computación en la nube, ils y datos abiertos: riesgos y oportunidades :

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Marshall Breeding Independent Consult, Author, Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides Computación en la nube, ILS y datos abiertos: Riesgos y oportunidades : . 08 August 2013. Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Blending evolution with revolution:

Computacin en la nube, ILS y datos abiertos: Riesgos y oportunidades: 08 August 2013Biblioteca Luis ngel ArangoMarshall BreedingIndependent Consult, Author, Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides

ResumenBibliotecas de todo el mundo dependen cada vez ms de la tecnologa para apoyar sus servicios y actividades estratgicas. Una variedad de tendencias y desarrollos estn en juego con el potencial de ofrecer nuevas oportunidades para las bibliotecas. Breeding describir algunas de estas tendencias, con especial nfasis en la forma en que estas impactan en distintas regiones y pases. La creacin de servicios de "discovery = descubrimiento" moderniza la forma en que las bibliotecas ofrecen acceso a sus colecciones y ampla el alcance de la bsqueda para incluir artculos de investigacin y otros recursos con una fuerte atencin a los conceptos de redes sociales. Sistemas de cdigo abierto de automatizacin de bibliotecas, como ABCD, Koha o Evergreen presentan un desafo de los modelos de negocios y prcticas de desarrollo relacionados con el software propietario, quienes deben reducir sus mrgenes de ganancia para competir, permitiendo que muchas bibliotecas accedan a tecnologas de automatizacin ms avanzadas de lo que realmente les sera posible.ResumenCon la fuerte irrupcin de las bibliotecas en el acceso a los recursos electrnicos y la gestin de colecciones digitales, la oferta actual de sistemas de automatizacin se ha ido convirtiendo en un obstculo para el progreso. Una nueva generacin de plataformas de servicios digitales para bibliotecas est emergiendo, diseada para proporcionar un apoyo integral para la gestin y el acceso de todos los formatos de materiales de la biblioteca: impresos, electrnicos y digitales. Estos nuevos sistemas implican una modernizacin de las arquitecturas orientadas a servicios, con un mayor desarrollo del concepto de "software como servicio" o de otros modelos basados en la "nube". Una perspectiva internacionalLa forma en la que las bibliotecas desarrollan e implementan sus estrategias tecnolgicas depender de su situacin econmica ydel acceso alos recursos relacionados, incluyendo la redy lainfraestructura informtica,Internet de banda ancha,y el nivel de inters y la capacidadde sus usuariospara aprovecharlos servicios informticosy basadas en Web, as como otros factores.How libraries develop and implement their technology strategies must be informed by their economic situation and their access to related resources, including network and computing infrastructure, Internet bandwidth, and the level of interest and ability for their users to take advantage of computer and Web-based services and many other factors.

How libraries develop and implement their technology strategies must be informed by their economic situation and their access to related resources, including network and computing infrastructure, Internet bandwidth, and the level of interest and ability for their users to take advantage of computer and Web-based services and many other factors.4Successful libraries thrive in many circumstancesEvery region of the world brings its unique circumstancesVariations by typeAcademic, Public, School, specialWide differences in financial opportunitiesLibrary Technology Guides

www.librarytechnology.orgRecursosen Library Technology GuidesNoticias de actualidad sobrela bibliotecaorientada atecnologas, productos,y las organizacionesGuidePosts Blogde MarshallLib-web-cats:directorio internacional debibliotecasy de las tecnologasque utilizanEl texto completo demuchos artculosrelacionados con latecnologa de la bibliotecaIncluyendo artculosde Marshall,informes y presentacionesDirectoriode organizaciones que ofrecenproductospara la automatizacin dela bibliotecaServicios de notificacin:Web, e-mail, RSS, Twitter

Metacatlogo: Red Nacional de Bibliotecas PblicasProyecto Piloto funcionando con Koha SIGBhttp:// Fabio Ernesto Tuso Gonzlez / de bibliotecas en lib-web-cats: representado en Koha Metacatlogo

Bibliotecas representado en Koha MetacatlogoRed Capital de Bibliotecas Pblicas

Red Capital de Bibliotecas Pblicas

Resources in Library Technology Guides Current news about library-oriented technologies, products, and organizationsGuidePosts: Marshalls BlogLib-web-cats: international directory of libraries and technologies they useFull text of many articles related to library technologyIncluding Marshalls articles, reports, and presentationsDirectory of organizations involved in library automationNotification services: Web, e-mail, RSS, TwitterMergers and Acquisitions Journal Automation MarketplacePublished annually in April 1 issueBased on data provided by each vendorFocused primarily on North AmericaContext of global library automation market

