copd session 2

Post on 14-Jul-2015



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COPD Session 2

Gamal Rabie Agmy, MD, FCCP Professor of chest Diseases, Assiut university

Diagnosis & Differential Diagnosis 2

Goal of this learning modules

• To Provide a framework to make informed decisions regarding the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Learning objectives

After completing this module you should know:

• Know the clinical features of COPD

• Know the basic investigations needed

• Know when should you prompt further investigations

• Differentiate COPD from other similar conditions

Key Indicators for Considering a Diagnosis of COPD

Dyspnea: •Progressive (worsens over time) •Characteristically worse with exercise •Persistent (present every day)

Chronic Cough: •May be intermittent and may be unproductive

Chronic sputum production: • Any pattern of chronic sputum production may indicate COPD

History of exposure to risk factors: •Tobacco smoke. •Occupational dusts and chemicals •Smoke from home cooking and heating fuels

Family history of COPD

Consider COPD: indicators are present in an individual over age 40. Spirometry is required to establish a diagnosis of COPD

The COPD patient Generally over 40 years

A smoker or ex-smoker

Presentation with:

– cough

– excessive sputum production

– shortness of breath

Dyspnea is the reason most patients seek medical attention.

1. BTS, 1997; 3. GOLD, 2003

Dyspnea: its importance in COPD

• One of the most common and distressing symptoms for patients with COPD, and the reason most patients seek medical attention.

• Disabling, limits activity , and reduces quality of life.

• An important outcome variable for clinical and research evaluations.

• Related to, but independent of lung function.

*Mahler D, Harver A. Am Rev Respir Dis (1992)

“ The Downward Spiral ” Airflow





Muscle Impairment

Hyper Inflation

Severe Dyspnea


Weight Loss


Poor Quality of Life



The causes of dyspnea are complex

• Hyperinflation at rest or with exertion (Dynamic).

• Increased ventilation demand.

• Weak respiratory muscles.

All will lead to limitation of activity in COPD .

Causes of Chronic Cough with a Normal Chest X-ray

Intrathoracic • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease • Bronchial asthma • Central bronchial carcinoma • Endobronchial tuberculosis • Bronchiectasis • Left heart failure • Interstitial lung disease • Cystic fibrosis

Extrathoracic • Postnasal drip • Gastroesophageal reflux • Drug therapy (e.g., ACE inhibitors)

Medical History • Patient’s exposure to risk factors

• Past medical history (asthma, allergy, sinusitis or nasal polyps; respiratory infections in childhood; other respiratory diseases)

• Family history of COPD or other chronic respiratory disease

• Pattern of symptom development: COPD typically develops in adult life and most patients are conscious of increased breathlessness, more frequent “winter colds,” and some social restriction for a number of years before seeking medical help.

• History of exacerbations or previous hospitalizations

• Presence of comorbidities

• Impact of disease on patient’s life

• Social and family support

• Possibilities for reducing risk factors

Clinical features Chronic bronchitis

• Mild dyspnea

• Cough before dyspnea starts

• Copious, purulent sputum

• More frequent infections

• Repeated resp. insufficiency

• PaCO2 50-60 mmHg

• PaO2 45-60 mmHg

• Hematocrit 50-60% • DLCO is not that much ↓ • Corpulmonale common

Emphysema • Severe dyspnea

• Cough after dyspnea

• Scant sputum

• Less frequent infections

• Terminal RF

• PaCO2 35-40 mmHg

• PaO2 65-75 mmHg

• Hematocrit 35-45%

• DLCO is decreased

• Corpulmonale rare.


Diagnosis of COPD

Why Do We Need Spirometry?

• Spirometry is useful for:

– Screen individuals at risk for pulmonary disease

– Confirmation of COPD diagnosis

– Assessing severity of pulmonary dysfunction

– Guiding selection of treatment

– Assessing the effects of therapeutic interventions


A post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.70 confirms the presence of airflow limitation.

