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Continuous delivery – New features in WinCC OA version 3.13

ETM professional control GmbH A Siemens Company Marktstrasse 3, 7000 Eisenstadt Austria

Continuous delivery – New features in WinCC OA version 3.13

• Panel format independent from file extension Page 2

From now on the file extension may not be identically with the associated panel-format. In the save-file-dialog there is now an option for the panel-format(.xml/.pnl).

• Panel overview within GEDI Page 3

The GEDI now supports a panel overview which displays a small preview of all currently opened panels.

• Enhanced shape selection in GEDI Page 4

Now it is possible to select shapes that are lying on top of each other via the context menu (right-click with mouse). This menu entry is only visible if more than one shape is hit by the clicked position.

• OPC UA Historical Access Page 5 - 9

The OPC UA client now provides historical access functionality which allows getting historical data from an OPC UA server.

• Enhanced WinCC OA Reporting functionality Page 10 – 75

• The language parameter was added to data set functions. You can now display the DP description and the unit in a report language dependent.

• The “ready-to-use reports” are now available in English and German.

V 3.13

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Panel format independent from file extension

From now on the file extension .xml/.pnl may not be identically with the associated panel-format.

A panel newPanel.pnl can also be saved in XML-format. In the save-file-dialog there is now an

option for the panel-format.

The default format for new panels is PNL. With the config entry defaultPanelFormat the default

can be changed and the given format will be preselected in the "Save panel" dialog.

It is possible to use any file extension when saving a panel. If no extension is defined the

extension .xml or .pnl will be appended (depending on the chosen panel-format).

The changes in the UI have also an effect on the xmlConvert function.

For the parameter -xmlConvert a new option is available which allows to define the target format

when converting a panel.

-xmlConvert=XML - the panel(s) will be converted into xml-format

-xmlConvert=PNL - the panel(s) will be converted into pnl-format

When using this option the filenames will not be changed, only the content will be converted if

necessary. If a file already has the correct format it will remain unchanged. The option -o

(overwrite) is used implicit.

Converting panels without or with a different extension than .pnl or .xml is only possible when

using -xmlConvert=PNL/XML or the option -o (overwrite). When using the options -xmlConvert -

o, the panels will be converted and will not be renamed.

For panelfiles with the extension .pnl or .xml the functionality was not changed. If the file format

fits the extension the file will be converted and renamed when using the option -xmlConvert

(without defining the target format).

The option "-o" can be used in this case to overwrite an already existing target file, e.g. when

converting a .pnl file again when there is .xml file already existing.

You can now also use the option -noBackup for xmlConvert, that means that no .bak file will be


+++ Examples +++

Original file Converted file

Used options Filename Format Filename Format

-xmlConvert main.pnl .pnl main.xml .xml

- xmlConvert -o main.pnl .pnl main.pnl .xml

-xmlConvert main.xml .xml main.pnl .pnl

-xmlConvert -o main.xml .xml main.pnl .xml

-xmlConvert=XML main.pnl .pnl main.pnl .xml

-xmlConvert=PNL main.xml .xml main.xml .pnl

-xmlConvert=XML main.pfll .pnl main.pfl .xml

-xmlConvert=PNL main.xpl .xml main.xpl .pnl

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Panel Overview Opens a list of all open panels and also displays a small preview of the panels as well as the

following information:

Panel name (or file name if no panel name is defined) + panel format (XML or PNL)

Path including the file name

Project name of the sub project or installation (if the panel is from your project, nothing is

displayed in this field)

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Select Shape - Select multiple overlapping Objects

To facilitate the selection of shapes in panels with multiple, overlapping objects the Select

Shape option can be used. Right-click the topmost object and you can select it via "Select

Shape. To select several shapes, right-click the topmost of the overlapping shapes while holding

the CTRL key and select "Select Shape". A list of all shapes is displayed and you can select

several shapes. The shapes are displayed in the following format: <shape name> (<layer>)

[<object type>].

Figure: Selection of several overlapping objects

The "Select Shape" option can also be used for objects inside references. Enable the selection

of reference objects ( ), Right-click the reference and you can select the topmost object via

Select Shape. Right-click the reference while holding the CTRL key and you can select several


Figure: Select shapes within a Reference


OPC UA Historical Access

Historical Access


Historical Access

This chapter describes the OPC UA Historical Access functionality of the WinCC OA OPC UA

client which allows to query historical data of an OPC UA server.

