connecting you with care eeoc board of directors meeting...

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Connecting you With care Votre !len aux soms

South West

eeoc case Community Centre d octh Care Access au1 soms Centn! communaut11res

du Sud-Ouest

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 TIME: 11:00 a.m. PLACE: 356 Oxford St. W., London

CHAIR: Mary Lapaine, Board Chair

RECORDER: Cate Patchett, Corporate Liaison

MEMBERS: Sandra Coleman, Chief Executive Officer Linda Ballantyne, Board Secretary Ed De Decker, Board Vice Chair Glen Elliott, Board Member [Teleconference] Brian Hadley, Board Member Evelyn Harris-Williams, Past Board Chair Dr. Claude Lanfranconi, Board Treasurer [Teleconference] Don Keillor, Board Member Bonnie Monteith, Board Member Jean Peacock, Board Member Andy Werner, Board Member

GUESTS: Nancy Dooi-Kontio, Sr. Director, Strategic Planning & Integration Hilary Halliday, Sr. Director, Corporate Services & CFO Gord Milak, Sr. Director, Performance Management & Accountability Dan Burns, CEO, OACCAC [Item #3]

REGRETS: Donna Ladouceur, Sr. Director, Client Services Jacquie Mockler, Sr. Director, Human Resources & Organizational Development


1. Call to Order 1.1 Opening and Welcome

M. La paine opened the meeting at 11:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone. In respect of honouring a CCAC employee who recently passed away, M. Lapaine asked for a moment of silence.

South West CCAC Board of Directors Meeting - February 6, 2013


Declaration of Conflict of Interest

According to Bylaw No. 2, Articles 6.10-16 and Policy V-A-3, based on today's Meeting Agenda and the information in the agenda package received by the Board, there were no conflicts of interest declared.

2. Approval of Agendas 2.1 Approval of Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda of the February 6/13 meeting was approved on MOTION by A. Werner and SECONDED by B. Monteith.


2.2 Approval of Agenda

The Agenda of the February 6/13 meeting was approved on MOTION by E. De Decker and SECONDED by E. Harris-Williams with a revision to move Item: #4.1: eHealth and cSWO Update to the In Camera session as Item #5.1.


3. Build Relationships 3.1 OACCAC and CCAC Sector Provincial Update


Dan Burns, CEO of the Ontario Association of CCACs was in attendance with an update on his activities since being appointed November 15/12. He provided an overview of CCACs' position in Ontario's evolving political and governmental situation, and shared his commitment to furthering the Association's advocacy and partnerships on behalf of CCACs. In Camera Session

It was MOVED by B. Monteith and SECONDED by E. Harris-Williams that the Board move into an In Camera session.


It was MOVED by L. Ballantyne and SECONDED by C. Lanfranconi that the Board move out of its In Camera session, noting acceptance of reports for Items #4 - #6.


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South West CCAC Board of Directors Meeting - February 6, 2013


7. Ensure Program Quality and Effectiveness 7.1 Client Quality of Care Story

In its role to ensure quality care, the Board received an account of two quality of care client stories, one where the care experience could have had a better outcome, and one where the care experience had a good outcome. The Board heard what happened in each scenario, what was learned from it, and what is being done about it. The Board had an opportunity for discussion as to how a culture of quality and client safety within the CCAC can be led, supported and sustained by the Board.

8. Ensure Financial Viability 8.1 Monthly Financial Report for Period Ending December/12

The Board received for information the Monthly Financial Report for the period ending December/12 whereby H. Halliday provided a high level summary of the financial position for the period, advising that strategies are in place to ensure a balanced budget for fiscal year-end.

9. Ensure Board Effectiveness 9.1 Governance Committee Report

9.l.l Recruitment and Nomination Process

D. Keillor reported that the Governance Committee has begun working on a recruitment and nomination process as per the Board's multi-year rotation schedule approved at the June 27/12 Board Meeting designed to ensure a balance of Board Member terms.

Referring the Board to a Recruitment and Nomination Cycle flow chart prepared by the Committee, it was MOVED by D. Keillor and SECONDED by E. De Decker that the Board approve the process as presented. As a first step in the 2013 recruitment and nomination process, D. Keillor advised that Board Members will be asked to complete an online survey providing information in the areas of knowledge and expertise, and direct experience as well as 'What's in the Future'. The responses to these surveys will be collected in a Competency and Profile matrix which will assist the Committee in identifying Board competency and capacity gaps and redundancies and in recommending what criteria the Board should recruit for.


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South West CCAC Board of Directors Meeting- February 6, 2013



A recommendation for a Call for Application to Become a Member will be forthcoming at the March 6/13 Board Meeting with the goal to have new Board Members ready for consideration in June or September of this year.

9.1.2 Board Meeting Survey Evaluation Results

D. Keillor reported that the Committee reviewed the results of Board meeting evaluation surveys completed since its last meeting in May observing the Board feels very well informed and conducts very effective meetings. It was noted Board Member comments are generally positive and that any actionable items have or will be followed up on as appropriate.

9.1.3 Putting Generative Governance into Practice

D. Keillor advised that the Committee reflected on the Board's progress in putting generative governance into practice over the last year using the 'Silent Start' strategy, both in the context of the meeting and in pre-meeting surveys, and noted from meeting evaluations that this has helped the Board advance its generative mode. The Committee reviewed the list of strategies previously developed by the Board and in discussing what further recommendations could be implemented, agreed the 'Counterpoint' strategy would be used during the generative governance discussion item at the next Board meeting. Two Board Members have been designated to make counterarguments to the recommendations. This will help to ensure that all points of view have been considered in the Board's decision-making process.

Build Relationships 10.1 OACCAC/CCAC Accountability Framework Agreement

As recommended and noting the rigorous process, it was MOVED by C. Lanfranconi and SECONDED by E. Harris-Williams that the Board delegate authority for the Board Chair, Mary Lapaine and CEO, Sandra Coleman, to finalize without material change, and sign the Members Agreement between the OACCAC and the fourteen CCACs; and to approve the Members Agreement as an agreement that the OACCAC may enter into.


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South West CCAC Board of Directors Meeting - February 6, 2013


The Agreement clarifies the operational accountabilities of the CCACs to each other, and of the CCACs and OACCAC to each other. It was noted CCACs have achieved significant value to the health care system working as a collective, supported by the OACCAC.

11. Adjournment and Next Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50p.m. Next meeting:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 11:00- 3:00p.m.

1147 Dundas St., Woodstock

Meeting Feedback- The Board was reminded to complete the online meeting evaluation survey.


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