consumer behaviour ans

Post on 03-Apr-2015






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What’s up with our fascination with bigness?

Is this a uniquely American preference?

Do you believe that “bigger’s better?”

Is this a sound marketing strategy?


This is really a kind of mass psychology thing - Americans go

through this phase every few years and it usually shows underlying

feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. .

During the Cold War, big cars with big tail fins, big suburban homes,

and big breasted models like Marilyn Monroe were all the rage. By

the late 60s and early 70s, smaller cars, simpler living, and thin

models like Twiggy were popular. You can even see it in the types of

music and movies that were popular - big, overproduced songs and

music in the fifties versus stripped down, more personal movies and

singer-songwriter music in the early 70s.

This isn't unique to America, but it may be expressed in different

ways in a particular culture. .

DeMause came to prominence with book "Reagan's America" and

"The Emotional Life of Nations" in the 1980s, studying psychological

"cycles"; that large groups go through periodically, which influence

consumer and political behavior.




What’s your take on this issue?

How do you react when one of your favorite songs turns up

in a commercial?

Is this use of nostalgia an effective way to market a

product? Why or why not?


If the artists want to sell their work for commercial use, then

that's their choice, really. It's one of the few ways they can make

some money in the music industry today.

I find it disrespectful though when the work of deceased artists is

used in a way that it's unlikely they would have approved in their


It depends on the genre of music. For example, more

"mainstream" pop or rock hits turning up in commercials is hardly

surprising. Advertisers hope that the popularity of the song will

increase the popularity of the product.

It is each musician's choice whether to sell their tunes. It doesn't

work for me. No, I don't think it is effective marketing. I notice

the song, not the product.

It completely depends on the genre of music. Hearing an 80’s pop

tune in a Diet Pepsi commercial about regaining youth works well.

I don't believe that the use of a "favorite" song is really an

effective way to market a product. When I hear a song being

used, it may have opened his music to a new generation, having

it used in a car commercial really takes away from the music

itself as people then tend to associate the song with the product

and it loses its value as a piece of art. I believe that original



pieces that are specifically written for commercials would be the

best way to go.




Perhaps the appropriate question is not does sex sell, but

should sex sell?

What are your feelings about the blatant use of sex to sell


Do you think this tactic works better when selling to men

than to women?

Does exposure to unbelievably attractive men and women

models only make the rest of us “normal” folks unhappy and


Under what conditions (if any) should sex be used as a

marketing strategy?


Beauty sells. Celebrities sell. And if you don’t have any other

creative idea than sex, Sex still sells. That is why the exploitation

of skin shows. Normal people do not compare to the ones on ads!

Forget that, not every one compares himself/herself with the


Hutch's Pug sold! And all Airtel Ads sell without sex. It all depends

on the creative people behind the campaign.

Well, if you work in advertising, you should know that advertising

is really all about group psychology, tapping in to the base

desires and fears of consumers.

It depends on the product, of course, and the segment of the

market you're selling to. You might want your product associated

with something that has other desirable characteristics like being

authoritative or showing leadership or nurturing, helpfulness and




Sex, in one form or another, should really be used in cases where

it's a strong motivator for your target audience and isn't a strong

"turn off" for another audience you're trying to reach. It's as

simple as that.

These things really cut across audiences with different value

systems. Here in the Southern US, for example, which can be

very conservative about sex and more concerned about religion

and "family values", a successful ad campaign using sex might be

expressed a little differently than one that would appeal to the

same group in more liberal areas. But the sex angle is still there.

Sometimes, it's not about how much you show, but how you

imply it.

I think that exposure to sex will make "normal" people unhappy

and insecure if they have a lot of insecurity within themselves

already. And no amount of airbrushing (or lack thereof) will

change that for a person. Does it happen? All the time! But

usually to young adults who already is struggling with their own

identity crisis.

For the above "should sex sell?” My answer is "Why shouldn't it?”

People love it! Sex is primal for every person - men and women

alike if the below requirements meat:

1. Use of sex to sell products works. But please remember

that it's very difficult to get away with, unless your brand

is, say, Condom.

2. I wouldn't use sex as a marketing strategy (I'm a

professional) but I would definitely incorporate "sexy"

into my campaign if it, makes sense, is relevant to the



product and won't get me in trouble with the campaign

pulled off the air. (AIDS awareness)




Visit or another site that offers a personalized

mannequin. Surf around. Try on some clothes. How was

your experience – how helpful was this mannequin?

When you shop for clothes online, would you rather see how

they look on a body with dimensions the same as yours, or

on a different body?

What advice can give Web site designers who are trying to

personalize theses shopping environments by creating life –

like models to guide you through the site?


All I will say is keep it as simple as possible. New technology is

great and

there is some fantastic innovation in what you're discussing but

ultimately it is quite easy to go into a high-street shop, browse

clothing, try something on and purchase. I would also agree this

sounds great, but throwing in all the bells and whistles has its

own drawbacks.

I see the points of the previous posters about complexity and

load time; however this is the direction of the web. You've just

got to keep it straight forward and obvious. This is easier said

than done, but when done correctly any typical web user can

enjoy a great experience on your website. Also, we have to keep

in mind that the more technology we add, the slower the page

will run/load, the greater the chance the user will not have the

proper plug- in and will give up and move on to something else.

Example: - what was the site, it has an upfront Flash feature that

takes easily 30 seconds to load on my PC before the site even

launches - that's taking a big risk with the average attention span

of a web user.



I think the mannequin was quite helpful. This is one of those

things that's really tough to shop for online. When I shop for

clothes online I would love to see the clothes on a model or

mannequin with a similar build. Lastly, see above and of course,

don't overdo it. Give your visitor what they want in the best (not

necessarily "coolest") possible way for them.

Trying to replicate the process is fine but online it should be

made intuitive and easy. Put it this way if along the way I feel

that I would rather see how they look my body with all the

dimensions the same as mine.




What is and what should be the role of fashion in our


How important is it for people to be in style?

What are the pros and cons of keeping up with the latest


Do you believe that we are at the mercy of designers?


I guess it’s a very minuscule view of the whole cycle. Fashion is

not blindly following what's in style but it's more a mix of what's

in style and what suits you. By blindly following a six-inch heel

trend one is a fashion disaster and not a leader.

If you say that we are the mercy of designers for apparel than

why not same apply to other products/ styles designed. A basic

landline for sufficient to keep in touch with people, why did we

choose to opt for mobile and that too pretty expensive ones

which leave deep holes in our pockets. Should we start blaming

Apple, Nokia, and HTC for offering?

1. What do you think? What is and what should be the role of

fashion in our society?

- Six inch heals eventually will land the wearer in the emergency

room with a sprained ankle or worse. Give the customer what

they want, not what the designer wants. Fashion should give

to wearer; the positive attitude about his/her looks.

2. How important is it for people to be in style?

- Now a day’s many people want to go with latest trends. Mostly

the people related with fashion, modeling world.

3. What are the pros and cons of keeping up with the latest




- Pros: You stand out (not necessarily in a good way though)

Cons: You stand out (not necessarily in a bad way though)

4. Do you believe that we are at the mercy of designers?

- No I do not agree that we are at the mercy of designers; there

are so many styles to choose from. Nobody can force us for a

particular style; we can go with the style which suit us and

with which we feel comfortable.



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