confirmation reflection

Post on 12-Sep-2015






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Gabriel MarquezJohn Michael Reyes1 July 2015

The sacrament of Confirmation, along with Baptism and the Eucharist are important events that allow for initiation into Christianity. Confirmation deepens our relationship with God and strengthens our ability to spread and defend our faith. Being confirmed shows that we have a commitment to our faith in God and gives us a sense of belonging in the Church. By welcoming the Holy Spirit into our lives, we are able to see that Christ is present in church and in our everyday lives. The Eucharist is a form of giving thanks. It is a gathering in which we thank God for his sacrifice that allowed us to have the opportunity to eat food each day so that we may live a healthy life. His love and mercy are present in the bread and wine offered to us when receiving Communion. The act of taking Communion brings us closer to God, as we celebrate and give thanks to Him for his love and sacrifice. We experience the Eucharist during Mass. Our community shares a common love and thankfulness for Jesus. Our experience of the Eucharist changes the way we think of others; we help those in need because Jesus teaches us to love one another. We go to Church to practice our faith because we have sinned and we ask for Gods forgiveness. Similar to how Jesus was resurrected, we are also reborn and forgiven for our sins. God is present in our lives and at Church. His teachings are present in the liturgy and the Bible. The Eucharist is a gift from God that nourishes us during Communion. Through the Eucharist, God enters our life and fills it with His grace. By allowing God into our lives, we are able to live out his teachings and live better lives because we are made in His image.

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