conditional gans for painting generation · adeel mufti, biagio antonelli, julius monello the...

Post on 28-Jun-2020






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Conditional GANs For Painting Generation

Adeel Mufti, Biagio Antonelli, Julius Monello

The University of Edinburgh

AbstractWe examined the use of modern GenerativeAdversarial Nets to generate novel images ofoil paintings using the Painter By Numbersdataset. We implemented Spectral Normal-ization GAN (SN-GAN) and Spectral Nor-malization GAN with Gradient Penalty, andcompared their outputs to a Deep Convo-lutional GAN. Visually, and quantitativelyaccording to the Sliced Wasserstein Distancemetric, we determined that the SN-GANproduced paintings that were most com-parable to our training dataset. We thenperformed a series of experiments to addsupervised conditioning to SN-GAN, theculmination of which is what we believe tobe a novel architecture that can generate facepaintings with user-specified characteristics.

1. Introduction

A motivation for this work can be given by RichardFeynman, who once stated: “What I cannot create, Ido not understand.” Not only are Generative Adver-sarial Networks capable of creating entirely new data(such as images, text, or speech), they do so in anadversarial manner. This adversarial training enablesthe generative portion of the network to continuallyimprove its representation of the true data distribu-tion (that it attempts to capture and generate) untilits outputs are indistinguishable from the real data.The uses for generative models are endless, rangingfrom image denoising, to video generation, to speechsynthesis. Their generative process can be thought ofsimilar to the way the human brain dreams, imagines,and predicts. Because adversarially trained genera-tive models parameterize real world data in order togenerate new samples, they tend to learn efficient,alternate representations of the data, which can besaid to have a deeper understanding of the data.

The ultimate objective of our work was to train aGAN conditioned on different attributes of paintingsin order to generate novel paintings that have speci-fied attributes of our choosing. We believe that suc-cessful implementations of conditional GANs couldhave a number of interesting applications in new andnot heavily explored areas. For example, they could

be used by artists and other creatives to aid in theidea generation process for new projects, perhapsbased on their own previous work and work of otherartists.

For our work, we first sought to improve upon base-line results previously achieved: since our initial ex-periments run using the Deep Convolutional GAN(DC-GAN) (Radford et al., 2015) architecture did notproduce ‘paintings’ that were close to human indis-tinguishable from the training data, we set out toexplore recent state-of-the-art GAN architectures inorder to improve our results. This was especiallyimportant due to the fact that conditioning our GANon image attributes effectively reduces the numberof training examples, as the data are now split perattribute.

More specifically, our initial goal was to create aGAN using the techniques and architecture detailedby Miyato et al. (2018) and measure its improvementon our baseline. From there, in a further attempt toimprove our generated images, we added an addi-tional “gradient penalty" as specified by Gulrajaniet al. (2017). We then aimed to add conditioningto our best performing GAN architecture, as mea-sured quantitatively by the sliced Wasserstein dis-tance (SWD) between generated and real images, aswell as qualitatively via our own perception.

We focused on paintings in 4 categories while im-proving our baselines: landscapes, flowers, portraits,and pre-processed portraits (which we will call faces)– again taken from the Painter by Numbers (PBN)dataset (Duck, 2016). We chose to condition thepaintings – specifically the faces – on characteristicsspecified by Microsoft’s Facial Recognition API1. Inorder to improve the final quality of our generatedconditional images, we additionally used portraitstaken from the Behance Artistic Media (BAM) dataset(Wilber et al., 2017).

The structure of this paper is as follows. We first de-tail the theory behind recent related works in Sec. 2.From there, we describe the methodological under-pinnings of our experiments in Sec. 3, after which wediscuss in detail our experiments and results in Sec .4.In Sec. 5, we summarise our experimental results and










] 6




remark on our findings.

