component technologies for fractionated satellites

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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High level overview of component technologies for fractionated satellites


Who we are

Remedy IT was founded in 1997Focus on open standards and open sourceOur customers are active in various domains such as telecom, finance, aerospace and defense We specialize in software for (embedded) distributed computing environments often including real-time constraints

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What we do

Technical services/consultancy company dedicated to open standards and preferable open sourceProviding consultancy, support, and training for various middleware productsDevelop open standards as member of theObject Management Group (OMG)Provide five CORBA products for five different programming environments (making us market leader in CORBA products)Only company worldwide providing a LwCCM implementation that supportsDDS4CCM and AMI4CCMProviding consultancy and services for DDSas middleware technology

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Actively using and supporting CORBA from 2002

Platform member of the OMG (Object Management Group) since 2007

Active member of the OMG MARS (Middleware and Related Services) workgroup for innovation of existing and development of new open standards

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Standard enabling software applications developed in multiple programming languages and running on 1 or more systems to work togetherApplications define their services using IDL as platform independent interface definition languageWell defined IDL definitions for its APIIDL translates to a programming language using a so called language mappingMultiple implementations (open source and commercial) exist for multiple programming environmentsMajor driving force and supporter of the FOSS TAO (The ACE ORB) CORBA implementation

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Involved in CCM (CORBA Component Model) development and support from 2004Major contributor and supporter of the FOSS CIAO (Component Integrated ACE ORB) CCM implementationCCM:

Component Model standard building on IDL and CORBA

Request-Response information exchange

Publish-Subscribe information exchange

Inherent support for Service oriented Architecture (SOA) and Component Based Architecture (CBA)

LwCCM (Lightweight CCM) profile targeted at embedded/constrained environmentsRemedy IT initiated and created the AMI4CCM (Asynchronous Messaging Interface for CCM) OMG standard

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Deployment and Configuration (D&C)

OMG standard focused on deployment and configuration of component based applicationsCan be used to deploy different kinds of applications developed in different programming languagesData model describes the application to be deployedWell defined exhange format (IDL defined, XML offline storage)Automated deployment capabilities

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Data Distribution service (DDS):Real-time middleware open (OMG) standard

Publish-Subscribe information exchange

Inherent support for data-oriented Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

DDS for Lightweight CCM (DDS4CCM):CCM+DDS real-time component standard (OMG) contributed to by Remedy IT

Support for publish-subscribe information exchange

All components and interface ports are well defined and specified in OMG Interface Definition Language (IDL)

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Use Cases

Traffic ControlAVE Verkehrs- und Informationstechnik GmbH makes systems for monitoring and controlling the flow of traffic on motorways and uses CORBA and the RTES (Real Time Event Service)

Machine ControlDevelopment of a platform to control a new generation of chip production machines

ScienceCORBA used in the heterogeneous setting of the control system for CARMA, an array of radio telescopes in southern California

TelecommunicationsCORBA is used in Telecom Network Management (TNM)

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Use Cases

DefenseOngoing Open Architecture (OA) projectThis project has adopted the new OMG "DDS for Lightweight CCM" (DDS4CCM) standard as the foundation real-time component framework technology for its (Model driven) Scalable Node Architecture (SNA). SNA is targeted at distributed, real-time, embedded (DRE) and high performance computing (HPC) applications and subsystem/system architectures. The project uses CIAO for it's component framework. The (co-)development of the AMI4CCM and DDS4CCM standards by Remedy IT were a direct result of this project. Remedy IT also improved and extended CIAO for usage in this project.

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Fractionated Spacecraft

In 2011 Remedy IT was asked to participate in the DARPA System F6 program (F6 is short for Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying Spacecraft united by Information eXchange)

Remedy IT was asked by the ISIS (Institute for Software Integrated Systems) research group at Vanderbilt University to assist in the development of a CCM-derived Component platform for F6 with support for CORBA and DDS.

