concept of deregulation...kv bhanu murthy & ashish tatu deb

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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Concept of deregulation -

Lessons from banking history in India

K.V. Bhanu Murthy Ashis Taru Deb.

Delhi University Delhi University

All Correspondence to: Prof. K.V. Bhanu Murthy Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi 110007 Ph:+91-1127315331®, 9811601867(m)+91-11-27667891(o) Fax: +91-11-27666781



The paper seeks to provide an analytical basis for evolving a concept

of deregulation, in banking industry. It attempts to unfold the true nature of

deregulation in banking industry, by means of an analysis of historical

developments in Indian banking since 1770 up to current times, leading to

the recent policy regime of deregulation.

The study periodizes the development of private banking in India,

under different phases and sub phases, before delineating the characteristic

features of each. It depicts a chequered history of private banking in our

country, dominated by bank failures, mergers and disappearances of small

private banks. The study has, for the first time, developed a econometric

model to explain bank failures in India, during the period 1913-46. It

captures the impact of RBI and industrial growth on the proportion of bank


In general, it is accepted that central plays a stabilizing role in the

banking industry. However, historians like Bagchi argued that banking

instability increased after the inception of RBI. This conclusion undermines

the role of central banking. The study points out that the above conclusion is

anomalous and has arisen out wrong empiricism and methodology. It

concludes that an appropriate policy framework of deregulation must include

a well-defined role of central bank. It is necessary for sustained and stable

growth and development of banking industry.

Key words: Deregulation, banking history, bank failure, role of central bank.

JEL classification: B15, B25, D78, E44, G21, K23, L51.




The motivation for the paper arises out of current controversy set in

US banking industry regarding the notion and impact of deregulation. While

there are apparently two views in the extant literature, both of them

examine the impact of increased competition from deregulation on the

dynamics of the U.S. banking industry only from one standpoint. Stiroh and

Strahan (2002) found that the link between a bank’s relative performance

and its subsequent market share growth strengthens significantly after

deregulation as competitive reallocation effects transfer assets to better

performers. On the other hand, a study by Wall (2002) presents evidence

that banking deregulation led to decreases in entrepreneurship in some U.S.

regions, and to increases in others. Thus no unambiguous positive

relationship between the real economy and the market structure of the

banking sector is found in the literature even in the context of US banking,

which is set in a developed financial market. Hence, it appears necessary to

refresh the basic understanding of the historical developments so as to

appreciate why regulation arose in the first place. This is especially because

the case for regulation in undeveloped financial market is, in the first

instance, much stronger.

Both the above views of deregulation, that are

purportedly opposed, are based on the ordinary notion of allocative

efficiency, where inefficient firms are giving way to efficient firms.

However, in the case of banks, the criterion for efficiency cannot be based


on an ordinary notion of profitability alone because a bank has a dual

objective function. It is equally important for a commercial bank to

maintain liquidity, without which it may loose public confidence resulting

in a run on it. Thus, unlike an ordinary firm a banking firm always has to

negotiate a dual objective function including both profitability as well as

liquidity. The notion of allocative efficiency used in Stiroh and Strahan

(2002) based on the fact that those firms that are retained by the market

possess larger market shares and hence they are the efficient firms. It

could well be argued that the banks, which have a larger market share, have

achieved these shares despite reckless investment. The third argument rests

on the direction of causality. In the sense that increase in market share is

due to the departure of other firms rather than on account of the inherent

efficiency of the firms that are retained.

The primary focus of the study is to develop an understanding about

the notion of deregulation in the context of banking. Ordinarily, the

understanding rests on the notion that deregulation enhances efficiency,

which is measured by profitability. Any attempt to conceptualise

deregulation in banking should be based on an analysis of characteristics of

a banking firm as well the banking industry. Existence of such differences

would have a direct and a significant bearing on the concept of deregulation

in banking. It is already stressed that, a commercial bank, unlike other

enterprises, cannot afford to have a single objective namely profitability. In

the case of public sector banks, the profit motive may be broadened to

include other motives as well. However, it does not alter the position with

respect to stability being an equally important objective of a bank.


Our notion is effectiveness of the process of deregulation. The

process would be effective only if while promoting efficiency, it also

contain instability. Ideally, it is assumed that a bank is aware of its dual

objective and hence it is assumed that if a bank is efficient, it has also

effectively handled instability. However, such an understanding sets aside

the role of central bank and assumes that there is no scope of market failure,

because banks are acting in the best interest of the society. Nevertheless,

this is a matter of research as to whether banks act in the best interest of

society. In the more immediate context, our interest in this issue arises out

of the fact that Narasimham Committee (1991) has almost exclusively

concentrated on operational efficiency and profitability. It appears as though

the stability aspect has been almost ignored. Instability in Indian banking

history provides very fertile ground for evolving the notion of deregulation

in the context of banking.

The current paper is based on two planks. One is theory of banking,

which clarifies the differences between bank vis-à-vis an ordinary firm on

the one hand, and differences between bank and other financial institutions,

on the other. The other plank is provided by history of banking in India,

which has distinct phases that alternate between deregulation and

regulation. It gives enough historical and empirical material to study the

very concept of deregulation in banking. In particular, it reveals the

implication of lack of regulation in banking industry, by means of an

analytical and empirical analysis of historical developments up to the period

of independence. We are deriving a case for a certain kind of concept of

deregulation in banking on the basis of the historical developments as


opposed to theory of regulation or any school of thought like free banking


Economic historians like Bagchi(1972) argued the phenomenon of

bank failure in India increased after the inception of RBI. However, in

general, it is accepted that a central bank plays a stabilizing role in banking

industry. The objective of this study is to verify the historical fact by a

rigorous methodology.