2. Related Work

Generative Adversarial Nets were proposed by Good-fellow et al. (2014) and consist of 2 neural networkswith adversarial goals: a discriminative model D anda generative model G. D is trained on images froma ‘real’ distribution, and G, given random (usuallyuniformly drawn) noise z, generates new images inan attempt to trick D into classifying the images asemanating from the real distribution. Thus, discrimi-nator D’s goal is to give probabilities near 0 to imagesgenerated by G, which we will call G(z); generatorG’s goal is to get D to assign its images probabilitiesnear 1. This amounts to a minimax game, with thegoal of the entire network to optimize the followingloss function:



L(D, G) = Ex∼pr


]+ Ex∼pg

[log(1− D(x))



where pr is the real data distribution, pg is the gen-erator’s learned distribution, and D(x) ∈ [0, 1] isthe classification by the discriminator. At the opti-mal value for D, this loss function can be rewrittento be in terms of the distance measure known asJensen-Shannon (JS) divergence between the real andgenerated distributions (Goodfellow et al., 2014).

This original formulation of GANs (using the JS di-vergence) was certainly groundbreaking, but suffersfrom many problems during training, most notableof which are:

• Mode collapse: the generator G learns a settingof parameters wherein it only produces one im-age. This successfully fools the discriminator,but prevents G from learning the extent of thereal data distribution.

• Vanishing gradient: as the discriminator getsbetter at discerning real versus generated images,then D(x)→ 1 for images x drawn from pr andD(x) → 0 for x ∼ pg. This causes the gradientof Eq. 1 to go towards 0, and in the optimalcase where D is never wrong, the gradient is0. So, if D improves too much, then learningslows significantly or even stops. And on theother hand, if D does not improve much, then Gcannot learn to make better images.

• No clear evaluation metric: since the true datadistribution pr is not known, and also calculatingthe full distribution of pg is often not possible(as with other generative models), there is noone quantitative metric by which to evaluate thegenerated images (Theis et al., 2015).

Salimans et al. (2016) suggested a series of improve-ments to account for these issues, notably mini-batchdiscrimination (wherein D looks at batches of gener-ated images rather than one at a time) to help withmode collapse, and label smoothing, wherein thepredictions of D are restricted so as not to get tooclose to 1, in order to help the vanishing gradientproblem. Arjovsky & Bottou (2017) suggested addingGaussian noise to the inputs of D to further help withthe vanishing gradient problem. In a followup paper,Arjovsky et al. (2017) proposed using the Wasserstein(also known as Earth-Mover) distance as a metric bywhich to evaluate the similarity between pr and pg:

W(pr, pg) = sup‖ f‖L≤1


[f (x)


[f (x)


where f is the discriminator (which maps from thereal image space to R) as long as

∥∥ f∥∥

L ≤ 1 is satisfied.∥∥ f∥∥

L ≤ 1 enforces f to be 1-Lipschitz continuous.While the full consequences of 1-Lipschitz continuityare outside the scope of this report, the main resultis that the Wasserstein distance between pr and pgis constrained to be continuous and differentiablenearly everywhere, with a well-behaved gradient. Eq.2 can be reformulated into a loss function, whichforms the basis of the Wasserstein GAN (Arjovskyet al., 2017):

L(pr, pg) = maxw∈W






(3)Here, the discriminator learns a function w that is 1-Lipschitz continuous in order to compute the Wasser-stein distance. The loss decreasing during trainingcorresponds to a reduction in the Wasserstein dis-tance between pr and pg, and the generator producesmore realistic images.

In order to enforce the 1-Lipschitz constraint on thediscriminator, Arjovsky et al. (2017) simply clippedthe weights of the discriminator to small values, whileadmitting that their solution has major faults andcould certainly be improved upon. Notably, Gulra-jani et al. (2017) point out that without taking specialcare to tune the bounds of the weight clipping, con-vergence can be very slow, and the discriminatorcould end up learning an overly simple function.

3. Methodology

To improve upon prior baselines using DC-GAN, be-fore moving onto conditioning, we explored two re-cently proposed methods of enforcing the 1-Lipschitzconstraint on the discriminator.

