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Computational LinguisticsCS579: Fall Semester 2020

School of ComputingKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Jong C. Park

© All rights reserved.

We reviewed a first-order model checker.• Represent models and first-order formulas in Prolog;

Specify the evaluation process in Prolog The Satisfaction Definition in Prolog

• satisfy/4 for boolean connectives (negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication), existential and universal quantification, one-place and two-place predicates, equality

• Interpretation function We discussed the need to refine the Model Checker. We examined the relationship between First-Order

Logic and Natural Language.• Inferential and Representational Capabilities

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Review of the Last Lecture

Compositionality Two Experiments The Lambda Calculus Implementing Lambda Calculus Grammar Engineering

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Lambda Calculus

Goals Today• We study the following question:• How can we automate the process of

associating semantic representations with expressions of natural language?

• We discuss the idea of compositionality, experiment with ways of implementing compositional semantic construction, and lambda calculus.

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Lambda Calculus


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Question: • Given a sentence of English, is there a

systematic way of constructing its semantic representation?

A more specific question:• Is there a systematic way of translating simple

sentences such as “Vincent loves Mia” and “A woman snorts” into first-order logic?

• What do we mean by “systematic”?

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Consider “Vincent loves Mia”. • Its semantic content is partially captured by the

first-order formula . • The proper name “Vincent” contributes the

constant to the representation.• The transitive verb “loves” contributes the

relation symbol , and “Mia” contributes . Can we generalize this process to the claim

that the words making up a sentence contribute all the bits and pieces needed to build the sentence’s semantic representation?

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Another, related question:• From the symbols love, mia and vincent, why

can’t we also form love(mia,vincent) from the sentence “Vincent loves Mia” (in addition to, or instead of love(vincent,mia))?

• Are there any limitations?

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Such limitations are explained by the notion of syntactic structure. • “Vincent loves Mia” isn’t just a string of words,

but presents a hierarchical structure: • a sentence (S) that is composed of the subject

noun phrase (NP) “Vincent” and the verb phrase (VP) “loves Mia”.

• This VP is in turn composed of the transitive verb (TV) “loves” and the direct object NP “Mia”.

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The systematicity of the translation from natural language to first-order logic expressions amounts to using the additional information provided by syntactic structure to spell out exactly how the semantic contributions are to be gluedtogether.

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Vincent loves Mia (S)love(vincent,mia)

Vincent (NP)vincent

Mia (NP)mia

loves (TV)love(?,?)

loves Mia (VP)love(?,mia)

Compositionality• Semantic information flows from the lexicon,

thus each lexical item is associated with a representation.

• How is the information combined at all?• It is combined by making use of the hierarchy

provided by the syntactic analysis.

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• Suppose the syntax tells us that some kind of sentential subpart (e.g., a VP) is decomposable into two sub-subparts (e.g., a TV and an NP). • Then the task is to describe how the semantic

representation of the VP subpart is to be built out of the representation of its two sub-subparts.

• If we succeed in doing this for all the grammatical constructions covered by the syntax, we will have given a compositionalsemantics for the language under discussion.

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For the original question, we need to:• [Task 1] Specify a reasonable syntax for the

fragment of natural language of interest.• [Task 2] Specify semantic representations for

the lexical items.• [Task 3] Specify the translation composition-

ally.• We should specify the translation of all expressions in

terms of the translation of their parts, where “parts” refer to the substructures given to us by the syntax.

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Natural Language Syntax via Definite Clause Grammars

Moreover, all the three tasks need to be carried out in a way that leads naturally to computational implementation.

As for Task 1, the syntactic analysis of a sentence will be identified with a tree, whose non-leaf nodes represent complex syntactic categories and whose leaves represent lexical items.

This approach will allow us to make use of Definite Clause Grammars (DCGs).

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Refer to the files,, and s --> np, vp. noun --> [woman].np --> pn. noun --> [foot,massage].np --> det, noun. vp --> --> [vincent]. vp --> tv, --> [mia]. iv --> [snorts].det --> [a]. iv --> [walks].det --> [every]. tv --> [loves].

tv --> [likes].

