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2011 Spring Summer IssueUnited We Stand

The darkest MFG you have ever been...

Dialogue in the DarkI am so glad to be the chairman of VJC May Monthly Fellowship Gathering - Dialogue in the Dark. This is my first time to organize event for VJC as a Chairman and very fortunate that it is "FULL HOUSE".

The main reason I am glad to be the chairman of this event because it is a meaningful event that could assist the Dialogue in the Dark to promote their mission:

1. To bridge the gap between disabled groups and the rest of society.2. To create jobs for the visually impaired.3. To raise awareness and tolerance in society towards disadvantaged groups.

I believe all our participants including have already raised awareness to the disabled groups and will help they whenever possible. In the 75 minutes in the dark, we realized the fear of living without eyes; we experienced the inconvenience; and the world with no light and color.

This is not the worst, the worst is being discriminated. Try to put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself what do you need, if you were one of them. Love!!

Wayne HungProject Chairman

Connie Woo2011 President

This year marks a new beginning for our chapter as we stepped into the 61st year.

Starting something new is always difficult, especially when we have 60 year of history behind. However, as Victorians, we are not afraid of challenges. We are here to create, to learn, to develop, to lead and to push our chapter to a new heights.

As such, for the past couple of months, we have implemented many new ideas and activities for our chapter. Amazingly, with the help of the board members and our beloved VJC members, we have experience a very high participation rate for all the events we hosted so far.

Most of all, in good times and in bad times, we enjoy and treasure the time we spent together as a family. United We Stand, let’s carry on!!!

2011 Spring Summer Issue

May is always a special month for me. It is a month of carnation, a month of compassion, a month of celebrating the greatest love of our beloved mother. May is a special month for Victorians too. It is my great pleasure to be the National Assigned Executive Officer of Victoria Junior Chamber, which is the most senior chapter among the 19 chapters affiliated to Junior Chamber International Hong Kong. In such a special occasion, I have witnessed and celebrated the 61st birthday with our joyful Victorians. Victorians always give us the impression of being energetic, innovative, creative and friendly. Having the longest history in Hong Kong, Victoria Junior Chamber has nurtured and cultivated a lot of outstanding leaders in our society.

Through organzing her flagship community development project “Grandparents’ Day” since 1990, it has aroused public awareness of family harmony and the importance of showing care and respect to the elderly. In the past few years, this project has reinforced closer relationship among the three generations from grandparents to grandchildren. Lastly, I wish Victoria Junior Chamber a happy 61st birthday and every success in the coming projects.

Frances CheungNational Vice President, JCIHK


2011 Spring Summer Issue3

HighlightsVJC Inauguration Ceremony 2011

A Great Start for VJC 2011

2011 VJC Inaurguration Ceremony has been successfully held on 25-Jan-2011. We have got full house support from our members and guests to witness this remarkable moment. We are also honor to invite Dr. Hon. Samson Tam Wai Ho, JP be our Guest of Honor for the ceremony. His speech has inspired us to think about the development of young leaders.

"United We Stand!" is the slogan for VJC this year. The Board of Directors has showed their unity, passion and dedication to lead the chapter. Many new projects will be launched this year. The challenges and the opportunities will definitely provide a great development platform to nurture great leaders.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to be chairman in 2011 VJC Inauguration Ceremony. The success cannot be realized without the determination of organization committee and the supports from advisers and board of directors. Victorian, stay in tune, be united, enjoy the exciting moments and the learning opportunities with us.

Chris TamProject ChairmanMembership Extension Director President Connie held the Opening

Ceremony with National President, Honorary Life President and Guest of Honor Dr. Hon. Samson Tam Wai Ho, JP.

IPP Boy passed the President Chain to Connie, our 2011 President.