To start the reading of historical data as well as configuring the read request, an internal data

point must be used. The queried data can be used in the following ways:

Writing the data to an internal data point: In this case, the received data is mapped onto

an internal data point from where the data can be used for further data processing.

Therefore it is possible to execute historical read requests for historical data nodes of the

server that are not configured via peripheral addresses in the WinCC OA project.

Writing the data to data point element with appropriate peripheral address: This allows

to automatically insert the received data into the _archive config of all data point elements

with the appropriate peripheral address. Therefore, it is possible to retrieve data from the

server e.g. for a time interval in which the connection to the server was lost.

Historical data request

The internal data point element _OPCUAServer.Command.HistoryRead is used for triggering a

historical read request as well as configuring its parameters.

Depending on the configuration of this data point element, the received data is either written to a

response data point of type _OPCUAHistoryReadResponse or to the archive of data point

elements with the appropriate peripheral address.


To map the received data onto a response data point proceed as follows:

Create a response data point

Create a data point of type _OPCUAHistoryReadResponse.

Example: responseDP

After that the created response data point must be entered at the internal data point element

_OPCUA<Treibernummer>.Config.HistoryReadResponseDps. Thus it can be used for receiving


Start the request

Now it is possible to start the reading of historical data via the internal data point element

_OPCUAServer.Command.HistoryRead. In order to write the data to the response data point,

either method 1 (state the NodeId of the item which shall be queried) or 2 (state the BrowsePath

of the item which shall be queried) must be selected (refer to

_OPCUAServer.Command.HistoryRead - Method).

Example - Method 1:





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Example - Method 2:






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Click on the Apply button in the PARA module and the request is triggered with the defined

parameters. Click here for a detailed parameter description.

Data processing

The result of the request is written to the defined response data point (responseDP1) and can

be used for further data processing.


It is possible to write the historical values to data point elements with the specified peripheral

address by using method 3. Proceed as follows:

Peripheral address

You have to determine a valid peripheral address via the data point element HW.HWMask of

internal data point type _DriverCommon. If the _address config is linked to e.g. item ID

"ns=2;s=AirConditioner_2.Temperature", this ID is not the correct peripheral address. In this

case the valid address is:



It is also possible to define a wildcard which queries exactly this one specific address. In this

case the correct wildcard would be *ns=2;s=AirConditioner_2.Temperature"

It is possible to request historical values from several peripheral addresses and write the result

to the archive of all appropriate data point elements. Therefore, wildcards must be used.

When writing the data of historical requests to the WinCC OA archive the timestamp defined in

the subscription of the appropriate data point element is used. Use the internal data point

Historical Access


element OPCUAServer.Config.HistoryReadTimestamps to define which timestamp shall be

used in case that no subscription is defined (the source timestamp is used by default).


The OPC UA client only performs historical requests for data point elements where the "history"

checkbox at the peripheral address panel is enabled (see also Notes and restrictions). In order

to label the queried data with a specific user bit the config entry userBitHistoryRead must be

used. If the historical values shall be written as correction values, the config entry histDataBits

must be set additionally.

Response data point

The response data point is not mandatory when using method 3. However, important

information like RequestId, ReturnCode or DpList is returned in case that a response data point

is defined.

Start the request

After defining method 3 as well as a valid peripheral address, the request can be started by

clicking on the Apply button in the PARA module.






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Redundancy behavior

OPC UA server redundancy

The History Access interface of the WinCC OA OPC UA client supports OPC UA server


In case of a non-transparent redundant OPC UA server the OPC UA client only sends a

HistoryRead request to the first accessible server by default. In order to handle missing

historical data on one of the two redundant servers the OPC UA client provides the possibility to

send the HistoryRead request to both servers. In this case the OPC UA Client will merge the

result of the history read service requests from both servers.


In case that both servers return different values for an identical timestamp, the value of the first

server is used.

The Redu.Config.HistoryReadMode data point element must be used for configuring the

redundancy behavior.


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OPC UA client redundancy

In case of redundant WinCC OA clients, both clients transmit the historical request to the server.