Annual Industry report published in Library Journal:2011: New Frontier: battle intensifies to win hearts, minds and tech dollars2010: New Models, Core Systems2009: Investing in the Future2008: Opportunity out of turmoil 2007: An industry redefined 2006: Reshuffling the deck 2005: Gradual evolution 2004: Migration down, innovation up 2003: The competition heats up 2002: Capturing the migrating customer LJ Automation MarketplaceLJ Automation MarketplaceAnnual Industry report published in Library Journal:2013: Rush to Innovate2012: Agents of Change2011: New Frontier: battle intensifies to win hearts, minds and tech dollars2010: New Models, Core Systems2009: Investing in the Future2008: Opportunity out of turmoil 2007: An industry redefined 2006: Reshuffling the deck 2005: Gradual evolution 2004: Migration down, innovation up 2003: The competition heats up 2002: Capturing the migrating customer La Nueva FronteraSurge una nueva fase de competicin, tras un perodode investigacin y desarrolloen el que se ofrecan alternativasa las bibliotecas,tanto en susnecesidades de automatizacininterna como en la recuperacin de los informacin por parte de los usuarios de la biblioteca. Sugen una variedad denuevas soluciones que por lo generalrepresentan distintosmodelos conceptuales.Enuna tendencia continua,las bibliotecasestn implementando solucionesque mejoranlas experiencias de sususuarios,especialmente a travs de productos dedescubrimientocon la ampliacin defuncionesy de un mayor alcance. The New Frontier new phase of competition following a period of research and development that aimed to provide alternatives to libraries, both in back-end automation and end user discovery. A variety of new solutions have emerged, often representing quite different conceptual models. In a continued trend, librarians seek solutions that immediately improve the experiences of their users, especially via discovery products.Contextoclave: Bibliotecas enla TransicinCambio de lo impreso> electrnicoTransicin casi completa de revistas electrnicasTransicin de libros impresosalibros electrnicos(e-Books)Las bibliotecas acadmicasestn viendola disminucin dela circulacin impresaLas bibliotecas pblicasestn viendo un aumentoenla circulacin impresaBibliotecas en general requierenmejores herramientaspara la gestin delos recursos electrnicosNecesitan mejores herramientaspara que sususuarios puedan acceder acolecciones complejasde materiales endiferentes formatos:impresos, electrnicosy digitalesClaveContexto:Tecnologasdela transicinXML/WebServices /Arquitecturaorientada a serviciosMs all dela Web 2.0Integracin de las aplicaciones sociales eninfraestructura bsicaComputacinlocalacambio deplataformas en la nubeNuevas expectativas paramltiples usuariosde software-as-a-servicecompleta gama de equiposde tamao completocomputadoras/tablet/ mvilContextoclave:usuarios de la bibliotecaen la TransicinLa nueva generacin deusuarios de la bibliotecaEl millennial generationAutosuficiente-reacios apedir ayudaDigitalnativos digital nativesinmerso en un mundoWeb 2.0Estilos de trabajo colaborativosSe perciben a s mismoscomo competentes parautilizar las herramientas deinformacin sin la ayuda delos bibliotecarioso maestrosPero no son necesariamentecompetentes en la bsqueda de informacin.Fundamental technology shiftMainframe computingClient/ServerWeb-based and Cloud Computing ComputingTraditional modelLocally owned and managedShifting from departmental to enterpriseDepartmental servers co-located in central IT data centersIncreasingly virtualized

VirtualizationThe ability for multiple computing images to simultaneously exist on one physical serverPhysical hardware partitioned into multiple instances using virtual machine management tools such as VMwareApplicable to local, remote, and cloud models

Cloud ComputingMajor trend in Information TechnologyTerm in the cloud has devolved into marketing hype, but cloud computing in the form of multi-tenant software as a service offers libraries opportunities to break out of individual silos of automation and engage in widely shared cooperative systemsOpportunities for libraries to leverage their combined efforts into large-scale systems with more end-user impact and organizational efficienciesBeyond CloudwashingCloud as marketing hypeCloud computing used very freely, tagged to almost any virtualized environmentAny arrangement where the library relies on some kind of remote hosting environment for major automation componentsIncludes almost any vendor-hosted product offeringExample: ASP now Software-as-a-ServiceCloud computing characteristicsWeb-based InterfacesExternally hostedPricing: subscription or utilityHighly abstracted computing modelProvisioned on demandScaled according to variable needsElastic consumption of resources can contract and expand according to demandGartner Hype Cycle 2009