3.1. Spectral Normalization

We first explored Spectral Normalization, which alsoenforces the 1-Lipschitz constraint by acting on the

weights of the discriminator. However, rather thansimply clipping the weights in each layer to be small,Miyato et al. (2018) normalize the spectral norm of theweight matrix W at each layer in the discriminator.Let σ(W) denote the largest singular value of W.Miyato et al. (2018) then transform W:


σ(W), (4)

such that σ(W̄SN) = 1, thus satisfying the 1-Lipschitzconstraint.

We used a TensorFlow implementation of Spec-tral Normalization which was publicly available asPython code on GitHub2. This served as a startingpoint for quickly being able to get our experimentsoff the ground.

The model architecture for Spectral NormalizationGANs (SN-GANs) is illustrated in Fig. 1. The slopeof all lReLU activations is set to 0.1.

(a) Generator. (b) Discriminator.

Figure 1. SN-GAN architecture (Miyato et al., 2018).

In an attempt to further improve our result, as sug-gested by Miyato et al. (2018), we then sought to adda secondary method to enforce 1-Lipschitz continuityon the discriminator.

3.2. Gradient Penalty

Introduced by Gulrajani et al. (2017), the gradientpenalty enforces 1-Lipschitz continuity by adding aregularizing term to the cost function of the GAN,rather than altering the weights. Thus, to Eq. 3 aregularizing term that penalizes large gradients isadded:

λ Ex̂∼px̂ [(∥∥(∇x̂D(x̂)

)∥∥2 − 1)2] (5)

where λ > 0 is a regularization coefficient and x̂ is aweighted average between pairs of images in pr andpg. It should be noted that the calculation of ∇x̂D(x̂)requires an additional forward and backward passthrough the network, which we expect to increasetraining time.


Since spectral normalization and gradient penaltyact on different parts of the discriminator (on layerweights and the gradient of the loss function, respec-tively), Miyato et al. (2018) hypothesized and thenfound that the two approaches could work in com-plement.

We added the gradient penalty loss function to ourspectral normalization codebase, and ran experi-ments using spectral normalization (SN) as well asthe combination of spectral normalization and gradi-ent penalty (SNGP).

3.3. Conditioning

Once our original DC-GAN baselines were suffi-ciently improved, we set out to condition GANs togenerate paintings with specific attributes that canbe manually specified. As an example, generating alandscape or a portrait (as specified by the user) fromthe same GAN. Or, generating paintings of faces withspecific attributes such as gender, emotion, or haircolor.

In order to condition GANs, we needed labels forour data. For landscapes versus portraits, we usedthe genre labels provided in the Painter By Numbersmetadata. For portraits, we decided to use MicrosoftFace API, which is a Machine Learning API that cantake images of persons as input, and return a JSONof facial attributes such as age, hair color, gender,emotion, facial hair, and more. We extracted imagesof faces from the portraits genre in Painter By Num-bers, and gathered attributes for each one using FaceAPI. However, these did not prove to be sufficientduring our conditioning experiments (see Sec. 4.3.1),as we only had 3,269 extracted faces available. So weset out to augment our faces dataset using the BAMdataset (Wilber et al., 2017), which provided us with21,965 oil paintings of people (though not alwayswith a clear face). Using OpenCV3, we extracted4,326 faces from the BAM paintings, and also gotfacial attributes using Microsoft Face API. This gaveus a total of 7,595 face painting images with facial at-tributes as labels. Finally, we augmented our faces byflipping each one along the x-axis (horizontally), thusdoubling our face painting images to 15,190 in total –a number comparable to the number of landscapesand un-preprocessed portraits originally available tous.4

Conditioning approaches for GANs use a new la-bel vector, which is commonly referred to as the yvector in literature. This label vector contains moreinformation about the data, such as certain attributes,

3https://opencv.org4Since, at this point in our experiments, quantitative

evaluation via SWD was no longer necessary, we believedthat the addition of new, previously unused data did notcompromise any prior results.

that the GAN is trained on. It is necessary to have ay with the same dimensionality for every datapointbeing used in training. For semi-supervised condi-tioning, y can be uniform noise with dimension equalto number of classes being conditioned. Or, y can beone-hot encoding of the desired class labels for fullysupervised conditioning (Mirza & Osindero, 2014).

