community access committee minutes 3 october 2014 agendas and... · 2016-09-23 · minutes 3...

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City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street

Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia

Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21

Bunbury WA 6231

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Community Access Committee Minutes 3 October 2014 Committee Terms of Reference The City of Bunbury Community Access Committee exists to guide the Bunbury City Council towards attaining best practice on matters of access. The Community Access Committee is to make recommendations to Council based on the following Terms of Reference: 1. To develop proposals and make recommendations to Council on matters

of access to City of Bunbury buildings, facilities, services and information; 2. To seek funding opportunities that improve access to all areas within the

City of Bunbury; 3. To guide City of Bunbury departments and Councillors on decisions of

best practice on matters of access to City of Bunbury buildings, facilities, services or information;

4. To monitor the implementation of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan for City of Bunbury buildings, facilities, services and information.

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Community Access Committee Minutes

A larger print size is used throughout this document for the benefit of Committee members with visual impairment

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Community Access Committee held in the Function Room of the City of Bunbury Administration Centre, 4 Stephen Street, Bunbury, on Friday 1 August 2014.

Minutes 3 October 2014

Members of the public to note that recommendations made by this Committee are not final and will be subject to adoption (or otherwise) at a future meeting of the Bunbury City Council.

1. Declaration of Opening

The meeting was declared open by the Presiding Member at 1:12pm.

2. Disclaimer Not applicable to this committee.

3. Announcements from the Presiding Member

The Presiding Member Deputy Mayor Brendan Kelly welcomed Work Experience Student Stefan Juengling and Peter Sears support worker Angelique Bowald to the meeting. The Presiding Member also requested that Tom Blair send the Committee’s wishes to member Margaret Holden who is ill.

4. Attendances Present:

Committee Members:

Presiding Member Deputy Mayor Brendan Kelly

Adam Johnson

Andrew McClean

Kathryn Hewitt

Peter Sears

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Rhonda Alman

Thomas Blair

Support Staff:

Acting Director Community Development

Kristina Knight

Community Development Officer - Access

Isabell Evans


Angelique Bowald

Jennifer Wood Enable Southwest

Rob Alman

Stefan Juengling

4.1 Apologies

Councillor Murray Cook, Margaret Holden, Stephanie Addison-Brown (Ex-Officio Member).

4.2 Approved Leave of Absence Tracey Slattery; 11 April – 22 October 2014.

5. Declaration of Interest

IMPORTANT: Committee members to complete a “Disclosure of Interest” form for each item on the agenda in which they wish to disclose a financial/proximity/impartiality interest. They should give the form to the Presiding Member before the meeting commences. After the meeting, the form is to be forwarded to the Administration Services Section for inclusion in the Corporate Financial Disclosures Register.


6. Public Question Time Nil.

7. Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of the Community Access Committee meeting held on Friday 1 August 2014, are confirmed as a true and accurate record.

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Moved: Rhonda Alman Seconded: Kathryn Hewitt CARRIED 7 votes “for”/ nil votes “against”

8. Presentations

8.1 Petitions


8.2 Presentations Nil.

8.3 Deputations


9. Method of Dealing with Agenda Business

Actions arisen from previous meetings are discussed in a permanent item in 10.3: Any other General Business.

In the absence of any 10.2: Members Reports, a roundtable update will take place following the discussion of all 10.3: General Business items.

10. Reports

10.1 Officer Reports 10.1.1 Access and Inclusion Policy

File Ref: A06022

Applicant/Proponent: Officer Report

Author: Isabell Evans, Community Development Officer - Access

Executive: Stephanie Addison-Brown, Director Community Development

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Summary The purpose of this report is for the Community Access Committee to consider a policy relating to access and inclusion. Executive Recommendation

That the Community Access Committee recommend that Council adopt a new Council policy entitled “Access and Inclusion”, as presented (and amended) at Attachment A. Background

At their meeting dated 14 August 2014 Council’s Policy Review and Development Committee discussed the potential of a stand-alone Council policy on access and inclusion. The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2012 – 2017 identifies the following strategy for completion across the life of the Plan; “Ensure policies and procedures in the City of Bunbury reflect access and inclusion.” Council Policy Compliance

This report proposes the adoption of a new Council policy.