Gartner Hype Cycle 2010

Gartner Hype Cycle 2011

Gartner Hype Cycle 2012

Budget AllocationsServer PurchaseServer MaintenanceApplication software licenseData Center overheadEnergy costsFacility costsAnnual SubscriptionMeasured Service?Fixed feesFactorsHostingSoftware LicensesOptional modulesLocal ComputingCloud ComputingInfrastructure-as-a-serviceProvisioning of EquipmentServers, storageVirtual server provisioningExamples: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)Rackspace Cloud ( Atmos ( software application, customized for customer useSoftware delivered through cloud infrastructure, data stored on cloudEg: Salesforce.comwidely used business infrastructureMulti-tenant: all organizations that use the service share the same instance (codebase, hardware resources, etc)Often partitioned to separate some groups of subscribersSoftware as a ServiceMulti Tennant SaaS is the modern approachOne copy of the code base serves multiple sitesSoftware functionality delivered entirely through Web interfacesNo workstation clientsUpgrades and fixes deployed universallyUsually in small incrementsKey Context: Library Users in TransitionNew generations of library users:Millennial generation Self sufficient reluctant to seek assistancePerceive themselves as competent to use information tools without helpWeb savvy / Digital nativesPervasive Web 2.0 concepts / Inherently collaborative work stylesTextoclave:cambiaron las expectativas en la gestin delos metadatosDe priorizar la creacin del registro, se pasa a la gestin a nivel de coleccinProcesos basados en elciclo de vidade los metadatosMetadatosmuycompartidos:enfoque de base de conocimientosWorldCat, Alma Community Zone, SFX Global KnowledgebaseGran intersen el avance haciala web semntica yabrirlos datos vinculados (open linked data)AACR2 > RDA; MARC > RDFCambios en el escenariode automatizacin de bibliotecasSIGB(SistemaIntegrado deGestin de Biblioteca)sigue siendo elcorazn de la infraestructuraInters estratgico entecnologas de descubrimientofuerte necesidad deherramientas para gestionarlos recursos electrnicosSin embargo,los productos diseados parala gestin de recursoselectrnicos nohan sido popularesLos servidores deEnlace (SFX, 360 Link)se consideranla infraestructura esencialpara las bibliotecas universitariasSirviendo alos ms necesitadosUn gran nmero debibliotecas,muchas de ellas enlos Estados Unidos,siguen sin ser automatizados o bajoautomatizadaEs muy difcilofrecerproductos adecuadosde automatizacinal alcance de las bibliotecascon recursosmuy limitadosMuchaspequeas bibliotecasmvilescomo productos deautomatizacin a travs de SaaSMuchaspequeas bibliotecas en lospases conancho de banda deinterneten movimiento encuentran productos automatizados a travs deSaaSBibliotecas enlos pases ms pobresdependen defuente abiertaosoftware financiado por el Gobierno:CDS/ISIS,Koha,ABCD, PMBLas tendencias enmodelos de implementacinde automatizacinMayor inters enproyectosde cooperacin para reducirlos costos de automatizaciny para aumentar el impactode las coleccionesIniciativas regionales,estatales,nacionalesy de infraestructurade automatizacinEl movimiento haciael software como servicio (SaaS):Software de cdigo abiertoproductos de software propietarioLa poca de los SIGBindependientes yahapasadoLas principales tendenciasinternacionalesLas compaas internacionalesobtienen unamayor proporcin de sus ventasdesde fuera dela compaa de origen (Ex Libris, SirsiDynix, Innovative, Civica)Las compaas localesdominanen muchas regiones ypases (Janium, Baratz / Absys, etc.)La tecnologa cambiams rpido quela capacidad de desarrollodemuchas empresas localesVulnerablesa las empresas internacionalesque ofrecenuna gran funcionalidad y soporte robusto paralos idiomas locales(Unicode)SIGBde cdigo abierto: EscenarioInternacionalFuerte inters enEE.UU., Canad,Amrica LatinaMuypoco o ningn intersen AsiaEl intersest ahora empezando acrecer en EuropaEl mundo en desarrollo:SIGBde cdigo abiertocrececomo una alternativa alos productos basados enISISVersionesde cdigo abiertode los productosISISemergentesABCD(AutomatizacindeBibliotecas yCentrosde Documentacin)OpenBiblioPMB: PhpMyBibliKoha KohaSIGBde cdigo abierto originalmente desarrollado enNueva Zelanda en 1999Con el apoyo deempresascomerciales, especialmente enlos Estados UnidosImplementado pormuchas bibliotecasen todo el mundo:Argentina: Digibep en las BibliotecasPopulares, y enlas bibliotecas escolarescon el apoyo delaBibliotecaNacional de