Where possible, values should be compared to age-related normal values to avoid overdiagnosis of COPD in the elderly.

Spirometry should be performed after the administration of an adequate dose of a short-acting inhaled bronchodilator (e.g. 400 µg Salbutamol) to minimize variability.

Acceptability & Repeatability


At least three (3) acceptable maneuvers:

• Good start to the test.

• No hesitation or coughing for the 1st second.

• FVC lasts at least 6 seconds with a plateau

of at least 1 second.

• No valsalva maneuver or obstruction of the


• FIVC shows apparent maximal effort.


Repeatability criteria act as guideline to

determine need for additional efforts.

– Largest and 2nd largest FVC must be within 150


– Largest and 2nd largest FEV 1 must be 150 mL.

– PEF values may be variable (within 15%).

If three acceptable reproducible maneuvers

are not recorded, up to 8 attempts may be


Spirometry Value

• Spirometry is typically reported in both

absolute values and as a predicted

percentage of normal.

• Normal values vary and are dependent on:

– Gender,

– Race,

– Age,

– Weight and

– Height.

Reporting Standards

• Largest FVC obtained from all acceptable

efforts should be reported.

• Largest FEV1 obtained from all acceptable

trials should be reported.

• May or may not come from largest FVC


• All other flows, should come from the effort

with the largest sum of FEV 1 & FVC.

• PEF should be the largest value obtained

from at least 3 acceptable maneuvers.

Results Reporting Example

Pre & Post Bronchodilator Studies: Withholding



Reversibility of airways obstruction can be

assessed with the use of bronchodilators.

• > 12% increase in the FEV1 and 200

ml improvement in FEV1


• > 12% increase in the FVC and 200

ml improvement in FVC.

1-First Step, Check quality of the test

1- Start:

*Good start: Extrapolated volume (EV) < 5% of FVC or 0.15 L

*Poor start: Extrapolated volume (EV) ≥5% of FVC or ≥ 0.15 L

2- Termination:

*No early termination :Tex ≥ 6 s

*Early termination : Tex < 6 s

2- Look at …………FEV1/FVC

< N(70%)

Obstructive or Mixed

≥ N(70%)

Restrictive or Normal

3- Look at FEV1 To detect degree Mild > 70% Mod 50-69 %

Severe 35-49%

Very severe < 35%

4- Postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC

> 70%


< 70%


5- Reversibility test of FEV1

> 12%, 200 ml

Reversible (asthma)

< 12% ,200 ml

Ireversible (COPD)

6- Look at TLC

≥ 80-120% Pure


< 80% Mixed

2- Look at …………FEV1/FVC

< N(70%)

Obstructive or Mixed

≥ N(70%)

Restrictive or Normal

3- Look at FVC

≥ N(80%) < N(80%) Normal or SAWD

4-Look at FEF25/75

> 50% Normal < 50% SAWD


Changes in Lung Volumes in

Various Disease States

Ruppel GL. Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 8th ed., Mosby 2003

Patterns of Abnormality

Restriction low FEV1 & FVC, high FEV1%FVC

Recorded Predicted SR %Pred

FEV 1 1.49 2.52 -2.0 59

FVC 1.97 3.32 -2.2 59

FEV 1 %FVC 76 74 0.3 103

PEF 8.42 7.19 1.0 117

Obstructive low FEV1 relative to FVC, low PEF, low FEV1%FVC

Recorded Predicted SR %Pred

FEV 1 0.56 3.25 -5.3 17

FVC 1.65 4.04 -3.9 41

FEV 1 %FVC 34 78 -6.1 44

PEF 2.5 8.28 -4.8 30

high PEF early ILD

low PEF late ILD

Patterns of Abnormality

Upper Airway Obstruction low PEF relative to FEV1

Recorded Predicted SR %Pred

FEV 1 2.17 2.27 -0.3 96

FVC 2.68 2.70 0.0 99

FEV 1 %FVC 81 76 0.7 106

PEF 2.95 5.99 -3.4 49

FEV 1 /PEF 12.3

Discordant PEF and FEV1

High PEF versus FEV1 = early interstitial lung disease (ILD)

