construction of images

Post on 05-Dec-2014



Art & Photos



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Construction of Images

By Rathina Gunapalan

Construction of Front Cover

These are the Picture that I took for my Front Cover

Two pictures with Mastheads

These were my final three that I chose

However…On this one it would have been difficult to put cover Lines around

The resolution of this one wasn’t good enough


First of all on Photoshop I had to get the right size of the picture to have the same conventions as NME.So I used the Crop Tool and changed the width to 243mm and Height to 297mm, which are the same as NME’s.I saved it as a JPEG.


On InDesign I opened a new document using the same height and width. Then used Place to put the picture on the spread sheet.I also used Place to add in my Masthead

Layout of Front CoverMasthead


Cover Lines

Free Promo



For my Barcode I got an image from Google and resized it to make it skinny, then I added a white box next to it on InDesign and added the Date and Price of the different currencies just like NME, because my Magazine is also published by IPC Media but owned by Time Inc, so there would be currencies of American Dollar too.

Contents Images

Using Photo Shop I cropped them using the same height and width of 297mm. If a backgrounds had a shadow on it I would quick select the person in the picture and then add layer and use Gradient Tool to change the background colour.

Cropping the Picture.

Saving it as a JPEG

These are the Picture that I took for my Contents Page and Double Page Spread

Layout of Contents PageThis is a layout of what my Contents Page is going to look like. It closely follows the Conventions of Nme. NME usually has 7-10 pictures in their Contents Page however I wasn’t able to take a variety of pictures, which is why I made it so that there only be 5 pictures. Unlike NME who uses a lot of pictures to balance out text and Images, I also did this by making the pictures bigger.I wasn’t able to add an advertisement, which is why, again I resized the picture.

Even though the colours and font of the Contents Title matched the Masthead, The Contents title stood out more than the articles.

I followed the conventions of NME in which I added bold large page numbers so it is easier for Readers to navigate through the pages

I also added a Plus feature in which Readers are able to easily go to their preferred page.


I used the same font as my Masthead to show that there is a connection between them. I followed the conventions of NME in which I make the text only in black and simple but the pictures in colour so that they stand out more.

Construction of Double Page

Layout of Double Page Spread

I tried to layout the page similar to NME but as I didn’t have many usable Images I didn’t have the same number of pictures as NME.I used capital, bold fonts to show that it’s important as well as to attract the Reader’s attention.

Final Double Page Spread

I followed the Conventions of NME by not having a full bleed Image as it is only a review, and Readers are more interested in the written than the Image itself although it would instantly familiarize with the audience as some would then know who the artist is that is mentioned.

Construction of Advert

Using Photoshop I cut out the iphone using the quick selection tool

I did the same here I used the quick selection tool to cut out the background. It was difficult to quick select the hand which is why I had to cut it out using a Polygonal Lasso tool and then later add it on with the picture.As the Image wasn’t big enough for the same size as NME I had to gon Image and the go on Canvas Size to add extra space

I copied the iphone picture onto the picture of my friend, then adding a layer, I set a black background using the Gradient Tool.

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