In the US economy the new deal of thirties specified rules that

prevented banks from engaging in security and insurance business. Prior to

depression, banks ran into trouble since they took excessive risks and

provided loans to industrial companies, in which bank officers had direct

personal involvement. This led to enactment of Glass-Stegal Act, which

prohibited mixing of business of banking, security and insurance. In the case

of US therefore regulation was prompted by the conditions caused by

depression. The impact of regulation was seen in case of US banks because

new deal was successful. However, conversely speaking, the impact of

deregulation could be equally seen in the saving and loan crisis during 1980s

and 1990s in US.

In our study, apart from looking at banking instability in historical

perspective, we have also incorporated the influence of industrial growth in

order to examine the relation between industrial growth and banking

instability. The business of production, trade and banking were conducted in

a mixed manner in colonial period, which is attributed to managing agency

system, a feature peculiar to colonial India, which developed due to


underdeveloped nature of financial market. The study attempts to address the

following questions.

• How did depression effect industrial growth and consequently what

was its impact on banking instability?

• What were the historical trends in banking instability?

• What lessons do these historical developments hold for the notion of

banking deregulation?

The plan of the paper is as follows. Section 2.0 clarifies the

distinctions between a banking firm and an ordinary firm on the one hand

and banking industry and an ordinary industry on the other. Section 3.0

systematically describes developments in private banking in India in terms

of various phases. Section 4.0 reviews the literature relating to bank failure

in pre-independence era. Section 5.0 provides the data sources and the

methodology. Section 6.0 focuses on the results. Summary and conclusions

are discussed in section 7.0.


Financial institutions may be defined as economic agents specialising

in the activities of buying and selling at the same time financial contracts

and securities. Banks may be seen as a subset of the financial institutions,

which are retailers of financial securities: they buy the securities issued by

borrowers and they sell them to lenders. In view of varied and complex

operations of a bank, an operational definition of a bank may be provided as

follows. A bank is an institution whose current operations consist in

granting loans and receiving deposits from the public. Definition of


"Banking" as per the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 says-"banking" means

the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of

money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdraw

able by cheque, draft, order or otherwise". The Act defined the functions

that a commercial bank can undertake and restricted their sphere of


An ordinary entrepreneur assumes risk to earn profit. Hence there is a

natural tendency on the part of an entrepreneur is to maximize profitability.

However, while risk taking activity of a bank leads to profitability it may

increases profitability, it also increases the tendency to create instability and

thereby endanger the very existence of bank. As opposed a firm, there is a

dual objective function of bank; profitability and stability. While

maximization of profitability arises out of the natural behaviour of a bank,

the same may not be said about stability. What is required for stability is

restraint, which cannot come from within. It is not endogenous. An external

arm is needed to contain instability and to protect the stakeholders from the

externalities. This is basic difference between deregulation between a bank

and firm

Unlike a firm, a bank provides a public good in terms of liquidity and

means of payment. This implies that the externalities of a bank failure are far

greater those emerging from a failure of a firm. Failure of a firm creates

hardship for the labour force employed in the firm, not for public in general.

The economic and political costs of failure of a large bank may be substantial

forcing the governments to bail them out. A recent event related to the Global

Trust Bank provides such an example in India.


A bank is also distinguished from an ordinary firm by virtue of nature

of risks it faces. While it is true that existence an intermediary like bank has a

net cost advantage relative to direct lending and borrowing, banks face a

double-edged risk, one from the side of the lender and other one from the

side of the borrower. This is because the equity base of a bank is typically

small relative to the liability. A substantial component of liability of a bank

consists of its deposits. Apart from current and savings deposits, even term

deposits can be subject to premature withdrawal. It faces a withdrawal or

liquidity risk when creditors are unwilling to extend or renew their credit to

the bank, or they are willing to renew at different terms alone. A default risk

arises when the debtors of the bank are not able or willing to meet their

obligations to the bank at the agreed upon time. Thus existence of both

liquidity and default risk for a bank differentiates it from an ordinary firm.

There is a basic contradiction between deregulation and competition

in the case of banking industry. The above contradiction may be established

from certain basic characteristics of banking industry as well. As far as the

functions of the central bank are concerned, a distinction is made between

general monetary policy and specific measures directed to banks (Goodhart,

1987). This dual role forms the basis of quantitative and qualitative credit

control by central banks. While quantitative credit control regulates the

supply of credit, selective credit control, amongst other things, regulates

demand for credit. If rate of interest in banking industry may be compared

with price in the context of industry, then control on bank rate by central

bank is akin to price control. In a very broad sense, therefore, banks would be

reduced to price takers. Thus, in all the three aspects of credit market,


captured by supply, demand and price determination, the link between credit

control and control of competition is manifested.