Legislative Compliance

The Disability Services Act (1993) requires that all Local Governments develop and implement a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan that outlines the ways in which they will ensure that people with disability have equal access to its facilities and services. Officer Comments

A number of other Local Governments currently have access and inclusion policies in place, and a literature review of these existing policies has guided the development of the proposed document.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendations of this report.

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Community Consultation

Community consultation is not applicable to this report.

Councillor/Officer Consultation

The Senior Governance and Risk Officer and Manager Corporate Performance were consulted in the development of this report. Deputy Mayor Councillor Brendan Kelly and Councillor Murray Cook are aware of this report.

Committee Recommendation That the Community Access Committee recommend that Council adopt a new Council policy entitled “Access and Inclusion”, as presented at Attachment A. Moved: Adam Johnson Seconded: Andrew McClean CARRIED 7 votes “for”/nil votes “against”

10.1.2 Vacant Committee position nominations

File Ref: A05880

Applicant/Proponent: Officer Report

Author: Isabell Evans, Community Development Officer

Executive: Stephanie Addison-Brown, Director Community Development

Summary The purpose of this report is for the Community Access Committee to consider appointing two community members to the Committee. Executive Recommendation

That the Community Access Committee recommend that Council appoint Jennifer Wood and Shelley Leech to the Community Access Committee.

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On Thursday 6 February 2014 the City of Bunbury received the resignation of Jethro Hepton from the Community Access Committee. On Wednesday 27 August 2014 members of the public who had either previously attended Committee meetings and/or expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Committee were invited to submit a nomination for the vacant position. Two applications were received; from Jennifer Wood and Shelley Leech. Both nominees have both professional and personal experience with disability. A meeting was held on Friday 19 September 2014 between Presiding Member Councillor Brendan Kelly, Community Development Officer Isabell Evans and Acting Director Community Development Kristina Knight to discuss the nominations received and present a recommendation of appointment to the Committee. It was decided that given the excellent quality of both nominations and high contribution potential of the nominees that a recommendation for the appointment of both be presented. Council Policy Compliance

There is no Council policy applicable to this report.

Legislative Compliance

There is no legislation applicable to this report. Officer Comments

Whilst ten (10) positions for community representatives currently exist on the Community Access Committee, the Bunbury City Council is at liberty to increase/decrease this number at any time. The extensive lived and professional experience of both nominees warrants an adjustment to Committee numbers at this time.

Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications

There are no financial or budgetary implications impacting from the recommendations of this report.

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Community Consultation

Community consultation is not applicable to this report.

Councillor/Officer Consultation

The Manager Corporate Performance was consulted in the development of this report. Deputy Mayor Councillor Brendan Kelly and Councillor Murray Cook are aware of this report.

Committee Recommendation That the Community Access Committee recommend that Council appoint Jennifer Wood and Shelley Leech to the Community Access Committee. Moved: Deputy Mayor Brendan Kelly Seconded: Rhonda Alman CARRIED 7 votes “for”/nil votes “against”

10.2 Members Reports

Nil; see item 10.3.6.

10.3 Any other General Business

10.3.1 ‘Most Accessible Regional City in Australia’ (MARCIA) concept - Deputy Mayor Brendan Kelly Deputy Mayor Kelly informed the Committee that an initial working group meeting has been held and following this he has written letters to the Honourable Helen Morton MLC Minister for Mental Health; Disability Services; Child Protection, and Bruce Langoulant Chairperson of the Disability Services Commission Board advising them of MARCIA (see Attachments B and C).

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10.3.2 Drug Aware Happy Bunbury Film Project – Community Development Officer – Access Isabell Evans

Isabell informed the Committee that the Drug Aware Happy Bunbury Film Project is in process with participants currently taking turns to film what makes them happy in their lives throughout the school holidays. This followed two weekend workshops where participants developed skills in filming and put this into practice in various locations around the Central Business District, including the Police Station, Centrepoint Shopping Centre and Marlston Waterfront. Isabell presented the Committee with some of the footage already filmed. 13 participants between the ages of 13 and 16 are participating in the project; 4 young people with disability; 1 with a mental illness; 2 with family members with disability; and 5 participants from the general youth community. Following the school holiday individual filming period the footage will be compiled into one final Drug Aware Happy Bunbury Film to be released on the International Day of People with Disability on December 3 2014 with a launch to be held the evening prior for participants, the Committee and Councillors.