Low PEF versus FEV1 = upper airway obstruction

Concordant PEF and FEV1

Both low in airflow obstruction, myopathy, late ILD

Common FVL Shapes




Normal Young or quitter Poor effort

Hesitation Knee Coughing

Upper Airway Obstruction

0 1 2 3 4 5 6







6 Age 40 yrs

FVC 3.52 L 0.84 SR

FEV1 3.0 L 0.74 SR

PEF 4.57 L/s -2.18 SR

FEV/PEF = 10.9




w in


Volume in Litres

FEV1 in mls

PEF in L/min > 8

Diffusing Capacity

Diffusing capacity of lungs for CO

Measures ability of lungs to transport inhaled gas

from alveoli to pulmonary capillaries

Depends on:

- alveolar—capillary membrane

- hemoglobin concentration

- cardiac output

Diffusing Capacity

Decreased DLCO

(<80% predicted)

Obstructive lung disease

Parenchymal disease

Pulmonary vascular



Increased DLCO (>120-140% predicted)

Asthma (or normal)

Pulmonary hemorrhage


Left to right shunt

DLCO — Indications

Differentiate asthma from emphysema

Evaluation and severity of restrictive lung disease

Early stages of pulmonary hypertension


• Definition for Reversibility:

– FEV1 and/or FVC >12% and >200 mL ATS/ERS,2005

– FEV1 >12% and >200 mL GOLD,2010

Additional Optional Investigations

• Imaging

• Arterial blood gas measurement

• Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency screening

• Lung volumes & diffusing capacity

• Sleep study

• Exercise testing

• Composite scores

Chest X-ray

Chest X-ray

CT findings in emphysema

• Relatively well-defined, low attenuation areas with very thin (invisible) walls, surrounded by normal lung parenchyma.

• As disease progresses:

– Amount of intervening normal lung decreases.

– Number and size of the pulmonary vessels decrease.

– +/- Abnormal vessel branching angles (>90o), with vessel bowing around the bullae.

CT scan

CT scan

CT densitovolumetry shows the attenuation mask. Green areas are those with attenuation below the selected threshold (here, -950 HU to evaluate emphysema), and pink areas are those with attenuations above the threshold. Area outside the patient is highlighted in green because of air

Quantitative CT:

• Spirometically triggered images at 10% and

90% vital capacity (VC) have been reported

to be able to distinguish patients with chronic

bronchitis from those with emphysema.

– Patients with emphysema had significantly lower

mean lung attenuation at 90% VC than normal

subjects or patients with chronic bronchitis.

– Attenuation was the same for normal subjects and

those with chronic bronchitis.

Where is the pathology ???????

in the areas with increased density meaning there is ground glass

in the areas with decreased density meaning there is air trapping

Pathology in black areas

Airtrapping: Airway Disease

Bronchiolitis obliterans (constrictive bronchiolitis) idiopathic, connective tissue diseases, drug reaction,

after transplantation, after infection

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis granulomatous inflammation of bronchiolar wall

Sarcoidosis granulomatous inflammation of bronchiolar wall

COPD/Asthma / Bronchiectasis / Airway diseases

Airway Disease

what you see……

In inspiration sharply demarcated areas of seemingly increased

density (normal) and decreased density

demarcation by interlobular septa

In expiration ‘black’ areas remain in volume and density ‘white’ areas decrease in volume and increase in density INCREASE IN CONTRAST DIFFERENCES AIRTRAPPING



Centrilobular (proximal or

centriacinar) emphysema

Found most commonly in the upper lobes

Manifests as multiple small areas of low attenuation without a

perceptible wall, producing a punched-out appearance.