There seem to be two separate requests for the server. The actual active/passive mechanism

as well as the related discarding of values is performed in WinCC OA. In order to avoid data

loss during the switch-over it is recommended that both clients perform historical requests. The

advantage of this redundancy variant is that the server does not have to support any

redundancy abilities.

In case that the passive OPC UA client shall not transmit historical requests to the server,

configure the behavior of the passive client via config entry historyReduMode.

Notes & restrictions


Since not every node in the OPC UA address space might contain history data, the internal data

point element _OPCUAServer.Browse.AccessLevel indicates whether historical data is

available for the respective nodes.

The _offset attribute of the _address config is used for indicating whether historical data is

available on the server for the peripheral address in WinCC OA. When using method 3, the

OPC UA client only performs a read request if the _offset attribute is set for the peripheral

address. Therefore, the "History" checkbox must be enabled at the panel for defining the

peripheral address of the OPC UA driver. The structure of the _offset attribute is as follows:

Bit Description


Indicates whether historical data is available on the server for this peripheral


0 = no historical data available

1 = historical data is available


15 Reserved for future use

The example panel OPCUA_HA_Example.pnl (located in <wincc_oa_path>/panels/examples)

demonstrates the OPC UA Historical Access functionality of the OPC UA client.


Only read access to historical data of an OPC UA server is possible, write requests are not


The WinCC OA OPC UA client only supports the function ReadRaw of the OPC UA service

History Read.

The WinCC OA OPC UA client does not support historical aggregates.



You can adapt the language settings for the report content, for the report viewer and for the

report designer. This chapter describes how to adapt the language settings.

Two resource files ("" and " are delivered

with the WinCC OA installation. Hence, you can display the ready-to-use reports delivered with

the WinCC OA installation also in German.

Language Settings of a Report

You can create a report in different languages (for example, Report_DE and Report_EN) or you

can adapt the language by using resource files.

How to create a resource file

1. Create a resource file in the same directory as your report. You need a default file, for

example, with the name "localization" (file name:, see figure below). In

order to add further languages, create files such as or Add the "localization" file in the property editor via Add


Figure: The Resource File "localization"

A resource file consists of key-value pairs. A key-value pair must be specified for each element

that should be adapted. Note that each resource file, for example,

or must contain the same keys as the default file "localization".

2. After creating the "localization" file, click on Browse...:

Figure: Specify Key-Value Pairs


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3. Specify a key-value pair and click on Add. Repeat this step to add more key-value pairs.

Figure: Add Key-Value Pairs

4. Create a new resource file "localization_de_AT". Copy the entries of the "localization" file to

the "localization_de_AT" file and translate the entries.

Figure: The Resource File localization_de_AT and translated entries


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5. Now you can open your report in a browser in German. Add the translated file

"localization_de_AT" to the resources first. Now you can change the default language

directly in the designer by moving the "localization_de_AT" file up in the designer (see the

figures below):

Figure: The Language of a report is set to English (the file "localization" is selected)

Figure: The Language of a report is set to German (the file "localization_de_AT" is selected)

You can also change the language in a browser via the parameter __locale=<language>, for

example, to __locale=de_AT. NOTE the double underline for the "__locale" parameter. If the

__locale parameter is not shown, add it manually to the browser. See also chapter Web view.

Take care that your resource files are located in the same directory with your report.



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The resource files must be ASCII encoded (not UTF-8), otherwise display errors might

occur when displaying, for example, Russian characters or umlauts.

You can change the prompt and the help text for the report parameters in the property editor

under Properties/Localization (see figure "Localization" below). These are shown in the

parameter window when you open a report (see figures "Parameter Window and translated

Prompt" and "Parameter window and help text "Erforderliches Format" " below).

Figure: Localization

Figure: The Parameter Window and a translated Prompt

Figure: The Parameter window and the help text "Erforderliches Format"


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Language Settings of the Designer

The default language of the designer is English.

To change the language of the designer, download the appropriate language zip file:




Copy the directories of the zip file into the eclipse installation directory.