10.3.3 Bunbury Water Playground - Community Development Officer –

Access Isabell Evans

Isabell raised with the Committee the community consultation exercise currently being undertaken by the City to understand what the community would like to see included in a water playground to be built on the Leschenault Inlet. Access-related feedback was as below:

Installation of ‘spongy’ soft-fall like surfaces for wet areas to maximise safety and gradual incline/decline of slopes;

Installation of areas similar to in Forrest Chase, Perth where water spurts upwards from a flat surface thus enabling people in wheelchairs to participate. However, is recommended that this be installed on a soft surface rather than the metal currently installed at the Forrest Chase location;

Installation of items that involve water but do not necessarily entail a person getting fully wet, thus enabling the playground to be utilised year round and also by people of differing abilities

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who may have difficulty swimming/being immersed in water. Examples include vertical structures that look like trees or similar that spurt water out at random intervals and at different heights and self-filling buckets that empty at intervals overhead. This enables people with limited mobility to enjoy the sensation of water and activity at the park without having to physically immerse themselves into the water or make the water appear. Additionally, ‘river’ type structures where the river can be re-routed or dams created simply through the participant installing portable walls and stoppers were also suggested. To make this increasingly access-friendly, some wall sections could be turned on and off simply through the pressing of a button or flicking of a switch; but would still create an aquatic effect for the participant.


Isabell to forward on the Committee’s suggestions on the water playground to the consultation team.

10.3.4 Australia Day 2015 Access Zone - Community Development Officer – Access Isabell Evans

Isabell informed the Committee that as part of the 2015 Australia Day celebrations an ‘Access Zone’ will be incorporated into the main event at the Graeme Bricknell Music Shell where people in wheelchairs or with mobility impairments are able to enjoy viewing access to the stage. Isabell requested the Committee’s feedback on a suitable name for the Zone that does not encourage tokenism. Peter Sears mentioned that the Kwinana Motorplex has a similar zone with a catchy name. Action:

Isabell to investigate name of Kwinana Motorplex’s access zone.

10.3.5 Special Olympics South West – Community Development Officer – Access Isabell Evans

Isabell notified the Committee that a South West Committee for Special Olympics has been set up in Bunbury and they will be holding an event on International Day of People with Disability. People of all abilities and of all ages will be invited to the Regional Athletics Arena at Hay Park on Tuesday 3rd December to participate in a multisports event which will celebrate sport, recreation, inclusion and humanity.

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Isabell asked the Committee for low-cost/free entertainment ideas for the lunch period of the event. Suggestions were as below:

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School steel band;

Maidens Park Primary School drumming band;

Parkfield Primary School tap dogs;

Requesting donated services from Totally Sound.


Isabell to forward Committee details of the Special Olympics South West multisport event when they are available;

Isabell to investigate ideas for low-cost/no-cost entertainment options.

10.3.6 Update of actions from last meeting (see attached minutes) –

Community Development Officer Isabell Evans

Action Status

Isabell to incorporate Committee’s ideas into draft new staff induction package and submit to management for approval.


Isabell to report back to Committee when package is completed and in use.

Completed; Isabell stated that the disability access and inclusion induction is now a part of the City induction package.

Isabell to coordinate first meeting of MARCIA working group.

Completed; see 10.3.1.

Isabell to contact Goomburrup Aboriginal Corporation regarding potential participation in the Happy Bunbury video project.


Isabell to contact Grand Cinemas regarding potential participation in the Happy Bunbury video project.

Carried forward.

Isabell to contact Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre regarding potential participation in the Happy Bunbury video project.

Carried forward.

Isabell to contact Peter Sears regarding access to marine facilities.

Completed, discussions continuing.

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Isabell to contact Sean Scallan regarding access to marine facilities.


Isabell to contact the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability to set a meeting between a Council representative, the Committee and the City.

Completed; meeting scheduled for Friday 17 October 2014.

Isabell to investigate questions raised by Committee regarding Crohn’s & Colitis Australia’s Can’t Wait Card Program.

Completed; Isabell reported that the City does not have a policy for signing up to initiatives such as this however the Western Australian coordinator informed that many local governments put up promotional signs on toilets at events to raise awareness as well as around offices in general, to which the Committee was amenable.

Isabell to liaise with the City’s Works and Services Directorate regarding the access of the soon-to-be reopened Koombana Bay footbridge as well as an opening ceremony date.