We decided to use one-hot encoding for supervisedconditioning, so we could provide a manual one-hotencoded y vector (label) after training to produce aspecific type of painting. For example, for landscapesand portraits, where y ∈ R2, y was a one-hot encod-ing represented as [landscape, portrait] – y = [1, 0]for all landscapes, and y = [0, 1] for all portraits. Sim-ilarly for conditioning on faces, we created y to bea one-hot encoding of the facial attributes gatheredfrom Face API. For our experiments we first usedall facial attributes provided through Face API (33 intotal), one-hot encoded into a y vector. But after somedifficulties in training (more details in Sec. 4.3.1), welimited these attributes to 6: gender (male when gen-der=1, female when gender=0), happiness, age from0-9, black hair, blond hair, and facial hair. We pickedthese attributes because they offered a large numberof samples available in our augmented faces data-subset, and because we thought they provided easilydiscernible visual distinctions.

There are a number of different conditioning ap-proaches for GANs, meaning y can be introduced toboth the discriminator and the generator during train-ing in a variety of ways. ‘Vanilla’ conditional GANs(Mirza & Osindero, 2014) simply concatenate y to thenoise vector z being input to the generator, and y tox being input to the discriminator, before z and x areinput to the first layers of each respectively. For deepconvolutional variants of GANs, some approachesconcatenate y to z for the input to the generator inthe same manner, but instead concatenate y to thedense layer at the end of all the convolutional layers(Gauthier, 2014; Reed et al., 2016). Other variants,instead of putting y towards the end of the discrim-inator, add y at the beginning of the discriminator –by either tiling y with each filter after the first con-volutional layer (Perarnau et al., 2016), or by addingy as an input to a dense layer that is reshaped tothe height and width dimensions of the images andthen concatenated as a fourth channel to each of thex (images input to the discriminator).

We experimented on all types of conditional GANsmentioned above, and even combinations of the ap-proaches, in an attempt to get conditioning to work.First we tried conditioning on MNIST (LeCun et al.,2010) as a proof-of-concept for conditioning usingthe simple ‘vanilla’ conditional GAN. For our paint-ing image data-subsets, we experimented with con-ditioning using combined landscapes and portraits,baseline faces (from just Painter By Numbers), and

eventually our augmented faces (Painter By Numbers+ BAM) datasets. We believed that MNIST and thenlandscape + portraits provided the clearest class dis-tinctions within the dataset, making it an easier con-ditioning task for the GAN. Once we got conditioningworking for those, we moved on to experimentingwith faces.

With each experiment, we observed the discriminatorand generator loss numbers through the course oftraining. Additionally, our code produced an 8x8 gridof generated images as training progressed, whichwe also visually inspected. These allowed us to get anidea of how our experiment was progressing over thecourse of training. For the purpose of conditioning,we made our generated samples consist of an easilydiscernible 50-50 conditional split, depending on thedata-subset we were training on. For example, forlandscapes + portraits, we had the first half of theour 8x8 grid contain landscapes, and the second halfportraits (the y passed into the generator for produc-ing these samples had [landscape=1, portrait=0] forthe first half and then [landscape=0, portrait=1] forthe second half). For faces, we decided to split on thegender attribute, so if conditioning was working, wecould observe the first half of our samples as faces ofmales, and second half as faces of females.