A certain amount of control appears to be necessary to ensure that no

unwarranted exit takes place in banking industry. Unlike any other enterprise,

which can exist without a central control, a bank cannot. There has to be a

central bank in order to closely monitor the operations of banks in trouble,

provide guidance, and even bails them out by acting as a lender of the last

resort. Exploration of nature of a banking firm establishes that existence of

commercial bank is possible only with presence of a central bank. It is

important to understand the content of deregulation in banking industry

despite the existence of a central bank. It appears that deregulation in the

context of banking industry does not tantamount to ushering of unfettered

competition. An interpretation of deregulation in banking as pure competition

or laissez faire would result in an anarchic situation.

However, different schools of thought viewed desirability of a central

bank differently. Historians of economic thought grouped those under three

headings: Currency school, banking school and free banking school. Free

banking school disapproved the issue of relevance of a central bank, while

the other schools approved it with disparate views. Currency school preferred

a rule bound central bank, and an unbound authority of central bank found

favour with banking school.


Two major phases are distinguished in the course of development of

private banking in India: early and later historical phase. The early historical


phase covers the period till independence. While, the first part of the later

phase just stops short of the current period of deregulation, the second part

consists of current developments arising out of deregulation. In all, four

phases are distinguished.

• Early historical and formative era: 1770-1905.

• Pre-independence era: 1906-1946.

• Post independence regulated era: 1947-1993.

• Post independence deregulated era from 1993 onwards.

3.1 First phase of development of banking: (1770-1905)

The first phase of development of banking was not characterized by

any kind of regulation on banks whatsoever. Development of banking, during

this period, was mostly in accordance with the laissez faire policy, pursued

by the colonial government in economic matters. The following sub-phases

may be distinguished under the initial phase covering the early history of

private banking in India.

3.1.1 First sub-phase (1770-1812)

The English traders that came to India in the 17th century could not

make much use of the indigenous bankers, owing to their ignorance of the

latter’s language as well the latter’s inexperience of the former’s trade.

Therefore, the English agency houses1 in Calcutta and Bombay began to

conduct banking business, besides their commercial business, on the basis of

unlimited liability. These agency houses were organised by the Europeans

with aptitude of commercial pursuit, who resigned from civil and military 1 A type of business organisation recognisable as managing agency took form in a period from 1834 to 1847. Managing agency system came into existence when an agency house first promoted and acquired the management of a company. This system, with no counterpart in any other country functioned as an Indian substitute for a well organized capital market and an industrial banking system of western countries.


services in India and organised agency houses. The primary concern of these

agency houses was trade, but they branched out into banking as a sideline to

facilitate the operations of their main business.

The English agency houses, that began to serve as bankers to the East

India Company had no capital of their own, and depended on deposits for

their funds. They financed movements of crops, issued paper money and

established joint stock banks. Earliest of these was Hindusthan Bank,

established by one of the agency houses in Calcutta in 1770. General Bank of

India and Bengal Bank were established about 1785. These banks were

chartered by East India Company and were followed by banks, established

under acts of Indian legislature. The latter may be divided into two groups,

the three Presidency banks and the Indian joint stock banks. Bank of Calcutta

was established in 1806 and received its charter as bank of Bengal in 1809. It

was first of the Presidency banks. Bank of Bombay and Madras were the

other two Presidency banks, which were established in 1840 and 1843


The first bank failure took place in 1791, when General Bank of India

was voluntarily liquidated, due to inability to earn profits following the

currency difficulties in 1787 (Desai, 1987). Bengal Bank failed around 1791,

due to a run on it caused by emergence of difficulties of a related firm. As

will be seen later, the nexus between trade and banking continued to spell

doom for many more banks, for a long period of time.

3.1.2 Second sub-phase (1813-1860)

The real stimulus for the establishment of joint stock banks was

provided by an Act passed in 1813. It removed all the restrictions on


Europeans settling in India. A number of banks were established, mainly by

English Agency Houses on the basis of unlimited liability, as before. These

banks conducted ordinary banking business, financed internal trade and

issued notes. Their cheques were as good as legal tender. These banks are

characterised by gross mismanagement and wide speculations. They were

extremely vulnerable to panic and defalcations. There were a number of

instances of forgery, panic and run on the banks, leading ultimately to their

closure. This phase ultimately culminated a crisis in 1829-33, in which most

banks failed. It was precipitated by the combination of banking with trading,

speculation, mismanagement and fraudulent use of funds. However, the crisis

did not deter the spirit of European Houses. Even after the crisis, they started

several new banks, on the basis of unlimited liability. This only led to a

repetition of the earlier course of events by 1860. Half of these failed because

of speculation and mismanagement permitted by careless auditing of their


2.1.3. Third sub-phase (1860-1905)

The next phase in the development of banking activity unfolded with

formation of joint stock companies, with limited liability. They were

established after passage of act VII, in 1860. For the first time, certain

safeguards were introduced in order to ensure the stability of banks and

protection of depositors. The limitation of liability itself served to minimize

the risks associated with the banking system. During this phase, speculative

activity again led to bank failures. The American Civil War cut off the supply

of American cotton to England, caused an unprecedented boom in India’s

cotton trade with England. This led to an orgy of speculation. A large number


of banks and different kinds of companies were formed to take part in this

activity. But all of them failed within a short time, and public confidence in

banks was destroyed. Out of numerous banks, which started during this

period, only three survived the crisis. The crisis slowed down the banking

development for some time. The currency confusion during 1873-1893

caused trade uncertainties and also played its role in creating an atmosphere

unfavourable to establishment of new banks. As a result, from 1865, till the

end of the century, the progress in the creation of joint stock banks was very


3.2 Second phase of development of banking: (1906-46)

In this phase, two sub-phases are distinguished. The former starts

with entry of new banks after the Swadeshi movement till establishment of

RBI in 1935. The later runs from inception of RBI, till the period on the eve

of independence.

