tCh .�2/i ; D .. C. 'fitswol'th, F. T. Mcinerny, l\1. J. Gal- D11y, ,Qity Clerk aml rent, 51011,75. bmith, each $25; A. '!'. Litt•ll, w. H. Freeholder King moved to lldjount, Hnrtllng, J. S Garretsou, Walter F. wbiclJ was carried. Mauniuff, e11ch $20 ; E D. Moffett, $7, The Director <leclnre<l the Board arl M. R. Flynn $18, Jumes H. Se11riug, jom·ned until 'l'hut·sd3y, Dec. 8, 1000, at .James E Huntington, W. T. Newman, 2 :30 p. m. Alex Jllnir, Jntnes J, Koue, C. A. Shan- 8. RUSLING RYNO, Clerk, non, Abraham Aoglemau, LeGraml Ful­ton, Jno. J. Kiuniol'y, J/lmes R. Phil­lips, J•me• B. Martin, each *21i ; W ooJ. stoo & Bnckle, Gnillet·mo Thorn, Cllas. H.· Han� CIBO, $80, W. C. Kinney, 1't·us­tee, Pat 1\lanon, 1\l. Kadansky, JacolJ Steinberg, e/lcb f80; D. S. Dnnavau .41. ,J, T. 1\laclllnn·ay, City Clerk, Jf!l90; George Cordes, Jno. A. H�tliday, eaolt '15 ; Edgar Smith, rent, tao; Henry Ben­der, 'l'homas 'fbompson, each flo; Aug­ust Ritter, Town Clerk, ts.75; W. N. Gmy, D. A.. Everett, Daniel C. Tarbusb, B. W. Doyle, each t25 ; Towusblp of Cruuford, reut$30 ; D. P. Smock , Town Clerk, tl;14.70; Goo. D. Jobnstou, Joseph Clark, Saauuel F. Lee, Clras. H. French, each $�5 ; E L. H•11d, Town Clerk and re11t, $117. 50; Emest C. Kieb, W. Ill. lll•xiw, H•my Kyte, W. R. Starllnrg, �Rcla $1o ; E. C. Kieb, Dorough Clerk aud l'llnt, ljiH; E S. E New

.berry, Albert

G. Hun�ock , Oliver R. Ogden, Geo. Mc­Gilvray, Jr. , e11cb $20 ; Wm. Cook, Town Clerk, f�O. 50; Lluden Townsldp, rent, $15; M. C. Low<lon tll6, R. J. V11nder voort, H. L . . Bluncke, Alex. R. Corbett. e•ch $15 ; Jno. L. Titus, rent, $25.50; E S. Lundy, Borough Clet·k, $21 ; F. M. Tiernan, F. 0. Vegbte, A. Dennison flammou, encb Jf!·l5; B B. Tatham $26, G. A, Ruwllns, •.rowu Clerk and t·eut, lj;4Q.fiO; Peter Heldegel, Louis A. Burg· miller, Wm. E. l:llmmons, K11spe1· Fuchs, each ifi!G ; Auton P11ulf, t'eut, $i1U ; Peter A. llleyer, E. D, Bradgley, James C. Hut·­uer, Ft·edel'ick Maaxwell, each flo; J. Chow us Scutt, Borough Clerk, tjl! 1 ; ·s. C. Pnrssell•, rent, ljltlO ; J. E<ll!lir Meeker, Wm. P. Cruter, Albet·t P. Uuiu, J. J. Holr, each, $20 ; B. L. Farrell, Town Clerk and ••ent, f30.50 ; Alex Ouuunhll(a, W. P. Bonnell, Spencer A. Winne, Rlch­urd A. Bellis, enub *25; Dennis Long, D. B. Wnde, Jo hn B. Bouuell, Geo. t.I. Millea•, John Leyser, H. W. Crttne, euob $20; Abram P. l\lorl'is ljl2l, 'l'h011. 0 .. Fr�ltonte te20, A. M. Woodmlf. 1'own Clei'k and reut, ttOO; , . '.rbua. O'Neill, F. H. Peuuiugtou, Geo, W. Cox, Jnrues l!l. Foleotu, Mutthlns Miller, I. H. La1nbea·t, EJowartl P. Ma1mlng, Walter S. Smith, "ach $20; C. D. Reese, •rown Olet•k'i:iid rent, •a�.81 ; Joseph H. E!lwat·ds, �·runk '1'. Young, JO!Itlph C. Mulfol'd, Hugh H. MrwMurray, each •IG; Beainan 8t'08,, rent, ·�0; N. J. Devlr1o, W. J. Jlfabouey, Jolll!ph F. f'4ahlll, ·2� ; Juo. F. Kern .2U, Jno. McN'tliUIIr& fWii, Gll8MV6 Hory fUJ, tt, J111. H. Thompaon, E<lward Ctuol1111, Juo. McDouou111t, James J, Lone, eaQb

Tiley C:::ouldnft llart. "Tbe Indies hr om· congregation nrc

prett�· fond of me," snld the minister s mlsch!e,·ous little boy. "Ncna·Jy nll o!' thmn gnYc pn some slippers on bls­bh·thdny."

"! thought your 1111 nlwnys uses a &llppm• to sp!lnk yon with."

