contoh soal wak wak wak

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 Contoh Soal Wak Wak Wak


    Contoh soal :

    1. Sari : Santi, I want to introduce Tommy to you.

    Tom, this is Santi.

    Tommy : How do you do?

    Santi : ….

    a. Fineb. How do you do?

    c. I’m fine, thank you

    d. How are you?

    . !iana : I’m !ianasari.

    "era : …. I’m "era.

    a. How do you do?

    b. #ood mornin$

    c. How are you?

    d. %hat’s your name?

    &. 'i((y : He((o %i((.

    %i((y : Hi 'i(( ….

    'i((y : Fine, thanks. )nd you?

    %i((y : "ery we((, thanks.

    a. How do you do?

    b. *ice to meet you

    c. How are you?

    d. How is the weather?

  • 8/18/2019 Contoh Soal Wak Wak Wak


    A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d.

     Text is for number 1 – 3.

    Lina Aliana is a student of Biology cience at the !ni"ersity of #ndonesia. he

    li"es in $ast %a&arta. $"ery morning she gets u' at four o(cloc& and washes her

    self. Then she has brea&fast at six and at a )uarter 'ast se"en she goes to

    !ni"ersity. he tra"els by bus.

    At the uni"ersity she goes to her classes. he has lunch about twel"e at noon

    with her friends. he always has %a"anese food. After lunch she usually goes to

    the library and reads some boo&.

    About four in the afternoon, Lina Aliana goes home. he arri"es home between

    six thirty and se"en o(cloc&. he has her dinner, watches tele"ision, does her

    homewor& and goes to bed.

    1. *hat is Lina Aliana+ he is .

    a. a uni"ersity student c. a uni"ersity teacher

    b. at the uni"ersity of #ndonesia d. a Biology cience at !ni"ersity of #ndonesia

    -. what time does she go to the uni"ersity+ he goes to the !ni"ersity at .a. /. am b. /.10 am c. /.- am d. /.0 am

    3. *hat does she usually do after lunch+

    a. he does her homewor& c. she goes to the library and reads

    b. he goes to classes d. she has dinner

    2ead the text for number – .

    3 4ublin treet,

    $dinburgh, cotland, !nited 5ingdom

    4ear Lina,

    # want to be your 'en 'al. 6y name is Bob. # li"e in $dinburgh. #t is the ca'ital of

    cotland. 6y father is a doctor. 7e wor&s at the state hos'ital of $dinburgh.6y mother is a houses wife. he wor&s at home. he loo&s after our family. # ha"e

    two sister and two brothers. 6y oldest sisters, Aliana, studies at a uni"ersity of

    !A. he is studying science. The second one, usan is in secondary school. # am

    the third child. # am in the secondary school.

    *rite and tell me about your family and school. # am "ery interested to hear

    about your life in inga'ure.

    Best wishes Bob . *ho is the sender of the letter+

    a. Lina

    b. usan

    c. Bobd. Aliana

    0. Bob(s mother .

    a. *or&s at the state hos'ital

    b. li"es in inga'ore

    c. #s at the hos'ital

    d. loo&s after the family

    8. *ho is the youngest girl in Bob(s family+

    a. Bob

    b. Lina

    c. usand. Laura

  • 8/18/2019 Contoh Soal Wak Wak Wak


    /. 7ow many 'ersons are there in Bob(s family+ There are . 9ersons.

    a. Three

    b. four

    c. :"e

    d. six

    . *here does Lina li"e+ he li"es in .

    a. !nited 5ingdom

    b. #ndonesia

    c. $dinburgh

    d. inga'ore

     The dialogue is for number ; < 13

    Andi introduces himself to 9aul, an Australia boy.

    Andi = 7ello, may # introduce myself+ 6y name is Andi. # am an #ndonesian

    student. # stay at 6adubronto treet no. / olo.

    9aul = 7i, Andi. 6y name is 9aul. # am an Australian. # am a student, too.

    6y address is at - main A"enue, idney, Australia.Andi = *here is your school+

    9aul = # go to #nternational chool %a&arta. 6y father is a Consultant

    $ngineer in %a&arta.

    Andi = # see. >&. ?ice to meet you, 9aul.

    9aul = ?ice to meet you, too

    . ;. *hat is Andi(s ?ationality+

    a. #ndonesian

    b. American

    c. Australian

    d. %a'an1. #s 9aul from America+

    a. @es, he is

    b. yes, she is

    c. no, he isn(t

    d. no, she is not

    11. *here is Andi from+

    a. Australia

    b. idney

    c. %a&arta

    d. solo1-. *ho li"es in 6ain anue+......does.

    a. 9aul

    b. Andi

    c. the writer

    d. 9aul(s father

    13. *hat is 9aul father+ 7e is .

    a. a mechanic

    b. a tourist

    c. a consultant

    d. a student1. Bob = # ha"en(t seen you for a long time Lina = #(m :ne, than& you.

  • 8/18/2019 Contoh Soal Wak Wak Wak


    a. 7ow nice you are

    b. how is your mother+

    c. 7ow are you+

    d. what ha''en to you+

    15. Teacher : Good morning, students. Students : Good morning,

    teacher. Teacher : …… a new student, Lina. Lina : Nice to meet you all.Student : Nice to meet you too.

    a. I’d like to introduce

    b. I’am hay to meet 

    c. It’s !ery nice to meet 

    d. I don’t think she is

    18. A father as&s his son to get a news'a'er. ather = .. on = ure, 4ad.

    a. 9lease buy me news'a'er

    b. may # borrow news'a'er

    c. Can # ha"e this news'a'er

    d. can you gi"e this news'a'er"#. Lina and $ob …. a maga%ine

    a. &un

    b. meet 

    c. reads

    d. sing

    1. 5ucing sedang tidur di bawah meDa.

    a. The cats slee'ing under the table

    b. the cats sle't under the table

    c. The cats slee' under the table

    d. the cats slee's the table1;. 1E here you(re -E don(t mention it 3E would you get me the ruler+ E Than&s

    0E it(s under your seat. 8E sure, where is it+The good arrangement of the dialogue

    is .

    a. 3

  • 8/18/2019 Contoh Soal Wak Wak Wak


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