EvergreenSIGBde cdigo abierto desarrollado por elSistema de BibliotecasPblicasde Georgiaen los EstadosUnidosAhoraapoyadoy desarrollado poruna empresa llamadaEquinox Software originalmente diseado paragrandes consorcioscompose depequeas bibliotecasSe utiliza principalmenteen los EstadosUnidos y CanadMas complejo en la instalacin y con funcionalidades ms sofisticadas que KohaVer:

Kuali OLEILS being developed for and by large academic and research libraries in an open source, community based modelFunded in part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, managed through the Kuali Foundation2-year project to build the software led by Indiana University, with other major partners: University of Chicago, University of Maryland, Lehigh University, University of Florida, University of Pennsylvania, etc.Designed to be well-integrated with the information infrastructure of Universities:Identity management, Authentication, ERP, learning management systems, etc.Proliferation of library automation systemsSIGBpara la gestinde los recursosimpresosGestin de recursoselectrnicos(no integradaconSIGB)Resolucin de enlacesOpenURL (Link Resolvers)para el accesoal texto completo deartculos electrnicosColeccin Digitalcon plataformasde gestin(CONTENTdm,DigiTool, etc)Los repositoriosinstitucionales(DSpace,Fedora, etc)Descubrimiento delos servicios(Discovery Services) para acceso alas colecciones de bibliotecasy serviciosEsta es la situacin actual, no hayservicios de integracin efectivoso interoperabilidadentre lossistemas desconectados,con coexistencia de regmenes distintos de metadatosFase de lareestructuracin (phase of realignment)Fuertenecesidad de reajustarla automatizacin de bibliotecascon la realidadactual de la bibliotecaEl legado delos sistemas de bibliotecasde reforzarlos flujos de trabajoya no est en sintona conlas prioridadesactuales de la biblioteca.Sistemasquepermitan que las bibliotecasasignen al personal en una proporcinadecuadaa la coleccinPlataformas separadaspara laautomatizacin de informacinimpresa y electrnica,nohan tenido xitoNuevas direccionesen el desarrollo deAutomatizacin de BibliotecasPremisa fundamental:Impreso+Electrnico+DigitalLo impreso domina en los SIGB tradicionales y eso no se adecua almodelo dela realidad actual de la bibliotecay al futuroLas bibliotecasactualmentecuentan con unILSncleo, rodeado pormdulos adicionales para manejarlos contenidos electrnicosNuevas interfacesde descubrimiento que sustituyen o complementanel mdulo decatlogo en lneadel SIGBTecnologas en la nubeofrecen un potencial paranuevos niveles de eficienciay cooperacin

