cooperative governance and traditional affairs provincial disaster management : contribution to...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Lindokuhle Ngubane Provincial Disaster Management Centre


2. Background &Legislative Mandate

3. KPA and Enablers

4. The link between Climate Change and DM

5. The DM Cycle

6. DM Response to adaptation – What is GP doing ?


The purpose of the presentation is to present an overview of the contribution made to support Climate Change focusing on Adaptation

Background & Legislative Mandate

• Government is responsible for DM. (Schedule 4 of the constitution )

• DM is administered within the provisions of legislation which includes : the Disaster Management Act , 57 of 2002 and the National Disaster Management Framework of 2005.

• It is intergovernmental in nature ( NDMC,PDMC &MDMC)

• Disaster Management centers perform a planning and coordinating role; not line function

• The focus of legislation is prevention & mitigation but also emphasises rapid and effective response

• DM is multi-sectoral & multi-disciplinary.

• Together with National Government, Provinces have a duty to support municipalities. They also have extensive monitoring and regulatory powers.

KPA`s and Enablers

Disaster Management in the context of a changing climate

• Global climate change will significantly affect the frequency & intensity of hazard occurrence in Sub-Saharan Africa as it will also create new vulnerability & exacerbate existing ones as further decreases in the availability of water and agricultural yields as well as a lack of suitable land for pasture threaten the viability of livelihoods (IDSR, 2009; IPCC, 2007)

• Engelbrecht (2008) noted that in response to anthropogenic forcing, Southern Africa will experience a generally drier climate & more extreme rainfall events during summer.

• As noted in the White Paper on Climate Change, SA will have to adapt to the impacts of CC & weather-related risks, reducing its vulnerability & increasing the resilience of society & the economy to the adverse effects of CC & variability.

• Closer integration of DRR & climate change adaptation along with the incorporation of both into local, sub-national, national & international development policies & practices, could provide benefits on all scales (Climate & Development Knowledge Network, 2012)

The link between Climate Change and Disaster Management

•The Climate has a major impact on disasters that occur in South Africa as most of them are weather related. In this regard it is important that the country ( GP in particular) is effectively prepared for disasters and is able to effective respond to these hazards.

•Climate change mitigation refers to “approaches that reduce the concentration of green gashouses in the atmosphere. It is achieved by using cleaner technology or by reducing the demand for fossil fuels. It can also be achieved by encouraging greening i.e.. Planting trees and preventing deforestation”. The effect of climate change mitigation on disaster management can be understood by decreasing the number of gas emissions which can reduce the severity of the changes in climate which can reduce disasters as well as their likelihood and intensity. The effects of mitigation can be measured by the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere

The link between Disaster Management and CC

• Climate change adaptation refers to “action that is taken to reduce the vulnerability of humans or the environment form the negative effects of climate change”. Adaptation in disaster management can be understood by putting measures in place to prepare for mitigate and effectively respond to negative effects caused by natural hazards as a result of amongst other factors changes in climate.

The Disaster Management Cycle

What needs to be done by Provincial Disaster Management ?

• Need for a “coalition for action” for Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR), especially as changes in climate and increasing weather-related hazards add an even greater sense of urgency;

• Support the mainstream of DRR and climate change adaptation (CCA) in integrated development strategies of government and municipalities.

• Increase investment (and resources) in local action for better adaptation• Support DM structures (including Disaster Management Centres and

institutional arrangements) in the municipality for improved disaster prevention and response )

What is GP Disaster Management Doing ?

Improving Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness& Response capabilities in the Province through implementation of legislation to ensure amongst others the following :

•Effective arrangements for implementing disaster management (Institutional Capacity)

•Disaster risk assessments and monitoring of risks .

•Disaster risk reduction and the development of plans to reduce risks

•Effectively planning for and implementing priorities for disaster response and recovery

•Establishing and maintaining effective and integrated communication and information management systems.

•Conducting training and public awareness to promote a culture of risk avoidance.

•Setting out the mechanisms for funding arrangements

Effective arrangements for implementing DM

• Restructuring to ensure alignment to DM KPA and enablers.

• PDMC structure under review with the aim to establish a specialised service delivery unit.

• Sector departments are encouraged to appoint DM nodal points (Provincial advisory forum members formally appointed by HOD`s in February 2015. They are also JOC members. )

• Head of Centre Forum established in 2014. It acts as the strategic decision making structure during major incidents and provides advice to the MEC. Champions inter-municipal assistance.

DM conducts assessments focusing on amongst others the following :

• Physical vulnerabilities The infrastructure and the environment that is at risk must be clearly assessed and mapped e.g.

hospitals , reservoirs • Social vulnerabilities

Women, children, old and disabled people are most vulnerable during disasters, the vulnerabilities of these groups must be clearly outlined and understood.

• Future vulnerabilitiesThrough research , the province must be in a position to predict future vulnerabilities in order to put effective preparedness measures in place.

The PMC has appointed the North West University - African Centre for Disaster Studies to conduct a scientific assessment of macro risk.

Community based assessments have been conducted by all municipalities . Reviews are conducted at least bi-annually.

Risk Assessment

Development of disaster management plans

a) Disaster management plans are currently being prepared and reviewed by , municipalities and the PDMC to ensure relevant and coherent and effective approach to disaster management and Disaster Risk reduction. Sector Departments are behind in adherence to section 38 on development of plans including GDARD.

Public Awareness Education and Training

a) Robust public awareness is required in order raise consciousness about disaster risks. Province is actively involved in conducting Awareness programs

b) Supporting and developing research that will enable effective DRM preparedness

Risk Reduction

Risk Reduction

• Alignment to UN global targets ( Sendai Framework for Disaster Reduction ) • Integration of CC into DM planning is the new focus • New focus environmental issues to be taken into account when planning especially

for response – “green response” • All community based risks are assessed at least bi-annually

Effective Disaster Response and Recovery

• SMS system is used by municipalities to disseminate early warnings including SA weather warnings to communities. Media also utilised to send alerts.

• Private Public partnerships e.g. Vodacom Community Distress service *134*422#

• Partnerships with UN organisations e.g. UNHCR

• Disaster Relief Material kept in stock.

• NGO`s – SA Redcross, gift of the givers ,PROVJOINTS,PROVJOC

Contingency planning

• It is critical that contingency plans to respond to specific risks are developed.

Funding for R&R

• All organs of state must budget for costs related to response and recovery. ( Sections 56 of the DM Act ).It is only once budgets for response and recovery have been exhausted that assistance must be requested from National Government.

Communication, information and Public awareness

• PIER ( Pubic Information education and relations )

• CERT ( Community Education Response Training -Fire Services )

• Private Public partnerships and NGO`s for awareness e.g. Randwater and Sassol for servitudes. Alimdaad foundation – hat and gloves

• Fire ball project

• School tool kit – teaching children about Disasters and DRR



“Disaster Management is everybody's business”

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