3.2.1The first sub-phase: (1906-35)

Partition of Bengal led to Swadeshi movement, when there was

another burst of banking activity. The agitation, related to partition of

Bengal, gave a fillip to the establishment of indigenous banks. A large of

these new banks was smaller banks. The larger and older ones operated along

sound lines and were strong enough to withstand the crisis that followed.

However, they were not as strong as the Presidency banks.

During 1913, Indian Companies Act was passed. It contained a few

sections related to joint sector banks. While this act is significant, being the

first legislation related to banks, it was not adequate for regulation of banking

activity. Many banks were left altogether free from regulation. Consequently,


the post-Swadeshi movement boom ended up in a banking crisis during

1913-17. Majority of the banks that failed were small and weak,

accompanied by a few large ones. These failures weakened public confidence

in Indian joint stock banks and constituted a major setback to banking

development in India. The small banks, which came up during the initial part

of this period, opened the doors to great laxity of practice, leading to bank

failures. There was a brief respite in bank failures from 1918-21. The boom

during the later part of World War I and after it gave another impetus to the

starting of new banks. A number of banks were established, some specially

for financing industries. But from 1922, the bank failures increased once

again due to economic depression.

Bagchi (1972) argued that the monetary arrangement in India (up to

the First World War and probably right up to depression) was geared almost

entirely to the requirements of trade.2 In absence of any industrial banking,

the commercial banks provided finance to industries. But they were allowed

to engage only in short term lending. The high risk in lending to potential

investors for working capital was reflected in exorbitant interest rate, due to

high-risk premium. To meet such demand, a number of banks came up in

Western India, Punjab and United Provinces. They conducted their business,

in violation of even the elementary principles of banking. Keynes has

attributed the vulnerability of Indian banks to undercapitalisation, inadequate

cash reserves and speculative proclivities (Keynes, 1913). Let us elaborate

the reasons leading to bank failure in this phase.

2 Particularly foreign trade in staple commodities such as foodgrains, raw cotton, raw jute and jute manufactures.


The deficiency of capital made newly established banks almost

wholly dependent on deposits. Keen rivalry among them to attract deposits

led to luring of depositors, with rates of interest much higher than they could

really afford, had they conducted their business legitimately. Had there been

a central bank, market rate of interest would have been pegged down at an

appropriate level. However, banks employed the funds provided by the

depositors in hazardous enterprises, in order to be able to pay the high

interest rates they promised. On the other hand, the Presidency Banks

followed a cautious lending policy and lent to only sound established houses.

Thus, The vulnerability of the other banks was clear.

Many directors and managers were incapable and had little

knowledge of principles or practice of banking. They intended to make a

quick buck, without possessing the necessary skill. Large sums were locked

up in speculative dealings in silver, pearls and other commodities. Long-term

business was financed, without an efficient enquiry into their soundness.

They supplied some long-term capital to new investors, in the form of

indefinite extensions of short-term loans. A disproportionate share of the

total available funds was frequently sunk in a single business. To cap it all,

funds were lent, in some cases, on the security of the lending banks’ own


While these banks had an impressive authorised capital, the

subscribed capital was far smaller and the paid up capital was even smaller.

The law did not prevent this malpractice. Thus, the lack of regulatory

framework helped the banks to deceive the public, who was ignorant of the

differences among three kinds of capital. The deception of the public was


complete with adoption of high-sounding names by some of these banks.

Many managers resorted to downright dishonesty, fraud or criminal

mismanagement, and continue it in connivance with the auditors. Directors or

managers of the banks lent the funds to themselves or those concerns in

which they were directors or partners. They made away the assets of the

banks, by showing debt in their books, due to nonexistent banks. To hide

mismanagement and fraud, the accounts, were either left incomplete, or were

falsely made up. Window dressing was freely resorted to while presenting the

balance sheets. There are instances of dividend being paid out of capital, and

later out of deposits, when capital ran out. Another problem was that Cash

reserves were maintained at a very low level3.

When banks function in a manner, described earlier, emergence of

crisis is inevitability. But the crisis was aggravated by the complete absence

of co-operation among Indian Joint stock banks themselves on the one hand

and between them and the other two categories of banks-Presidency and

exchange banks.4 For example, the Bank of Bengal refused to lend to banks

in Lahore, even against government securities. This is attributed to complete

decentralisation of the Indian banking system, i.e. complete absence of a

central bank. The banking crisis of 1913-17 showed clearly the defects of the

system, under which the country did not have, any, coordinated banking

policy. Each bank conducted business in its own fashion, without any control

of any central institution.

To begin with, the Presidency banks were opposed to amalgamation.