2011 VJC Board of Directors swore to serve.

Highlights - VJC

Leadership TrainingKnowing OurselvesPage 6

2011 Spring Summer Issue4 Highlights - VJC


It’s a wonderful experience to have so many VJC members, friends and families get together during our Feb MFG. Whether it is the tour of some significant landmarks and factories of Yuen Long, Chinese Lion Dance, Clay pot dinner or funny lucky draw has given all the JCI members an remarkable evening. I really appreciate all of your participations and I hope that everyone had a great time. Thank you to all the members tidy up the dining area so we can return the ancestor temple neatly back to the host after the event. Also, it is my great pleasure to work with other 5 chambers – Yuen Long JC, Ocean JC, Sha Tin JC, Lion Rock JC, Tai Ping Shan JC. Without their detail coordination, dedication and planning, all of us would not be having so much fun on the event day. Another thing we should really feel proud of ourselves because our chamber has the most participants among all – more than 55 participants on the event day! Remember: United We stand!

February Monthly Fellowship Gathering

Six Rabbits Celebrate Together

Eric ChanPublic Relations Director

Six Presidents wrote “Fai Chun” together.

We were eating the “Poon Choi”.

VJC 2011 wish.The firecracker is so long.

United We Stand

2011 Spring Summer Issue5 Highlights - VJC










2011 Spring Summer Issue6 Highlights - VJC

This time is my fourth time being chairlady for JC event. Compared with the first one, I found that my leadership and presentation skill have improved, at least it is easier for me to deliver the Thought of Thanks at the end of event Haha ^^” Indeed, VJC is a place which can help to explore my potential to be a leader. Here, I would like to heartfelt thanks the guidance and support from all the Presidents, Advisors and Supervising Officers I have worked with so far. I do learn a lot from them!!

From Day 1 planning to event day, I enjoy every process and more importantly, I am happy to learn with new friends from different background and working styles, like this time - All my OC members are Prospective members. I believe all of us not only “knowing ourselves”, but also applying the knowledge and insight we gained from each other throughout the process. Once again, thank you so much for President Connie, SO Chris and my OC team – Selina, Wayne, Keith, Drake and Danny to make the event smooth and success. They were very helpful and kind to me. Best wishes for them and looking forward to have more VJC’s meaningful events coming!!

VJC Leadership Training <Knowing Ourselves>

About ourselves... who knows?

Wendy ChanProject Chairlady

President Connie present the token of appreciation to the guest speaker Alexander.

Participants were preparing their presentation.

“Let’s present!” Past President Benny shared his experience to our members.

How concentrated they are.

2011 Spring Summer Issue7 Highlights - VJC

Dinner at 蓮香樓

Monthly Happy Hour

May Monthly Fellowship Gathering

Induction ceremony.

Birthday celebration for April and May birthday stars.

United We StandWe, Victoria, is not only an organization but we are the Victoria Family. Through projects, we aim at providing our members opportunities to challenge themselves, giving them chances to broaden their networking locally and internationally, developing them to become future leaders. Most of all, the non-stop laughter we have and the true friendship we built are something that tights Victorians together.

2011 Spring Summer Issue8 Highlights - VJC

UnitedWe stand

2011 Spring Summer Issue9 Highlights - JCIHK



January, usually is the busiest month of the year as one of the Chinese Proverb stated “一年之計在於春”, all the planning should be done in Spring or it will be too late. Not only we are busy planning, we are also trying our best to join the inaugural ceremonies for other chapters to share the happy moments with our JC friends.


NOM & LOMs Inaugrations

2011 Spring Summer Issue10 Highlights - JCIHK

JCIHK Sports Day 2011

Fly over the peak

JCIHK Sports Day was held on 1 May 2011. The theme of this year is “Fly over the peak”. Finally, we have got a great results as follows:

First runner-up in Best Male AthleteGold Medal in Male DiscusGold Medal in Male Shot putGold Medal in Male High JumpSilver Medal in Male Long JumpBrozen Medal in Female Discus

JCIHK 5 Stars Training

Come on,our future stars

President Connie, VP Jan, MED Chris and IAD Brian celebrated Wayne’s graduation.

Wayne and his classmates.

Graduation Assignment?

5 Stars Training was held on 5-6 March 2011. Our new member Wayne took part in it. It is a wonderful experience for him.



與中央統戰部副部長尤蘭田女士合照 “起來!起來!起來!”畢業了!