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An example DCG implementation

The grammar accepts the following simple sentence:• Vincent walks.

In addition, by posing the query below, we can test whether “Mia likes a foot massage” is accepted by the grammar.?- s([mia,likes,a,foot,massage],[]).

The query below generates all grammatical sentences.?- s(X,[]).

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Experiment 1• Assume the following piece of DCG code:

pn(vincent) --> [vincent].pn(mia) --> [mia].iv(snort(_)) --> [snorts].tv(love(_,_)) --> [loves].

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Two Experiments

How do we come up with the specific values?

• We choose to use the predicate arg/3.s(Sem) --> np(SemNP), vp(Sem),

{ arg(1,Sem,SemNP) }. np(Sem) --> pn(Sem). vp(Sem) --> tv(Sem), np(SemNP),

{ arg(2,Sem,SemNP) }. vp(Sem) --> iv(Sem).

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pn(vincent) --> [vincent].pn(mia) --> [mia].iv(snort(_)) --> [snorts].tv(love(_,_)) --> [loves].

• Example interaction:?- s(Sem, [mia,snorts], []).Sem = snort(mia)

• We extend the DCG with the determiners “a” and “every”.

det(some(_,and(_,_))) --> [a].det(all(_,imp(_,_))) --> [every].noun(woman(_)) --> [woman].noun(footmassage(_)) --> [foot,massage].

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pn(vincent) --> [vincent].pn(mia) --> [mia].iv(snort(_)) --> [snorts].tv(love(_,_)) --> [loves]. s(Sem) --> np(SemNP), vp(Sem),

{ arg(1,Sem,SemNP) }. np(Sem) --> pn(Sem). vp(Sem) --> tv(Sem), np(SemNP),

{ arg(2,Sem,SemNP) }. vp(Sem) --> iv(Sem).

• We use arg/3 again for the determiners. np(Sem) --> det(Sem), noun(SemNoun),


• Sample interaction:?- np(Sem, [a,woman], []).Sem = some(X,and(woman(X),Y)).

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missing piece of information

det(some(_,and(_,_))) --> [a].det(all(_,imp(_,_))) --> [every].noun(woman(_)) --> [woman].noun(footmassage(_)) -->


• We need to furnish VP with the missing piece of information.

• A proposal:s(Sem) --> np(Sem), vp(SemVP),

{ arg(1,SemVP,X), arg(1,Sem,X),arg(2,Sem,Matrix),arg(2,Matrix,SemVP) }.

• Problems:• Redundancy: We already have a rule ‘s --> np, vp’. • Wrong interaction: np(Sem) --> pn(Sem).• Another rule for quantified NPs in object position?

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np(Sem) --> det(Sem), noun(SemNoun), {arg(1,SemNoun,X),


s(Sem) --> np(SemNP), vp(Sem), { arg(1,Sem,SemNP) }.

np(Sem) --> pn(Sem). vp(Sem) --> tv(Sem), np(SemNP),

{ arg(2,Sem,SemNP) }. vp(Sem) --> iv(Sem).

Experiment 2• Lessons from experiment 1• We need to work with incomplete first-order

formulas to build representations.• We need a way of manipulating the missing

information. • We should take care to always associate

missing information with an explicit Prolog variable.

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• Proposal:• We shall need three extra arguments: (1) one

for the bound variable, (2) one for the contribution made by the noun (restriction),and (3) one for the contribution made by the VP (nuclear scope).

det(X,Restr,Scope,some(X,and(Restr,Scope))) --> [a].

det(X,Restr,Scope,all(X,imp(Restr,Scope))) --> [every].

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• Additional lexical changesnoun(X,woman(X)) --> [woman].iv(Y,snort(Y)) --> [snorts].tv(Y,Z,love(Y,Z)) --> [loves].

• Quantified noun phrases and proper namesnp(X,Scope,Sem) --> det(X,Restr,Scope,Sem),

noun(X,Restr).np(SemPN,Sem,Sem) --> pn(SemPN).