Completed; Isabell reported that the footbridge is now open to the public however a large-scale opening event was and will not be held.

Isabell to relay ACROD parking concerns to relevant staff to rectify situation.


Adam to report back to Committee results of correspondence with Landcorp.

Completed; Adam reported that Landcorp had responded to his email confirming that they do not have a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. Additionally they stated that the development in question at Marlston North was approved by Council prior to construction.

Deputy Mayor Kelly to write to the Disability Services Commission Board notifying them of MARCIA.

Completed; see 10.3.1

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Adam to forward email from Landcorp onto Acting Director Community Development Kristina Knight to ensure City staff aware of discussion around access at Marlston North.

10.3.7 Member round table update Kristina reported that the access issue highlighted to the Committee at the December 2013 meeting held at the Bunbury Wildlife Park involving access within the kangaroo enclosure has been rectified with a path installed that enables people of all abilities to traverse the entirety of the enclosure. Adam queried the progress of the Big Swamp Precinct Masterplan. Isabell informed the Committee that community consultation took place at the site over the school holiday period to ascertain potential improvements and extensions. Adam requested that the Committee have the opportunity to view the Expression of Interest for a designer prior to it being released publicly, as well requesting that Manager Civil and Open Space James Shepherd who is involved in the project be invited to the December Committee meeting for introductory purposes and so the Committee can share their ideas for the Masterplan. Peter informed the Committee of an altercation his support worker Ruben Curtis recently had with the Police and expressed a need for increased awareness of disability access and inclusion in this area. Isabell suggested that herself and Deputy Mayor Kelly could meet with officers to inform them of MARCIA and the Committee’s efforts in the disability access and inclusion space. Andrew reported a high volume of dog droppings at a park he frequents and which he had taken a photo of. Isabell requested that Andrew provide her with the photo to be forwarded on to the Rangers. Andrew also reported traffic issues at the Ganfield Street and Brittain Road intersection. Isabell informed the Committee that she has previously raised this issue with Works & Services and will follow up the status of investigations.

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Isabell informed the Committee that nominations are now being called for the Disability Support Awards 2015 and encouraged the Committee to nominate outstanding support workers and professionals utilising the nomination form (Attachment D). Isabell also reported that the Disability Services Commission is offering grants of up to $250 to individuals, community groups and organisations to host events during Disability Awareness Week that support the Count Me In vision. Isabell encouraged the Committee to host an event or activity and apply for the funding utilising the application form (Attachment E). Isabell reported that she is available to assist where necessary. Actions:

Isabell to forward the Committee the Expression of Interest for the Big Swamp Precinct Masterplan contract when created;

Isabell to invite Manager Civil and Open Space James Shepherd to the next Committee meeting;

Isabell and Deputy Mayor Kelly to make contact with Police to introduce them to MARCIA;

Andrew to forward Isabell details of park where issues with dogs are occurring;

Isabell to follow up with Works & Services concerns raised around the Ganfield Street and Brittain Road intersection;

Committee to nominate outstanding support workers for the Disability Support Awards 2015;

Committee to potentially hold an activity or event during Disability Awareness Week and apply for $250 of funding for this from the Disability Services Commission.

11. Applications for Leave of Absence Nil.

12. Motions of Which Previous Notice has been given Nil.

13. Questions from Members

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13.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice Nil.

13.2 Questions from Members


14. Urgent Business Nil.

15. Date of Next Meeting

Friday 5 December 2014; 1pm – 3pm; location to be confirmed.

16. Close of Meeting

The meeting was closed by the Presiding Member at 2:55pm.

Actions Required after Meeting 1. Minutes of meeting to be sent to Council for noting; 2. Items to be raised for Council following requests/recommendations/motions

by committee; 3. Any other actions required; - Isabell to forward on the Committee’s suggestions on the water playground

to the consultation team; - Isabell to investigate name of Kwinana Motorplex’s access zone; - Isabell to forward Committee details of the Special Olympics South West

multisport event when they are available; - Isabell to investigateCommittee’s ideas for low-cost/no-cost entertainment

options for the Special Olympics event; - Adam to forward email from Landcorp onto Acting Director Community

Development Kristina Knight to ensure City staff aware of discussion around access at Marlston North;

- Isabell to forward the Committee the Expression of Interest for the Big Swamp Precinct Masterplan contract when created;

- Isabell to invite Manager Civil and Open Space James Shepherd to the next Committee meeting;

- Isabell and Deputy Mayor Kelly to make contact with Police to introduce them to MARCIA;

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- Andrew to forward Isabell details of park where issues with dogs are occurring;

- Isabell to follow up with Works & Services concerns raised around the Ganfield Street and Brittain Road intersection;

- Committee to nominate outstanding support workers for the Disability Support Awards 2015;

- Committee to potentially hold an activity or event during Disability Awareness Week and apply for $250 of funding for this from the Disability Services Commission.