Start BIRT via the exe file <eclipsePath>eclipse.exe <language>, e.g.,

D:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -nl en or ru


The language files do not guarantee a full translation (see the percentages on the page



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Language Settings of the Viewer

The default language of the BIRT viewer is English. To change the language of the viewer,

download the appropriate language zip file and copy the directories of the zip file to the eclipse

installation directory (see the description above). You can then change the language of the

viewer under Window/Preferences/Preview/Choose your locale:

Figure: Language Settings for the Viewer


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Data set functions

Configuration of the Function alertGetPeriod

This chapter describes the function alertGetPeriod.

Function type

Select the function type alertGetPeriod after creating and naming a new data set (see create data set)

and click on Next>.

Figure: Select the function type "alertGetPeriod"


Shows the parameters that are available for the configuration. Select the parameters and click on Next>

Figure: Parameter Selection


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Function Parameters

Parameter Description

startTime Start time of the time range to be queried

endTime End time of the time range to be queried

alertAttribute Data point element whose alert attributes are queried


The project language. If you don't specify the language, the function returns the default language of the project. This means the default language set in the config file of the project (active language). If you, however, specify the parameter "lang" in the config file, the language of


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the "lang" parameter is returned. The parameter "lang" is optional.


Wildcards must not be used for defining the data point element (alertAttribute parameter).


For further information regarding the function and the parameters, see the CTRL function

alertGetPeriod. Note that the reporting function "alertGetPeriod" contains the parameter "lang" in

addition to the parameters of the normal CTRL function.

SOAP Request

In order to retrieve values from WinCC OA, the generated SOAP request is transferred to the WinCC

OA Reporting Manager in XML format. The SOAP request contains the dynamic parameters which are

replaced by the queried values.

Figure: The SOAP Request


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You can specify default values for each parameter via the Edit Parameter button. This is not mandatory

but necessary if you want to check your settings later on (via Column Mapping - Show Sample Data).


Note that the data type cannot be specified here.

For this example the following default values are used:

Figure: Default Values

The time is specified in the format: <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<hh>:<mm>:<sss>.<msec>, e.g. 2015-05-


Click on the OK button and click on Next>.

SOAP Response

No changes are necessary for this window. Click on Next>

Figure: SOAP Response


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Row Mapping

BIRT reports must use data structured as tables (with rows and columns). In XML code, elements and

attributes are used for providing data. Therefore, you have to define how the XML elements are linked

with rows and columns.

Use the Row Mapping to select which XML element is added as a new data set row. Each occurrence

of the selected XML element is linked with a new data set row. Select "table" and click on the > button

to select the XPath Expression (the selected element in the XML structure). You can pass an absolute,

a relative or a user-defined path. A Path starting with a slash / is absolute, a path starting with // is


Figure: The Row Mapping


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The "Select or edit the XPath expression" window is opened. Select the option "XML elements named

"table" at any location" and click on the OK button. Note that this option is mandatory in order to retrieve


Figure: "Select or edit the XPath expression" Window


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Click on the Next > button.

Figure: Row Mapping - XPath Expression //table


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Column Mapping

Column Mapping defines the columns for the table row. The columns are mapped to child elements or

attributes within the selected data row element. In contrast to row mapping, you can select several

elements. Select an element from the window on the left and click on the > button. The Column

mapping window is opened

Figure: Column Mapping Window - Column name: value, Data Type: float


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Select the data type "float" from the combo box as well as the option "XML elements named "value" at

any location". Click on the OK button.

The element "value" is shown in the "Column mapping" window.

Figure: The element "value" is shown in the Column Mapping Window


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Repeat this step for the elements "date", "abbr", "text", "direction", "ack-state" and "ack-time". Select

the correct data type for each element.


The BIRT tool queries dates and time as strings by default. You can, however, change the data

type for dates and time in the output columns (see further below).

Figure: Column Mapping


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The column mapping contains the attributes:

value (the data point value),

date (the date when the value was set),

state (the attribute state contains the status bits _obsolete, _ackable etc. in a bit32.),

abbr (the Short sign (e.g.: A for an Alert) of the alert priority.),

prior (the Alert priority),

text (the State text),

direction (the Alert direction: CAME/WENT),

ack-state (the acknowledgement type of the alert),

ack-time (the acknowledgement time of the alert),

ack user (the user who acknowledged the alert),

comment (the user comment for an alert)

You can also return the error code and the error text in addition to the alert attributes. Since these two

elements are located on the same level as the /table, you cannot return them in the same data set.