However, their experience during the later part of the war showed the merits 3 In 1910, the ratio of cash to deposit liabilities was only 11% and lower in cases of smaller banks. 4 Exchange banks are those, which have their head offices outside India.


of a policy of co-operation and co-ordination. If the presidency banks were

to remain isolated, one of the foreign banks would have attempted to

amalgamate with, or absorb some of the banks in India. This would have

made them dominant in the Indian financial system. An Act of 1920

amalgamated the three presidency banks into Imperial Bank of India in 1921.

Until the establishment of RBI in 1935, the Imperial Bank had been

effectively discharging certain central banking functions. In addition to these

central-banking functions, the Bank performed the ordinary commercial

banking business. Government on its ordinary commercial business

functions, because of its special nature, imposed certain restrictions. Bagchi

(1972) argued that, there was no central bank for India, before the

establishment of RBI in 1935. According to him, Imperial bank was a half

way house, since it was mainly a commercial bank, and only secondarily a

banker’s bank. Up to 1935, government of India retained all the powers of a

central bank, including powers of note-issue in its own hands. But, it never

operated consciously to influence the rate of interest in the money market, by

the standard methods used by modern central banks.

3.2.2The second sub phase (1935-46)

As early as 1898, witnesses before the Fowler Currency Committee

advocated the establishment of a central bank. However, this view did not

find favour with the then government of India. But, the Public opinion in

India began to strongly urge creation of a central bank. In 1926, Hilton

Young Currency commission recommended the creation of a separate bank,

to be called Reserve Bank of India. It was to perform central banking

functions, so as to leave Imperial bank entirely free to continue and extend its


commercial banking activities. With establishment of RBI in 1935, the

Imperial Bank ceased to be the government’s banker. Establishment of RBI,

as has been seen, is a response to the demand for a central institution to guide

and regulate the developments in banking, without which, the banking

industry was only moving from one crisis to another.

Special provisions related to minimum capital and cash reserve

requirements and other operating conditions of banking companies were

incorporated in the amended Indian companies Act of 1936. But bank

failures in South India drew attention to the need for even stricter legislative

control over banks. Nevertheless, government of India decided that the issue

of undertaking a comprehensive banking legislation should be postponed

until after the war. In the meanwhile, interim measures, involving the

minimum of legislation, should be carried out to improve the part of Indian

companies act related to banking. Amendments were made in relevant parts

of Indian Companies Act in 1942 and 1944.

However, from 1939 onwards, certain developments began to surface

as a result of war. They imparted greater instability to the resources of the

banking system and rendered it vulnerable. While rates of interest on fixed

deposits already reached lower levels, during the period of depression, the

tendency was further strengthened by war. Low rates of interest on fixed

deposits and inflated prices of durable assets like gold, shares and real estate

strengthened the desire of the public to hold liquid assets in the form of

current deposits. Deposit growth slowed down, because saving was used as

working capital, for obtaining larger output from existing scale of equipment

in establishments. A number of banks were liquidated during the period


1939-42, followed by rapid expansion of banks during 1942-46. Such rapid

expansion of banks may be partly attributed to the early stages of growth of

the banking system, which generated large scope for expansion. Another

likely reason is currency expansion due to war finance. As a result, enormous

funds found it way into old banks in form of deposits. This also helped to set

up new banks due to difficulties in establishing industrial concerns. Lowering

of interest rate on deposits more than counterbalanced adverse impact on

profitability due to a larger proportion of more liquid assets. As a result,

profits of banks increased.

The defects in this phase of development of banking are as follows.

Indiscriminate branch expansion in areas already served led to unhealthy and

wasteful competition. Other problems included inadequacy of paid-up

capital, manipulation by management in issuing shares, acquisition of control

of non banking companies, interlocking of bank and other concern,

undesirable manipulation of accounts and utilisation of profits. Gain in

market prices of securities was used for paying dividends, instead of building

reserves. Thus began another spate of liquidation of banks in 1939, which

continued through 1942-46, alongside expansion of banking.

The ongoing unhealthy developments in the banking system during

1939-46 underlined the need of some machinery to combat it. This was

provided by powers given to RBI by means of passage of Banking

Companies (Inspection) Ordinance during 1946 and Banking Companies

(Restriction of Branches) Act at the end of 1946. The former enabled RBI to

bring about liquidation of banks, which were beyond recovery and to redeem

others, by timely help and advice. The indiscriminate opening of branches of


banks was checked by the passage of the later. A number of restrictions came

into force from July 1946. These were meant to improve the operations of

banks incorporated after 15th January 1937.

Neither the function of the central bank as a lender of the last resort,

nor capital adequacy norm of any kind was present till 1935. After 1935,

while the former came about, the later was still missing. It is only after

implementation of report Narasimham Committee; the later measure came

into being in 1993. The period till 1935 was characterised by abrupt

fluctuation in bank failures and may be labelled as chaotic period in the

history of banking in India. The said period consists of events, which led to

the evolution of RBI in 1935. It is only after 1935, when RBI came into

being and began to perform its role as the lender of last resort, proportion of

bank failure fell.

Bank failure could arise either due to making

losses or due to over lending and hence there being a run on the bank.

Throughout the period, industrial growth was increasing. Therefore, the

opportunities were not lacking for banks. The inception of RBI had imposed

a control on rate of interest and implicitly would have depressed profitability

of banks. In spite of this, in the second phase, bank failure declined; it stands

to reason that bank failure in the early phase was due to largely due to

absence facility of last resort. Since bank failure has progressively reduced

after introduction of RBI, it becomes evident that role of RBI was

predominantly one of stabilising the banking system as a lender of last resort.