Changes to this document can only be made by the document owner. The electronic version on the Intranet is the controlled version. Printed copies are considered uncontrolled and should be verified as current version.

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COUNCIL POLICY: Access and Inclusion Policy

POLICY OWNER: Director Community Development

POLICY STATEMENT: The City of Bunbury will provide facilities, services and information that is accessible and inclusive for community members of all abilities.


This policy applies to all Elected Members, staff, volunteers, and contractors providing services on behalf of the City of Bunbury.


The City of Bunbury is committed to ensuring [within its capacity]:

that the community is accessible and inclusive for people of all abilities; including peoplewith disability, their families and carers;

that all members of the community, regardless of ability, have the right to an inclusiveenvironment that eliminates barriers and supports our diverse community;

that any person who lives, works in, or visits the City of Bunbury will not be [reasonably]denied access to any City facility, program, service or information on the grounds ofpersonal disability.

The City of Bunbury interprets an accessible and inclusive community as one in which people of all abilities can access and are welcomed to participate in local government functions, facilities and services (both in-house and contracted), in the same manner and with the same rights and responsibilities as other members of the community.

The City of Bunbury will plan for and deliver access and inclusion to the community through the staged implementation and regular review of a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan which shall incorporate matters relating to the following:





Customer service

Feedback and complaints mechanisms

Community consultation


The City of Bunbury will make all Elected Members, staff, volunteers, and contractors aware of legislative and regulatory requirements.


Changes to this document can only be made by the document owner. The electronic version on the Intranet is the controlled version. Printed copies are considered uncontrolled and should be verified as current version.

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- Local Government Act 1995

- Disability Services Act 1993

- Disability Services Regulations 2004

- Disability Discrimination Act 1992

- Equal Opportunity Act 1984

- City of Bunbury Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2012 – 2017

- Planning and Development Act and associated Regulations - Building Code of Australia

Authority: Community Development Officer - Access

Adopted by Council: Res xx/14, xx xxxx 2014

Last Review: N/A




2015 Disability Support Awards

Nomination Form

About the Awards

The Disability Support Awards recognise and celebrate people providing supports of the

highest standards to increase the quality of life and inclusion of people with disability in WA.

The awards showcase the disability services sector as a place of innovation, a place for

employment, and a place to have a career. The awards also celebrate the achievements of

people with disability and reward people who demonstrate excellence, passion, vision and

commitment to supporting people with disability. These are people who go beyond ordinary

standards of service and have a profound impact on the lives of the people they work with

and support.

About the Awards ceremony

Winners will be announced and presented with their award, including a cash prize of $2000,

at a gala dinner on Saturday 28 March 2015 at Crown Perth.

People with disability are encouraged to attend the gala dinner and may be eligible to access

funding to support them in covering the relevant costs. Please contact Merissa Van Der

Linden, Senior Projects Officer, NDS WA, on 08 9280 9812 or for more information about how you could attend.

Information about the awards is available on and you can also keep up to

date with the awards by liking us on Facebook –

Before making a nomination

Please read the Nomination Guidelines document which includes information about the

awards and the Conditions of Entry. The guidelines document and this Nomination Form

can be accessed from or by contacting NDS WA on 08 9280 9812 or



To save your Nomination Form onto your computer select the File tab on the top toolbar

then Save As and change the title of your document to include the nominees name in some

way (for example ‘2015 DSA Nomination_JohnCitizen.doc’).

Part 1: Information about the nominee

Name: Click here to enter text.

Position title: Click here to enter text.

Employer (organisation name or name

of the person or family who directly

employ workers):

Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Telephone number: Click here to enter text.

Work address: Click here to enter text.

Suburb where the nominee lives: Click here to enter text.

