cora»ptives - nys historic newspapers...age, why do tbey not advocate ita mature tlou lu michigeu i...

Post on 24-Mar-2020






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/ / 1tigtirt\ County Mews.|t»ucd Kv*rv Friday by IT. 1). VfAJ#KKLI«

VOVHOnuWW, HIACaDA COl/UTt, M. V.- w • y«u. MrMllf if) adviib<r. 5»*

j|l* uopy, j ctnli.

t e r m s o r a ijv k k tim m g .I r a c i , iW . J w. 4 , ' i CM | 1 94.

a l a t h . . . . . U r l l *5 l l » | »* u 1( V »J 5 ' fV * Ja i . i k . t , * *i • •! i i j 4 ** 1 £ V « j <41 • *4) • 1%

v z i ►• pto «r 1 lU OV

M C.luMH, • K 4 «» IO | ) CM’| t% OOH » • 7 w- 1 f* 1. (WIt INI vt Ct- ’.I! rri " i I on If .r il w. Jt •*> « e - ! , l

Notices under lh« heading t,f ** lio»in*«s I."'»K io c«nt« if line for first inMrlJon, and 5 nnli * liur for subsequent insertion, *ame mainr.

MIT All amounts for advetliting due after full in tartion.

(TST’l^ral advertisements at Statute rates.Advert 1 Miment> on which the number oi insertions

la not marked, will be put/mhcd until foibtd (if., •nd llie thaiga ma»'e accordingly.

glairing*) nnd J>«ntli Notlcia, free.It*inn of lnU*r«‘at ar» aoliHtftd frorn All part* of

llir* county, And mny havu nny onion aflliH tlu* writer mnv wish, but w« r*t|iiir* tlw trim oatur Of tlm writer, not necuManrily for pub IIcnlioi Tut for tlm privaU* con venmmn of tins editor.

< 'omiM 11 mentions for publication aliould be *d<1 iu a an* toN I A U A It A ('OtTHTV NKWI,

Ydlimiiliow n, N V.

K rite mm I nt tbe |\i* t Office nt YouxiK*town, N. Y., AA HOCOlld cl AAA tllAil IllttUoi'.

Arrival and Departure uf Mull*.fmlly mnlle vln. fmwiato 11, Are closed nl

8:30 a .IM., arrive nt 11 a.m.Mnlle vln. Lock port, dally. Htnpi) lenvea

Youngetown nl 7.8*» a m.; arrive* About H ** ml*o*t OfDro open from 7 A. M. to H I*. M.; Huu-

day* «icopied. John W. Ifaakoll, I’M

N i a o a u a C o u n t y N kwh.

Youngtlown, N. Y„ May 9, 1884.

TbiihhiI.b fou nt III ea have boon'K In northern U lclil,au.

IIbniiy Inviftu allied from Nut* York for IJv*r|KM>l Wu.lniiH.liiy of Inul wuok.

A C iiiian revolutionary IcaK'ie lias be«n foruiod at Ht. Koala, Mo. Tlturu am . i i ty mam bar*.

TUB car furry of tlio Michigan C'autraJ, wliicli wna damaged by a at Du tro lt aomu tlmu ago, lu uow buing it'j.aiiu.l At a ooat of »5(l,(X>0.

W ith a |K>|iulatlon of I,duo,OOU Cuba la /oread to rnalutnln an army of 110,000 man. Hba la taxed, liowcvur, to maintain double th a t nuinbur ut troo|.a.

IT ia aaid th a t one liundrud catacombs Kara bean dlacovered at Kktnacn, nuar an admit Tliabua, In Kgypt, which nre cxpuctud to ylald alx tliouannd inuminii-a

Tub dtiauna of ilayou Tedie, Koiilalann, atra graatly excited ovar a recent election xvtili'li baa not yat boon decided by tlm pro- par offlciala. Illood mny bu drawn buforu It ia aattlad.

T ub buala of rupraaantatlou In tbo Iliitlali |>nrllamaut al pruaont la ono mumbor for ovary 4B,4UO of bur population for V\ alun, Ireland ona member fur every 51,155, Kug land ona inumbur for every 54,‘Jin, au.l Scotland one niumber for every tl4,U7H Ull alar tbu new fianclilau, rapiuuuntntlon will ita graatly uxteudad.