中央統戰部 黨旗天安門廣場升旗禮,嘩!很早呢。

2011 Spring Summer Issue11 Highlights - JCIHK

Prospective Members Orientation


2011 Spring Summer Issue12 International

InternationalThe 40th Anniversary of Junior Chamber International Korea Seoul Dongdaemun

Tawau JC, JCI Malaysia (1974) Tainan JC, JCI Taiwan (1985) JCI Osaka, Japan (1989) Seoul Dongdaemoon JC, JCI Korea (2002)

Sister Chapters (Year of sisterhood signed)

This year, not only is the 40th Anniversary of our Sister Chapter JCI Seoul Dongdaemun but also the 10th Anniversary of our sister pack since we had the twinning in the year 2002. It’s my honor that two of my Presidential advisors, Past President Clara and Winnie together with our 2002 Past President Benny to join me in this trip. Of course my IA team and friends were also traveling with me to Korea to celebrate this wonderful event.

Although I have been to Korea for couple of times, this was my first time visiting our sister Chapter Seoul Dongdaemun JC. For the 4 days and 3 nights, we had visited so many different places including the unforgettable night in Korea local disco/night club, the famous Nami Island, the great scenery at the countryside with “Sakura” all of over the place. In addition to that, I would never forget the fantastic Korean chicken soup, the hot Korean noodle at the sidewalk and the Korean hot pot at the middle of the night. For those who have not been to any International activities with us, I strongly encourage you to join us next time to experience yourselves.

Photo with JCI Korea Seoul Dongdaemun 2011 President Yong Soon Kwon.

Connie Woo2011 President

2011 Spring Summer Issue International13

Meeting with Osaka JC, Japan 2011 President Tahachi Hatch Ikeda (池田太八) at World Congress 2010.

Meet our overseas friends

Meeting with Singapore City JC 2011 President Marcellus Ryan Tan.

Meeting with Manila JC 2011 President Kenneth Lim.

Meeting with JCI Cambodia, Phnom Penh 2011 President Vireak VA.


Do you know the Birthday of Victoria Junior Chamber?

It is 6 May 1950.

Photo with our Friendship Chapter Junior Chamber Perlas Pasay, Philippines JC

International Friendships.

Drake Chan(Ah Lap)

People Newly inducted members

New propective members

Keith Wat Danny Yiu

I am Thomas Lau. It is my great pleasure to become VJC member. I would like to hold more projects on community and business area to contribute to our society and earn more friendship.

Thomas Lau

I am an Introversion but no one believes. I believe every success in the future requires efforts. So first thing I need to do is refine myself get more experience. VJC can provide me the platform to do this.

Wayne Hung

I am a easy-going person with a good temper. Wish to learn how to set a goal and reach the goal in VJC

Hinki Chong

Be simple, be happy!

Selina Lam

2011 Spring Summer Issue14 People

Becky Sun

Brenda Wong

Stephen Ip

Fonnie Chan

Message from Editor-in-Chief

Sammy Chui Vice President

I am glad that I could be the Editor-in-Chief of “Contact”, the publication last for tone of years. “United, We stand” is the theme of VJC this year. I hope Contact can let you know more about VJC and make us be closer, be United!


Contact Editor-in-Chief Sammy Chui Mobile: 8100 1041

2011 Spring Summer Issue15 People, Upcoming

Birthday StarsJAN

Happy birthday to you all!Andrew Yip


FEB Cynthia ChanAdrian Au Edwin Wu

Enda ChanDaniel ChowJimmy Bonds Lam

Eric ChanClara Pei

Drake ChanKeith WatBenny Lam

Angela YingStephen Ip

Jason Chan Danny Yiu

Chris TamFrank PakBecky Sun




KK LamJan Lai

John ChanMay LeeAnita Kwok

Gin Lee


日  期:2011年5月29日(星期日)

時  間:下午二時至五時

費  用:港幣50元正




53th Annivesary Ceremony of our sister Chapter Tainan JC, Taiwan will be held on 23 July 2011

22nd Grandparents’ Day Second Sunday of Octoberon 9 Oct this year.






籌委會主席 陳總

宣傳主委  洪委

電話:9505 8288 電郵

電話:9666 0407 電郵

2011 Spring Summer Issue16 Upcoming

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