We can only assume that bank failure before 1935 occurred as a result of

absence of the function of lender of last resort.


In England, central bank, in the form of Bank of England started

operating way back in 1694. In India, a central bank, in the form of Reserve

Bank of India, was founded out of concern for the well being of the banking

system as a whole. It was largely an evolutionary development spanning

through a period from 1770 to 1935. But, the initial impetus behind

establishment of the first government-sponsored bank in Europe generally

related to financial advantages5. Governments felt that they could obtain

from support of such bank. There was no intention that they would undertake

the functions of a modern central bank, which included discretionary

monetary management on the one hand and regulation and support of the

banking system on the other.6


Bagchi pointed out a few reasons, which led to a banking crisis during 1913-

15, in which many banks failed.

• Absence of banker’s bank either to help during a temporary

run on them or to guide them in their ordinary business.

• Dearth of sound business propositions.

• Lack of government backing for such business. (It may mean

that there was no development banking)

While Bagchi has highlighted these three reasons of bank failure,

during the early 20th century, obviously these are general reasons for bank

failure. It needs to be pointed out that, the earlier studies anomalously

reckoned bank failure in terms of absolute numbers and concluded that, in

5 Swedish Riksbank (1668) and Bank of England(1694) 6 Through the function of lender of the last resort, for example.


general, bank failure was increasing throughout the period, more particularly

after setting up of RBI. This anomalous conclusion could have been

avoided, had the proportion of bank failure been observed. An earlier study

by Desai (1987) sought to highlight the role of RBI through the capital

involved in the banks that have failed. Once again, this need not have been

necessary, had the proportion of bank failures been observed. The conclusion

of these studies was ambiguous and inadequate, both on account of studying

the wrong variable and not having a rigorous empirical framework.


It is difficult to define in strict legal terms the scope of organized

banking, particularly before the period preceding 1913. Many doubtful

companies registered themselves as banks and when they failed, figured in

the statistics as banking failures. Hence, the data used in the study is related

to the period 1913-46. The data on industrial production was collected from

table on gross domestic product by industrial origin at 1938-9 prices,

published in Sivasubramonium (2000)7. The data on total number of banks

was arrived at by adding number of banks in different categories, as reported

in different annual reports of trends and progress of banking in India. The

data on number of failed banks was collected from Banking and Monetary

Statistics of India (1954)8, published by RBI

For handling the problem, firstly we have developed a general model,

based on some of the factors mentioned above, that is applicable to the entire

7 Column 10 from table 6.10,Sivasubramonian(2000), page 411. 8 Banking and Monetary History of India(1954) page, 279.


period, as opposed to early period of the 20th century. The other problem

was handled by using proportion of bank failures, instead of number of banks

that failed. A full model has been constructed to include a slope and intercept

dummy, with an attempt to capture the impact of RBI. The intercept dummy

variable assumes value zero for the period before 1935 and one thereafter. It

is introduced to capture the structural break. The slope dummy is introduced

to see the difference in slope coefficients before and after 1935.

The second variable in Bagchi’s framework relates to lack of sound

business propositions. Presence of sound business proposals is related to

fundamentals of the economy Banking, being a part of urban economy, its

existence would critically depend on industrial growth. The model includes

an industrial growth variable as a proxy variable to capture fundamentals of

the economy. A time dummy was also used for capturing other exogenous

influences. The third variable mentioned in Bagchi’s framework could not be

captured because of absence of the concept of development banking at that


Two sets of equations are used. The first set of equations is used for

explaining bank failures. There are three different equations for explaining

bank failure. Firstly, two equations are used to examine the trend of bank

failures over two periods, before and after the establishment of RBI. The

third equation includes industrial development variable along to capture the

role of fundamentals of the economy in presence of slope and intercept

dummy, with a view to explain the proportion of bank failures. An

exogenous variable also was used in the equation. The second set of

equations is used for explaining industrial production, which represents one


of the fundamentals of the economy. The second set of equations consists of

two equations. They are used to find out growth and growth rate of industrial

production during: 1913-46

The equations to be estimated are as follows:

LogY=µ0+µ1t+u5…………………………………………….(1) and (2)

This equation is estimated twice, one for the period 1913-34 and the other for

the period 1935-46.

Y=β0+β1 Y 1+β2D1+β3D2+β4t+u3…………………………..(3)



Y=proportion of bank failures.

Y1= industrial production.

D1=intercept dummy assuming value zero for period before 1935 and one

from 1935 onwards.

D2=slope dummy, assuming value zero for period before 1935 and values of

industrial production from 1935 onwards.

D3=slope dummy, assuming value zero for period before 1935 and values of

time variable from 1935 onwards.

t=time variable.