Rethinking library automation Fundamental assumption: Print + Electronic + DigitalTraditional print-dominant ILS model not adequate for current and future library realitiesLibraries currently involved with a core ILS surrounded by additional modules to handle electronic contentNew discovery layer interfaces replacing or supplementing ILS OPACSCloud technologies offer potential for new levels of efficiency and cooperationIt's Time to Break the Mold of the Original ILS Computers in Libraries Nov/Dec 2007Tecnologas de la Computacin en Nube (Cloud Computing)Las principales tendencias enTecnologa de la InformacinEsencialmentela externalizacin del alojamientoy gestin del servidorProductos de automatizacin dela mayora de las nuevas versiones con un cierto saborde computacin en la nubeDependedel ancho de bandade Internet, que sea rpida y fiable (fast and reliable)Biblioteca de automatizacinen la nubeCasitodos los proveedoresde automatizacin de bibliotecasofrecen algn tipo de servicios basados en la nubeLa responsabilidad dela administracin de servidoresse muevede la bibliotecaa los ProveedoresBasado en suscripcinel nuevo modelo de negocio:El pagointegralde suscripcin anualComprar compensacionesal servidor localy de mantenimientoReduce la necesidad deapoyarla tecnologa localEjemplos:Ex Libris: Primo Central; AlmaOCLC: Web-scale Management ServiceTraditional products offered as SaaS:SirsiDynix SymphonyTradicionalesSIGBcomercialespropietariosAleph, Voyager, Millennium, Symphony, Janium, Absys.NET Tradicionales SIGB de cdigo abiertoEvergreen, Koha, PMB, ABCDNueva generacinunificadade gestin de recursosEx Libris Alma, Kuali OLE, OCLC Web-scale Management ServicesLos sistemas de automatizacin basados en la nube:Ex Libris AlmaOCLC Web-scale: Management ServiceSerials Solutions: Web-Scale Management SolutionModelos de la competenciapara la Automatizacin dela BibliotecaUnificado deGestin de RecursosYa no essensible eluso dediferentes plataformasde softwarepara la gestin delos diferentes tipos demateriales de la bibliotecaSIGB+ERM +OpenURLResolver+ la gestinde activos digitales, etc, es unmuy ineficiente modeloEs mejor tener unaplataformaflexiblecapaz de gestionarmltiplestiposdemateriales de la biblioteca,mltiples formatos demetadatos,con flujos de trabajoadecuadoSistemas AbiertosLa aperturase ha incrementadocomo principalclaveen las estrategias detecnologa de la bibliotecaLas bibliotecas necesitanllegar ms lejos con sus datosCapacidad para mejorar laexperiencia del cliente yla eficienciaoperativaLa demanda deinteroperabilidadDe cdigo abierto-el pleno accesoal programainterno de la aplicacinabierto API-exponerinterfaces de programacina los datosy la funcionalidadNext-gen Catalogs or Discovery InterfaceSingle search boxQuery toolsDid you meanType-aheadRelevance ranked resultsFaceted navigationEnhanced visual displaysCover artSummaries, reviews,Recommendation servicesDiscovery from Local to Web-scaleInitial products focused on technologyAquaBrowser, Endeca, Primo, Encore, VuFind, LIBERO Uno, Civica Sorcer, Axiell ArenaMostly locally-installed softwareCurrent phase focused on pre-populated indexes that aim to deliver Web-scale discovery (cloud based)Primo Central (Ex Libris)Summon (Serials Solutions)WorldCat Local (OCLC)EBSCO Discovery Service (EBSCO)Encore with Article IntegrationChallenges for Latin AmericaNewly developed international systems may be too expensiveCan local and open source development of products based on new conceptual models be accelerated?Do new cloud-based systems make assumptions regarding Internet bandwidth that may not apply consistently? Device Agnostic

Legacy LMS ModelCirculationBIB

Staff Interfaces:Holding / ItemsCircTransactUserVendorPolicies$$$FundsCatalogingAcquisitionsSerialsOnlineCatalogPublic Interfaces:InterfacesBusinessLogicDataStoresLegacy LMS ModelCirculationBIB

Staff Interfaces:Holding / ItemsCircTransactUserVendorPolicies$$$FundsCatalogingAcquisitionsSerialsOnlineCatalogPublic Interfaces:InterfacesBusinessLogicDataStores`Legacy ILS Model / APICirculationBIB

Staff Interfaces:Holding / ItemsCircTransactUserVendorPolicies$$$FundsCatalogingAcquisitionsSerialsOnlineCatalogPublic Interfaces:InterfacesBusinessLogicDataStoresApplication Programming Interfaces

Legacy ILS Model + protocolCirculationBIB

Staff Interfaces:Holding / ItemsCircTransactUserVendorPolicies$$$FundsCatalogingAcquisitionsSerialsOnlineCatalogPublic Interfaces:Application Programming Interfaces

Protocols: SIP2 NCIP Z39.50 OAI-PMHSelf-CheckInterlibraryLoanSystemLegacy ILS Model / External APICirculationBIB

Staff Interfaces:Holding / ItemsCircTransactUserVendorPolicies$$$FundsCatalogingAcquisitionsSerialsOnlineCatalogPublic Interfaces:Application Programming Interfaces / Web Services

Protocols: SIP2 NCIP Z39.50 OAI-PMHExternalSystems & ServicesFlexible InteroperabilityLibrary Web PresenceIntegrated Library System