3.4. Model Evaluation

In addition to visually comparing the results betweenour models as we sought to improve upon our DC-GAN baselines, we chose to use the Sliced Wasser-stein Distance (SWD) as a quantitative evaluationmeasure. SWD is an efficient approximation to theWasserstein distance, and effectively compares train-ing and generated images in both appearance andvariation at different resolutions (Karras et al., 2017).To do so, 100 images are generated and compared to100 randomly selected images from the training data.It should be noted that often many more samplesare taken in other literature, but this was not feasibledue to limited computational resources. As such, ourSWD numbers should not be compared to those fromother papers, but are still appropriate to compareresults of our own experiments. In our evaluations,we report one SWD per model per painting category,where the distances computed over resolutions of128px, 64px, 32px, and 16px are averaged. A loweraverage SWD means the GAN performed better ingenerating images similar to the training data.

It should also be noted that our training images werequite varied, even within classes. This is simply dueto the nature of the PBN dataset, which consists ofpaintings (as opposed to many GAN papers whichuse heavily pre-processed, real photographs suchas the CelebA dataset (Yang et al., 2015)). As such,sometimes when examining our model outputs andnoting an example that, say, does not quite look like

a landscape, the finding would be taken with a grainof salt because there were many similar paintingslabeled as landscape in our training dataset.

4. Experiments

We trained both the SN and SNGP-GANs describedabove on subsets of the PBN dataset containing land-scapes, flowers, portraits, and also faces extractedfrom portraits. The images for each category we ex-perimented on were center-cropped and reduced toan equal height and width of 128px. The modelswere trained for 100,000 iterations – we set the mini-batch size to 64, which means that our models weretrained on 6.4 million images. All experiments usedthe Adam learning rule. SN-GAN experiments useda learning rate of 0.0002, β1 = 0.5, and β2 = 0.999 forAdam, while SNGP-GAN experiments had a learn-ing rate of 5 · 10−5, β1 = 0, and β2 = 0.9 (Miyatoet al., 2018). The regularization parameter for gradi-ent penalty, λ, was set to be 1.

(a) DC-GAN (b) SN-GAN (c) SNGP-GAN

Figure 2. Comparison of landscapes generated with DC-GAN, SN-GAN and SNGP-GAN.

4.1. Spectral Normalization

Spectral normalization led to a significant increase inimage quality on each of the image categories. Ini-tially, results were self-evaluated visually. However,we compared the best model for each subcategorywith SWD, as introduced in Sec. 3.4.

For flowers, DC-GAN experiments performed werenot able to sufficiently learn the data distribution.However, SN-GAN was able to generate images offlowers that were visually quite similar to the train-ing images, even with only 1,606 training samples.This inspired confidence that conditioning on imagecategories, despite effectively reducing the amount oftraining data, could still produce believable images.Results and comparison for flowers can be found inFig. 3.

SN-GANs additionally had very good performanceon landscapes, portraits, and faces. Model perfor-mances evaluated using SWD are shown in Table 1,and samples of generated landscapes are shown inFig. 2.

(a) DC-GAN (b) SN-GAN (c) SNGP-GAN

Figure 3. Comparison of flowers generated with DC-GAN,SN-GAN and SNGP-GAN.

4.2. Gradient Penalty

We again performed experiments on all the four im-age categories, now adding the gradient penalty tothe SN loss function. This SNGP model was very ex-pensive to train. As explained in 3.2, the computationof the gradient norm lead to a significant increasein training time. (In our experiments, training timefor SNGP-GANs was more than 5 times higher thanSN-GANs.) Results better than both DC-GAN andSN-GAN were expected; however, this was not thecase. The model outperformed our DC-GAN base-line, but its images were clearly worse than withoutthe gradient penalty for all categories except flowers.We suspect that with more hyperparameter tuning,the model performance could be improved to be atleast as good as SN-GAN. However, due to the lim-ited time and computational resources, and giventraining time needed for SNGP-models, we decidedto take SN-GAN as our best model on which to per-form conditioning. Comparison of samples generatedfrom the three models can be found in Fig. 2 and Fig.3, while performances evaluated through SWD are inTable 1.


landscapes 69.873 37.888 42.528

portraits 117.377 58.190 72.032

flowers 84.299 42.457 33.973

faces 67.308 35.779 42.724

Table 1. SWD distance x103.