Tub crop pioapecta on tbu 1'acillc coaat are vary Haltering. Huporta from all paita o f tbe atatu of California indicate tbat tbu growing grain and fruit am lu a hunltby ojidpiouiM liigcoiiditl.ui. Tbo ginln acru «gu liaa been lucruaau.l iibout tun pur cunt on tha average, aud tlm yield, from pruauut .Bppoaraucua, will hu vary abundant.

T ub luovvuiaut in Nuw York tu limit tbu height of hoitaaa la rvnlly a auiioua ouu, an.l ia about to have a practical reuult. Tbu hoard of aldui'iuen la following In tbe foot- atepa of tbo loglalatme, and tba proaont proapact la tb a t beforo long bulbllugu In tbat city cannot rlao higher (ban .evenly fuel from tbo nidowalk to tbo top of tbo .mansard ro o t

Tub oottoti oi|>oaitiou a t Now Oilcan, will open next C'liiiatiiin* eve, and proml.oa tu be vary successful. Tlia cilMeua of Dm taiana have .ubacilba.I 11,000,000 iu aid of tbe entorprlae, and uo Iona than twenty atatun an.l ton ito i io. have ma.lo appropi la tiuua for roprououtationa, and Mexico anil uiauy of tba Houtb American Hlalea bnve taken almllar action, oa well na a uuuibor of tbe European govoruiiiouM.

Dbthoit papeia aro making oomjiartaona between Michigan Juutlcu and Canadian Juatlco, aa llluatratod iu tha l'bip|ia murder eaaa. Tbay all agree that it ia well Ibat tbo wife murderer waa tried Ip Canada, and gtproaa groat admiration for tbo dlepntch wltb wbicb bo w oe tried eud aentuncod to death. If tbo Detroit paper* behove tbo death pouolty to be for tbo general advant­age, why do tbey not advocate ita mature tlou lu Michigeu I In almoat ovary caae where tbo death pouolty liaa boon abollahed it baa been found uocoaaary to ra enact It.

Tub dlagu.Uug habit uf anuff dipping M generally auppoaed to be couiUied to tho low er doaa lu tiho Southern atatoa, but iu- vaallgatloua made by tbo Uoaton (Hob* go tu ahow that tba practice liaa gained oou aidvrablo headway In Now England. It ii almoat outlroly cuuflued to the factory gil la In tbo manufacturing citlce, and In poor old Maaaachuaetta tho habit Uo* tba m ajority of Ita devotoea. II ia aaid tha t iu Waltham alone tbo aalaa of uituT ap iou rt to $500 a month. Jt ia generally doled out in half ounce packagea for which flva canta M charged. Tha euuff dipping M uaually cau Had on in secret, aa opium smoking would

QUIET SMILES.A Dead wood mob recently lynch oil a

man bucauao bo said tbe town wa. uucul turad.

—Ills now believed that Courtney M tba author of tbat beautiful elegiac poem bu- glnrilrig: “ Affliction's oar long time bu bora."

- What I. in vs. t by tba ' Watcb ou tl»# Khiual"’ a .k . a oorraapondant. Tba watch on tba lib me, my door air, Is tbu .klppui ou tbu ouutdu of tbu cheese

A colored buibor In Idaho lia. drawn tbu color line, l.u ref'iavd to .bave Indiana. Ilu evlduully tlnuk. himself butler tbau tbu Am­erican (lovernmunt.

- It la iaqmMible to make paopla under­stand Ibclr Ignorance, for It requiica ktiowl- edge to perceive It: and, tbur. fore, bu can perceive it bulb it not

llootoia .uy tbut puoplu would bo health ' lar If Ibuy uto mom onions. Undo. Kt. <11y they would, It would kuep the o from going out nigliU

Htrangu that tbu Clncliinall n.wepspare did not tnko advantage of tbo llood und claim tkulr city a. the be»t aouport In these United Klatua.

- Ilu recently led No. 7 to tbo altar, and when u.kud for tl.e ting, replied "1'ol.ou^ l'vu booked onto alx of 'em without a llng> and wu cun gut along tbia time I II try to remember It In tbu future, tbougb "

_ A woman should not acn-am at tbu rg h t ■)f a iiioumi. ll let. Ibe ferocious animal know right where .lie I. located, after wbicb It may with tbu ceitaiuty uf death upon Itu (pilvei lug pray.