Thus, a second identical data set must be created to display the error code and the text.


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Error code Description

-1 Data point not found

-2 Answergroup error

-3 Error in RDB Query

As mentioned before, you have to specify default values for the parameters in order to use the Show

Sample Data button. If the default values are set, you can check the settings before completing the


Figure: Sample XML Data

Edit Data Set

The Edit Data Set menu can be opened by double-clicking the data set in the data explorer. You can

edit the entire data set configuration. The menu items Data source, WSDL operation, SOAP request,


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SOAP response, Row Mapping and Column Mapping are identical to the already described steps and

are therefore not described in detail here.

The following menu items offer further configuration possibilities.


Here you can specify default values in the same way as in the SOAP request earlier. These settings do,

however, not have an influence on the output (Show Sample Data) in the column mapping but on the

preview results. Furthermore, you can link the parameters with the report parameters here.


The BIRT tool queries dates and time as strings by default. You can, however, change the data

type for dates and time in the output columns (see further below).

Figure: Default Parameters

Output Columns

Here you can change the data types for the parameters. You can, for example, change the data type of

date and time parameters. Dates and time are queried as strings but can be changed here to "Date"

and "DateTime". Furthermore, you can add an alias and a display name which are shown when the

report is opened in the worksheet.

Figure: Output Columns


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When you drag the function to the template in order to select the columns that are shown for the report

(see chapter View report), the alias is shown:

Figure: Selection of the Columns (Data Set Binding)

The display name "VALUE" and the alias name "This is the value column) (as a tooltip) are shown in the

template (in edit mode):


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Figure: The Display name "VALUE" and the alias name as a tooltip

Computed Columns

Allows you to add additional columns to a report. The columns can, for example, be used to perform


Figure: Additional Columns (Computed Columns)

Click on New... and select a name and an appropriate data type for the data that is returned.

Figure: Selection of Data Type for a Column


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Under Expression you can define the content that is displayed in the column. The Expression Builder

allows you to add the existing data sets and functions with a double- click. The column is displayed in

the Output Columns after completing the configuration.

Figure: Expression Builder


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Defines which values are shown in the report and which are filtered.

Figure: Filters for the Values


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Click on New... and choose a column from the combo box. The content of this column is filtered

according to the selected condition.

Figure: A new Filter Condition

Preview Results


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Can be used for checking the configuration and returns results according to the default values defined

before under Parameters.

Figure: Sample Data

After creating a data set, you can create report parameters. Report parameters are necessary in order

to use data sets fast and easily in a report. Otherwise the default parameters must be changed in the

data set settings each time when generating a new report. You can also view the report directly without

creating report parameters. For How to view a report, see chapter View report.


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Configuration of the Function dpGet

This chapter describes the function dpGet.

Function type

Select the function type dpGet after creating and naming a new data set (see create data set) and click

on Next>.

Figure: Select the function type "dpGet"


Shows the parameters that are available for the configuration. Select the parameters and click on Next>

Figure: Parameter Selection


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Function Parameters

Parameter Description

dpName Data point element which is queried


The project language. If you don't specify the language, the function returns the default language of the project. This means the default language set in the config file of the project (active language). If you, however, specify the parameter "lang" in the config file, the language of the "lang" parameter is returned. The parameter "lang" is optional.


For further information regarding the function and the parameters, see the CTRL function dpGet. Note

that the reporting function "dpGet" contains the parameter "lang" in addition to the parameters of the

normal CTRL function.


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SOAP Request

Figure: The SOAP Request

Click on Edit Parameter to specify values for the parameters:

Figure: Edit Parameters

Click on the OK button and click on Next>.


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See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description of the SOAP request.

SOAP Response

No changes are necessary for this window. Click on Next>

Figure: The SOAP Response

Row Mapping

Select the attribute "return" and click on > button. The "Select or edit the XPath expression" window is


Figure: XML elements named "return" at any location


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Select the "XML elements named "return" at any location" option. The //return element is added to the

XML Element Selection.

Figure: The Row Mapping - XPath Expression //return


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Click on the next> button. See also chapter alertGetPeriod for further details.