"So he clm•s, but these he just got are the surt ldutl, tbnt's nil made out o' wooi."-Phlludel]lhiu Press,

A man wl1o Is mne!1 afraid ot III'Rfts bus a fentht!t' snRplliHletl fl'om the cell­lug h,,. n · light sfJk�u tlu·eutl. SJwultl tile lt'Utller mo\'e ill the slightest de­groe he do<•su't n•st couteut until he finds on� whe1·e tilt! draft comes from.

See . Here l

A MATTER OF BUSINESS. Bnslbess men of tmluv IU'e t•eullziug

mot·e ttud tuore the uecesHit)' of steuo · !!l'Rllher•.

Drlght young men 111111 women shonl<l see tm<l lm]li'OVe theh op'portnnlty. GET PREPARED, 13Y ATTENDING


OI'I'Y liA �K, IJUII.lliNQ,

SA DLI3R'l> BOOKKilEPINO, . OltEOO'S SHORTHAND. Plve Kinds of Typewriters, Ensll•h Bran.:h••· Art studio, D11y 1111<1 Nli!bt, Both Seaes,

ILEAIOifABLJl RATilB, -OO�IIIl A'l' ONOJIJ--' A, A, PHILP8, A. ll•t Pro•ltlelll, Plalnfteld, •· •· · ·

' !: ' . •, ' ;.�· .;. ;;·;�;;J:,<.,·r� .,. .,

What is CASTO · .Clastorln. Is a harmless substitute tor prlc, Drops and ScwthlnK Syrups, i It

eciutalos neltl1er OttiUio, Morphine 'nor tmbstaoce. Its op Is Ita Kuarantee, It det1ti._.,. , . _ and alkys Feverlshnells. It cures· Db&rrhct1a Colle. It relleves Teething TrQubles, and Flatulency. .ft ushnllate11 tbe Food, l'eJ1Ilil.jl Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and The (Jhlldren�• PBnaeea-'rhe Mother's Frieu4,


Purity and Power of Tone, .. Durability and Tone=SustaininJ Quality are known clmr.1cteristlcs of the world • renowned · ��JANos-� " The Embodim011t of Tone and Art."

FTSCHER PIANOS-both Grands the choicest woods nnd finished in the :rhey arc the result of over SIXTV YEARS tcnccd manufacture. Enrlorsed by lUIJsicaJ peOJlle everywhere, ·

Pianos Exchanred. Sold on Easy Payments. 33 UIIOI SQUIRE, WEST, �:it•::::.=::! lEW A large stock of second� hand and slightly used Pianos of our own lleot makea, taken in exchange ror new Flsclu�r Pia�os, will be aold


Just a few suggestions ubout Chl'istnws gilts for that \ ... son of yours.

Why not a New Snit, Wouldn't be fancy the latest Over·

coat, the Baglan Maybe be needs a Bouse Coat

Smoking Jacket A F A.NCV ·"EST IS · ALWAYS



-'"'ln .. rd CotopllMent, . , ••• BALLANT 'l'ltm·c Is such 11 thing ns lwing too

pm·slstcntl.r compllmentnry. A ctlud·l,l !fi'H MEAT sn<l well mcnniug l>rofessor who lmu ------, wltncsse<l the perfoa·mnnce of n little piny lu n prl\·nte house In which bls host�t�s httt1 tn la'U the 1em11ng tmrt met the iiHI)' ns she cnme from bchln!l the C1ll'1Ulll,

":Mnllnm," he sn lll. t'URhlng up to be1·, "you pln;·e!l excellently, 'l'hnt l'lll't lite you to JlN'fectloo."

110h, Uo, [WOfCSFJor," Slllt1 the Indy mo<le•tly. "A yonug nn<l pretty wom­an Is ncctle!l for thnt pnt•t."

"lint, mn<lnm ," persisted the profess­or, "yon lul\'e jJOHitlvely Jll'ove<l the conh'tll'Y l"-l'ctu•son's Weeltly,

In t1•e DnlltP•• 1.'hcre 1\'IIR OIICI' 1111011 11' tlmo !Ill F.g)'P·

tinll lting, so it Is snld, whn built n JlYI'• nmitl nml tiled or melancholy. Ills n111110 WIIH DIUllOilS, yut thm•e III'C prob• nbly rcw vc•·suns who know thnt tllt'1 AI'O llCI'jiOIIllltlllg tll<! lliCIJlOI'Y ot hiA tl·u�l� hlstoJ'Y when they t•cmnt•k that tboy aro "iu tho ahtmJIB,"

Jilatrllnrdlna•J' Tt�ltterlt)". "1 tolcl t ltllt BoKton 1111'1 1 clhln't like

JillllOrson," "Wra• she !llspl<'nscd'l"

Leg ol Lamb . . . . . lie ].Jeg or �tuuou • • ' 12o &st J..nmb Chops roc Bhou !dar Cbnpo ... l�c Stew In� ]JRmb." lie Sirloin Steak " " ltlo

RA Hhu dl<l when 1 11111<1 that lJORUM ' . "IJisplcns�d? She 110t ncnrly qs mad I eoul<t bu bnkod without nit pe1•k.''� Onler• (]ttlcn.,o ltecot•tl. · · · ·. - , · · · ,' c ! ik:

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