—*• Auul J .UU." eael ao axaapemted wife, “ I wt.U ll waa a , e U ol f r w u i .u to trade buebands aa it la fur tbeat to trade boraaa ” "W hy, o»y dwarf “ Uecwuwa if It waa. I’d cliaal acta* wuiaaa dieadfully before tun- down.1'

Tlw daacoa . wife wealed to jot dowu tbe te ll, aad waning ever to ber scapegrace nephew, .be wbleperud, ” Have you a card j about youf" “ You c a u l play In cburcb I’’ j waa bia aolemn, reproving unawer, und thu ; good weioun wa. ao flu.turod that -bo forgot j ull about tbu text.

— Iu Allegheny, I'enn , thoy am to bold a " bug uud ki.a funtlvi.1 I" for tbu tionellt of j the flood aulfumrx. Wo quote: "Ton Ceuta | to bug any youug girl between 13 anil 80; flvu cunts for youug gill botwuuu 5(1 uud 30; ouu dollar to hug another inuii'i wife; old maid, two for acuflt, all feinaloa of the wo inun’a i igbtu perHuo.loii uru free.” All llie young men iu town huvetukun to tbu wood.

Wu bud nil giowu weary listening Tn tbu .lollua of wur and death,H lien tbu old Coufuilerata lealud A iu.uii. nl lo catch lila breath,Alid ouu di.gUHled llntuuur,III mtlier xaica.tio tune,f-ald, " Now ...« hero, old soldier,As wu’m all uf us lime alone.Come, t«ll ua, about how inaur (If tbu Yuuka did you uvur kill!"Thu old ( ’onfeilurulu nn.wuiud,*• I t ’s a tlckli.h uii.-.tlou. Kllll,I don 't mind lullin' it private All’ III oulitlduiice Jolt to you ; l'vu I veil llg'itu' 'em up horo lately.An' lu fuel, l'vu Jeut got through.It’s a Minings coincidence, very,Mb.iit tbe .Irange.t I ever ws!Knr I killed JeMi as uiuuy aa tbsyuua,Aa tbuyuu. klllud of mat"

" lin .r i ," ba said, a . be untamd tbu store witb tbu evening papur iu Ills baud, " Wool bas gonu up two culiU per Di."

" Yss, ladder.”"Mink uvurylblng ou dot gouutsr oop

twenty |wr cent "" Uut all llioss goods vhas cotteu, fail ler.”" Day I \ bell, dot makes no iluvfer-

oiicu. 1 suu dot two button mills haf failed, uud dur price of bullous must go oop. Isaacs you vliue uufsr u rich men until you ksep your oyus uudl pubiud you." Il'uif Strtrt A'iui.

A D u t lu a t t h o O u r .

Keep away from Ikwton. Tbem are 15. (kXi more women in tbat city than men, and this la lamp Year, too.


F O R PAIN.k*IU»v*» Mid curtf

KIIEIMATISM,N e u r a l g i a ,

Sciatica, Lumbayo, n a < w a a MR.



larssess. Cult. Brulstl.Kltnsl miT kk,

Ml MSS. kl'AblM ,And »il oUifr iiodlly *ch«* nt nl |*Aln«.flfTY CENTS A BOTTLE.Hi.ldtijr*!! IhntatgUu*»d I»s-Mi» rH Iitx«»clUiii» lu 11IniiEimga-h

N o r t h C a ro lin a— O FFER

C r a ? _—‘MAR Nm in AtoatnnM. TW.laui arUml; E.Usa-r ix. >w capital JL YutkAcU'J orwawktiU M.5.T u


Home Seekers !MIN K RS, M A N U K ACTUItK RS,

Capitalists and Farmers.

Ih« Chtrlat A VogeUr Co.(VvaasMeta *s A VMMIftIM -

*• ItliMas#*, MA, 6aft. Aa

A Sacred Flag.1 ho onrroal Ri&k, Ueue<l Ly tho Ma)n)i,

h Li1 L w u cAptui vx] ut Tukan, und i* ab«iut til L« |. i« fontfd to Quoeu Victoria, i* mado of $Wu piece* of coarttt Milk rvwii to^etlior, f«» h ubout Doven fuel loit^ und throe foot broad, ono buff und tho other rod. Un the two iidoH nre Arabic fn*rri|>tionty ono of whit b roud«: “ With tho liloH*iu^H of tho Eu- h|(bt*ued i*ropb#t w ithout compare, tho Noble Muxtor of tho Wiodoin of tho Ago, Ho yid All mod Jbirn Idri*, tho only Havior, to tho Hoyid Ibrahaim Alruxcdiid, the fnther of Mtthomot (if tho Ilynmeo.” On tho other •ido Ih imciibod: “ Thor* i* no OodbutOod, and Muhomot i* tho l*t ophot of (iod, and at nil tiino* every one profciwxoa tho know lodge i»f (#od,” and in the cornelm of thi* inacrip tlou aio tho nuiuo* of Mahomet'* g ica t (itn oi alx, Omar, Abu Vekir All and Uaiuan.