4.3. Conditioning

4.3.1. Initial Conditioning Experiments

We thought it would be appropriate to start out sim-ple and first condition GANs on MNIST as a proof-of-concept, by replicating the work of Mirza & Osindero(2014). In this case our y vector (the conditioninglabel) was a one-hot encoding of the digit labels withy ∈ R10. We trained a simple conditional GAN withno convolutional layers and only a single hiddenlayer in both the discriminator and generator, as de-scribed by Mirza & Osindero (2014), and the samehyperparameter settings. More details about how the

y vector was introduced to this GAN are in Sec. 3.3.After training, we were able to successfully have thegenerator produce a specific digit by providing it aone-hot encoded y for the desired digit. Both thegenerator and discriminator losses were observed tobe steady around 1.0 through the course of training.

We then tried the landscapes + portraits data-subseton the same vanilla conditional GAN architecture,but received very poor results. Both the generatorand discriminator losses fluctuated wildly throughtraining, and the generated samples were mostlynoise. We attributed this to the fact that the vanillaconditional GAN architecture is too simple for com-plex images – it has no convolutional layers whichhave been repeatedly shown to perform well in imageprocessing in deep learning.

We believed that to get a conditional GAN trainedon images more complex than MNIST, we neededconvolutional layers in both the discriminator andgenerator. So we turned to our SN-GAN architecture,which contains convolutional layers in the discrimi-nator and generator (see Fig. 1), to add conditioning.Our first conditioning attempt was to start simpleand concatenate y to z for the input to the generatoras in the vanilla conditional GAN, and y to the denselayer at the end of all the convolutional layers in thediscriminator (Gauthier, 2014; Reed et al., 2016). Thisdid not work. We observed that the discriminator losswould drop to almost 0.0, while the generator losswould continually increase (to 10.0 or more), startingfrom early on in training. Fig. 4 shows plots of theseD and G losses. The samples generated were thoseof landscapes and portraits, but of lower quality, andthey were randomly placed in our sample grids (asdescribed in Sec. 3.3, the first half of our 8x8 samplesgrid were set to be landscapes and second half to beportraits, which is what we should have observed).

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000iteration












0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000iteration











Figure 4. Discriminator and Generator losses plotted overtraining iterations for a failed experiment with a conditionalGAN architecture we tried in earlier experiments. Trainingwas stopped early due to limited time, limited resources,and poor progression of training.

As an alternate approach, we then projected the yvector through a dense layer, and reshaped it into afourth channel added to each image being input tothe discriminator (Sec. 3.3). Furthermore, we decidedto keep y at the end of the discriminator after the

convolutional layers as well, in order to ensure the la-bels reach the end of the discriminator unaltered, andalso increase the gradient signal. Hence y was addedboth at the beginning and at the end of the discrimi-nator, before and after the convolutional layers. Thisapproach also failed to work for our landscapes +portraits conditioning task. Again, the discriminatorloss would drop very close to 0.0 and generator losswould continually increase (to 10.0 or more) fromearly on in the training.

We then investigated an approach that replicates andthen concatenates y to each filter after the 1st convolu-tional layer in the discriminator (Perarnau et al., 2016).We added this to the discriminator in our SN-GANarchitecture, again keeping y at the end of the dis-criminator after the convolutional layers as well. Thegenerator remained the same, with y concatenatedto the z noise vector being fed in at the beginning ofthe generator. A diagram of this conditional GANarchitecture can be seen in Fig. 5.

Figure 5. Our conditional GAN architecture.