Insert tables I.1 to I.5 here



The detailed results relating to the estimated equations are reported in tables

I.1 to I.5. Regression results also produced below for ready reference.

logY= -1.65-0.008t, Adj. R sq =. 23, F=0.63………..(1') (-8.02) (-.49) logY=4.52-0.23t, Adj. R sq=. 91,F=118.37…….(2') (7.47) (-10.87) Y=-0.07+1.35D1+0.0002 Y1-.0003 D2-.01t, Adj. R sq =. 50, F=9.5... (-.66) (5.31) (3.09) (-4.94) (-3.54) Y1=2029.64+67.1t-702.23D1+30.81D3, Adj. R sq =.87, F=75.36….(4') (15.94) (6.92) (-1.00) (1.19)

logY1=7.65+0.23t+0.0029D1+.00008D3, Adj Rsq =. 83, F=55.36..(5') (167.09) (6.64) (.01) (.009) Two periods are distinguished: 1913-34 and 1935-1946. They are

referred to as the earlier and later period respectively. Equation (1') shows

that there was no significant trend of bank failure during earlier period,

although the direction was negative. The reason for the trend in the first

period not being significantly different from zero lies in its erratic behaviour.

This has led to high variance and a consequent low t statistic. Equation (2')

shows that the trend of bank failure was statistically significantly negative,

during the later period. The t value was negative and statistically significant

at one percent level of confidence. Adjusted coefficient of determination is

91 percent and calculated F value was significant. It clearly shows that

proportion of bank failure was falling unambiguously and consistently during

the later period.

As shown by equation (3'), all the variables emerged significant in

explanation of proportion of bank failure during 1913-46. They are industrial


production, exogenous variable, intercept and slope dummies. The t values

associated with all of them are significant at one percent of confidence. The

adjusted coefficient of determination is 50 percent and F value associated

with it is significant. While the industrial production and intercept dummy

have positive sign, the other variables appeared with negative sign. The

intercept term is larger in the later period. It points out to a higher proportion

of bank failure, when RBI came into existence.

Insert figure I.2 here.

Sound business propositions are a necessary condition for sound

banking, but not a sufficient condition. With growth prospects, the

possibilities of expansion of credit emerge. But growth is only one of the

fundamentals of the economy. If industrial growth were taken as a proxy for

overall growth of the economy, better industrial growth would result in lesser

bank failures. However, this is subject to the caveat that a banking system is

properly functioning, in terms of adhering to a sound rate of interest rate

policy. Equation (4') reveals that industrial growth was positive throughout

the entire period, 1913-34. The t value associated with time variable is

positive and significant at one percent level of significance. The adjusted

coefficient of determination is high at 87 percent and F value is significant. It

is also seen from Figure I.1 that there is continuous growth in industrial

production from 1919 onwards. In addition, the industrial growth rate as

well was positive and significant throughout the period, as revealed by

Equation (5'). Here again, the t value associated with time variable is positive

and significant at one percent level of significance. The adjusted coefficient

of determination is high at 83 percent and F value is significant. The


influence of world depression, colonialism and an adverse tariff policy is not

seen in the case of industrial growth in India. That the proportion of bank

failure fell significantly during the later period is shown by D2 coefficient in

equation (3'). During first period, the influence of industrial production was

positive on the proportion of bank failure and negative during later period, as

shown by equation (3'). It appears that this change in the direction of the

influence is a combined effect of industrial growth and RBI control. So,

during the period before the inception of RBI, the story of bank failure

cannot be attributed to the lack of strong fundamentals of the economy. The

overall good fundamentals represented in positive industrial growth rate are

reflected in equation (5'). In the second period, the proportion has fallen

significantly in spite of no change in the trend of positive industrial growth,

as revealed by equation (4'). Hence, falling proportion of bank failures can

only to be unambiguously attributed to overall control of RBI, which has

resulted in stabilising other fundamentals, namely the rate of interest.

To begin with, the rate of bank failure was insignificant, as shown by

equation (3'). With industrial growth and the absence of RBI control, the

level of bank failure rose. In the later period, the proportion of bank failure

was falling. This was partly due to growing industrial production, as revealed

by equation (4'). The industrial production was growing but it had a negative

influence on proportion on bank failure in later period and partly due to

negative influence of exogenous factors. While the influence of exogenous

factors was uniformly negative, that of industrial production was positive in

the first period and negative in the second period. Perhaps this was because

in the first period, the banks did not have the necessary expertise. While


industrial growth provided the necessary conditions for venturesome ness,

this adventurism was coupled with lack of RBI control. The positive effect of

industrial production negated the negative impact of exogenous factors as to

result in statistically insignificant trend in the first period. Conversely, the

negative effect of industrial production in the second period coupled with the

negative effect of exogenous factors resulted in significantly negative trend

in the second period.

Insert figure I.2 here.

A look at the figure I.1 depicting proportion of bank failures over the

period 1913-46 reveals that there occurred a violent fluctuation in proportion

of bank failures before 1935. On the other hand, the proportion of bank

failures after 1935 shows a distinct falling trend. According to Bagchi, one

reason of bank failure was absence of sound business propositions. This is

proxied by industrial production and it is seen from figure I.2 that industrial

production has been raising from 1919 onwards and it continues to raise

throughout the period following the inception of RBI. What is important to

note that bank failures occurred in a very erratic manner despite continuous

rise in industrial production during the major part of the study. It is after

1935, rise in industrial production was associated with falling proportion of

bank failures. Clearly, the clue to bank failure does not lie in growth in

industrial output. Industrial production was expanding in the first phase as

well, showing that there was no dearth of sound business proposition. What

lacked was the regulatory mechanism provided by central bank, which is

crucial for sound operation by commercial banks. When this fundamental

loophole was plugged after 1935 in form of inception of RBI, proportion of


banks started falling continuously in the background of a rising industrial

production in the second phase.