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det(X,Restr,Scope,some(X,and(Restr,Scope))) --> [a].

det(X,Restr,Scope,all(X,imp(Restr,Scope))) --> [every].

noun(woman(_)) --> [woman].noun(footmassage(_)) --> [foot,massage].pn(vincent) --> [vincent].pn(mia) --> [mia].iv(snort(_)) --> [snorts].tv(love(_,_)) --> [loves].

• Redefined ruless(Sem) --> np(X,SemVP,Sem), vp(X,SemVP).vp(X,Sem) --> tv(X,Y,SemTV),

np(Y,SemTV,Sem).vp(X,Sem) --> iv(X,Sem).

• Problems?• Much of the work is done by the rules, requiring

rule-specific Prolog tricks such as variable doubling. • It is hard to think about the resulting grammar in a

modular way. • We need a better solution.

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np(X,Scope,Sem) --> det(X,Restr,Scope,Sem), noun(X,Restr).np(SemPN,Sem,Sem) --> pn(SemPN).

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CS579: Computational Linguistics 29Fall 2020 KAIST

Lambda calculus works as a notational extension of first-order logic that allows us to bind variables using a new variable binding operator .• Occurrences of variables bound by should be

thought of as placeholders for missing information: they explicitly mark where we should substitute the various bits and pieces obtained in the course of semantic construction.

• An operation called –conversion performs the required substitutions.

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The Lambda Calculus

A simple lambda expression:•

Notes• The prefix x. binds the occurrence of x in

man(x).• The prefix x. abstracts over the variable x. • We call expressions with such prefixes

lambda abstractions (or, more simply, abstractions).

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We use the symbol @ to indicate the substitutions (or functional applications) we wish to carry out. • The expression gives rise

to man(vincent).

This substitution process is called -conversion, -reduction, or -conversion.

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Additional process• -conversion

• the process of relabelling bound variables• -equivalence

• alphabetic-variants• 𝜆 and 𝜆

• Why do we need -conversion?• It could happen that, when we apply 𝜆x. 𝐹 to an

argument A, some occurrences of a variable that is free in A becomes bound by a lambda operator or a quantifier when we substitute it into F.

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A revised formulation• Assign lambda expressions to the different

basic syntactic categoriesevery: boxer: y.boxer(y)walks: z.walk(z)

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every boxer (NP)𝜆u. 𝜆v. ∀x u@x → v@x @𝜆y. boxer y

every (DET)𝜆u. 𝜆v. ∀x u@x → v@x

boxer (Noun)𝜆y. boxer y

every boxer:

leading to:

every boxer walks: @ z.walk(z)

leading to: z.walk(z)

leading to: walk(x)

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every boxer (NP)𝜆u. 𝜆v. ∀x u@x → v@x @𝜆y. boxer y

every (DET)𝜆u. 𝜆v. ∀x u@x → v@x

boxer (Noun)𝜆y. boxer y

Full example

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every boxer walks∀x boxer x → walk(x)

every boxer (NP)𝜆u. 𝜆v. ∀x u@x → v@x @𝜆y. boxer y

every (DET)𝜆u. 𝜆v. ∀x u@x → v@x

boxer (Noun)𝜆y. boxer y

walks (VP)𝜆z.walk(z)

Proper names are handled similarly.Mia: 𝜆u.(u@mia)Vincent: 𝜆u.(u@vincent)

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loves (TV)𝜆w.𝜆z.(w@𝜆,x))

Mia (NP)𝜆u. u@mia

loves Mia (VP)𝜆z.(love(z,mia))

Vincent (NP)𝜆u. u@vincent

Vincent loves Mia (S)love(vincent,mia))

We assume a revised version of the three tasks (for the remainder of the course). • Task 1: Specify a DCG for the fragment of

natural language of interest.• Task 2: Specify semantic representations for

the lexical items with the help of the lambda calculus.

• Task 3: Specify the semantic representation R’of a syntactic item R whose parts are F and A , with the help of the lambda calculus.

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CS579: Computational Linguistics 39Fall 2020 KAIST

Lambda Calculus• Compositionality• Systematicity via syntactic structure• Definite Clause Grammars (DCGs)

• Two Experiments• The Lambda Calculus • operator, Lambda expression, lambda

abstraction, functional application, -conversion, -conversion

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