This conditioning architecture worked on the land-scapes + portraits conditioning task. The generatorwas able to produce images conditionally based ony. In this case, our samples grid mostly containedlandscapes in the first half, and mostly containedportraits in the second half. An example of this grid(with increased number of samples) can be seen inFig. 6. We also observed that our loss numbers weremostly stable – they did slowly approach 0.0 for thediscriminator and 10.0+ for the generator, but at amuch slower rate and later in training compared tothe prior failed conditioning experiments for land-scape + portraits. These losses are plotted in Fig. 7.

4.3.2. Conditioning on Faces

Our goal after getting conditioning to work on land-scapes + portraits was to try it on the images of facesextracted from all of the portrait paintings in PainterBy Numbers. Our y for each image was a one-hot

Figure 6. A grid of samples generated using our conditionalGAN architecture. y set to landscapes for top half of thegrid, and portraits for the bottom half.

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000iteration












0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000iteration











Figure 7. Discriminator and Generator losses plotted overtraining iterations for a successful experiment with ourconditional GAN architecture.

encoding of facial attributes collected from Face API,as described in Sec.-3.3. We started experimentingwith conditioning on all 33 facial attributes availableto us, but this did not work – the generated sam-ples throughout training were mostly noise, and lossnumbers were highly abnormal compared to thoseof our successful landscapes + portraits conditioningexperiment (Fig. 7). We concluded that this could bedue to the fact that there were too many attributesin y, which split our data into too few datapointsavailable per attribute. In comparison, our success-ful landscapes + portraits conditioning experimentonly had two attributes, and around the same num-ber of data points for each. We narrowed down to6 attributes for reasons mentioned in our Sec. 3 –namely: gender, happiness, age 0-9, black hair, blondhair, facial hair. Training on these, with y ∈ R6 in-stead of y ∈ R33, we observed improved results. Thegenerated samples had better quality visually, andthe loss numbers were better than the experimentwith all 33 attributes. However, the samples did notlook as good visually at any point during training asthey did when we experimented on generating faceswithout conditioning. Additionally, the GAN wouldeventually collapse into a single point before resultsimproved – see Fig. 8, although it can be observed

that the GAN did learn conditioning, as the first halfof the samples grid is mostly male and the secondhalf mostly female.

Figure 8. Collapsed conditional GAN being trained onpaintings of face images.

We concluded that our conditioning experimentswere failing on the extracted faces for a couple rea-sons. Paintings of people’s faces did not presentas much diversity in the distribution of data whencompared to landscapes vs portraits. This made fora more difficult task for the conditional GAN. Ad-ditionally, we did not have as many datapoints forfaces available. We had 15,005 images of landscapepaintings, and 16,846 images of portrait paintings,giving us a combined total 31,851 for the landscapes+ portraits conditional GAN task, split among 2 at-tributes. This was in stark contrast to a total of 3,269

images of extracted faces, split among 6 attributes.Hence we decided to augment our faces data-subset,as described in detail in Section 3.3. We then set outwith 15,190 total augmented images of oil paintingsof faces, with conditioning labels (6 attributes per im-age). We used our same successful conditional GANarchitecture from the landscapes + portraits experi-ment (Fig. 5), and were able to successfully conditionon the attributes, but with some caveats.

For full-sized augmented face images of 128px x128px, or half-sized augmented face images of 64px x64px, our conditioning experiments would fail duringtraining. The discriminator loss would quickly getvery close to 0.0, whereas the generator loss wouldquickly jump up to 10.0+, and the generator wouldcollapse into a single point, as observed in prior ex-periments. But when we reduced the image sizesfurther to 32px x 32px, our experiment succeeded.We noted loss numbers that were more stable thanfor larger images, and generated samples that wereof decent visual quality.

We concluded from these experiments, observing theloss for the discriminator always ending up closeto 0.0, that the discriminator was too powerful andwould overfit, making it difficult for the generator tolearn anything new. But for smaller images (32px x32px), there was less to learn in comparison to the

larger ones (64px x 64px or greater), so the generatorwas able to learn the distribution of images quicker,before the discriminator would overfit. So we setout to tune the discriminator to make it less confi-dent, allowing the generator more room to learn toproduce better results for conditional generation oflarger images.