« W O M A N ’S SECRET.S h e id o v e r-w o rk e d , p o o r th in g

P ro u d , h o n o ra b le , fa ith fu l, w o m an ly s h e d e te rm in e d to k e e p ex p en se ; d o w n , a n d d o th e w o rk h e rse lf. R ig h ' j n o b ly h a s s h e d o n e it, b u t a t te r r ib li J co st. T h e s p a rk le t h a t w as in hei e y e w h e n s h e w as a b r id e is g o n e l i e r o n c e o lu m p a n d ro s y cheeks a r e n ow ho llow a n d co lo rle ss . S h i u s e d to s te p lig h tly a n d g ra c e fu lly b u t n o w s h e d r a g s o n e foo t a f te r tin o th e r w ith p a in fu l w earin ess .For th e s a k e o f th e fam ily s lu d o e s n o t m e n tio n h e r a c h in g b a ck h e r n c u te ly -p a in lu l n e rv e s , h e r rh e u m a fic tw in g es , h e r d y s p e p t ic tro u b le s o r th e h e a v y w e ig h t s h e fee ls in hei r ig h t s id e , t h a t te lls h e r n c r l iv e r is g o in g w ro n g . S h e th in k s n o b o d y Icnow s a b o u t a ll th a t , a n d s h e w ii su ffe r o n in q u ie t a n d u n rc p in in g p a tien ce . A la s I h e r s e c re t is a n opet: o n e , fo r it tc l 's its o w n ta lc .

W h is p e r th is in h e r e a r , s h e o u g h t to k n o w if. M a d a m , / f r o w n 's Irm \ B i l le r s w i l lh e a ly o u r back, ca lm y out n erves, k i l ly c u r r h e u m a tts m ,d r iv e ou yo u r d v s f lr f ia ,a n d c c r r c c tv o u r liv e / D o lla r a D o.tlc. N e a re s t d ru g g is t .5.4....I 1*1.y r«»r Vgc.ila MIIHI fa* h.KM* ,.rr

mo. •un4l«*MrlllNM o«ar4arit(8«l 1W»« llla lo r/. rniuaiuvHitd |94-«*U»%«> •Iniilt hitl I!*«•%%orIdWi ite lu J . €1. Mrt ua tiy A Co., ITjttatunlpliiit, I'nHfinl *ix r.uulN for nisi/iRc, nnd reu«*tvo n ’fi. n uoHlly box of

Utnnla whh'h uillliul|i jyou to more tnonny rivrlit nwnv thnu niiythiiig it I no in th ta world. All, of f ille r •uoe.roa from Ural hour. Tin* browd i‘»iwl t«* fortune o|n<ni iM'forv the worker^, *hx«»lutidy niit* At oitor uthlrt'ax. Tin k. \ ( «».. Augimtu, Mnin*.

A Prize, slaiat Tuemlay, while Uve of the I'ionaer

( Int. .ix om clow were alltlng lu tlieir .bell uml .wealing at the non appear mice of llie hi il b mail, wbo w a . b ill an hour lata, u well iliux.eil ami moSuat young •titingor atrolluil Into tbe bout liouoa nml bugnu lii.pecting Ibe equipments with great Internet.

" I'll toll you wbat we'll ilo, fellow*,' xalil I tbo all oka. " Aa No. 4 iau't coming, tuppow ; wo w ax tbat to take a row nml bunt blm all upT'

The pul'pollntloii of till, tlmu bnmiruil Joke upon a "aofty" wn. roculvuil with npproba lion, nml tlia now corner n an, wltb a gram) •bow of bo.pitullty, invite,1 to taka tbo va caut unr.

" Wall, 1 don't know, gentleman," .aid tbu young mail, looking nt bia walob doubtfully." I am a stranger bare. I do uaed a little a l erclna, though ”

“ Ob, get In,” aaid No. 9, winking a t hi* companion.; " n little .pin w ill do you good,” and tbey dually porauaded Ilia victim of tlieir kindly scheme lo taka ulf bix coat aud awtiinu a club cap.

" Now koap your aye on uia and try lo keep time," remarked tho Captain. "You'll never make vn m n u in i uuleas you watch the xtroku.”