Column Mapping

The Column Mapping defines the columns for the table row. The columns are mapped to child elements

or attributes within the selected data row element. In contrast to row mapping, you can select several


Figure: The Column Mapping


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The column mapping contains the attributes:

value (a data point value) and the

ErrorCode and Error text:

Error code Error Text

-1 Data point not found

-2 Answergroup error

Select an element and click on the > button. The "Select or edit the XPath expression" window is

opened. Select the "XML elements named "<element>" at any location" option.

Show Sample Data

As mentioned in the chapter alertGetPeriod, you have to specify default values for the parameters in

order to use the "Show Sample Data" button. If the default values are set, you can check the settings

before completing the configuration.

Figure: Sample Data


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If the data point does not exist, the following error code and error text are shown.

Figure: A missing Data point


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Configuration of the Function dpGetAsynch

This chapter describes the function dpGetAsynch.

Function type

Select the function type dpGetAsynch after creating and naming a new data set (see create data set)

and click on Next>.

Figure: Select the function type "dpGetAsynch"


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Shows the parameters that are available for the configuration. Select the parameters and click on Next>

Figure: Parameter Selection


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Function Parameters

Parameter Description

time The source time

dpName The data point element which is queried


Wildcards must not be used for defining the data point element (the dpName parameter).


See chapter dpGetAsynch for further information regarding the function and the parameters.

SOAP Request

Figure: The SOAP Request


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Click on Edit Parameter to specify values for the parameters:

Figure: Edit Parameters

The time is specified in the format: <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<hh>:<mm>:<sss>.<msec>, e.g. 2015-05-


Click on the OK button and click on Next>.


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See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description of the SOAP request.

SOAP Response

No changes are necessary for this window.

Figure: The SOAP Response

Row Mapping

Select "table" and click on the > button to select the XPath Expression. The "Select or edit the XPath

expression" window is opened. Select the option "XML elements named "table" at any location" and

click on the OK button. See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description.

Figure: The Row Mapping


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Column Mapping

The Column Mapping defines the columns for the table row. The columns are mapped to child elements

or attributes within the selected data row element. In contrast to row mapping, you can select several

elements. Select an element from the window on the left and click on the > button. The Column

mapping window is opened. Select the data type from the combo box as well as the option "XML

elements named "<element>" at any location". Click on the OK button.

Figure: The Column mapping


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The column mapping contains the attributes:

date (the date when the value was set)

value (the data point value)


The BIRT tool queries dates and time as strings by default. You can, however, change the data

type for dates and time in the output columns (see chapter alertGetPeriod).

You can also return the error code and the error text in addition to the alert attributes. Since these two

elements are located on the same level as the /table, you cannot return them in the same data set.

Thus, a second identical data set must be created to display the error code and the text.

Error code Description

-1 Data point not found

-2 Answergroup error

-3 Error in RDB Query


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Show Sample Data

As mentioned in the chapter alertGetPeriod, you have to specify default values for the parameters in

order to use the "Show Sample Data" button. If the default values are set, you can check the settings

before completing the configuration.

Figure: Sample Data

Configuration of the Function dpGetPeriod

This chapter describes the function dpGetPeriod.

Function type

Select the function type dpGetPeriod after creating and naming a new data set (see chapter data set)

and click on Next>.

Figure: Select the function type "dpGetPeriod"


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Shows the parameters that are available for the configuration. Select the parameters and click on Next>

Figure: Parameter Selection


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Function Parameters

Parameter Description

startTime The start time of the queried time range

endTime The end time of the queried time range

bonus Number of values that are also displayed before

the startTime and after the endTime

dpName The data point element which is queried



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Wildcards must not be used for defining the data point element (the dpName parameter).


See the CTRL function dpGetPeriod for further information regarding the function and the parameters.

SOAP Request

Figure: The SOAP Request

Click on Edit Parameter to specify values for the parameters:

Figure: Edit Parameter


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The time is specified in the format: <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<hh>:<mm>:<sss>.<msec>, e.g. 2015-05-


Click on the OK button and click on Next>.

See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description of the SOAP request.

SOAP Response

No changes are necessary for this window. Click on Next>

Figure: The SOAP response


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Row Mapping

Select "table" and click on the > button to select the XPath Expression. The "Select or edit the XPath

expression" window is opened. Select the option "XML elements named "table" at any location" and

click on the OK button. See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description.