Part 2: Information about the nominator(s)

Name(s): Click here to enter text.

Best email: Click here to enter text.

Telephone number: Click here to enter text.

Relationship to the nominee (please click to select from the following):

☐ Person with disability, being supported by and/or employing the nominee

☐ Family member or carer of a person with disability

☐ Colleague or manager

☐ Other, please specify: …………………………………………………………………..…

If this nomination is made by a colleague or manager, please provide information

about the person with disability, family member or carer who made this nomination

with you:

Name: Click here to enter text.


Email: Click here to enter text.

Telephone number: Click here to enter text.

Part 3: Award category this nomination is about

Please click to indicate which award category you are making a nomination for.

☐ Excellence in Personal and Community Support Award

This award recognises a person or team who has made a significant contribution to

providing and improving personal and community support to a person with disability.

☐ Excellence in Improving Participation Award

This award recognises a person or team who has made a significant contribution to

improving the community participation, citizenship and inclusion of people with


☐ Emerging Leader Award

This award recognises a person who has worked in the disability sector for less than

5 years and has shown outstanding leadership ability, skill and a commitment to

raising awareness of disability and influencing others to provide high quality support

to people with disability.

☐ Excellence in Improving Employment Opportunities Award

This award recognises a person or team who has made a significant contribution in

improving awareness of the employment of people with disability and/or have

supported people with disability to achieve individual employment outcomes.

☐ Excellence in Regional Support Award

This award recognises a person or team who has made a significant contribution to

providing quality supports, services and opportunities to people with disability living in

regional WA.

☐ Excellence in Advocacy and Rights Promotion Award

This award recognises a person or team who has made a significant contribution to

supporting and promoting the rights of people with disability.


☐ Lifetime Achievement Award

This award recognises a person who has worked in the disability sector for over 15

years, starting in a support worker or entry level role, and has demonstrated an

outstanding commitment to improving outcomes for people with disability.

Note: Only one award category can be selected. If you are making more than one

nomination for a ‘support worker’ you must create a separate nomination for each of the

award areas.

Part 4: Nominee consent

It is important to tell the nominee about their nomination and to make sure they agree to

being nominated. Please complete the following section to show the nominee has given

their consent:

Is the nominee aware of this nomination and provided consent? (Click to select)

☐ Yes ☐ No

Part 5: Nomination format

Please let us know the format of your nomination (click to select). This will help us to keep a

track of nominations and make sure any information you attach is linked to this nomination


☐ Written or typed (please use the pages at the end of this document)

☐ Written or typed with photographs or attachments

☐ Video

☐ Audio

☐ PowerPoint

☐ Other (please specify): …………………………………………………………………..…

Please note:

The nomination form and any included photographs and/or videos will not be returned

to you.


NDS WA, the Government of Western Australia and event sponsors may use any

information, photographs and/or videos you include in your nomination for promotional


Please make sure any people in photographs or videos have given their consent for

the image or video to be used.

Part 6: Questions to consider in your nomination

This year we are asking people with disability to share their stories about how the person

they are nominating has had a positive impact on their life. This could include, but isn’t

limited to, improving general quality of life, health and well-being, networks and

relationships, employment opportunities, the choices that are available.

The awards are to celebrate and reward people who go beyond ordinary standards of

service and have a profound impact on the lives of the people they support and work with.

While nominations are about the story we ask people making nominations to consider

certain questions when making their nomination. The ‘questions to consider’ will be different

for each award category; these are outlined in the pages that follow.

1. Excellence in Personal and Community Support Award

This award recognises a person or team of workers who have made a significant

contribution to providing and improving personal and community support to a person with

disability. This can include assisting people with disability to live independently, providing

choice, opportunities and experiences and autonomy.

Examples could include:

Commitment to supporting a person with disability with complex needs to achieve

specific personal goals.

Assisting people with disability in shared supported accommodation to reconnect

with family.

Supporting a person with disability to develop their independence.

Supporting or building family capacity.

Walking alongside a family or person with disability during times of difficulty.

Questions to consider:

How has the person (or team) had a positive effect in your life?


What are you involved in now that is new, has been improved by, or made

possible, through the support of this person (or team)?

What is it about the person (or team) that makes you want to nominate them for

this award?

What do they do or have they done that is different from other support workers?

How do they do it?