Library Web siteSubjectGuidesArticle, Databases,E-Book collectionsPublic Interfaces:Presentation Layer

Consolidated indexSearch EngineUnified Presentation Layer

Search: Digital CollProQuestEBSCOJSTOROther ResourcesNew Library Management Model`API LayerLibrary Services PlatformLearningManagementEnterprise ResourcePlanningStockManagementSelf-Check /Automated ReturnAuthenticationServiceSmart Cad / Payment systemsDiscovery ServiceKoha Worldwide

KohaOriginally developed in 1999 for small group of libraries in New Zealand, Horowhenua Library Trust by Katipo Communications, production use by Jan 2000Gained widespread use in the United States around 2004-05 and has seen steady growth in useWide international adoptionUsed in many thousands of libraries. 1,573 represented in lib-web-cats, with many large groups not yet registered.National Projects to deploy KohaPhilippines: A systematic effort to install Koha in the public libraries sponsored by the state librariesSpain: Koha-Kobli(Koha Biblioteca) CONABIP(Comisin Nacional de Bibliotecas Populares) Customized version of Koha: DigiBepe models of Resource SharingLibrary Services PlatformLibrary-specific software. Designed to help libraries automate their internal operations, manage collections, fulfillment requests, and deliver servicesServicesService oriented architectureExposes Web services and other APIsFacilitates the services libraries offer to their usersPlatformGeneral infrastructure for library automationConsistent with the concept of Platform as a Service Library programmers address the APIs of the platform to extend functionality, create connections with other systems, dynamically interact with dataLibrary Services Platform CharacteristicsHighly Shared data modelsKnowledgebase architectureSome may take hybrid approach to accommodate local data storesDelivered through software as a serviceMulti-tenantUnified workflows across formats and mediaFlexible metadata managementMARC Dublin Core VRA MODS ONIXBibframeNew structures not yet inventedOpen APIs for extensibility and interoperabilityLibrary Services PlatformsCategoryWorldShare Management ServicesAlmaIntotaSierra Services PlatformKuali OLEResponsible OrganizationOCLC.Ex LibrisSerials SolutionsInnovative Interfaces, IncKuali FoundationKey preceptsGlobal network-level approach to management and discovery based on central data: stores WorldCat + holdings + ItemsConsolidate workflows, unified management: print, electronic, digital; Hybrid data modelKnowledgebase driven. Pure multi-tenant SaaSService-oriented architectureTechnology uplift for Millennium ILS. More open source components, consolidated modules and workflowsManage library resources in a format agnostic approach. Integration into the broader academic enterprise infrastructureSoftware modelProprietaryProprietaryProprietaryProprietaryOpen SourceLibrary Services PlatformsCategoryWorldShare Management ServicesAlmaIntotaSierra Services PlatformKuali OLEStatusIn Production:100+ librariesIn productionIn Development:In production: 150+ libraries. (Mostly Millennium migrations)In Development. Some early adopting partners expect production in 2013 (2014?)Discovery?Designed for WorldCat Local, Partnership with EDS as alternativeDesigned for Primo / Primo Central, APIs for othersDesigned for Summon, APIs for otherDesigned for Encore, EDS for Discovery IndexNo Discovery: APIs available. Initial partners will use Blacklight, Summon, etc.OCLC will eventually consolidate products to platformsCBS (PICA)TouchPoint (Sisis)Zportal / Xportal (FDI)WorldCat Link Resolver

All Legacy ILSVDXWorldCatWorldShareSpeculativeBibliographicDatabaseLibrary SystemBranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain Facility

Search: Integrated Library SystemPatrons useCirculation featuresto request itemsfrom other branchesFloating Collectionsmay reduce workload forInter-branchtransfersModel:Multi-branchIndependentLibrary SystemBibliographicDatabaseLibrary System ABranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain Facility


WorldCat Resource Sharing

User:Password:Place RequestNeeded by:Dec 30, 2012 5:00pmILLiad

Patron has Citation for item not held by LibraryInterlibrary LoanRequest FormInterlibrary LoanPersonnelWorldCat Resource SharingRequest SubmissionResource tracking and fulfillmentILS SynchronizationBibliographicDatabaseLibrary System ABranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain FacilityBibliographicDatabaseLibrary System BBranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain FacilityBibliographicDatabaseLibrary System CBranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain FacilityBibliographicDatabaseLibrary System DBranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain FacilityBibliographicDatabaseLibrary System FBranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain FacilityBibliographicDatabaseLibrary System EBranch 1Branch 2Branch 3Branch 4Branch 5Branch 6Branch 7Branch 8HoldingsMain FacilityResource Sharing ApplicationBibliographicDatabaseDiscovery and Request Management RoutinesStaff Fulfillment ToolsInter-System CommunicationsNCIPSIPISO ILLZ39.50NCIPNCIPNCIPNCIPNCIPNCIP