Figure: The Row Mapping


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Column Mapping

The Column Mapping defines the columns for the table row. The columns are mapped to child elements

or attributes within the selected data row element. In contrast to row mapping, you can select several

elements. Select an element from the window on the left and click on the > button. The Column

mapping window is opened. Select the data type from the combo box as well as the option "XML

elements named "<element>" at any location". Click on the OK button.

Figure: The Column Mapping


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The column mapping contains the attributes:

date (the date when the value was set)

value (the data point value)

You can also return the error code and the error text in addition to the alert attributes. Since these two

elements are located on the same level as the /table, you cannot return them in the same data set.

Thus, a second identical data set must be created to display the error code and the text.

Error code Description

-1 Datapoint not found

-2 Answergroup error

-3 Error in the RDB Query


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The BIRT tool queries dates and time as strings by default. You can, however, change the data

type for dates and time in the output columns (see chapter alertGetPeriod)).

Show Sample Data

As mentioned in the chapter alertGetPeriod, you have to specify default values for the parameters in

order to use the "Show Sample Data" button. If the default values are set, you can check the settings

before completing the configuration.

Figure: Sample Data


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Configuration of the Function dpNames

This chapter describes the function dpNames.

Function type

Select the function type dpNames after creating and naming a new data set (see chapter data set) and

click on Next>.

Figure: Select the function type "dpNames"


Shows the parameters that are available for the configuration. Select the parameters and click on Next>

Figure: Parameter Selection


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Function Parameters

Parameter Description

dpPattern A pattern that defines which data point or which

data point elements are returned.

dpType A data point type used for the additional filtering

of data points.


The project language. If you don't specify the

language, the function returns the default

language of the project. This means the default

language set in the config file of the project

(active language). If you, however, specify the

parameter "lang" in the config file, the language

of the "lang" parameter is returned. The

parameter "lang" is optional.


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Mode 0: Returns the description of the data

point element. If a description does not

exist, the data point element name

(DP.EL1.EL2) is returned.

Mode 1 (Default option): Returns the

description of the data point element. If a

description does not exist, the text

"RootNode Description DP" and the

description of the master data point element

is returned for the ROOT DP. (Text:

"RootNode Description DP" and the

description of the master data point


For the other DPs, the data point name of

the queried data point and the description of

the DP element of the master data point are

returned (DP name + description of the DP

element of the master data point).

If a description does not exist for the DP

element of the master data point either, the

data point name or the DP element name is

returned (depending on whether you query

a data point or an element).

Mode 2: Returns the description of the data

point element. If a description does not

exist, the description of the master data

point element and the text "RootNode

Description DP" are returned for the root


(the Description of the master data point

element and the text "RootNode Description


For the other DPs, the description of the DP

element of the master data point and the

data point name of the queried data point

are returned (the description of the element

of the master data point + DP name).

If a description does not exist for the DP

element of the master data point either, the

data point name or the DP element name is

returned (depending on whether you query

a data point or an element).

Mode3: Returns the description of the data

point element. If a description does not


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exist, the text "RootNode Description DP

<ElementName>" and the description of the

master data point element are returned for

the ROOT DP.

(Text: "RootNode Description DP

<ElementName>" and the description of the

master data point element).

For the other DPs, the data point name and

the data point element name of the queried

data point and the description of the DP

element of the master data point are

returned (DPName +DPE name +

description of the DP element of the master

data point).

If a description does not exist for the DP

element of the master data point either, the

data point name or the DP element name is

returned (depending on whether you query

a data point or an element).


See the CTRL function dpNames for further information regarding the function and the parameters.

Note that the reporting function "dpNames" contains the parameters "lang" and "descriptionMode" in

addition to the parameters of the normal Control function.

SOAP Request

Figure: The SOAP Request


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Click on Edit Parameter to specify values for the parameters:

Figure: Edit Parameter

Click on the OK button and click on Next>.

See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description of the SOAP request.

SOAP Response


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No changes are necessary for this window. Click on Next>

Figure: The SOAP Response

Row Mapping

Select "table" and click on the > button to select the XPath Expression. The "Select or edit the XPath

expression" window is opened. Select the option "XML elements named "table" at any location" and

click on the OK button. See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description.