Relevance of a definition of deregulation in the context of

banking has provided the rational of the paper. It has explored both theory of

banking as well as history of banking in India to develop an analytical basis

of concept of deregulation in banking industry. Theory of banking has

clarified the characteristics of banking as opposed to industry and provided

some clues On the other hand; the history of banking in India also provided

some empirical and analytical material for our objective. The paper analyses

the development of private banking in India under different phases and sub

phases, before delineating the characteristic features of each. The review

depicts a chequered history of private banking in our country, dominated by

bank failures, mergers and disappearances of small private banks. It has been

argued that the free market process of development of commercial banks,

without a central bank, was an inherently faulty and expensive way of

bringing about development of viable banking. The study has thrown up the

view that banking industry is somewhat distinct from other industries,

because of possible externalities isolated with bank failure. Thus, the concern

with deregulation in banking should be related to the health of the banking

system, as opposed to mere rate of return or efficiency. A policy framework

is necessary for their sustained growth and development of banking industry.

The policy framework for banks must be such that essential controls are

retained and are coupled with a large area of deregulation. In other words,


while deregulation in banks mean removal of negative controls along with

strengthening of positive controls. It is in this context; the new norms related

to asset classification, income recognition and capital adequacy has to be

viewed. Clearly, anything like a complete deregulation is ruled out in

banking industry.




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Table I.1 Growth rate of Bank Failure:1913-1934

Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.1079092 R Square 0.0116444 Adjusted R Square -0.037773 Standard Error 0.4688203

Observations 22


df SS MS F Significance

F Regression 1 0.051790033 0.05179 0.235631 0.632654253

Residual 20 4.39584995 0.219792 Total 21 4.447639983

Coefficients Standard

Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept -1.658683 0.206922015 -8.01598 a 1.13E-07 -

2.090314747 -1.22705

time -0.007648 0.015754773 -0.48542 0.632654 -

0.040511529 0.025216


Table I.2 Growth rate of Bank Failure:1934-1946 Regression Statistics

Multiple R 0.960261 R Square 0.9221011

Adjusted R Square 0.9143112

Standard Error 0.2520149 Observations 12


df SS MS F Significance

F Regression 1 7.51795583 7.517956 118.3716 7.30051E-07

Residual 10 0.635115003 0.063512 Total 11 8.153070834

Coefficients Standard

Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 4.5213705 0.60501437 7.473162 a 2.13E-05 3.173314287 5.869427

time -0.229288 0.021074543 -10.8799 a 7.3E-07 -

0.276245301 -0.18233


Table I.3 Regression output of Bank Failure:1913-1946

Regression Statistics

Multiple R 0.7531121 R Square 0.5671779

Adjusted R Square 0.5074783

Standard Error 0.0746186 Observations 34


df SS MS F Significance

F Regression 4 0.211593253 0.052898 9.500531 4.91371E-05

Residual 29 0.161470040 0.005568 Total 33 0.373063293

Coefficients Standard

Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept -0.070669 0.106479554 -0.66368 0.512136 -

0.288443852 0.147107D1 1.351807 0.254717962 5.30707 a 1.08E-05 0.83085002 1.872764

indprodn 0.0001528 4.9374E-05 3.09416 a 0.004342 5.17898E-05 0.000254

D2 -0.000321 6.48305E-05 -4.9439 a 2.96E-05 -

0.000453111 -0.00019

t -0.014375 0.004050216 -3.5492 a 0.001339 -

0.022658651 -0.00609


Table I.4

Growth of Industrial

Production :1913-1946

Regression Statistics

Multiple R 0.9396021 R Square 0.8828521

Adjusted R Square 0.8711373

Standard Error 288.50379 Observations 34


df SS MS F Significance

F Regression 3 18818181.93 6272727 75.36217 4.53811E-14

Residual 30 2497033.041 83234.43 Total 33 21315214.97

Coefficients Standard

Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 2029.6364 127.3361703 15.9392 a 3.45E-16 1769.581478 2289.691Time 67.098814 9.695210 6.920821 a 1.1E-07 47.29857364 86.89905

D1 -702.2284 704.2216 -0.99717 0.326658 -

2140.439408 735.9825

D3 30.813773 26.00107857 1.185096 0.245283 -

22.28745873 83.91501


Table I.5 Growth rate of Industrial Production:1913-1946

Growrh rate of Industrial


Regression Statistics

Multiple R 0.9203177 R Square 0.8469847

Adjusted R Square 0.8316831

Standard Error 0.1037793 Observations 34


df SS MS F Significance

F Regression 3 1.788476732 0.596159 55.35293 2.44634E-12

Residual 30 0.32310427 0.01077 Total 33 2.111581002

Coefficients Standard

Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 7.6537444 0.0458048 167.0948 a 4.18E-46 7.560198566 7.74729 Time 0.0231586 0.003487518 6.640431 a 2.36E-07 0.016036166 0.030281

D1 0.0028401 0.253319469 0.011211 0.991129 -

0.514506763 0.520187D3 8.724E-05 0.009352992 0.009327 0.99262 -0.0190141 0.019189

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