" I'll do tbe beat 1 can, gentleman,” eald tbe guuat, meekly. “ I'm alwey* willing to improva."

The boat went dowu toward* lluntei'* l’olnt, a couple of mile* at an uu*y three quar­ter Nlroke, the new collier pulling manfully away wltb tbe rest, and when they eased otT to turn bark thvy were surprised to observe tbat tbe etrauger did did not appear to bu quite so muob blown ns tbey expected.

“ Now, thou, young follow I" said the •troxe with a grin, " try mid keep up witb tbe processsiou. li lt ber up, boys. Hard all I"

llut somehow tba stranger scratched along with tbe i eat, and though tbe pace was some­thing like forty-six as tbay passed Hotelier, town, tbe victim serenely sawed away, and tbe bowuinn even lui'tglued that be splashed less than any oar iu tbe boat. Wbeu tbey dually draw up tbe boat, and while the crew wore panting for wind, spitting cotton and wiping tbeir dripping faces, the “ paaseugar '• looked mound with a child like smile upon bit undushed face, aud softly remarked.

“ Why dldu't you spurt bar I""S pu rt tba doucat" panted tbe stroke.

" Why—ar—wbat tha ■ a r—1 aay, young fel low, wham did you coma from I”

" From Toronto, geutiemen,” replied tbe stranger, modestly, aa ba ellp|>ed ou bis coat aud started up tbe wharf. •' My uame ia llaulau KJward Hmilxti."- [Sou trauclsco Fuat.

' * wKmtIouiw A cvrUin cur*. Nbtexpfiialve. ThrMlll.-lllllh IM-Rllllfllt III OIH* | MM kURf «i<*4H| tor ( 'old

In thn lli-ntl, lit'HiUi’tic. DtBSlueM, liny K«vv»r, Ac.1 my cenu. Pa

T he co m plete h u m E.aVsr.r.rrss,litKik. NV«a nlitiuii —New Minting*. -New itiuvtmiiunt IftHl new iletitf n». LiijiciKI) yolleii tq Same low pib t A,la,'ted In ell dltxri. sell* at vi ld. Agent* d.ilnf wurk. I Kt Kl l MNi I 8KM1, The luii Uwmell pii*F*clu* e**f i»«u»d Apply id«w l(Mi .'LNV I • AK it it I Ht (H At Co . (* N«.»lh 4»h Sl I'hiUilet. (At*. I'l AUuullici giaml uew t'uok. ai.U Dlldah.

Garden Growth T ea s.

A le N o rth e rn men w anted, and ure they tre a te d k ind ly by native N o rth < a io lln ians? We answ er the question em phatically Y E S I T o back tie up we refer to tb e fo llow in '; N o rthern men wlio have se ttled am ong ua: Rev. i S.C M a toon, C harlo tte , N ... form erly of New i 'o ik ; Jn o . W oodlionae, Concord, N .C., form erly of M orris Co., N .J . ; A. Ilujtaii, N ew ton , N'.C., fo rm erly of F rederick , M d.; F . A. V ollm er, D ur­ham , N .C .. form erly of W lllluiueport ! i ’a., and the hundreds of o thers tliut have se ttled lu th e S tate . W hen w ril­ing for Inform ation, please enclose u stum p fo r re tu rn postage.

T h e C lim ateof N orth C arolina surpasses th a t of any o th e r S ta te 111 th e U nion, being tem per­ed oil oue side by the A lluu tic ocean I und ou the o th e r side by the lilgli peaks of llm A ppalachian .Mountains. T be average full of snow for tbe en tire w in- ; te r is six inches. Thu sveruge num ber S of foggy days uru tw o (2). N o p a r t of the S tute is Subject to destructive gules, j Mean annual tem peru tu ru for Ibu S ta te | 50. Sum m er 75, w In ter 43, ra in fall 45 Inches. W hile tbe cold of tbe w h ite r Is no t severe, tlm tem p era tu re of m idsum ­mer Is no t so try in g or excessive us fu r­ther N orth . W hile th e re ure hundreds of sunstrokes lu N ew York S la te every sum m er, the disease Is alm ost unknow n iu N .C. D uring u lute w in ter of unusu­al severity , th e therm om eter several tim es dropped to 30 degrees, and even IO degrees below y.ero lu Iow a, M ichi­gan aud New Y'ork; Imre 10 degrees above gem was reached bu t ouce, and then ouly for one single n igh t.