Often the centrilobular artery is visible within the

centre of these lucencies.


Centrilobular emphysema due to smoking. The periphery of

the lung is spared (blue arrows). Centrilobular artery (yellow

arrows) is seen in the center of the hypodense area.

Panlobular emphysema

Affects the whole secondary lobule

Lower lobe predominance

In alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, but

also seen in smokers with advanced



Affects the entire secondary pulmonary

lobule and is more pronounced in the lower


Complete destruction of the entire pulmonary


Results in an overall decrease in lung

attenuation and a reduction in size of

pulmonary vessels




Panlobular emphysema

Paraseptal (distal acinar)


Affects the peripheral parts of

the secondary pulmonary lobule

Produces subpleural lucencies.


Paraseptal emphysema

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency screening

• Caucasian descent who develop COPD at a young age (< 45 years) lower lobe emphysema or who have a strong family history of the disease

• A serum concentration of alpha-1 antitrypsin below 15-20% of the normal value is highly suggestive of homozygous alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

• 11 mmol/L (80 mg/mL) represents the threshold level below which emphysema is common

• Only 2% of COPD is alpha 1- AT deficiency


Specific circumstances of Alpha 1- AT↓include.

• Emphysema in a young individual (< 35)

• Without obvious risk factors (smoking etc)

• Necrotizing panniculitis, Systemic vasculitis

• Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)

• Cirrhosis of liver, Hepatocellular carcinoma

• Bronchiectasis of undetermined etiology

• Otherwise unexplained liver disease, or a

• Family history of any one of these conditions

• Especially siblings of PI*ZZ individuals.

• Only 2% of COPD is alpha 1- AT ↓

Arterial blood gas (ABG) measurement Indicated: • Stable patients with FEV1 < 35%

predicted • Clinical signs suggestive of respiratory

failure or right heart failure.

Considerations:. • The inspired oxygen concentration (FiO2) –

should be noted

• Especially when using an O2-driven nebulizer. ??

• Changes in ABG take time to occur→ 30 minutes should pass before rechecking the gas tensions

• Adequate pressure must be applied at the arterial puncture site for at least one minute

Lung volumes & diffusing capacity: Hyperinflation & air trapping • Impairs respiratory muscle

function and gas exchange • Increases the work of breathing Hyperinflation →Reduces IC (esp. during exercise) →↑ dyspnea & limitation of exercise capacity

Lung volumes • IC appears to correlate more

strongly to dyspnea than FEV1.

Lung volumes & diffusing capacity:

Effect of exercise on Hyperinflation

Hyperinflation & air trapping

• Explains why airway medications are effective in


Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 2. pp 267–271, 2005

Lung volumes & diffusing capacity:

Lung volumes & diffusing capacity:

• Measurement of diffusing capacity (DLco) → provides information on functional impact of emphysema in COPD & it is helpful in breathlessness out of proportion with the degree of airflow limitation.

Sleep study

• Symptoms related to sleep disturbances are common in moderate to severe COPD, particularly in elderly patients.

• COPD+ obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (overlap syndrome) occurs in 1% of adults and overlap patients have worse nocturnal hypoxemia and hypercapnia than COPD and OSA patients alone.

May be indicated when:

• Hypoxemia or right heart failure develops in the presence of relatively mild airflow limitation or when the patient has symptoms suggesting the presence of sleep apnea.

Composite scores

The cutoff values for the assignment of points are shown for each variable. The total possible values range from 0 to 10, with higher scores indicating a greater risk of death.