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Future Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying Spacecraft (F6)

Objective: Develop and demonstrate a satellite architecture where the functionality of a traditional monolithic spacecraft is replaced by a cluster of wirelessly connected modulesAdvantages:

Increased flexibility during design and acquisition

Reduced development and launch costs

Increased adaptability and survivability of space systems on-orbit

Potential to apply economies of scale to satellite design & manufacture

Key program objective is to promote the usage of open interface standards for hardware and software

F6 Program challenges

Distributed system with network addressabilityEverything and anything can be accessed and addressed

DynamismDynamically deployed applications, security configurations, and cluster architectures

Resource sharingSpecific resources can be shared across applications: CPU, communication links, memory, services

Fault toleranceFaults in components, services, communication links, computing nodes are detected, isolated, and their effects mitigated

Multi-level securityThe architecture shall address the requirements of MLS


The ‘Operating System’ that providesRestricted OS calls for application actors

Privileged calls for platform (‘service’) actors

All system calls are time-bounded

Provides messaging services All component interactions are via messages

No other interactions are possible

All component interactions are facilitated by a ‘secure transport’ that verifies security labels on messagesResource management functions

CPU time: temporal partitioning for actors, utilization cap per actor within partition

Memory: space partitioning, limit caps

Network bandwidth: bandwidth budget, differentiated routing


The ‘middleware layer’ providesSynchronous and asynchronous point-to-point communication with call/response semantics (subset of CORBA)

● Location transparency

● Request (de)multiplexing

● Message (de)marshalling

● Error handling

● Support for QoS (client timeouts, reliable one-ways)

Anonymous publish/subscribe communications with one/many-to-many data distribution patterns (subset of DDS)

● Datatype specification

● Static discovery

● Reduced set of QoS: reliability, time-based filtering, latency budget, etc.

F6 Component Model

The F6 Component Model is based upon existing Object Management Group (OMG) standards

CORBA Component Model (CCM)

Data Distribution Service (DDS)



Deployment and Configuration (D&C)

By using formal standards components can be used on top of various implementationsCORBA and DDS together deliver interoperability at the wire protocol layerF6 makes the mandatory CORBA part of CCM optional through the connector conceptDelivers a true Interoperable Open Architecture solution

F6MDA (Model-driven Architecture)

Layered architecture supported by a model-driven development toolchain



Software Platform


Unified Component Model (UCM)

Based on previous experiences (especially the defence project's SNA work and the F6 work) Remedy IT started an OMG initiative in 2012 to come to a new component model standard: UCMCurrently initial proposals have been submittedInvolved domains are defence, robotics, aerospaceIntended to provide an evolution from the Lightweight CCM standard

Support for IDL defined data types and interfaces

No inherent CORBA dependency

Separation of business model and transport model using the CCM GIS (Generic Interaction Support) connector concepts as used for AMI4CCM and DDS4CCM (and IDL grammar GIS extensions)

The basic specification should define a simple, lightweight CIF (Component Implementation Framework) container encapsulating a flexible event queue/dispatch and threading model

Container extensibility through service components

Extension of basic specification through optional profiles (CORBA4UCM, DDS4UCM, AMI4UCM etc.)

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Remedy IT started an OMG initiative in 2011 to come to a new IDL language mapping standard for the new C++11 standard

simplified type system by reusing standardized C++11 types

simplified and more secure memory management by reusing C++11 standard library shared pointer support (banned new & delete)

optimizations through using C++11 features like move semantics

API clean up

Version 1.0 of the OMG IDL C++11 Language Mapping was released in february 2013Remedy IT started the development of a CORBA ORB implementation compliant with the new C++11 language mapping in parallel in 2011 resulting in the release of the first public version of the TAOX11 product in October 2013Currently Remedy IT is finishing their new LwCCM product based on the C++11 language mapping (CIAOX11) which will become availble Q3 2014

this product also incoorporates many ideas being integrated into the UCM standard

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More background information is online available at:

Remedy IT 

PO Box 101

2650 AC  Berkel en Rodenrijs

The Netherlands

tel.: +31(0)10 5220139


Twitter: @RemedyIT

Slideshare: RemedyIT

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