conclusion and result

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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1) How old are you? 2) Do you use social networks? 3) What colour would you associate with social networking?

So we could see the general age of people who are using social networks and so we could work out who our target audience is.

We wanted to see what social networks we needed to make the most prominent in the documentary. So we will be making YouTube and Twitter the most looked at social networks in the documentary.

We wanted to see what colour we would make the titles and as blue is the colour most people said is the colour of social network.

4) Can you go a day without checking your social network?

We did it to see how reliant people are on social network and how important it is in everyday life.

5) If you use tumblr or twitter, how may followers do you have?

We wanted to see how easy it was to become ‘famous’ on social networks. We found that it is very easy.

6) What sort of people do you follow/subscribe to?

From this question we are able to see who people where connecting with the most. We are able to see that friends and celebrities are the biggest group of people who are being connected via social networks.

7) If you use tumblr would you rather use the website or the app?

Website App N/A0





From this we found that most people who use tumblr would rather use the website then the app. From this we will mainly focus on the website when we look at tumblr then the app.

8) What do you think is good about social networks?












From this we found most people like how they can communicate with people via social networks. With this in mind we decided that we are not going to talk to much are how anti social it is.9) What do you think is bad about social networks?

Bullying Addiction Privacy Drama Stalking02468


From this we have found that most people find bulling and drama are the worst things about social networks. So we are going to make the bad point we talk about in our documentary this.

10) Out of the apps you use, which one would you say you use the most to talk to your friends?

Facebook Twitter Tumblr Vine Snapchat 02468


We did this question to see what people used the most and so when we talk about communication we can name specific social networks.

11) How old were you when you started using social networking?

Under 10 10 to 11 12 to 14 15 to 17 18+ N/A02468


From this we can talk about an average age people started using social network at.

12) If you don't use social networking, why not?

No mobileNo internetNot allowedDon’t want to

This question gives us an opposing argument to out documentary as some people don’t use social networks and it gives us a reason why.

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