continuous improvement planning wcsu kickoff meeting march 11, 2015

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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What is in a CIP?  The CIP minimally contains the following:  Goals and objectives for improved student learning;  Educational strategies and activities specifically designed to achieve these goals, including professional learning needs;  Strategies and supports to ensure the school maintains a safe, orderly, civil and positive learning environment which is free from harassment, hazing and bullying; and  Required technical assistance from the Vermont Agency of Education as appropriate or determined by law.


Continuous Improvement PlanningWCSU Kickoff MeetingMarch 11, 2015

What is a continuous improvement plan?

A continuous improvement plan (CIP) is the overall planning and implementation document for the school.

Each school shall develop and implement a CIP as required in 16 V.S.A.165.

In April 2014 the State Board of Education adopted the Education Quality Standards. The EQS specifically address CIP requirements in section 2125.

What is in a CIP? The CIP minimally contains the following:

Goals and objectives for improved student learning; Educational strategies and activities specifically

designed to achieve these goals, including professional learning needs;

Strategies and supports to ensure the school maintains a safe, orderly, civil and positive learning environment which is free from harassment, hazing and bullying; and

Required technical assistance from the Vermont Agency of Education as appropriate or determined by law.

CIP Development Requirements

The CIP must be developed with the involvement of teachers, administrators, parents or other community members, school board members and students.

The plan must be reviewed at least annually and shall be revised as necessary.

Schools will be required to file a copy of the CIP with the VT AOE on a 2-year cycle.

One Plan Planning WCSU has been working toward the

development of one plan to meet all state and federal requirements.

Now the AOE has created a template that we will use in order to create a single planning document that fulfills all requirements. E.g. CIP, School Improvement, Schoolwide

Plans for Title I schools

From Vision to Action

Systems Level Work As a supervisory union, we have done

and continue to do a lot of work together in the areas of: Literacy Mathematics School Climate

School Level Work Each school will create its CIP for next

year between now and April vacation.

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