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Post on 26-Jun-2020






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Le superlatif exprime une qualité (positive ou négative) portée à l’extrême : - Il est le plus fort- C’est l’endroit le plus dangereux- C’est la ville la moins polluée

En français, le superlatif se forme de la façon suivante : le plus + adjectifEn anglais, il y a deux façons de traduire « le plus » suivant la longueur de l’adjectif qui suit.

Superlatifs en anglais   :

ADJECTIFS COURTS1 syllabe 2 syllabes finissant en -y

small > the smallest

big > the biggest

nice > the nicest

tasty > the tastiest

funny > the funniest

ADJECTIFS LONGS2 syllabes ne finissant pas en -y 3 syllabes et +

Famous > the most famous

Clever > the most clever

hospitable > the most hospitable

amazing > the most amazing

Superlatifs irréguliers :

good > the best (le meilleur) bad > the worst (le pire)

Superlatif d’infériorité : the least polluted (le moins pollué)


1. Lis le texte et relève les superlatifs du texte

Well, let’s start with Cairns where I met Fran, an Irish girl. She and I spent a day exploring the Great Barrier Reef. What an amazing experience! We went snorkeling. We saw the most superb fish and coral! Then, guess what! We saw whales! A mum and its baby… How fantastic! Really cool!

The next day we went to a Koala Zoo where we had one of our funniest experiences _ we met Elise, a pet koala who loved cuddles! Now Fran was hugging Elise and calling her “sweet darling Elise” in the most ridiculous way, when Elise decided to poo! I cracked up and took photos!!! I was so happy “sweet darling Elise” didn’t do that when I was cuddling her!


Start : commencer Cairns: name of a city meet : rencontrer spend : passer du tempsGreat Barrier Reef: la Grande Barrière de Corail (aller voir sur internet à quoi ça ressemble)

amazing: incroyable / extraordinaire go / went: aller snorkeling: see: voir

guess: imaginer whale:

have / had: avoir Cuddle: hug: serrer dans les bras crack up: take / took: prendre

Ecris les superlatifs du texte : the most superb fish One of our funniest experiences

In the most ridiculous way

2. Mets les adjectifs au superlatif

1. (deep = profond) the deepest lake is the world is in Russia. It is 1,637 meters deep.

2. Antarctica is (large) the largest desert in the world. It is a desert because it rarely rains.

3. The Atacama Desert in Chili is (dry) the driest desert. It receives 1mm of rain a year.

4. The Nile River is (famous) the most famous river in Africa. It is also (long) the longest.

5. Mount Everest is (high) the highest mountain in the world. It is 8848 meters high. It is also one of

(dangerous) the most dangerous mountains.

6. (big) The biggest rabbit (lapin) weighs (pèse) 13 kg.

7. The falcon (faucon) is (fast) the fastest predator.

8. The sloth (paresseux) is (slow) the slowest animal in the world.

9. The dolphin is (good-looking) the best-looking animal.

10. For me, the pizza is (delicious) the most delicious meal.

11. The elephant is (large) the largest terrestrial mammal in the world.

12. (old) The oldest tree is 4,900 years old.

3. Invent 2 sentences using two different adjectives. Each of your sentences must contain a superlative. The drawings can help you to have some ideas. ( Invente deux phrases avec 2 adjectifs différents. Chaque phrase doit contenir un superlatif. Les dessins sont là pour t’aider à avoir des idées. Tu peux faire des phrases avec d’autres éléments que ceux en dessin )

Par exemple :

1. Blue whales ae the biggest / the largest sea mammals in the world.

2. Chocolate cakes are the most delicious desserts.

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