T I M B E R .Al leusl th ir ty thousand square mile

of uur te rrito ry instill covcicd w ith llm- , her. consisting hi p a rt of yellow uud | w ldte pine, si veral varie ties of oak, hickory, w alnu t, chestnu t, poplar, cy­press, ju n ip e r, maple, black usli, elm, | tuu lberry , dog-wood, persim m on, holly, locust, w Ild cherry , red cedar, m ountain itvulioguuy, curly m aple and poplar.

MI N E R A L S .are found hi g re a t vurlety and abuiitl- uucu over a large p art of th e S tate. Among the m ore useful and Im portant ure m arl, Iron, coal, peat, lim estone, 1 gold, copper, silver, hud , zinc, mica, ! tiu (very le c c u t discovery), g raph ite , I corundum , manganese, kaulin, lire clay, j w hite stone, g rindstone and m lll-stouc; j u g rea t varie ty uf bu ild ing and precious : stones, Including diam ond.

cora»PTivEsI TW.latM < •rWiuty LUwr


Do You Want Relief ?l l * o , wu c a l l j o u r a U cu tio i t l4j

V I X K J L A X D ,

Whicli has Just been e»t*bli»hetJ. It is hiexud wn the highest known point lu lh* celehrat*

_ _ ed pine legwn of tl*« boulit.Rlj. UlcftriUd Hasd-Bock 1884

Fur tb« I a. ai aad Obrien, jbo pagesROO I 'lBtrxtUrUA, xntl f* ht MullOil Oolored I*I*aI o l H o w r n , 1 * W I m |( \ \ h r u aud | | WH t

plxut ai. 1 ;1 full of liifurniaU^n \nvmluahi« to a iHt*ifM*a In Kxnl«ntiiK. Y6«||r«t for 6tlo cover ■>o*(ugn.

W a ter P ow er.

Fam i enn dftvn nhmil onc-hnlf h.x Mcntlinf I t<» tin for Tens, iih mt» tin|».»rt om «it\ ii, mol lmvo tlonc nd for forty >»•»«»•». l l l l i>ltlt*INAL

* AM IKK AN Tl. A ( (».Soinl for ( uctilnr, which prices nnd

full partir.ulniM, tu ItOll T. WelU. l'UI-sT.g I r . (>. lio*, IW7, Vnmsjr Ml., New York,j ON l<: DOLIi AU’H worth of mi) of «*m pnrden ! growth, l-hins or Jniiftn Tcjp* will hy mnll, | |toil paid,ora LA 1UJhit qiiNiitity l*> rtpreaa, I elmiHc.s psld. 3in

CUIiS WHIRt AU IIIrail otlMliSvro.i j Dbu lit lone. St lit a s X Z E Q U

▲ A A n we ek Nt home. $A.OO outfit free. \ [ | L I'ay hhaolutidv sure. No n«k. < n|>- m r j l J itnl not retjuiretl. Hrnder, if yuu

w W wnnt hiiaiiicHN nt which persona of! either no*. Younjr or o|tl, c»n niNkcprrcnl pax »>i 1 the tlmo tbey work, w Ith absolute eertatnty

writo f«*r jmftloular* to II. I I a v t A rottlnnd, Maine.


PATENTSiUNN A CO., of tha Ck'tRNTtne AMRHtrA*. eon- .him* lone! m 8*dloltt*r» for i'tilcnt•%, (’itveiuh. Trad* Maika. (\>p!rrl)ihta. f • »r tho I 'iuUhI Stutk-*, ( an tula. Sn*lnnil. Franet*. tleruianjr. e(o. Hand Rtnik ahout raienia neut free. Thlrtj-Nex en years’ o*iH*rh*ne*.I 1N*I. oiHohlHiio**! tlirouitn MIINN IH* are not toed Iri tho MeiKNTirir AMRHl<'A\. Iho lariieaf, Kym. niuI tat a idolv elrcutikted seloullfle vonr.vXi'ckl* Ppientlid enjiravln/* and IntrrcHthiK ln- jRiHinalion. H (hk.’ »in en o »11 y *ks

tat nItlolv eirculnltHl neloullflc |N»P4*r |.l 'A)NVonr.rsvliR's and tntrroatkn* In- ____ . . . . . j»y of I ha Helen i Hit' A titrr-kii aant frea Addre^n MI NN A (*(> . Hi IKNTIFtU mkuu an oaoss au Uroadnajr, how York.