Figure: The Row Mapping


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Column Mapping

The Column Mapping defines the columns for the table row. The columns are mapped to child elements

or attributes within the selected data row element. In contrast to row mapping, you can select several

elements. Select an element from the window on the left and click on the > button. The Column

mapping window is opened. Select the data type from the combo box as well as the option "XML

elements named "<element>" at any location". Click on the OK button.

Figure: The Column Mapping


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The column mapping contains the attributes:

dpName (the data point or data point element name)

description (the description of the data point)

alias (the alias name of the data point)

unit (the data point unit)

lang (the project language). If you don't specify the language, the function returns the default language

of the project. This means the default language set in the config file of the project (active language). If

you, however, specify the parameter "lang" in the config file, the language of the "lang" parameter is

returned. The parameter "lang" is optional.

You can also return the error code and the error text in addition to the alert attributes. Since these two

elements are located on the same level as the /table, you cannot return them in the same data set.

Thus, a second identical data set must be created to display the error code and the text.

Error code Description


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-1 DpIdentification Pointer not found

-2 Error reading the DP list

As mentioned in the chapter alertGetPeriod, you have to specify default values for the parameters in

order to use the "Show Sample Data" button. If the default values are set, you can check the settings

before completing the configuration.

Figure: Sample Data


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Configuration of the Function dpQuery

This chapter describes the function dpQuery.

Function type

Select the function type dpQuery after creating and naming a new data set (see chapter data set) and

click on Next>..

Figure: Select the function type "dpQuery"


Shows the parameters that are available for the configuration. Select the parameters and click on Next>

Figure: Parameter Selection


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Function Parameters

Parameter Description

query SQL Statement


The project language. If you don't specify the

language, the function returns the default

language of the project. This means the default

language set in the config file of the project

(active language). If you, however, specify the

parameter "lang" in the config file, the language

of the "lang" parameter is returned. The

parameter "lang" is optional.


For further information regarding the function and parameters, see the CTRL function dpQuery. Note


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that the reporting function "dpQuery" contains the parameter "lang" in addition to the parameters of the

normal Control function.

SOAP Request

Figure: The SOAP Request

Click on Edit Parameter to specify values for the parameters:

Here you can see the query parameter for the function:

SELECT '_alert_hdl.._active, _alert_hdl.._act_text, _alert_class.._ack_type' FROM 'ExampleDP_Rpt1'

Figure: Edit Parameters


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A maximum of 6 attributes can be queried via the Reporting function dpQuery. There are 7 elements

available (columns 1 - 7 refer to Column Mapping). The column 1 is, however, automatically used for

the dp element.

Click on the OK button and click on Next>. See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description of the

SOAP request.

SOAP Response

No changes are necessary for this window. Click on Next>

Figure: The SOAP Response


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Row Mapping

Select "table" and click on the > button to select the XPath Expression. The "Select or edit the XPath

expression" window is opened. Select the option "XML elements named "table" at any location" and

click on the OK button. See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description.

Figure: The Row Mapping


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Column Mapping

The Column Mapping defines the columns for the table row. The columns are mapped to child elements

or attributes within the selected data row element. In contrast to row mapping, you can select several

elements. Select an element from the window on the left and click on the > button. The Column

mapping window is opened. Select the data type from the combo box as well as the option "XML

elements named "<element>" at any location". Click on the OK button.

Figure: The Column Mapping


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The column mapping contains the attributes:

column1 to column7 (A maximum of 6 attributes can be queried via the dpQuery function. There are 7

elements available (columns 1 - 7). The column 1 is, however, automatically used for the dp element. In

the figure above the following attributes were queried: _alert_hdl.._active, _alert_hdl.._act_text und

_alert_class.._ack_type, see the SQL query under Edit parameter.

You can also return the error code and the error text in addition to the alert attributes. Since these two

elements are located on the same level as the /table, you cannot return them in the same data set.

Thus, a second identical data set must be created to display the error code and the text.

Error code Description

-1 dpQuery failed

-2 Answergroup error


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As mentioned in the chapter alertGetPeriod, you have to specify default values for the parameters in

order to use the "Show Sample Data" button. If the default values are set, you can check the settings

before completing the configuration.

Figure: Sample Data

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