Search: Consortial Resource Sharing SystemBibliographicDatabaseShared Consortia SystemLibrary 2Library 3Library 4Library 5Library 7Library 8Library 9Library 10HoldingsLibrary 1Library 6Shared Consortial ILS

Search: Model:Multipleindependentlibraries in aConsortiumShare an ILSILS configuredTo supportDirect consortialBorrowing throughCirculation ModuleStrategic Cooperation and Resource sharingEfforts on many fronts to cooperate and consolidateMany regional consortia merging (Example: Illinois Heartland Library System)State-wide or national implementationsNew Zealand: Ktui, Te PunaSoftware-as-a-service or cloud based implementationsMany libraries share computing infrastructure and data resourcesAuckland City Libraries7 separatelibrary services merged in2010


Auckland City Libraries7 separatelibrary services merged in2010


Innovative InterfacesINN-Reach83Iceland Libraries

South Australia

SA Public Library Network140 Public LibrariesChile

Georgia PINES275Libraries140 Counties9.6 million booksSingle Library Card

43% of population in Georgia

Northern IrelandRecently consolidated from 4 regional networks into one96 branch libraries18 mobile librariesCollections managed through single Axiell OpenGalaxy LMS Heartland Library ConsortiumLargestConsortiumin US by Number of Members

Orbis Cascade Alliance37 Academic LibrariesCombined enrollment of 258,0009 million titles1997: implemented dual INN-Reach systemsOrbis and Cascade consortia merged in 2003Moved from INN-Reach to OCLC Navigator / VDX in 2008Current strategy to move to shared LMS based on Ex Libris Alma

Orbis-Cascade Alliance


Denmark Shared LMSCommon Tender for joint library systemFebruary 201388 municipalities: 90 percent of Danish populationPublic + School librariesProcess managed by Kombit: non-profit organization owned by Danish Local Authorities

Danish Joint National Library Infrastructure


Shared Services:Collection DevelopmentTechnical ServicesShared Infrastructure?:Illinois Heartland Library ConsortiumLargestConsortiumin US by Number of Members

Orbis Cascade Alliance37 Academic LibrariesCombined enrollment of 258,0009 million titles1997: implemented dual INN-Reach systemsOrbis and Cascade consortia merged in 2003Moved from INN-Reach to OCLC Navigator / VDX in 2008Current strategy to move to shared LMS based on Ex Libris Alma

Reassess expectations of TechnologyMany previous assumptions no longer applyTechnology platforms scale infinitelyNo technical limits on how libraries share technical infrastructureCloud technologies enable new ways of sharing metadata Build flexible systems not hardwired to any given set of workflowsReassess workflow and organizational optionsILS model shaped library organizationsNew Library Services Platforms may enable new ways to organize how resource management and service delivery are performedNew technologies more able to support strategic priorities and initiatives

Preguntas y discusinGracias!Progressive consolidation of library servicesCentralization of technical infrastructure of multiple libraries within a campusResource sharing supportDirect borrowing among partner institutionsShared infrastructure between institutionsExamples: 2CUL (Columbia University / Cornell University)Orbis Cascade Alliance (37 independent colleges and universities to merge into shared LSP)Progressive consolidation of library servicesCentralization of technical infrastructure of multiple libraries within a campusResource sharing supportDirect borrowing among partner institutionsShared infrastructure between institutionsExamples: 2CUL (Columbia University / Cornell University)Orbis Cascade Alliance (37 independent colleges and universities to merge into shared LSP)Convergence Discovery and Management solutions will increasingly be implemented as matched setsEx Libris: Primo / AlmaSerials Solutions: Summon / IntotaOCLC: WorldCat Local / WorldShare PlatformExcept: Kuali OLE, EBSCO Discovery ServiceBoth depend on an ecosystem of interrelated knowledge basesAPIs exposed to mix and match, but efficiencies and synergies are lost

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