4 4

Straat, NY.DAMON &PEETS,toalon in Typa, Pressas, Paper Cutter*, and all kinds of Printing Material*, both New and Seooud-haud. A corrected list of prion ie mod weekly, of all material on hand fur sale, much of wliioh are gennino bargains) will U uailod free on application.Ta MSB furnish anything from a Bodhla ts * a t » llmlrr l‘r—...

Agents;WNiitetl for Tho Lives of • II the I’reMident* of the U. S. The Im-Rord, Immt- aouiost, Ik'si book over

sold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in Aineric*. luimeiis«* profits lo Axvnts AU Intelligent iHHiple wniiI it. Auy on* OAQ become n successnd turent. Tvruis free U allktt Uuok Us, ro riund , Mniqc.

of the Stute m ore th an th ree ;i uii111*mi jiower.

T he Soil and C rop s.Tlm g rea t vurlety of toils, to g e th e r 1

w ith llm clim atic conditions, gives rise lo the g rea t vurlety of n a tu ra l products uud large yields, nud luys tlm fnuudu- ; tlou for un Immense ruuge of ag rlcu ltu - ml products.

o tto u , g ra in , tobacco and rice arc the leading stap le crepa.

'H ie lilneso tea p lan t flourishes th ro u g h o u t tlm E aste rn half of tlm S tate .

F lax , hump and ju te grow to perfec­tion, and could be made a payitig crop. *

SlI.K.—T be products of this industry 1 lu o u r S ta te are equal iu quality to tlm I F rench und Dalian silk.

Ir ish and sw eet po tatoes u rs paying crops.

V egetable* .—N o w here In A m erica 1 can tbe truck ing business bu curried un to m ore pro tlt than lu tlm eastern coun­ties of N orth a roll u a.

M arkets,—the dlstuuce to N ew York ; from the easteru and northern parts of o u r S tate Is no fa r th e r than from the 1 w estern p art of N. Y. S ta te to New York.

l 'r lc e of laud varies w ith tb e distance from m arket and fertility . T h e p rlceo f average quality Is from th ree to ten do l­lars per acre.

I MMI GRATI ON,Many im m igrants have come iu to the

S tate du ring tbe past year, chiefly from the N orthern and New E ng land S tates. We have special rates w ith tra n sp o rta ­tion com panies from Itoslon, N ew Y ork uml lla ltin io re for very cheap ra tes of passage and fre igh t. F o r special Infor­m ation, call on local agen ts th ro u g h tb e N orthern aud New K uglaud S ta tes, or address,

JNO. T . r .X T R IC K ,M anager S ta te Im m igra tion B ureau.

521 y K x m ic .u . N.C.

R D E R nowA n d h a v e o n h a n d w h o n y o u w a n t t o p l a n tf"

A£i t t3W~$I . OO.*n |isck«l, rlioleu Flows? Baeds (our ultriiim), tn rliidinir U4HIIK.V NKMIS (a lulxluis oIU) vacicltes uf Flower Heeds), for ,1 .00.

A VEGETABLE GARDEN FOR $1.00.*0 t-kt«. Choice V'-Ketable Heeds (our uUction) including Bibs’. American Hunder I’ea, for |1

ROTH tha abort f,,r 1.J5. f!srdcn«r's Haw IhHik h-lliu, jou bu* I , Lruw tham. sent »** wlU order*.

IJ. K . I I L I 8 8 At S O N S ,3 4 B a r c la y S t . , N o w -Y o r k .

There is do malaria, do toga, uo cause fur de­bility. Mineral water uf rare medicinal



CONSUMPTIVES, RHEUMATICS,And Broken Constitutions.

For the purpose of allowing people to test the lueritaof w lmt we claim for this climate, round trip ticket*are issued at very greatly reduced rates froui every part of the Nurlb by apply in# lo the Commissioner of Immigration, Ua* leigh, N.C.

As a further inducement, the undersigned, s ho Iinh just completed a commodious building,

will furniah to invnlidb board at half rales for the flrst thirty days.

H. J. HARDIN,Vineland, Moore Co., N.C.

Iteceutly of Brooklyn, N.Y.




O VER ONE M ILLION M ILITAR Y R IFLESWhich have been adopted aad are in use In EVERY QUART LR OF THE GIsODE,




LKjuhug Matches.

* I $ M I N G T 0 N ® 7 I I ( M S *ARE UNEQUALED FOR

Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Range, Penetration,Precision, Ease cf Action, and Rapidity of Eire.

E . R E M I N G T O N & S O N S ,NEW YORK OFFICE, 281 & 2 8 3 BROADWAY.

