content publishing in the digital ecosystem the role of the regulator

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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This document is offered compliments of BSP Media Group.

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� First I believe that there is an ethical, moral and professional imperative for the regulation of all content produced for broadcast including of course digital content. There are several ways to regulate Digital content-through active viewer /user complaints to the regulator. This is a universal practice and I believe that with multiplicity of content and multiplicity of platform that may very well remain a key and viable strategy for regulation.

In Nigeria, the Nigeria Broadcasting Code makes provisions for the regulation of all broadcast content emanating from licensed broadcast organizations in Nigeria-I believe that the rules apply generally i.e to both analogue and digital content. The challenge is for those not licensed or authorized by the regulator.

It is also a fact that the judicial process against libel, sedition and other unethical conducts will continue to be subjects of the courts - the courts may have to assume more jurisprudence and actively make pronouncements on cases related to digital content, if specific legislations are made for digital content. Technology itself will avail the regulator –the opportunities and capacity to record breachful content and analyze them for punitive or corrective purposes

•  First of all every player in the eco-system must understand the imperative of regulating content-because the misuse of content can be harmful to society-therefore producers, governments and other stakeholders must regard seriously the issue of content regulating and make it incumbent.

Government must establish rules that enable the licensing of all people who produce contents no matter what platform. Government must also ensure that the vehicles and platforms and duly licensed.

� The question of content reflecting community needs is one that is entrenched in the broad principles of the national mass communication policy.-section 0.2.4 of the broadcasting Code, clearly provides that –broadcasting must satisfy the following needs of the society- a truthful, comprehensive, intelligent account of each days local, regional, national and international events that have significant impact on the Nigerian community. The Broadcasting Code also states that local content regulation is essentially to promote and sustain Nigeria’s diverse cultures, moves, folk lores and community life

To achieve the above, the code defines the character of local content programme as programmes which are made by Nigerians or under creative control/supervision of Nigerians.

The code further states that –the selection of foreign programmes shall reflect the developmental needs of the Nigerian nation and respect Nigerian cultural sensibilities.

Thank You

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