2. Excellence in Improving Participation Award

This award recognises a person or team of workers who have made a significant

contribution to improving the community participation and citizenship of people with

disability. This can include assisting people to participate in sport, recreation, tourism, the

arts, and other social and cultural activities.

Examples could include:

Supporting a people with disability to have an active role in the governance of an

organisation or service.

Commitment to improving the accessibility of communication, information and/or

facilities in the community.

Commitment to ensuring people with disability can access and participate in

activities of their interest and choice.

Questions to consider:

How has the person (or team) had a positive effect in your life?

What are you involved in now that is new, has been improved by, or made

possible, through the support of this person (or team)?

What is it about the person (or team) that makes you want to nominate them for

this award?

What do they do or have they done that is different from other support workers?

How do they do it?


3. Emerging Leader Award

This award recognises a person who has shown exceptional leadership ability, skill and

commitment in raising awareness of disability and influencing others to provide high

quality, inclusive services to people with disability.

Examples could include:

Supporting the development of programs or initiatives that promote the inclusion of

people with disability in the community.

Driving the re-development or strengthening of existing programs towards more

flexible, personalised models of support.

Providing opportunities for people with disability to have their say in how services

are provided, including the review of their supports and the selection of support


Providing support and mentoring to other staff to promote their growth and

development and to shape the quality of the support provided.

A nominee can be an individual who has worked in the disability sector for less than five

(5) years, who provides direct support and/or leads a team.

Questions to consider:

How has the person shown their leadership skills? How have they shown

leadership when supporting you or other people, or when working as part of a

team, and/or when in the community?

How has the person assisted other support workers to provide better support, to

grow and/or develop their skills and thinking?

How has the person been creative and resourceful in finding ways to better

support you and/or other people with disability?

What is it about the person that makes you want to nominate them for this award?

What have they done, what do they do, and how do they do it?


4. Excellence in Improving Employment Opportunities Award

This award recognises a person or team of workers who have made a significant

contribution in improving awareness of the employment of people with disability and/or

supported people with disability to achieve employment outcomes. This can include

assisting people to develop a micro-business, to volunteer, to develop the skills to work,

to find and keep a job.

Examples could include:

Developing innovative approaches to the employment of people with disability.

Increasing the open employment of people with disability.

Working with employers to reduce barriers and disincentives to the employment of

people with disability.

Supporting people with disability to build their skills and work towards employment.

Supporting a person with disability with starting, sustaining and developing a


Nominees can be an individual or a team of support workers who provide direct support.

Nominees can include people providing employment support via Disability Employment

Services (DES), Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE), but also workers employed directly

by people with disability or by disability service organisations.

Questions to consider:

How has the person (or team) had a positive effect in your life?

How has the person (or team) supported you with your employment goals?

What are you doing now that is new, has been improved by, or made possible,

through the support of this person (or team)?

What is it about the person (or team) that makes you want to nominate them for

this award?

What do they do, or what have they done that is different from other support

workers? How do they do it?


5. Excellence in Regional Support Award

This award recognises a person or team of workers who have a significant contribution to

providing or improving the supports, services and opportunities available to people with

disability living in regional WA. ‘Regional’ refers to areas within Western Australia that are

outside the Perth metropolitan area; defined by Yanchep to the north, Bakers Hill to the east

and Mandurah to the south.

Examples could include:

Commitment to providing or developing services that are sensitive to the needs and

culture of Aboriginal people with disability.

Overcoming specific regional barriers, such as distance, to provide services.

Working collaboratively with community groups, other sectors and other disability

service organisations to develop services that support the inclusion of and improved

quality of life of regional people with disability.

Innovative use of technology to engage people in their chosen community and/or in

supports and services.

Questions to consider:

How has the person (or team) had a positive effect in your life?

What are you doing now that is new, has been improved by, or made possible,

through the support of this person (or team)?

How has the person (or team) been creative and resourceful in finding ways

overcome issues to better support you and/or other people with disability?

What were the issues? What did they do?

What is it about the person that makes you want to nominate them for this award?

What have they done, what do they do, and how do they do it?


6. Excellence in Advocacy and Rights Promotion Award

This award recognises a support worker or team of workers who have made a significant

contribution to supporting and promoting the rights of people with disability. This can

include assisting people with disability to understand their rights, make decision and self-


Nominees can be individuals or a team of people in various roles in the disability sector,

including support workers, disability advocates and people providing peer supports.