Salimans et al. (2016) suggest label smoothing in thediscriminator, wherein the positive labels (D(x) = 1)are replaced with a constant α < 1. In our case, weset α = 0.9. Additionally, Arjovsky & Bottou (2017)suggest adding Gaussian noise to the inputs to thediscriminator (to both the real images from the train-ing dataset, and fake images from the generator),as covered in Sec. 2. We added zero-mean Gaus-sian noise with variance σ2 = 0.5. Finally, Salimanset al. (2016) performed successful GAN training withdropout added to each layer of the discriminator. Weadded dropout (with rate 0.5) to each layer, includingthe input of the discriminator. These improvementsresulted in successful training on larger images.

(a) Black hairedfemales

(b) Blond hairedfemales

(c) Black hairedmales with facialhair

Figure 9. Samples of faces generated using our conditionalGAN architecture trained on images paintings of faces, andfacial attribute labels from Microsoft Face API.

Our conditional GAN architecture, with the addedadjustments to the discriminator, trained on the aug-mented faces dataset resized to 64px x 64px, was ableto produce visually distinguishable paintings of faceswith conditional attributes that were manually spec-ified. When generating a sample, y could be set tothe desired conditional attributes, and passed in withz to the generator. For example, to produce paint-ings of blond females, we set y = [gender=0, happi-ness=randint(0,1), age_0-9=randint(0,1), black_hair=0,blond_hair=1, facial_hair=0]. Sample conditional im-ages can be seen in Fig. 9. A live demonstration ofthis pre-trained conditional GAN model can be seenat

5. Conclusions

We performed a series of experiments with the endgoal of creating a GAN conditioned on certain im-age attributes. To do so, we first experimented withseveral different GAN architectures in order to bothlearn about the intricacies of their training, and find

the optimal architecture on which to apply condition-ing. Using paintings of landscapes, flowers, portraits,and extracted faces for training, we compared 3 differ-ent modern GAN architectures: Deep Convolutional(DC) GAN, Spectral Normalization (SN) GAN, andSpectral Normalization GAN with Gradient Penalty(SNGP). Both visually and via the Sliced WassersteinDistance, we found that SN-GAN was the best per-forming of our models.

From there we attempted several different approachesfound in literature for conditioning GANs on imageattributes in a supervised manner. Ultimately, wefound a suitable method for attaching the attributelabels (as shown in Fig. 5), and created a GAN ca-pable of producing paintings of faces with specifiedattributes such as gender or hair color.

This process showed us firsthand the difficulties oftraining GANs, even with the many recent advancesspecifically aimed to improve their training. We alsosaw the incredible power behind deep generativemodels, despite these difficulties. Research on GANsis exploding as of this writing, and the number ofnovel tasks to which they can be successfully (andusefully) applied keeps growing. We successfullyimplemented conditioning on a very modern GANarchitecture (and will continue to improve our modeland update the website linked above), but more im-portantly we gained an intimate understanding ofsome of the intricacies of Generative Adversarial Net-works.

5.1. Future Work

In future work, it may be useful to perform moreextensive hyperparameter tuning to further improveperformance. Hyperparameters such as learning rate,β1, and β2 for Adam, and mini-batch size could betuned. And Gaussian noise variance, dropout rate,and α for label smoothing could all be further tunedin the discriminator.

Our successful conditioning experiments were per-formed on 64px x 64px images of paintings of faces.Conditioning on full size images from the samedataset (128px x 128px) could be explored, and mayproduce good results given the additional adjust-ments made to the discriminator (Sec. 4.3.1). Thesame GAN architecture could be tried on real pho-tographs such as those from the CelebA dataset (Yanget al., 2015), which we predict may yield better re-sults than those for paintings given the consistencyof samples in the dataset.

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