Approximate 4 Year Survival Interpretation

0-2 Points: 80%

3-4 Points: 67 %

5-6 Points: 57%

7-10 Points: 18%

Differential Diagnosis of COPD


Congestive heart failure



Obliterative bonchiolitis

Diffuse Panbronchiolitis

Differential Diagnosis of COPD

Asthma – Similarities with COPD

• Major epidemiologic causes of chronic obstructive airway disease

• Involve underlying airway inflammation

• Can cause similar chronic respiratory symptoms and fixed airflow limitation

• Can co-exist with the other making diagnosis more difficult

Differential Diagnosis of COPD

Asthma – Differences from COPD • Underlying immune mechanism of chronic

inflammation different – Eosinophilic and CD4-driven in asthma & neutrophilic

and CD8-driven in COPD • Age of onset

– Earlier in life with asthma – Usually > age 40 in COPD

• Symptoms in asthma vary; COPD slowly progressive • Smoking associated with COPD • Asthma with reversible airflow limitation; irreversible

airflow limitation in COPD

Differential Diagnosis of COPD

• Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) is characterized by persistent airflow limitation with several features usually associated with asthma and several features usually associated with COPD. ACOS is therefore identified in the features that it shares with both asthma and COPD.

Asthma COPD


Differential Diagnosis of COPD

Clinical Feature COPD Asthma

Age Older than 35 years Any age

Cough Persistent, productive Intermittent, usually


Smoking Typical Variable

Dyspnea Progressive, persistent Variable

Nocturnal symptoms Breathlessness, late in

disease Coughing, wheezing

Family history Less common More common

Atopy Less common More common

Significant diurnal or day to day variability

Less common More common

Spirometry Irreversible airway

limitation Reversible airway


Differential Diagnosis of COPD

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Characteristics Midlife to late-life onset; associated with risk factors such as hypertension and coronary artery disease

Clinical presentation

Fatigue, exertional and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and peripheral edema, crackles on auscultation

Pulmonary function test

Pulmonary function tests indicate volume restriction, not airflow limitation.

Chest radiography

Increased heart size, pulmonary vascular congestion, pleural effusions

Others testing Echocardiography, BNP measurement, electrocardiography; cardiac catheterization in selected patients

Differential Diagnosis of COPD


Characteristics Usually midlife onset; progressive with exacerbations

Clinical presentation

Productive cough with large volumes of thick, purulent sputum; ±related to posture , ±bad odor dyspnea; and wheezing associated with bacterial infections, crackles, and clubbing on exam

Pulmonary function test

Obstructive airflow limitation, both fixed and reversible

Chest radiography Focal pneumonia, atelectasis; dilated bronchial tree, thickened airways (ring shadow)

Other testing Bacterial, & microbacterial sputum culture, high resolution chest CT.

Differential Diagnosis of COPD


Characteristics Onset at any age; associated with history of exposure, High local prevalence of tuberculosis may suggest diagnosis

Clinical presentation Productive cough, hemoptysis, fever, and weight loss

Pulmonary function test

Not used for diagnosis

Chest radiography Infiltrate, nodular lesions, hilar adenopathy, cavitary lesions or granulomas

Other testing Sputum AFB culture, sputum cultures

Differential Diagnosis of COPD

Obliterative bonchiolitis


Onset at any age but often younger; may be associated with history of flu-like illness, collagen vascular disease, or toxic fume exposure, non-smokers

Clinical presentation

Often subacute presentation with dyspnea, cough, and fever

Pulmonary function test

Decreased vital capacity, decreased DLCO, usually no obstructive component

Chest radiography Multifocal, bilateral alveolar infiltrates

Other testing High-resolution CT shows hypodense areas on expiration, lung biopsy

Differential Diagnosis of COPD

Diffuse Panbronchiolitis

Characteristics Predominately seen in patients with Asian descent Most patients are male and nonsmokers. Almost all have chronic sinusitis.

Radiography Chest X-ray and HRCT show diffuse small centrilobular nodular opacities and hyperinflation


Chlamydia Trachomatis



ABPA: glove-finger shadow due to mucoid impaction in central

bronchiectasis in a patient with asthma.

Signet-Ring Sign

A signet-ring sign represents an axial cut of a dilated bronchus

(ring) with its accompanying small artery (signet).

Tram Tracks

Thank you

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