ARMORY, ILION, N. Y.JTJ“ Send roa Illustrated Catalogs.

/ UrO #TA MT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OP |0a» Ouaca bottl., rrtuctd trow 15 eta la 10 eaaU» Two Ounc* bottles roducotf from IS cts. lo 1 i cootsI Flvo Ounce bottle* reducedIrooi 50 cts. te 21 cent*

The public must not accept any but original guode holt led by un, aa tbe Imitaiitma ar* wurthlcaa.VASELINE

cPETBOI.Et'H JELLY.) ChesabroHgh ManufacturingCo., NivTirL

■ XWtJlgbtiib t'i'

GOOD FORHum an Flesh.


Spavins etc.

CURESG a r g e t in

C o w s .


F o o t R o t in S h e e p .

CURESM an ge in D ogs.


Roup in Poultry,



iZ T T T -t06


CURES __Sorc^N ipph**, TiHitlmclu',

lthcumatlem, Hum*, Scald*. Chilblain*, k'roat Hitcm C b ap H Hand*, Hc*h WomHk... _: ii. t.’. I D.iliaitia I 'ulitul IHpruina., External I’otaona. ('akoOnr

ire N'lpplca, Toothache, ( ninqw or Hpaama of the StooiKh, OoUe, .(at Inna, or lutrnial I’hiii, la»me llark, HI lea of Animal*,t one, Aainina, or u i" n ia i ' »»». ;-*’1 »• --< irxJlH of all kinds, Sll inst, ItinBbone, Cracked I eats.

PoU Evil, Garxct In Cowa. Soni in*. Hwaancnr, Hirintrhalt, Hcratcheaor G rew . Foot Hot In Sheep, ftoup In I oultrr.

WlndKHlla, Foundered Feet. Fistula, Craekwl H«-la, M.iu*e. Contraction of the Muacloa, and many other diaeaaua.

A sk Your N e a r e s t D ru gg is t for O n e o f Gargling Oil A lm an acs .


MxnrnAST'S Oaiini.inm On..—XVa have made xpeetal paraoaal tnqto- J ln nwanl to tbe incrlu of thia celebrated remedy, and find It a (*nu.

ine art k le of rare value. 11 la by 110 mean* a new raoiady; :be uatab-llahment which produce. It date. It inamifacSure aa far oark aa III aince which Ume It haa been atcadily rrowto# In.poMic favor. The iiAtciitcoA ar« among the faremott buiiiMM tm%» of tn c .a tjm l^capoct. They are m every way reliable. —TKrtif (an Leader, A .I . , (7cf, 28,1#T1.

ManonABT'a 0ABOI.IBO O iu-T hU old atandar3 article, imdsr th . admiral'll manaacnu-ut of John IIodBe, haq . haa reai'hed an Mtormoua aale It la an honeatly compounded articlo It haa iiierlE and aow that the beat bualneaa talent of the eoontry ta handllUB It. there a no reaeoa why tt should not double !t» |.n a. "« uaefulnew. No family nan afford to tie without it; for family uae «* well aa for a.iimala. It U ahnply India- penalbte.- Toledo (OhioI Mode, July 5.18.1.

Extract from a letter from C. P Crai*. CambrtdM, Md.-I aril a rraal deal of you«ltn«r OH on the atreu«lh of my own knowU edire of it* virtue aa a flrat-cluw liniment, hat In, n»rd it on my bonto when farm tne In llllnoia. where I flrat heard of It. 1 believe I waa tha flrat to Introduce it tn thia aaetton.

Kilract from a letter from M. C. Aldrich, Felt Mllla.N.Y.—I hava uaed Merchant'* Oaarlln«t)U tu my auble and poultry yards for to* naat elirht year* with *reat aucrwat. aud in my opinion it haa no euual a* a liniment for use ou man, btoiat or fowl, for theducaaca for which il ■ recommended.

H l’ E l I A L n o t i c e .AU we aak ta a fair trial, but be aure and follow directions.Merchant's lluralln* I Ml and Merchant'* Worm Tablet* are for aata by

all dniggipt* and aeaiora in general racrchindbf throughout th* world*Large *1x4* bottle (largling (>11. $1 00; modiUD.80 uentt; gnuUl, 25 cmatM;

gin all »i x# tor family uae, ivnta, box Wonn Tablet*. 25M unufactunxl at Lockport, N.Y.


_____________ i cent*., by Mcrehanl'a GanUac OU


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