Examples could include:

Developing human rights or self-advocacy training for people with disability,

families and carers or support workers to support greater awareness of individual


Taking effective action and supporting others to reduce restrictive practices.

Advocating on behalf of, and/or supporting people with disability to develop self-

advocacy skills.

Providing support to vulnerable people with disability to participate on an equal

basis with others.

Questions to consider:

How has the person (or team) promoted or supported your rights or the rights of

other people with disability? How has the person (or team) supported you?

How has the person (or team) had a positive impact on your life?

What are you doing now that is new, has been improved by, or made possible,

through the support and/or advocacy the person (or team)?

What is it about the person that makes you want to nominate them for this award?

What have they done, what do they do, and how do they do it?


7. Lifetime Achievement Award

This award recognises a person who has worked in the disability sector for over 15 years,

starting in a support worker or entry level role, and has demonstrated an outstanding

commitment to improving outcomes for people with disability.

Nominees can be people who began their career in a support worker or entry level role

and who have been employed in the disability sector for over 15 years.

Note: this award may be difficult for people with disability to complete alone as they may

not know a person’s career history. Organisations and community members can for this

award only make nominations without collaborating with people with disability. However

contributions from people with disability would be preferred.

Examples could include:

A career which demonstrates a person-centred approach.

Having influenced best practice and positive change within the community and/or

systemic change in the disability sector.

Working with local businesses to promote the benefits of employing people with


Championing the rights of people with disability and promoting their inclusion through

developing disability advocacy networks, or promoting disability awareness.

Mentoring and supporting the growth of people with disability and people in the sector

to realise their full potential.

Questions to consider:

What has the person through their career contributed to the lives of people with

disability, their families and carers?

What has the person through their career contributed to the disability services

sector? How have they positively influenced or shaped the way supports are


How has the person supported the growth and development of other workers in

the sector?

What is it about the person that makes you want to nominate them for this award?

What have they done, what do they do, and how do they do it?


Written nomination section

Please use the following three (3) pages to make your written nomination. Please attach

photographs or supporting documents separately.

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.


Part 7: Submitting your nomination form

Nominations must be received by 5.00pm Tuesday 9 December 2014 by email or mail.

Email: (Note: Files must be smaller than 5MB) Mail: Disability Support Awards

National Disability Services WA PO Box 1428 Osborne Park DC WA 6916

Further information or support:

If you need support to make a nomination or need more information contact Merissa Van

Der Linden, Senior Projects Officer, NDS WA, on 08 9280 9812 or

Thank you for participating in the 2015 Disability Support Awards, which are hosted

by NDS WA in partnership with Disability Services Commission.

Mark your diary!

The 2015 Disability Support Awards will be held on Saturday 28 March 2015 at

Crown Perth.

Disability Awareness Week 2014: Count Me In event grant application form

Individual, group or organisation hosting the event

Organisation/Group (if applicable)

Name of primary contact

Postal address

Contact number

Email address


Event details and eligibility criteria

(Please complete all sections.)

1. Event date


Event details Please give the name of your event, who it is for and details of any activities or entertainment. (100 words or less)


How will people with disability be involved in or consulted with for the planning or running of this event? (100 words or less)


Please outline the main purpose of the grant and how the funds will be allocated. (100 words or less)

5. Expected number of attendees.


Are you working with LAC, My Way Coordinator or a Count Me In Ambassador in the development of your event?

Yes (Please provide contact details.)

No (We will put you in contact with a representative if you are successful.)


How does your event/activity promote the Count Me In Vision?

(Please tick which of the following pathways apply to your event or activity. You may select more than one.)

Personalised Supports and Services: Tick

Collaborative responses to people with disability who are ageing

Responsive approaches in rural and remote areas

Strong supportive partnerships with families and carers

Lifelong security for people with complex and high needs for support

Innovative and responsive supports

Participation and Contribution in all aspects of life:

Welcoming communities

Lifelong learning in inclusive settings

Secure employment in meaningful work

Access to health and mainstream services

Enabling information and technologies

Economic and Community Foundations:

Economic security

Well-planned and accessible communities

Universally designed housing

Inclusion outline

Please note briefly the steps you have taken to ensure your event or activity is fully inclusive. You may wish to refer to the Event Check List on the Disability Awareness Week web page

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